The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on October 3, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman.
Board Members present were: Michael Blair, Cynthia Jordan, Hugh Price
and Kenneth Richards. Absent were: Alice Alpi, Thomas Landauer and
John Wheeler. Cynthia Jordan left early, due to illness.
The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until the end of the
meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them.
Item #1
Tract 0. Block 2. File
David Hellquist represented the Beaver Creek Food Store and Deli. David
requested approval for signs to replace the "Grocery" signs on the
Benchmark Shopping Center building. The signs, one for the north side
and one for the west side of the building, read "Food & Deli", with a
separate shopping bag logo for each side. The signs are wooden, will
lay flat against the wall, white background, blue letters, blue and
red border. Routed or relieved letters were suggested. Lights below
the signs shining up, "washing the sign".
There is a problem in that the signs exceed the maximum square footage
allowed under the Benchmark Sign Code, which the Town has adopted
as the Town's Code until the Town has its own sign code and it has
been officially adopted. Also, anything the Board decides is subject
to review by the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. One
square foot of sign is allowed for each 2z front lineal feet - in this
case 40 sq. ft. are allowed. Each sign and logo is 42.6 sq. ft. -
total: 85.4 sq. ft. Present signs: 8 feet X 36 inches. New signs:
16 feet X 28 inches plus 28 inches X 28 inches (logo). Anything the
Board decides is subject to review by the Benchmark Architectural
Control Committee.
A variance (Section 8.10 of the Design Review Eoard Procedures, Rules
and Regulations) was suggested to allow larger signs to be mounted.
The exact quantitative variation is 46 sq. ft. Kenneth Richards
moved for approval for a variation from the regulation. Michael
Blair seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
It was suggested that the sign on the west end be made considerably
smaller and David agreed to that suggestion. Approval on the design
and signs as modified and agreed to was granted conditioned upon the
approval of the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. If the
Committee approves the signs, then the Board's approval becomes auto-
matic. This discussion and results of it will be forwarded to Gary
Stevens, Secretary, Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. Hugh
Price noted for the record that any decision made by the Design Review
Board can be appealed to the Town Council.
was held on October 3, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman.
Board Members present were: Michael Blair, Cynthia Jordan, Hugh Price
and Kenneth Richards. Absent were: Alice Alpi, Thomas Landauer and
John Wheeler. Cynthia Jordan left early, due to illness.
The Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until the end of the
meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them.
Item #1, Beaver Creek Food Store and
U_ 7n ,n a
David Hellquist represented the Beaver Creek Food Store and Deli. David
requested approval for signs to replace the "Grocery" signs on the
Benchmark Shopping Center building. The signs, one for the north side
and one for the west side of the building, read "Food & Deli", with a
separate shopping bag logo for each side. The signs are wooden, will
lay flat against the wall, white background, blue letters, blue and
red border. Routed or relieved letters were suggested. Lights below
the signs shining up, "washing the sign".
There is a problem in that the signs exceed the maximum square footage
allowed under the Benchmark Sign Code, which the Town has adopted
as the Town's Code until the Town has its own sign code and it has
been officially adopted. Also, anything the Board decides is subject
to review by the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. One
square foot of sign is allowed for each 2; front lineal feet - in this
case 40 sq. ft. are allowed. Each sign and logo is 42.6 sq. ft. -
total: 85.4 sq. ft. Present signs: 8 feet X 36 inches. New signs:
16 feet X 28 inches plus 28 inches X 28 inches (logo). Anything the
Board decides is subject to review by the Benchmark Architectural
Control Committee.
A variance (Section 8.10 of the Design Review Board Procedures, Rules
and Regulations) was suggested to allow larger signs to be mounted.
The exact quantitative variation is 46 sq. ft. Kenneth Richards
moved for approval for a variation from the regulation. Michael
Blair seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
It was suggested that the sign on the west end be made considerably
smaller and David agreed to that suggestion. Approval on the design
and signs as modified and agreed to was granted conditioned upon the
approval of the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. If the
Committee approves the signs, then the Board's approval becomes auto-
matic. This discussion and results of it will be forwarded to Gary
Stevens, Secretary, Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. Hugh
Price noted for the record that any decision made by the Design Review
Board can be appealed to the Town Council.
ilischkies. Lake View
Brian Byrne presented the plans for the proposed car ports. Twelve
parking spaces will be covered, the structure will not decrease the
number of parking spaces. Slanting shake roof supported by round
steel poles. Roof line is reflective of building roof lines. Color
of trim will be dark brown, matching existing color of building trim.
Color of siding will match the color of siding on building. There
will be no lighting on or in the car ports. A retaining wall was
suggested, or a viable alternative, along the driveway.
A $100.00 Design Review Board fee was accepted and a receipt given.
The Town Attorney will be looking at the Design Review Board Proce-
dures, Rules and Regulations to determine how they might apply to this
application and the Board fee. The Town Attorney will also be consulted
to clarify some of the working in the fee schedule on certain items.
There being no objections, approval was granted for the car port
proposal which is in addition to existing approved structures.
Item N3, Avon Lake Villas III, Senoner. Schfani & B
ana 4b, blOCK Z, Yiie No. /9-1U-3.
Adjoining property is Avon Lake Villas I. Two buildings with underground
parking for 39 cars under each building. 60.7% of land will be green
area including tennis court and pool, excluding 17.5% for pavement.
Parking area on the surface for 46 cars with two entrances. Trash
area with five foot high fence with siding compatible with building
in the middle of the property area. Two dumpsters unless insufficient.
Trash compactor in each unit. One elevator and two staircases per
building. Four foot high fence around pool and berm and fence around
tennis court. Three or four spruce trees in front of each building.
Each building has five stories above grade, 59.6 feet to roof peak
and mid -slope around 53 feet. Stucco and siding - ', and '2. Stucco
will be cream colored, siding is brownish red stain. Enclosed corridors
and stairways. Snow removal area comparable with Avon Lake Villas I.
Lighting - both entrances, both walkways, three in parking area above,
one for each ramp entry and one for main walkway to pool and tennis
court. Drainage along the grade. Landscaping budget $40,300 with
sprinkling system. Basic floor plan size is about 1,500 sq. ft.
Proposed starting date on the project - first thing in the spring.
Suggestions from the Board: an 8 foot high fence on the park side of
the tennis court and other than that fence, no fencing between park and
property. Keep construction workers from parking vehicles on park
land. Good security fence as well as traffic control fence around
the project.
Hugh Price noted that "it is a very important project in regarding
Avon in total given the mass of what is proposed and what already
exists. The Board will proceed cautiously to insure the best interests
of the Town and all the people living within it". Therefore, Chris
Krabacher will return to the Design Review Board meeting on November
7, 1979 for a decision on approval. Hugh Price will ask all Board
Members to be present for that meeting. Kenneth Richards suggested
that each Board Member go through the plans before that meeting.
There being no further business, Hugh Price adjourned the meeting
informally, lacking a quorum in which to conduct business.
Approved: Respectfully submitted:
erre Sorfland
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