PZC Packet 070720A Avon COLORADO Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting July 7, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. MST DUAL IN-PERSON I WEBINAR MEETING Attendees may participate in person at 100 Mikaela Way or online. Please go to the Town of Avon website, www.Avon.org, and click on the Planning and Zoning Commission bar on the top of the home page to find information on registering to join the meeting. You can also find the agenda and meeting packet materials for the meeting under Government > Planning & Zoning Commission > Agendas, Packets & Materials. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2020 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM DUAL IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON HARDY APPROVAL OF AGENDA DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. BUSINESS ITEMS 4.1 MJR20004 MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO EXPAND THE GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT LIVING SPACE ABOVE IT ON LOT 63 BLOCK 4 WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, 5128 LONGSUN LANE (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS & SARA GIEB) 4.2 MJR20005 MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TWO DUPLEX UNITS ON LOTS 6 AND 7 RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION 358 AND 368 RIVERFRONT LANE (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS & DAVE WICK) 4.3 CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF JUNE 16, 2020 MEETING MINUTES 5. STAFF UPDATES 6. ADJOURN MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AT 970-748-4023 OR EMAIL CMCWILLIAMS@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chairperson Lindsay Hardy called the regular meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Planning Commission members present were Rebecca Smith, Jared Barnes, Donna Lang, Steve Nusbaum, and Sara Lanious. Also present were Town Planner David McWilliams and Planning Director Matt Pielsticker. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Lanious seconded the motion and it carried 6-0. 3. ELECTION OF NEW PZC CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to elect Commissioner Hardy as Chair and Commissioner Barnes as Vice -Chair. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. Commissioner Barnes left for the remainder of the meeting. 4. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX -PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS No issues were disclosed. 5. CONSENT AGENDA • APPROVAL OF JUNE 2, 2020 MEETING MINUTES • RECORD OF DECISIONS: MNR20021 TRACT J BLOCK 4 WILDRIDGE, COMMUNICATION ANTENNA MNR20019 TRACT G, NOTTINGHAM PARK PORTALET SCREENING Action: Commissioner Smith motioned to approve the Consent Agenda with a modification. Commissioner Nusbaum seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0 with Commissioner Lang abstaining and Commissioner Barnes absent. CAPACITY BUILDING SEMINAR. REVIEW OF PZC RULES INCLUDING PROCEDURES, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, AND EX PARTE COMMUNICATION. Town Attorney Paul Wisor presented information regarding procedures and ex -parte communication. 7. STAFF UPDATES Staff mentioned a new market and Block Party at the Junction Building and upcoming development applications. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business before the Commission adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. These meeting minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk's office. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: David McWilliams, Town Planner APPROVED: Lindsay Hardy, Chairperson MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS WERE NOT POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY DUE TO THEIR CLOSURE IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILUAMS AT 970-748-4023 OR EMAIL CMCWILLIAMS@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: David McWilliams, AICP, Town Planner ,avon RE: MJR20004 Major Development Plan Public Hearing Lot 63 Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision / 5128 Longsun Lane C o L o H A D o DATE: July 1, 2020 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for an addition to an existing house. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Sara Gieb (the Applicant) proposes to "pop the top" of her current garage for additional living space and build additional depth into the garage bays. Several additional exterior modifications are proposed, including door and window replacement, deck modification, exterior lights, and color change. In total, the expansion adds 913 square feet to the single-family home. PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of the public hearing was published in the June 26, 2020 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(4) of the Avon Municipal Code (AMC). Mailed notice is not required for this application type. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 63 is .419 acres located on a relatively flat section near the Longsun Lane intersection. It is zoned PUD and has development rights for a duplex. PLANNING ANALYSIS: Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: The lot has traditional Wildridge building envelope and easements: Front Side Back Drainage 25' 7.5' 10' 10' on each side Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is 35 feet and the design is 21 —1 1/8". Unit Function: The Wildridge PUD defines Dwelling Unit as "one or more rooms in addition to a kitchen and bath facilities, in a permanent building, designed for use as a dwelling exclusively by one family or one or more human beings as an independent housekeeping unit and independent of other such families." This design is ambiguous if it should be considered an additional Dwelling Unit or not. DESIGN STANDARDS ANALYSIS: Landscaping: The proposal does not include any landscaping changes. A window is proposed to be replaced by a door on the rear of the house, which will open into grass. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The proposed new building materials are stucco and wood. The new street view of the house is the north elevation, A3.1. In Staff's view, the current shed roof look is not an ideal street facing feature and the addition is somewhat of an improvement. Staff encourages a conversation regarding the use of a single material for the entirety of the two-story face. The Avon Development Code strives for heightened architectural design and elements for street facing facades. ADC section 7.28(c)(3)(i) states, "The use of high quality, durable building materials is required. Exteriorwalls shall be finished with materials used in a manner sympathetic to the scale and architectural style of the building" ADC section 7.28.090(e) is discussed below. New proposed house colors include tan for the walls, brown for siding, and dark gray for trim. All colors are compliant with applicable regulations and are earth -tone. Roof Material and Pitch: The applicant proposes a 5:12 pitch on the new roof, thereby matching the rest of the house. The ridgeline is lower than the rest of the house. Exterior Lighting: Proposed lighting is downcast and compliant with the dark sky ordinance. There are a mixture of light fixture designs and types on the existing home. Staff recommends that all lighting on the building be replaced with new dark sky compliant fixture. Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision: ADC 7.28.090(e) states: (1) Intent: (i) To preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the natural hillsides by designing projects which relate to the slope of the land and minimize the amount of project grading; and (ii) To promote development which is visually compatible with the natural topography of the surrounding area. (2) Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi -story building. Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows: (A) Four -to -twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. (B) Less than a four -to -twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. (3) Building Design: (i) Buildings shall have street -facing architectural details and elements which provide a human scale to the facade. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided. (A) The design of a structure shall create variety and interest along the street elevation. A significant alteration of the massing and composition (not just the exterior colors and materials) of each house or each townhouse or duplex unit must be accomplished. (B) The use of architectural features that increase visual prominence should be avoided. Massive, tall elements, such as two-story entries, turrets and large chimneys, should be avoided. Such elements on the downhill face of the structure are of particular concern. Staff is concerned that the garage wall facing the street results in a monotonous fagade. MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN & DESIGN REVIEW - REVIEW CRITERIA: § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The application generally complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, "Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures." Purpose (I) states, "Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon's sub -alpine environment': 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code, found below. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, "Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings." This District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. The site is relatively flat for Wildridge standards and existing mature vegetation exists on the property. Policy A.1.1 states: Encourage redevelopment and revitalization of outdated, rundown, or otherwise neglected areas. Staff does not imply that this building is rundown, only that the addition allows revitalized use and aesthetics of the property. 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application conforms with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. Conformance with the building envelope and maximum elevation are confirmed with the application. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: Staff referred the proposal to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) for compliance with the property's' water allocation and received no response. Staff added the successful completion of any ERWSD requirements as a condition of approval for this application. All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review: 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code;and Staff Response: The design is compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. 3. The design reflects the long- range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR MJR20004: Staff recommends approval of the Major Development Plan for Lot 63 Block 4 Wildridge, with the following findings and conditions: Findings: The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; The application is complete; The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District approval will be confirmed before a building permit will be issued; and 2. All light fixtures on the property shall be dark sky compliant. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Case #MJR20004, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 63 Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact and conditions outlined by Staff." ATTACHMENT: A. Application Materials Thank you, David McWilliams 970-749-4023 / cmcwilliams(a0von.org SARA AND LEVI GIEB RESIDENCE ADDITION 5128 LONGSUN LN. LOT 63, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUB. AVON, CO 81620 6-1 5-20 EXISTING / DEMO 0 0 0 N O N N z. DESIGN REVIEW EXISTING / NEW NEW AREA Name Area NEW GARAGE NEW FINISHED 327.9 SF 584.7 SF Grand total: 2 912.6 SF SHEET LIST Sheet # Sheet Name A0.0 COVER A2.0 NEW FLOOR PLANS A2.1 FLOOR PLANS A3.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A4.0 BUILDING SECTIONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC BASIC SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE OWNER CONTEMPLATING CONTINUED INVOLVEMENT, SELECTIONS AND DECISION MAKING BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THROUGH COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE DOCUMENTS INDICATE THE SCOPE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPTS APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND INCLUDE DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING, THE TYPES OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS AND AN OUTLINE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ELEMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PROVIDE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES AS OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AND THEREFORE DO NOT NECESSARILY INDICATE OR DESCRIBE ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FULL PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK. IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL WORK REQUIRED FOR PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORK AND THAT THE WORK SHALL BE OF SOUND AND QUALITY CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND ALL MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR, BASED ON THE FOREGOING, SHALL PREPARE FOR OWNER REVIEW A REALISTIC BUDGET WITH A LATITUDE OF PRICES BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS OF SCOPE OF WORK AND OWNER PRODUCT SELECTIONS. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS, MUNICIPAL AND/OR COUNTY ZONING CODES, PERTINENT IRC 2015 CODE REQUIREMENTS, AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS AS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND APPROVAL BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT. VICINITY MAP 5,23 LONGSUN LN � Lu 0 Attachment A Lu m D U) z fwn V O N ry m Lu O _ U -o w_ > Q 0Lu �Lu > J m0� C) LLJ �Uz Q U c0 z 0 Q z O>w Q J Q D W J z Cj) u LLJ `D z fly 0 J 00 N T— o� J�' G° ,# O� 0 z= 00 w� �o 0 Z Q � N O L0 O r N O W O U O 0 z U (B 0 m D U) z fwn V O N ry m Lu O _ U -o w_ > Q 0Lu �Lu > J m0� C) LLJ �Uz Q U c0 z 0 Q z O>w Q J Q D W J z Cj) u LLJ `D z fly 0 J 00 N T— o� J�' G° ,# O� 0 z= 00 w� �o 0 Z Q � N O L0 O r N O W O U O 0 z U (B 0