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PZC Packet 091520
Notice Avon Notice of Regular Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting September 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. MST WEBINAR MEETING ONLY Avon Town Hall operations are limited due to COVID-19 pandemic health orders to restrict gatherings. Physical attendance of the Avon Planning and Zoning meeting is not allowed. Please go to the Town of Avon website, www.Avon.org, and click on the Planning and Zoning Commission bar on the top of the home page to find information on registering to join the meeting. You can also find the agenda and meeting packet materials for the meeting under Government > Planning & Zoning Commission > Agendas, Packets & Materials. We apologize for the inconvenience. _______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS WERE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AT 970-748-4023 OR EMAIL CMCWILLIAMS@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING ONLY 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON HARDY) 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX-PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. BUSINESS ITEMS 4.1. LOT 6 & 7 RIVERFRONT LANDSCAPING MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLAN AS REQUIRED IN TOWN COUNCIL AND PZC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR MJR20005. (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS & JIM TELLING) 5. CAPACITY BUILDING SEMINAR – AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 MEETING MINUTES 6.2. SUB20004 – 330 RIVERFRONT LANE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION 6.3. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – LCE200001 AND TEN19001 – 950 WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS 7. STAFF UPDATES 8. ADJOURN TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: David McWilliams, AICP, Town Planner RE: Conditions of Approval - MJR20005 Lots 6 and 7 Riverfront Subdivision / 358 and 368 Riverfront Lane DATE: September 10, 2020 STAFF REPORT UPDATE: PZC is instructed to continue this item to the October 6, 2020 meeting, due to the lack of a quorum. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “I move to continue the Conditions of Approval for Case #MJR20005 for landscaping considerations on Lot 6 and 7, Riverfront Subdivision.” TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: David McWilliams, AICP, Town Planner RE: Conditions of Approval - MJR20005 Lots 6 and 7 Riverfront Subdivision / 358 and 368 Riverfront Lane DATE: August 26, 2020 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This Staff report contains required materials to achieve the Conditions of Approval from case MJR20005 as described in the Town Council and PZC records of decision. The application for two duplex structures was approved in summer 2020 with unfinished items for PZC review. Now, Jim Telling (the Applicant) presents a plan required to respond to the following items: • realigning the Eagle Valley Trail, particularly the corner of duplex number 4 • use of “Redi Rock” retaining walls • strategic placement of the felled cottonwood trees will be presented The Applicant produced a wetland report that verifies compliance with applicable regulations for the siting of the buildings, landscape features, and the relocated Eagle Valley Trail (the Trail). Additional items for review include: • The Garden Level entrances and stepping stone paths have been removed from Residences 3+4. These were added for Town Council review. • The boulder walls at the west side of Residence 4 have been changed to Redi-Rock walls. These are intended to match the existing walls along the path switchback. • Additional drought tolerant native landscaping has been added to the interior of the path switchback per the direction from ERWSD. This area will receive only above grade temporary irrigation. • Boulder wall configuration has changed on the east side of Residence 3 • Additional boulder wall has been added on the west side of Residence 2. • Rain garden location and grading have been updated on the south side of the Duplex 1-2. • Minor adjustments to the plant layout and species along the west side of Residence 4. • Addition of concrete aprons at the garage doors of all four units. • Trail has been shifted by 5’-0” to the south at Residence 4. These Condition of Approval items are not subject to a public hearing, but their satisfactory completion is required. While this is not a public hearing, Staff encourages PZC to consider any public comment on the matter. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 6 and 7 are .45 and .2 acres, respectively. The lots are currently in the grading permit process with Staff based upon the development approval from case MJR20005. PLANNING ANALYSIS: Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lots 6 and 7 both have the following building envelope and easements: Front Side Eagle River (Back) 10' O' 75' (or property line, whoever is more restrictive) Both duplexes have elements that protrude over the rear setback. Per the PUD Design Standards, the property is permitted, "limited minor encroachments as allowed in the development plan" in the river setback. PZC and Town Council both discussed the protrusions in depth and approved them as proposed. The Applicant modified the Duplex 1-2 size and the Duplex 3-4 angle for Town Council review in response to PZC comments. Now, the Applicant proposes a further amendment of the Trail and additional landscaping between Residence 4 and the Trail. Staff finds that these changes achieve a more appropriate overall aesthetic. One missing element on the plan is the use of removed trees to limit access to the river. Staff met with the contractor on site to ensure that the recycling of trees will be part of the grading permit process. DESIGN STANDARDS ANALYSIS: Landscaping & Irrigation: The total landscape area proposed is 13,824 square feet combined. 276 landscape units are required, and 741 units are proposed, primarily of spruce, pine, aspen, several deciduous shrub species, grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas. Notable changes include the area above the path on Lot 7 that has landscaping, and the additional landscaping on Tract H. Tract H will not be permanently irrigated due to Eagle River Water and Sanitation District policy. The applicant has not proposed an irrigation plan, and hydrozones are not expressly demarcated. A satisfactory irrigation plan must be presented to Staff before a building permit is issued. The plan does approximate an irrigated area (to be determined with the full plan) of 8.9% and 15.6% of the landscape area for Lots 6 and 7, respectively. Of note is that drip irrigation is encouraged in ADC and counted as 3 square feet per head. The wetlands study demonstrates no concerns for the eastern boulder wall or realigned Trail. The wetlands below the cul-de-sac are proposed to be preserved. The realigned boulder wall on Lot 6 preserves existing trees and creates a more natural buffer between the Trail and the development. The application still removes native landscaping within the building envelope as well as within the 75’ river setback, and the PUD Development Plan states, “the 75-foot river setback will be largely left in its natural state.” Retaining Walls: All retaining walls are proposed as boulder materials, except for the Redi-Rock walls on the western side of unit 4, as required in the Conditions of Approval. This wall was chosen to match the adjacent walls installed as part of the path project. All walls are between four (4') and two (2') feet tall. Snow Storage: The changes to the snow storage plan are proposed in this plan are negligible. DEVELOPMENT PLAN & DESIGN REVIEW - REVIEW CRITERIA § 7.16.0SO(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: Staff finds that these modifications address the applicable review criteria and achieve them better than the original application. These modifications comply with the Riverfront PUD design guidelines. Adherence to the Conditions of Approval creates a more appropriate design. §7.16.090(1), DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and 3. The design reflects the long- range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: The modifications are compliant with these Design Review Criteria. AVAILABLE ACTIONS: • Accept the modifications as proposed • Require additional information or additional modifications STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the modifications as proposed. MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVE THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: “I move to approve the Conditions of Approval for case MJR20005 for landscaping considerations on Lots 6 and 7, Riverfront Subdivision.” ATTACHMENTS (a) Landscape Plan (b) Wetlands Report Thank you, David McWilliams 970-749-4023 / cmcwilliams@avon.org © 2020 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 08.25.2020The Residences at Riverfront 2 56 PLANT LEGEND: EVERGREEN TREES DECIDUOUS TREES SHRUBS PERENNIALS MIXED SPECIES (1 GAL) 294 SF NATIVE SEED MIX (GRASS / WILDFLOWERS) GROUND COVER ORNAMENTAL GRASSES BLUE SPRUCE (14' HT) QTY - 7 Picea pungens 'Fastigiata' WEEPING WHITE SPRUCE (12' HT) QTY - 2 Picea glauca 'Pendula' BRISTLECONE PINE (10' HT) QTY - 1 Pinus aristata MULTI-STEM ASPEN (3" CAL / 14' HT) QTY - 10 Populus tremuloides ROCKY MTN GLOW MAPLE (3" CAL) QTY - 4 Acer grandidentatum MUGO PINE (6' HT) QTY - 17 Pinus mugo var. rostrata WOODS ROSE (15 GAL) QTY - 13 Rosa woodsii MORDEN GOLDEN GLOW ELDERBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 13 Sambucus racemosa 'Morden Golden Glow' RED TWIG DOGWOOD (15 GAL) QTY - 25 Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' TIGER EYES SUMAC (15 GAL) QTY - 15 Rhus typhina 'bailtiger' COMMON LILAC (14' HT) QTY - 9 Syringa vulgaris 'Andeken an Ludwig Spaeth' FRAGRANT SUMAC (15 GAL) QTY - 21 Rhus aromatica HARRISON'S YELLOW ROSE (15 GAL) QTY - 25 Rosa x harisonii 'Harrisons Yellow' GAMBEL OAK (15 GAL) QTY - 25 Quercus gambellii SERVICEBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 19 Amelanchier alnifoila BLUE MUFFIN VIBURNUM (15 GAL) QTY - 12 Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' GOOSEBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 20 Ribes aureum ORANGE ROCKET BARBERRY (15 GAL) QTY - 9 Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' DIABOLO NINEBARK (15 GAL) QTY - 12 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' MONTGOMERY SPRUCE (3' HT) QTY - 2 Picea pungens 'Montgomery' COMMON JUNIPER QTY - 19 Juniperus communis var. depressa CRUSADER COCKSPUR HAWTHORN QTY - 2 (3" CAL) Crataegus crus-gali inermis "Crusader' NANKING CHERRY (6' HT / Multi-stem) QTY - 3 Prunus tomentosa LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY (TREES) 16 8 102 70 28 14 12 13 LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY (Shrubs) TOTAL LU FOR TREES = 306 (45%) TOTAL LU FOR SHRUBS = 282 (41%) 13 25 15 19 9 21 25 25 19 12 20 9 12 2 LANDSCAPE UNIT QTY FEATHER REED GRASS (15 GAL) QTY - 79 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Forester' RUSSIAN SAGE QTY - 43 Perovskia atriplicifolia 43 BLUE AVENA GRASS (5 GAL) QTY - 9 Helictotrichon sempervirens 9 85 1 TOTAL LU GRASSES / PERENNIALS = 95 (14%) SYMBOL LEGEND: PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION PATIO PAVERS 102 SF (60mm) VEHICULAR PAVERS 3,123 SF (80mm) EXISTING TREE TO BE PRESERVED BARK MUCLH 4,814 SF (3" DEPTH) NATIVE SEED 6,904 SF CONCRETE LIMIT OF WORK BUILDING ENTRY 12.25 BOLLARD LIGHT - QTY 5 RIVER ROCK COBBLE NOTES: 1. ALL TREE AND SHRUB PLANT BEDS ARE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH OF BARK MULCH. 2. ALL DISTURBED OR RE-GRADED AREAS TO BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A NATIVE WILDFLOWER AND GRASS SEED MIX. 3. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MOISTURE SENSOR AUTOMATED AND TIME CLOCK OPERATED. SHRUBS, TREES, AND PERENNIALS TO BE DRIP OR MICRO SPRAY TYPE IRRIGATION. 4. NATIVE SEED AREAS SHALL BE TEMPORARY IRRIGATED FOR AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. TREES AND SHRUBS WITHIN THE NATIVE SEED AREAS SHALL HAVE PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION. 5. SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE TO BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. A CONSTRUCTION FENCE WILL BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WHERE THE SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE NOT USED.GRAND TOTAL LOT 6 & 7 LANDSCAPE UNITS = 683 TOTAL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE UNITS PER CODE = 188 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN 1" = 10'-0" 2 LANDSCAPE PLAN - WEST TRAIL 1" = 10'-0" LANDSCAPE PLAN Scale: 1” = 10’ 0 10’5’20’ Note: Native Seed Areas shall have temporary irrigation for establishment and are not Included in Irrigation Calculations Landscape Area Provided Lot 6 =9,772 SF Lot 7 = 4,052 SF 49.7% Lot 6 Area 46.2% Lot 7 Area Total Irrigated Area Lot 6 = 873 SF Lot 7 =635 SF 8.9% of Lot 6 Landscape Area 15.6% of Lot 7 Landscape Area Spray Area (Perennials) Lot 6 = 189 SF Lot 7 = 104 SF 21.6% of Lot 6 Total Irrigated Area 16.4% of Lot 7 Total Irrigated Area Drip Area (Trees / Shrubs) Lot 6 =684 SF Lot 7 = 531 SF 78.3% of Lot 6 Total Irrigated Area 83.6% of Lot 7 Total Irrigated Area IRRIGATION AREA CALCULATIONS Note: Total Irrigated Area is calculated on a per plant basis using the following areas: • 6 SF per Tree • 3 SF per Shrub • 3 SF per Grass • Total area of Perennials LOT 7 LOT 6 Attachment A September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Comprehensive Plan September 10, 2020 David McWilliams, Town Planner September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting GOAL:Familiarize PZC with the purpose,origin and use of the Comprehensive Plan. Questions to Ask: •What are our community assets/opportunities? •What are our community needs/challenges? •What is our community vision for the future? •What goals,policies,objectives,and actions will help us achieve that vision,and address our challenges and opportunities? September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting PURPOSE: “Municipalities and counties are authorized to prepare comprehensive plans as a long-range guiding document for a community to achieve its vision and goals.The comprehensive plan (or master plan)provides the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning,subdivision regulations,annexations,and other policies.A comprehensive plan promotes the community's vision,goals,objectives,and policies,establishes a process for orderly growth and development,addresses both current and long-term needs,and provides for a balance between the natural and built environment.Elements addressed in a comprehensive plan may include:recreation and tourism (required by state statutes),transportation,land use, economic development,affordable housing,environment,parks and open space,natural and cultural resources,hazards,capital improvements,water supply and conservation, efficiency in government,sustainability,energy,and urban design.”-DOLA September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Avon’s Vision •Natural Environment •Built Form •Sense of Place •Activity and entertainment Center •Vibrant Economy •Attainable Housing •Diversity Achieved through Goals,Policies,Implementation Matrix,District Planning Principles September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting LAND USE AND COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK Opportunities •Redevelop older buildings / reorganize parcel boundaries and street pattern •Transit to BC, connections to and along River •Nottingham park as anchor; Cultural amenities Constraints •Avon Road •East TC is fragmented •Railroad is a barrier September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting FUTURE LAND USE MAP •Establishes preferred development patterns by designating land use. •Does not supersede the Town’s zoning districts and regulations •Visual guide for the community based on the goals, objectives, and policies presented within this document. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK PLAN Illustrate key community policies that will help achieve the desired community character. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting BUILT FORM DIAGRAM •Illustrate the desired community form •Guide and support the land use regulations •Provide clear expectations for future development September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting GOALS AND POLICIES One of more goals and several specific policy objectives. Certain goals and policies are more specific and timely than others; however, all goals and policies contribute to the vision of the plan and its implementation. Finally, certain policies interrelate to several topic areas. A. Built Form B. Land Use C. Community Character D. Economic Development E. Housing F. Multi-Model Transportation & Parking G. Environment H. Parks, Recreation, Trails & Open Space I. Public Services, Facilities, Utilities & Government J. Regional Coordination September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Built Form Goal A.1: Promote a compact community form. Goal A.2: Maintain a distinct physical and visual separation between Avon and its surrounding communities that preserves the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains and the Eagle River valley. Goal A.3: Ensure that annexations provide an overall benefit to the community and are in conformance with this plan’s goals and policies. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Land Use Goal B.1: Provide a balance of land uses that offer a range of housing options, diverse commercial and employment opportunities, inviting guest accommodations, and high quality civic and recreational facilities that work in concert to strengthen Avon’s identity as both a year-round residential community and as a commercial, tourism and economic center. Goal B.2: Ensure that Avon continues to develop as a community of safe, interactive, and cohesive neighborhoods that contribute to the Town’s overall character and image. Goal B.3: Use mixed-use development to create a more balanced, sustainable system of land uses. Goal B.4: Encourage commercial development that enhances Avon’s overall economic health, contributes to the community’s image and character, and provides residents and visitors with increased choices and services. Goal B.5: Encourage revitalization of existing light industrial and manufacturing uses. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Goal C.1: Ensure that development is compatible with existing and planned adjacent development and contributes to Avon’s community image and character. Goal C.2: Create community gateways and streetscapes that reflect and strengthen Avon’s unique community character and image. Goal C.3: Enhance existing cultural and heritage facilities, events, and programs that strengthen Avon’s community character and image. Community Character September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Economic Development Goal D.1: Ensure that there is a positive environment for small businesses. Goal D.2: Promote high quality Town investments. Goal D.3: Increase the number of visitors to Avon by enhancing the year- round mountain resort community. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Housing Goal E.1:Achieve a diverse range of housing densities,styles,and types,including rental and for sale,to serve all segments of the population. Goal E.2:Coordinate with neighboring communities to provide an attainable housing program that incorporates both rental and ownership opportunities,affordable for local working families. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Multi-modal Transportation and Parking Goal F.1: Create an integrated multi-modal transportation system that minimizes dependence on automobile travel within the Town by making it easier and more inviting to use transit, walk, ride bicycles, and utilize other non-motorized vehicles. Goal F.2: Maintain and improve transit connections between Avon and Beaver Creek Village. Goal F.3: Encourage a “park once/shop many” environment. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Environment Goal G.1: Protect Avon’s unique natural setting and its open spaces. Goal G.2: Identify and mitigate potential environmental hazards to promote public health, safety, and welfare. Goal G.3: Discourage air, water, light, and noise pollution. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Parks,Recreation,Trails,and Open Space Goal H.1:Provide an exceptional system of parks,trails,and recreational programs to serve the year-round needs of area residents and visitors. Goal H.2:Coordinate and collaborate with surrounding jurisdictions and agencies to develop recreational opportunities. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Public Services, Facilities, Utilities, & Government Goal I.1: Ensure cost effective provision and development of public facilities and services. Goal I.2: Encourage the broad participation of citizens in planning efforts and decision-making. Regional Coordination Goal J.1: Collaborate with other agencies to implement this plan and to ensure Avon’s needs and goals are being met. September 10, 2020 PZC Meeting Implementation Matrix Tangible “next steps”for Town Policy. September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting District Planning 1.Town Core 2.River 3.Nottingham Park 4.US 6 Gateway 5.Village at Avon 6.Gulch Area 7.Railroad District 8.Open Space District 9.Valley Residential 10.I-70 Gateway 11.Northern Residential September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Town Center •Adhere to master plans (WTC, ETC) •Ped Circulation •Public Plazas •Mixed use •Human Scale •Parking Facilities •Cohesion between TC and VAA September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Riverfront •Improve connections •Limit River Access •Transit •Orient Buildings to Capitalize on River •Building height subordinate to TC •Parking and service away from River •Screen from US 6 •Minimize loss of trees while adhering to design principles September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Nottingham Park •Implement TG planning principles from TOP •Maintain flex space •Develop parking •Passive spaces •View Corridors September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting US 6 Gateway •Sense of arrival •Screen Ski parking •Pedestrian Connections •Minimize cut areas •Share property access •River Access Railroad Corridor •Ensure ROW is preserved •Minimize railroad as a barrier •Additional crossings •Maintenance September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Village At Avon •Ped access •Public Space •Mixed use •Building height subordinate to TC •Avoid single-use buildings •Shared parking •Screening •View corridors •Access from US 6 •Connections and trailheads September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Gulch Areas •Buildings subordinate to TC •Screening •Sidewalks and pedestrian connections •Residential development that supports primary industrial or employment uses •Landscaping •Enhance WAP trailhead •Reduce development intensity along Buck Creek Road September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Open Space •Pursue acquisition of land •Encourage USFS maintain ownership. •Long term maintenance Gateway District •Enhance I-70 ramps •Maintain gateway elements •Ped improvements •Aesthetics of underpass •Screen adjacent buildings from I- September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Valley Residential •High quality redevelopment •Buildings subordinate to TC •Pedestrian features •Access to trails •Reseed with native grasses / additional landscaping September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Northern Residential •Enhance Open Space •Alternative Ped Circulation •Alternative access •Limit alteration of natural slopes and ridgelines •Trailhead access September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Town Owned Properties •TG •Wildridge Firehouse •Swift Gulch Parcels •Public Works Site (Lot 5) •VAA Park Site •VAA School Site •Wildwood Properties September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Community Housing Plan Goals: •Ownership: Focus on “missing middle” 140% or less of AMI ($430,000). •50% ownership 50% rental for Town •Rental: 80-120 AMI “step up” renters and seniors Strategies: •Short term rental, accessory dwelling units, and lock-off incentives and regulations. •Update mitigation/linkage policies •Inclusionary housing policy •Fee waiver/ reimbursement process •A top priority is pursuing housing development on Town owned land •Public/private partnerships •“Buy-down” (Mi Casa) •Invest in maintenance of current inventory September 15, 2020 PZC Meeting Thank you, David McWilliams Links: Avon Comprehensive Plan Town Owned Properties Community Housing Plan