PZC Minutes 013080RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING JANUARY 30, 1980, 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on January 30, 1980 at 7:45 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman. All Board Members were present. The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until later in the meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them. There being no business requiring consideration before the regularly scheduled agenda, Item 01 was introduced. Item #1. Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Lots 47-54. Bl Bill McCoy represented Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Bill reviewed the meeting on January 30, 1980 attended by URS, Mayor Alpi, Design Review Board Chairman Hugh Price, and Avon Center at Beaver Creek (please see attached memo from Avon Center). A slide show was pre- sented showing the site of the project and variations in roof and balcony designs. Avon Center stated that at the February 6, 1980 meeting they would present preferred studies or conclusions in detail and expanded model size, their response to the four specific concerns stated by Art Swords, URS (see attached memo, page three), and would request conceptual approval of their design. Avon Center also stated that the basic concept needs to be decided on as soon as possible. From the Board: there is some question as to whether the Design Review Board might review the interior mall because a vacation of lot lines will be requested so that one large structure can be constructed rather than separate buildings. The concern is not one of store fa- cades but the light and dark contrasts, the movement of the interior space. There is concern regarding the type of character of the Town Center of Avon with buildings of this size. It was stated that people come to this area to experience outside space - scale, articulation and outside space need to be studied. Art Swords of URS was introduced. Art stated their concerns: the scale of the Town Center in the Town, that it is the focal point, its massive scale and the Town's scale; have the developers been thinking of their project in relationship to the Town as a whole, or just their own project; URS will respond to what they see with the developments or the Town - the function of the Town, looking at transportation, socio- economic impacts; can the developments be related to human scale as well as automobile scale; URS is interested in exterior and interior space; the Board must decide what "conceptual" means. Art will be at the February 6, 1980 meeting. Item #2, Peregrine Properties, Sea Mountain. Inc.. Lot 62 - David Towbin represented Peregrine Properties and requested conceptual approval. The commercial area, which is at grade, opens up into the building's own mall and into the public mall. The main access from the mall is through a lobby. There are two levels of commercial space and three levels of condos, a domq over the interior mall for year- r:,_rr� vfc i; rn i'^1: �... a:l of th° oJLt-! :f '^Lre was held on January 30, 1980 at 7:45 P.M. in the Town Council Chamfers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman. All Board Members were present. The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until later in the meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them. There being no business requiring consideration before the regularly scheduled agenda, Item #1 was introduced. #1. Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Lots 47-54. B1 Bill McCoy represented Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Bill reviewed the meeting on January 30, 1980 attended by URS, Mayor Alpi, Design Review Board Chairman Hugh Price, and Avon Center at Beaver Creek (please see attached memo from Avon Center). A slide show was pre- sented showing the site of the project and variations in roof and balcony designs. Avon Center stated that at the February 6, 1980 meeting they would present preferred studies or conclusions in detail and expanded model size, their response to the four specific concerns stated by Art Swords, URS (see attached memo, page three), and would request conceptual approval of their design. Avon Center also stated that the basic concept needs to be decided on as soon as possible. From the Board: there is some question as to whether the Design Review Board might review the interior mall because a vacation of lot lines will be requested so that one large structure can be constructed rather than separate buildings. The concern is not one of store fa- cades but the light and dark contrasts, the movement of the interior space. There is concern regarding the type of character of the Town Center of Avon with buildings of this size. It was stated that people come to this area to experience outside space - scale, articulation and outside space need to be studied. Art Swords of URS was introduced. Art stated their concerns: the scale of the Town Center in the Town, that it is the focal point, its massive scale and the Town's scale; have the developers been thinking of their project in relationship to the Town as a whole, or just their own project; URS will respond to what they see with the developments or the Town - the function of the Town, looking at transportation, socio- economic impacts; can the developments be related to human scale as well as automobile scale; URS is interested in exterior and interior space; the Board must decide what "conceptual" means. Art will be at the February 6, 1980 meeting. Mountain. Inc uavia iowDin represented Peregrine Prop approval. The commercial area, which i building's own mall and into the public the mall is through a lobby. There are and three levels of condos, a dome over round use is a possibility, all of the -1- erties and requested conceptual s at grade, opens up into the mall. The main access from two levels of commercial space the interior mall for year - outer arc of commercial space n is glass, an interior corridor is planned around the outer arc, the building will be cantilevered columns system with rigid steel frame over the commercial space. For more access to the mall, another lobby can be added, or individual access to each shop from the mall. The Board stated: conceptual approval will not be granted until the plans are looked at by the Town and the consultants in more depth than tonight's meeting time allows. In accordance with the Design Review Board Rules and Regulations regarding provision for consult- ant's fees, some of the consultant's time as pertains to this project will be paid for by Peregrine Properties. Concern that this structure does not relate to the mall or surrounding projects, access from the mall (35 foot entrance, 550 foot long building) appears inadequate, no loading or parking between the building and the mall, the feeling that the two major Town Center projects are not compatible, the ques- tion of whether this design or parts of it have been used before. This project has been tabled for the time being. ad. Addition to Mobile Home. Lot 1. Block 2 bencnmarK Subdivision, File No. 79-12-3. The applicant did not appear. The manager of the Benchmark Mobile Home Park on Lot 1, Duane Broyles, made a statement: Mark is essen- tially putting a double -wide mobile home on a space zoned only for a single -wide trailer, which is against the rules as stated in the trailer park covenants. Dick Evans stated that the addition to Mark's trailer does not meet the fire lane set back and there is a "stop work" order on it. rhe Board made the decision to not overrule the trailer park covenants. Dick Evans and Duane Broyles were directed to tell Mark that his addition must be removed. Revised Landscaping Plans, Lots 67 and 68, Block At the December 19, 1979 meeting, the Board directed David Mack, City Market to send revised landscaping and grading plans and the Board would discuss them without requiring David to appear. Dick Evans stated that the landscaping was practically doubled. Larry Kumpost stated that it is in City Market's own best interests to further reduce the grade. The Board: recommended that the grading must not exceed 5'. and that a building permit not be issued until the grading is revised to no more than 5;; that the grading not be reduced by filling in, but terracing can be used; the drainage issue must be addressed. Landscaping was granted approval. Sun Eagle, Vacation of Lot Lines, Lots 111 and 112. Block 1 air. Densitv Reduction and Tran an Mike Blair stepped down to represent Sun Eagle and Sun Eagle and Mike Blair. Hugh Price stated that no formal statement can be made because the required 15 day notice period has not passed. Mike presented plans to vacate the lot line between Lots 111 and 112 and construct a single building. Also, from Lot 15 (300 - 400 feet away) the appli- cant would like to subtract a unit and add it to Lots 111 and 112 (to construct a seven-plex building). The Board's concerns: the Board may recommend that once unit(s) are taken off of a lot, that they cannot be added again later and that a system should be devised to keep track of the units added on and subtracted from lots; the appli- cant will have letters from the utility companies vacating their ease- ment. These plans will be presented formally on February 6, 1980. ant's fees, some of the consultant's time as pertains to this project will be paid for by Peregrine Properties. Concern that this structure does not relate to the mall or surrounding projects, access from the mall (35 foot entrance, 550 foot long building) appears inadequate, no loading or parking between the building and the mall, the feeling that the two major Town Center projects are not compatible, the ques- tion of whether this design or parts of it have been used before. This project has been tabled for the time being. Item U. Mark The applicant did not appear. The manager of the Benchmark Mobile Home Park on Lot 1, Duane Broyles, made a statement: Mark is essen- tially putting a double -wide mobile home on a space zoned only for a single -wide trailer, which is against the rules as stated in the trailer park covenants. Dick Evans stated that the addition to Mark's trailer does not meet the fire lane set back and there is a "stop work" order on it. The Board made the decision to not overrule the trailer park covenants. Dick Evans and Duane Broyles were directed to tell Mark that his addition must be removed. Item #4. City Market At the December 19, 1979 meeting, the Board directed David Mack, City Market to send revised landscaping and grading plans and the Board would discuss them without requiring David to appear. Dick Evans stated that the landscaping was practically doubled. Larry Kumpost stated that it is in City Market's own best interests to further reduce the grade. The Board: recommended that the grading must not exceed 5% and that a building permit not be issued until the grading is revised to no more than 5%; that the grading not be reduced by filling in, but terracing can be used; the drainage issue must be addressed. Landscaping was granted approval. Vacation of Reduction and Trans Mike Blair stepped down to represent Sun Eagle and Sun Eagle and Mike Blair. Hugh Price stated that no formal statement can be made because the required 15 day notice period has not passed. Mike presented plans to vacate the lot line between Lots 111 and 112 and construct a single building. Also, from Lot 15 (300 - 400 feet away) the appli- cant would like to subtract a unit and add it to Lots 111 and 112 (to construct a seven-plex building). The Board's concerns: the Board may recommend that once unit(s) are taken off of a lot, that they cannot be added again later and that a system should be devised to keep track of the units added on and subtracted from lots; the appli- cant will have letters from the utility companies vacating their ease- ment. These plans will be presented formally on February 6, 1980. -2- X 4UIII RV, 1 -UNC YIGW UVI I UVIII III I UIIIJ, VUVCICU rain IIly "VF/UJCU 1.11Q 11y C>, Lot 3, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-10-1. Brian Byrne represented Lake View Condos. Brian presented plans to cover up the crossbracing presented January 16, 1980. The original approval in July, 1979 was for fencing on the north side of the pro- perty. The fence has been pulled in to become the siding on the carports, the siding to be stained to match the buildings. The carports are two structures, each 60 feet long, placed end by end. The Board recommended a three foot high band around the buildings to act as a fence and as a diaphragm to stiffen the carports, to open the buildings down to rail height; and to eliminate the crossbracing. Dick Evans stated that whatever is done will need the approval of a structural engineer. Also, that if the Board does not come to a decision quickly, he will have to condemn the buildings. Other business - City Market: attention must be paid to drainage. It is suggested that an analysis be made by an outside engineer of a drainage system and retension system for that property. The analy- sis will be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer and the Building Administrator. An overall study of the drainage system of the entire Town, to be aware of the liability involved in approving projects that will flood out someone else. Work session - guidelines are needed for the character the Board wants for the Town Center to take. URS will address this issue in their first phase. Also wantguidelines from a legal point of view. Peregrine Properties - their design does not relate to a mountain area and the pedestrian mall. The two large projects around the mall creat a "through" mall rather than creating a town atmosphere - a place to enjoy. Art, URS was requested to convey the Board's very strong feelings that this area needs to be studied and to try another design, Art will meet with Peregrine Properties tomorrow morning. The Board will state the same at the February 6, 1980 meeting. The Board does not have a direction to give this project until the report comes back from URS and is studied. Avon Center at Beaver Creek - It was suggested that they install ramps from the mall to their underground garage. Their treatment of elevation needs to be softened. The project does net need to be sev- eral small buildings, but needs to take on the appearance of "more organic placement of structure on ground". There is concern regarding the abruptness of interface. Peregrine Properties (PP) and Avon Center at Beaver Creek (AC/BC) - the Board's strongest standpoint is that the projects are asking to vacate lot lines to construct one large building. Possibly a letter stating that the Board feels that "we have the right to turn down any project that eliminates property lines in order to form one massive structure...we have further right to dictate certain requirements and will look to URS for what those requirements are". PP, AC/BC, the Design Review Board and URS might form a design team to decide on the character of the Town Center. Conceptual approval - none will be granted to PP or AC/BC until the study undertaken by URS is completed. Art, URS requested Chairman Hugh Price to write letters to PP and AC/BC stating this and a separate letter to PP stating that they need a different design. The Design Review Board, URS and the Town Government will meet as soon as they receive URS' report, the above letters will be sent in the meantime. A motion by Tom Landauer was made to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Larry Kumpost and approved unanimously. act as a fence and as a diaphragm to stiffen the carpurts, to open the buildings down to rail height; and to eliminate the crossbracing. Dick Evans stated that whatever is done will need the approval of a structural engineer. Also, that if the Board does not come to a decision quickly, he will have to condemn the buildings. Other business - City Market: attention must be paid to drainage. It is suggested that an analysis be made by an outside engineer of a drainage system and retension system for that property. The analy- sis will be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer and the Building Administrator. An overall study of the drainage system of the entire Town, to be aware of the liability involved in approving projects that will flood out someone else. Work session - guidelines are needed for the character the Board wants for the Town Center to take. URS will address this issue in their first phase. Also wantguidelines from a legal point of view. Peregrine Properties - their design does not relate to a mountain area and the pedestrian mall. The two large projects around the mall creat a "through" mall rather than creating a town atmosphere - a place to enjoy. Art, URS was requested to convey the Board's very strong feelings that this area needs to be studied and to try another design, Art will meet with Peregrine Properties tomorrow morning. The Board will state the same at the February 6, 1980 meeting. The Board does not have a direction to give this project until the report comes back from URS and is studied. Avon Center at Beaver Creek - It was suggested that they install ramps from the mall to their underground garage. Their treatment of elevation needs to be softened. The project does not need to be sev- eral small buildings, but needs to take on the appearance of "more organic placement of structure on ground". There is concern regarding the abruptness of interface. Peregrine Properties (PP) and Avon Center at Beaver Creek (AC/BC) - the Board's strongest standpoint is that the projects are asking to vacate lot lines to construct one large building. Possibly a letter stating that the Board feels that "we have the right to turn down any project that eliminates property lines in order to form one massive structure...we have further right to dictate certain requirements and will look to URS for what those requirements are". PP, AC/BC, the Design Review Board and URS might form a design team to decide on the character of the Town Center. Conceptual approval - none will be granted to PP or AC/BC until the study undertaken by URS is completed. Art, URS requested Chairman Hugh Price to write letters to PP and AC/BC stating this and a separate letter to iY stating that they need a different design. The Design Review Board, URS and the Town Government will meet as soon as they receive URS' report, the above letters will be sent in the meantime. A Yaotion by Tom 1_3ndauer was made to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Larry Kumpost and approved unanimously. -3•• ''s There being no further business, a motion was made by Mike Blair to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Tom Landauer and Chairman Hugh Price adjourned the meeting at 12:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ^Q erre Sortland 4 � Design Review Board Recording Secretary