PZC Minutes 081579MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 1979
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was
held on August 15, 1979 at 7:45 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town
of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting
was called to order by Chairman, Hugh Price.
Board Members present were: Cynthis Jordan, Hugh Price, Tan Landauer, Ken
Richards, John Wheeler. Absent were: Alice Knipe, Mike Blair.
The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until the end of the
meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them.
Item #1, Balas Investment Conpany, Lot#6, Block #1, File No. 79-7-3.
Fred Schmidt represented Balas Investment Company. Conceptual approval was
granted last meeting. Mr. Schmidt was asking for approval to proceed with
the concrete and block work excavation at this meeting.
The colors for the project is 700 &708 mixed 1 to 1 and will be a medium
Snow removal and landscape plan set out. Landscape budget is $8000 plus
sprinkler system. Planting must be set out.
After lengthly discussion the Board agreed to let him proceed with the
project through the foundation work with the understanding that his
representative will appear at the next meeting with the rest of the material
for approval. The material for siding to be used is Channel joint cedar.
There will be no horizontal band used.
It was noted that the Board would let Mr. Schmidt know if there would
be a special meeting.
Item #2,Avon P1etropolitan Fire District, Lot Tract G, Block #2, File Db. 79-8-1.
Represented by Bii7 Pierce. He wanted approval for an extensions existing
building. Angled characteristic for access of fire truck. They will use
Channel rustic cedar for wood, matching existing buildinq with stucco.
F-20 Venus-DeVor•Peterson blue for trim. The 'rower is 35-40 feet high.
The tras:. will be inside storage. There will be no hazardous materials in
storage area. There will be no problem with the snow removal because of the
open area space. There is a drainage Swale on the west side of building.
The sprinkling system will go in later by adding and repairing from the
present system.
The Board suggested and agreed Council give final approval minus the
landscaping subject to Town Council approval on August 28, 1979.
A motion by Tom Landauer was made to approve the August 1, 1979 minutes as
presented, seconded by Ken Richards and approved unanimously.
It was noted that there should be a note sent to Fritz Schmidt stating the
material he would be required to bring with him the next meeting.
There was sone discussion on the IaGarde'-Ecklund sign that they want to erect.
of Avon in the Bencimark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting
was called to order by Chairman, Hugh Price.
Board Menbers present were: Cjmthis Jordan, Hugh Price, Tom Landauer, Ken
Richards, John Wheeler. Absent were: Alice Knipe, Mike Blair.
The Chairman deferre-1 the reading of the minutes until the end of the
meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read then.
Item #1, Balas Investment Crmpany, Lot#6, Block #1, File 'Jo. 79-7-3.
Fred Schmidt represented Balas Investment Company. Conceptual approval was
granted last meeting. Mr. Schmidt was asking for approval to proceed with
the concrete and block work excavation at this meeting.
nie colors for the project is 700 &708 mixed 1 to 1 and gill be a medium
Snow removal and landscape plan set out. Landscape budget is $8000 plus
sprinkler system. Planting must be set out.
After lengthly discussion the Board agreed to let him proceed with the
project through the foundation work with the understanding that his
representative will appear at the next meeting with the rest of the material
for approval. The material for siding to be used is Channel joint cedar.
There will be no horizontal banal used.
It was noted that the Board would let Mr. Schnudt know if there would
be a special meeting.
Item #2,Avon Metro litan Fire District, Lot Tract G, Block #2, File bio. 79-8-1.
Represented by Bi 1 Pierce. He wanted approval for an extension o existing
building. Angled characteristic for access of fire truck. They will use
Channel rustic cedar for wood, matching existing building with stucco.
F-20 Venus-DeVor•Peterson blue for trim. The Tower is 35-40 feet :ugh.
The trash will be inside storage. There will be no ;,azardous materials in
storage area. 1here will be no problem with the snow removal because of the
open area space. There is a drainage swale on the west side of building.
The sprinkling system will go in later by adding and repairing from the
present system.
The Board suggested and agreed Council give final approval minus the
landscaping subject to Town Council approval on August 28, 1979.
A motion by Tom Landauer was made to approve the August 1, 1979 minutes as
presented, seconded by Ken Richards and approved unanimously.
It was noted that there should be a rote sent to Fritz Schmidt stating the
material he would be required to bring with him the next meeting.
There was some discussion on the LaGarde'-Ecklund sign that they want to erect.
4here being m further busiress the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted: