NOVEMBER 20, 1979, 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon
was held on November 20, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
the meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman.
Board Members present were: Alice Alpi, Michael Blair, Cynthia Jordan
and Hugh Price. Absent were: Kenneth Richards and John Wheeler.
William Pierce was present as a consulting architect.
Mike Blair motioned that the reading of the minutes be deferred until
the end of the meeting. Cynthia Jordan seconded it and it passed
Item Nl. ",von Lake Villas III, Senoner, Schfani & Bruehsel, Lots 45
and vb, Block 2, File No. 79-10-3.
Joe Krabacher represented Avon Lake Villas III. The following changes
were discussed: The north end of the east building is now shown in
the color rendering in combination with the north-east side which is
how it will be seen. The stucco and siding pattern has been changed
to be the same as the other sides. The north end is also now four
stories rather than five. One unit on the fifth floor has been moved
to the fifth floor of the west building so that the buildings are now
mirror images and each building has 31 units.
The reddish color (Olympic stain rustic) has been replaced with a
browner stain, Olympic stain 717. Paneling is offset from the building
1 - 1!i inches.
Bill Pierce commented on the abruptness of interface between the flat
ground and the buildings. He suggested that the building could be
"stepped" into the land, also asked about three dimensional offsetting
on the north side and aboutthe location and material of landscaping.
Regarding the abruptness of interface, Joe stated that the buildings
are actually six feet below the level of the road and that the three
and four story buildings around the project lessen the abruptness.
The Board noted that the missing parking space has been added. It
was the Board's suggestion that on the north end a design could be
carved on the paneling or a lodge pole pine planted there. There
will be an ID on that end such as is on Avon Lake Villas I.
Chairman Hugh Price asked for comments from the audience and there
were none.
There being no objections to the project as modified, final approval
was granted.
Joe Krabacher asked if there will be a meeting on January 2, 1980.
After discussion, Chairman Hugh Price changed the January meeting
dates to the third (January 16th) and fifth (January 30th) Wednesdays
subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and the requirements of
posting those changes.
was held on November 20, 1779 a t 7:36 P. i i. in hire Town Cuuu_ i l Cllalnbcrs
of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
the meeting was called to order by Hugh Price, Chairman.
Board Members present were: Alice Alpi, Michael Blair, Cynthia Jordan
and Hugh Price. Absent were: Kenneth Richards and John Wheeler.
William Pierce was present as a consulting architect.
Mike Blair motioned that the reading of the minutes be deferred until
the end of the meeting. Cynthia Jordan seconded it and it passed
llas III. Senoner. Schfani & Bruehsel. Lots 45
and 4b, Block Z, File No. 79-10-3.
Joe Krabacher represented Avon Lake Villas III. The following changes
were discussed: The north end of the east building is now shown in
the color rendering in combination with the north-east side which is
how it will be seen. The stucco and siding pattern ha3 been changed
to be the same as the other sides. The north end is also now four
stories rather than five. One unit on the fifth floor has been moved
to the fifth floor of the west building so that the buildings are now
mirror images and each building has 31 units.
The reddish color (Olympic stain rustic) has been replaced with a
browner stain, Olympic stain 717. Paneling is offset from the building
1 - 112 inches.
Bill Pierce commented on the abruptness of interface between the flat
ground and the buildings. He suggested that the building could be
"stepped" into the land, also asked about three dimensional offsetting
on the north side and aboutthe location and material of landscaping.
Regarding the abruptness of interface, Joe stated that the buildings
are actually six feet below the level of the road and that the three
and four story buildings around the project lessen the abruptness.
The Board noted that the missing parking space has been added. It
was the Board's suggestion that on the north end a design could be
carved on the paneling or a lodge pole pine planted there. There
will be an ID on that end such as is on Avon Lake Villas I.
Chairman Hugh Price asked for comments from the audience and there
were none.
There being no objections to the project as modified, final approval
was granted.
Joe Krabacher asked if there will be a meeting on January 2, 1980.
After discussion, Chairman Hugh Price changed the January meeting
dates to the third (January 16th) and fifth (January 30th) Wednesdays
subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and the requirements of
posting those changes.
Hugh Price introduced Bill Pierce to the rest of the Board. Bill
is a candidate for the vacancy on the Design Review Board left by
John Wheeler's expected resignation.
Minutes of the November 7, 1979 meeting were discussed. On page one
Item #3 two items were noted: 1) "15% green belt, 80% total impervious
and 20% open space"; 2) "three accesses from Beaver Creek Blvd. and
two accesses from Beaver Creek Place" - it is believed there are three
accesses altogether rather than five. The Board will ask for clari-
fication from City Market when they are present at the December 5, 1979
On page two, "superintendants" should correctly read "superintendents"
On page three, "plain" should correctly read "plane" and to "Chairman
Hugh Price asked for comments/questions from the audience", add
"there were no comments/questions" if there were none.
A motion by Mike Blair was made to approve the minutes as amended,
seconded by Alice Alpi and approved unanimously.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Cynthia Jordan
to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Mike Blair and Chairman
Hugh Price adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
rre Sortlan
cording Se retary
esign Review Board