02-07-2020 Executed Agreement CMNM Home for HoundsName of Event: Home For Hounds Name of Sponsor: Town of Avon
This CMNM Event Sponsorship Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the last signature date below (the "Effective Date") by
and between Colorado Mountain News Media, Co., a Nevada corporation ("CMNM") and the following Sponsor ("Sponsor"):
Name of Sponsor: Town of Avon
Address: PO Box 975 Avon, Co 81620
Contact name: Danita Dempsey Email: ddempsey@avon.org Phone: 970.748.4065 (0) 970.471.9136 (M)
Name of Sponsor as it should appear in Event Promotional Materials: Town of Avon
CMNM is hosting the following event (the "Event")
Event: Home For Hounds Project
Date(s) and Time (s): June 23 — July 23, 2020
Event Location: Main Street Mall, Avon, CO
Sponsor desires to sponsor the Event as provided in this Agreement
1. Sponsorship Levels, Fees and Sponsor Responsibilities. Sponsor hereby agrees to sponsor the Event at the sponsorship level and shall pay
to CMNM a fee (the "Sponsorship Fee") as set out below:
Sponsorship Level: Community Sponsor
Sponsorship Fee: $9000 payable in full to CMNM by March 31, remaining balance of $9000 due July 30, 2020.
In exchange for the benefits and privileges associated with the Sponsorship Level indicated above, Sponsor also agrees to any requirements set forth in
the CMNM responsibilities summary and to the following:
o Staging location on Mail Street Mall In Avon, CO for Home for Hounds
o Public Works support as needed for install of doghouses, based on staff availability
o Booth space at Salute to USA event on July 3, 2020 to promote Home for Hounds
2. CMNM Responsibilities. CMNM agrees to provide all benefits and privileges specified for its level of sponsorship, and also agrees to provide:
Exclusive Sponsorship to Town of Avon
• Naming rights of the event — Your name and logo will be included in the logo, and in all marketing collateral associated with this event.
• A feature story in the Vail Daily introducing this story to our community, and highlighting your support
• Opportunity to be involved in the planning and development of exhibit debut
• Opportunity to have one of your organization's representatives interviewed on our video coverage of the event from Tricia Swenson, which
will run on a variety of Vail Daily media assets.
• Native piece to run in the Vail Daily during the event, Special section to run the day of the project kick-off
• Minimum of 6-'/Z page ads dedicated to your business to run during the project display period.
• Your organization's logo in all print, digital and social media marketing with liks where applicable to your website.
• Opt -in email for your business from our event cultivated database.
3. Sponsor Trademarks/Sponsor Materials. (a) Except as expressly provided herein, neither the Sponsor nor CMNM shall have the right to use in
any way the corporate or trade name, trademark(s), logo(s), or company descriptions of the other party without such party's prior written consent.
(b) Sponsor hereby grants to CMNM and its affiliates a royalty -free, non-exclusive, world-wide license to use and display Sponsor's trade name,
trademarks, logos and company descriptions as prepared and delivered to CMNM (or its affiliates) by Sponsor ("Sponsor Materials"), for the purpose of
advertising and promoting the Event in any medium of advertising, including without limitation, newspapers, television, and the Internet, and in
accordance with Sponsor's trademark usage guidelines, if any, provided to CMNM. If such guidelines are not provided, CMNM may modify Sponsor
Materials to fit any print space provided.
4. Term. This Agreement shall be from the Effective Date through the end of the Event, unless terminated in accordance with its terms.
5. CMNM's Standard Sponsorship Terms and Conditions. This Agreement is subject to the CMNM's standard sponsorship terms and
conditions set forth at LUCK HERR."., which are incorporated herein by this reference. This Agreement may not be amended or modified
except in writing signed by both parties.
Date: 2020
TOA Sponsorship Agreement.docx
Colorado Mountain News Media, Co.
Name: Krista eHeera
Title:Event Director
Date: February 5, 2020