06-30-2020 IGA Eagle County and TOA regarding COVID AidDocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 Approved as to form: COLLABORATION AGREEMENT REGARDING DISBURSEMENT OF CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT FUNDS TO COUNTY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS THIS COLLABORATION AGREEMENT (“Agreement”), is made this _______________, by and between COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, a body politic and corporate (“County”) and the TOWNS OF AVON, BASALT, EAGLE, GYPSUM, MINTURN, RED CLIFF, AND VAIL IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, together considered municipal corporations and political subdivisions of the State of Colorado, (“Local Governments”). The County and the Local Governments shall be referred to herein, individually, as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties.” RECITALS A. On May 29, 2020, Colorado Department of Local Affairs (“DOLA”) will allocate up to $275M to Counties and Local Governments across the state from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (“CVRF”), in an effort to reduce the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. B. The U.S. Congress mandated CVRF as part of the federal CARES Act under Title V. It allows local governments to receive reimbursements for necessary expenditures that were not accounted for in the most recent local government budget and that were incurred as of March 1st due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. C. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the structure for how the Parties become eligible and obtain access to funds authorized by Title V, Section 5001(d) of the CARES Act and specifically allows the County and Local Governments to request reimbursement for program payments that: 1) are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of the date of enactment [March 27, 2020] of this section for the local government; and 3) were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30, 2020. Eligible expenditure guidance is provided by the U.S. Treasury (attached as Exhibit A). D. Section 18(2) of Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution and Sections 29-1-201, et seq. and 29-20-105 of the Colorado Revised Statutes authorize and encourage governments to cooperate by contracting with one another for their mutual benefit. E. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a myriad of economic distress and unanticipated costs to individuals and families, to businesses, and to the state and local governments addressing the pandemic’s effects. F. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Parties wish to be reimbursed individually for COVID-19 pandemic related costs incurred by the Parties. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 7/1/2020 I. ​FUNDING ALLOCATION FORMULA​. CARES Act funds are allocated based on the percentage of the population in a given state that resides in the jurisdiction requesting funding from the federal government. The County is allocating CARES Act funds based on prorated actual eligible costs incurred or expected to be incurred as provided by and agreed upon by all parties. The spreadsheet attached as Exhibit B, and incorporated herein, shows the amount of CARES Act funds available to the County and each Local Government pursuant to these prorated eligible costs incurred or expected to be incurred amounts. II. ​PROCESS TO OPT-IN​. The Parties that desire to participate shall complete a one-time opt-in web-based form, which will be submitted via DOLA’s Grant Portal no later than July 7th, 2020. This form requires affirmations of spending, reporting, monitoring, and certain federal requirements of County and Local Government participants for the Coronavirus Relief Funds. III. ​REIMBURSEMENT ELIGIBILITY AND ACCOUNTING​. The County and Local Governments will separately apply for the funds allocated to them as set forth in Exhibit B. The Parties understand they will need to follow all reimbursement requirements as established by DOLA for those eligible CARES Act reimbursement funds for COVID-19 pandemic related costs as further set forth in guidance provided by the U.S. Treasury, attached as Exhibit A. Generally, CVFR payments may be used for program payments that: 1) Are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19; 2) Were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of the date of enactment [March 27, 2020] of this section for the local government; and 3) Were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30, 2020. Nothing in this Agreement is a guarantee that reimbursement applications will be granted. IV. ​RETURN OF UNSPENT DOLLARS TO COUNTY​. To ensure that the maximum amount of CVRF dollars are expended for the benefit of Eagle County residents and businesses by the deadline of December 30, 2020, Towns agree to report to the County the total amount of funding requests they have submitted to DOLA by September 1, 2020. If Towns have not already requested from DOLA or submitted a plan to the County to showing they will utilize their entire allocation by the deadline, they will forfeit unspent dollars to the County who will utilize the remaining allocation for other eligible expenditures. //REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK// DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by properly authorized signatories as of the date and year first above written. Eagle County Attest: _____________________________________________________________ Kathy Chandler-Henry, Chair Town of Avon Attest: ____________________________________________________________ Sarah Smith Hymes, Mayor Town of Basalt Attest: ____________________________________________________________ Bill Kane, Mayor Town of Eagle Attest: ___________________________________________________________________ Scott Turnipseed, Mayor Town of Gypsum Attest: ____________________________________________________________ Steve Carver, Mayor Town of Minturn Attest: ____________________________________________________________ John Widerman, Mayor Town of Red Cliff Attest: ___________________________________________________________ Duke Gerber, Mayor Town of Vail Attest: __________________________________________________________ Dave Chapin, Mayor DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 Exhibit A: DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273 Exhibit B: Funding Allocation   Organization Estimated  Costs Amount  Allocated Eagle County Government $ 2,410,000 $ 2,276,595 Town of Avon $ 596,877 $ 563,837 Town of Basalt $ 235,503 $ 222,467 Town of Eagle $ 105,000 $ 99,188 Town of Gypsum $ 36,712 $ - Town of Minturn $ 46,600 $ 44,020 Town of Red Cliff $ 46,614 $ 44,034 Town of Vail $ 1,534,370 $ 1,449,435 Total Estimate/Incurred Costs $ 5,011,676 $ 4,699,577     DocuSign Envelope ID: 0611EAEA-BFF7-4807-A5D7-1266BEF12273