PZC Minutes 112883i
NOVE11BER 28, 1983, 6:30 PPI
The Special Pleetina of the Avon Planning andZoning Commission was held on
November 28, 1983, at 6:30 PM in the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. The Fleeting was called to order by Chairman
Bill Pierce.
Members Present: Jerry Davis, Mike Blair, Clint Watkins, Bill Pierce, Jim
Meehan, Tom Landauer, Pat Cuny
Staff Absent: Dick Kvach, Planning Director
Staff Present: Jim Lamont, new Planning Director; Maggie Lach, Recording
Peregrine Village Condominiums, Lot 63, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision -
Bill Pierce inquired of members of the T6��in Council who were present as to the
purpose of the Special Fleeting and the actions needed to be taken.
It was represented that in order for Pereqrine to actuate their loan closing by
November 30, 1983, that the Town Council required that the Planning Commission
review all prior conditions established in a memorandum by the Design Review
Board in June of 1980. Secondly, to determine if the applicants' parking plan
met existing code requirements.
The Planninq Commission approval was necessary to reinstate the 1980 D.R.B.
approval. The original approval had lapsed in June, 1982. It was necessary
for the Planning Commission to reaffirm the Town Council's grant of extension.
Greg Gane, a representative of the applicant, reviewed nine conditions set forth
in the June, 1980 D.R.B. memorandum. Gage described the Peregrine Project located
on Lot 63, Block 2. The project, as proposed, has 103 dwelling units and gross
commercial S.F. of 67,000.
Rick Larson, a representative of the applicant, reviewed the conformance with
each of the nine conditions with the Planning Commission:
1) Peregrine Properties will meet the Town's filtration and discharge
standards for drainage when set by the Town of Avon.
The project conforms to the Town's standards and master drainage plan.
Minutes of Special Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
November 28, 1983
Peregrine Village Condominiums
Lot 63, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision
Page 2 of 4
2) Subject to acceptable design and financial interface of Peregrine
Properties' landscape plan with the proposed exterior mall plan when
finally designed and an agreement in principal to participate on
some 'pro rata' basis in the additional cost of this proposed town
mall area.
The applicant participated in the design of the town mall. Financial
involvement was not required, as the mall project was funded in its entirety by
municipal bonds.
3) Subject to Town of Avon's granting vacation of lot lines and
easements interior on this site.
Property lines were vacated and recorded on April 1, 1981.
4) Subject to final agreement at a future date on the color of the
ballast used on the flat roofs.
The applicant proposed a dark brown tar and ballast over flat roofed
commercial areas.
5) Subject to future approval of the Design Review Board of the
Interior Public Ways.
The applicant illustrated three pedestrian passageways that penetrated the
ground level commercial area.
6) Final approval of landscaping and lighting plan.
The applicant agreed to install liqht fixtures which were compatible with
fixtures installed on the town mall. Landscaping would be in accord with the
existing site plan.
7) Final approval on color and texture of roofs.
The applicant proposed a dark brown synthetic roofing membrane.
8) Snow removal and storage need to be studied.
The applicant to provide a snow storage plan and committed to remove snow should
the plan be insufficient.
Minutes of Special Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
November 28, 1983
Perearine Village Condominiums
Lot 63, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision
Page 3 of 4
9) This project will start in August and will not be phased.
The applicant stated that the project would begin as soon as loan closing
procedures were completed and that the project would be complete in a single
(10) Parking requirements.
The applicant demonstrated that the project parking plan could meet revised
parking requirements for 103 condominium units and 67,000 S.F. of commercial
The applicant proposed 356 surface and underground parking spaces. 92 spaces
were proposed as compact car spaces. According to Norman blood, Town Engineer,
the proportion of compact car spaces would require a Special Review Use. The
procedure fora S.R.U. would delay the approval process. To avoid delay, the
engineer proposed that the 92 compact spaces be pro -rated with the area of a
full size space, reducing the number of actual spaces to 72. The actual number
of parking spaces would be 336 full size spaces. Wood recommended that the
allowable commercial S.F. be fixed at 52,000 S.F. The remaining 15,000 S.F.
of commercial space could be granted once the applicant received additional
approvals from the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission expressed its concerns regarding the points raised by
the applicant and Town Staff. Of principal concern was roofing materials.
Jim Meehan opposed the proposed roofing material. Tom Landauer felt that a
ballast roof would be the most appropriate.
After considerable discussion, the Planning Commission voted on each condition
as enumerated in the June, 1980 G.R.B. memorandum: and addressed by the applicant.
Condition F1: Approved subject to final staff approval.
Condition �2: Approved as presented.
Condition r3: Approved as presented.
Condition 4: Approved ballast for flat roof on commercial roofing. Subject
to final approval of color for ballast.
Condition #5: Subject to future review and approval.
Condition 7176: Approved if applicant can demonstrate that 20" of the site is
open space as deteriiiined by the town staff. If not, plan needs
to be modified and resubmitted.
Minutes of Special Planning & Zoninq Commission Meetina
November 28, 1983
Peregrine Villace Condominiums
Lot 63, Block 2, Benchnark Subdivision
Pan,e 4 of 4
Condition #7: The tower roof was approved as a dark brown metal roof or
subject to further approval of color and texture for alternative
roofing material.
Condition 7#8: Approved subject to further study by Town Enqineer. Snow
removal condition required in condominiun,, declaration.
Condominium association pays for snow removal.
Condition #9: Approved as presented.
Condition #10: Approved subject to conformance with present parking requirements.
336 parking spaces for 103 dwelling units and 52,000 S.F. of
commercial space.
Clint !Watkins moved to approve application according to conditions set forth
on each item,.
Tom Landauer seconded the motion.
Jerry Davis abstained from voting due to the fact that he felt there was not
adequate material available to him for review.
Motion carried unanimously.
Bill Pierce, in his closing remarks, stated that he hoped the unusual circum-
stance surrounding the special meeting did not set an unfavorable precedent.
He believed that the Planning Commission and Town Council should have followed
established procedures. He further stated thea an applicants financial
condition was insufficient cause for the unpreceaented action taken by the
Cor,mission and Town Council.
°at Cuny motioned to adjourn the meetinn.
Jerry Davis seconded the motion.
Carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Respectfully Subi,n-i tt d,
Marnaul� M. Lach
Recordinq Secretary
Clint Watkins
Bill Pierce
Mike Blair. -
Pat Cuny
Tom Landaue
Jim Meehan
Jerry Davis