TJ B4 WR Antenna for ERWSDPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Avon FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DETERMINATION ea. aa.ea DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: June 2, 2020 DATE OF DECISION: June 16, 2020 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Tract J Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision 15700 Wildridge Road East FILE NUMBER: MNR20021 APPLICANT: Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority This Record of Determination is made in accordance with the General Provisions of the Avon Development Code §7.04.080. DECISION: Exempt from Avon Development Code. FINDINGS: 1. The application complete; and 2. A Public Hearing was held on June 2, 2020; and 3. The application provides sufficient information to determine that the equipment and work is classified as normal maintenance and therefore exempt from the design standards of the Avon Development code, per §7.04.080. THESE FIN CT AND RECORD OF DETERMINATION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: (A - 119 -2A in a Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: #MNR20021 Page 1 of 1