TC Resolution 20-20 Approving an Increase in Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemption Application FeesA Avon C O L O R A 0 0 RESOLUTION 20-20 SERIES 2020 APPROVING AN INCREASE IN REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATION FEES WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Avon Municipal Code (the "AMC"), the Town of Avon, (the "Town") imposes a two percent (2%) Real Estate Transfer Tax (the "RETT") on all transfers of real property within the Town; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.12.060 of the AMC, the Town grants certain exemptions from the RETT, including exemptions based on the use of the transferred property as the property owner's primary residence (the "Primary Residence Exemptions"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Primary Residence Exemptions, the Town files a lien on a property owner's property when such property owner seeks a primary residence exemption from the RETT and then releases the lien upon satisfaction of the applicable residency requirement in the Primary Residence Exemptions; and WHEREAS, the fees charged by the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder for filing and releasing a lien have increased from $13.00 to $15.00; and WHEREAS, the Town currently charges an application fee of $26.00, which amount now does not cover the Town's actual cost of filing the relevant lien and releasing such lien; and WHEREAS Section 3.12.070(g) of the AMC provides Council must "adopt a resolution setting fees for the processing and reviewing of applications ... as is determined reasonably necessary to recover the costs incurred by the Town"; and WHEREAS, Town Council now desires to increase the application fee for Primary Residence Exemptions from $26.00 to $30.00; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution will promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Res 20-20 Approving Increase in RETT Application Fees Page 1 of 3 Section 1. The Town Council hereby approves the increase in the application fee for Primary Residence Exemptions from $26.00 to $30.00. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] Res 20-20 Approving Increase in RETT Application Fees Page 2 of 3 ADOPTED this 25th day of August 2020. AVON TgWN UNCIL By: G/�L Attest: Sarah Smith-Hymes, a or Res 20-20 Approving Increase in RETT Application Fees Page 3 of 3 0(" Brenda Torres, Town Cl N OF L :