PZC Packet 0204201 Agenda posted on Friday, January 31, 2020 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Avon Elementary School, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 4, 2020 If you require special accommodation, please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970-748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. 3:30pm 950 West Beaver Creek Blvd Site Tour Concerning Item IV. Location Character and Extent Summary: Plan for approximately 60 minutes and meet at the entrance to the Avon Wastewater Treatment facility. There will be a brief presentation within the offices, and then an outdoor tour of the facility and planned expansion. Inclement weather and hazardous conditions may be experienced. Members of the public are welcome to join. 5:00pm 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building I. Roll Call II. Conflicts of Interest III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Location Character and Extent – 950 West Beaver Creek Blvd – PUBLIC HEARING File: LCE2001 Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Property: Tract N and O Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Summary: Nutrient upgrades in order to meet Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) water quality regulations related to Nitrogen and Phosphorous, and in-stream water quality standards. Several plant improvements are planned as part of the project; all detailed within the application. A companion 1041 Permit Application will be heard at future Town Council meetings. V. Minor Sign Plan – Avon Road – PUBLIC HEARING File: SGN19001 Applicant: Town of Avon Property: Avon Road Railroad Bridge Summary: Two (2) new LED signs for permanent installation on the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge. VI. Consent Agenda A. PZC Meeting Minutes – January 21, 2020 B. Record of Decision - MDR20001, Old Town Hall Demolition Plan VII. Staff Updates Lot B Hotel; Wildwood Housing; Park Improvements; Special Events VIII. Adjourn Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Staff Report – Minor Development Plan February 4, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Case #LCE20001 Project type Location Character Extent Public Hearing Required Legal Description Tract N and O Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Public Facilities (PF) Address 950 West Beaver Creek Blvd Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: LCE20001: Location, Character & Extent for a proposed expansion of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (District) Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF). Summary of Request Expansion of the plant is required to comply with new State of Colorado effluent standards and is planned as part of a $150 million Capital Improvement Plan. As described in more detail below, proposed expansion of public facilities requires a Location Character & Extent (LCE) application process as a basis to judge the project. This application process can be interpreted as a development plan application with different criteria, mandated by the State. While not the basis of the decision, staff also included the design review criteria found in typical development applications to provide additional points of clarity. Background As outlined on page 7 of the application, the District has put lots of time and thought into the decision to expand this facility. A new building will house new systems (Attachment A, page 18) to further treat waste water before being released back into the Eagle River. The best renderings showing the existing and proposed modifications are found on page 50 of the application. Construction is expected to last between 32-36 months, with commencement planned for Spring 2020. Please refer to the Attachment K link for a detailed schedule. Location Character Extent The LCE review process is used for the review of proposed public facilities or uses as provided by Section 31-23-209 of the Colorado Revised Statue Process The Planning and Zoning Commission is requested to take formal action on this LCE Public Hearing. Town Council will then review the 1041 Permit Application (for projects in an area of state interest) and use the decision from this LCE as a basis for final approval before a building permit will be issued. The 1041 application is slated for Town Council review on February 25 and March 10 if needed. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Property Description Tract N and O are located between the Eagle River and the railroad corridor, with access to West Beaver Creek Boulevard from Millie’s Lane. The site is very visible from Nottingham Park and Highway 6 and gives this area an industrial feel. The site is 100% disturbed with a combination of below and above ground structures, surface parking, and storage areas. The properties include a public easement for the Eagle Valley Regional trail, which runs the length of the southern property lines. 7.16.150 Location , Character & Extent Application “It is the intent of this Section to conform to the provisions of Section 31-23-209, C.R.S., to define the factors to be considered in the ‘Location, Character and Extent’ process and to prescribe procedures for the orderly consideration of location , character and extent applications in order to effectuate the purposes of the state statute. (a) Applicability. No road, park, public way, ground or space, no public building or structure and no major facility of a public utility shall be constructed or authorized, and no building permit for the same shall be issued, in the Town unless and until the proposed location, character and extent thereof has been submitted to and approved by the Town. Routine extensions of public utility lines and minor modifications to existing facilities shall not be subject to this procedure.” The LCE process is intended to verify that public improvements for activities, primarily funded by taxes, are of benefit to the public and in compliance with Town standards and the local Comprehensive Plan. Development Standards Analysis Allowed Use and Density: The subject property is zoned PF, which is intended for “uses such as community centers, police and fire stations and governmental facilities.” Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: With 36.4% lot coverage, the proposed structures are compliant with the applicable dimensional standards of the PF District. The project crosses an internal lot line and is subject to a Minor Subdivision Application to comply with setbacks. A utility easement servicing the old barn will likely be abandoned in this process as well. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is 40 feet. The proposal will not increase building height and new structures will match existing rooflines and adjacent structures. An Improvement Location Certificate is will verify compliance at both foundation and framing inspections. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Parking: The applicant proposes to have only the office space considered as the applicable Gross Floor Area (GFA). While the development proposes 84,194 total square feet of GFA, the office area is 7,652 square feet, requiring 32 spaces under the “Government services, offices, and facilities” use group(336 spaces for the whole GFA). The “general industrial uses unless otherwise stated” use group requires 1 parking space per 800 square feet GFA (106 spaces for the entire project, 10 for the office space). The proposal includes 48 parking spaces. Exterior Lighting: The Applicant is proposing to use all dark sky compliant lights for new fixtures (Exhibit D). However, staff believes there are existing lights on the structure that do not meet the dark sky ordinance, which may remain after construction. This application should be an opportunity to confirm that all exterior lights meet the ordinance, and staff suggests a combination of lighting types that will be compliant with the Dark Sky Ordinance and meet the definition of "full cutoff ' per code. Building Design: The proposed design is best described as boxy and industrial. Development code requires recesses and projections, changes in texture and color, or vertical accents to break up linear aspects of a building, which are minimally present. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Colors and Materials: The building is proposed to be painted three colors, two grays and a brown color (Attachment A, page 50 and Exhibit B, sheet 05A05). Existing building elements will be repaired as needed, with all existing building elements repainted to match existing colors. This process is expected to provide a more uniform look to the site. Roof Material and Pitch: New structures are designed to match existing rooflines, which are mostly flat. The proposal builds a new concrete superstructure over the existing grass covered roof of the aeration basin tank that is now a grass covered roof. The Development Code requires roofline modulation, which is minimally present. Screening: The proposal includes three (3) tall Strobic Fans (Attachment A, page 52) which propel odorous air into the sky. From Nottingham Park, they will be the most visually impactful elements of the design. Development Code requires screening of mechanical equipment with a parapet wall or similar feature. Staff suggests, at a minimum, that the fan stacks be painted either black or the darkest color available from the palette. PZC could work with the applicant to investigate alternative odor reduction methods for the aeration basins or seek additional screening of the equipment. Landscaping: The PF zone district does not have a minimum landscaped area requirement and is therefore exempt from this portion of the review. The landscaping plan essentially calls for native seed for any disturbed areas. Staff is aware that the District is working with the adjacent Liftview Condominiums complex to possibly replant trees removed on the western edge (pictured right, and Exhibit B, sheet 05C16) and encourages a creative solution. Currently, there is approximately 140 feet and a mature set of trees between the secondary clarifier building and the nearest condo. With the addition of the west secondary clarifier and the aeration basin structure, a continuous blank wall roughly 60 feet from the condo is proposed. The old barn location will be used for lay-down during construction, and a swath of trees in the area is proposed to be removed and resurfaced with asphalt. An auto path around the property is permanently proposed for the area. Staff suggests that appropriate areas on either side of the road and along the exterior of the fence line be re-planted with trees. This would minimize the loss of trees (per the Comprehensive Plan criteria, below) and provide appropriate screening from the Eagle Valley Trail. Alternatively, a revision that preserves or enhances trees on the southern side would be preferred. Overall, the site will become slightly more impervious but improved stormwater quality controls will offset the difference. Irrigation: The native seed is proposed to be temporarily irrigated until established. Fencing: To mitigate the loss of screening trees, a 10’ tall architectural fence is proposed on the western property line adjacent to the Liftview Condos. Plan Sheet 05A12 (Exhibit B) contains a landscape plan and fence detail. Staff would appreciate a photo of the proposed fence for staff approval. Code allows a maximum of 5 feet fences, however, there is an exception for unique security purposes. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Review Criteria §7.16.150(d) Location, Character & Extent Review Criteria (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of this Development Code; Staff Response: The application was found in conformance with the purposes of the Avon Development Code (Sec. 7.04.030). Specifically, select purposes state: (g) Promote sufficient, economical and high-quality provision of all public services and public facilities, including but not limited to water, sewage, schools, libraries, police, parks, recreation, open space and medical facilities; (j) Sustain water sources by maintaining the natural watershed, preventing accelerated erosion, reducing runoff and consequent sedimentation, eliminating pollutants introduced directly into streams and enhancing public access to recreational water sources; (m) Achieve innovation and advancement in design of the built environment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce emission of pollutants, reduce consumption of non-renewable natural resources and attain sustainability; (p) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community. (2) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The application was reviewed in accordance with the applicable sections of the Avon Comprehensive Plan (linked below) and has been determined by Staff to be generally compliant with all relevant purposes, goals and policies contained therein. Selected components of the Plan are below: Goal G.1: Protect Avon’s unique natural setting and its open spaces. Policy G.1.4: Minimize and mitigate potential development impacts to wildlife and watersheds. Policy G.1.4: Locate parking areas, trash containers, loading, and service areas so they are screened or buffered to minimize impacts on the Eagle River or surrounding uses. The properties are in the Riverfront District, with select Planning Principles cited below: • Improve and enhance connections to the linear park along the river, the Eagle Valley Trail, Town Center, Beaver Creek, and Nottingham Park. • Orient buildings to capitalize on the Eagle River as an amenity. Use sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, screening, and scale of structure to preserve the character of the river and its associated natural habitat. • Limit building height to a scale that is subordinate to Town Center and compatible with the river environment. Buildings should be designed to step down in height as they near the river and in response to the natural topography. • Adhere to the Eagle River Watershed Management Plan for river setbacks and best practices for development in proximity to the river. • Locate parking areas and building services away from the river and reduce their impact on the river corridor. • Minimize the loss of trees and impact to the riparian area while achieving urban design goals. Staff feels that the additional landscaping considerations mentioned above are needed to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 (3) Physical suitability of the land for the public way, place, structure, facility or utility; Staff Response: The proposed facility expansion will be added to an existing facility on the site. PZC should carefully weigh if this plan is physically suited for the structure. (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and Staff Response: The facility is correctly zoned and adequately served by existing infrastructure to accommodate the treatment plan expansion. Existing nearby uses are either benefiting from the diminished odors (Attachment A, page 41), or properly buffered from the site. Tract G, the river, and Highway 6 all provide significant buffers to much of the surrounding land uses. Nottingham Park itself will be impacted by diminished views with more visible flat roofs, piping, and hardscape. (5) Adequate mitigation of adverse impact on nearby properties or neighborhoods, including but not limited to traffic, noise, odors, vibrations and property values. Staff Response: As mentioned, the final facility will have some impact to residential properties in the area as well as Nottingham Park. Odor and noise impacts were studied and demonstrate negative impacts (Attachment A, page 41 and 45). Construction impacts are proposed to be addressed in an ongoing manner as the nature of the project changes (Exhibit A, page 31). Construction related traffic and noise, and 24 months of crane operation will impact the vicinity. The District plans to conduct only necessary operations at the plant during construction, relocate service trucks, and hold meetings at different locations for the duration of the project. Avon Development Code Design Standards While these standards are not called out for LCE review, staff is including them to anchor the application in terms that the PZC is accustomed to. PZC is encouraged to review these criteria but not use them for the basis for their decision. §7.16.080(f), Development Plan (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: See above. (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.090, Design Review. Staff Response: Staff finds this plan compliant with the Design Review criteria listed in the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks high quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with their site and surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below in response to the Design Review criteria. (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: See above. (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: Staff suggests a condition to approval modifying the lot lines through a Minor Subdivision Application. Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The LCE application does not specifically address design standards, however, staff encourages a discussion regarding the building design, screening, landscaping, and fencing on the property. (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The location of the proposed facility is capable of being served by existing utilities and services. §7.16.090(f), Design Review (1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The proposed mass and scale of the structure is in part a result, and related to, the development decisions made in Avon and surrounding mountain communities. (2) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: Besides previously discussed items, the design is compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. (3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Except where mentioned, t he design is considerate of these plans. Staff Recommendation for Application LCE19001 Location, Character & Extent Staff recommends approving the applications for Tract N and O, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the following findings and conditions: Findings: (1) The development application is complete; (2) The development application provides sufficient information to allow PZC to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; (3) The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan including Goal G.1 and Policy G.1.4; (4) The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application; and (5) The proposed application LCE20001 was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.150(d), Location, Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Application – February 4, 2020 Character and Extent, and was determined to be compliant with the review criteria. Conditions: (1) A Minor Subdivision Application is required to modify lot lines; (2) Screening alternatives will be brought before Town Council for the fan stacks; (3) A new landscape plan must be approved by PZC prior to completion of the project. The former barn area shall be planted with appropriate riverine trees to replace, at a 1:1 value or better, any trees removed and not replanted on the adjacent property (Lot 9 Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek) and to properly screen the Eagle Valley Trail; and (4) The fence design will be presented to Planning staff for approval before its construction; (5) All lighting on the property shall comply with Avon’s Dark Sky Ordinance before a final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued Recommended Motion: I move to approve Case #LCE20001, an application for Location, Character and Extent pursuant to State Statutes for the proposed development on Tract N and O , Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the findings and conditions as listed by staff. Attachments A. 1041 Permit Application B. Supplemental Information Memorandum Exhibit A – Overall Site Plan Exhibit B – Curated Plan Sheets Exhibit C – Landscape Plan Exhibit D – Lighting Plan C. Referral form and responses Links Attachment A. Application agree to Pay Title Commitments Attachment B. B CPO affidavit and list Attachment C. survey and project design plans Attachment D. MOU and addendum Attachment E. copies of permits Attachment F. environmental impact report Attachment G. geotechnical report Attachment H. 2017 WW master plan update Attachment I. Avon WWTF NUP Engineering Report Attachment J. ERWSD service area map Attachment K. cpm schedule Attachment L. cost estimate and budget Attachment M. ERWSD cash flow forecast Attachment N. ERWSD service plan Attachment O. Avon WWTF SPCC Plan Attachment P. odor control report Attachment Q. noise modeling report Attachment R. WQCD Regulation 85 Avon Comprehensive Plan Eagle River Watershed Plan Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility Application for a Town of Avon Permit to Conduct a Designated Activity of State and Local Interest December 13, 2019 Submitted by: Prepared by: Attachment A i SECTION I: Introduction and Overview ....................................................................... 7 Background ............................................................................................................................. 7 Avon Treatment Facility Modifications ..................................................................................... 8 SECTION II: Avon Development Code 7.40.220: Application Submittal Requirements 12 a) Information regarding the applicant ............................................................................ 12 b) Information regarding the proposed Project ............................................................... 14 c) A report completed by a qualified environmental engineer summarizing the environmental impacts of the project on air quality, threatened or endangered species, visual quality, noise and vibrations and odors, within the area to be impacted by the project. ........ 30 d) A report completed by a qualified traffic engineer summarizing the impact of the proposed project on the Town's existing and planned transportation network. ..................... 31 e) A description of the existing levels, demand for, adequacy and the operational and maintenance costs of public services and facilities affected by the project, including services and facilities of the Town and other affected local governments, including but not limited to Eagle County, school districts and special districts. .............................................................. 32 f) A report summarizing the socio-economic impacts of the proposed project. ............. 32 g) A report summarizing the anticipated impact of the project on existing land uses within the Town and other existing property rights. ......................................................................... 34 h) A report summarizing all mitigation that is proposed to avoid, minimize, rectify, compensate for or eliminate adverse impacts and to maximize positive impacts resulting from the proposed project for each impact category to be affected by the proposed project. 40 SECTION III: Avon Development Code 7.40.640 Submission Requirements applicable to the Avon WWTF 1041 .................................................................................................... 54 a) The need for the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; ... 54 b) The planned level of service in relationship to projected user demand, both regionally and within the Town; .............................................................................................................. 55 c) The approximate number of residential, commercial or industrial users of the proposed SWWP in terms of existing Town residents and non-Town residents; .................. 56 d) Locations of and engineering drawings for wells, diversion structures, reservoirs, storage structures or other structures or facilities required for the SWWP; ........................... 57 e) A description of the proposed capacity of the SWWP, treatment methods and technologies, proposed budget and service area of the SWWP; .......................................... 57 f) A map of the service area of the SWWP; ................................................................... 57 g) A list of end users and types of land use development to be served by the proposed SWWP; .................................................................................................................................. 58 Attachment A ii h) A description of proposed methods of ensuring efficient use of water resources, metering of all uses, examination of rate structures to discourage waste and recycling of water for reuse where permissible under Colorado water law; .............................................. 58 i) A study or report evidencing that the proposed SWWP will supply water of a quality which meets current standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; ......................................................................................................................... 59 j) Any documents describing the engineering, architecture or design of any impoundment structures associated with the SWWP, whether surface or subsurface, and any appurtenant facilities, including any submittals by the applicant to the office of the State Engineer; ............................................................................................................................... 59 k) If applicable, the applicant will attach a copy of the completed or proposed site application form required by the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission; ................... 60 l) Any health and safety hazards, including exposure to hazardous materials, which may result from the siting of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; 60 m) How the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP and its impacts will conform to the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies; ................. 60 n) How the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP and its impacts will conform to any applicable regional and state plans, goals, objectives and policies; .................................................................................................................................. 62 o) The increased demand that the SWWP will place on the following public services, both regionally and within the Town: employment, schools, commercial services, health services, police and fire protection, solid waste disposal, storm water collection and release systems, power, communications, other public and quasi-public utilities and other planned public services; ...................................................................................................................... 63 p) The costs and benefits to the region and to the Town resulting from the land use commitment necessitated or facilitated by the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP compared to alternative projected land uses in terms of land suitability, community services, utilities and revenues; ......................................................... 64 q) Local and regional impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on water quality and water resources, including effects on floodplains and wetland values and functions; ............................................................................................... 64 r) Impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on sensitive, endangered or threatened species and scenic, parks, recreational or other natural resources; .............................................................................................................................. 65 s) Impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on the character of adjacent or nearby neighborhoods or development; and .................................. 65 t) Evidence that the applicant has provided written notice via certified mail to all property owners within or adjacent to the impact area that the applicant or other entity involved in the construction, modification or expansion of the SWWP anticipates may have a real property interest acquired by the applicant or other such entity through arms' length negotiation or through the exercise of the power of eminent domain. .......................................................... 66 Attachment A iii SECTION IV: Avon Development Code 7.40.660 - Approval of Permit Application.67 a) All of the provisions of the 1041 Permit application procedure set forth in Article III of these Regulations have been complied with; ........................................................................ 67 b) Demographic trends demonstrate a need for the SWWP in order to timely serve existing and future residents and businesses within the Town; ............................................. 67 c) Desirable local and regional community land use patterns will not be disrupted due to the location of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; ........... 67 d) The construction, expansion or modification of all dams or other impoundment structures required by the SWWP, if any, will comply with engineering requirements specified by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Office of the State Engineer. ............... 67 e) The proposed SWWP is not subject to significant risk from earthquakes, floods, fires, subsidence, expansive soils, avalanches, landslides or other natural hazards. .................... 68 f) The proposed SWWP will not present an unreasonable risk of exposure to toxic or hazardous substances within the impact area. ...................................................................... 68 g) The proposed SWWP will not significantly deteriorate floodplains, wetlands or riparian areas in the impact area. ....................................................................................................... 68 h) The proposed SWWP will not significantly degrade existing visual quality, noise and vibration levels or odor levels in the impact area. .................................................................. 68 i) The proposed SWWP is technically and financially feasible. ..................................... 68 j) The proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP will not directly conflict with the Comprehensive Plan or other applicable local, regional and state master plans, including but not limited to storm drainage and flood control plans and storm water quality plans and programs; .................................................................................................. 69 k) The SWWP promotes the efficient use of water. ........................................................ 69 l) The existing wastewater treatment facilities or water treatment facilities within the Town and which serve the service area must be at or near operational capacity or will be within five (5) years from the date construction of the SWWP is initiated, based on then- current demographic trends. .................................................................................................. 69 m) The proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP will not increase water pollution levels in violation of applicable federal, state and local water quality control standards and will result in no net loss of wetland values and functions; .............................. 69 n) The applicant has the technical and financial ability to develop and operate the proposed project in a manner that is consistent with the permit conditions and the public health, safety and welfare. ..................................................................................................... 70 o) The nature and scope of the SWWP will not compete with existing water or wastewater treatment services or create duplicative services within the Town boundaries. . 70 SECTION V: Avon Development Code 7.16.150 – Location, Character and Extent 71 (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of this Development Code; ..... 71 (2) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; ...................................................... 73 (3) Physical suitability of the land for the public way, place, structure, facility or utility; .. 74 Attachment A iv (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and ........................................................... 74 (5) Adequate mitigation of adverse impact on nearby properties or neighborhoods, including but not limited to traffic, noise, odors, vibrations and property values. .................................. 74 List of Figures Figure 1. Project location map .................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2. Project overview. ....................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3. Avon WWTF expansion renderings (Eidos Architects). ............................................ 16 Figure 4. Avon WWTF existing liquid and solid stream simplified process flow diagram (Carollo). ................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5. Avon WWTF proposed liquid and solid stream simplified process flow diagram (Carollo). ................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 6: ERWSD Annual Debt Service Payments Forecast .................................................... 29 Figure 7: Colorado High Country Water and Sewer Rates ....................................................... 33 Figure 8: 50 Cites Rate Survey ................................................................................................ 34 Figure 9: Land Use/Zoning of Adjacent Properties (TOA Zoning Map) ................................... 39 Figure 10: Adjacent Land Use (Aerial Image) .......................................................................... 39 Figure 11: Past Conditions (Avon ATAD in Operation) – Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours .. 42 Figure 12: Current Conditions– Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours ......................................... 43 Figure 13: Typical carbon scrubber system .............................................................................. 44 Figure 14: Strobic Fan ............................................................................................................... 44 Figure 15: Conditions After Project Completion– Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours .............. 45 Figure 17: Daytime Town of Avon Ambient Traffic Noise. Sources: I-70 and Highway 6. ........ 47 Figure 18: Nighttime Town of Avon Ambient Traffic Noise. Sources: I-70 and Highway 6. ...... 47 Figure 19: High Velocity Fan Noise Profile ............................................................................... 48 Figure 20: Carbon Scrubber Fan (with Enclosures) Noise Profile. ........................................... 49 Figure 21: Current Avon WWTF from Beaver Creek Landing. .................................................. 50 Figure 22: Proposed Avon WWTF from Beaver Creek Landing. .............................................. 51 Figure 23 Current Avon WWTF from Nottingham Lake. ........................................................... 51 Figure 24: Proposed Avon WWTF from Nottingham Lake ....................................................... 52 Figure 25. District current and projected SingleFamily Equivalents (SFE) by subdivision (from 2017 MPU). ............................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 26: Map of the Avon WWTF service area ..................................................................... 58 Attachment A v List of Attachments Attachment A: Application Forms and Title Commitment Attachment B: Certified Property Owners Affidavit and List Attachment C: Survey and Project Design Plans Attachment D: Memorandum of Understanding with CDPHE and Addendum Attachment E: Copies of Federal, State and Local permits Attachment F: Environmental Impact Report Attachment G: Geotechnical Report Attachment H: 2017 Wastewater Facilities Master Plan Update, Attachment I: Avon WWTF Nutrient Upgrades Project Engineering Report Attachment J: Wastewater Service Boundary Map Attachment K: Project Critical Path Method Construction Schedule Attachment L: Construction Cost Estimate and Project Budget Attachment M: ERWSD Cash Flow Forecast Attachment N: ERWSD Service Plan Attachment O: Avon WWTF Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan Attachment P: Avon WWTF Odor Control Summary Report Attachment Q: Noise Modeling Report Attachment R: Water Quality Control Division Regulation 85 Attachment A Avon WWTF Upgrades: Application Contacts Applicant Linn Brooks, General Manager Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (District) 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (p) 970.477.5444 I lbrooks@erwsd.org Project Team Contacts Becky Luna, PE, Senior Project Manager, Associate Vice President Jeff Berlin, PE, Project Manager, Associate Vice President Carollo Engineering 390 Interlocken Crescent Suite 800 Broomfield, CO 80021 (p) 303.404.6311 I Bluna@carrollo.com, Jberlin@carrollo.com, Lori Hansen, AIA, NCARB Eidos Architects, PC 5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 I Lhanson@eidosarch.com Tambi Katieb, AICP Daiva Miselis, MS, PWS Land Planning Collaborative / Watershed Environmental Consultants P.O. Box 3722, Eagle, CO 81631 (p) 970.401.3861 I tambi@landplanco.com, daiva@landplanco.com Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 7 SECTION I: Introduction and Overview Background The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (District) owns, operates, and manages an integrated water supply system that serves up to 55,000 residents and visitors in Eagle County. The District obtains source water from the Eagle River and Gore Creek. The District also owns and operates wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) in the towns of Vail and Avon and unincorporated Edwards that discharge to Gore Creek and Eagle River. The WWTFs are interconnected via an integrated collection system. The upstream facilities can share flows and loads to the downstream facilities, which allows significant operational flexibility and risk reduction. The three WWTFs must comply with discharge permits that regulate effluent quality. The Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) permits are issued and enforced by the Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). In 2012, the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) adopted nutrient regulations known as Regulation 85 that require the District to alter the treatment processes and operations of our facilities to reduce the levels of phosphorus and nitrogen (nutrients) in effluent discharged to Gore Creek and the Eagle River. A copy of Regulation 85 is included as Attachment R. The nutrient regulations are intended to benefit the water quality and biological health of the receiving water and will require significant WWTF capital investment. Improvement to source water quality will also benefit downstream drinking water facilities. The District has long supported the initiative for increasing nutrient removal at its facilities and has been optimizing operations and implementing capital projects over the last several years to improve instream water quality. Staff has made outstanding progress in that regard, but significant capital improvements are still needed to consistently meet future limits and the anticipated growth within the service area. In 2017, the District developed a Nutrient Management Plan and updated its Wastewater Facilities Master Plan, known as the 2017 Master Plan Update (MPU). This helped the District better understand the capital needs and determine the most efficient and effective way to meet nutrient regulations at its three wastewater treatment facilities. The District’s goal was to develop a plan that benefits instream water quality, while balancing the availability of resources with the financial impact to ratepayers. To meet this goal, the District implemented an innovative planning approach that considers how the facilities can best operate as a system, rather than as individual facilities. As a result, the District leveraged the benefits realized through integration of the three WWTFs – from process, financial, and regulatory Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 8 perspectives – to support decisions about where capital funds can be most cost- effectively invested to meet future discharge permit requirements. The result of these planning efforts is a 20-year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) with a total $150 million in projects estimated. District and CDPHE staff worked closely to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (Attachment D) in which the District received the needed assurances to immediately start the design and construction of the nutrient upgrade project at Avon, and CDPHE sees meaningful in-stream nutrient reductions in the near-term. The first nutrient reduction capital project outlined in the Master Plan is at the Avon WWTF (AWWTF). AWWTF has the highest hydraulic capacity of the District’s three WWTFs, so reducing nutrients at the Avon WWTF first creates the greatest environmental benefit in the near-term. Figure 1. Project location map Avon Treatment Facility Modifications The Avon WWTF was originally constructed in the 1960s and underwent numerous expansions and improvements over the years, most recently, a major liquid-stream improvement project in 2013 to upgrade and convert its secondary treatment processes to a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process that reduces ammonia (a form of nitrogen) concentrations in the effluent. The facility has an average daily maximum month flow (ADMMF) permitted capacity of 4.3 million gallons per day (MGD) and is fully compliant with current regulatory requirements. The Avon facility Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 9 currently removes nitrogen and phosphorus, but such removal must be increased to consistently meet the more stringent effluent limits required by the new nutrient regulations. The proposed project will increase the organic treatment capacity of the facility from 11,750 pounds of the five-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5) to 13,100 pounds of BOD5. BOD5 quantifies the oxygen demand of the wastewater and determines the organic loading. Most of the AWWTF will be modified for this project, either to construct process improvements to meet the nutrient removal requirements or to address necessary condition assessment projects (components of the facility that are at the end of their useful life) recommended in the 2017 MPU. This includes: • Preliminary treatment • Primary treatment • Primary effluent flow equalization • Secondary treatment: - Aeration basin modifications to operate in the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process configuration for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal - Construction of a third secondary clarifier • Chemical feed and storage • Odor Control Current facility performance and process modifications are documented at length in the Carollo January 2019 Engineering Report and site plans (Attachments I and C, respectively) and other attachments to this application. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 10 Figure 2. Project overview. The project goals are meeting tighter effluent limits; meeting future growth to a twenty-year planning horizon; and providing significant flexibility for District-wide wastewater treatment operations, as well on-site treatment redundancy and risk reduction. To meet the goals, the design team chose an alternative that maximizes the remaining unoccupied land within the site boundaries. The chosen alternative will provide increased safety for the operational team, treatment access for process control and maintenance, and significant operational flexibility – a necessity for consistently meeting discharge permit requirements in a resort community where flows and loads are extremely variable. The selected alternative also leverages the interconnectedness of the three WWTFs, allowing the Avon facility to accept and treat increased bypass flows from the Vail WWTF (VWWTF) during peak tourism seasons. This will reduce the need for treatment expansion at VWWTF to meet a peak demand observed for a few weeks out of the year (Christmas, New Years and Fourth of July holidays). In addition to the technical wastewater treatment design the design team was mindful of the location of the facility in the heart of the Town of Avon. It is challenging to operate a wastewater treatment facility in the existing location, with residences, parks and trails directly adjacent to the site. Extreme care was taken Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 11 to evaluate decisions that may impact neighbors, recreational users, Nottingham Park and the valley-wide viewshed. Significant planning efforts and studies evaluated noise, odor, construction and the overall appearance of the facility. The result of these efforts is a project that meets our community’s needs, returning cleaner water to the Eagle River, accommodating for future growth, improving odor treatment controls, improving onsite stormwater treatment, and improving the overall site appearance. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 12 SECTION II: Avon Development Code 7.40.220: Application Submittal Requirements a) Information regarding the applicant 1) The names, addresses, organizational form and business of the applicant, and if different, the owner of the proposed project. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (District) 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: 970.476.7480 Fax: 970.476.4089 Project Manager: Melissa Marts, P.E., mmarts@erwsd.org General Manager: Linn Brooks, lbrooks@erwsd.org Director of Operations: Siri Roman, P.E., sroman@erwsd.org ERWSD is a Title 32 Colorado Special District formed July 1, 1996, with the consolidation of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. The District’s service area encompasses approximately 54,000 acres in Eagle County and serves a peak population of approximately 55,000 customers. An elected Board of Directors oversees the District’s activities, which are carried out by approximately 114 staff. The District owns and operates three wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs): Vail WWTF, Avon WWTF, and Edwards WWTF. The District provides wastewater collection and treatment services for the towns of Vail, Minturn, Avon, and other communities including Arrowhead, Beaver Creek, Bachelor Gulch, Berry Creek, Edwards, Cordillera, and EagleVail. The District would provide wastewater collection and treatment to Wolcott should the anticipated development occur. The District also owns, operates, and maintains the public water system that serves the Town of Vail and is contracted by Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority (Authority) to operate and maintain the public water system that serves the metropolitan districts of Arrowhead, Bachelor Gulch, Beaver Creek, Berry Creek, Cordillera, EagleVail, Edwards, and the Town of Avon. A map of the current District service area boundaries is included in Attachment J. 2) The names, addresses, and qualifications, including those areas of expertise and experience with projects directly related or similar to that proposed in the application. The District will be responsible for construction and operation of the project. The District has been providing safe and reliable drinking water and wastewater collection and treatment services to its constituents since the 1960s. The District employs highly trained and qualified individuals in all aspects of the water and wastewater industry. Operations Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 13 personnel maintain the highest levels of certification for operators of water and wastewater treatment plants and water distribution and wastewater collection systems, in accordance with CDPHE regulations. In addition to water and wastewater operations, the District employs a qualified staff of project managers in the Engineering department and a robust team of electrical, instrumentation, and controls experts in the Operational Technology Services group. The District’s core project team consists of representatives from the Wastewater and Engineering departments, including:  Siri Roman, P.E., Director of Operations and Acting Wastewater Manager  Tim Drescher, AWWTF Supervisor and Class A certified operator  Melissa Marts, P.E., Project Manager  Jeffrey Schneider, P.E., Engineering Supervisor The core project team has over 50 years of combined experience within Eagle County in design, construction, and operation of public infrastructure projects, specializing in water and wastewater. These team members are dedicated stewards of public funds and members of the community. The District retained industry leaders, Carollo Engineers and Moltz Construction, to design and construct the project, respectively. As authorized by the Board of Directors, the District is utilizing a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) project delivery method, which began with a qualifications-based selection process. Moltz Construction was engaged in the project prior to the 30 percent design level to gain familiarity with the design, provide constructability input, provide value engineering ideas, and input on schedule and sequencing. A collaborative, trust-based project team has been formed between the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor during the pre-construction phase that will carry into the construction phase. Carollo Engineers Contacts: Becky Luna, PE, Senior Project Manager, Vice President Jeff Berlin, PE, Project Manager, Associate Vice President Carollo Engineers 390 Interlocken Crescent Suite 800 Broomfield, CO 80021 (p) 303.404.6311 (e) BLuna@carrollo.com, JBerlin@carrollo.com Carollo is the largest firm in the United States dedicated solely to water-related engineering. Carollo was established in 1933 and is home to some of the best talent in the water industry, providing innovative solutions, client service, and a collaborative work environment. Carollo’s operates under the motto that water is ‘our focus, our business, and our passion.’ Carollo completed the District’s 2017 Wastewater Master Plan Update and was a logical choice to design the first major capital project resulting from that Plan. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 14 Moltz Construction Contacts: Cole Phillips, Senior Project Manager Moltz Construction, Inc. 8807 County Road 175 P.O. Box 729 Salida, CO 81201 (p) 719-539-7319 (e) cole@moltzconstruction.com Many owners and engineers consider Moltz Construction one of the top water and wastewater construction firms in Colorado. Moltz has over 30 years of experience constructing high-quality facilities in high altitude locations. Moltz assembled a project team with an impressive background in constructing similar facilities in similar mountain environments. The project team added considerable value during the pre-construction phase, providing excellent value-engineering ideas, accurate scheduling and cost certainty. Moltz maintains an average of 180 skilled employees and has relationships with many leading subcontractors for certain portions of the project. Moltz was selected from a talented pool of five national general contractors who submitted statements of qualifications for the project. 3) Authorization of the application package by the project owner, if different than the applicant. The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is the applicant and the project owner, therefore, no additional authorization of the application package is necessary. b) Information regarding the proposed Project The proposed AWWTF Nutrient Upgrades Project will expand the facility’s treatment processes to meet upcoming nutrient removal requirements and will address condition assessment projects recommended in the 2017 MPU. It is the largest capital project undertaken by the District to date. The scope of work includes: General:  Site grading, yard piping, retaining wall, roadway, fencing, security gate, exterior painting of all existing facilities, vehicle fueling tank removal and replacement, restoration and landscaping. Preliminary Treatment  Replace existing mechanical bar screens due to end of life and layout issues  Installation of sluice way and washer compactors for screenings conveyance and dewatering  Grit washer replacement and dumpster discharge  Replacement of channel covers and stop plates as needed Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 15  Aerated grit chamber internal components and concrete rehabilitation Primary Treatment  New primary sludge and scum collection and conveyance  Concrete rehabilitation as needed  Primary effluent channel and bypass system replacement Equalization  Concrete rehabilitation  Recirculation system for tank mixing  Safety-related egress improvements from the adjoining pipe gallery Secondary treatment:  Aeration basin modifications to operate in the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process configuration for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Includes aeration basin volume expansion, process piping construction/reconfiguration, and mixing equipment.  Construction of a superstructure atop existing buried aeration basins  Construction of a third secondary clarifier and splitter box  Aeration system replacement, including new blowers and air piping  IMLR (internal mixed liquor recycling) pump station replacement Chemical feed and storage  New carbon feed system for nutrient removal  Rehabilitation of Ferric Chloride feed and storage Odor Control  New Carbon adsorption system for preliminary and primary treatment system  High Velocity plume fans for aeration basin area Electrical, Controls, and HVAC improvements to support the improvements Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 16 Figure 3. Avon WWTF expansion renderings (Eidos Architects). 1) Detailed plans and specifications of the proposed project and a summary of alternatives Detailed Plans and Specifications At this time of this application, Carollo, with input from the District and Moltz, has advanced plans and specifications to a 90% level of completeness. After final reviews and quality checks, the Issue for Construction set will be submitted to the Town of Avon building department for review. The 90% plans and specifications are included in Attachment C of this application. Summary of Alternatives The proposed Project was selected from a range of alternatives studied by the District in 2017. The alternatives evaluation reviewed capacity limitations, future effluent limits, and treatment goals for each of the three wastewater facilities operated by the District. The alternatives evaluation also assessed the use of bypass flows from VWWTF to AWWTF, shared solids treatment at EWWTF, and CDPHE water quality requirements optimizing treatment between all three wastewater facilities. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 17 Figure 4. Avon WWTF existing liquid and solid stream simplified process flow diagram (Carollo). The following process alternatives were evaluated for the Avon WWTF in the 2017 MPU: 1. Conventional expansion of the secondary MLE treatment process with aeration basins and secondary clarifiers; chemical addition for phosphorous removal. 2. Conversion and expansion of the existing MLE process into an A20 (anerobic/anoxic/oxic) process to integrate bio-P (biological phosphorus) removal. 3. Conversion of the existing MLE process into an A20 process to integrate bio-P removal while limiting the secondary treatment plant expansion needs by providing a chemical phosphorous removal backup. 4. Expansion of the secondary treatment process and conversion to an A2O process with aeration basins and a secondary clarifier; additional basin volume such that the AWWTF meets Regulation 85 nutrient limits while accepting influent bypass flows from the VWWTF. Future regulatory compliance may include installation of integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) media into a portion of the aeration basins and conversion of the process into a 5-stage Bardenpho to integrate bio-P removal while limiting additional expansion needs. Chemical addition is included for backup chemical phosphorous removal.   Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 18 Figure 5. Avon WWTF proposed liquid and solid stream simplified process flow diagram (Carollo). Alternative 4 was recommended by the project engineer and selected by the District. This alternative includes a phased expansion approach that leverages the AWWTF site for expansion while giving operational staff additional treatment capacity and flexibility to operate differently in the long-term. This alternative allows the facility to accept increased bypass flows from the VWWTF. The VWWTF experiences significant flow and load increases during the peak tourism seasons (Christmas, New Years, and July 4th holidays); bypassing these peaks during these times and treating the wastewater at the AWWTF for a few weeks a year reduces the need for a significant expansion at the VWWTF, which has a much more confined site. The 2019 Avon WWTF Engineering Report (Attachment I), evaluates two main process alternatives with several sub-alternatives. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: - Compatibility with existing treatment processes; - Compatibility with existing site constraints; - Compatibility with seasonal variations in flows and loads due to the touristic nature of the service area; - Compatibility of meeting discharge limits; - Compatibility with future treatment processes to meet future discharge limits; and, - Capital and operation and maintenance costs. After evaluation of the criteria, the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process alternative was selected for AWWTF nutrient upgrade project. The A2O process alternative provides the greatest flexibility for maximizing limited space and carbon input needed to accomplish nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The process will maintain flexibility in the treatment configuration to respond to seasonal operation demands. Effluent limits for total phosphorus (TP) and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) under Regulation 85 can be met by implementing the proposed A2O process configuration at the AWWTF (Carollo, 2019). Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 19 The process bypass results in up to 0.9 million gallons per day (mgd) to the AWWTF during the winter, peak treatment conditions. Facility operations under the proposed configuration will have the flexibility to respond to times of critical flow. Bypass during the spring peak flow conditions may not be necessary and will be determined by operating conditions at the facilities. The project engineer evaluated impacts to water quality and quantity of the selected alternative, and findings are summarized in the engineering report. 2) Schedules for designing, permitting, constructing and operating the project, including the estimated life of the project The Project schedule for design, permitting and construction of the Avon WWTF Nutrient upgrades is as follows: 2019:  Site Application Submittal to CHPHE (Completed)  TOA Permit Submittal  Design Completion (December) 2020:  TOA Building permit submittal  Start Construction (anticipated for March) 2020 – 2023:  Phased Construction at Avon 2023:  Upgraded facility fully operational Estimated Construction Duration: Estimated 32 – 36 months. A detailed draft construction schedule is included in Attachment K. Estimated Life of Project: The proposed project will upgrade the facility to treat predicted flows and loads through 2037 (18 years) with many elements of the project (e.g., basins, piping, etc.) lasting well beyond 30 years. Following Avon WWTF upgrades, the MOU includes the following regional nutrient upgrade projects: 2024 – 2028: Edwards WWTF 2029 – 2033: Vail WWTF The exact scope and timing of future nutrient projects are subject to change pending the completion of the proposed project. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 20 3) A list of all other federal, state and local permits and approvals that will be required for the proposed project, together with any proposal for coordinating these approvals with the Town review process. The District has been coordinating with CDPHE, the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, Eagle County, and the Town of Avon to ensure all proper permits and approvals are obtained for this project. The following state and local approvals are required by the proposed Project and will be obtained prior to construction: Federal permits and approvals: None required. State permits and approvals:  CDPHE Re-rating approval for increase in organic loading to the WWTF (part of Site Application)  CDPHE Site Application review approval for WWTF (received July 1, 2019)  CDPHE PDR approval for WWTF (approval anticipated in December 2019)  CDPHE Streamlined Self-certification Approval for WWTF  CDPHE final plans review/construction approval for WWTF Local permits and approvals:  Town of Avon 1041 Permit  Town of Avon Location, Character, and Extent (Companion to 1041)  Town of Avon Building Permits Copies of permits and approvals obtained to date are provided in Attachment E. ERWSD proposes review of Construction Plans for a Building Permit concurrently with the 1041 permit application process. The District has been collaborating with TOA Planning, Building, and Engineering staff during design development. Specifically, the Town Building Official was instrumental in defining egress requirements, chemical storage design, required inspections and documentation, and performing cursory drawing review. In fact, a tour of the existing facility was held to help build collaboration and gain project familiarity. No building permit shall be issued prior to 1041 permit approval. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 21 4) Copies of all official federal and state consultation correspondence prepared for the project, a list of all mitigation required by federal, state and local authorities and copies of any draft or final environmental assessments or impact statements required for the proposed project. Relevant official correspondence concerning consultation with state agencies consists of the following documents:  Regulation 22 Site Application (Increasing or Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility) was submitted to CDPHE. Approval was received on July 1, 2019.  Process Design Report – Approval anticipated in December 2019. Copies of relevant correspondence with state and local authorities are included in Attachment E. The Environmental Impact Report is included as Attachment F. No mitigation is required by federal, state, and local authorities, but information regarding mitigation measures is provided in Section II b) 8) of this application. 5) A description of all hazardous, toxic and explosive substances to be used, stored, transported, disturbed or produced in connection with the proposed project, including the type and amount of such substances, their location and the practices and procedures to be implemented to avoid accidental release and exposure. No additional hazardous, toxic, and explosive substances are used, stored, transported, disturbed, or produced in connection with the proposed project. The facility currently stores the following substances on site: 1. Diesel fuel** 2. Unleaded gasoline* 3. Waste oil* 4. Sodium hypochlorite, 10% solution 5. Ferric Chloride, 38% solution 6. Caustic (Sodium Hydroxide) 50% 7. Soda Ash, dry, 50 lb bags * denotes substances that are used for fleet maintenance and are not utilized by the wastewater treatment facility. ** Diesel fuel is utilized for vehicle fueling and for the standby generator utilized by the WWTF. The proposed project would eliminate the delivery, storage, and use of 10% Sodium Hypochlorite solution, since the new odor control technology utilizes granular activated carbon rather than a chemical scrubber system. The proposed project will have the following chemicals detailed below, including quantities, and storage location. Following Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 22 the project, the diesel and unleaded fueling tank and dispenser system will be replaced with updated equipment. All chemicals are stored in accordance with applicable chemical storage regulations. Table 1: Summary of Avon WWTF Chemical Storage Chemical name Usage Description Quantity Location Diesel Fuel Standby generator fuel Fuel located in leakproof double wall tank 1,511 gallons Standby generator near preliminary treatment Micro C 2000 Carbon source for biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal Glycerin-based non-hazardous carbon source 3,027 gallons Equalization Room (in existing Sodium Hypochlorite storage area) Ferric Chloride Coagulant aid Metal salt addition for biological phosphorous removal 3,060 gallons Dedicated Ferric Chloride storage room Caustic pH adjustment post secondary clarifier Sodium Hydroxide 50% solution Approx. 500 gallons Storage totes in Equalization Room Soda Ash alkalinity addition for Wastewater Influent Dry, Dense Soda Ash in 50lb bags 1,000 pounds dry Stored on pallets in Equalization Room 6) All contracts or agreements that the applicant or owner has entered into prior to the date of application for the 1041 Permit which relate directly or indirectly to the proposed project or a summary of agreements which the applicant or owner expects to enter into in order to complete the project, including intergovernmental agreements, if applicable. In anticipation of meeting nutrient regulations at its three WWTFs, the District entered into an agreement with the WQCD as set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) effective June 29, 2018. An Addendum to the MOU was executed by the District and Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 23 Division dated January 17, 2019 (Addendum). The MOU and Addendum are available in Attachment D. The following agreements relative to the Avon WWTF permit renewal are contained in the MOU and Addendum:  The principal objective of the MOU was to allow the District to develop nutrient controls at its three WWTFs in the most logical stepwise fashion and establish the sequence and timing of improvements for that purpose;  The MOU and Addendum provide that improvements and other actions at the Avon WWTF will be implemented as needed to meet or exceed Regulation 85 limits by December 31, 2023, and before any nutrient control improvements are required to be initiated at the Edwards and Vail WWTFs;  Consistent with the MOU, timing of the renewal of the District’s three discharge permits will be synchronized; and  The Addendum sets forth more specifically the agreed upon nutrient compliance schedule for each of the District’s WWTF permits and the associated Fact Sheet language. ERWSD has entered into contracts with Carollo Engineers for master planning and design services related to this Project. Due to the complexity of design and construction of this Project, the District Board of Directors approved delivery of this project with an alternative delivery method, meaning that the contractor was competitively selected and contracted with the District to provide design-phase services prior to 30% design. Therefore, the District is currently operating under a Preconstruction Services contract with Moltz Construction. The District will enter into a construction contract, or multiple iterations of a construction contract, with Moltz Construction, pending successful negotiation of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) in approximately March 2020. No other agreements or intergovernmental agreements are anticipated to complete the project. 7) The need for the proposed project in the Town, particularly in relation to existing and/or permitted facilities, which perform a function similar or identical to that of the proposed project. The District’s Vail, Avon, and Edwards WWTFs are point source dischargers, tightly regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA). In accordance with the CWA, the EPA authorized the State of Colorado to administer the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) program to set limits on parameters that can be discharged from point sources Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 24 into Colorado waterbodies. The CDPS permit assigns water quality and antidegradation- based effluent limitations to ensure that discharges to waters of the State meet or exceed Colorado water quality standards. The District’s facilities are required to meet effluent discharge permit limits designed to protect the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of receiving waters in Gore Creek and the Eagle River. The AWWTF discharges to Eagle River Segment 9a and operates under a CDPS discharge permit (No. CO0024431) that became effective in December 2010. Both the Avon and Edwards WWTFs’ CDPS permits are operating under an Administrative Extension due to a permit renewal backlog within the Water Quality Control Division Permits Unit. As of 2019, the Division has been actively working to synchronize renewal of all three District WWTF discharge permits, with completion of the renewals expected in 2020. The WQCD classified the uses for Eagle River Segment 9a as Class 1 Cold Water Aquatic Life, Recreation E, Domestic Water Supply, and Agriculture. This segment includes the mainstem of the Eagle River from the confluence with Gore Creek to a point immediately below the confluence of Squaw Creek. Water quality standards adopted for the segment to protect the uses are ratified in Regulation No. 33 – Classifications and Numeric Standards for the Upper Colorado River Basin and North Platte River. Improvements to the AWWTF were designed to ensure facility compliance with all relevant water quality and permitting regulations and requirements. Circumstances unique to Segment 9a include the following:  Hybrid arsenic water + fish temporary modification. In 2013, the Commission adopted a statewide arsenic (chronic) temporary modification to the water quality standards for stream segments with dischargers, including Eagle River Segment 9a. The temporary modification, which has an expiration date of December 31, 2021, was established by the Commission to allow for a temporarily less stringent application of the chronic arsenic standard in control requirements, such as CDPS effluent limitations, while the Division works to resolve the underlying uncertainty of the standard.  Site-specific temperature standards. In 2014, at the Upper Colorado River Basin (Regulation No. 33) Rulemaking Hearing, the Commission adopted chronic site- specific “transition zone” temperature standards for Eagle River Segment 8 (Gore Creek from confluence of Black Gore Creek to the Eagle River), Segment 9a (Eagle River from the confluence of Gore Creek to Squaw Creek), and Segment 9b (Eagle River from the confluence of Squaw Creek to Rube Creek). The Eagle River site-specific standards were developed to address the natural warming that occurs when streams transition from higher colder elevations to lower warmer elevations. The site-specific standards were also developed to fully protect all species “expected to occur” within the stream segments. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 25  Aquatic Life Use impairment. Segment 9a between Berry Creek and Squaw Creek is currently identified in Colorado’s Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) List as provisionally (unidentified cause) impaired for Aquatic Life Use – macroinvertebrates. However, the Division is proposing to remove this portion of Segment 9a from the 303(d) list based on a recent analysis that shows the reach is no longer impaired for Aquatic Life Use. The Commission will consider the Division’s proposal during the 2019 Regulation 93 Rulemaking Hearing to be held in December 2019. Clean, healthy streams are vitally important to the District, local governments, citizens, and the recreation-based economy of the Eagle River basin and Avon in particular. The District has taken an active role in a wide range of water quality matters within the Eagle River watershed and has committed significant resources toward water quality monitoring programs and source water protection. For several decades, the District, the Towns of Avon and Vail, Eagle County, and other Eagle River communities and watershed stakeholders, including the Division, have embraced a watershed-based approach to water quality management. The stakeholders agree that effective management of water resources requires an integrative, adaptive, and collaborative process. To facilitate its role in this process, the District worked with the Division to implement a watershed-based permitting approach for the Vail, Avon, and Edwards WWTFs. In 2010, watershed-based discharge permits were developed for the first time for the Avon and Edwards WWTFs. These permits included synchronized permit schedules and multi- facility modeling to preserve the assimilative capacities of receiving waters. This approach elevated protection of source waters and provided the District a powerful planning tool to share and leverage resources in a more efficient, sustainable, and effective way than was available through previously implemented standard practices. Another important element of the District’s role in protecting water resources is its development and implementation of a long-term strategy for handling and treatment of wastewater at its three WWTFs. Compliance with increasingly stringent regulatory requirements is becoming even more challenging, and the District continues to investigate, leverage, and implement integrated WWTF system opportunities to achieve regulatory compliance. By virtue of operating its three facilities as an integrated system, the District can serve widely fluctuating populations, including up to 55,000 visitors and residents to the Vail valley during peak tourist seasons. Over the last decade, the District has spent considerable resources on studies and master planning efforts to meet nutrient regulations, including development of a Capital Improvement Plan with projects estimated at over $150 million. Nutrient regulations are the underlying basis of a state and federal coordinated regulatory strategy designed to reduce current and future nutrient pollution in Colorado’s surface waters. Nutrient Regulations 85 and 31 were adopted by the Commission in March 2012 and require WWTFs to meet effluent concentration limitations for phosphorus and nitrogen. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 26 The purpose of Regulation 85 – a state-mandated nutrient control regulation – is to provide a stepwise process for utilities to reduce nutrient discharges to state waters while they assess additional needs and devise plans to meet future Regulation 31 nutrient water quality standards. Regulation 85 requires wastewater dischargers with hydraulic capacities equal to or greater than 2 million gallons per day to meet established numerical effluent limitations for total phosphorus and total inorganic nitrogen and to monitor surface waters for nutrients. The Division is revising stream nutrient water quality standards to be considered for adoption by the Commission in 2027. With backing from the Division, the District successfully developed a nutrient reduction plan and implementation strategy that will maximize near and long-term watershed environmental benefits while preserving fiscal goals and interconnected WWTF operations. Completing improvements to the Avon WWTF is the first step in this process. In addition to the future improvements planned for the Avon WWTF, the District completed the following projects at the Avon and Edwards WWTFs since the 2010 permit renewals:  Chemically Enhanced Primary Clarifier (CEPC) treatment (2013) at the Avon WWTF. This project effectively reduced BOD5 and total suspended solids (TSS) loads to the facility’s aeration basins. As a result, the Division approved an increase in the Avon WWTF’s organic loading capacity from 9400 to 11750 lbs. BOD5 per day.  Nutrient treatment upgrades to the Avon and Edwards WWTFs. In 2013, the District upgraded the Avon and Edwards WWTFs’ conventional activated sludge secondary treatment process to the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger process to reduce effluent TIN concentrations. The upgrades resulted in significant reductions of TIN loading from the Avon and Edwards’ WWTFs. Note that the upgrades were a voluntary and proactive effort by the District and not required for compliance with the current WWTF discharge permits.  Consolidated treatment of wastewater solids from all three WWTFs at the Edwards WWTF. Completed in 2016, benefits of this project include reduction of capital expenditures and operation and maintenance life cycle costs for solids handling; centralization of nutrient-rich recycle stream management and freeing up treatment space at the Avon WWTF for future liquid stream improvements.  Decommissioning of Avon Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD). In 2016, the Avon WWTF decommissioned its ATAD system and began bypassing primary and secondary solids to the Edwards WWTF via the collection system for final digestion and processing. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 27 8) A description of the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed project, including: (i) The estimated construction costs and period of construction for each component of the project and the total mitigation costs for the proposed project and alternatives. The total estimated construction cost of the project is $50.25 million with a 32-month project duration, beginning with a mobilization of March 2020. The estimated costs by area are shown in Table 2. Rather than including an engineers’ opinion of probable costs, the information provided herein includes a GMP estimate provided by the project General Contractor Moltz Construction. Table 2 – Project Cost Estimate by Area (provided by Moltz Construction) Work Area Total Amount General Conditions $6,806,062 Allowances $3,352,485 Sitework $2,016,787 Admin and Server (IT) $43,327 Preliminary Treatment $1,354,947 Primary Treatment $701,606 Aeration Basins $14,389,096 Secondary Clarifiers, Mixed Liquor Return, Return Activated Sludge $5,203,756 Chemical Additions $286,461 Odor Control $850,674 Warehouse $19,718 Equalization $1,076,364 Electrical, Instrumentation, Controls $6,148,130 Bonds, Insurance, Permits, OH &P $3,428,828 60% Design Contingency $4,567,824 Grand Total $50,246,065 More detail regarding the total project budget is included as Attachment L. Embedded within the cost estimate are costs for the following project components specific to mitigating project impacts, including:  Odor control  Noise attenuation  Landscaping/architectural fencing  Painting building exteriors The main project driver is to improve effluent water quality, which helps to mitigate human impacts to the Eagle River and improve the biological and aquatic conditions for the entire Eagle River watershed. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 28 (ii) Revenues and operating expenses for the proposed project and alternatives. Operating expenses for the Project will be funded from property taxes and monthly service fees paid by commercial and residential customers throughout the ERWSD service area, currently numbering 28,319 Single Family Equivalents (SFEs). The initial operating expenditures of the project anticipate a nominal increase over current conditions since no additional personnel are anticipated as part of this project. There will be additional operating expenditures in the form of additional energy usage, which will be offset by increased operating revenue due to the District’s rate increase strategy. This project is designed to accommodate future growth throughout the service area, mainly in the Town of Avon, EagleVail, the Town of Minturn, and peak season bypass flows from the VWWTF. Future customer growth results in additional impact fees and operating revenues, which will provide revenue to construct and operate the proposed project, respectively. Operating expenditures at AWWTF have declined since the decommissioning of solids handling in 2016. Since the District’s wastewater service systems are integrated and comprised of collection systems and several facilities between East Vail and Cordillera, wastewater revenues are tracked as a whole and include the entire District service area. The District’s total revised wastewater revenue for 2019 is projected at $20,589,000, with net operating expenditures of $15,978,340 resulting in net funds generated from service revenue of $4,610,660. A cashflow forecast with current and projected revenues and expenditures is included as Attachment M. In November 2019, the District’s Board of Directors approved a wastewater base rate increase of 10%, from $5.19 per thousand gallons (Kgal) to $5.71 (Kgal). No base rate increase is anticipated for 2021, but another 10% rate increase was modeled for 2022. Regulatory demands, aging infrastructure at end of life, and historically high construction cost escalations are affecting not only District customers, but water/wastewater utility customers throughout the United States. (iii)The amount of and security for any proposed debt and the method and estimated cost of debt service. The District generally funds its capital improvements through the issuance of debt, or bonds. The project is partially funded by the money remaining from the existing Series 2016 General Obligation (GO) Bond issued in the amount of $23 million. Approximately $11.7 million in bond proceeds remain that will fund the project. This debt is paid for with a mill levy of .584 mills and was approved by District voters in May of 2014. Assessed property values have climbed during this time period. The remainder of the project cost will be paid by a 30-year Series 2020 Revenue Bond in the amount of $40 million. The Board of Directors approved the budget containing the 2020 Revenue Bond at its November 21 board meeting and the Board will approve the bond resolution the first Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 29 quarter 2020. A new debt service fee of $8.38 per SFE per month will be implemented in January 2021. The remainder of the project costs will be paid from a portion of an anticipated 30-year $30 million Series 2022 revenue bond with an estimated $6.14 per SFE per month debt service fee to be implemented in January 2023. Figure 6 shows the annual debt service payments for the District wastewater fund. This debt service payment is divided by customers so as additional customers come online, individual debt service rates stabilize or decrease. Figure 6: ERWSD Annual Debt Service Payments Forecast (iv)Details of any contract or agreement for services in connection with the proposed project. There are no contracts or agreements for services in connection with the proposed project beyond the existing District Service Plan, effective since 1995, and included as Attachment N. (v) A description of the persons or entities who will pay for or use the project and/or service produced by the development and those who will benefit from any and all revenues generated by it. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 30 Residential and commercial sewer service consumers residing within the District service areas will benefit, use, and pay for the proposed project. All ratepayers will benefit due to the increased nutrient removal and associated anticipated source water improvements in the entire watershed. (vi) Documentation of financial and technical capabilities of the applicant/ owner, to demonstrate that the project will be completed in a reasonable length of time and will comply with all applicable Town requirements. The District has the financial and technical capabilities to implement the project in a reasonable length of time and in compliance with all applicable Town requirements. The delivery method selected for the project engages a general contractor early in the project, and Moltz Construction has been providing valuable schedule input and constructability analysis throughout the design phase. The project has several constraints due to constructing a major expansion/rehabilitation within an operating wastewater treatment facility. First, the plant must maintain regulatory compliance at all times, including during construction. During the summer and winter seasons, all of the plant’s processes must be online to treat wastewater and meet discharge permit requirements. Second, the existing aeration basins are to be modified and expanded. The basins were not designed to be full of water without earth pressure supporting the concrete walls, so basins must be dewatered while new basin volume is excavated and constructed to the east. In addition, the existing aeration basin volume is buried, with dangerous confined space access and a lawn over the concrete double tee roof. A major component of the project is to add a superstructure to the buried basins, as the existing roof is compromised and in need of replacement. This will also improve operator safety and improve access to equipment and instrumentation in the basins critical to process control and permit compliance. The existing structure requires the roof to stabilize the walls; therefore, stabilization efforts must be executed, including removal of one existing double tee section, installation of temporary bracing, and concrete installation (form, pour, cure). This process will be extremely time-consuming. In general, the critical path schedule of 32 months is dictated by construction of new basins and modifications to the existing aeration basins. c) A report completed by a qualified environmental engineer summarizing the environmental impacts of the project on air quality, threatened or endangered species, visual quality, noise and vibrations and odors, within the area to be impacted by the project. Please see the Environmental Impact Report, included as Attachment F, summarizing the environmental impacts on air quality, threatened or endangered species, visual quality, noise, vibration and odors. Environmental impacts of the project are minimal and the District is pursuing mitigation of those impacts. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 31 Air quality in the area will improve due to the installation of new HVAC and odor control systems as part of the project. The odor control strategy for the project will result in the virtual elimination of off-site odor excursions. Odor excursions were mostly eliminated with the decommissioning of solids handling at the AWWTF in 2016. The previous solids digestion process was notorious for creating fugitive odors. The new project will focus on remaining odors, and the odor control strategy will be split into two processes: primary and preliminary treatment process odors will be scrubbed using granular activated carbon (GAC) systems, and aeration basin odors, typically untreated, will be collected and discharged through high plume high velocity fans, which mimic a large stack height and discharge the air higher into the atmosphere. Vibration and noise were also studied as part of this application process, especially due to the additional HVAC and high velocity fans. A separate noise expert was retained for the analysis, which demonstrated that noise and vibration generated by the project will not impact or degrade ambient levels. The background ambient noises for adjacent properties are Interstate 70 and Highway 6. Noise mitigation is described in more detail in Section II h) 2) below. The visual appearance of the facility will slightly change, but the District is committed to mitigating its visual impacts and in many cases improving visual quality. The architecture of the new buildings will closely match the existing architecture and color palette of the inherently industrial property. In addition, buildings not affected by the proposed project will be painted to achieve a more cohesive appearance. Along the western fence line, landscaping and architectural fencing will be utilized to buffer the site from the Liftview Condominiums property. The current fence line is not located on the property line; but rather to the east. As part of this project; the fence line will be relocated to the property line. Liftview was engaged in the project since its inception and is involved in the selection of the fencing material. The nature of the work, including removal and replacement of precast concrete roofs and installation of precast concrete wall panels, will require the erection of a tower crane which will be quite visible in the area. The crane is expected to be on site for approximately 24 months. Normal temporary impacts can be expected during the duration of the construction project with efforts to continually mitigate. Odors and air quality will be maintained by monitoring and mitigation of fugitive dust during construction. Odor control system interruptions will be minimized with tightly coordinated tie-in and startup specifications. In addition, the District is intending to utilize temporary noise reduction fencing along the western property line. d) A report completed by a qualified traffic engineer summarizing the impact of the proposed project on the Town's existing and planned transportation network. During the Feb. 27, 2019, preapplication meeting, Town of Avon staff waived the requirement for a formal traffic study report. Upon project completion, there will be no permanent traffic impacts generated by activities at the AWWTF. No additional staff will Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 32 be added to the project. Truck traffic hauling biosolids from the AWWTF was previously eliminated with the decommissioning of solids digestion at the AWWTF in 2016. During the construction phase, there will be a traffic increase in to support construction activities. This will be mitigated by District trucks and equipment being staged in western Edwards for the duration of the project. In addition, the impacts to District staff at the facility will be mitigated by avoiding scheduling large meetings at the AWWTF conference room, promoting flexible work locations, and other internal measures to reduce vehicle trips to and from the facility. The general contractor will schedule deliveries and tightly coordinate activities and parking to minimize impacts to the Town’s transportation network and confine disruptions to within the AWWTF fence line. The precast roof requires hauling of very large precast concrete sections; the contractor has already planned the haul route to avoid the school area. The District is aware of the heavy pedestrian use associated with nearby residences and Avon Elementary school and will schedule deliveries to avoid peak times. e) A description of the existing levels, demand for, adequacy and the operational and maintenance costs of public services and facilities affected by the project, including services and facilities of the Town and other affected local governments, including but not limited to Eagle County, school districts and special districts. The Avon WWTF Nutrient Upgrades Project will not place any additional demands on local government services. f) A report summarizing the socio-economic impacts of the proposed project. There are no socioeconomic impacts, beyond rate increases, of the proposed project as it is an expansion of an existing wastewater treatment facility. The requirement to submit a report was waived by Town of Avon staff during pre-application communications. The rate increases proposed by the project apply to all customers, and the District’s rates are quite competitive when compared to similar jurisdictions. The rates are based on number of SFEs and metered usage, so larger homes and commercial users pay higher water and sewer bills. Figure 7 demonstrates ERWSD (Vail) and UERWA (Eagle Vail to Cordillera) water and sewer rates compared to other similar communities before the proposed rate increases take effect. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 33 Figure 7: Colorado High Country Water and Sewer Rates Water and wastewater rate increases are not limited to Colorado. Water infrastructure issues permeate national news with major rate increases occurring in cities throughout the United States. We are experiencing a combination of growth, aging infrastructure, construction labor shortages, high material prices, and regulatory constraints. Figure 8 below, courtesy of Black and Veatch Engineering, illustrates rate increases in water and sewer among 50 largest cities in the United States. Increases proposed by the District were held relatively flat for years and are in line with the water and sewer industry. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 34 Figure 8: 50 Cites Rate Survey g) A report summarizing the anticipated impact of the project on existing land uses within the Town and other existing property rights. i) A description of all property rights, including water rights, surface rights, mineral rights, rights-of-way and easements, which must be obtained or will be affected, in order to construct and operate the projects; the identity of the owners of these rights; and the anticipated methods of acquiring these rights. There are no property rights, including water rights, surface rights, mineral rights, or rights of way or easements that need to be obtained or will be affected by constructing and operating the project. The District is the fee simple owner of Tract N and Tract O, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Filing 2, which is zoned for Public/Civic use. The proposed construction and operation of the project lies within the boundary of the site and within existing setbacks. At the conclusion of the project, the District will likely abandon a 25-foot wide Holy Cross Energy electric easement, as it provided power service to the barn, and that service has been abandoned. ii) An assessment of whether the proposed project is consistent with the Town's land use policies as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and this Development Code. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 35 Evidence of substantial compliance with the purposes of the Avon Development Code (AMC 7.04.030) has been provided, including the following: (a) Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures; The proposed project is an expansion of an existing facility and is in conformance with all setback requirements. The building form strikes a balance between industrial-type usage, aesthetic improvements, and value for the District’s ratepayers. (b) Implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents of the Town; A description of the implementation of goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan is included below. (c) Comply with the purposes stated in state and federal regulations which authorize regulations in this Development Code; State and federal regulations related to the Clean Water Act and CDPHE Regulation 85 are the main project drivers. The Project is developed and approved by the CDPHE Site Application process and the facility operates under a CDPHE discharge permit. (d) Avoid undue traffic congestion and degradation of the level of service provided by streets and roadways, promote effective and economical mass transportation and enhance effective, attractive and economical pedestrian opportunities; There is no net impact to the transportation network of the Town of Avon after the project is complete. Truck hauling of digested biosolids in Avon was discontinued in 2016. (e) Promote adequate light, air, landscaping and open space and avoid undue concentration or sprawl of population; The project maintains existing building heights and is constructed to the minimum footprint required to meet the water quality and treatment goals. Available space for landscaping is minimal but will be utilized to the extent possible. (f) Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality; Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 36 The project expands an existing land use without encroaching on adjacent property, and the project’s main purpose is the reduction of nutrient discharge and commensurate improvement of water quality in the Eagle River. (g) Prevent the inefficient use of land; avoid increased demands on public services and facilities which exceed capacity or degrade the level of service for existing residents; and promote sufficient, economical and high-quality provision of all public services and public facilities, including but not limited to water, sewage, schools, libraries, police, parks, recreation, open space and medical facilities; The project is designed to support current and future population of the AWWTF service area, increase the biological treatment capacity and improve water quality in the Eagle River. The Project’s principal outcome is providing high-quality wastewater treatment service. (h) Minimize the risk of damage and injury to people, structures and public infrastructure created by wildfire, avalanche, unstable slopes, rock fall, mudslides, flood danger and other natural hazards; There are no natural hazards associated with the site as it is located outside of the 100- year floodplain. No geologic hazards exist on the site. A copy of the project geotechnical report is included as Attachment G. (i) Achieve or exceed federal clean air standards; The facility currently meets and exceeds federal clean air standards. A robust odor management strategy is being implemented during the project to eliminate fugitive odor excursions from the facility. (j) Sustain water sources by maintaining the natural watershed, preventing accelerated erosion, reducing runoff and consequent sedimentation, eliminating pollutants introduced directly into streams and enhancing public access to recreational water sources; The project will benefit the water quality and biological health in the Eagle River due to increased nutrient removal in the wastewater effluent. The site design avoids wetlands and minimizes erosion and pollutants. The site operates under an existing CDPHE stormwater discharge permit which will be amended to include new permanent stormwater treatment facilities. (k) Maintain the natural scenic beauty of the Eagle River Valley in order to preserve areas of historical and archaeological importance, provide for adequate open spaces, preserve scenic views, provide recreational opportunities, sustain the tourist-based economy and preserve property values; The improvement of water quality in the Eagle River has direct benefit on improved recreation in the Eagle River, supporting the tourism-based economy and preserving property values. (l) Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon’s sub-alpine environment; Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 37 The architecture complements and improves the existing physical appearance of the facility. (m) Achieve innovation and advancement in design of the built environment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce emission of pollutants, reduce consumption of non-renewable natural resources and attain sustainability; The project directly reduces emission of pollutants in the gas streams and reduces the concentrations of nutrients in the wastewater effluent, created by human impacts such as urine, fecal matter, and detergents. Sustainability is woven throughout the project design, including larger pipe diameters which require less pump motor horsepower, selection and utilization of the highest efficiency aeration blowers, and the use heat recovery on the HVAC system to increase inlet air temperatures and reduce the consumption of natural gas for heating. Further, the proposed improvements to preliminary treatment result in better screenings and grit and consequently fewer vehicle trips to the landfill. (n) Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages and promotes a balanced, diverse and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy; Housing is not directly applicable to this project; however, the District is a leader in Eagle County in providing attainable affordable housing to its employees. The District recently completed construction of 21 varied housing units in West Edwards, enabling existing master leases to be vacated and offered to the public. (o) Promote quality real estate investments which conserve property values by disclosing risks, taxes and fees; by incorporating practical and comprehensible legal arrangements; and by promoting accuracy in investment expectations; and This criterion is not applicable to the project. (p) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community. The project promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon community by improving water quality in the Eagle River. Improvements at the facility also generally conform to the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (2017), including the following goals and policies: Policy I.1.2: Develop community services and facilities based on demand. The design and capacity of the facility is based on current and future demands from development in Avon and the remainder of the AWWTF service area. The project is projected to meet all regulatory and capacity considerations immediately upon completion and for the next 20 years. Goal J.1: Collaborate with other agencies to implement this plan and to ensure Avon’s needs and goals are being met. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 38 The District collaborates with other agencies on important regional water, environmental, and sustainability efforts. Such agencies include but are not limited to:  Town of Avon  Eagle County  Town of Vail  Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG)  Vail Resorts  Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)  U.S. EPA  Holy Cross Energy Policy J.1.1: Collaborate with county, regional, state and federal agencies and adjacent municipalities on cooperative planning efforts and regional issues. The District collaborates with county, regional, state, and federal agencies on water quality, transportation, economic, and housing issues. Policy G.1.2: Maintain the Eagle River as a valued resource in accordance with the most recent Eagle River Watershed Plan. The project is in direct conformance with the Eagle River Watershed Plan. The District frequently collaborates with the Eagle River Watershed Council and supports its education and outreach functions and sampling and analysis efforts. iii) A map and description of existing land uses within the area to be affected by and adjacent to the proposed project. A map of adjacent land uses is included as Figures 9 and 10: Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 39 Figure 9: Land Use/Zoning of Adjacent Properties (TOA Zoning Map) Figure 10: Adjacent Land Use (Aerial Image) Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 40 The facility is located on existing tracts of land zoned as Public Facility. It is surrounded by high and medium density, park land, Union Pacific Railroad land, and other public facilities (Town Hall complex, Avon Drinking Water Facility, and Avon Elementary school). No existing land uses are affected by the proposed project as there is no proposed change in zoning or land use. iv) A description of the impacts and net effect of the proposed project on property rights, including water rights, surface rights, mineral rights, rights-of-way and easements. The project will have no net impact on property rights, water rights, surface rights, mineral rights, or rights-of-way and easements. No changes in any of these property rights are proposed or anticipated in conjunction with the proposed project. A Holy Cross Energy electric utility easement will be abandoned since the associated line will be abandoned. v) Descriptions of the impacts and net effect of the proposed project on existing and proposed land uses. The project does not impact and does not affect existing and proposed land uses. The project is an expansion of an existing WWTF and must be constructed on the subject property. No changes in land use on the subject property or adjacent properties are proposed as part of this project. h) A report summarizing all mitigation that is proposed to avoid, minimize, rectify, compensate for or eliminate adverse impacts and to maximize positive impacts resulting from the proposed project for each impact category to be affected by the proposed project. (1) A description of the impacts and net effects resulting from the proposed project, which are irreversible and irretrievable. The project’s irreversible and irretrievable impacts generally are limited to the construction of additional wastewater treatment tank volume and expansion of the built form of the site with a retrofit of the existing aeration basin volume with a superstructure building and construction of superstructures on new tankage. The building heights on the site will not increase and the elevation of the new structures will match existing building elevations and rooflines on the adjacent structures. Rooftop HVAC and odor control equipment will project above the rooflines as shown in the design drawings. There will be a small net increase in impervious area on the site, which will be mitigated by improved stormwater collection and treatment systems. Finally, the buildings on the site will be painted to match and to reduce the visual massing appearance and create the appearance of a more cohesive campus. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 41 (2) A description of the methodology, including mathematical equations, to be used to project and measure the effectiveness of mitigation measures proposed over both the short and long term. In addition to site coverage of new buildings and paving, the following measures are identified as requiring mitigation during construction and during facility operation:  Fugitive odors from wastewater treatment processes  Fugitive noise from HVAC and odor control equipment  Visual appearance of the facility  Temporary impacts during construction of the facility Odor Control Odor associated with the AWWTF has been a long-standing concern of both the District and the Town of Avon. In 1995, a solids-handling treatment technology known as first- generation autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD), was constructed. During the initial years of operating this new technology, strong odors were produced causing distress for the Town of Avon as well as District management and operations staff. Since that time, the District implemented measures to reduce odors from all treatment facilities. During the 2012 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Master Plan, it was determined the best operational scheme for the District was to consolidate all solids handling at the Edwards WWTF. In 2016 all solids were treated at the EWWTF, and in 2017 all solids handling equipment was decommissioned and removed from the AWWTF site. These improvements drastically decreased odors generated from treatment processes. No official odor complaints were linked to AWWTF operations since the decommissioning of solids handling in 2016. Some odor complaints were investigated and linked to the odor produced during the natural turnover of Nottingham Lake. As part of the Nutrient Upgrades Project, the odor control system will be completely upgraded. Webster Environmental was hired to test and model odor emitted from the AWWTF and recommend treatment strategies. The goal for the new odor control system was to replace a less efficient and aging odor control system with a new system that will further reduce odors and increase redundancy. An Odor Control Summary Report is included as Attachment P. Odor is often measured in dilutions to threshold (D/T). D/T values are determined by an odor panel consisting of trained personnel who are scientifically screened to determine their smelling acuity to butanol. D/T refers to the number of dilutions of an odorous air sample are required before half the panel members are still able to detect the presence of the odor under controlled “clean” conditions. A high D/T indicates a strong odor requiring many dilutions to render it undetectable. The model output predicts the highest D/T level, estimated throughout the area of analysis. The resulting peak D/T levels are shown graphically on odor contour plots. Essentially, the model predicts the number of dilutions in the atmosphere in the downwind Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 42 D/T, or the detection threshold of the odor. In this study, the peak hourly average D/T levels and the peak one-minute D/T’s were used to predict receptor D/T odors by applying a multiplier to account for short exposure to odors. The peak D/T is relevant for odors, since the odor plume meanders and is very transient. Odor complaints are generally related to peak odor levels, as opposed to an hourly average odor level. This is a conservative approach to odor modeling. An odor detection threshold of seven (7) D/T was selected for several reasons. An odor with a detection threshold of seven dilutions or less may not be detected because it could be overwhelmed by other natural odors in the area such as grass, trees, soil and flowers, or it may not be detectable at all. Seven D/T is considered background odor levels. Webster modeled the odors emitted from the facility while ATAD was still operational and under current conditions (Figures 11 and 12, respectively). The modeling shows D/T over a 5-minute period. Figure 11: Past Conditions (Avon ATAD in Operation) – Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 43 Figure 12: Current Conditions– Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours From the results of the odor investigations, Webster analyzed multiple different odor treatment technologies and recommended the proposed strategy at AWWTF. Odor streams from the facility were separated into two different areas:  Headworks, primary and preliminary treatment (strong odors)  Aeration basins (weak odors, typically not treated) Because the processes produce two different types and strengths of odors, two different treatment technologies were selected for this project. Headworks, primary and preliminary treatment: Carbon adsorption was selected as the best treatment technology for odors from the headworks, primary and preliminary treatment processes. Two complete systems, each with two different types of activated carbon, will be installed on the south side of the AWWTF site and use an existing duct to pull odors from the processes on the north side of the facility. Each system will be able to treat 100% of the air flow, providing complete redundancy of this odor control process. The carbon scrubber system (similar to Figure 13) includes a fan that pulls the foul air from the process areas and pushes it through a fiberglass vessel containing two different types of activated carbon specially selected for the odorous compounds found in wastewater. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 44 Activated carbon has a complex pore structure with a very large surface area. Odorous compounds are transferred from the air being treated to the surface of the carbon as the air is moves through the carbon bed. There is a physical attraction between the compound and the carbon once contact is made which causes a bonding. The compounds will continue to adsorb onto the surface of the carbon until all the pore space in the carbon is used up. When that happens, odors will breakthrough and the carbon must be replaced or regenerated. Figure 13: Typical carbon scrubber system Aeration Basins: In most of Colorado, aeration basins are not covered by a building, but rather are open to the atmosphere. As such, typically aeration basin odors are not treated. In areas where wastewater treatment facilities are close to city centers and in other resort destinations, aeration basins are often covered like those at AWWTF. To treat the weaker odors from the aeration basins, Webster and Carollo recommended using high velocity Strobic Fans. The high velocity fans send air up high above the facility and use dispersion and dilution to treat odors. This model selected for the AWWTF has an effective stack height of 55 ft (it will send air to the same elevation as a physical stack of the same height). Figure 14 illustrates a similar model to the Strobic Fan designed for this project. Figure 14: Strobic Fan Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 45 The proposed odor control system was modeled to verify that future odors are minimized, and the results are illustrated in Figure 15. The highest concentration of odor in the future model shows 9 D/T, which is very close to the lowest perceptible concertation of 7 D/T. This odor condition will only occur during rare atmospheric conditions and is expected to occur less than 12 times per year for 5-minute periods. Figure 15: Conditions After Project Completion– Peak 5 Min Average D/T Contours Noise Modeling During the development of the odor control strategy, noise generation from the selected equipment was raised as a potential concern by the project team. To ensure the District meets the goal of minimizing impacts to neighboring properties, THD Productions was hired to model the noise profiles from the new equipment proposed for the AWWTF Nutrient Upgrades project. A full noise analysis report is included as Attachment Q. Noise is measured in decibels (dB). Normally, 0 dB on the decibel scale is set to the quietest sound a healthy child can hear (Figure 16). Ten times more powerful than 0 dB is 10 dB. Ten times more powerful than 10 dB is 20dB, or 100 times more powerful than 0dB. 30 dB is 1,000times more powerful than 0 dB. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 46 Figure 16: Reference decibel scale The baseline for acceptable sound levels was determined to be below the ambient noise at the nearest receivers (residents in Liftview and River Edge Apartments). THD Productions modeled the existing ambient noise in the vicinity of the AWWTF. Then, the new odor control equipment, including the high velocity fans and carbon system fans, were modeled. Ambient background conditions during the day and at night can be seen in Figures 17 and 18, respectively. The ambient noise is slightly quieter during the night. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 47 Figure 17: Daytime Town of Avon Ambient Traffic Noise. Sources: I-70 and Highway 6. Figure 18: Nighttime Town of Avon Ambient Traffic Noise. Sources: I-70 and Highway 6. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 48 THD worked closely with Carollo Engineers and ERWSD to model and help select equipment that met the odor control requirements that would not cause noticeable sound to nearby residents and users of Nottingham Park or the recreation path. After careful selection, the noise data for the high velocity fans (odor control for the aeration basins) and the carbon scrubber fans (odor control for the headworks and primary treatment) were modeled. The high velocity fans on top of the aeration basins were selected specifically because their noise profile is below the ambient noise of Highway 6 and I-70. Figure 19 shows the noise pattern of the proposed Strobic high-plume exhaust fan assembly radiating from the roof of the new aeration building to the north of the AWWTF facility. The valley floor is between 8 and 20 dB, with the AWWTF buildings shadowing the noise radiation to the west, south and east. The closest noise receivers are the residents at Liftview Condominiums, specifically buildings D and E. The sound output of the aeration fans is below (quieter than) the ambient traffic noise levels. Figure 19: High Velocity Fan Noise Profile We now see an almost silent Avon valley floor, as shown in dark gray with only a slight radiation of sound from the centrifugal fans inside their enclosures at that south side of the odor control building. This is an excellent example of how modeling can help us see the effects of changes in overall sound output – well below even the measurable limit of ambient noise in the environment. All calculated levels in Figure 20 are well below the quietest modeled ambient noise values for I-70 and Highway 6. Therefore, the centrifugal Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 49 fans with enclosures were specified for this project as they will not significantly degrade the existing noise levels in the impact area. Figure 20: Carbon Scrubber Fan (with Enclosures) Noise Profile. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 50 Visual Impacts Visual impacts are of great concern to the District. The District worked with Eidos Architects to repaint each facility to create a cohesive campus that will be a source of pride for the District and the Town of Avon. Buildings not already powder-coated will be painted complementary Sherwin Williams Colors including Chatura Gray (SW 9169), Garret Gray (SW 6705) and the trim will be Chateau Brown (SW 7510). Figures 21 and 22 show AWWTF from the sidewalk near Beaver Creek Landing. The most noticeable differences between the existing facility and the future facility include:  New buildings housing the new aeration basin volumes and secondary clarifier  Relocated fence line on the left that has been moved to match the property line  Cohesive paint scheme  Odor control equipment o Strobic fans on the roof of the new aeration basin o Carbon scrubber system to the south side of the facility Figure 21: Current Avon WWTF from Beaver Creek Landing. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 51 Figure 22: Proposed Avon WWTF from Beaver Creek Landing. Figures 23 and 24 show the existing and proposed facility from the walking path around Nottingham Lake. From this angle, the new building over the existing and new aeration basins are visible. The new HVAC equipment, ductwork, and Strobic fans can also be seen. All new equipment on the roof will be colored to match the new paint scheme for the facility. All new exterior lighting will be Dark Sky compliant full-cutoff fixtures. Figure 23 Current Avon WWTF from Nottingham Lake. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 52 Figure 24: Proposed Avon WWTF from Nottingham Lake Temporary Impacts during Construction During construction, Moltz will be subject to multiple contractual requirements and permits related to mitigation of impacts to the public. For example, Moltz will be required to obtain a CDPHE construction stormwater permit and a dewatering permit. A stormwater management plan will be submitted by the contractor, and the Owner and Engineer will monitor and assess the effectiveness of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) continually throughout the project and require changes if conditions warrant. Both permits require periodic sampling to ensure that no sediment leaves the site towards the Eagle River. Further, the AWWTF has an existing stormwater discharge permit, which requires quarterly sampling, monitoring, and reporting to the CDPHE. Another potential impact to the public will be dust. Fugitive dust will be managed by dust suppression activities including the application of water and/or magnesium chloride. Disturbed stockpiles and areas will be seeded and hydromulched, and BMPs will remain in place until final vegetative cover is established. Deliveries will be tightly coordinated to reduce temporary traffic impacts. In addition, all work will occur during the days and times explicitly allowed by Avon Municipal Code. If night work is required, it will be confined to the interior of the WWTF and will not produce any off-site noises. There will be a temporary visual impact in form of a large tower crane erected at the facility. The crane is necessary in order to hoist concrete double-tee roof members and install new ones, along with precast wall panels. Many large projects in Vail and Avon have had cranes in recent years and this will be a similar piece of Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 53 equipment. It is anticipated that the crane will be on site for approximately 24 months. (3) A description and location of any monitoring devices to be used to measure impacts of the project and effectiveness of mitigation measures. The impacts of the project in terms of the additional reduction in nutrient loading to the Eagle River will be continually measured and reported to the CDPHE as part of the Discharge Permit reporting requirements. The new AWWTF discharge permit will have strict limits and the AWWTF is required to comply with all constituent limits as outlined in the permit. We expect a considerable reduction in nitrogen and phosphorous discharge to the Eagle River which will benefit in-stream water quality and biological health. Odor levels will be monitored on a periodic basis via sampling to determine the exact lifespan of the GAC media. Media replacement is anticipated approximately every seven years. The District collects samples and sends them to a laboratory to measure Reduced Sulfur Compounds (RSCs) typical of wastewater odors as well as measuring intensity of odors, or D/T. (4) A description of how and when the proposed mitigation measures will be implemented and financed. The proposed mitigation measures are included in the project scope and will be implemented by the project team during construction, or by the District operations team after construction. The financing for the mitigation during construction will be financed with the debt service for the overall project funding as defined in more detail in Section II b) 8) ii and iii of this application. Mitigation during the operational phase of the project (after construction) will be financed from customer rates as approved by the ERWSD Board of Directors on an annual basis and will be absorbed in annual operating budgets in perpetuity. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 54 SECTION III: Avon Development Code 7.40.640 Submission Requirements applicable to the Avon WWTF 1041 In addition to the 1041 Application Submittal requirements under AMC 7.40.220, additional submittal requirements are applicable to Special Water or Wastewater Projects (SWWP). The expansion of the Avon WWTF falls under these additional requirements. a) The need for the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; The Avon wastewater facility was originally constructed in 1966 and underwent numerous improvements over the years, most recently a major liquid-stream capital improvement in 2013. The existing facility has a permitted hydraulic capacity of 4.3 million gallons per day (MGD), and the operation is fully compliant with current regulatory requirements for the removal of BOD5, total suspended solids (TSS), ammonia (NH4) and disinfection. The proposed project will increase the organic treatment capacity of the facility to meet nutrient removal requirements and to address condition assessment projects, including: • Preliminary treatment • Primary treatment • Primary effluent flow equalization • Secondary treatment: - Aeration basin modifications to operate in the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process configuration for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Includes aeration basin expansion - Construction of a third secondary clarifier • Chemical feed and storage • Improvements to odor controls, including upgraded high velocity/plume fans and improved odor controls The AWWTF conveys solids to EWWTF through a collection system for digestion and dewatering. The AWWTF accepts influent bypass (intermittent) and waste activated sludge (WAS, constant) from the VWWTF via the collection system, which is predominately treated in Avon’s primary sedimentation basins (Carollo, 2017). This project will allow the Avon facility to accept increased bypass flows from Vail during seasonal tourism peaks, which leverages the interconnected nature of the three wastewater treatment facilities. This reduces both the capital costs of a more difficult and higher cost facility expansion and the risk of a permit violation at the Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 55 VWWTF. Improvements at AWWTF leverage the available area for expansion, benefit the Eagle River watershed with enhanced treatment controls and give operations staff additional capacity and flexibility to operate the regional system in compliance with State nutrient limits. Since the AWWTF is the largest hydraulic capacity WWTF in the system, the improvements will have the greatest environmental benefit to the receiving waters of the Eagle River. Planned improvements are designed to treat flow projections and meet regulatory compliance goals at the Avon facility through 2037. b) The planned level of service in relationship to projected user demand, both regionally and within the Town; The level of service will increase in the form of improved effluent water quality for the current and future population. The District developed and maintained growth projections to properly plan for anticipated levels of service for the region. The 2017 Master Plan Update (MPU) considered a combination of population projection and growth scenarios to facilitate process capacity analyses and future permit limits for each of the three WWTFs (Vail, Avon and Edwards). Figure 25. District current and projected SingleFamily Equivalents (SFE) by subdivision (from 2017 MPU). Flow and loading projections were developed for several scenarios, including 10- day winter peak flows and 10-day spring peak flows and loads associated with elevated Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) contributions in the collection system (Carollo, 2017). ERWSD and other seasonal resort communities are somewhat unique in Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 56 the wastewater industry in that its seasonal peaks vary dramatically from peak times to shoulder seasons. The AWWTF is part of a connected system that includes Edwards and Vail facilities. This connectivity creates unique opportunities for system-wide operation allowing upstream plants to pass flow and/or solids downstream when conditions are advantageous to do so. This best leverages capital expenditures among the three facilities. The average daily flow through the entire District wastewater system (split between the three facilities) is approximately 5.5 MGD, with the maximum peak week flow of 7.7 MGD and a minimum flow of 3.7 MGD. Historical average single-family equivalent (SFE) growth since 1997 in District boundaries ranges from 1.14 % to 2.12% annually. Those growth projections were utilized for annual increases in the Vail and Avon/Edwards systems, respectively. At the projected influent flows and loads, the capacity of the Vail WWTF will be limited by aeration basin and treatment performance (Carollo, 2017). The need for flow diversions to AWWTF reduces the capital costs of a near-term expansion in Vail and lowers risks of a permit violation at Vail in addition to handling the expected residential and commercial growth in Avon in the same planning horizon. Water discharged to the Eagle River will be improved as a result of this upgrade. The planned expansion creates an appropriate level of service in relationship to projected demands of Avon and the region. Avon, including the largely unbuilt Village at Avon PUD, represents the largest increase in anticipated SFEs over the planning horizon. c) The approximate number of residential, commercial or industrial users of the proposed SWWP in terms of existing Town residents and non-Town residents; The 2017 MPU detailed actual and projected Single Family Equivalents (SFEs) based on available data. In 2014, Avon and the Village at Avon represented a combined 4,039 SFEs out of a total of 25,967 SFEs served by the District. By 2030, Avon’s SFE contribution to the District was projected to grow to 7,033 SFEs – a potential 57% increase in service demands, shown in Figure 25. Currently, the District serves a total of 28,319 SFEs, and growth projections are 1.14% and 2.2% annually in the Vail and Avon/Edwards service areas, respectively. This indicates a 1.7% annual growth rate from the 2014 data to 2019 (present day). Avon contains the largest amount of undeveloped land and future water/wastewater customers within the ERWSD service area. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 57 d) Locations of and engineering drawings for wells, diversion structures, reservoirs, storage structures or other structures or facilities required for the SWWP; All proposed improvements will be within the AWWTF site, no satellite structures will be impacted. Below-grade tanks for wastewater process treatment will be constructed immediately west of the existing tankage. Locations of existing and proposed improvements at the AWWTF are included in Attachment C. There are no proposed wells, diversion structures, or reservoirs as part of the proposed project. e) A description of the proposed capacity of the SWWP, treatment methods and technologies, proposed budget and service area of the SWWP; The proposed hydraulic capacity of the plant remains as permitted currently at 4.3 MGD, and treatment methods and technologies were detailed in Section II b) 1) and Attachment I of this application. The biological treatment capacity of the plant will be increased from 11,750 lb/day to 13,100 lb/day BOD5. The project opinion of probable cost and budget has been included in Attachment L. Project funding will be provided from a variety of sources, including: - Accumulated Wastewater Tap Fes that make up a part of the District’s current general fund balance of $47.2 million (as of June 30, 2019). - Proceeds of Series 2020 Wastewater Revenue Bonds in the amount of $40 million that result in additional debt service rate of $8.38 per SFE effective January 1, 2021. If additional Wastewater Tap Fee revenues are generated, the amount of the Series 2020 and Series 2022 Revenue Bonds could be reduced. There is currently no Capital Replacement Program fee in place for the Wastewater District. The revenue comprising the operational budget of the AWWTF comes from monthly user service rates. f) A map of the service area of the SWWP; A Service Area Boundary Map for the AWWTF is included as Figure 26, and a map of the entire ERWSD service area is included as Attachment J. The District service area includes much of the upper Eagle Valley from East Vail to Cordillera. The service area of the AWWTF generally includes a portion of Vail, the entirety of Minturn, Beaver Creek, EagleVail, and Avon (excluding Mountain Star and Wildridge). Since the AWWTF receives waste activated sludge (WAS) from the Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 58 VWWTF and bypass flows from the VWWTF, the VWWTF is considered a part of the service area based on certain operational configurations Figure 26: Map of the Avon WWTF service area g) A list of end users and types of land use development to be served by the proposed SWWP; The District provides a total system treatment capacity of 9.95 MGD through three integrated wastewater facilities located in Vail, Avon and Edwards. The improvements proposed benefit all end users and land use types within the District boundaries, from East Vail to Cordillera. It is important to note that land use decisions are approved by other entities outside of the District, namely the towns of Vail, Avon, Minturn and Eagle County. The proposed project is designed to treat all current and future commercial, industrial, and residential users of the wastewater system. h) A description of proposed methods of ensuring efficient use of water resources, metering of all uses, examination of rate structures to discourage waste and recycling of water for reuse where permissible under Colorado water law; Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 59 The District’s tiered rate structure already encourages water conservation by penalizing excessive use and charging higher rates for higher usages. As part of the proposed revisions to rates, the tiers are changing to further encourage conservation. Second, the District is in the process of implementing a water budgeting system and reviewing landscaping plans for new developments as they are referred by local land use authorities. The District has a dedicated Water Demand Management coordinator position whose sole responsibility is to collaborate with land use authorities, developers, and landscaping contractors to promote responsible landscaping and water usage. The District implemented Advanced Metering Infrastructure, which engages the customers directly with their water meters to track excessive usage and monitor irrigation demands. Summer irrigation is the highest demand on the system and indoor usage, treated by the wastewater facilities, is largely unaffected by these conservation efforts. During construction, the proposed Project will utilize non-potable water (internal process water that is not treated to meet drinking water standards) where possible, such as leak-testing new basins and for construction water such as dust suppression and soil compaction. Landscaping will be designed to minimize irrigation needs. i) A study or report evidencing that the proposed SWWP will supply water of a quality which meets current standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; The proposed Project will increase the organic treatment capacity of the facility and includes modifications to process areas to meet nutrient removal requirements and to address condition assessment projects recommended in the 2017 MPU. The project will supply effluent discharge that meets or exceeds current standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as outlined in Attachment E. Results of plant process modeling are included in Attachment I. j) Any documents describing the engineering, architecture or design of any impoundment structures associated with the SWWP, whether surface or subsurface, and any appurtenant facilities, including any submittals by the applicant to the office of the State Engineer; All documents and specifications for engineering, architecture and landscape design of the Project are provided in and Attachment C. There are no dams, diversions, or impoundments associated with the project and therefore no submittals to the State Engineers office are required. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 60 k) If applicable, the applicant will attach a copy of the completed or proposed site application form required by the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission; CDPHE permits and site application forms in are included in Attachment E. Site Application approval was received on July 1, 2019, and Process Design Report approval is anticipated in December 2019. l) Any health and safety hazards, including exposure to hazardous materials, which may result from the siting of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; There will be no exposure to hazardous material related to the proposed project. During construction of the proposed Project, a variety of heavy equipment vehicles will access the site. These vehicles will have standard capacities for fuel, motor oil, and hydraulic fluids; vehicle refueling will likely take place on-site. Vehicles will be properly maintained to avoid accidental release or exposure. All applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and safety standards will be followed by on-site crews to prevent accidental release and exposure of chemicals from construction equipment. After construction, one new chemical, Micro-C will be used at the AWWTF. Micro- C is comprised mostly of glycerin and water, is not classified as a hazardous chemical and is not regulated for transportation by the US Department of Transportation. The most hazardous chemical currently utilized on the site is a 10% solution of Sodium Hypochlorite and its usage will be discontinued as part of this project. A copy of spill prevention, control and countermeasures plan is included in Attachment O and a list of chemicals stored on site is included as Table 1. Construction of chemical storage facilities will be compliant with prevailing building and fire safety codes. m) How the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP and its impacts will conform to the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies; As described in Section II g) ii), Improvements at the facility generally conform to the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (2017), including the following goals and policies: Policy I.1.2: Develop community services and facilities based on demand. The design and capacity of the facility is based on current and future demands from development in Avon and the remainder of the AWWTF service area. The Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 61 project is projected to meet all regulatory and capacity considerations immediately upon completion and for the next 20 years. Goal J.1: Collaborate with other agencies to implement this plan and to ensure Avon’s needs and goals are being met. ERWSD continually collaborates with other agencies on important regional water, environmental, and sustainability efforts. Such agencies include but are not limited to:  Town of Avon  Eagle County  Town of Vail  Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG)  Vail Resorts  Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment  U.S. EPA  Holy Cross Energy In addition, the District’s General Manager Linn Brooks is the Chair of the Colorado Water Congress and supports Eagle River Watershed Council’s education and outreach, functions and sampling and analysis efforts. Policy J.1.1: Collaborate with county, regional, state and federal agencies and adjacent municipalities on cooperative planning efforts and regional issues. The District collaborates with county, regional, state, and federal agencies on water quality, transportation, economic, and housing issues. We are project partners with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), installing and rehabilitating water and wastewater utilities in conjunction with transportation projects. We collaborate with the towns of Vail and Avon and Eagle County on planning and development issues and are working with many member metropolitan districts to roll out water conservation and water budgeting policies. Finally, District representatives will be presenting the proposed rate increases to many of our constituents in the upcoming months. Policy G.1.2: Maintain the Eagle River as a valued resource in accordance with the most recent Eagle River Watershed Plan. The project is in direct conformance with the Eagle River Watershed Plan and the District frequently collaborates with the Eagle River Watershed Council and supports its education and outreach, functions and sampling and analysis efforts. Conformance with the Watershed Plan is described in further detail below. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 62 n) How the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP and its impacts will conform to any applicable regional and state plans, goals, objectives and policies; Proposed modifications to the AWWTF comply with regional planning goals and objectives. This includes goals of the 2012 NWCCOG 208 Plan, our regional water quality management plan in compliance with Section 208 of the Clean Water Act. Specifically, the following NWCCOG Policy goals support the Avon Project: Policy 1: Protect and Enhance Water Quality. Meet Existing Water Quality Standards; Implement Water Quality Improvement Projects. Proposed modifications to the AWWTF are necessary to meet future permit limits for nutrients under Regulation 85. This project will increase wastewater treatment and improve water quality in the Eagle River watershed. Policy 4. Decisions to locate water supplies, wastewater treatment systems, and other water and wastewater facilities shall be made in a manner than protects water quality and the aquatic environment. Where growth and development requires the need for additional facility capacity, existing facilities should be expanded instead of developing new facilities, unless expansion is not feasible because of technical, legal or political reasons. The Project is an expansion instead of a new facility and can accommodate current and future populations of the service area. Policy 5.3 Storage Handling and Use of Hazardous Substances. The Project is compliant with best practices for the storage, handling, and use of hazardous substances. Additional information included in Section II b) 5) of this application. Policy 6.3 Sanitation Districts. Sanitation Districts, water and sanitation districts and wastewater management authorities are designated as management agencies for the construction, operation and maintenance of wastewater facilities within their service area. The project is prepared and submitted by the appropriate management authority, the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. The Project will also comply with applicable State water quality requirements as described herein. The project is also supported by water quality objectives of the 2013 Eagle River Watershed Plan, including: Objective 3.1. Reduce or eliminate impacts to water quality in aquifers, rivers, streams and lakes from existing land use and future growth. The primary objective of the proposed project is to improve water quality in the Eagle River. The main source of nitrogen and phosphorous to the wastewater Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 63 treatment facilities originate from human waste (urine and feces), soaps, and detergents. Treating and reducing these concentrations through the wastewater treatment processes, and ultimately reducing the nutrient concentrations in the effluent is intended to benefit water quality and biological health in the Eagle River. In addition, the District is unique in that its WWTFs currently require compliance with stormwater discharge permits. The project scope includes improved stormwater treatment infrastructure, which mitigate the impact of development on the property. Strategy 17. Support service plan amendments and/or wastewater treatment plant improvements designed to maintain or enhance water quality in local streams and rivers. This objective is met since the project is a wastewater treatment plant improvement designed to enhance water quality in the Eagle River. o) The increased demand that the SWWP will place on the following public services, both regionally and within the Town: employment, schools, commercial services, health services, police and fire protection, solid waste disposal, storm water collection and release systems, power, communications, other public and quasi- public utilities and other planned public services; Improvements to the AWWTF will not place undue burdens or unreasonably increase demands for public services. The District is a public service provider responsible for operation and maintenance of three wastewater treatment facilities serving the Gore and Eagle river valleys: Vail – 2.7 MGD capacity Avon – 4.3 MGD capacity Edwards – 2.95 MGD capacity These facilities operate through a collection system of approximately 207 miles of collection lines, with an average daily flow of approximately 5.5. MGD. The submitted project responds to community need for wastewater treatment to serve development and protect water quality standards in on a watershed scale. A detailed stormwater management plan protects the Eagle River from new stormwater impacts, and the project will install a new sand/oil separator as part of its site infrastructure. The facility is served by available utilities (e.g., electric, gas, cable tv) and sufficient capacity exists for this expansion. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 64 p) The costs and benefits to the region and to the Town resulting from the land use commitment necessitated or facilitated by the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP compared to alternative projected land uses in terms of land suitability, community services, utilities and revenues; Alternatives to this land use are not desirable at this site; it has served as a WWTF for the Town since the 1966 and no additional land use commitment is required by the proposed construction. The project exists within the existing property and land use entitlements. The project cost is ultimately borne by the District ratepayers, as described in detail in Section II b) 8) of this application; water quality of Gore Creek and the Eagle River benefits from the nutrient upgrade project. The project will result in enhanced water quality and support a watershed-based nutrient management strategy. There are no alternative projected land uses for this parcel or another parcel of land as uniquely suitable as the existing parcel. q) Local and regional impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on water quality and water resources, including effects on floodplains and wetland values and functions; The project will position the Avon WWTF to comply with applicable CDPHE water quality requirements as described herein. Bypass flows will not impact the Vail WWTF’s return flow obligations to Gore Creek, which are approximately 2 million gallons day (MGD) during the snowmaking season. The flow obligation is triggered if Gore Creek is below the instream water rights of 6 cubic feet per second (cfs), which is most critical during the month of November (Carollo, 2017). Proposed construction will employ best management practices conforming to Avon requirements to protect water quality and water resources. The proposed nutrient removal and capacity upgrades are done in compliance with the Clean Water Act requirements to protect water quality and water resources. No wetlands or floodplains are proposed for impact by the improvements proposed herein. A detailed stormwater management plan has been developed for the project (Carollo 2019). The plan incorporates site specific BMPs designed to protect the Eagle River from potential stormwater impacts. The plan identifies outfall locations, a new sand/oil separator, and a new stormwater catch basin with a 4’ X 4’ grated opening. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 65 r) Impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on sensitive, endangered or threatened species and scenic, parks, recreational or other natural resources; A complete Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was submitted with the application and is included as Attachment F. Threatened and endangered species have been evaluated, and no adverse impacts are anticipated as a result of this upgrade. Scenic values have been addressed and improvements in materials and paint will create a uniform campus appearance. New fencing and landscaping with residential neighbors will mitigate scenic impacts of the expansion. The application addresses impacts from waste, noise and odors. Impacts to the adjacent recreation trail are not anticipated. s) Impacts of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP on the character of adjacent or nearby neighborhoods or development; and After completion, the proposed construction will not significantly change the character of the property, since it is currently an operating WWTF. The District and the project team minimized impacts to the extent practicable. Improvements to odor controls will result from the proposed construction. Noise impacts from two new large format exhaust fans were modeled to minimize impacts over ambient sound conditions. Odor controls were designed to improve containment, detection and dispersion. In combination with new high velocity fans, the expansion is an opportunity to improve odor impacts to neighboring properties. Additional landscaping and screening are proposed to mitigate visual impacts to neighboring properties. The District will continue to coordinate temporary construction impacts with the adjacent residential community (Lift View) to minimize neighborhood impacts. Temporary project construction impacts expected are those typical to any jobsite (dust, noise, parking). A temporary fence with noise dampening material will be used to reduce construction noise along the property line shared with Lift View condominiums. Plans for service deliveries of materials, temporary signage, contractor/employee parking, and other aspects of construction including staging plans will be developed by Moltz Construction. As previously mentioned, there will be a very visible tower crane on the site for approximately 24 months. These plans will be submitted to the Town as part of the building permit process. The District and its contractors will maintain clear communication with Town officials during the anticipated 32-month construction calendar, and the District will report to Town Council on an annual basis as required in the 1041 regulations. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 66 t) Evidence that the applicant has provided written notice via certified mail to all property owners within or adjacent to the impact area that the applicant or other entity involved in the construction, modification or expansion of the SWWP anticipates may have a real property interest acquired by the applicant or other such entity through arms' length negotiation or through the exercise of the power of eminent domain. Evidence of adjacent property owner notification, as required by the Town of Avon, is located in Attachment B. There is no additional acquisition of land required by the proposed project. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 67 SECTION IV: Avon Development Code 7.40.660 - Approval of Permit Application. The Town Council shall approve an application for a 1041 Permit for a SWWP in the Town of Avon only if the proposed construction, modification or expansion complies with the Regulations, other applicable federal, state and local guidelines and regulations and meets all the following guidelines and requirements: a) All of the provisions of the 1041 Permit application procedure set forth in Article III of these Regulations have been complied with; Applicant Response: The applicant has complied with all procedures as specified. b) Demographic trends demonstrate a need for the SWWP in order to timely serve existing and future residents and businesses within the Town; Applicant Response: Demographic growth trends and projections in the District and Avon, adoption of stricter State wastewater effluent regulations, and a valley- wide nutrient management strategy all demonstrate the need for the SWWP improvements to serve existing and future residents and businesses. The upgrade is timely, required by State Regulations, and meets needs of both existing and future residents for the project-planning horizon (2037). c) Desirable local and regional community land use patterns will not be disrupted due to the location of the proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP; Applicant Response: Community land use patterns will not be disrupted by the proposed project and construction. The property has served as a wastewater facility since the inception of Avon, and the project is confined to the existing property. This proposal for expansion and modification will allow District to support desired land use patterns within the Town while meeting water stricter wastewater effluent requirements of the State. d) The construction, expansion or modification of all dams or other impoundment structures required by the SWWP, if any, will comply with engineering requirements specified by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Office of the State Engineer. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 68 Applicant Response: There are no dams or impoundment structures proposed as part of the nutrient removal upgrades at AWWTF; therefore, this criterion is not applicable. e) The proposed SWWP is not subject to significant risk from earthquakes, floods, fires, subsidence, expansive soils, avalanches, landslides or other natural hazards. Applicant Response: The proposed SWWP is not subject to significant risk from natural hazards and is not located in the mapped 100-year floodplain. f) The proposed SWWP will not present an unreasonable risk of exposure to toxic or hazardous substances within the impact area. Applicant Response: A chemical list, emergency response plan, and spill prevention control and countermeasures plan were submitted, and the proposed project will not present and unreasonable risk of exposure to toxic or hazardous substances within the impact area. See Section II h) 5) and Attachment O of this application for additional details. g) The proposed SWWP will not significantly deteriorate floodplains, wetlands or riparian areas in the impact area. Applicant Response: The proposed SWWP is not subject to floodplains, riparian areas or wetlands; development is within the existing disturbed facility footprint. h) The proposed SWWP will not significantly degrade existing visual quality, noise and vibration levels or odor levels in the impact area. Applicant Response: The proposed will not significantly degrade existing visual quality, noise and vibration levels or odor levels in the impact area. Enhanced odor controls are proposed as part of the expansion, and specifications for odor detection thresholds and sound mitigation are included in Attachments P and Q, respectively. A detailed description of mitigation measures can be found in Section II h) of this application. i) The proposed SWWP is technically and financially feasible. Applicant Response: The proposed SWWP is technically and financially feasible. Funding will come from a variety of District sources, including tap fees and revenue bonds as described in detail in Section II b) 8) of this application. Operation of the facility will be financed by monthly wastewater user rates. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 69 j) The proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP will not directly conflict with the Comprehensive Plan or other applicable local, regional and state master plans, including but not limited to storm drainage and flood control plans and storm water quality plans and programs; Applicant Response: The proposed facility expansion conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and other local and regional master plans. Storm drainage plans and stormwater quality controls are in place and will be upgraded, as detailed herein. The facility is subject to an existing CDPHE stormwater discharge permit, which requires routine sampling and monitoring. That plan will be amended upon completion of the new stormwater infrastructure. k) The SWWP promotes the efficient use of water. Applicant Response: The proposal is for upgrades to nutrient removal at the Avon WWTF; therefore, this criterion is not applicable. However, landscaping and on- site water use is minimized and to the extent practicable, non-potable wastewater effluent will be utilized for appropriate uses. l) The existing wastewater treatment facilities or water treatment facilities within the Town and which serve the service area must be at or near operational capacity or will be within five (5) years from the date construction of the SWWP is initiated, based on then- current demographic trends. Applicant Response: Planning for capital improvements at the Avon WWTF was completed in 2017 as part of a Wastewater Facilities Master Plan Update. The project is scheduled for completion within a 32-month construction schedule, as agreed upon with staff of the State Water Quality Control Division to achieve compliance with nutrient limits. While the expansion does not require an increase in hydraulic capacity, the discharge limits for the new, upcoming permit is cannot be met without the proposed improvements. Further, the organic loading requires a re-rating to meet future organic loading conditions. m) The proposed construction, expansion or modification of the SWWP will not increase water pollution levels in violation of applicable federal, state and local water quality control standards and will result in no net loss of wetland values and functions; Applicant Response: The project will not increase water pollution levels in violation of applicable water quality standards; it is proposed to comply with new nutrient limits, as described in detail herein. The project will dramatically reduce nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in the wastewater effluent. The decrease in Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 70 nutrient loading to the Eagle River benefits instream water quality, including biological and aquatic health. The project will not result in loss of wetland values or functions, as none are identified or proposed for disturbance. n) The applicant has the technical and financial ability to develop and operate the proposed project in a manner that is consistent with the permit conditions and the public health, safety and welfare. Applicant Response: The District has technical and financial ability to develop and operate the project in a manner consistent with all permit conditions, and the public health, safety and welfare. A complete budget is included in Attachment L. o) The nature and scope of the SWWP will not compete with existing water or wastewater treatment services or create duplicative services within the Town boundaries. Applicant Response: Improvements to the AWWTF will not compete with other wastewater treatment services or create duplicative services within Town boundaries. The District (including the AWWTF) is the sole provider of wastewater treatment services in the eastern portion of Eagle County. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 71 SECTION V: Avon Development Code 7.16.150 – Location, Character and Extent This section implements and sets forth procedures for the regulation of the location, character and extent of public facilities as provided by Section 31-23-209, C.R.S, Legal Status of Official Plan, as amended. It is the intent of this Section to conform to the provisions of Section 31-23-209, C.R.S, to define the factors to be considered in the “Location, Character and Extent” process and to prescribe procedures for the orderly consideration of location, character and extent applications to effectuate the purposes of the State Statute. PZC shall review applications for location, character rand extent after conducting a public hearing. Per Avon Development Code Chapter 7.16.150(d), The PZC and Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications for location, character and extent: (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of this Development Code; As detailed in the accompanying 1041 application, evidence of substantial compliance with the purposes of the Avon Development Code (AMC 7.04.030) has been provided, including the following purposes support the project: (q) Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures; (r) Implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents of the Town; (s) Comply with the purposes stated in state and federal regulations which authorize regulations in this Development Code; (t) Avoid undue traffic congestion and degradation of the level of service provided by streets and roadways, promote effective and economical mass transportation and enhance effective, attractive and economical pedestrian opportunities; Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 72 (u) Promote adequate light, air, landscaping and open space and avoid undue concentration or sprawl of population; (v) Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality; (w) Prevent the inefficient use of land; avoid increased demands on public services and facilities which exceed capacity or degrade the level of service for existing residents; and promote sufficient, economical and high-quality provision of all public services and public facilities, including but not limited to water, sewage, schools, libraries, police, parks, recreation, open space and medical facilities; (x) Minimize the risk of damage and injury to people, structures and public infrastructure created by wild fire, avalanche, unstable slopes, rock fall, mudslides, flood danger and other natural hazards; (y) Achieve or exceed federal clean air standards; (z) Sustain water sources by maintaining the natural watershed, preventing accelerated erosion, reducing runoff and consequent sedimentation, eliminating pollutants introduced directly into streams and enhancing public access to recreational water sources; (aa) Maintain the natural scenic beauty of the Eagle River Valley in order to preserve areas of historical and archaeological importance, provide for adequate open spaces, preserve scenic views, provide recreational opportunities, sustain the tourist-based economy and preserve property values; (bb) Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon’s sub-alpine environment; (cc) Achieve innovation and advancement in design of the built environment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce emission of pollutants, reduce consumption of non-renewable natural resources and attain sustainability; (dd) Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages and promotes a balanced, diverse and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy; (ee) Promote quality real estate investments which conserve property values by disclosing risks, taxes and fees; by incorporating practical and comprehensible legal arrangements; and by promoting accuracy in investment expectations; and (ff) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 73 (2) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Improvements at the facility also generally conform to the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (2017), including the following goals and policies: Policy I.1.2: Develop community services and facilities based on demand. Goal J.1: Collaborate with other agencies to implement this plan and to ensure Avon’s needs and goals are being met. Policy J.1.1: Collaborate with county, regional, state and federal agencies and adjacent municipalities on cooperative planning efforts and regional issues. Policy G.1.2: Maintain the Eagle River as a valued resource in accordance with the most recent Eagle River Watershed Plan. Proposed modifications to the AWWTF comply with regional planning goals and objectives. This includes goals of the 2012 NWCCOG 208 Plan, our regional water quality management plan in compliance with Section 208 of the Clean Water Act. Specifically, the following NWCCOG Policy goals support the Avon Project: Policy 1: Protect and Enhance Water Quality. Meet Existing Water Quality Standards; Implement Water Quality Improvement Projects. The application for nutrient upgrades will meet existing water quality standards and be protective of water quality in the Eagle River watershed. Policy 4. Decisions to locate water supplies, wastewater treatment systems, and other water and wastewater facilities shall be made in a manner than protects water quality and the aquatic environment. Where growth and development require the need for additional facility capacity, existing facilities should be expanded instead of developing new facilities, unless expansion is not feasible because of technical, legal or political reasons. The Project is an expansion instead of a new facility. Policy 5.3 Storage Handling and Use of Hazardous Substances. The Project is compliant with best practices for hazardous substances. Policy 6.3 Sanitation Districts. Sanitation Districts, water and sanitation districts and wastewater management authorities are designated as management agencies for the construction, operation and maintenance of wastewater facilities within their service area. The Project is prepared and submitted by the appropriate management authority, the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. The Project will also comply with applicable State water quality requirements as described herein. Attachment A Avon WWTF 1041 Permit Application December 6, 2019 Page 74 The Project is also supported by water quality objectives of the 2013 Eagle River Watershed Plan, including: Objective 3.1. Reduce or eliminate impacts to water quality in aquifers, rivers, streams and lakes from existing land use and future growth. Strategy 17. Support service plan amendments and/or wastewater treatment plant improvements designed to maintain or enhance water quality in local streams and rivers. (3) Physical suitability of the land for the public way, place, structure, facility or utility; As detailed in the accompanying 1041 application, the location of this project is on land that deemed suitable for wastewater treatment since the 1960’s and original subdivision of this property. (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and The wastewater facility will continue to be compatible with surrounding land uses. (5) Adequate mitigation of adverse impact on nearby properties or neighborhoods, including but not limited to traffic, noise, odors, vibrations and property values. As detailed in the accompanying 1041 application, the Project includes adequate mitigation of adverse impacts to nearby residential properties. Impacts to sound and odor are proposed for mitigation or enhancement. Landscaping and screening are included to mitigate appearance of the Project to neighboring residents. Traffic impacts are temporary during the construction. Attachment A       MEMORANDUM TO: Matt Pielsticker, AICP; David McWilliams, AICP, Town of Avon FROM: Jeffrey Schneider, P.E. DATE: 1/29/2020 RE: Supplemental Information for Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Location, Character, and Extent Application. ERWSD received a request for additional information to prepare the staff report for the Avon WWTF Nutrient Upgrades Project Location, Character, and Extent application. The requested information consisted of: Before and after plan view Landscaping and parking changes Irrigation changes Parking analysis – how many spaces for GFA Lot coverage calculation Lighting cut sheet Roof pitch analysis Color/Material Board Each item is addressed in this memorandum, or where applicable, is attached to this memorandum.   1. Before and after plan view Plan Sheets 01C02 (existing site topographical survey) and 05C01 (Overall site plan) are attached to this memorandum as Exhibit A. In addition, a curated set of plan sheets consisting of General, Civil, and Architectural is attached as Exhibit B which should simplify review of the documents. 2. Landscaping and parking changes The site will undergo changes to the landscaping and parking configurations, mostly confined to the western property line. In order to construct the planned improvements, the existing landscape island along the western property line will be removed. Many of the trees will be removed; ERWSD has approached Liftview with an opportunity to transplant certain pine trees on their property to help with screening. The landscaping is proposed to be native seed areas with temporary irrigation for establishment, as ERWSD attempts to limits consumptive outdoor water use to the extent possible. To mitigate the loss of screening trees, a 10’ tall architectural fence is proposed. Plan Sheet 05A12 contains a landscape plan and fence detail and is attached as Exhibit C. 3. Any irrigation changes The site is currently irrigated with treated wastewater, in line with ERWSD’s policy of limiting outdoor potable water use. We are anticipating a reduction in irrigated area, primarily along the western property Attachment B Supplemental Information for Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Location, Character, and Extent Application. Page 2 of 3       line of 8,811 square feet. In addition, the area to the southwest of the treatment facility will be reclaimed with native seed and will require temporary irrigation. The reclaimed area will total approximately 11,950 square feet, with a net reclaimed area of 3,139 square feet compared to existing conditions. 4. Parking analysis – how many spaces for GFA The Gross Floor Area of the wastewater treatment facility is not applicable to this project with respect to parking. The existing treatment facility consists of 59,546 square feet, with the new expansion proposed to be 24,648 sf, resulting in a total of 84,194 sf. Since the building contains wastewater treatment process tanks and equipment, five operators staff the entirety of the 84,194 sf treatment facility. In addition, the property contains approximately 7,652 sf of office and laboratory space and 7,480 sf of fleet maintenance and vehicle/equipment storage. Per AMC 7.28.020, Government services, offices, and facilities require 4 parking spaces per 1,000 sf of GFA. There are 45 designated parking spaces available at the facility, not including the fleet maintenance parking area. The project proposes the addition of three parking spaces along the north fenceline. Utilizing the office facility for parking calculations only, the AMC requires 32 parking spaces. The facility will have 48 at the conclusion of the project, plus informal parking areas throughout the facility. The facility is a secured, gated facility and is not open to the public, save for scheduled appointments and laboratory customers. In addition, the facility is home to ERWSD’s Field Operations division, with several fleet vehicles occupying the facility. To mitigate parking impacts during construction, ERWSD is utilizing a property at 32001 US Highway 6 in west Edwards to stage fleet vehicles and equipment during the long project duration. 5. Lot coverage calculation Lot coverage, as defined in AMC 7.08.010, means the ratio of the area of the site which is rendered impermeable by buildings compared to the total area of a site, excluding those rendered undevelopable, expressed as a percentage. Lot coverage on this site is somewhat misleading, as existing green spaces contain buried process tankage. A portion of the buried process tankage will be removed and an 11,876 sf superstructure added for improved process control, access, and safety. Tables 5-1 and 5-2 below show existing and proposed lot coverage areas. Table 5-1: Current site lot coverage Building Name Lot Coverage Treatment and administration 41,545 Primary clarifiers 7,254 UV disinfection 1,251 Fleet maintenance/garage storage 7,762 Raw Booster Pump Station 871 Heat pump (heat recovery by TOA) 941 Headworks 1,522 Odor control 537 Hahnewald Barn 3,929 Total Existing lot coverage 65,612 Total site area 237,285 Lot coverage percentage 27.6% Attachment B Supplemental Information for Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Location, Character, and Extent Application. Page 3 of 3       Table 5-2: Future site lot coverage Building Name Lot Coverage Treatment and administration 41,545 Primary clarifiers 7,254 UV disinfection 1,251 Fleet maintenance/garage storage 7,762 Raw Booster Pump Station 871 Heat pump (heat recovery by TOA) 941 Headworks 1,522 New Aeration Basins and Secondary Clarifier 25,322 Total Existing lot coverage 86,468 Total site area 237,285 Lot coverage percentage 36.4% 6. Lighting cut sheet ERWSD recently upgraded lighting at several of its facilities to high efficiency LED fixtures to reduce energy usage in partnership with Holy Cross. The new construction will include exterior lights above new doorways. The selected lighting is the ASD-WLP02A-30N50B, and a cut sheet is included as Exhibit D to this memorandum. The fixture is full cutoff and is compliant with Avon’s dark sky ordinance. 7. Roof pitch analysis A roof pitch analysis was not completed for this project due to the need to tie into existing rooflines and adjacent buildings. The roof material is selected as precast concrete double tees. This roof is required to span the large aeration basin tanks as it can support up to an 80-foot free span. The roof will be flat with interior roof drains. Flat roofs enable the placement of HVAC and odor control equipment on the roof, similar to other buildings on the property. More detail can be found in the architectural set of drawings included as Exhibit B, specifically, sheets 05A03 to 05A10. 8. Color/Material Board A Color/Material board will be provided at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on February 4, 2020. Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:53 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1001C02.dgn10897B10DA01C0225CIVILBBakerRFB SITE TOPOGRAPHY FIELD SURVEYBLGEXHIBIT AAttachment B BLDGCONTROLODORPUMP STATIONRAW WATER RECOVERYHEATDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSEagle River ESSSSSDSSSSSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:19 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C01.dgnGD05C0126CIVILMAINTENANCEBUILDINGUVRAIL ROAD50'025'100'BLDGWORKSHEADBUILDINGEQBASINSAERATIONGATEMAIN ENTRANCESURVEY CONTROL POINTPOINT #NORTHINGEASTING ELEVATIONDESCRIPTIONCP 10722658618.77710530.057403.88CONC SLAB CORNERCP 4299658542.89710461.527409.70STORM SWR LID1659021.48710098.437409.951-1/2 " ALUM CAP2658514.47710067.297392.171-1/2 " ALUM CAP3658683.30710836.057418.571-1/2 " ALUM CAPPROPERTY LI NEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10897B10RFB12CP 4299CP 107223CLARIFIERSPRIMARYBUILDINGWAREHOUSECP-4304CP-4305CP-43067414.0237412.129CP NEARGATE7403.853CP S.PAVELINECP-4304CP-4305CP-4306658893.04658942.44658717.93710322.09710185.30710148.01CONSTRUCTION BENCHMARKSBASINSAERATIONCLARIFIERSSECONDARYEASTBUILDINGADMINISTRATIONBUILDINGBLOWERCLARIFIERSECONDARYWEST CELLSPOLISHINGRAS PSPS, & WEST ROOM, IMLR FERRIC FEEDMCC-SP, GENERAL NOTES1.HORIZONTAL DATUM IS FROM COLORADO STATEPLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM USING NAD 1983.2.VERTICAL DATUM IS FROM NAVD 1988.3.SEE DRAWING 01C02 FOR SITE TOPOGRAPHY ANDFIELD SURVEY.KEY NOTES =1TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION GATE AT PROPERTYLINE.2CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL AND MAINTAINTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AND NOISEMITIGATION FENCING ALONG WESTERN PROPERTYBOUNDARY. NOISE MITIGATION FENCING SHALL BEE-NOISE CONTROL MODEL UNC-13X TEMPORARYEXTERIOR NOISE BARRIER/SOUND ABSORBERCOMPOSITE OR EQUAL. 3OFFICE TRAILER FOR SECURITY AND DELIVERYCHECK-IN, CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER,SUPERINTENDENTS, AND FIELD ENGINEERS.APPROXIMATELY 24' X 60'.4TEMPORARY SAFETY FENCING AS NEEDED ALONGEXCAVATIONS.5TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIERS FOR CRANEPROTECTION.6OFFICE TRAILERS FOR CREW, LUNCHROOMS,ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL STAFF. (3)APPROXIMATELY 12' X 48' TRAILERS WITHTEMPORARY WOODEN DECKING. MAINTAIN DISTRICTACCESS TO UV BUILDING. 7OFFICE TRAILER FOR OWNER AND ENGINEER STAFF.APPROXIMATELY 12' X 48' TRAILER. MAINTAINDISTRICT ACCESS TO UV BUILDING. 8CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA FOR EARTHWORK,TEMPORARY LAYDOWN, CONSTRUCTION STAGING,AND EQUIPMENT. DISTRICT WILL NOT HAVE ACCESSTHROUGH THIS AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. IFUSED FOR ONSITE FUEL STORAGE, CONTRACTORTO INCLUDE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS INSAFETY PLAN AND COORDINATE WITH OWNER..CP END-SPACE#123567844BLGTEMPORARY FACILITIESSITE PLAN ANDm lhall Attachment B Plot Date: 19-DEC-2019 7:05:12 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1 ®PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 1 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTVOLUME 4 OF 510879B10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG00G01tlockwood AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESSTRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND HVAC DRAWINGSGENERAL, CIVIL, DEMOLITION, ARCHITECTURAL,10897B1001G001-VOL 1.dgnISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDECEMBER 201939920BECKYJ.LUNACOLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEER EXHIBIT BAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:33:44 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 2 TBL01G02GENERALJSB10897B10DRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING LIST - VOLUME 4tlockwood10897B1001G002.dgnPAGE NO.PAGE NO.PAGE NO.BJL18230M20AERATION BASIN 2 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 118330M21AERATION BASIN 2 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 218430M22AERATION BASIN 2 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 318530M23AERATION BASIN 1 UPPER PLAN 118630M24AERATION BASIN 1 UPPER PLAN 218730M25AERATION BASIN 1 UPPER PLAN 318830M26AERATION BASIN 2 UPPER PLAN 118930M27AERATION BASIN 2 UPPER PLAN 219030M28AERATION BASIN 2 UPPER PLAN 319130M41AERATION BASIN SECTION 119230M42AERATION BASIN SECTION 219330M43AERATION BASIN SECTION 319430M44AERATION BASIN SECTION 419530M45AERATION BASIN SECTION 519630M46AERATION BASIN SECTION 619730M47AERATION BASIN SECTION 719830M48AERATION BASIN SECTION 819930M49AERATION BASIN SECTION 920030M50AERATION BASIN SECTION 1020130M51AERATION BASIN DETAILS20230M61AERATION BASIN NPW SCHEMATIC20330M71AERATION BASIN ROOF DRAINAGE PLAN 120430M72AERATION BASIN ROOF DRAINAGE PLAN 220530M81BLOWER ROOM AND MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE ROOM PLAN20630M82BLOWER ROOM AND MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE ROOM SECTIONS20740M01EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIERS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT LOWER PLAN20840M02EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIERS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT UPPER PLAN20940M03WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM LOWER PLAN21040M04WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM UPPER PLAN21140M05MIXED LIQUOR SPLITTER BOX PLAN21240M07IMLR PUMP STATION PLANS21340M08WEST RAS PUMP STATION PLAN21440M09EAST RAS PUMP STATION PLANS21540M10SECONDARY GALLERY PLAN21640M21SECONDARY CLARIFIER 1 SECTIONS 121740M22SECONDARY CLARIFIER 1 SECTIONS 221840M23MIXED LIQUOR SPLITTER BOX SECTIONS21940M24IMLR PUMP STATION SECTIONS 122040M25IMLR PUMP STATION SECTIONS 222140M26WEST RAS PUMP STATION SECTIONS22240M27EAST RAS PUMP STATION SECTIONS22340M28SECONDARY GALLERY SECTIONS22440M61SECONDARY CLARIFIER NPW SCHEMATIC22540M71WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER 1 ROOF DRAINAGE PLAN22650M01FERRIC FEED ROOM PLAN22750M02CARBON STORAGE AND PUMPING PLAN22850M03CARBON STORAGE AND PUMPING PLAN AND DETAILS22950M52AERATION BASIN CHEMICAL FEED SCHEMATIC23070M01EQUALIZATION BUILDING PLAN 123170M02EQUALIZATION BUILDING SECTIONS23270M03EQUALIZATION BUILDING PHOTOS23380M10ODOR CONTROL PRIMARY EFFLUENT SPLITTER PLAN23480M11ODOR CONTROL PRIMARY/ HEADWORKS PLAN23580M71ODOR CONTROL EQ PLAN23680M81ODOR CONTROL PLAN23780M85ODOR CONTROL SECTIONS 1HVAC23801H01HVAC LEGENDS AND ABBREVIATIONS23901H02HVAC SCHEDULES24007H01ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SWITCHGEAR AND SERVER ROOM HVAC PLAN24130H01AERATION BASIN FLOOR PLAN 124230H02AERATION BASIN FLOOR PLAN 224330H03AERATION BASIN ROOF PLAN 124430H04AERATION BASIN ROOF PLAN 224540H01WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER FLOOR PLAN24640H02EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER PLAN AND DETAIL24770H71EQUALIZATION BUILDING PLAN24870H81WAREHOUSE BUILDING PLAN9280D81WAREHOUSE BUILDING HVAC PLAN9380D91MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE ROOM HVAC PLANARCHITECTURAL9401A01ARCHITECTURAL LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS9501A02ARCHITECTURAL DOOR AND FRAME TYPES; HEAD, JAMB & SILL DETAILS9605A01CODE PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL LOWER PLAN9705A02CODE PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL UPPER LEVEL9805A03ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 19905A04ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 210005A05ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 310105A06ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING SECTIONS10205A07ARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 110305A08ARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 210405A09ARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 310505A10ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PLAN10605A11ARCHITECTURAL ROOF DETAILS10705A12ARCHITECTURAL SITE DETAILS10807A01ADMIN. BUILDING & EQ GALLERY PLANS10930A01ARCHITECTURAL AERATION BASIN UPPER LEVEL PLAN 111030A02ARCHITECTURAL AERATION BASIN UPPER LEVEL PLAN 211140A01ARCHITECTURAL WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER UL DEMOLITION PLAN11240A02ARCHITECTURAL WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER LL PLAN11340A03ARCHITECTURAL WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER UL PLAN11440A04ARCHITECTURAL STAIR & RAMP SECTIONS11540A05EQ GALLERY ARCH. STAIR SECTIONSSTRUCTURAL11601S01GENERAL NOTES11705S01SITE STRUCTURES SECTION AND DETAILS11805S02CRANE FOUNDATION PRELIMINARY PILE CAP11910S01HEADWORKS BUILDING PLAN12010S02HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTIONS AND DETAILS 112120S01PRIMARY CLARIFIERS INTERMEDIATE PLAN12220S02PRIMARY CLARIFIERS UPPER PLAN12320S03PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 112420S04PRIMARY CLARIFIER EFFLUENT SPLITTER BOX PLAN, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS12530S01AERATION BASINS LOWER PLAN 112630S02AERATION BASINS LOWER PLAN 212730S03AERATION BASINS UPPER PLAN 112830S04AERATION BASINS UPPER PLAN 212930S05AERATION BASINS ROOF PLAN 113030S06AERATION BASINS ROOF PLAN 213130S07AERATION BASINS LOADING PLANS13230S10AERATION BASINS OVERALL SECTIONS 113330S11AERATION BASINS OVERALL SECTIONS 213430S12AERATION BASINS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 113530S13AERATION BASINS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 213630S14AERATION BASINS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 313730S15AERATION BASINS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 413840S01WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER LOWER PLAN13940S02WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER UPPER PLAN14040S03WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOF PLAN14140S04WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER LOADING PLAN14240S05WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER OVERALL SECTIONS14340S06WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER SECTIONS AND DETAILS 114440S07WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER SECTIONS AND DETAILS 214540S08WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER SECTIONS AND DETAILS 314640S09WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER SECTIONS AND DETAILS 414740S31WEST RAS PUMP STATION PLAN, SECTIONS AND DETAIL14840S32IMLR PUMP STATION PLAN AND SECTION14970S01EQUALIZATION BUILDING PLANS15070S05EQUALIZATION BUILDING SECTIONS AND DETAILS 115180S01ODOR CONTROL FOUNDATION PLANMECHANICAL15201M01MECHANICAL LEGENDS AND ABBREVIATIONS15301M03PIPING SCHEDULE 115401M04PIPING SCHEDULE 215505M01FUELING STATION PLAN15605M02FUELING STATION SECTIONS15710M10HEADWORKS BUILDING PLAN15810M11HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 115910M12HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 216010M13HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 316110M21AERATED GRIT CHAMBER PLAN16210M31AERATED GRIT CHAMBER SECTION16310M61HEADWORKS NPW SCHEMATIC16420M01PRIMARY GALLERY PLAN16520M02PRIMARY GALLERY SECTION16620M10PRIMARY CLARIFIERS INTERMEDIATE PLAN16720M21PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SECTION 116820M22PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SECTION 216920M41NEW PRIMARY EFFLUENT DISTRIBUTION PLAN AND SECTION17030M04AERATION BASIN OVERALL LOWER PLAN17130M05AERATION BASIN OVERALL INTERMEDIATE PLAN17230M06AERATION BASIN OVERALL UPPER PLAN17330M11AERATION BASIN 1 LOWER PLAN 117430M12AERATION BASIN 1 LOWER PLAN 217530M13AERATION BASIN 1 LOWER PLAN 317630M14AERATION BASIN 2 LOWER PLAN 117730M15AERATION BASIN 2 LOWER PLAN 217830M16AERATION BASIN 2 LOWER PLAN 317930M17AERATION BASIN 1 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 118030M18AERATION BASIN 1 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 218130M19AERATION BASIN 1 INTERMEDIATE PLAN 3GENERAL100G01COVER SHEET201G02DRAWING LIST - VOLUME 4301G03DRAWING LIST - VOLUME 5401G04GENERAL LEGENDS501G05ABBREVIATIONS601G06PROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA 1701G07PROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA 2801G08HYDRAULIC PROFILE 1901G09HYDRAULIC PROFILE 21010G01HEADWORKS AND GRIT PFD1120G01PRIMARY TREATMENT PFD1230G01AERATION BASIN PFD1330G02AERATION BLOWER PFD1440G01SECONDARY CLARIFIER PFD1550G01CHEMICAL FEED - FERRIC CHLORIDE PFD1650G02CHEMICAL FEED - POLYMER PFD1750G03CARBON STORAGE AND PUMPING PFD1870G01EQUALIZATION PFD1980G21ODOR CONTROL PRIMARY AND EQUALIZATION AIRFLOW SCHEMATIC2080G22ODOR CONTROL PRIMARY TREATMENT AIRFLOW SCHEMATIC2180G31AERATION BASIN AND WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER AIRFLOW SCHEMATIC2280G71EQUALIZATION AIRFLOW SCHEMATIC2380G72WAREHOUSE BUILDING AIRFLOW SCHEMATICCIVIL2401C01CIVIL GENERAL NOTES, LEGENDS, AND SYMBOLS2501C02SITE TOPOGRAPHIC FIELD SURVEY2605C01SITE PLAN AND TEMPORARY FACILITIES2705C02CIVIL DRAWING KEY PLAN2805C11SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 1 2905C12SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 23005C13SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 3 3105C16LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION PLAN3205C17LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION DETAILS 13305C18LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION DETAILS 23405C21PAVING AND GRADING PLAN 13505C22PAVING AND GRADING PLAN 23605C23PAVING AND GRADING PLAN 33705C24WEST SIDE ROAD CROSS SECTIONS A-F3805C25WEST SIDE ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE3905C26ENTRANCE GATE ENLARGEMENT AND GATE DETAILS4005C27CIVIL DETAILS I4105C28CIVIL DETAILS II4205C31YARD PIPING PLAN 14305C32YARD PIPING PLAN 24405C33YARD PIPING PLAN 34505C34WEST SIDE SEWER PROFILESDEMOLITION4601D01GENERAL NOTES4705D01FUELING STATION PLAN AND SECTIONS4810D01HEADWORKS BUILDING PLAN4910D11HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 15010D12HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 25110D13HEADWORKS BUILDING SECTION 35210D21AERATED GRIT CHAMBER PLAN5310D31AERATED GRIT CHAMBER SECTION5420D21PRIMARY GALLERY PLAN5520D22PRIMARY GALLERY SECTION5620D31PRIMARY CLARIFIERS INTERMEDIATE PLAN5720D32PRIMARY CLARIFIERS UPPER PLAN5820D41PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SECTION 15920D42PRIMARY CLARIFIERS SECTION 26020D51PRIMARY CLARIFIER SCUM VAULT PLAN6120D61PRIMARY CLARIFIER EFFLUENT DISTRIBUTION BOX PLAN6230D02AERATION BASIN 1 LOWER PLAN 16330D03AERATION BASIN 1 LOWER PLAN 26430D04AERATION BASIN 2 LOWER PLAN 16530D05AERATION BASIN 2 LOWER PLAN 26630D06AERATION BASIN 1 UPPER PLAN 16730D07AERATION BASIN 1 UPPER PLAN 26830D08AERATION BASIN 2 UPPER PLAN 16930D09AERATION BASIN 2 UPPER PLAN 27030D10AERATION BASIN 1 TOP PLAN 17130D11AERATION BASIN 1 TOP PLAN 27230D12AERATION BASIN 2 TOP PLAN 17330D13AERATION BASIN 2 TOP PLAN 27430D14AERATION BASIN SECTIONS AND DETAILS 17530D31BLOWER ROOM PLAN7640D01EAST RAS PUMP STATION PLANS7740D02SECONDARY GALLERY PLAN7840D03EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM PIPING PLAN7940D04IMLR PUMP STATION LOWER AND UPPER PLAN8040D05SECONDARY CLARIFIER SUPPORT ROOMS PLAN AND SECTIONS8140D11EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER AND PUMPING SECTIONS8240D12EAST SECONDARY GALLERY SECTIONS8340D14IMLR PUMP STATION SECTIONS8450D11FERRIC FEED ROOM PLAN8550D21CARBON STORAGE AND PUMPING PLAN8650D27CARBON STORAGE AND PUMPING PHOTOS8770D01EQUALIZATION GALLERY LOWER AND UPPER PLANS8870D02EQUALIZATION GALLERY PHOTOS8980D01PRIMARY ODOR CONTROL PLAN AND SECTION9080D02PRIMARY ODOR CONTROL PLAN9180D71EQUALIZATION BUILDING HVAC PLANAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:33:45 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 3 TBL01G03GENERALJSB10897B10DRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING NO.DRAWING TITLEDRAWING LIST - VOLUME 5tlockwood10897B1001G003.dgnPAGE NO.PAGE NO.PAGE NO.BJL18500HT03HVAC TYPICAL DETAILS 318600HT04HVAC TYPICAL DETAILS 418700HT05HVAC TYPICAL DETAILS 518800ET01ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 118900ET02ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 219000ET03ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 319100ET04ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 419200ET05ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 519300ET06ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 619400ET07ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 719500ET08ELECTRICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 819600NT01INSTRUMENTATION TYPICAL DETAILS 119700NT02INSTRUMENTATION TYPICAL DETAILS 219800NT03INSTRUMENTATION TYPICAL DETAILS 319900NT04INSTRUMENTATION TYPICAL DETAILS 420000NT05INSTRUMENTATION TYPICAL DETAILS 5GENERAL100G01COVER SHEET201G02DRAWING LIST - VOLUME 4301G03DRAWING LIST - VOLUME 5401G04GENERAL LEGENDS501G05ABBREVIATIONSELECTRICAL600GE01ELECTRICAL LEGEND 700GE02ELECTRICAL ABBREVIATIONS801E01OVERALL ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN903DE02ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT SWITCHGEAR 11003DE03ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT SWITCHBOARD MDP-1A1103DE04ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT SWITCHBOARD MDP-1B1203DE06ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-1A1303DE07ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-1B NW1403DE08ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-1B SW1503DE09ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-1C1603DE10ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-31703DE11ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-3A1803DE12ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-5A1903DE14ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: DEMOLITION AT MCC-62003E01ELECTRICAL OVERALL ONE-LINE DIAGRAM2103E02ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR 1 ELEVATION2203E03ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: SWITCHGEAR 12303E04ELECTRICAL SWITCHBOARD MDP-1A MODIFICATIONS ELEVATION2403E05ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: SWITCHBOARD MDP-1A2503E06ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: SWITCHBOARD MDP-1B2603E07ELECTRICAL SWITCHBOARD MDP-3 ELEVATION2703E08ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: SWITCHBOARD MDP-32803E09ELECTRICAL MCC-1A MODIFICATIONS ELEVATION2903E10ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-1A3003E11ELECTRICAL MCC-1B NW AND MCC-1B SW ELEVATION3103E12ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-1B NW3203E13ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-1B SW3303E14ELECTRICAL MCC-1C MODIFICATIONS ELEVATION3403E15ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-1C3503E16ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-33603E17ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-3A3703E18ELECTRICAL MCC-5A MODIFICATIONS ELEVATION3803E19ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-5A3903E20ELECTRICAL MCC-6 ELEVATION4003E21ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-64103E22ELECTRICAL MCC-7 ELEVATION4203E23ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE: MCC-74304E01PANELBOARD SCHEDULES4404E02LUMINAIRE AND DISCONNECT SCHEDULES4510E01HEADWORKS BUILDING POWER & CONTROL PLAN4620E01PRIMARY CLARIFIERS AND SLUDGE PUMP STATION OVERALL PLAN4720E02PRIMARY CLARIFIERS POWER & CONTROL PLAN4820E03PRIMARY GALLERY POWER & CONTROL PLAN4920E04PRIMARY EFFLUENT SPLITTER BOX PLAN5030DE10BLOWER MCC DEMOLITION PLAN5130E01AERATION BASIN OVERALL PLAN5230E02AERATION BASIN 1 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 15330E03AERATION BASIN 1 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 25430E04AERATION BASIN 1 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 35530E05AERATION BASIN 2 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 15630E06AERATION BASIN 2 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 25730E07AERATION BASIN 2 POWER & CONTROL PLAN 35830E08AERATION BASIN 1 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 15930E09AERATION BASIN 1 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 26030E10AERATION BASIN 1 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 36130E11AERATION BASIN 2 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 16230E12AERATION BASIN 2 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 26330E13AERATION BASIN 2 LIGHTING, RECEPTACLE, AND GROUNDING PLAN - 36430E14AERATION BASIN ROOF PLAN6530E15BLOWER ROOM POWER & CONTROL PLAN6630E16BLOWER MCC (MCC-1) ELECTRICAL ROOM PLAN6740E01SECONDARY CLARIFIERS OVERALL UPPER PLAN6840E02EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM OVERALL UPPER PLAN6940E03WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM POWER & CONTROL PLAN7040E04EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM OVERALL LOWER PLAN7140E05IMLR PUMP STATION POWER & CONTROL PLAN7240E06WEST RAS PUMP STATION POWER & CONTROL PLAN7340E07EAST RAS PUMP STATION POWER & CONTROL PLAN7440E08EAST SECONDARY GALLERY POWER & CONTROL PLAN7540E09MCC - SAM PETTIGREW POWER & CONTROL PLAN7640E10MCC - SAM PETTIGREW LIGHTING PLAN7740E11IMLR LIGHTING PLAN7840E12SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE PLAN7950E01FERRIC FEED ROOM LIGHTING PLAN8070DE01MAIN SWITCHGEAR ROOM DEMOLITION PLAN8170DE02WAREHOUSE ELECTRICAL ROOM DEMOLITION PLAN8270E01OVERALL EQ BASIN AND WAREHOUSE PLAN8370E02EQ BUILDING GALLERY LEVEL POWER AND CONTROL PLAN8470E03EQ BUILDING MAIN LEVEL POWER AND CONTROL PLAN8570E04EQ BUILDING MAIN LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN8670E05EQ BUILDING GALLERY LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN8770E06WAREHOUSE AREA POWER AND CONTROL PLAN8870E07WAREHOUSE ELECTRICAL ROOM POWER & CONTROL PLAN8970E08MAIN SWITCHGEAR ROOM POWER & CONTROL PLAN9070E09WAREHOUSE BUILDING ROOF PLAN9180E01ODOR CONTROL POWER AND CONTROL PLANINSTRUMENTATION9200GN01SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - I9300GN02SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - II9400GN03SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - III9500GN04SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS - IV9600GN05SCHEMATIC SYMBOLS9700GN06SAMPLE LOOP DRAWING9800GN07EQUIPMENT TAGGING SYSTEM WATER TREATMENT9901N01PARTIAL NETWORK BLOCK DIAGRAM10002N01RIO-500 EXTERNAL LAYOUT10102N02RIO-500 INTERNAL LAYOUT10205N01PCM-100 INTERNAL LAYOUT10305N02PCM-200 INTERNAL LAYOUT10405N03PCM-300 INTERNAL LAYOUT10505N04PCM-500 INTERNAL LAYOUT10606N01CONTROL SCHEMATICS - I10706N02CONTROL SCHEMATICS - II10806N03CONTROL SCHEMATICS - III10906N04CONTROL SCHEMATICS - IV11006N05CONTROL SCHEMATICS - V11106N06CONTROL SCHEMATICS - VI11206N07CONTROL SCHEMATICS - VII11306N08CONTROL SCHEMATICS - VIII11406N09CONTROL SCHEMATICS - IX11506N10CONTROL SCHEMATICS - X11606N11CONTROL SCHEMATICS - XI11706N12CONTROL SCHEMATICS - XII11806N13CONTROL SCHEMATICS - XIII11906N14CONTROL SCHEMATICS - XIV12007N01I/O TABLES12110N01HEADWORKS SCREENING P&ID - I12210N02HEADWORKS SCREENING P&ID - II12310N03HEADWORKS SCREENING P&ID - III12410N04HEADWORKS GRIT DEWATERING UNIT P&ID12510N05HEADWORKS AERATED GRIT CHAMBER P&ID12620N01PRIMARY CLARIFIERS P&ID12720N02PRIMARY GALLERY P&ID - I12820N03PRIMARY GALLERY P&ID - II12920N04PRIMARY EFFLUENT SPLITTER BOX P&ID13030N01AERATION BASINS 1 & 2 OVERVIEW - P&ID13130N02AERATION BASIN 1 (NORTH) P&ID - I13230N03AERATION BASIN 1 (NORTH) P&ID - II13330N04AERATION BASIN 1 (NORTH) P&ID - III13430N05AERATION BASIN 2 (SOUTH) P&ID - I13530N06AERATION BASIN 2 (SOUTH) P&ID - II13630N07AERATION BASIN 2 (SOUTH) P&ID - III13730N08AERATION BLOWERS P&ID - I13830N09AERATION BLOWERS P&ID - II13930N10AERATION BLOWERS P&ID - III14040N01WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM P&ID14140N02EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM P&ID14240N03WEST RAS PUMP STATION P&ID14340N04EAST RAS PUMP STATION P&ID14440N05IMLR PUMPING P&ID - I14540N06IMLR PUMPING P&ID - II14640N10RIO-500 P&ID14750N01CHEMICAL FEED P&ID - FERRIC CHLORIDE14850N02CHEMICAL FEED P&ID - POLYMER STORAGE AND FEED14950N03CHEMICAL FEED P&ID - CARBON ADDITION15070N01EQUALIZATION SYSTEM P&ID - I15170N02EQUALIZATION SYSTEM P&ID - II15280N01ODOR CONTROL FANS 1 AND 2 P&ID15380N02GO / NO-GO PANELS P&ID15480N03SPACE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERSTYPICAL15500BT01BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 115600BT02BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 215700BT03BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 315800BT04BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 415900BT05BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 516000BT06BUILDING TYPICAL DETAILS 616100CT01CIVIL TYPICAL DETAILS 116200CT02CIVIL TYPICAL DETAILS 216300ST01STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 116400ST02STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 216500ST03STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 316600ST04STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 416700ST05STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 516800ST06STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 616900ST07STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 717000ST08STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 817100ST09STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 917200ST10STRUCTURAL TYPICAL DETAILS 1017300MT01MECHANICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 117400MT02MECHANICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 217500MT03MECHANICAL TYPICAL DETAILS 317600PT01PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 117700PT02PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 217800PT03PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 317900PT04PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 418000PT05PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 518100PT06PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 618200PT07PIPING TYPICAL DETAILS 718300HT01HVAC TYPICAL DETAILS 118400HT02HVAC TYPICAL DETAILS 2Attachment B 30° DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:45 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 4 TBL01G04GENERALtlockwoodJSB10897B10 GENERAL LEGENDSA##X##VIEWREVISION DELTASCALEFENCEGUARDRAILCENTER LINEREMOVE AND/OR ABANDONGATEEXISTINGNEWDETAIL REFERENCESHATCH PATTERNSVIEWDRAWING CUT ORIGINATIONTYPICAL DETAIL # TYPFILE:SCALE:FILE:100'050'200'SECTION CUTREFERENCETYPICAL DETAIL(EXIST)VIEWSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONPHOTO LOCATIONKEY NOTETAG AND NUMBEREQUIPMENT/DEVICE AGRID BUBBLEPIPE TAGBREAK LINETRUENORTH PLANT NORTHNORTH ARROW/PLANT NORTHSYMBOLSGENERAL NOTESMATCH LINEHIDDEN LINEMATCH LINE SEE DWG ##X##VIEWELEVATIONTOC XXXX.XXEXISTING ELEVATIONPLAN VIEWPIPE BREAKCROSS SECTIONPIPE BREAKCONSTRUCTIONFUTURE CONSTRUCTION(SINGLE LINE)PIPE CONTINUATIONBRACKETMISCELLANEOUSEF-EQUIP = FUTURE EQUIPMENTEX-EQUIP = EXISTING EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENTEF-SIZE FLOW STREAM = FUTUREEX-SIZE FLOW STREAM = EXISTINGSIZE FLOW STREAMPLAN/TITLETITLE W/ REFERENCESECTION OR DETAILNUMERIC = DETAILALPHA = SECTION(ENLARGED)DETAIL CALL-OUTPOINT OF VIEWARROW INDICATES1##X## = SEE INDICATED DRAWING- = SHOWN ON SAME DRAWINGDRAWING REFERENCE##X##DISCIPLINE DESIGNATORDRAWINGSEE INDICATEDDETAILSHEETS IN TYPICAL DETAIL NUMBER TYPICAL DETAIL TITLE(WHEN APPLICABLE)AREA DESIGNATORSHEET NUMBERCONSECUTIVE(REVISED)DATE CREATEDPLAN NOT REFERENCEDLINE WORKN = NOTE TO TYPICAL DETAIL USERR = REVISEDJ = JOB SPECIFICS = STANDARDMODIFICATION NOTET.O.W. XXXX.X±PIPE SIZEFLOW STREAMXXX-XX-XXXXX" XXX342-#?##X##1SHT # OF #MODLINE 2LINE 1LINE 3VER DATETYP?SECTION/DETAIL TITLEC/1##X##FILESCALECAFILEPLAN TITLERUBBERTREAD PLATELANDSCAPINGGRATINGFIBERGLASSCAST IRON ORSTEELALUMINUMOR COPPERBRONZE, BRASS,BRICK OR BLOCKASPHALT PAVINGBEDROCKCLSM(ALL CLASSES)CONCRETE SANDDRAIN ROCKSOIL EXISTINGGRAVELOR BACKFILLSTRUCTURAL FILL WOODCOURSE (ABC)AGGREGATE BASE SPANCall before you D gAvoid cutting undergroundutility lines. It's costly.1-800-922-1987ORCallWARNING OVERHEADUNDERGROUND/10897B1001G004.dgnDRAWINGS, SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO CASTING CONCRETE. REVEALS NOT SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, THAT ARE REQUIRED BY OTHER CONTRACT MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS, ANCHORAGES, OPENINGS, RECESSES, AND 20.VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. OPENINGS CONTROLLED BY ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BEBEFORE PLACING ANY STRUCTURAL STEEL OR CONCRETE. ALSO, STRUCTURAL DIMENSIONS AND CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL ITEMS 19.PROVIDE ALL SHEETING/SHORING REQUIRED TO PROTECT EXISTING STRUCTURES, PIPES AND FACILITIES. 18.OWNER OF THE ELECTRIC LINES. LINES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ABIDE BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AND ANY REQUIREMENT BY THETHE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF ANY OVERHEAD ELECTRIC 17.ALL SIDEWALKS TO BE 3'-0" WIDE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 16.DOWNTIME SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 2 HOURS, UNLESS SPECIFIED OR SHOWN OTHERWISE. THE EXISTING PIPE SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE UNTIL NEW PIPING IS READY TO BE PLACED INTO SERVICE. CONTRACTOR SHALL REROUTE THE EXISTING PIPING IF REQUIRED TO MISS THE PROPOSED STRUCTURES. 15.TO MAINTAIN SERVICE BY THE PLANT. PHASES OF WORK, AND IT CONFLICTS WITH NEW PIPING, TEMPORARILY RELOCATE PIPING AS REQUIRED WHERE PIPING IS TO BE ABANDONED AND MUST REMAIN IN SERVICE UNTIL COMPLETION OF OTHER ALL EXISTING PIPES THAT ARE TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE OR REMOVED MAY NOT BE SHOWN. 14.THE PLANT. IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. LINES IN SERVICE SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL NO LONGER REQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT PIPING SHOWN TO BE ABANDONED OR AS ABANDONED PREVIOUSLY 13.COLORADO 811: 811 OR 1-800-922-1987QUESTIONS OR COORDINATION OF CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE PROPER UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE AS FOLLOWS FOR 12.GRADE AND VAULTS SHALL BE SIX INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. WISE SHOWN OR DIRECTED. MANHOLES IN OPEN FIELDS SHALL BE SET TWELVE INCHES ABOVE FINISHED ADJUST ALL VALVE BOXES, VAULTS, PULL BOXES, AND MANHOLES TO FINISHED GRADE UNLESS OTHER-11.PROVIDE ALL SUPPORTS REQUIRED FOR A RIGIDLY SUPPORTED COMPLETE AND WORKING SYSTEM. SHALL PROVIDE ALL FITTINGS, ADAPTERS, AND APPURTENANCES REQUIRED TO MAKE THE CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING PIPE, EQUIPMENT, ETC. AS REQUIRED AND 10.WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. OR RECONSTRUCTED TO THE ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE ALL FACILITIES DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE EXPEDITIOUSLY REPAIRED DAMAGE EXISTING FACILITIES AND UTILITIES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN THAT ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES NECESSARY TO PROTECT FROM 9.NEW CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. LOCATIONS, SIZES, MATERIAL TYPES, AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN AROUND OR NEAR AREAS OFAVAILABLE RECORDS OR ELECTRONIC FILES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALLEXISTING FACILITY AND UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WAS OBTAINED FROM 8.GRAVITY PIPING SHOULD BE MINIMIZED.CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE COST FOR THIS IN THE BID. ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. WHERE UNKNOWN PIPING IS ENCOUNTERED, REROUTING OFFOR FURNISHING ALL FITTINGS AND ADAPTERS REQUIRED TO MAKE THE ROUTING CHANGES AT NO ARE NECESSARY TO MISS EXISTING PIPES, STRUCTURES, ETC. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE OF 36" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PIPES SHALL BE ROUTED AS SHOWN UNLESS MINOR REVISIONS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. PIPE SMALLER THAN 12" SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER ALL PIPELINES 12" AND LARGER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 54" UNLESS THE COVER DEPTH IS 7.OWNER. AND REINSTALL THEM AS REQUIRED TO ELIMINATE THE CONFLICT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THESHALL TEMPORARILY RELOCATE CONFLICTING EXISTING UTILITIES AT TIE-IN/CONNECTION LOCATIONS LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PIPING AND UTILITIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR OTHER PROPOSED UTILITIES, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION FOR NEW STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, FABRICATION OF NEW PIPING 6.AND REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER DISCHARGE REGULATIONS 5.IN THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILIAR WORK. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART OF WORK. DETAILS SHALL BE 4.EVEN THOUGH NOT REFERENCED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS ON DRAWINGS. AS INDICATED IN THE APPLICABLE TYPICAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY UNLESS DETAILED, SPECIFIED, OR OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE 3.DOCUMENTS AND EXISTING CONSTRUCTION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IF THERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE CONTRACT EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY 2.THEY WERE WRITTEN IN THEIR ENTIRETY ON EACH SHEET. FOLLOWING NOTES ARE GENERAL AND APPLY TO ALL SHEETS OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS IF 1.BJLAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:54 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 5 TBL01G05GENERALJSB10897B10ABBREVIATIONSIMLRINTERNAL MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLEKWNYIQABCJHPSVURMDFTLEOGGVGSPH1EHGRVGPMGPDGRTGGRH2EHPHORIZHPUHPAHGTHDWHBHEFHDWLGNDFXFWGFXCFVFT or ' FSTNFUPFTGGAGLGENGMGLVGELGALVGALGBGAVLAVLABLDFLB(S)LJSTISRKGVJTLDFRLPLLVLPGLPALLHLGLFLLLHRAIPHWRHWLHxWHWSHWHSFHRHVHTXHYDINSTRINJINVINSULINFIDIAINCLIN or " EJEIFSEMBEDEJREGEDECUEFFEFEMHESEWESEUHETEREPSEPEQEPVECC REDDRDPVDRVDRTDODMSDMPdoDNDSEDWL(S)ECEADWDDUCDSWDWDUHFLDFLAFLEXFLEFLFILTFHFIN FLFINFLGFRPPFPPFSFRSFPMFMFLRFOFNDFGEXPOEXPFADEXTEWHEWEVREWEFEWCFBFDLFDFEFFFDRFCUFCFBWFCOFCAREGREFREJREINFREDRDLRDRECIRCRDOFREQDRHRBRHRMRLSRGRESRERRFREVRCPPSIPSGPTPSIGPSFPRRPROJPSPRVPVQTYPLWRASR/WPVTPVDFPVCPVMTPVISECSESEDSECTSDOSCRSCRSDLSDSEPSHTSHRSKSIMSHDRSFWSFSHDSGSCORTRRRUDRTFRPMPROTRORPMRPRWSCBSCSCFMSCDSARWWRWRSS/WMODMOMONMOISTMLMIXMISCMKMJMOSNGNEVNO., #NICNAMSNMTDMINMANMAINTMAUMATLMLSLRLWLLTMAXMG/LMFRMHMGDMETMCMBMECHMDPLASPIVPMPPLWDPIPERPPEPHPGPNL(S)PRCPPMVPRIPRGPPPOLYPOLPOWPOSPDPODOCOPPOPNGOBDNPTNOMONTSOPP HNDPCPPCCPPD, PLDPDPCCPOZPCPBLDLVTOP OFINSIDE FACEWTPWATER TREATMENT PLANTWEATHERPROOF, WATERPROOFNUMBER (REBAR Ø)OUTSIDE FACERSRWORKING POINTSANITARY WASTETRDRISERRADTREADTOP OF STEELWPTTASTHREADED ANCHOR STUD#ELLEXHAUST FAN, EACH FACEDEFLECTION ANGLE, CENTRAL ANGLEELFRPINTERIORFIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTICINTCLEANOUTO.F.CTJI.F.T.O.CONTROL JOINTHOOK ONE ENDHOOK TWO ENDSHEAT PUMP, HORSEPOWER, HIGH PRESSUREGALVANIZE(D)ADDLADDITIONALCIRCADJACENT, ADJUST, ADJUSTABLEABOVE FINISHED FLOORCONSTRUCTION JOINTCOL(S)ALAPPROXIMATE, APPROXIMATELYPOLYMER SOLUTIONUHMWULTRA HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHTUHMWPEULTRA HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLYETHYLENEWRSHIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENEPLSBELT FILTER PRESSHDPECOLUMN(S)LEFT HANDLOW PRESSUREHOLLOW STRUCTURAL SECTION (STEEL)LHLPTNEAR SIDENOT IN CONTRACTLOW POINTNSHIGH POINTELBOWELEVATIONDEMODEMOLISH, DEMOLITIONEQUIPFIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PIPEHPTEXFINISHED GRADE CHLORIDETIME DELAY RELAY, TOWEL DISPENSER/RECEPTACLERIGHT HAND REVERSE ACTIVERIGHT HAND REVERSETOP OF GRATINGVECVINYL ESTER COATINGTHICKENER SUPERNATANT OR SUBNATANTTRIAD (THREE CONDUCTOR SHIELDED CABLE), TIMING RELAYRHRA REGULATION VALVE, PRESSURE RELIEF VALVEPREFABMASONRYMASYPREFABRICATEDSTORE FRONT GLAZING SYSTEMRHRSGSWATER SURFACESLUDGE TRANSFERPOINT, POINT OF TANGENCYREVISION, REVERSETOP OF CURBSERVICE VALVE, SHUTOFF VALVE, SOLENOID VALVEWATER METERWEST, WIDTHPROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMPASPHALTIC CONCRETECATCH BASINWSTPWATERSTOPCONTROL POINTBFGBELOW FINISHED GRADECARPETEND OF CURVEWTFWWTFTURTURBINEWATER TREATMENT FACILITYBTWNBETWEENWASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITYFIN GRTANGENT LENGTH, THERMOSTAT, TIMEROPEN EQUIPMENT DRAINNPWOEDNON-POTABLE WATERRTUROOF TOP UNITSCHRADIUS, RADIALCIRCUMFERENTIAL/CIRCUMFERENCEGENERAL, GENERATORGYPSUMFXEFIRE EXTINGUISHER - ELECTRICALGYPLHRLEFT HAND REVERSELEFT HAND REVERSE BEVELLHRBFACTORYCURRENT TRANSFORMER, CERAMIC TILE CIRCLECLKCORRUGATE(D), CORROSIONBCKREXISTFACTBACKER BOARDEXISTINGCKFCKBCKSCKACICHKD PLCJCIPCLDCMLCCMLCMUCMPCLVCLPCLLCLSCLRCHFCBVCAUSTICCABTUBPVBOTTSBSPBRGCBCFMCFCHEMDCFSCEFCDCCCDTCDLDDRDFLDETDBLCYCWVD/WDDGDISCHDIPDLDIWDIMDIAGDIGDIFCWCORRCONTCPTCPCONSTCOCNVCONNCONCCPVCCUCTSKCVCUPCTRCSPCSCTLCTMASONRY CONTROL JOINTCLOSE, CONDUIT CHANNEL (STRUCTURAL)HEADED ANCHOR STUDMCJCCBCOUPLINGCLSMCHLORINE CONTACT BASINCPLGHASACIACBACUACPACAB@ABSABCCONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIALHSSINSIDE DIAMETER, INSIDE DIMENSION, IDENTIFICATIONGCGRAVITY BELT THICKENERNCSPECIFICATION(S)TOGNORMALLY CLOSEDSPEC(S)GROOVED COUPLINGDWG(S)DOWEL(S)CONNECT, CONNECTIONDRAWING(S)ELECFIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONGBTELECTRICALFDCBDBCMBDRBDDBCAVGAVAWAVVBFBLRBLKHDBOTTBMBLKBFVBFPBLDGBKWASTMAFCAERAFMAFFAEDADJADADRADMINAHUARCHAPPROXASSYARVANVAILAICANCHALTSLPOLYMER BLENDERPLANT CONTROL CENTEROUNCEOPENINGOVERFLOWOPPOSITE HANDOPPOSITEPRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPEPHASE, PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPEDPRESSURE GAUGEPOST INDICATOR VALVEPERPENDICULARPULSATION DAMPENERPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT, PLANT DRAINPLAIN ENDPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMPOUTSIDE DIAMETER, OUTSIDE DIMENSIONMOP SINKMETERING PUMPNORTH, NEUTRALMOUNTEDMOISTURE SEPARATORMODIFIEDMASONRY OPENINGMONUMENTMOISTURENOT APPLICABLEOPENNOT TO SCALEOPPOSED BLADE DAMPERNATIONAL PIPE THREADNATURAL GRADE, NATURAL OR LP GASVALVE, NEEDLENOMINALNUMBERPAVEMENTPOINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTIONPLANT WATERPOINT OF VERTICAL TANGENCYPOLYVINYLIDENEFLUORIDEPOUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAUGEPOUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPOINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE, POLYVINYLPLUG VALVEQUANTITYRECIRCULATINGROOF DRAIN OVERFLOWREFERENCEREDUCER, ROOF EQUIPMENT DRAINROOF DRAIN LINERETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGERIGHT OF WAYROOF DRAINREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEPRESSURE GAUGEPOLYETHYLENEPOLYMERPOTABLE WATERPOSITIONPANEL(S)PLASTICPLATE, PROPERTY LINEPUMPPLYWOODPOWER POLEPRESSURE REDUCING VALVE, PRESSUREPRESSURE OR VACUUM RELIEF VALVEPOUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTPUMP STATION, PIPE SUPPORTPROJECTIONPOINT OF REVERSE CURVATUREPARTS PER MILLION (VOLUME)PRIMARYPRESSURE REGULATORINSTRUMENT AIRHYDRANTINCLUDE, INCLUDINGINCHESHEIGHT BY WIDTHHIGH WATER LEVELHOT WATER SUPPLYHOT WATER RETURNINFLUENTJOISTINTRINSICALLY SAFE RELAYKNIFE GATE VALVEJOINTIRON PIPEINSTRUMENTATIONINJECTORINVERTINSULAT(E)(ED)(ING)(ION)HOSE VALVEGATE VALVEGALVANIZED STEEL PIPEHOSE BIBBEXPLOSION-PROOF, HIGH, HORIZONTALGRAVITY VENTILATORGALLONS PER MINUTEGALLONS PER DAYGRATINGGRADEHARDWAREHANDRAIL, HOSE REEL, HOURHEAT PUMP UNIT AIRHEAT EXCHANGERHOOD SUPPLY FANHIGH PRESSURE AIRHOOD EXHAUST FANHEADWALLHORIZONTALHEIGHTMOTORIZED DAMPERMECHANICAL COUPLINGMETALMECHANICALMACHINE BOLTMATERIALMANUALMAXIMUMMAKE-UP AIR UNITMANUFACTURERMECHANICAL JOINTMIXERMIXED LIQUORMARKMISCELLANEOUSMILLION GALLONS PER DAYMILLIGRAMS PER LITERMINIMUMMANHOLEMAINTENANCELINEAL FEETLIQUID DIESEL FUEL RETURNLEFT HAND REVERSE ACTIVELONGLIQUID DIESEL FUELLABORATORYANGLE (STRUCTURAL), LENGTH, LOUVERPOUND(S)LAVATORYLIVE LOADLEFTLAB SINKLOW WATER LEVELLONG RADIUSLONG LEG VERTICALLONG LEG HORIZONTALLIQUIFIED PROPANE GASLOW PRESSURE AIRTURBIDIMETER SAMPLETHICKENED SLUDGE DECANTTELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARDTHERMOSTATTOP OF WALLTANKTEMPERATURETOP OF MASONRYTOP OF CONCRETETURNING VANESVARIESUTILITY SINKVITRIFIED CLAY PIPEVALVE BOXUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISETYPICALTHREE-WAY VALVEUNDERGROUNDUNDERCUTTELEPHONE MANHOLEPIPE SUPPORT, SUPPORTSLUICE GATESYMMETRICALSEAL WATERSTRUCTURALSTEAMSTEELSTRAINERSTEEL PIPESYNTHETICTHICKENER, THICKNESS, THICK TELESCOPING VALVETHICKENED SLUDGETELEPHONETEMPORARY BENCHMARKTOP AND BOTTOMTOTAL DYNAMIC HEADTEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVEYARD HYDRANTYARD CLEANOUTSECONDARY SLUDGESSLWYEWASTEWATERWATER CONTROL VALVEWASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTWELDED WIRE FABRICPLCSEMERGENCY HAND SWITCHDEEP (OR DEPTH)DPESSSWPLACESBREAK GLASS HAND SWITCHBGWATERWITHVENT THROUGH ROOFWASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGEWITHOUTVACUUM REGULATING VALVEVOLUMETRIC FEEDERVERTICALVOLUMEVACUUM GAUGE, VALLEY GUTTERWALL CLEANOUTWEIR GATEWASTE OIL DRAINWALK THROUGH, WEIGHTWATER SOFTENERWALL LOUVER, WATER LEVELWALL FITTING, WASH FOUNTAINWALL EXHAUST FANWEIGHT INDICATORWATER HEATERSAMPLESCRUBBERSECONDARY CLARIFIER, SCUMSIDEWALKRECLAIMED WATER, REUSE WATERRUPTURE DISKRAW WASTEWATERRECLAIMED WATER RETURNSMOKE CONTROL DAMPERSUMP DISCHARGE DRAIN LINESECONDARY EFFLUENTSLUDGE DRAWOFFSILICON CONTROL RECTIFIERSCHEDULESTANDARD CUBIC FEET PER MINUTEBAR SCREENSURFACE CLEANOUTROTARY FEEDERRETURN FANRESERVOIRRIGHT HANDRETURN GRILLE RUBBER GASKETREACTORREINFORCE(D)(ING)(MENT)REGULATOR, REGULATINGREQUIREDRUBBER EXPANSION JOINTRIGHT HAND REVERSE BEVELREINFORCED PLASTIC MORTAR PIPEREVOLUTIONS PER MINUTERIGHTRETURN REGISTERRADIUS POINTROOMREGISTERED LAND SURVEYORROTAMETERROUGH OPENINGSQUARESAMPLE WATERSQUARE INCH(ES)SQUARE FEETSAMPLE SINKSINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROWSUMP PUMP DRAINSPARESPLITTER BOXSHORT RADIUS, SUPPLY REGISTERSTANDARDS(S)STABILIZERSTIRRUPSSTIFFENERSTATIONSANITARY SEWER, SELECTOR SWITCHSCRUBBER RECIRCULATION LIQUID (CAUSTIC)STAINLESS STEELSERVICE SINKSOLUTIONSUPPLY GRILLESOFTENED WATERSOLIDS HANDLING-RECYCLESHOWER DRAINSUPPLY FANSECTIONSECONDARY, SECONDSEPTAGESEDIMENTATIONSHOWERSLEEVE VALVESLIDE GATESUPERNATANT OR SUBNATANTSAMPLER, SUMP PUMPSLUDGE COLLECTOR DRIVESIMILARSHEETSLOPE, SLUDGESKIMMINGSGROUNDAT (MEASUREMENT)YHAGGREGATE BASE COURSEANCHOR BOLT, AERATION BASINYCOWWFWWYWWTPACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENEACCESS DOORADMINISTRATIONAERAT(ION)(OR)AREA EQUIPMENT DRAINAREA DRAINAMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTEAIR CIRCUIT BREAKERAIR CONDITIONING UNITASBESTOS CEMENT PIPEWVWCOWASWFWEFW/OVTRVRVW/WWHWSWRGWTRWTWPWLWIWODWMBLOCKBUILDINGPROCESS BLOWERBULKHEADBACKWASHBASIN DRAIN LINEBACKDRAFT DAMPERBUTTERFLY VALVEBLIND FLANGEBEAM, BENCH MARKBALL VALVEBRITISH THERMAL UNITSCAUSTIC SOLUTION (CONCENTRATED OR DILUTE)CONCRETE ANCHORBLACK STEEL PIPEBOTTOM SLUDGEBOTTOMBEARINGBACK PRESSURE VALVEBOARDALUMINUMALTERNATEANGLE VALVEANCHORAIR INTAKE LOUVERAIR FLOW MONITORAFTERCOOLERAIR COMPRESSORAIR HANDLING UNITARCHITECTURALACID WASTEAIR AND VACUUM VALVEBATCHMETERBEGIN CURVE, BRASS CAP, BACK OF CURB, BOLTAVERAGEASSEMBLYAIR RELEASE VALVEACID VENTAMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALSSTIRSTIFFSTMSTLSTD(S)STSTBSTASTPSYMSWRTSYNSVSTRUCTSTRSUPTSUGSSKSPSOLSPDTSPDSNSLGSLCSMPSLVSPLSRSQ IN(S)SSSRLSQ FTSPSSPRSQSPWTYPTWVUGUCTVTSPLTSDTTBTSTATUNOVFRVERTVOLVGVCPVUSVBVARTSTELTDRTHKTHTDHTBMT&BTCVTCTKSTOSTOMTRTOCTMHTLVTNKTMPELECTRIC WATER HEATER, EXHAUSTEACH WAY EACH FACEEXPANSION, EXPANSION TANKEXISTINGELECTRIC WATER COOLERELECTRIC UNIT HEATERELECTRICALLY HEAT TRACEDEACH WAYEVAPORATOREXPOSEDFLOOR CLEANOUTFLANGE COUPLING ADAPTERFIRE DAMPER, FLOOR DRAIN, FOUNDFAN COIL UNITFOUL AIR DUCTEXTERIORFILTER BACKWASHFLAT BAREMERGENCY SHOWER AND EYE WASHEXHAUST GRILLEEFFLUENTEXPANSION JOINTEXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMEQUIPMENT DRAINEACHEASTEVAPORATOR COOLING UNITECCENTRIC REDUCERINJECTOR/EDUCTOREQUIPMENTEQUALEACH SIDEECCENTRIC PLUG VALVEELECTRICAL MANHOLEEMBEDMENTEXPANDED POLYSTYRENEEDGE OF PAVEMENTFLAP VALVEFUEL DISPENSERFIRE EXTINGUISHERFLUSHING WATERFOOTINGFAR SIDEFROTH SPRAYFOOT, FEETFASTEN(ED)FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETGLASSGRAVITY EXHAUST LOUVERGAS METERGLOBE VALVEGRADE BREAKGAUGE or GAGEGAS, GROUND, GUTTERGRAVITY VENTILATORGALLONSFLEXIBLE PLASTIC PIPEFINISHFILTRATEFINISHED FLOORFIRE HYDRANTFEEDERFLOOR DRAIN LINEFLAP GATEFINAL EFFLUENTFOUL AIRFOUNDATIONFEET PER MINUTEFUEL OILFILTERFILTER EFFLUENTFILTER DRAINFLANGE, OR FLANGEDFLEXIBLECEMENT MORTAR LINED AND COATEDCEMENT MORTAR LINEDCONCRETE MASONRY UNITCORRUGATED METAL PIPECHLORINE GAS (VACUUM)CHLORINE GAS (PRESSURE)CHLORINE LIQUIDCHLORINE SOLUTIONCONVEYORCONTROLCHEMICAL SUMP PUMP, CORRUGATED STEEL PIPECOUNTERSUNKCENTER, CENTEREDCARBON STEEL, CIRCULATING SLUDGECONSTRUCTIONCONCRETECHLORINATED POLYVINYL CHLORIDECONTINUOUS OR CONTINUATION OR (D) (OUS)CHLORINE LEAK DETECTORCUBIC FEET PER MINUTECUBIC FEETCHEMICAL DRAINCUBIC FEET PER SECONDCEILING EXHAUST FANCEILING DIFFUSER, CONDENSATE DRAINCENTER OF CURVATURE, CENTER TO CENTERCONDUITCHEMICAL DRAIN LINECHEMICAL FEEDERCHECK VALVE, SWINGCHECK VALVE, FLAPCHAIN LINKCENTER LINECHECK VALVE, BALLCAST IRONCHECKERED PLATECHECK VALVE, ANGLECAST IRON PIPEDOWNDIAPHRAGM SEALDOOR OPENINGDITTODAMPERDEIONIZED WATERDISCHARGEDOOR LOUVERDEAD LOAD, DRAIN LINEDIAPHRAGM VALVEDUCT HEATER UNITDUST COLLECTORDEWATERING DRAINDISTILLED WATERDISTILLED WATER, DOOR SWITCHDRIP TRAPDOOR, DRAINDIGESTED SLUDGE, DOWN SPOUTDRAIN VALVEDUCTILE IRON PIPEDEPTH, DIGITAL OR DISCRETE, DRAINCUBIC YARDDOUBLEDRIVEWAYCOMBINATION WASTE AND VENTCOPPER PIPECUBICCOLD WATERCHECK VALVEDESICCANT DRYERDIFFUSERDIAGONALDIMENSIONDIGESTERDIAMETERDETAILDEGREEDOOR GRILLEDECANT/FILTRATESOUTH, SWITCH, SLOPE, SCUMCLPLFLOOR, FLOW LINET.O.W.SSTFOBFOTFLAT ON BOTTOMFLAT ON TOPBWCCPBAR-WRAPPED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPERCCPREINFORCED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPEDIAMETERØAVERAGE DAY ANNUAL FLOW BO5DFIVE DAY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMANDBSBAR SCREENCLEAR, CLARIFIERCSTCARBON STOCKEAMELECTRICALLY ACTIVITED MOTORCHLORIDEFACE OF CURB, FLEXIBLE COUPLING, FERRICFEFLOW ELEMENTFORCE MAIN, FLOW METERFPFEED PUMPGPGRIT PUMPGTGATE/STOP PLATEHRTHYDRAULIC RESIDENCE TIMEHOT WATER, HEADWORKSLB/DAYPOUNDS PER DAYMOTOR, MOTORIZED ACTUATORMLSSMIXED LIQUOR SUSPENDED SOLIDSMMFMAXIMUM MONTH FLOWMVMOTORIZED VALVENH3AMMONIAON CENTER, ODOR CONTROLPOLE, PUMPPOINT OF CURVATURE, PRIMARY CLARIFIERPHFPEAK HOUR FLOWPOINT OF INTERSECTION, PRIMARY INFLUENT,PEAPEFPOLYMER, ANIONICPRIMARY EFFLUENTADAFRSLRAW SLUDGESTATIC PRESSURE, SET POINT, SLUDGE PUMPSLRSOLIDS LOADING RATESORSURFACE OVERFLOW RATESUMP PUMPSUSWPSCREENINGS WASH PRESSTINTOTAL INORGANIC NITROGENTKNTOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGENTPTOTAL PHOSPHORUSTSS10897B1001G005.dgnEXHAUST REGISTER, EQUALIZATION RETURNOFORDOVERFLOW ROOF DRAINPOPLANT OVERFLOWTOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDSPRDPRIMARY ROOF DRAINBJLtlockwood VALVE, VENTTEST HOLE, THERMAL MASS FLOWSTORM DRAINSMOKE DETECTOR, SPLITTER DAMPER,MPRROTAMETERPRESSURE INDICATORPDE, PDSLPRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL SWITCHAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN ELEMENTUNITSVALUEPLANT INFLUENT FLOWSADAFMGD3.4ADMMFMGD4.3PHF (UPSTREAM OF EQ)MGD7.7PHF (DOWNSTREAM OF EQ)MGD5.5PLANT INFLUENT LOADINGS (AVON INFLUENT ONLY)ADAFBOD5 @ 255 MG/LLB/DAY7,230TSS @ 308 MG/LLB/DAY8,730TKN @ 30 MG/LLB/DAY870NH3-N @ 25 MG/LLB/DAY710TP @ 3.4 MG/LLB/DAY100ADMMFBOD5 @ 311 MG/LLB/DAY11,160TSS @ 385 MG/LLB/DAY13,810TKN @ 39 MG/LLB/DAY1,400NH3-N @ 32 MG/LLB/DAY1,150TP @ 5.2 MG/LLB/DAY190PLANT INFLUENT LOADINGS (AVON INFLUENT WITH VAIL WWTF WAS)ADAFBOD5LB/DAY8,660TSSLB/DAY12,190TKNLB/DAY1,030NH3-NLB/DAY860TPLB/DAY170ADMMFBOD5LB/DAY13,100TSSLB/DAY17,570TKNLB/DAY1,680NH3-NLB/DAY1,410TPLB/DAY280PRELIMINARY TREATMENTINFLUENT SCREENINGNUMBER-2TYPE-MECHANICAL BAR SCREENSTATUS-NEWBAR SPACINGINCH0.25CAPACITY, EACHMGD7.7NUMBER-1TYPE-MANUAL BAR SCREENSTATUS-EXISTINGBAR SPACINGINCH1.50CAPACITYMGDUNKNOWNSCREENINGS CONVEYORSNUMBER-1TYPE-SLUICEWAYSTATUS-NEWCAPACITYFT3/HR50SCREENINGS COMPACTORNUMBER-2STATUS-NEWCAPACITYGPM100INFLUENT FLOW MEASUREMENTNUMBER-1STATUS-EXISTINGTYPE-18-INCH PARSHALL FLUMEAERATED GRIT BASINSNUMBER-1TYPE-RECTANGULAR - MECHANICALLY CLEANEDLENGTHFT24WIDTHFT12SIDEWATER DEPTHFT10CAPACITYMGD7.7GRIT PUMPSNUMBER-2TYPE-TORQUE FLOWSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, EACHGPM220HORSEPOWER, EACHHP10GRIT CYCLONES/CLASSIFIERSNUMBER-1TYPE-COANDA STYLESTATUS-NEWCAPACITYGPM300PRIMARY TREATMENTDESIGN TSS REMOVAL @ ADMMF%80PRIMARY CLARIFIERSNUMBER-2LENGTHFT110WIDTHFT20SIDE WATER DEPTHFT11SURFACE AREA, TOTALFT24,400SURFACE OVERFLOW RATE @ ADMMFGPD/FT2977SURFACE OVERFLOW RATE @ PHFGPD/FT21,750PRIMARY SLUDGE PUMPINGNUMBER-4TYPE-2-STAGE PROGRESSIVE CAVITYSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, EACHGPM70HORSEPOWER, EACHHP7.5FLOW EQUALIZATIONEQ BASINSNUMBER-2DIAMETERFT1 @ 50 AND 1 @ 57SIDE WATER DEPTHFT1 @ 13.5 AND 1 @ 11.5TOTAL VOLUMEMG0.42EQ FLOW CAPACITYMGD2.2FREEBOARD AT EQ FLOW CAPACITYINCH18EQ RETURN PUMPSNUMBER-2TYPE-NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGALSTATUS-NEWCAPACITY, EACHGPM1,175TOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT24HORSEPOWER, EACHHP15MOTOR DRIVE TYPE-VFDSECONDARY TREATMENTDESIGN MLSSMG/L3,500DESIGN TEMPERATURE @ ADMMFDEGREES CELSIUS 13AEROBIC SOLIDS RETENTION TIME @ ADMMFDAYS10AERATION BASINSNUMBER-2LENGTH, EACHFT222WIDTH, EACHFT36.50SIDE WATER DEPTHFT15.4TOTAL VOLUMEFT3249,572MG1.87AERATION BASIN BOD� LOADING @ ADMMFLB/DAY6,410LB/DAY/1,000 FT325FOOD TO BIOMASS RATIO @ ADMMFLB BOD�/LB MLVSS0.14LB TKN/LBMLVSS0.03ANAEROBIC ZONESNUMBER-4LENGTHFT18WIDTHFT36.75VOLUMEMG0.31HRT @ 60% RAS RATEHRS1.1PERCENT OF TOTAL VOLUME%16%ANOXIC ZONESNUMBER-4LENGTHFT18WIDTHFT36.75VOLUMEMG0.31HRT @ 60% RAS RATE AND 125% IMLRHRS0.60PERCENT OF TOTAL VOLUME%16%AEROBIC ZONESNUMBER-8LENGTHFT37.5WIDTHFT36.75VOLUMEMG1.28HRT @ 60% RAS RATE AND 125% IMLRHRS2.5PERCENT OF TOTAL VOLUME%67%UNAERATED ZONE MIXERSNUMBER-10TYPE-SUBMERSIBLE STATUS-ZONES A-D NEW, ZONE G RELOCATEDHORSEPOWER, EACHHP3.6 HP (ZONES A-D), 2.7 HP (ZONE G)MOTOR DRIVE TYPE-CONSTANT SPEEDBLOWERSNUMBER-5TYPE-LOW PRESSURE SCREWMOTOR SIZEHP125STATUS-NEWCAPACITY, EACHAIR FLOW RATESCFM1,593DISCHARGE PRESSUREPSIG8.5CAPACITY, TOTALSCFM7,965CAPACITY, FIRMSCFM6,372STANDARD OXYGEN TRANSFER RATE, PER BASINZONE DMINIMUMLB/DAY-DESIGN AVERAGELB/DAY3,236DESIGN PEAKLB/DAY4,146ZONE EMINIMUMLB/DAY980DESIGN AVERAGELB/DAY6,078DESIGN PEAKLB/DAY8,154ZONE FMINIMUMLB/DAY749DESIGN AVERAGELB/DAY4,828DESIGN PEAKLB/DAY6,739ZONE GMINIMUMLB/DAY569DESIGN AVERAGELB/DAY3,306DESIGN PEAKLB/DAY5,304ZONE HMINIMUMLB/DAY356DESIGN AVERAGELB/DAY2,240DESIGN PEAKLB/DAY3,281AERATION DIFFUSERSTYPE-MEMBRANE DISKSTATUS-NEWACTIVE DIFFUSERS, TOTAL-2,650ACTIVE DIFFUSERS, PER BASINZONE D-190ZONE E-375ZONE F-320ZONE G-260ZONE H-180AIR FLOW RANGE, PER BASINZONE DSCFM80 - 572ZONE ESCFM154 - 1,127ZONE FSCFM163 - 956ZONE GSCFM171 - 784ZONE HSCFM171 - 532INTERNAL MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLE (IMLR) PUMPINGNUMBER-4TYPE-NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGALSTATUS-NEWCAPACITY, EACHMGD3.5CAPACITY, TOTAL% INF FLOW325%TOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT18HORSEPOWER, EACHHP20MOTOR DRIVE TYPE-VFDSECONDARY CLARIFIERSNUMBER-3STATUS-1 NEW, 2 EXISTINGDIAMETERFT60SIDE WATER DEPTHFT15SURFACE AREA, TOTALFT28,482SOR AT ADMMFGPD/FT2507SLR AT ADMMF (RAS = 60%, MLSS = 3,500 MG/L)LB/DAY/FT224SOR AT PHFGPD/FT2648SLR AT PHF ((RAS = 70%, MLSS = 3,500 MG/L))LB/DAY/FT232RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE (RAS) PUMPINGTYPE-SELF-PRIMING NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGALCAPACITY, EACHMGD2.2CAPACITY, TOTALMGD11.0CAPACITY, FIRMMGD6.6% INF Flow150WEST RAS PUMP STATIONNUMBER-2STATUS-NEWTOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT17HORSEPOWER, EACHHP20MOTOR DRIVE TYPE-VFDEAST RAS PUMP STATIONNUMBER-3STATUS-EXISTINGTOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT15HORSEPOWER, EACHHP15MOTOR DRIVE TYPE-VFDSECONDARY CLARIFIER 2 & 3 DRAIN PUMP NUMBER-1TYPE-SELF-PRIMING NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGALSTATUS-NEWCAPACITYGPM450TOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT20HORSEPOWERHP5MOTOR DRIVE TYPE -FIXED WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE (WAS) PUMPINGNUMBER-NONE - DISCHARGE OFF RAS HEADERPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:50 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 6 TBL01G06GENERALtlockwoodBDC10897B1010897B1001G006.dgnELEMENTELEMENTUNITSVALUEUNITSVALUEPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA 1BJLAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN SECONDARY SCUM PUMPINGNUMBER-1TYPE-NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGALSTATUS-NEWCAPACITY, EACHGPM90HORSEPOWERHP1SECONDARY GALLERY SUMP PUMPNUMBER-2TYPE-SUBMERSIBLE DUPLEXSTATUS-NEWCAPACITY, EACHGPM120TOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFT45HORSEPOWER, EACHHP3TERTIARY TREATMENTPOLISHING CELLSNUMBER-8STATUS-EXISTINGLENGTHFT30WIDTHFT24SIDEWATER DEPTH (BOTTOM SLAB TO WEIR)FT15.4SURFACE AREA, TOTALFT25,760MEDIA TYPE-CROSSFLOWMEDIA DEPTHFT10MEDIA VOLUME, TOTALFT3406,080POLISHING CELL BACKWASH PUMPSNUMBER-2TYPE-HORIZONTAL AXIAL FLOWSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, TOTALMGD14HORSEPOWER, EACHHP25DISINFECTIONULTRAVIOLET (UV) DISINFECTIONSTATUS-EXISTINGNUMBER OF CHANNELS-1BANKS PER CHANNEL-2NUMBER OF LAMPS, TOTAL-112RATED MAXIMUM DAILY FLOWMGD5.0RATED PEAK HOUR FLOWMGD8.6DESIGN DOSE PER UVDIS METHODOLOGYMJ/CM235DESIGN UV TRANSMITTANCE %65EFFLUENT FLOW MEASUREMENTNUMBER-1TYPE-PARSHALL FLUMESTATUS-EXISTINGCHEMICAL FEED SYSTEMSBACKUP CHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVALCHEMICAL NAME-FERRIC CHLORIDEPERCENT ACTIVE CHEMICAL% W/W38CHEMICAL FORMULA-FeCl3BULK CHEMICAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY-1.39DOSING LOCATIONSAERATED GRIT INFLUENT CHANNEL-EXISTING LOCATIONAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL-NEW LOCATIONCHEMICAL DOSE RATE (AT CURRENT ADAF OF 1.9 MGD)AVERAGEGPH4.0PEAKGPH6.1CHEMICAL DOSE RATE (AT DESIGN ADAF OF 3.4 MGD)AVERAGEGPH7.2PEAKGPH10.9FERRIC CHLORIDE STORAGE TANKSNUMBER-2STATUS-EXISTINGMATERIAL-FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTICCAPACITY, EACHGALLON1,530EFFECTIVE DAYS OF STORAGEAT CURRENT AVERAGE DOSE RATEDAYS30AT DESIGN AFERAGE DOSE RATEDAYS17FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED PUMPSNUMBER-1TYPE-PERISTALTICSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, EACHGPH55.5 AT 30 PSI (2200:1 SPEED CONTROL RANGE)FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED PUMPSNUMBER-1TYPE-PERISTALTICSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, EACHGPH55.5 AT 30 PSI (2200:1 SPEED CONTROL RANGE)BACKUP EXTERNAL CARBON ADDITION CHEMICAL NAME-MICROC® 2000PERCENT ACTIVE CHEMICAL% W/W70-74 (GLYCERIN;GLYCEROL)CHEMICAL FORMULA-PROPRIETARY BULK CHEMICAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY-1.23DOSING LOCATIONS, PER AERATION BASINZONE A-NEW LOCATIONZONE B-NEW LOCATIONZONE C-NEW LOCATIONZONE G-NEW LOCATIONCHEMICAL DOSE RATE (AT CURRENT ADAF OF 1.9 MGD)AVERAGEGPH2.9PEAKGPH7.9CHEMICAL DOSE RATE (AT DESIGN ADAF OF 3.4 MGD)AVERAGEGPH5.2PEAKGPH14.1EXTERNAL CARBON STORAGE TANKSNUMBER-1STATUS-EXISTINGMATERIAL-FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTICCAPACITYGALLON3,027EFFECTIVE DAYS OF STORAGEAT CURRENT AVERAGE DOSE RATEDAYS40AT DESIGN AFERAGE DOSE RATEDAYS20EXTERNAL CARBON FEED PUMPSNUMBER-3TYPE-PERISTALTICSTATUS-EXISTINGCAPACITY, EACHGPH55.5 AT 30 PSI (2200:1 SPEED CONTROL RANGE)POLYMER FEED SYSTEMDOSING LOCATIONSPRIMARY CLARIFIER INFLUENT CHANNEL-EXISTING LOCATIONAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL-NEW LOCATIONPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:07 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 7 TBL01G07GENERALtlockwoodBDC10897B1010897B1001G007.dgnPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA 2ELEMENTUNITSVALUEBJL#ELEMENTUNITSVALUEKEY NOTES =1.EXISTING FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED SYSTEMDESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERSFOR CHEMICALLY ENHANCED PRIMARYCLARIFICATION (CEPC) CIRCA 2011. EXISTINGDOSING LOCATION AT AERATED GRITINFLUENT CHANNEL WILL REMAIN FOR CEPCPER CDPHE DESIGN CAPACITYREQUIREMENTS. NEW DOSING LOCATION ATAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL TO BEFED BY EXISTING SYSTEM FOR BACKUPCHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL. THESYSTEM IS INTENDED TO DOSE CHEMICAL TOONLY ONE LOCATION AT ANY GIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION OFNEW DOSING LOCATION IS LIMITED IN SCOPETO INSTALLATION AND TIE-IN OF NEW PIPINGAND APPURTENANCES AS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. SYSTEM PERFORMANCEGUARANTEES CANNOT BE PROVIDEDWITHOUT COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OFSYSTEM HYDRAULICS AND CONDITIONASSESSMENT OF EXISTING ASSETS. NEWCOMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES NOTSHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIREDFOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING SYSTEMIN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE OF THE SAMEMAKE, MODEL, SIZE, AND MATERIAL ASEXISTING CONDITION. EXISTING CONTROLLOGIC AND INTEGRATION WILL REMAIN AS-IS.2.EXISTING POLYMER FEED SYSTEM DESIGNEDAND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS FORCHEMICALLY ENHANCED PRIMARYCLARIFICATION (CEPC) CIRCA 2011. EXISTINGDOSING LOCATION AT PRIMARY CLARIFIERINFLUENT CHANNEL WILL REMAIN FOR CEPCPER CDPHE DESIGN CAPACITYREQUIREMENTS. NEW DOSING LOCATION ATAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL TO BEFED BY EXISTING SYSTEM FOR IMPROVEDSECONDARY CLARIFIER SETTLINGPERFORMANCE. POLYMER FEED RATE TO BEDETERMINED BY OPERATIONS STAFF BASEDON SELECTED CHEMICAL AND PREVAILINGTREATMENT CONDITIONS. THE SYSTEM ISINTENDED TO DOSE CHEMICAL TO ONLY ONELOCATION AT ANY GIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION OFNEW DOSING LOCATION IS LIMITED IN SCOPETO INSTALLATION AND TIE-IN OF NEW PIPINGAND APPURTENANCES AS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. SYSTEM PERFORMANCEGUARANTEES CANNOT BE PROVIDEDWITHOUT COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OFSYSTEM HYDRAULICS AND CONDITIONASSESSMENT OF EXISTING ASSETS. NEWCOMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES NOTSHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIREDFOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING SYSTEMIN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE OF THE SAMEMAKE, MODEL, SIZE, AND MATERIAL ASEXISTING CONDITION. EXISTING CONTROLLOGIC AND INTEGRATION WILL REMAIN AS-IS. 3.EXTERNAL CARBON TO BE DOSED BYREPURPOSED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FEEDPUMP SKID. ORIGINAL DESIGN CRITERIA FORPUMP SKID IS UNKNOWN. THE SYSTEM ISINTENDED TO DOSE CHEMICAL TO ONLY ONELOCATION IN EACH AERATION BASIN AT ANYGIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF NEW DOSING LOCATIONSIS LIMITED IN SCOPE TO INSTALLATION ANDTIE-IN OF NEW PIPING AND APPURTENANCESAS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. SYSTEMPERFORMANCE GUARANTEES CANNOT BEPROVIDED WITHOUT COMPREHENSIVEANALYSIS OF SYSTEM HYDRAULICS ANDCONDITION ASSESSMENT OF EXISTINGASSETS. NEW COMPONENTS ORACCESSORIES NOT SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS BUT REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETEAND FUNCTIONING SYSTEM IN THIS PROJECTSHALL BE OF THE SAME MAKE, MODEL, SIZE,AND MATERIAL AS EXISTING CONDITION.EXISTING CONTROL LOGIC AND INTEGRATIONWILL REMAIN AS-IS..123Attachment B 36"Ø36"Ø24"Ø24"Ø36"Ø30"Ø20"Ø12"ØEL = 7410.08WEIR CREST7411.32WEIR EL =7408.00WEIR EL =EL = 7405.89WEIR CRESTEL = 7404.72WEIR CREST24"Ø7407.00WEIR EL=BLIND FLANGE24"Ø24"ØPLATEORIFICEDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:42 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 8 TBL01G08GENERALtlockwoodBDC 7410740073907410740073907380M ATCH LINE - SEE BELOW M ATCH LINE - SEE ABOVE M ATCH LINE - SEE DW G 01G09 7410740073907410740073907380FLUMEPARSHALL#1WATER SURFACE ELEVATION AT FLOW SHOWN.LEGEND:53432BUILDINGHEADWORKS742074207411.987412.137412.857411.837411.947412.527411.787411.887412.367411.787411.887412.367411.067411.217411.707410.207410.257410.497410.147410.147410.167409.387409.577409.85ABCDEFGH7408.157408.227408.357408.107408.127408.157407.327407.437407.607407.267407.327407.397406.077406.167406.327405.977405.987405.997405.007405.087405.187404.917404.957404.987403.797403.917404.0910897B10HYDRAULIC PROFILE 1BASIN 2AERATIONCLARIFIER 3SECONDARYCLARIFIERPRIMARYCHAMBERAERATED GRITSPLITTER BOXSECONDARY EFFLUENTLIQUOR SPLITTER BOXEXISTING MIXEDSPLITTER BOXCHANNEL ANDMIXED LIQUOR410897B1001G008.dgnDISTRIBUTION BOXPRIMARY EFFLUENT(TYP OF 2)7409.167409.237409.317408.217408.327408.50EL 7408.75WEIR CREST(TYP OF 4)BJLGENERAL NOTES1.ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN THIS HYDRAULIC PROFILEARE BASED ON NAVD88.2.THIS HYDRAULIC PROFILE REPRESENTS THECRITICAL FLOW PATH THROUGH THE FACILITY WITHALL THE UNITS IN SERVICE.3.RAS FLOW RATE OF 60% WAS USED FOR ADMMF.RAS FLOW RATE OF 50% WAS USED FOR ALL OTHERFLOW CONDITIONS.4.IMLR FLOW RATE OF 12.9 MGD (300% RETURN ATMMF) WAS USED AT ADMMF AND PHF. IMLR FLOWRATE OF 5.1 MGD WAS USED AT ADAF (150% RETURNAT ADAF).5.FLOW EQUALIZATION OF 2.2 MGD WAS ASSUMED TOREDUCE FLOW RATE DOWNSTREAM OF PRIMARYSEDIMENTATION BASINS FROM PHF OF 7.7 MGD TO5.5 MGD. KEY NOTES =1TO EQUALIZATION BASINS.2ANAEROBIC/ANOXIC SWING ZONE.3ANOXIC/AEROBIC SWING ZONE.4AEROBIC ZONE.5CRITICAL PATH IS MODELED THROUGH SECONDARYCLARIFIER 3 (EASTERNMOST CLARIFIER).6SEE AREA 30 STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR BAFFLE WALL ADJUSTABLE WEIRELEVATIONS.7SECONDARY EFFLUENT MAY BE BYPASSED AROUNDTHE POLISHING CELLS TO UV DISINFECTION (NOTSHOWN).8HEADLOSS IS CALCULATED FOR CLEAN MECHANICALSCREEN. UP TO 10" HEADLOSS AT 40% SCREENBLINDING IS CALCULATED BY VULCAN SCREENMANUFACTURER AT DESIGN PHF..83.4 MDG (ADAF)4.3 MGD (ADMMF)7.7 MGD (PHF)67Attachment B 12"Ø20"Ø24"Ø24"Ø24"Ø24"Ø24"Ø24"ØINVOUT = 7394.24OUTFALLEL = 7403.56WEIR CRESTEL = 7401.44WEIR CREST24"ØBYPASS24" HT-1BYPASS24" HT-1DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:43 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 9 TBL01G09GENERALtlockwoodBDC 741073907400M ATCH LINE - SEE DW G 01G 08 UV DISINFECTIONFLUMEPARSHALLEFFLUENTSTRUCTUREDIVERSIONMH 1MH 2MH 3741073907400WATER SURFACE ELEVATION AT FLOW SHOWN.LEGEND:7403.607403.617403.627402.337402.387402.527401.627401.697401.797401.537401.547401.567400.097400.297400.527397.597397.957398.557397.557397.887398.417397.397397.637398.007397.277397.437397.697397.057397.077397.12ELEVATION = 7397.00100 YEAR FLOOD10897B10HYDRAULIC PROFILE 2CELLSPOLISHINGHT-110897B1001G009.dgnBJLGENERAL NOTES1.ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN THIS HYDRAULIC PROFILEARE BASED ON NAVD88.2.THIS HYDRAULIC PROFILE REPRESENTS THECRITICAL FLOW PATH THROUGH THE FACILITY WITHALL THE UNITS IN SERVICE.3.FLOW EQUALIZATION OF 2.2 MGD WAS ASSUMED TOREDUCE FLOW RATE DOWNSTREAM OF PRIMARYSEDIMENTATION BASINS FROM PHF OF 7.7 MGD TO5.5 MGD. 4.PUMP IN HT-1 RECIRCULATES FLOW TO TOWN OFAVON'S HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM. IT DOES NOT ADDOR REMOVE EFFLUENT FLOW.3.4 MDG (ADAF)4.3 MGD (ADMMF)7.7 MGD (PHF)Attachment B GATEINFLUENTGATEBYPASSBAFFLESVALVEREDUCINGPRESSURESCREW CONVEYORMMMMDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:44 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL10G01GENERALBDCHEADWORKS AND GRIT PFDBLOWERSFROMAIR SUPPLYFROM BLOWERSAIR SUPPLYFROM BLOWERSAIR SUPPLYDUMPSTER(BS-103)SCREENMANUAL BARFLUMEPARSHALLWEIRFEEDFERRICGRIT CHAMBERAERATEDCLARIFIERSTO PRIMARYGT-121GT-124GT-125GT-126GT-123BS-102BAR SCREEN 2 RAKEBS-101BAR SCREEN 1 RAKEGT-127GT-122 GT-161GT-162ARC-152GRIT AIR COMPRESSOR 1ARC-153GRIT AIR COMPRESSOR 2SU-231SUMP PUMP 1SU-232SUMP PUMP 2GP-152GRIT PUMP 2GP-151GRIT PUMP 1WSH-120GRIT WASHERGT-110SWP 1 INLET GATEGT-111SWP 2 INLET GATEWATERNON-POTABLEAGAAPIAA PIA A A A SPD GENERAL NOTES1.NOT ALL PIPING CONNECTIONS, PIPE DRAINS ANDACCESSORIES ARE SHOWN. REFER TO MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR PIPING DETAILS. SEE P&ID'S FORINSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS. WATERNON-POTABLE10897B1010G001.dgntlockwood NPWNPW10897B10BJL10CM-111SCREENINGS WASH PRESS 1CM-112SCREENINGS WASH PRESS 2Attachment B LAUNDERSPRIMARY SCUM SKIMMERBOXEQ BYPASSCOVERSALUMINUMMMMMMDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:44 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL20G01GENERALBDCSS MH 5SS MH 41212#FROM BLOWERS)(AIR SUPPLYCHANNEL AERATIONFEEDPOLYMER10897B10TSS4" ACLARIFIER 1 (NORTH)PRIMARYCLARIFIER 2 (SOUTH)PRIMARYSP-201SP-202SP-205SP-203SP-204GT-225GT-224GT-223GT-222GT-221GT-228GT-226ERRSLRSLPDRSLRSLA PEFRSLSSS MTR-212MTR-211SC-211SC-212 PRIMARY TREATMENT PFDTO EQUALIZATIONFROM EQUALIZATIONtlockwood FLUME)(AFTER PARSHALLGRIT BASINSFROM AERATEDGENERAL NOTES1.NOT ALL PIPING CONNECTIONS, PIPE DRAINS ANDACCESSORIES ARE SHOWN. REFER TO MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR PIPING DETAILS. SEE P&ID'S FORINSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS. KEY NOTES =1THE PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN SLUDGECOLLECTION MECHANISM WILL BE REPLACED.2SEE ODOR CONTROL DRAWINGS (AREA 80,SCHEMATIC SHEET 80G21) FOR FOUL AIRROUTING..10897B1020G001.dgnMFE-201PRIM ARY EFFLUENT CHANNEL SS MH 3DISTRIBUTION BOXNEW PRIMARY EFFLUENTPEF PEF PEFPEF(TO AERATION BASIN 2)BASIN 1)(TO AERATIONPFD DWG)ON SECONDARYWWTF (CONT.SEWER TO EDWARDSPFD)AERATION BASIN(CONT. ONGT-229GT-229AGT-227BJL11HV-261 FE/FIT-261MAttachment B (TYP)IMLR DISCHARGE(TYP)ZONE WALLMIXER (TYP)SUBMERSIBLEDRAIN PUMP (TYP)AERATION BASINFOR FUTURE USEBLIND FLANGEFOR FUTURE USEBLIND FLANGEBOXDISTRIBUTIONEFFLUENTFROM PRIMARYMMMMDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:45 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL30G01GENERALBDC#10897B10THTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTH1H1G1F1E1D1C1B1A122122H2F2D12C2B2A22122G2E(NORTH)BASIN 1AERATION(SOUTH)BASIN 2AERATIONMLMLM L IM LRIMLRIMLR RASRASACLARIFIERSSECONDARYRAS FROMCLARIFIERS 2 AND 3ML TO SECONDARYIMLR PUMPSWWTFWASTE TO EDWARDSMANUAL ML SURFACEAERATION BASIN PFD22 SU-362 SU-361 SP-433 SP-434 SP-432 SP-431SPLITTER BOXML FROM MIXED LIQUORFEED ROOMPOLYMER FROM FERRICFERRIC FEED ROOMFERRIC CHLORIDE FROMSPLITTER BOXML TO MIXED LIQUOR SU-363 SU-364tlockwood10897B1030G001.dgnPEFPEFE/MTHE/ME/ME/ME/ME/ME/ME/ME/ME/MSSC-330 SURFACE WASTE SKIMMERBJLGENERAL NOTES1.NOT ALL PIPING CONNECTIONS, PIPE DRAINS, ANDACCESSORIES ARE SHOWN. REFER TO MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR PIPING DETAILS. SEE P&ID'S FORINSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS.2.FINE BUBBLE MEMBRANE DIFFUSERS AREINSTALLED IN AERATION BASIN ZONES D THROUGHH. DROP LEG PIPES SUPPLY AIR TO A SINGLEDIFFUSER GRID IN EACH ZONE. DIFFUSER GRIDSARE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY.KEY NOTES =1ANOXIC/AEROBIC SWING ZONE. FINE BUBBLEMEMBRANE DIFFUSERS AND MECHANICAL MIXERARE INSTALLED IN THIS ZONE.2CST TO BE ROUTED FROM CHEMICAL STORAGE TOUNAERATED AERATION BASIN ZONE. ISOLATIONBALL VALVE TO BE INSTALLED AT EACH CST DOSINGLOCATION. REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FORPIPING DETAILS.3NEW ML PIPES CONNECT TO EXISTING ML PIPESUNDER EXISTING MIXED LIQUOR SPLITTER BOX. THISSPLITTER BOX TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE..EFFLUENT CHANNEL AB 1AB 1AB 2AB 2IMLR PUMPS33ROOMFROM BLOWER12BASIN ZONEEQUIPMENT TYPETAG #BASIN ZONEEQUIPMENT TYPETAG #1HCONTROL VALVEEAM-318B2HCONTROL VALVEEAM-328B1HFLOW METERFIT-318A2HFLOW METERFIT-328A1GCONTROL VALVEEAM-317C2GCONTROL VALVEEAM-327C1GFLOW METERFIT-317B2GFLOW METERFIT-327B1FCONTROL VALVEEAM-316B2FCONTROL VALVEEAM-326B1FFLOW METERFIT-316A2FFLOW METERFIT-326A1ECONTROL VALVEEAM-315B2ECONTROL VALVEEAM-325B1EFLOW METERFIT-315A2EFLOW METERFIT-325A1DCONTROL VALVEEAM-314C2DCONTROL VALVEEAM-324C1DFLOW METERFIT-314B2DFLOW METERFIT-324B1GMIXERMIX-3172GMIXERMIX-3271DMIXERMIX-3142DMIXERMIX-3241CMIXERMIX-3132CMIXERMIX-3231BMIXERMIX-3122BMIXERMIX-3221AMIXERMIX-3112AMIXERMIX-321Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:08 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL30G02GENERALBDC10897B10AERATION BLOWER PFDtlockwood10897B1030G002.dgnBJL13CHANNELPRIMARYBASINGRITCHANNELGRITCHANNELHEADWORKSFM FMMFMFMPECELLSTO POLISHINGATAD TANKSDECOMMISSIONEDTOAMBIENT AIRAB-351AERATION BLOWER 1AB-352AERATION BLOWER 2AB-353AERATION BLOWER 3AB-354AERATION BLOWER 4AB-355AERATION BLOWER 5TREATMENTTO PRIMARY30G01Attachment B MMMMMMMDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:55 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL40G01GENERALTCKSECONDARY CLARIFIER PFDMMRAS10897B10MM MLMLMLSEPRIMARY TREATMENT PFD)(CONTINUED FROMEFFLUENT CHANNELAERATION BASINMIXED LIQUOR FROMCLARIFIER 1SECONDARYCLARIFIER 2SECONDARYCLARIFIER 3SECONDARYBASINRAS TO AERATIONSESESCUM BOX(EAST RAS PUMP STATION)RAS PUMPS 1-3(WEST RAS PUMP STATION)RAS PUMPS 4-5DRAIN PUMPSC 2 & SC 3 WASSS MH 2SS MH 6SPLITTER BOXSECONDARY EFFLUENTTO POLISHING CELLS 7 & 8TO POLISHING CELLS 3 & 4TO POLISHING CELLS 1 & 2TO POLISHING CELLS 5 & 6BYPASS TO UV DISINFECTIONR AS R AS RASGENERAL NOTES1.NOT ALL PIPING CONNECTIONS, PIPE DRAINS, ANDACCESSORIES ARE SHOWN. REFER TO MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR PIPING DETAILS. SEE P&ID'S FORINSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS..SSSDRDRSDRSDRWWTFTO EDWARDSSP-421GT-411GT-412GT-413CLR-41110897B1040G001.dgnCLR-412CLR-413tlockwood SP-443SP-444SP-445SP-441SP-442SP-422PUMP 1SECONDARY SCUMBJL14M L (IN AERATION BASINS)M L (IN AERATION BASINS)Attachment B VV DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:50 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL50G01GENERALBDC10897B10QUICK CONNECTTANK FILLCONNECTIONFLUSHINGWATERPSPIFMEXISTING FERRIC CHLORIDE PACKAGE SKIDCHEMICAL FEED - FERRIC CHLORIDE PFDTANKCHLORIDEFERRICWEST10897B1050G001.dgn3SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA (BELOW FERRIC FEED ROOM)TANKCHLORIDEFERRICEAST112MP-511AFERRIC CHLORIDE METERING PUMP#BJLtlockwood GENERAL NOTES1.EXISTING FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED SYSTEMDESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS FORCHEMICALLY ENHANCED PRIMARY CLARIFICATION(CEPC) CIRCA 2011. EXISTING DOSING LOCATION ATAERATED GRIT INFLUENT CHANNEL WILL REMAINFOR CEPC PER CDPHE DESIGN CAPACITYREQUIREMENTS. NEW DOSING LOCATION ATAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL TO BE FED BYEXISTING SYSTEM FOR BACKUP CHEMICALPHOSPHORUS REMOVAL. THE SYSTEM IS INTENDEDTO DOSE CHEMICAL TO ONLY ONE LOCATION AT ANYGIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW DOSING LOCATION IS LIMITED IN SCOPE TOINSTALLATION AND TIE-IN OF NEW PIPING ANDAPPURTENANCES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES CANNOT BEPROVIDED WITHOUT COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OFSYSTEM HYDRAULICS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENTOF EXISTING ASSETS. NEW COMPONENTS ORACCESSORIES NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUTREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONINGSYSTEM IN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE OF THE SAMEMAKE, MODEL, SIZE, AND MATERIAL AS EXISTINGCONDITION. EXISTING CONTROL LOGIC ANDINTEGRATION WILL REMAIN AS-IS.2.THIS PROCESS AREA HAS BEEN MODIFIED IN THEPAST AND IS NOT ACCURATELY REPRESENTED BYRECORD DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYLOCATIONS OF EXISTING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,INSTRUMENTATION, AND PROCESS PIPING ANDINFORM ENGINEER OF DIFFERENCES.3.ALL PROCESS PIPING AND VALVES ARE TO REMAINUNCHANGED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THEDRAWINGS.4.CONDUCT CONDITION ASSESSMENT OF EXISTINGFERRIC CHLORIDE SYSTEM (WITHIN FERRIC FEEDROOM) WITH OWNER PRIOR TO DEMOLITION ANDCONSTRUCTION. NEW COMPONENTS ORACCESSORIES NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUTREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONINGSYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR.5.EXISTING EYE WASH STATION IN FERRIC FEED ROOMTO REMAIN (NOT SHOWN). NEW, PORTABLE EYEWASH STATION TO BE PROVIDED AT TANK FILLSTATION IN THE WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIERROOM (NOT SHOWN). SEE DRAWING 40M04 FORADDITIONAL DETAIL.KEY NOTES =1TO SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA LOCATEDBELOW FERRIC FEED ROOM.2SUCTION PIPE FROM SECONDARY CONTAINMENTAREA LOCATED BELOW FERRIC FEED ROOM TOFERRIC FEED PUMP.3PROVIDE FLEXIBLE TUBING INSIDE PVC CONDUIT. NOCOUPLINGS TO BE PROVIDED AT LOCATIONS WHERECARRIER CONDUIT CHANGES DIRECTION UNLESSOTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. SEEAREA 30, 40, AND 50 MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FORADDITIONAL PIPE ROUTING DETAIL..15(SEE DWG 10G01)INFLUENT CHANNELGRIT CHAMBERSEE DWG 30G01)EFFLUENT CHANNELAERATION BASINAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:00 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL50G02GENERALBDC10897B10VPOLYMER DRUMEXISTING POLYMER BLENDING UNIT PACKAGE SKIDCHAMBERPOLYMER MIXINGPIPDSLPDEPISRCONTAINMENT PADSECONDARYWATER SYSTEMFROM NON-POTABLE10897B1050G002.dgnCHEMICAL FEED - POLYMER PFDMP-521POLYMER METERING PUMPBJLtlockwood 16(SEE DWG 20G01)INFLUENT CHANNELPRIMARY CLARIFIER(SWW DWG 30G1)EFFLUENT CHANNELAERATION BASINGENERAL NOTES1.EXISTING POLYMER FEED SYSTEM DESIGNEDAND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS FORCHEMICALLY ENHANCED PRIMARYCLARIFICATION (CEPC) CIRCA 2011. EXISTINGDOSING LOCATION AT PRIMARY CLARIFIERINFLUENT CHANNEL WILL REMAIN FOR CEPCPER CDPHE DESIGN CAPACITYREQUIREMENTS. NEW DOSING LOCATION ATAERATION BASIN EFFLUENT CHANNEL TO BEFED BY EXISTING SYSTEM FOR IMPROVEDSECONDARY CLARIFIER SETTLINGPERFORMANCE. POLYMER FEED RATE TO BEDETERMINED BY OPERATIONS STAFF BASEDON SELECTED CHEMICAL AND PREVAILINGTREATMENT CONDITIONS. THE SYSTEM ISINTENDED TO DOSE CHEMICAL TO ONLY ONELOCATION AT ANY GIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION OFNEW DOSING LOCATION IS LIMITED IN SCOPETO INSTALLATION AND TIE-IN OF NEW PIPINGAND APPURTENANCES AS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. SYSTEM PERFORMANCEGUARANTEES CANNOT BE PROVIDEDWITHOUT COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OFSYSTEM HYDRAULICS AND CONDITIONASSESSMENT OF EXISTING ASSETS. NEWCOMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES NOTSHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIREDFOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING SYSTEMIN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE OF THE SAMEMAKE, MODEL, SIZE, AND MATERIAL ASEXISTING CONDITION. EXISTING CONTROLLOGIC AND INTEGRATION WILL REMAIN AS-IS. 2.THIS PROCESS AREA HAS BEEN MODIFIED INTHE PAST AND IS NOT ACCURATELYREPRESENTED BY RECORD DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OFEXISTING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,INSTRUMENTATION, AND PROCESS PIPINGAND INFORM ENGINEER OF DIFFERENCES.3.ALL PROCESS PIPING AND VALVES ARE TOREMAIN UNCHANGED UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS.4.CONDUCT CONDITION ASSESSMENT OFEXISTING POLYMER SYSTEM (WITHIN FERRICFEED ROOM) WITH OWNER PRIOR TODEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION. NEWCOMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES NOTSHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIREDFOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING SYSTEMSHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR..Attachment B VVOPENNORMALLYLEVEL TUBETANK SIGHTPACKAGE SKIDREPURPOSED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITEMETERING PUMP 1)(FROM CARBONCONNECTION POINTSPARE PUMP DISCHARGE DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:57 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL50G03GENERALBDC10897B10QUICK CONNECTTANK FILL(MICROC 2000)TANKCARBON STORAGECONNECTIONFLUSHINGWATERCONNECTIONFLUSHINGWATERBASINEQUALIZATIONSECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREAPIPIPItlockwood10897B1050G003.dgnCHEMICAL FEED - CARBONMP-531CARBON METERING PUMP 1MP-532CARBON METERING PUMP 2MP-533CARBON METERING PUMP 3BJLGENERAL NOTES1.EXTERNAL CARBON TO BE DOSED BY REPURPOSEDSODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FEED PUMP SKID. ORIGINALDESIGN CRITERIA FOR PUMP SKID IS UNKNOWN. THESYSTEM IS INTENDED TO DOSE CHEMICAL TO ONLYONE LOCATION IN EACH AERATION BASIN AT ANYGIVEN TIME. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW DOSING LOCATIONS IS LIMITED IN SCOPE TOINSTALLATION AND TIE-IN OF NEW PIPING ANDAPPURTENANCES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.SYSTEM PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES CANNOT BEPROVIDED WITHOUT COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OFSYSTEM HYDRAULICS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENTOF EXISTING ASSETS. NEW COMPONENTS ORACCESSORIES NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BUTREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONINGSYSTEM IN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE OF THE SAMEMAKE, MODEL, SIZE, AND MATERIAL AS EXISTINGCONDITION. EXISTING CONTROL LOGIC ANDINTEGRATION WILL REMAIN AS-IS.2.THIS PROCESS AREA HAS BEEN MODIFIED IN THEPAST AND IS NOT ACCURATELY REPRESENTED BYRECORD DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYLOCATIONS OF EXISTING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT,INSTRUMENTATION, AND PROCESS PIPING ANDINFORM ENGINEER OF DIFFERENCES.3.CONDUCT CONDITION ASSESSMENT OF EXISTINGSODIUM HYPOCHLORITE PACKAGE SKID WITHOWNER PRIOR TO DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION.NEW COMPONENTS OR ACCESSORIES NOT SHOWNON THE DRAWINGS BUT REQUIRED FOR ACOMPLETE AND FUNCTIONING CARBON SYSTEMSHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR..17(NORTH) ZONE AAERATION BASIN 1(NORTH) ZONE BAERATION BASIN 1(NORTH) ZONE CAERATION BASIN 1(NORTH) ZONE GAERATION BASIN 1(SOUTH) ZONE AAERATION BASIN 2(SOUTH) ZONE BAERATION BASIN 2(SOUTH) ZONE CAERATION BASIN 2(SOUTH) ZONE GAERATION BASIN 2Attachment B MMMMMMDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED 10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:53 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: TBL70G01GENERALBDCTRANSFER EQUALIZATION 11TO EDWARDSMRECIRCULATION LINE RECIRCULATION LINE #(SOUTH)EQUALIZATION BASIN 2(NORTH)EQUALIZATION BASIN 1SINK AND WASHING MACHINEFLOW FROM HANDWASHFROM LP-2 (BACKWASH PUMP)10897B10FROM THE POLISHING CELLS NOTE: THIS FLOW IS COMINGFROM LP-1 (BACKWASH PUMP)PUMP 1EQUALIZATIONPUMP 2EQUALIZATION MEQUALIZATION PFDPEFPEFERPEFFOR CONTINUATIONSEE DRAWING 20G01FE-731AMV-730CV-701AFE-70110897B1070G001.dgntlockwood GENERAL NOTES1.NOT ALL PIPING CONNECTIONS, PIPE DRAINS ANDACCESSORIES ARE SHOWN. REFER TO MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR PIPING DETAILS. SEE P&ID'S FORINSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS. KEY NOTES =1SEE ODOR CONTROL DRAWINGS FOR FOUL AIRROUTING..LP-721LP-722BJL18Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:03 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1080G021.dgnBAC80G21TCW10897B10CFM FA1,165 12 ACH12 ACH12 ACH12 ACHPRIMARY CLARIFIERCFM FA1,200 6 ACHEQ BASINEQ BASINCFM FA500 CFM FA500 1,000 CFM FA9,450 CFM FACONTROL SYSTEMTO ODORCFM FA10,450PIPE GALLERYEQ BASINS AND WEST SCREENING ROOMHEADWORKSDUMPSTER ROOMHEADWORKSGRIT CHAMBERAERATEDCFM FA150INFILTRATIONINFILTRATIONINFILTRATIONSPLITTERPRIMARY EFFLUENT6 ACHODOR CONTROL - PRIMARY AND EQUALIZATIONAIRFLOW SCHEMATICCFM FA2,400 CAGGENERAL19CFM FA730CFM FA1,165 CFM FA1,170 CFM FA735CFM FA735esm ith CFM SA3,200 CFM SA2,000 PITINFILTRATIONINFILTRATIONINFILTRATIONAFSMAU-1(EXISTING)SLUDGE PUMP STATION2,000 CFM SA TO PRIMARYEXHAUST SYSTEM IN MAU.GENERATION SYSTEM AND EXISTING MAU. DISABLE OZONE CONTROL MODIFICATIONS TO THE REFER TO SECTION 23_09_13 FOR AIRFLOW SWITCHPADDLE TYPE TRANSMITTERINDICATING DUCT PRESSURE UNIFORM AIRFLOW (TYP)GRILLES TO PROVIDE SUPPLY REGISTERS AND TEST AND BALANCE ALL ROOM PDITTRANSMITTERPRESSURE INDICATING SPACE DIFFERENTIAL SCADATOSCADATODESCRIPTIONS.CONTROL AND HVAC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND 1. REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 23_09_13 FOR ODOR GENERAL NOTES:UNIFORM AIRFLOW (TYP)GRILLES TO PROVIDE EXHAUST REGISTERS AND TEST AND BALANCE ALL ROOM Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:09 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1080G022.dgnBAC80G22TCW10897B10DRAIN (TYP)CONDENSATE 10,450 CFM FAMM10,450 CFM FADAMPER (TYP)ELIMINATOR (TYP)GREASE/MIST ODOR CONTROL FANODOR CONTROL FANFSL10,450 CFM FASWITCHAIRFLOW (TYP)BALL VALVE DETECTORSMOKEPIPIATMOSPHERECFM TO 5,225ATMOSPHERECFM TO 5,225(TYP)PRESSURE GAUGE DIFFERENTIAL PIPIABSORBER (TYP)DUAL BED CARBONPIPIPIPI80G21 FOR CONTINUATIONBASINS. REFER TO SHEET AND EQUALIZATION SYSTEM FROM PRIMARY TREATMENT CFM FA10,450FAN-811FAN-812(TYP)PREVENTERBACKFLOW AIRFLOW SCHEMATICODOR CONTROL - PRIMARY TREATMENTATMOSPHERECFM TO 5,225ATMOSPHERECFM TO 5,225CAGGENERAL2010,450 CFM FADB-7ISOLATION DAMPER, GENERAL NOTES:INSULATE AND HEAT TRACE MIST ELIMINATOR SUMP.4.INSULATE ODOR CONTROL VESSELS.3.INSULATE ODOR CONTROL DUCTWORK FROM FANS TO SCRUBBER.2.INSULATE AND HEAT TRACE ALL DRAINS.1.esm ith Attachment B RECOVERY COILHEAT PIPE ENERGY 2 DUTY, 1 STANDBY CONFIGURATION15,025 CFM EA @ INLET (PER FAN)DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:02 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1080G031.dgnBAC80G31TCW10897B10CFM OA23,100 BLOWERSOSA100% EXISTING AERATION BASINS 1 & 2CLARIFIERWEST SECONDARY MAU-831EXF-831EXF-832EXF-833AERATION BASIN AND WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIERFILTER FROST PROTECTION2,100 CFM SA FOR UNIT 21,000 CFM SASDDETECTOR (TYP)SMOKE DAMPER (TYP)BALANCING CFM SA420CFM SA425(TYP OF 10)(TYP OF 2)(TYP OF 9)CFM EA780CFM EA805(TYP OF 9)CFM EA780CFM EA805CFM SA425(TYP OF 2)CFM SA420(TYP OF 10)PRESSURENEGATIVE SPACE VARIES TO MAINTAIN INFILTRATION RATE INFILTRATION550 CFM CFM SA500(TYP OF 11)CFM EA605(TYP OF 10)CFM SA450(TYP OF 6)CFM SA450(TYP OF 6)NEW AERATION BASINS 1 & 2(TYP OF 5)CFM EA835CFM EA835(TYP OF 5)TPDITTHERMOSTATINDICATING TRANSMITTERSPACE PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL AFTAFTAFTTO SCADATRANSMITTER (TYP)AIRFLOW (VARIABLE)AERATION AIRMAXIMUM OF 7,380 CFMAIR PER FANMINIMUM DILUTION 375 CFM OA MINIMUM55 FOOT STACK HEIGHT30,800 CFM EA @CFM EA30,050CAGGENERALAIRFLOW SCHEMATICGENERAL NOTES1.REFER TO SECTION 23_09_13 FOR HVAC SYSTEMCONTROL DESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUMENTATIONREQUIREMENTS.2.AIRFLOW SCHEMATIC SHOWS CFM VALUES BASEDON MAXIMUM OPERATIONS RATES. AIRFLOW RATESWILL VARY BASED ON OPERATION RATES..21tlockwood Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN TTTTTPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:41:59 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1080G071.dgnTFW80G71TCW10897B10GUH-874GUH-871CFM SA700EF-22BGENERALGUH-873GUH-872(EXISTING)CFM OA5,500DELIVER 5,500 CFM SAVFD DRIVEN MAU FAN TOTURN DOWN EXISTINGEQUALIZATION ROOMCFM EA5,200(EXISTING)CFM EA5,200CFM SA1,600CFM SA1,600CFM SA1,600INFILTRATION700 CFM GENERAL NOTES:FOR HVAC SYSTEM CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS.REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 23_09_131.MAU-2THERMOSTATNEW CAGAIRFLOW SCHEMATICEQUALIZATION22esm ith Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER 40005COLORADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALENGINEERJEFFREYSTEWARTBERLIN TTTTTPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 7:42:06 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1080G072.dgnTFW80G72TCW10897B10WAREHOUSE BUILDINGWAREHOUSE UPPER LEVELGENERALkbequette GUH-884GUH-883GUH-882CFM OA2,400INTAKE LOUVERCFM OA2,800GUH-881INTAKE HOODGRAVITYEF-22AFROM EQ)(RELOCATEDCFM EA5,200THERMOSTAT (TYP)GENERAL NOTES:FOR HVAC SYSTEM CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS.REFER TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 23_09_131.CFM EA5,200CAGAIRFLOW SCHEMATIC23Attachment B LENGTHCURVE NUMBERRADIUS POINTPIPE SIZEDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 2:17:22 PMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1001C01.dgn10897B10GD01C0124CIVIL(IN FEET)ELEVATIONROADWAY GRADECOORDINATESSLOPE CALLOUTSURFACE SLOPEEDGE OF PAVEMENTPLANT COORDINATES AT STRUCTURES(OUTSIDE FACE AT FINISHED GRADE)2%E310310ESECTIONPLANSPOT ELEVATION (FINISH ELEV)FUTURE IMPROVEMENTSCONTROL POINTSPOT ELEVATION (AT PAVEMENT)SPOT ELEVATION (AT DIRT)SPOT ELEVATION (AT FLOWLINE)SPOT ELEVATION (AT TOP CURB)SPOT ELEVATION (AT HIGH POINT)FIN SLABFIN SLAB/PVMTXX.XXX.XXXX.XXXX.XX(HP)XX.XXXX.XXTCFL3:1 =32:1 =211(FT/FT)S=0.0100S=0.0020(FT/FT)E 10000N 16000X 1325.001328.2EXISTINGVAULTMETERVAULTMETERFLOWLINEROAD CENTERLINE SWALE (3' WIDE)ROAD CROSS GUTTER (10' WIDE)CURBGUARDRAILNEW CONTOURS (MINOR)NEW CONTOURS (MAJOR)NEW ROADEXISTING CONTOURS (SCREENED)NEW FENCEPOWER POLE & LINEHATCHING: FENCE SHOWN AS EXAMPLE)EXISTING FENCE (SCREENED)EXISTING ROAD (SCREENED)CURB & GUTTER FUTURE ROADPROPERTY LINE OR RIGHT OF WAY REMOVE OR ABANDONED (CROSS SLOPEEXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) (SCREENED)NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES)NEW STRUCTURESEXISTING STRUCTURES (SCREENED)EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE)(SCREENED)HIDDEN LINECENTER, MONUMENT, OR SURVEY LINEPPROADWAY/PIPE CURVESCOORDINATESLINE WORKELEVATION/SLOPESCHANNEL GRADEDRAINAGE DITCH ORNEWNOTESCIVIL GENERAL NOTES, LEGENDS, AND SYMBOLSEXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINEEXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT (SCREENED)BBakerRFB BACKFILL ABOVE THE PIPE ZONE AND 3 FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE.BACKFILLING WITH TOPSOIL. SOIL REMOVED MAY BE USED FOR TRENCH EXCAVATING ANY SOILS CONTAINING ROCK OR AGGREGATE AND ROCK AND AGGREGATE STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED BY 6.REPLACE STOCKPILED SOIL AND RESTORE SITE AS SPECIFIED.5.SOIL CONDITIONS DICTATE. ESTIMATED TO BE 12-INCHES BUT WILL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS STRIP AND STOCKPILE THE TOPSOIL. THE DEPTH OF STRIPPING SHALL BE 4.AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.DISPOSE OF THE UNACCEPTABLE BACKFILL MATERIAL FROM THE CLEARING 3.THE GROUND SURFACE REMAINING AFTER CLEARING. GRUB OUT AND DISPOSE OF TREE TRUNKS AND ROOT MATERIAL BELOW 2. FOR REMOVAL.INTERFERES WITH CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS OR ARE DESIGNATED WEEDS, RUBBISH, TREES, BOULDERS, AND ANY OTHER ITEMS WHICH FOUNDATIONS, BUILDINGS, FENCES, LUMBER, WALLS, STUMPS, BRUSH, CLEAR THE CONSTRUCTION AREA OF NATURAL OBSTRUCTIONS EXISTING 1.EARTHWORK NOTESUTILITIES.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO LOCATE AND PROTECT EXISTING LOCATION OF THEIR UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES. THE CONTACT THE UTILITY OWNERS SO THAT THOSE UTILITIES MAY MARK THE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE APPROXIMATE AND IS SHOWN THE LOCATION, SIZE, AND MATERIALS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND 5.PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES.CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL COLORADO 811: 811 OR 1-800-922-19874.PROTECT SERVICE DURING CONSTRUCTION.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO LOCATE AND SOME UTILITY SERVICES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE 3.NO INFORMATION WAS AVAILABLE DURING THE DESIGN PERIOD.CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. WHERE NO ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN, RECORD DRAWINGS, POTHOLING AND SURVEY INFORMATION AND ARE PLAN LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE BASED ON 2.NEAR EXISTING UTILITIES.CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE NECESSARY CAUTION WHEN WORKING EXISTING UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT MAY BE IN A FRAGILE CONDITION. THE 1.UTILITY NOTESXXXXXXXXHATCH PATTERNSASPHALT PAVINGPAVEMENTCONCRETE MATERIALAGGREGATE GRATINGLANDSCAPINGSTAGING AREASOILTREAD PLATEECRADI US ANGLECLOCKWISEBCCURBOUTSIDE FACE OF EDGE OF PVMT OR ROADWAY / PIPE CURVEROADWAY / PIPE CURVES.)CIVIL PIPING DWG WITH PAVING AND GRADING OR (SEE TABLE ON EACH CXXSOIL BORING LOCATIONSMONUMENTBENCH MARKVERTICAL CONTROL POINTSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONDIRECTIONFLOW/SLOPE MANHOLE (PROFILE)MANHOLE (PLAN)PULL BOXPOWER TOWERSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONROCK WALLRIP RAPBURIED VALVEHEADWALLCABLE TVUTILITY POLEUTILITY POLE GUY WIRECONNECTIONPIPE CAP ORCHECK VALVEFLANGEPLUG VALVEREDUCERGUARD POSTPCTVPHSHRUB/HEDGETREETTELEPHONE PEDESTALCOCLEANOUTAIR RELEASE VALVEBLOW OFF VALVELIGHTPPPOWER POLESIGN/SIGN POSTAND PULL BOXELECTRICAL MANHOLESERVICE CONNECTIONGATEXXPHXXHOSE BIBB / YARD HYDRANTFIRE HYDRANTCATCH BASINEPOTHOLEPOTHOLE NUMBERBALL VALVEGATE VALVEMMETER BOXBUTTERFLY VALVEEXISTING SYMBOLS ARE SCREENED.ALL SYMBOLS SHOWN AS NEW. NOTE:DESCRIPTIONSYMBOLREVISION DELTASCALE100'050'200'(EXIST)KEY NOTEBREAK LINEELEVATIONTOC XXXX.XXEXISTING ELEVATIONPLAN VIEWPIPE BREAKCROSS SECTIONPIPE BREAK(SINGLE LINE)PIPE CONTINUATIONBRACKETT.O.W. XXXX.X±342Call before you D gAvoid cutting undergroundutility lines. It's costly.1-800-227-2600ORCallPLANT NORTHNORTH ARROW/ TAG AND NUMBEREQUIPMENT/DEVICE MATCH LINE ON DWG MATCH LINEPIPE TAGX XXXFLOW STREAMSYMBOLS*FUTURE(WHERE APPLICABLE)FUTURE PIPINGSIZE FLOW STREAMEX FOR EXISTING PIPING SHOW AS *#SPECIFIC)(STATE/REGION WARNING OVERHEADUNDERGROUND/OVERHEADCallbefore youAvoid overhead power linecontact. It's costly.1-970-947-5425BLGUNDISTURBED.WHEREVER PRACTICAL LEAVE EXISTING TREES AND VEGETATED AREAS DISTURBANCES TO VEGETATION, AND TREES. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRACTICAL PRECAUTIONS TO MINIMIZE 10.CONSTRUCTION.BE RESTORED PER ERWSD RULES & REGULATIONS APPENDIX E - EARTHWORK AND ALL ROAD DITCHES, FENCE LINES, PASTURES AND SIMILAR AREAS SHALL 9.AS-BUILTS IN AUTOCAD AND HARD COPY, PER ERWSD REQUIREMENTS.LAYOUT DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR PIPING INSTALLED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SURVEYED 8. BARRICADES AND WARNING DEVICES.CONFORMANCE WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE OF BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO SHEETING, SHORING, BRACING, VENTILATION, CHARACTER OF WORK, EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL. THIS INCLUDES AND LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE SAFETY AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, 7.REQUIREMENTS.SHORING SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA, STATE AND LOCAL ALL OPEN TRENCHES, WORK AREAS AND SHAFTS SHALL HAVE A 6.ADJACENT TO THE WORK, THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL PROPERTIES 5.SLIPPAGE AND ROCKING UNDER TRAFFIC.INTO THE ASPHALT, CONCRETE, OR TRAVELED SURFACE TO PREVENT CONCRETE AT THE EDGES. THE TRENCH PLATES SHALL BE NOTCHED RESISTANT COATING ON THE TRENCH PLATES AND COLD MIX ASPHALT OR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY SKID IN ALL LOCATIONS WHERE TRENCH PLATE IS USED FOR VEHICULAR 4.GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS AND BORING INFORMATION.THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE REFER TO THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT LOCATED IN THE APPENDIX OF 3.EXISTING AND NEW WATER LINES PER ERWSD SPECIFICATION APPENDICES B,C,AND D.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE SEWER LINES AND 2.DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER.CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS 14 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS IS APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY DIMENSIONS TO STRUCTURES, REFERENCED PIPING, PAVING, AND OTHER 1.GENERAL PIPELINE NOTESAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:53 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1001C02.dgn10897B10DA01C0225CIVILBBakerRFB SITE TOPOGRAPHY FIELD SURVEYBLGAttachment B BLDGCONTROLODORPUMP STATIONRAW WATER RECOVERYHEATDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSEagle River ESSSSSDSSSSSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:19 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C01.dgnGD05C0126CIVILMAINTENANCEBUILDINGUVRAIL ROAD50'025'100'BLDGWORKSHEADBUILDINGEQBASINSAERATIONGATEMAIN ENTRANCESURVEY CONTROL POINTPOINT #NORTHINGEASTING ELEVATIONDESCRIPTIONCP 10722658618.77710530.057403.88CONC SLAB CORNERCP 4299658542.89710461.527409.70STORM SWR LID1659021.48710098.437409.951-1/2 " ALUM CAP2658514.47710067.297392.171-1/2 " ALUM CAP3658683.30710836.057418.571-1/2 " ALUM CAPPROPERTY LI NEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10897B10RFB12CP 4299CP 107223CLARIFIERSPRIMARYBUILDINGWAREHOUSECP-4304CP-4305CP-43067414.0237412.129CP NEARGATE7403.853CP S.PAVELINECP-4304CP-4305CP-4306658893.04658942.44658717.93710322.09710185.30710148.01CONSTRUCTION BENCHMARKSBASINSAERATIONCLARIFIERSSECONDARYEASTBUILDINGADMINISTRATIONBUILDINGBLOWERCLARIFIERSECONDARYWEST CELLSPOLISHINGRAS PSPS, & WEST ROOM, IMLR FERRIC FEEDMCC-SP, GENERAL NOTES1.HORIZONTAL DATUM IS FROM COLORADO STATEPLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM USING NAD 1983.2.VERTICAL DATUM IS FROM NAVD 1988.3.SEE DRAWING 01C02 FOR SITE TOPOGRAPHY ANDFIELD SURVEY.KEY NOTES =1TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION GATE AT PROPERTYLINE.2CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL AND MAINTAINTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SECURITY AND NOISEMITIGATION FENCING ALONG WESTERN PROPERTYBOUNDARY. NOISE MITIGATION FENCING SHALL BEE-NOISE CONTROL MODEL UNC-13X TEMPORARYEXTERIOR NOISE BARRIER/SOUND ABSORBERCOMPOSITE OR EQUAL. 3OFFICE TRAILER FOR SECURITY AND DELIVERYCHECK-IN, CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER,SUPERINTENDENTS, AND FIELD ENGINEERS.APPROXIMATELY 24' X 60'.4TEMPORARY SAFETY FENCING AS NEEDED ALONGEXCAVATIONS.5TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIERS FOR CRANEPROTECTION.6OFFICE TRAILERS FOR CREW, LUNCHROOMS,ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL STAFF. (3)APPROXIMATELY 12' X 48' TRAILERS WITHTEMPORARY WOODEN DECKING. MAINTAIN DISTRICTACCESS TO UV BUILDING. 7OFFICE TRAILER FOR OWNER AND ENGINEER STAFF.APPROXIMATELY 12' X 48' TRAILER. MAINTAINDISTRICT ACCESS TO UV BUILDING. 8CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA FOR EARTHWORK,TEMPORARY LAYDOWN, CONSTRUCTION STAGING,AND EQUIPMENT. DISTRICT WILL NOT HAVE ACCESSTHROUGH THIS AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. IFUSED FOR ONSITE FUEL STORAGE, CONTRACTORTO INCLUDE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS INSAFETY PLAN AND COORDINATE WITH OWNER..CP END-SPACE#123567844BLGTEMPORARY FACILITIESSITE PLAN ANDm lhall Attachment B BLDGCONTROLODORDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSEagle River EIPIPIPSSSSSSSSSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:28 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C02.dgnGD05C0227CIVILMAINTENANCEBARNBUILDINGUVRAIL ROAD50'025'100'BLDGWORKSHEAD10897B10DRAWING 05C31DRAWING 05C21DRAWING 05C11BUILDINGEQDRAWING 05C32DRAWING 05C22DRAWING 05C12DRAWING 05C33DRAWING 05C23DRAWING 05C13PROPERTY LI NEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERECOVERYHEATPUMP STATIONRAW WATERPROPERTY LINEKEY PLANRFBCIVIL DRAWINGSBUILDINGWAREHOUSECLARIFIERSPRIMARYBUILDINGBLOWERBUILDINGADMINISTRATIONBASINSAERATIONBASINSAERATIONCLARIFIERSECONDARYWEST RAS PSPS, & WEST ROOM, IMLR FERRIC FEEDMCC-SP, CLARIFIERSSECONDARYEASTCELLSPOLISHINGBLGm lhall Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSECONCRETEIP105817406.22PP15'6"6"12"15'6"105777409.72GUY10"105787409.90GUY6"15'10"6"8"12"18"3"8"3"7412'3"15'3"6"10"6"6"10"107417414.00WV7415'7416' 74 1 7'SS109007417.14SMH 2105-122-0900Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 2:17:26 PMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C11.dgnGD05C1128CIVIL20'010'40'MATCH LINE ON 05C12MATCH LINE ON 05C13EX 6" RSLEX 12" EREX 24" PEEX 8" SSEX 12" FA10897B10SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 1ROOMBLOWER#43215PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE78RFBEX 8" S9ASPHALT REMOVALLIMITS OF BBaker 6ASPHALT REMOVALLIMITS OF 10101112141313CLARIFIERSPRIMARYAERATION BASINSCHAMBERGRITAERATEDMCCBLOWERROOMAND STORAGEMAINTENANCEBUILDINGADMINISTRATIONBUILDINGHEADWORKSEX 6" PWEX 1 1/2" NGEX 1/2" FCEX 1 1/2" POLEX 24" PEFEX 6" FMEX 1 1/2" SAEX 6" NPW16ABANDONED EX 2" NG15BLG17GENERAL NOTES1.SEQUENCE DEMOLITION PER SPECIFICATIONSECTION 01_11_40.KEY NOTES =1DEMOLISH 8" SS TO ACCOMMODATE REROUTINGPER YARD PIPING PLANS.2DEMOLISH 24" PE.3DEMOLISH PRIMARY EFFLUENT DIVERSIONSTRUCTURE PER DRAWING 20D04. 4DEMOLISH PRIMARY SCUM WET WELL AND PIPINGPER DRAWING 20D03.5DEMOLISH OVERHEAD POWER LINE FEEDING BARNSTRUCTURE. COORDINATE WITH USE FORTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION POWER. COORDINATEWITH HOLY CROSS POWER.6DEMOLISH FENCING. PROVIDE TEMPORARYFENCING AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PLANT SECURITY.7REMOVE ENTRANCE GATE AND ASSOCIATEDMECHANISMS. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS AND WIRINGIN ITS ENTIRETY. SEE LANDSCAPING DEMODRAWINGS FOR GATE DETAILS.8REMOVE ALL PAVEMENT INCLUDING SUB-BASEMATERIAL. PAVEMENT SECTION IS ASSUMED TO BE4"-5" ASPHALT OVER 8" ABC SUB-BASE.9DEMOLISH PLANT ENTRANCE SIGN IN ITS ENTIRETY,INCLUDING FOOTING. SEE LANDSCAPING DEMODRAWINGS 05C17 AND 05C18 FOR GATE DETAILS.10REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES, BUSHES, TURFAND IRRIGATION SHOWN FOR REMOVAL. SEELANDSCAPING DEMO DRAWINGS FOR GATE DETAILS.TREES LARGER THAN 5 INCHES IN DIAMETER WILLBE PRESERVED FOR POSSIBLE TRANSPLANTINGONTO THE LIFTVIEW PROPERTY. COORDINATE WITHTHE ENGINEER AND LIFTVIEW OWNER.11REMOVE AND REPLACE 12" FA PIPING AS NEEDED TOCONSTRUCT NEW AERATION BASIN. PROVIDETEMPORARY PIPING TO MAINTAIN ODOR CONTROL,IF NEEDED.12REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF DIESEL FUELCONTAINMENT VESSEL IN ITS ENTIRETY, AND ITSASSOCIATED FUEL DISPENSERS AND ELECTRICALCOMPONENTS, PER SPECIFICATIONS. SALVAGEITEMS SHOWN ON DWG 05D01 FOR REINSTALLATION.13DEMOLISH CHEMICAL FEED LINES IN YARD ANDTHROUGH EXISTING CHANNEL WALL PENETRATIONSAT PRELIMINARY AND PRIMARY TREATMENT. SEEAREA 10 AND 20 DEMOLITION AND MECHANICALDRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL.14DEMOLISH HATCHES AND VALVE OPERATORS ABOVEGRADE IN COORDINATION WITH STRUCTURAL ANDMECHANICAL DEMOLITION OF AERATION BASINS.15DEMOLISH 12" PERF PVC PIPE AROUND AERATIONBASINS AND SECONDARY CLARIFIER AS NEEDEDFOR CONSTRUCTION. CAP ENDS AS DICTATED BYDEMOLITION EXTENTS.16CUT AND CAP 6" RSL TO THE EAST PER DETAIL 3 OR4 ON DWG 05C27. ABANDON REMAINDER IN PLACE.17PROVIDE TEMPORARY GRADING AROUND CRANEFOUNDATION AS NEEDED. 2% CROSS SLOPE MAX.18PLACE NO EQUIPMENT OR STOCKPILE OFMATERIALS IN THIS AREA WHEN AERATION BASIN 1 ISOUT OF SERVICE AND DRAINED..18Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSBARN30.1'124.0'30.1'124.0' 27.8'43.8'27.8'43.8'131.9'51.4'178.2'83.0'152.1'21.4'10.0'3.1'20.0'1.1'7.2'IPSSSS10"8"8"8"10"6"3"10"12"10"12"6"6"18"15'15'12"SS8"Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:34 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C12.dgnGD05C1229CIVIL20'010'40'10897B10BARNBUILDINGUVBLDGCONTROLODORMATCH LINE ON 05C13MATCH LINE ON 05C11RIVERBUILDINGEQ8" SSSITE DEMOLITION PLAN 2GRAVEL ROADBIKE PATHGRAVEL ROADPROPERTY LINE312#45RFB8676BUILDINGWAREHOUSECELLSPOLISHINGCLARIFIERSSECONDARYEASTm lhall EX MH 1520EX MH 1510EX MH 1180EX MH 1100EX MHEX MH9BLGGENERAL NOTES1.SEQUENCE DEMOLITION PER SPECIFICATIONSECTION 01_11_40.KEY NOTES =1BARN TO BE DEMOLISHED BY OTHERS PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATEWITH OWNER FOR SITE PREPARATION REQUIREDFOR TEMPORARY GRADING, POWER, AND OTHERUTILITIES FOR CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS.CONCRETE FOUNDATION WILL REMAIN. BACKFILLOVER IT. GPS LOCATE CORNERS PRIOR TOBACKFILLING.2DEMOLISH OVERHEAD POWER LINE FEEDING BARNSTRUCTURE. COORDINATE WITH USE FORTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION POWER. COORDINATEWITH HOLY CROSS POWER.3DEMOLISH 8" SS TO ACCOMMODATE REROUTINGPER YARD PIPING PLANS.4DEMOLISH FENCING.5REMOVE ALL PAVEMENT INCLUDING SUB-BASEMATERIAL. PAVEMENT SECTION IS ASSUMED TO BE4"-5" ASPHALT OVER 8" ABC SUB-BASE.6REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF TREES, BUSHES, TURFAND IRRIGATION SHOWN FOR REMOVAL. SEELANDSCAPING DEMO DRAWINGS FOR GATE DETAILS.7REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF METAL HANDRAILING,AND CONCRETE AND MASONRY RETAINING WALLSTO APPROXIMATELY 3 FEET BELOW NEW FINISHEDGRADE. LEAVE REMAINING UNITS IN PLACE ANDBACKFILL THEM.8REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ODOR CONTROLBUILDING AND SLAB IN ITS ENTIRETY. REMOVE FOULAIR PIPING AS REQUIRED FOR NEW ODOR CONTROLFACILITIES. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ODORCONTROL FANS AND EQUIPMENT CONDUITS ANDWIRING. SEE DRAWING 50D21 FOR DEMOLITIONINFORMATION.9DEMOLISH 12" PERF PVC PIPE AROUND AERATIONBASINS AND SECONDARY CLARIFIER AS NEEDEDFOR CONSTRUCTION. CAP ENDS AS DICTATED BYDEMOLITION EXTENTS..Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSS24.0'28.0'1.1'IPSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:35 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C13.dgnGD05C1330CIVILRIVERRAIL ROADM ATCH LINE ON 05C12 20'010'40'M ATCH LINE ON 05C1110897B10 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN 3MAINTENANCEBIKE PATHPUMP STATIONRAW WATERRECOVERYHEATPRO PERTY LINE #KEY NOTES =PROPERTY LINEBBaker GENERAL NOTESSEE DRAWING 01D01 FOR GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES.1.RFB1BLGINFORMATION.ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER AND DUCTBANK. REFER TO DRAWINGS 01E001 AND CONDUCTORS, TRANSFORMER PAD, DS ADMIN-MDP, SEQUENCE OF WORK. DEMOLISH THE SECONDARY SCHEDULE FOR REMOVAL OF TRANSFORMER WITHIN XFMR-18988. COORDINATE WITH UTILITY TO HOLY CROSS ENERGY (UTILITY) WILL REMOVE 1.Attachment B DRAWINGSAS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL DEMOIRRIGATION AND APPURTENANCESDEMO LANDSCAPING,APPURTENANCESIRRIGATION PIPING ANDDEMO TURF AREA,DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:42 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C16.dgnDA05C1631CIVIL10897B10BBakerRFBBLG LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION PLANAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:56 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C17.dgnDA05C1732CIVIL10897B10BBakerRFB LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION DETAILS 1BLGGENERAL NOTES:REUSE GATE OPERATORS. LOCATE PER DRAWING 05A12.THE PIERS, ETC. WITH SELECT MATERIAL.BACKFILL HOLES LEFT AFTER THE REMOVAL OFOPERATOR. CAP ENDS OF CONDUITS ANDASSOCIATED WITH THE KEYPAD AND GATEREUSE ELECTRICAL CONDUITS AND WIRING2.FOR LOCATIONSGATES PRIOR TO REINSTALLATION. SEE DRAWINGS 05C11 AT THE NEW PLANT ENTRANCE LOCATION. REFURBISH RECOATING/PAINTING OF GATE SLATS FOR REINSTALLATIONALL DETERIORATED METAL AND FASTENERS: AND REFURBISH INCLUDES REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THEIR ENTIRETY. SALVAGE GATES AS A MINIMUM, GATE AND BOTH ENTRY PIERS AND GUARDRAIL INDEMOLISH AVON FACILITY SIGN, ENTRY1.Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:45 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C18.dgnDA05C1833CIVIL10897B10m lhallRFB LANDSCAPING DEMOLITION DETAILS 2BLGWALLS. SEE DRAWING 05C12 FOR LOCATIONS.DEMOLISH CONCRETE AND CMU RETAINING 3.LOCATE PER DRAWING 05A12.REUSE GATE OPERATORS. THE PIERS, ETC. WITH SELECT MATERIAL.BACKFILL HOLES LEFT AFTER THE REMOVAL OFOPERATOR. CAP ENDS OF CONDUITS ANDASSOCIATED WITH THE KEYPAD AND GATEREMOVE ELECTRICAL CONDUITS AND WIRING2. ALL METAL .METAL FRAME / SLATS, AND PAINTING OFREPLACED, REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF SIGNIFICANTLY DETERIORATED WILL BE MEANS THAT MATERIALS WHICH ARE DRAWING 05C11 FOR LOCATIONS.REFURBISH GATES PRIOR TO REINSTALLATION. SEEPLANT ENTRANCE LOCATION. REBURBISH GATES FOR REINSTALLATIONAT THE NEW GUARDRAIL IN THEIR ENTIRETY. SALVAGE GATE AND BOTH ENTRY PIERS AND DEMOLISH AVON FACILITY SIGN, ENTRY1.GENERAL NOTES:Attachment B ASPHALTECONCRETEASPHALTIP105817406.22PP105777409.72GUY105787409.90GUY107417414.00WVSS109007417.14SMH 2105-122-0900GRADE BREAKDISTRIBUTION BOXPRIMARY EFFLUENT DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSS123456789101112141617181920NO.DESCRIPTIONNORTHINGEASTING1513STRUCTURE COORDINATE CONTROL DATA658898.35658924.439658822.302659001.321658822.316658803.809658946.91658865.28658872.53658878.35658872.53658878.35658898.35658837.071658835.026658875.555658873.378658876.092658871.430658864.79710107.63710248.19710282.31710248.12710288.00710308.00710308.00710288.00710493.916710490.184710282.40710184.810710190.139710224.091710227.371710305.722710136.140710123.855710180.676710171.232NW CORNER OF CRANE PADNE CORNER OF CRANE PADSE CORNER OF CRANE PADSW CORNER OF CRANE PADNW CORNER OF FUELING PADNE CORNER OF FUELING PADSE CORNER OF FUELING PADSW CORNER OF FUELING PADNW CORNER OF DISTRIBUTION BOXNE CORNER OF DISTRIBUTION BOXNE CORNER OF PAVED AREANW END OF PAVED AREABOULDER RETAINING WALLBOULDER RETAINING WALLBOULDER RETAINING WALLEDGE OF PAVEMENTEDGE OF PAVEMENTEDGE OF PAVEMENTEDGE OF PAVEMENTBUILDING CORNER2122EDGE OF PAVEMENT658865.51710166.60658859.69710433.83PRECAST VAULTPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:24 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C21.dgnGD05C2134CIVILPAVING AND GRADING PLAN 120'010'40'MATCH LINE ON 05C22MATCH LINE ON 05C2374157417741210897B10PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE#GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =m lhall 2RFB6MHMHMH1FUELING STATIONDIESELAERATION BASINS4CLARIFIERSPRIMARY741574107412 74137414741574117410C05S015BUILDINGHEADWORKSBUILDINGADMINISTRATIONBUILDINGBLOWER74087409741274137414123456789774118A05C26BLG10111210119DIRECTED BY THE OWNER.YELLOW STRIPED ZONE AREA. LOCATE EACH WHERE 8 DIRECTION ARROWS, AND A 60' x 15' NO PARKINGPRECAST CONCRETE SAFETY CURB PER TYP C140,PROVIDE STRIPING FOR 35 PARKING SPACES WITH 31314121314161516EL=7415.00EL=7416.00EL=7415.16EL=7415.00EL=7415.00EL=7413.50EL=7412.50EL=7412.161716171819201INSTALL NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT PERSPECIFICATION AND SECTION DETAIL ON DRAWING0CT02. 2INSTALL SALVAGED ENTRANCE GATE AND NEW SIGNPER SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS.3INSTALL CRANE FOUNDATION PER COORDINATESLISTED HERE.4INSTALL NEW DIESEL FUELING STATION PERSPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS ON DWGS 05M01,05M02 AND 05S01. 5PROVIDE 36' BY 10' CONCRETE FOUNDATION FORFUEL STORAGE TANK. SEE SECTION C/05S01 FORADDITIONAL DETAILS. 6NEW ARCHITECTURAL FENCE ALONG WESTPROPERTY BOUNDARY TO BE INSTALLEDSEPARATELY IN THIS LOCATION.7INSTALL BOLLARD PER TYP/C160, SPACING AT 6-FOOT ON CENTER.8GRAVEL PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 31_05_15.9INSTALL NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVER THE CRANEFOUNDATION UPON REMOVAL OF THE CRANE.10INSTALL CONCRETE LANDING PAD IN FRONT OFAERATION BASIN DOOR PER DETAIL B802.11INSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL PER DETAIL 2ON DWG 05C28.12INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE FLOW METER VAULTFOR 8K PEF LINE. OLDCASTLE MODEL 687-2-LA WITHSINGLE STEEL HATCH, OR EQUAL13PROVIDE TEMPORARY GRADING AROUND THECRANE WITH MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 2%.COORDINATE GRADING PLAN WITH ENGINEER.14STRIPE FOR 35 NEW PARKING SPACES. FINALIZELOCATIONS WITH OWNER.15CLOSE IRRIGATION VALVES AFTER DEMOLITION OFTHE IRRIGATION PIPING, AND REMOVE VALVEHANDLES. KEEP VAULT INTACT, UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED BY THE OWNER.16INSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL PARALLEL TOPROPERTY FENCE LINE, PER DETAIL 2 ON DWG05C2817INSTALL GUARD POSTS PER DETAIL C160, ON DWG00CT022122Attachment B 24'DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSIPSSSSSS658634.91658613.76710102.39710107.63658643.81710136.63NO.DESCRIPTIONNORTHINGEASTING658607.00658610.64658495.01710213.52658604.12658606.43658603.36658488.30710134.95710088.50710082.85710104.99710125.64710200.55123456789NW CORNER OF SEPARATORNE CORNER OF SEPARATORNW CORNER OF CATCH BASINNE CORNER OF CATCH BASINCENTER OF FIRE HYDRANTNW CORNER OF HEADWALLSW CORNER OF HEADWALLCOORDINATE CONTROL DATA10BUILDING CORNEREND OF CURB & GUTTERBEGIN SWALEPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:28 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C22.dgnGD05C2235CIVILPAVING AND GRADING PLAN 2MATCH LINE ON 05C2320'010'40'MATCH LINE ON 05C21BIKE PATHRIVER10897B107394739574007409BUILDINGUVBUILDINGEQPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE#GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =-1RFB7408740433m lhall 7 4 0 5 7404MHMHMH2CBAND FANSSCRUBBERNEW ODOR74007395BUILDINGWAREHOUSEB05S01A05S01CLARIFIERWEST SECONDARYBASINAERATIONWEST RAS PSIMLR PS, ANDFEED ROOM,FERRICMCC-SP,CLARIFIERSEAST SECONDARYCELLSPOLISHING74067407740874057404 740774067405451234567897LEGEND688BLG740374007403 RECLAIMED ASPHALT PAVEMENT (RAP)10911E=710450.50N=658567.95E=710482.79N=658567.95E=710393.02N=658542.00E=710297.28N=658515.1712DRAWINGSINSTALL ODOR CONTROL PAD PER STRUCTURAL 12PER SPEC 32_17_23PAINT LANE STRIPING TO DELINEATE TRAFFIC CORRIDOR 11RAP OVER MH OR ACCESS HATCHADJUST MH RISER, F&C TO BE AT GRADE. DO NOT PLACE 107403.50'INSTALL 4' X 4' CATCH BASIN PER C002(SIMILAR) RIM EL. 9THICKNESS COMPACTED 92% TO 96%SUBBASE MATERIAL TO 95%. INSTALL RAP TO 6-INCH SPECIFICATIONS AND THESE DRAWINGS. COMPACT INSTALL RECLAIMED ASPHALT PAVEMENT (RAP) PER 8DWG 05C28INSTALL CONCRETE HEADWALL WALL PER DETAIL 1 ON 7TYP/C160 WHERE DIRECTED BY ENGINEERINSTALL FOUR (4) 6-INCH DIAMETER BOLLARD PER DETAIL 605C27. MH RIM EL. 7404.0INSTALL SAND/OIL SEPARATOR PER DETAIL 2 ON DWG 5TYP/C160INSTALL 6-INCH DIAMETER BOLLARDS PER DETAIL INSTALL NEW FIRE HYDRANT PER DISTRICT DETAIL C-08. 4DETAILSINSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL. SEE DWG 05C28 FOR 3DISCHARGE PIPE SIZE IN 12" HDPE, RIM EL 7403.00OPENING PER TYPICAL DETAIL C002, TYPE 1 (SIMILAR). INSTALL STORM WATER CATCH BASIN WITH 2' x 8' GRATING 2COMPACTED ABCPAVEMENT OR 4" ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON 8" OF PAVEMENT SECTION SHALL BE EITHER 6" OF ASPHALT INSTALL NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT PER SPECIFICATIONS 11010Attachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSS24.0'28.0'1.1'IP6"8"10"15'3"12"6"6"3"15'6"6"10"6"15'18"18"SSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:22 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C23.dgnGD05C2336CIVILPAVING AND GRADING PLAN 3BIKE PATH741074057402 7400 7405 7418 RIVERRAIL ROADM ATCH LINE ON 05C22 20'010'40'M ATCH LINE ON 05C2110897B10MAINTENANCE PUMP STATIONRAW WATERRECOVERYHEAT7418 7419741574107405 PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE#GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =-PROPERTY LINERFBm lhall 1APPENDIX E.CONDUITS. SEE ERWSD RULES & REGULATIONS REMOVAL OF THE ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER AND RESTORE AREA DISTURBED BY THE DEMOLITION AND 1.BLGAttachment B 7415'74037404HEIGHT VARIESBOULDER RETAINING WALL,ARCHITECTURAL FENCE, HEIGHT 8'-10'7408741074127414741674187420742274247424741074127414741674187420742274247424-0+300+000+307408741074127414741674187420742274227406740874107412741474167418742074227422-0+300+000+307404740674087410741274147416741874207422742274047406740874107412741474167418742074227422-0+300+000+3074087406740274047406740874107412741474167418742074227422740274047406740874107412741474167418742074227422-0+300+000+30740274047406740874107412741474167418742074227422740274047406740874107412741474167418742074227422-0+300+000+30740074027404740674087410741274147416741874207420740074027404740674087410741274147416741874207420-0+300+000+30PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEWESTSECONDARY CLARIFIERWESTSECONDARY CLARIFIEREXISTING GROUNDNEW ROADEXISTING GROUNDGROUNDEXISTING NEW ROADNEW ROADEXISTING GROUNDNEW ROADEXISTING GROUNDNEW ROADEXISTING GROUNDNEW ROAD AERATION BASINAERATION BASIN2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,2/05C28PER DTL BOULDERS,SECTIONSBUILDING - TYP ALL MIN. 2% SLOPE FROM DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSS1+002+003+004+004+204+50Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:43 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: CIVIL10897B10PRO PERTY LINE10897B1005C24.dgn20'010'40'05C24GDRFBCROSS SECTIONS A TO FWESTSIDE ROADWAYm lhall FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'10897B105C0000FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'10897B105C0000FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'D-10897B105C0000FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'10897B105C0000FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'10897B105C0000FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1"=5'1"=10'10897B105C0000A-B-C-E-F-A-A-B-B-C-D-E-F-STA 1+67STA 2+27STA 2+62STA 3+02STA 3+65STA 4+00C-D-E-F-BASINAERATIONCLARIFIERWEST SECONDARYE 710122.63N 658946.91STA 1+00E 710122.63N 658596.91STA 4+50CLARIFIERSPRIMARYBASINAERATIONCLARIFIERSEAST SECONDARY7410741174097408740774067405741274137412 7413 MH 5MH 4MH 3MH 2MH 17404BLG37Attachment B CL ROAD GRADEEXISTING WALLRETAINING BOULDERSWALLRETAININGBOULDERSDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSIP IP SS 7395' 7412'740374041+002+003+004+004+200+004+50740074047408741274140+001+002+003+004+0074027406741074007404740874127414740274067410Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:58 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: CIVIL10897B1010897B1005C25.dgn05C25MLHFILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 2'1" = 20'10897B1005C24MLH1" = 20'10897B1005C24FILE:HORIZ SCALE:m lhall BASINAERATIONNEWWESTSIDE ROAD PLAN AND PROFILESTA 0+00 TO STA 2+92CLARIFIERSECONDARYNEW MHMHROAD PLANROAD PROFILESTA 0+98 PVCEL=7410.08EL=7410.53 STA 1+98 PVT EL=7410.06 STA 1+48 +1.85%-1.89%EL=7411.00PVISTA 1+48EL=7404.00PVISTA 4+00-3%0%EL=7404.38 STA 4+50 PVT EL=7404.00 STA 3+ 5 0 PVC EL = 740 5 .50 PVMT7404.50PVMT7404.25E=710122.63N=659046.91STA 0+00E=710122.63N=658596.91STA 4+50PVMT7404.25VC=100'VC=100'PVMT7409.00STA 2+43PVMT7408.00STA 2+74PVMT7406.00STA 3+43PVMT7405.00STA 3+77PVMT7407.00STA 3+08PVMT7410.00STA 1+00PVMT7411.00STA 1+51PVMT7410.00STA 2+04MHMHMHCBPVMTPVMT7408.00STA 2+68PVMT7407.00STA 3+03PVMTPVMT7405.00STA 3+72PVMT7404.00STA 3+98STA 4+00 740674137412 7 4 11 741 0 7405 74057410 7409 7408 7407 7406 74047409.00STA 2+387406.00STA 3+37740474 007395 7412 CBBLGA05S0138Attachment B IPDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:15 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C26.dgn10897B10PROPERTY LINE#KEY NOTES =BBaker 347410 AND GATE DETAILSMLH05C26CIVILENTRANCE GATE ENLARGEMENTRBFILE:SCALE:AENTRANCE ENLARGEMENT1" = 10' 10'05'20'5612BLG39NEW CALL BOX ON METAL POST6GATE OPERATORS SALVAGED FORM EXISTING GATE5 INSTALL 6" DIAMETER STEEL BOLLARDS PER DETAIL C1604DWG 05S001.INSTALL BOULDERS RETAINING WALL. SEE STRUCTURAL 3ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSNEW PEDESTRIAN GATE PER SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALL GATE, SALVAGE FROM EXISTING ENTRANCE AND 2AND SECTION DETAIL ON DWG 0CT002INSTALL NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT PER SPECIFICATIONS 14Attachment B THICKNESSTHICKNESS WIDTHTRENCHNORMAL HEIGHT WIDTHTRENCHNORMAL 1'-0" 9" 1'-0"13'-0"7'-2" 6"7'-8"4'-0"4"6"6" 1'-0"6"3'-0"1'-6 1/2"M IN 12" M IN 4" M IN 8"DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:12 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C27.dgn10897B10BBakerSDF 05C27CIVILRBPLAN**BEDDING AND BACKFILLTRENCH DAM TO INTERRUPTPIPESPECIFICATIONBACKFILL PERMATERIALIUNDISTUBBED**AND BOTTOM OF TRENCHUNDISTURBED MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDESPIPE DIAMETERAND PIPEUNDISTURBED MATERIALDIRECT CONTACT WITHFINISHED GRADEEXCAVATIONEDGE OF TRENCHCROSS SECTIONSCALE:FILE:1TRENCH DAM DETAIL1" = 1'-0"10897B005C400NOTES:CONTRACT DRAWINGS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.TRENCH DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON THE 2.TRENCH WIDTH)MINIMUM OF 1'-0" BEYOND UNDISTURBED MATERIAL (NORMAL OPTIONAL KEY (*) ON EACH SIDE OF TRENCH DAM SHALL EXTEND A 1.COVER (TYP)24" RING AND SEALANT (TYP)RAM-NEK JOINT LINK SEAL (TYP)16" DIA CASTOUT AND SET INTO WALL (TYP)DRILLED AND EPOXY THREADED RODS WITH 3/8" SST SST PIPE CLAMP WALLPIPE CAST IN BAFFLE 8" DI FLANGED WALL ELBOWVAULTCONCRETE 6'-0"D PRECAST 8'-0"L x 6'-0"W x SECTIONSCALE:FILE:210897B005C4011/2" = 1'-0"12" HDPEEND CAPWELDED JOINT PIPE CAP GAS TIGHT SOLVENT PIPE DIAOIL AND SAND SEPARATOR DETAILSCALE:FILE:31" = 1'-0"10897B005C401DETAILCONCRETEPIPE PRIOR TO POURING OF CLEAN INSIDE SURFACE OF EXISTING PIPEPIPEEND OF EXISTING (MIN)EXISTING PIPE PLUGSCALE:FILE:41" = 1'-0"10897B005C401DETAIL(TYP)TOP SLAB PLAN CIVIL PAVING AND GRADING DETAILS05C3105C3105C34BLG05C32EL = 7402.00TOPEL = 7404.00PAVEMENTTOP OF RIM EL = 7404.00EL = 7394.42SEE PROFILE ON SHEET 05C34 FOR PIPE INV'S.NOTE:40PAVEMENTASPHALT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE COURSESUBGRADESCALE:FILE:5-NTSASPHALT PAVEMENT DETAIL CLASS C CONCRETEAttachment B 40'-0"19'-5"6'-0"8"6'-0"8'-0"30°2'-6"8"8"2'-3"1'-0"1'-0"3" CLR29'-5"6" MIN18" TO A M AW IM UM OF 35" W ALL HEIGHT VARIES FROM 8" M IN.TOTAL HEIGHTTHEN1/2 WALL TO OR GRATER WIDTHEQUAL BASE OF WALL DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:14 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C28.dgn10897B10BBakerSDF 05C28CIVILRBCIVIL DETAILS 2 739074111.51NEW ROADPROPERTY LINEN=658495.01E=710082.85E=710088.50N=658488.30EL = 7394.0EXIST GRADETOW EL = 7396.0EXISTING MANHOLE #1510FILE:SCALE:AHEADWALL PLAN1/2" = 1'-0"10897B10C401SCALE:FILE:1-1-HEADWALL DETAIL1" = 1'-0"10897B10C401#5 H1E @ 12"#4 @ 12"#5 H1E @ 12"#4 @ 12" T&B#5 @ 12"001'2'4' 1'2'6" PW10" SS01'2'3'6'3/8"=1'-0"SCALE 3/8" = 1'-0"BLGSLOPETYPC102TYPC100SIM.AND 10" SSINSULATION OF 6" PWPROVIDE TEMPORARYSEWER PROFILESFOR WATER AND SEE DRAWING 05C34 BASIN AND SECONDARY CLARIFIER BETWEEN MH1 AND MH3TYPICAL SECTION VIEW OF EXCAVATION WEST OF AERATION SCALE:FILE:210897B10C4010 1'2'05C243/4" = 1'-0"PER TYP/C102INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER FABRICGEOTEXTILE WOVEN TOP CURBBACKFILLCOURSE DRAINAGE AGGREGATE SUBGRADEAC PAVEMENTFINISH GRADEBOULDER BELOW BURY 2/3 OF BOTTOM COURSEBASE AGGREGATE BASE COURSEAGGREGATE DRAINAGE 96% SPD COMPACTEDNOTE:BOULDERS TO BE MINIMUM SIZE OF 3'X3'X2'BOULDERS SELECTED BY CONTRACTOR/OWNERBOULDERS TO BE SILOAN STONE41BOULDER RETAINING WALL DETAILAttachment B 36" INV OUT = 7410.0536" INV IN = 7411.00RIM EL = 7417.20EX SS MH EIP SSDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 11:21:15 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C31.dgnGD05C3142CIVIL20'010'40'MATCH LINE ON 05C32MATCH LINE ON 05C33YARD PIPING PLAN 1EX 36" SSEX 2" NGEX 2" NGEX 36" PIEX 30" FAEX 1-1/4" NGEX 12" EREX 12" FAEX 18" FA10897B10ROOMBLOWERPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEEX 1" NGEX 1" NPWEX 6" NPWEX 2" NPWEX 2" NPWEX 2" NGEX 6" RSLEX 1 1/2" SAEX 1 1/4" NG10" SS10" SS10" SSGRITAERATEDEX 4" GEX 4" ARFB12" S6" RSLAERATION BASINSEX 12" EREX 6" PWEX 6" PWBBaker 61456" RSLEX 6" FMEX 6" FMEX 2" NGABANDONEDABANDONED98CLARIFIERSPRIMARYBUILDINGHEADWORKSBUILDINGADMINISTRATION8" PW8#KEY NOTES =GENERAL NOTES1512141314EX 24" PEF24" PEF24" PEF9181611A20M41FOR ENLARGEMENTSEE DWG SS MH 3RIM EL = 7409.00N 658823.98E 710117.62E 710156.25N 658880.82RIM EL = 7411.00SS MH 4SS MH 5RIM EL = 7412.00N 658880.75E 710236.28EX 1 1/2" NG19E 710156.20N 658976.80BLG198" PEF19FACE OF STRUCTURE.INSTALL DAM APPROXIMATELY 5' FROM OUTSIDE TO STRUCTURES PER DETAIL 1 ON 05C27,INSTALL TRENCH DAM ON ALL PIPES CONNECTED2.RESOLUTION TO AVOID REWORK AND DELAYS.ENGINEER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE FOROCCUR AND MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE DESIGN. HOWEVER, DISCREPANCIES MAYMECHANICAL DRAWINGS AS A COORDINATEDDRAWINGS AND THE STRUCTURAL AND CONTRACTOR SHALL REGARD THE CIVIL1.1911E 710112.10N 658880.1020E 710305.10N 658871.581718OF NEW AERATION BASINRECONNECT SYSTEM REMOVED DURING EXCAVATION 20 INSTALL NEW 12" FA PIPE AS NEEDED TO SECTION 40_05_06.03 AND TYPICAL DETAIL P34219 INSTALL FLEXIBLE COUPLING PER SPECIFICATION SHOWN ON THE AREA 30 MECHANICAL DRAWINGSPENETRATE AERATION BASIN STRUCTURE AT LOCATION18 STRUCTURE AND THE EXISTING FA PIPING SYSTEM17 INSTALL 4" FAD CONNECTING THE NEW PE SPLITTER BEYOND PER SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL P040 UNDERNEATH THE CONCRETE SLAB AND 2-FEET 16 CONCRETE ENCASE 6" RSL LINE WHERE IT IS PER DISTRICT DETAIL D-02 AND DWG 05C3415 INSTALL NEW 48" DIAMETER SEWER DROP MANHOLE PER DISTRICT DETAIL D-01 AND DWG 05C3414 INSTALL NEW 48" DIAMETER SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL D-10 AND DWG 05C3413 INSTALL NEW 10" SEWER LINE PER DISTRICT TOP OF PIPE IS TO BE 7' BELOW FINISHED GRADE12 INSTALL NEW 6" PW PER DISTRICT DETAIL C-14. 8" GATE VALVE ON THE BRANCH PER DISTRICT DETAIL C-09 8" PW LINE. INSTALL 6" GATE VALVE ON MAIN LINE AND 6" LINE AND A 12 X 8 REDUCER CONNECTIONTO NEW HAVING 12 X 6 REDUCERS CONNECTING THE EXISTING 11 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" PW WITH A 12 X 12 X 12 TEE10 NOT USEDFOR REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SUBMIT CORE HOLE LOCATIONS TO ENGINEER PEA CHEMICAL PIPE BETWEEN THE TWO SPACES.INSTALL 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE TO CONVEY FC AND AREA 20 AND AREA 30 MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. SLUDGE PUMP STATION AS INDICATED ON THEAERATION BASIN UTILITY CHASE AND PRIMARY CORE DRILL 3" PIPE PENETRATION INTO THE 9 AND PRIMARY EFFLUENT CHANNEL IN PLACEEX 4" A BETWEEN GRIT BASINSGRIT BASIN CONNECTIONS. ABANDON CUT AND CAP EX 4" A DOWNSTREAM OF 8NOT USED7STRUCTURE (APPROXIMATELY 20' X 20')PRELIMINARY LOCATION OF CRANE FOUNDATION6TO MH 5 AT INVERT ELEVATION = 7405.50'45 DEGREE FITTING HORIZONTAL CONNECTING 45 DEGREE FITTING DOWN WITH CLEANOUT ANDDWG 20M001 AND THESE DRAWINGS. INSTALL NEW 12" SCUM PIPE PER SPECIFICATIONS,5SEE SHEET 00PT01CLEANOUT AT 45 DEGREE FITTING PER P004/TYP, AND THE DRAWINGS, INSTALL PRESSURE INSTALL NEW 6" RSL PIPE PER SPECIFICATIONS4AND DWGS 20M01 AND 20M11SPECIFICATIONS, THESE DRAWINGS,INSTALL NEW 24" PEF PIPES PER3AND PROFILES SHOWN ON DWG NO. 05C34AND PIPELINE PER SPECIFICATIONSINSTALL NEW SEWER MANHOLES 2DETAILS 3&4 ON 05C27IN PLACE PER SPECIFICATIONS, AND 6" RSL LINE AND ABANDON LINE INSTALL PERMANENT CAP ON118" IMLRAttachment B 10" INV OUT (SW) = 7397.108" INV IN (N) = 7397.10RIM EL = 7401.10EX SS MH12" INV OUT (W) = 7381.7012" INV IN (NE) = 7382.00RIM EL = 7396.90EX SS MH CONCRETE SLABSCRUBBERS AND NEW ODOR SLABAND CONCRETE SCRUBBER FANS NEW ODOR E 710245.44N 658612.24RIM EL = 7408.50SS MH 6 E 710127.90N 658722.10E 710214.70N 658618.00 DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSIPSSSSSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:32 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C32.dgnGD05C3243CIVIL20'010'40'YARD PIPING PLAN 210897B10BUILDINGUVMATCH LINE ON 05C33MATCH LINE ON 05C31EX 30" FAEX 6" NPWEX 1" NPWINV EL 7390.0INV EL 7392.0BUILDINGEQEX 2" NGRIVERBIKE P AT H EX 24" FEEX 10" SSEX 12" SSEX 24" SEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10" SS10" SSRFB6" S12" INV OUT (W) = 7378.9012" INV IN (E) = 7379.00RIM EL = 7393.80EX SS MH8" SS12" SDEX 18" DPE 710117.77N 658612.24RIM EL = 7403.00SS MH 1#GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =TO AVOID REWORK AND DELAYS.PRESENTED TO ENGINEER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE FOR RESOLUTION DESIGN. HOWEVER, DISCREPANCIES MAY OCCUR AND MUST BE STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS AS A COORDINATED CONTRACTOR SHALL REGARD THE CIVIL DRAWINGS AND THE EX 24" FE13211BUILDINGWAREHOUSE746" DR4" WAS66" S5818" IMLRCLARIFIERSECONDARYWEST CLARIFIERSSECONDARY EASTBASINAERATIONEX MH 1510EX MH 1520EX MH 1100EX MH 1180 CELLSPOLISHING10" SDE 710111.67N 658683.96RIM EL = 7403.50SS MH 2EX 24" PEF9E 710112.10N 658610.7090° BENDBASINCATCH SEPARATORSAND/OILm lhallBLG 111111E 710105.03N 658610.62FIRE HYDRANT1212EX 8" SS36" PWHYDRANT50' NORTH OF FIRE8" x 6" REDUCERDETAILSINSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL SEE 05C28 FOR 12AND TYPICAL DETAIL P342SECTION 40_05_06.03 INSTALL FLEXIBLE COUPLING PER SPECIFICATION 11 ON 05C27INSTALL SAND/SEPARATOR PER DETAIL 210CUTTING INTO WALL AT ABOUT EL=7396.00'CONNECT NEW 10" SD PIPE TO EXISTING MANHOLE BY 9 FOR CONTINUATION OF 18" IMLR, SEE DWG 40M03.8CONNECTION.CONNECT NEW SEWER PIPE TO MANHOLE WITH A DROP 7FOR INVERT OF 6" S PIPELINE, SEE DWG 40M22.6FOR INVERT OF 6" S PIPELINE, SEE DWG 40M03.540M08.FOR INVERTS OF 4" WAS AND 6" DR PIPELINES, SEE DWG 4WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT.MANHOLE AT ABOUT EL=7395.00. SEAL ANNULAR SPACE SECTION OF 12" DP AND CUTTING INTO THE CONCRETE CONNECT NEW 18" SD PIPE TO MANHOLE BY REMOVING A 3C001/TYP AND PROFILE SHOWN ON DWG NO. 05C34.INSTALL NEW CATCH BASIN AND 18" SD PIPE PER DETAIL 205C34.SPECIFICATIONS AND PROFILE SHOWN ON DWG NO. INSTALL NEW SEWER MANHOLES AND PIPELINE PER 1Attachment B INLET GRATEINV EL 7402.80INLET GRATEINV EL 7400.40INLET GRATEINV EL 7398.20INLET GRATE DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSSIPSDSSPlot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:29 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: 10897B1005C33.dgnGD05C3344CIVILRIVERRAIL ROADM ATCH LINE ON 05C32 20'010'40'M ATCH LINE ON 05C31 YARD PIPING PLAN 3EX 8"PVCINV EL 7395.30INV EL 7393.7036" INV OUT (NW) = 7411.0036" INV IN (SE) = 7411.10RIM EL 7418.50EX SS MH10897B10EX 8" SDR (PVC)EX 24" FEEX 30" FAEX 24" FEEX 8" SDR (PVC)BIKE PATHPUMP STATIONRAW WATERRECOVERYHEATMAINTENANCEEX 30" FAPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINERFBBBaker #GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =-4" NGEX MH 1200EX MH 1220BLGAttachment B DATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"DECEMBER 2019EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGG®39920B E CKYJ.LUNACOLO R ADOLICENSEDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER ROBERT F. BUSS1+002+003+004+005+000+00740074107390738074007410739073800+001+002+0074107400739074107400739073947398740274041+002+003+007396740074067394739874027404739674007406Plot Date: 20-DEC-2019 9:07:42 AMUser: svcPW M odel: Layout1 ColorTable: gshade.ctb DesignScript: Carollo_Std_Pen_v0905 - Civil2.pen PlotScale: 2:1PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME: CIVIL10897B1010897B1005C34.dgn05C34GDRFBm lhall FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'10897B1005C24EXIST GRADE @ PIPE CLEXIST GRADE @ PIPE CLFILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'10897B1005C24INV = 7406.00 STA 5+46 PROPOSED ROADWAY GRADE @ PIPE CL10-INCH SS PROFILE - STATION 0+00 - 5+468-inch SS @ 0.010 FT/FT8-INCH SS PROFILE - STATION 0+00 - 1+64WESTSIDE SEWER PROFILES#1110- i nch SS @ 0.035 FT/FT10-inch SS @ 0.033 FT/FT10-inch SS @ 0.033 FT/FT6" SINV 7395.72 FACE O F BLDG STA 1+64EX 18"STA 1+2318" SDSTA 0+93 28" SS12" S8" PEF10- i nch SS @ 0.033 FT/FT10- i nch SS @ 0.033 FT/FT116-inch RSL @ 0.020 FT/FTBLGTYP C002/00CT01CATCH BASIN PER INV = 7400.42INV = 7399.75INV = 7399.25INV = 7399.0312-inch SD @ 0.01 ft/ft@ 0.01 ft/ft12-inch SDFOR ELEVATIONSPER DET 2/05C27, SEE DETAILOIL AND SAND SEPARATORAND ELEVATIONSFIELD VERFIY LOCATIONEXISTING MANHOLE 4" WAS & 6" DR @ SLOPE OF 0.02 FT/FT10" INV OUT (SW ) EL = 7385.558" INV IN (W ) EL = 7394.2510" INV IN (S) EL = 7385.75RIM = 7404.00MH 1STA 1+30 10" INV OUT (S) EL = 7392.95 10" INV IN (S) EL = 7393.05 RIM = 7409.44 M H 3 STA 3+42 10" INV OUT (S) EL = 7395.32 8" INV IN (W ) EL = 7402.30 10" INV IN (NE) EL = 7402.10 RIM = 7409.44 M H 4 STA 4+11 10" INV OUT (W ) EL = 7404.95 6" INV IN (SE) EL = 7404.90 12" INV IN (S) EL = 7405.50 RIM = 7411.00 M H 5 STA 4+91 4510" INV OUT (SW) EL = 7385.558" INV IN (W) EL = 7391.0010" INV IN (S) EL = 7385.75RIM = 7403.00MH 1STA 0+00 4" INV IN (N) EL=7396.708" INV OUT (W) EL = 7392.346" INV IN (S) EL = 7392.54RIM = 7408.00MH 6STA 1+348" PWPROPOSED ROADWAY GRADE @ PIPE CL6" INV IN (E) EL=7400.00 10" INV OUT (S) EL = 7388.13 6" INV IN (W ) EL = 7398.00 10" INV IN (S) EL = 7388.33 RIM = 7405.31 M H 2 STA 2+02 6" S2341" = 2'1" = 20'12-INCH SD PROFILE - STATION 0+00 - 1+65FILE:HORIZ SCALE:VERT SCALE: 10" INV IN (N) = 7381.2612" INV OUT (W) = 7378.9012" INV IN (E) = 7379.00RIM EL = 7393.80EX SS MHSTA 0+00GENERAL NOTES1.KEY NOTES =1INSTALL SEWER DROP MANHOLE CONNECTION PERERWSD DETAIL D-022SEE DWG 40M026 FOR 4" WAS AND 6" DR LINES3INSTALL NEW 8" PW LINE, MINIMUM COVER OF 7FEET FROM FINISHED GRADE.. FOLLOW ERWSDSPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR PIPE MATERIALSAND PROTECTION BASED ON SEPARATIONREQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE 6" PW AND 10" SS4INSTALL 8" PW LINE AS SHOWN ON DWG 05C31 AND05C32.Attachment B BATT INSULATION CMU BRICK CONCRETE EARTH METAL STUD PLYWOOD RIGID INSULATION STEEL TILEGYPSUM BOARD WOOD BLOCKING DRAINAGE FILL TERRAZZO FINISH WOOD STONE WOOD STUD MATERIALS LEGEND Section Detail Building & Wall Section Plan Detail N 1 Revision Room Name 100 150 SF 3A6 . __________________________ A 5.0x 1 SIM Wall Type Identification Elevation Level Room Identification Window Identification 101 Door Identification Revision TagNorth Arrow Detail Number Sheet Number Detail Number Sheet Number Detail Number Sheet Number Room Name Room Number Door Number Hollow Metal Revision Number Spot Elevation . 100'-0" Interior Elevation Detail Number Sheet Number 1A 1C 1D 1B N Curtain Wall Storefront C1 S1 Wall Type Wall Width (See Type For Actual Width) Wall A5.0x Optional Note Wood .H1 W1 Indicates True North __________________________ A 5.0x 1 SIM Door Swing Room Area S Modifying Suffix (See Type) View Name 1/8" = 1'-0" Plan Identification View Name View Scale 1. View Name 1/8" = 1'-0" Detail Identification View Number View Name View Scale 1 A 5.0x SIM__________________________ Elevation Name Level Name Level Height Height 0 0 Grid Lines Existing Grid Grid Identification SYMBOLS LEGEND ATC ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING ADJ. ADJUST(ABLE), ADJACENT A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ALUM. ALUMINIUM ALT. ALTERNATE APPROX. APPROXIMATE ARCH. ARCHITECT / ARCHITECTURAL ANOD. ANODIZED APPROV. APPROVED BD. BOARD BLDG. BUILDING BLK. BLOCK BLKG. BLOCKING B.M. BENCH MARK BOT. BOTTOM B.O. BOTTOM OF BRG. BEARING BSMT. BASEMENT B.U.R. BUILT UP ROOF CTR. CENTER, CENTERED CIR. CIRCLE CIRC. CIRCUMFERENCE C.J.CONTROL JOINT CLG. CEILING CLR. CLEAR CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS COL. COLUMN COMB. COMBINATION COMP. COMPACT(ED), COMPOSITION CONC. CONCRETE CONT. CONTINUOUS CONST.CONSTRUCTION COORD. COORDINATE CORR. CORRIDOR CPT CARPET C. TILE CERAMIC TILE D. DEEP, DRYER DBL. DOUBLE DEMO. DEMOLITION DEPT. DEPARTMENT D.F.DRINKING FOUNTAIN DTL. DETAIL DIAG. DIAGONAL DIA.DIAMETER DIM. DIMENSION DISP. DISPENSER DISPL. DISPOSAL DIV.DIVISION DN.DOWN DR. DOOR D.S. DOWN SPOUT DWG.DRAWING E.EAST EA. EACH ELEC.ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL ELEV.ELEVATION, ELEVATOR EQ. EQUAL EQMT. EQUIPMENT E.W.C. ELECTRIC WATER COOLER EXH. EXHAUST EXIST., (E) EXISTING ETR. EXISTING TO REMAIN EXT. EXTERIOR EXP. EXPANSION E.J.EXPANSION JOINT F.D. FLOOR DRAIN F.E.FIRE EXTINGUISHER F.F.E.FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FIN.FINISH(ED) FIXT. FIXTURE FLR. FLOOR FND. FOUNDATION F.R.FIRE RATED FRMG. FRAMING FRT. FIRE RETARDANT TREATED FRZ. FREEZER FTG. FOOTING FUT. FUTURE GA. GAUGE GALV.GALVANIZED G.B. GRAB BAR GRND. GROUND G.C. GENERAL CONTRACTOR GYP. BD. GYPSUM BOARD H. HIGH H.B. HOSE BIB HC.HANDICAPPED H.D. HEAVY DUTY HDWR. HARDWARE H.M. HOLLOW METAL H.O. HOLD OPEN(S) HORZ. HORIZONTAL HT. HEIGHT HTG. HEATING I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER INCL. INCLUDE, INCLUDING INSUL. INSULATION, INSULATED INT.INTERIOR JT. JOINT JST. JOIST KIT.KITCHEN L.LENGTH LAB. LABORATORY LAM. LAMINATE LAV. LAVATORY L.F. LINEAL FEET LB., #POUND LVR. LOUVER MAS. MASONRY M.O. MASONRY OPENING MAT’L. MATERIAL MAX. MAXIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL MED. MEDIUM MFR. MANUFACTURER MH.MANHOLE MIN. MINIMUM MISC.MISCELLANEOUS MM. MILLIMETER(S) MTL. METAL (N) NEW N. NORTH NEC. NECESSARY N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT NO., # NUMBER NOM. NOMINAL N.T.S.NOT TO SCALE O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER O.C. ON CENTER OH.OVERHEAD O.H. OPPOSITE HAND OPN’G. OPENING OPP. OPPOSITE O.S.B. ORIENTED STRAND BOARD PART.PARTITION, PARTICLE PER. PERIMETER P-LAM. PLASTIC LAMINATE PLBG. PLUMBING PROP. PROPERTY P.T.PRESSURE TREATED PT. PAINT(ED) P. TILE PORCELAIN TILE Q. TILE QUARRY TILE R. RISER, RADIUS RB. RUBBER BASE RE. REFER TO REC. RECESSED REF. REFERENCE REFL.REFLECTED REM. REMOVE, REMOVABLE REQ’D. REQUIRED RET. RETURN REV. REVISION RM.ROOM S.SOUTH S.B.SPLASH BLOCK SCHED.SCHEDULE SECT. SECTION S.F.SQUARE FOOT SHWR. SHOWER SHT. SHEET SIM. SIMILAR S.O.G. SLAB-ON-GRADE SPEC. SPECIFICATION SPECS. SPECIFICATIONS SPK. SPEAKER SQ. SQUARE ST. STAIN STD. STANDARD STL. STEEL STR. STAIR STRUCT. STRUCTURE, STRUCTURAL SUSP. SUSPENDED SYM. SYMMETRICAL SYS. SYSTEM T.THICK, TREAD T.B.D.TO BE DETERMINED TEMP. TEMPORARY, TEMPERED T & G TONGUE AND GROOVE T.O.__ TOP OF _____ (E.G. STEEL) TLT. / TOIL. TOILET T.P. TOILET PAPER T.S.TUBE STEEL TYP. TYPICAL UC. UNDERCUT U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE V.B.VAPOR BARRIER V.C.T.VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VENT. VENTILATOR VERT.VERTICAL VEST.VESTIBULE VIN.VINYL V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD W. WIDE, WEST, WASHER W/ WITH W/O WITHOUT W.C. WATER CLOSET WD. WOOD WDW.WINDOW WIN. WINDOW W.R. WATER RESISTANT WSCT. WAINSCOT W.W.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC ABBREVIATIONS LIST PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 01A01ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS NOTE: ABBREVIATIONS ON THIS SHEET APPLY TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. NOTE: MATERIAL PATTERNS ON THIS SHEET APPLY TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 94 12/20/19 Attachment B FRE: SCHEDULERE: SCHEDULE RE: SCHEDULE RE: SCHEDULER F.F. VARIES H.M. DOOR -PT. OR PRE-FIN. FRP DOOR OVERHEAD COILING DR. H2 2" SCHEDULE RE:2"2"RE: SCHEDULEF.F. VARIES H.M. FRAME -PT. OR PRE-FIN FRP FRAME H4 2" SCHEDULE RE:2"4"RE: SCHEDULEH.M. FRAME -PT. T2 2"3' - 11"2"3' - 11"2" 8' - 4"7' - 0"2"2' - 0"2"MTL. TRANSOM 9' - 4"SEALANT BULLNOSE CORNER TYP. PRECAST CONC. WALL -RE: STRUCT. H.M. DOOR & FRAME - PT. FULLY GROUT FRAME 8"2"1' - 0" (E) EXTERIOR WALL C/S EXP. JT. COVER 2HFR-200 OR EQ. PRECAST CONC. WALL -RE: STRUCT. SEALANT, TYP. FULLY GROUT FRAME 5 3/4" H.M. FRAME (PT.) -CENTER ON CMU WALL H.M. DOOR -PT. BULLNOSE CORNERS -TYP. 8"2"1' - 0" (E) EXTERIOR WALL C/S EXP. JT. COVER 2HFR-200 OR EQ. NC: No change / no work to finish space. Touch up to repair finishes damaged by new work only. Notes: HEADPLATE BEYOND DR. TRACK BY DR. MFR. PRECAST CONC. WALL -RE: STRUCT. Door Head 10'-0" A.F.F. 8" INSUL. STL. COILING OVERHEAD DR. DR. TRACK BY DR. MFR. SEALANT, ALL SIDES PRECAST CONC. WALL -RE: STRUCT. 8" SEALANT (BOTH SIDES) BULLNOSE CORNER TYP. PRECAST CONC. WALL -RE: STRUCT. H.M. DOOR & FRAME - PT. OR FRP DOOR & FRAME FULLY GROUT FRAME 8"PRECAST CONC. -RE: STRUCT. SEALANT, BOTH SIDES, TYP. FULLY GROUT FRAME 5 3/4" H.M. FRAME (PT.) -CENTER ON CMU WALL H.M. DOOR & FRAME -PT. OR FRP DOOR & FRAME BULLNOSE CORNERS - TYP. 8" D 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 ASPHALT DRIVE - RE: CIVIL THRESHOLD SET IN BED OF SEALANT CONC. SLAB - RE: STRUCT. DOOR & FRAME 3 2" GAPCONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. COVER PLATE - C/S EXP. JT. COVER RFD-200 OR EQ. 1' - 0" H.M. DR. FRAME (PT.) CONC. FLR. C/S EXP. JT. COVER 2HFR-200 OR EQ. 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BD. - (PT.) BOX HEADER AS REQ'D SEALANT (BOTH SIDES) H.M. DOOR & FRAME - (PT.) 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BD. -PT. JAMB FRAMING SEALANT (BOTH SIDES) H.M. DOOR & FRAME -PT. WD. BLKG. S - Single PR - Pair Abbreviations:PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 01A02 Door Types Frame Types Door & Frame Schedule . S / PR Door Frame Details Fire Rating Hdwr Group RemarksWidth Height Type Thickness Mat'l Type Mat'l Head Jamb Sill 100 PR 6' - 4" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H2 HM 3/01A02 4/01A02 10/01A02 2 101 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H2 HM 3/01A02 4/01A02 5 102 PR 8' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM T2 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 4 2' x 8' Metal transom above door 103 PR 6' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 4 104 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 6 105 PR 10' - 0" 12' - 10" F 1 3/4" HM H2 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 3 106 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 6 107 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" FRP H2 FRP 3/01A02 4/01A02 10/01A02 1 108 R 12' - 0" 10' - 0" R 2" - - - 5/01A02 6/01A02 - Overhead Coiling Door 109 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 1/01A02 2/01A02 9/01A02 90 min. 6 110 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 7/01A02 8/01A02 5 111 S 3' - 0" 7' - 0" F 1 3/4" HM H4 HM 7 Door will receive panic hardware. Room Finish Schedule Room No. Room Name Floor Material Wall Finish Ceiling Material / Finish Ceiling Height RemarksNorthEastSouthWest 001 IMLR Pump Stn.Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC Include touch-up areas of demolition 002 Ferric Sec. Containment Existing Concrete (N) Conc. Chem. Resist. Coating see 09_96_01 (E) Conc.- Chem. Resist. Coating see 09_96_01 (E) Conc. - Chem. Resist. Coating see 09_96_01 (E) Conc. - Chem. Resist. Coating see 09_96_01 Existing - NC 003 W. RAS Pump Stn. Sealed Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC Include touch-up areas of demolition 004 Secondary Gallery Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing Concrete - NC 005 E. RAS Pump Stn. Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing Concrete - NC 006 EQ Gallery Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing Concrete - NC 007 Warehouse Gallery Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC 100 W. Aeration Basin Sealed Concrete Pre-cast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Double Tee - No Finish Exterior of Bldg. - Paint new precast conc. 101 W. Sec. Clarifier Sealed Concrete Pre-cast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Double Tee - Painted Exterior of Bldg. - Paint new precast conc. 102 MCC Sam Pettigrew Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint (E) Precast Double Tees - NC 103 Lab Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.(E) Precast Double Tees - NC 104 Ferric Feed Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint (E) Precast Double Tees - NC 105 E. Sec. Clarifiers Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.(E) Precast Double Tees - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 106 E. Aeration Basin Existing Concrete Pre-cast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Precast - No Finish Double Tee - No Finish Exterior of Bldg. - Paint new precast conc. 107 Main. & Storage Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint (E) Precast Double Tees - NC 108 Blower MCC Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.(E) Precast Double Tees - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 109 Blower Rm.Existing Concrete Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing - Paint Existing Concrete - NC Include touch-up areas of demolition 110 EQ Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Preengineered Metal Bldg. - N.C.Paint trim only - Exterior 111 Admin. Bldg.Existing Carpet Existing Gyp. - NC Existing Gyp. - NC Existing Gyp. - N.C.Existing Gyp. - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 112 Warehouse Bldg.Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.(E) Precast Double Tees - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 113 Warehouse Elec.Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC 114 Main SWGR Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC CMU - Paint Existing - N.C.Existing - Patch as req.at (N) wall Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 115 Server Existing Concrete CMU - Paint Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing - Patch as req.at (N) wall 116 Headworks Existing Concrete (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint Existing - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 117 Primary MCC Existing Concrete Existing - NC Existing - NC Existing - N.C.Existing - N.C.Existing Concrete - NC Exterior of Bldg. -Paint (E) 118 Primary Gallery Existing Concrete (E) CMU - NC (E) CMU -NC (E) CMU - NC (E) CMU - NC Existing - NC Exterior - NC 119 UV Existing Concrete (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint (E) CMU - paint Existing - NC Exterior Cedar Siding - NC 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1.Door Head Detail -Precast 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 2.Door Jamb Detail - Precast ARCH. DOOR & FRAME TYPES; HEAD, JAMB & SILL DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 5.Coiling Door Head Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 6.Coiling Door Jamb Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 3.Door Head Detail - Precast 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 4. Door Jamb Detail - Precast 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 10.Exterior Threshold Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 9.Interior Threshold Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 7.Door Head Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 8.Door Jamb Detail 95 12/20/19 Attachment B UP UP UP UP UP UP UP Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 1064 SF 001 IMLR Pump Stn. 4300 TANK TANK TANK Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 2292 SF 004 Secondary Gallery 8300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 492 SF 006 EQ Gallery 2300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 2257 SF 007 Warehouse Gallery 8300 6 5 8 TANKTANKTANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK EXIT PATH 149'-3" TRAVEL UNEXCAVATED SECOND EXIT (LADDER)ABANDONED UP UPEXIT PATH 253'-6" TRAVELTANKS UNEXCAVATED EXIT PATH 176' TRAVELEXIT PATH 189'-6" TRAVELEXIT PATH 188'-3" TRAVELTANK TANK 8 1 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 997 SF 003 W. RAS Pump Stn. 4300 UNEXCAVATED UNEXCAVATED UNEXCAVATED UNEXCAVATED TANK Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 833 SF 005 E. RAS Pump Stn. 3300 UNEXCAVATED EXIT PATH 184' TRAVEL EXIT PATH 224' TRAVEL1 PLATFORM AT LOWER LEVEL UNEXCAVATED Occupied Existing F-2 occupancy Occupancy Legend Non-occupied SpacePLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A01 1/16" = 1'-0" Lower Level Code Plan N CODE PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL LOWER LEVEL ARCHITECTURAL 96 12/20/19 Attachment B UP UP UP UP UP UP 2F 2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F 2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F 2F2F Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 6086 SF 100 W. Aeration Basin 7300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 6420 SF 101 W. Sec. Clarifier 10300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 11378 SF 106 E. Aeration Basin 14300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 1869 SF 107 Main. & Storage 7300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 562 SF 102 MCC Sam Pettigrew 2300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 259 SF 103 Lab 1300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 237 SF 104 Ferric Feed 1300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 12030 SF 105 E. Sec. Clarifiers 20300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 8910 SF 110 EQ 30300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 1468 SF 109 Blower Rm. 5300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 413 SF 108 Blower MCC 2300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 3826 SF 111 Admin. Bldg. 51100 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 6710 SF 112 Warehouse Bldg. 23300 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 685 SF 113 Warehouse Elec. 3300 2 Story B Occupancy OPEN TO BELOW Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 361 SF 114 Main SWGR 2300 (E) S-2 Maintanance Shop Bays 56 7480 SF 14 24 10 14 2 5 15 18 3 1 8 1 1615 10 TANKTANK 1 1 2 TANK 7 UP NEW REMOVABLE GUARDRAIL W/ SIGN AT TOP OF STAIR: NON-OCCUPIED CONFINED SPACE BELOW 4 15 190 18 147 1 114 50 170 2 300 14 170 24 170 67 25 14 300 50 25 Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 157 SF 115 Server 1300 2 2 360 67 170 OPEN TO BELOW Headworks 116 AERATION BASIN 1 ZONE E AERATION BASIN 2 ZONE E ZONE D ZONE C ZONE D ZONE C ZONE B ZONE A ZONE B ZONE AAERATION BASIN 2 ZONE H (E) AERATION BASIN 1 ZONE F AERATION BASIN 1 ZONE H (E) AERATION BASIN 2 ZONE F ZONE G ZONE G H-4 Occupancy EXIT PATH 176' TRAVELEXIT PATH 189'-6" TRAVELEXIT PATH 253'-6" TRAVELEXIT PATH 184' TRAVEL EXIT PATH 224' TRAVEL1 7 Codes Used:2015 IBC 2015 IPC 2015 IECC 2015 IFC 2017 NEC 2015 IFGC 2015 IMC 2003 ICC/ANSI A117.1 2015 IEBC IECC 2015 - Climate Zone 6 Walls: See Below Roof: R-30 c.i., U-0.032 IECC Compliance:Below grade wall an slab insulation for tanks and unoccupied space is not being provided. Above grade F-2 spaces are heated to minimal levels to maintain 50 degree temperature only. An alternative heat recovery system is being used for HVAC systems in lieu of code required wall insulation as approved by Town of Avon. Roof insulation shall be provided per code. ADA Accessibility: The new building is not required to be ADA accessible. The occupants of this building, by nature of their jobs, cannot perform their work with disabilities. Per IBC Section 1103.2.9, "spaces frequented only by personnel for maintenance, repair and monitoring of equipment are not required to be accessible... Such spaces include...water or sewage treatment pump rooms and stations..." Code Analysis Allowable Area (New F-2): 23,000 sf + [.75 x 23000] = 17,838 = 40,838 allowable Due to exceeding the allowable area with the new addition, a new 2-hour fire wall will be constructed between the new and existing structures. Construction Types: Existing II-B, non-sprinkled New II-B, non-sprinkled Building Heights & Stories: Existing New F-2: 21' - 1 Story + Basement (allowable 3 story, 55 feet) H: 20' - 1 Story (allowable 3 story, 55 feet) B: 30' - 2 Story (allowable 3 story, 55 feet) S-2: 14' - 1 Story (allowable 3 story, 55 feet) F-2: 25' - 1 Story (allowable 3 story, 55 feet) Building Areas: Existing F-2: 46,605 sf main level 9300 sf lower level H-4: 237 sf main level B: 5224 sf main level 5086 sf 2nd level S-2: 7480 sf main level Total Existing Main Level = 59,546 sf New F-2: 24,648 sf main level HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE Location: Ferric Feed Room Ferric Chloride (40% Solution) is classified as a health hazard. Storage of a total 3060 gallons are in existing approved storage tanks located in the existing Ferric Feed Room 104. This existing space is classified as H-4 Occupancy due to the quantity of chemical storage. This room is non-sprinklered per IBC 903. Exempt Locations, Exception 4 which does not require sprinklers in "Rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly noncombustible contents." Ferric Chloride (40% solution) Properties: Non-Flammable Non-Combustible Non-Explosive Corrosive NFPA 704: 3 health, 0 fire, 1 reactivity Existing spill control shall remain. Existing secondary containment shall remain. A new 2-hour fire wall shall separate this existing space from the building addition, and a new fire rated door will be installed in this wall. Hazard identification signs per NFPA 704 shall be placed on storage containers and at door entrances to rooms containing stored hazardous materials per IFC 5003.5. Location: Equalization Basin Room MicroC2000 – Glycerin (70-74%), Sodium Chloride (4-6%), Methanol (<1%) storage of a total of 6000 gallons. This product is considered non-hazardous. Room & Area Number Room & Area Name Room & Area Occupancy Net Room & Net Area As Required Per Code Room & Area Use Group Room Use Occupancy Load Egress Component Capacity Maximum Travel Distance From Furthest Point ( Use This Tag In Conjunction With The 'Egress Distance' Schedule For Totaling Of All Paths) 56'-0" 2 - Hour Fire Barrier FEC FEW Fire Extinguisher & Cabinet Fire Extinguisher & Wall Mounting Bracket Code Legend Rm. No.Room Name Factor Area Occ. 101 NAME 150 SF #OccTYPE PATH Occupant Load of Room Exit Travel Path Subtotal Occupant Load X1 XSub XXAct XXMax Actual Total Occupant Load at Exit Maximum Total Required Occupant Load at Exit Direction of Exit New F-2 occupancy Existing H-4 occupancy Existing F-2 occupancy Existing B occupancy Existing S-2 occupancy Occupancy LegendPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A02 1/16" = 1'-0" Upper Level Code Plan N CODE PLAN - ARCHITECTURAL UPPER LEVEL ARCHITECTURAL 97 12/20/19 Attachment B 1234567 AA 05A06 __________________________ 7422.89 T.O. DT A 05A07 __________________________F 05A08 __________________________G 05A08 __________________________ 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level AERATION BASIN BUILDING 100 PT-2 PRECAST. CONC. PANEL, TYP. PT-3 PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING, TYP. PT-3 H.M. DOORPT-1 PRECAST CONC. PANELS PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL REVEAL, TYP. EXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST. 4' - 0"39' - 8"4' - 0"32' - 1"4' - 0"35' - 6"2' - 0"35' - 6"2' - 0"35' - 6"2' - 0"35' - 6"2' - 0"9' - 0"9' - 0" 2' - 10"9' - 0" 2' - 10"7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 A B C DBB 05A06 __________________________ 7422.89 T.O. DT B 05A07 __________________________E 05A08 __________________________H 05A09 __________________________ 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level AERATION BASIN BUILDING WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER BUILDING PT-2 PRECAST. CONC. PANEL, TYP. PT-3 PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING, TYP. PT-1 PRECAST. CONC. PANEL, TYP. PRECAST CONC. PANEL REVEAL, TYP. 4' - 0"35' - 6"4' - 0"35' - 6"35' - 6"4' - 0" 36' - 0"4' - 0" 158' - 8" 2' - 10"9' - 0" 2' - 10" 13' - 7"7 BLOWER ROOM EQ BUILDING ADMINISTRATION (E) STUCCO PT-2 (E) STUCCO PT-1 PT-1 (E) DOOR (E) CMU PT-2(E) CMU PT-1 PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-3 H.M. DOOR EXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST. (E) STUCCO PT-2 4' - 0" 23' - 0"4' - 5"6' - 2"4' - 5"2' - 5"5' - 6" 6'-8"4' - 0" 20' - 9" 14' - 8" 6' - 2"2' - 0" 6' - 8" 1' - 0" 2' - 0"66' - 9"2' - 0"2' - 0"27' - 6"1' - 8"2' - 0"1' - 0"7' - 2"2' - 0"18' - 0"7' - 0"P-1 P-2 P-3 Paint LegendPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A03 1/8" = 1'-0" 1.Partial North Building Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 3.West Building Elevation ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 ARCHITECTURAL 1/8" = 1'-0" 2. Partial North Building Elevation 98 12/20/19 Attachment B 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 1 2 3 4 5 6AA 05A06 __________________________ 7422.89 T.O. DT C 05A07 __________________________D 05A07 __________________________ 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level PT-2 PRECAST CONC. PANEL PT-3 PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 108107 EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER BLDG. EXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST.WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER BLDG. PT-3 H.M. DOOR PT-1 (E) TEXTURED CMU BLK. MAS. PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL REVEAL, TYP.PT-3 O.H. DOOR PT-1 (E) TEXTURED CMU BLK. MAS.PT-2 (E) PLAIN CMU BLK. MAS. PT-3 PRE-FIN. MTL. COPINGPT-1 PRECAST CONC. PANELS PT-3 NEW GUTTER & (E) DOWNSPOUT, TYP. PT-3 NEW PRIMARY ROOF DRAIN FROM WEST SEC. CLARIFIER ROOF DRAINS (E) GUTTER TO REMAIN 4' - 0" 34' - 7"4' - 0"34' - 7"4' - 0"2' - 10"13' - 7"7 WAREHOUSE BUILDINGEQ BUILDING (PAINT TRIM ONLY) PT-2 (E) PLAIN CMU BLK. MAS. PT-3 PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING PT-1 PRECAST CONC. PANELS PT-3 H.M. DOOR PT-2 PRECAST CONC. PANELS PT-1 (E) TEXTURED CMU BLK. MAS. PT-3 NEW GUTTER & (E) DOWNSPOUT, TYP. (E) METAL PANELS -NO PAINT P-3 (E) LOUVERSP-3 (E) LOUVERS 13' - 0" 11' - 0" 65' - 0" PT-3 H.M. DOOR PT-2 (E) STUCCO ADMINISTRATION PT-2 (E) STUCCO PT-1(E) STUCCO PT-1(E) STUCCO PT-3 H.M. DOOR PT-3 O.H. DOOR PT-1 (E) PRE-CAST CONC. PT-2 (E) PRE-CAST CONC.WAREHOUSE BUILDING PT-3 MTL. GRILLS, TYP. EXISTING METAL GARAGE -NO PAINT PT-3 (E) MTL. TRIM (E) STONE WSCT. NO PAINT P-3 (E) MTL. TRIM PT-1 (E) CMU11' - 0"13' - 0" 124' - 6" P-1 P-2 P-3 Paint LegendPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A04 1/8" = 1'-0" 1.Partial South Building Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 2. Partial South Building Elevation ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2 ARCHITECTURAL 1/8" = 1'-0" 3.East Building Elevation 99 12/20/19 Attachment B PT-2 (E) CMU PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 MTL. COPING 2' - 0" 31' - 8"2' - 0"16' - 8"17' - 10"PT-2 (E) CMU PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 MTL. COPING (E) HVAC DUCT PT-3 (E) H.M. DOOR PT-3 (E) O.H. DOOR 2' - 0" 40' - 4"2' - 0"16' - 8"17' - 10"PT-2 (E) CMU PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 MTL. COPING (E) HVAC DUCT (E) HVAC DUCT 2' - 0" 31' - 8"2' - 0"16' - 8"17' - 10"PT-2 (E) CMU PT-3 (E) H.M. DOOR PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 MTL. COPING (E) HVAC DUCT (E) LOUVER (TYP) 2' - 0" 40' - 4"2' - 0"16' - 8"17' - 10"ADMINISTRATION PT-2 (E) STUCCO PT-1 (E) STUCCO PT-1 (E) DOOR PT-2 (E) STUCCO PT-1 (E) STUCCO PT-2 (E) STUCCO PT-1 (E) STUCCO (E) STONE WSCT. TO REMAIN NO PAINT PT-3 (E) MTL. TRIM 2' - 11"2' - 0" 28' - 0" 4' - 0" 16' - 0"4' - 0" 12' - 10"2' - 0"1' - 6"1' - 8" 31' - 2"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1(E) CMU 18' - 0"10' - 0" 22' - 6"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 (E) MTL. DR. 22' - 6"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1(E) CMU 7' - 2"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1(E) CMU 18' - 0"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 (E) MTL. DR. 7' - 2"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1 (E) CMU 16' - 2"10' - 0"PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-1(E) CMU 10' - 0" 16' - 2" BLOWER ROOM PT-2 (E) CMU)PT-1 (E) CMU PT-3 MTL. COPING PT-3 LOUVER 14' - 8"4' - 0" 64' - 10"5' - 0" 20' - 10"P-1 P-2 P-3 Paint LegendPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A05 ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 3 ARCHITECTURAL 1/8" = 1'-0" 1.Headworks Building North Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 2.Headworks Building East Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 3.Headworks Building South Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 4.Headworks Building West Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 13.Administration Building West Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 5.Access Bldg. North Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 9.MCC Bldg. North Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 11.MCC Bldg. South Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 6.Access Bldg. East Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 7.Access Bldg. South Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 8. Access Bldg. West Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 10.MCC Bldg. West Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 12.MCC Bldg. East Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 14.Blower Room East Elevation 100 12/20/19 Attachment B 1234567 AA 05A06 __________________________ AA 05A06 __________________________ 7422.89 T.O. DT (E) AERATION BASIN (E) AERATION BASIN (E) AERATION BASIN (E) AERATION BASIN (E) AERATION BASIN (E) AERATION BASIN AERATION BASIN 1 AERATION BASIN 1 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin E. Aeration Basin 106 W. Aeration Basin 100 19' - 3"11' - 0"1' - 10"EXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST.1' - 6"EFFLUENT CHANNEL RE: STRUCT. & MECH. FOR ELEV. 1 40A04 __________________________ 5'-0" WIDE X 2'-6" HIGH OPNG IN NEW & (E) WALLS RE: STRUCT. FOR ELEV. 3'-0" ENGINEERED FILL PRECAST WALL PANEL 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE__________________________ 05A11 2 Sim 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 A B C DBB 05A06 __________________________ 7422.89 T.O. DT AERATION BASIN 1 AERATION BASIN 2 CLARIFIER __________________________ 05A07 A E 05A08 __________________________H 05A09 __________________________ 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level104 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin W. Aeration Basin 100 W. Sec. Clarifier 101 14' - 8 1/16"4' - 6 15/16"11' - 0"1' - 10"103 1' - 6"19' - 3"5 40A04 __________________________ STRUCTURAL FILL, RE: STRUCT. 3'-0" STRUCT. FILL LADDER OPENING TO (E) AERATION BASIN OPENING TO (E) AERATION BASIN OPENING TO (E) AERATION BASINS 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE__________________________ 05A11 2 Sim 102 106 105PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A06 1/8" = 1'-0" BB.Aeration Basin & Secondary Clarifier 1/8" = 1'-0" AA.Aeration Basin ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING SECTIONS ARCHITECTURAL 94 12/20/19 Attachment B A 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level AERATION BASIN 1 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin19' - 3"11' - 0"1' - 10"STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL -PT. EXT. 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING SLOPE __________________________ 05A11 1 SLOPE 1/4" / FT. ASPHALT DRIVE -RE: CIVIL SLOPE CONC. FLOOR W. Aeration Basin 100 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 1 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet Elev. Varies See Struct. Plan W. Sec. Clarifier 1011' - 10"15' - 6 15/16"STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL -PT. EXT. PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE __________________________ 05A11 1 Sim ASPHALT DRIVE -RE: CIVIL CONC. FLOOR PRECAST TEES -PT. SLOPE 1/4" / FT. D 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin Elev. Varies See Struct. Plan19' - 1"1' - 10"W. Sec. Clarifier 101 STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL -PT. EXT. PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE __________________________ 05A11 1 Sim __________________________ 01A02 10 ASPHALT DRIVE -RE: CIVIL CONC. FLOOR __________________________ 01A02 3 SimDoor Head 7' -2" A.F.F. PRECAST TEES -PT. SLOPE -1/4":12" SLOPE 1/4" / FT. D 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin Elev. Varies See Struct. Plan19' - 1"1' - 10"W. Sec. Clarifier 101 STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL -PT. EXT. PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE __________________________ 05A11 1 Sim __________________________ 01A02 5 Sim OVERHEAD ROLLING DR. ASPHALT DRIVE -RE: CIVIL CONC. FLOOR Door Head 10' -0" SLOPE -1/4":12" SLOPE 1/4" / FT.PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A07 1/2" = 1'-0" A.Wall Section 1/2" = 1'-0" B. Wall Section 1/2" = 1'-0" C. Wall Section 1/2" = 1'-0" D. Wall Section ARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 1 ARCHITECTURAL 102 12/20/19 Attachment B 3 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 Ferric Feed 104 W. Sec. Clarifier 1011' - 10"19' - 1"STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE __________________________ 05A11 3 CONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. EXPANSION JT. PRE-CAST TEES -PT. CONC. FLOOR - T.O. SLAB ELEV. VARIES 7397.23 __________________________ 01A02 9 __________________________ 01A02 1 Sim S L O P E 1/4" / F T . C 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin (E) Clarifier Basement 3' - 11"15' - 4"11' - 0"1' - 10"E. Aeration Basin 106 __________________________ 05A11 3 Sim 2" EXP. JT. TANK SLOPE 1/4" / FT. 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 C 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level Elev. Varies -Re: Struct.4' - 6 15/16"11' - 0"1' - 10"W. Aeration Basin 100 W. Sec. Clarifier 101 STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE 5 40A04 __________________________ __________________________ 05A11 2 LADDER BEYOND ROOF ACCESS HATCH - BEYOND CONC. FLOOR TANK PRE-CAST TEES (PT.) PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIRS, GUARDRAILS, & HANDRAILS MECH. DUCT LADDER BEYOND S L O P E 1/4" / F T .PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A08 1/2" = 1'-0" E.Wall Section 1/2" = 1'-0" F. Wall Section 1/2" = 1'-0" G. Wall Section ARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 2 ARCHITECTURAL 103 12/20/19 Attachment B 7407.31West Sec. Clarifier Level 277422.89T.O. DT7424.72T.O. Parapet7411.89Aeration Basin Level7392.64B.O. Aeration BasinMain. & Storage107E. Aeration Basin106STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANELROOF / WALL EXPANSION JT.(E) CONC. WALL60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE2" EXP. JT.__________________________05A113Sim11' - 0"1' - 10"CONC. FLOORTANKSLOPE 1/4" / FT.37422.89T.O. DT7424.72T.O. Parapet7411.89Aeration Basin LevelW. Aeration Basin100E. Aeration Basin106B.O. Footing7390.391' - 10"11' - 0"1' - 6"STRUCTURAL PRECAST WALL PANEL60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEEMITIGATE DISTURBING SOIL BELOW (E) AERATION BASINS. ANY LOSS OF SOIL / SLOUGHING SHALL BE REPLACED W/ CLSM -RE: STRUCT.3'-0" ENGINEERED FILL5'-0" WIDE X 2'-6" HIGHOPNG IN NEW & (E) WALLS RE: STRUCT. FOR ELEV.__________________________05A112Sim2" EXP. JT.CONC. FLOORTANKSLOPE 1/4" / FT.SLOPE 1/4" / FT.Elev. VariesSee Struct.PRECAST DOUBLE TEEPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201905A091/2" = 1'-0"I.Wall Section1/2" = 1'-0"H.Wall SectionARCHITECTURAL WALL SECTIONS 3ARCHITECTURAL10412/20/19Attachment B 112233AABBCC44DD556677BB05A06__________________________BB05A06__________________________A05A07__________________________B05A07__________________________C05A07__________________________D05A07__________________________E05A08__________________________F05A08__________________________G05A08__________________________H05A09__________________________I05A09__________________________1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.TYP.R.D.EXISTING ROOF TO REMAINEXISTING ROOF TO REMAINAA05A06__________________________AA05A06__________________________60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE, TYP.EXISTING ROOF TO REMAINEXISTING ROOF TO REMAINROOFHATCHO.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.R.D.R.D.R.D.R.D.R.D.1/4" / 12"TYP.1/4" / 12"TYP.1/4" / 12"TYP.1/4" / 12"TYP.1/4" / 12"TYP.O.R.D.O.R.D.O.R.D.O.R.D.O.R.D.O.R.D.1/4" / 12"TYP.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.R.D.R.D.O.R.D.O.R.D.PREFIN. MTL. COPING, TYP.2" E.J.2" E.J.2" E.J.2" E.J.305A11Sim__________________________205A11Sim__________________________305A11Sim__________________________205A11Sim__________________________405A11Sim__________________________(N) GUTTER(E) GUTTER & DOWNSPOUTS TO REMAIN.(E) DOWNSPOUTS CUT TO DRAIN INTO (N) GUTTER. RE: 1/05A04 & MECH.MAUSTROBIC FANS605A11Sim__________________________605A11Sim__________________________30" ROOF WALKWAY PAD, TYP.30" ROOF WALKWAY PAD, TYP.PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201905A101/16" = 1'-0"Roof PlanNARCHITECTURAL ROOF PLANARCHITECTURAL10512/20/19Attachment B 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE, TYP. SLOPE 1/4" / FT. PRECAST CONC. 8" TURN 60 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED UP & OVER WALL, TYP. PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING PRESSURE TREATED WD. BLOCKING, TYP.1' - 10"6" TYP.EXPOSED12" MIN.POLYISO. INSUL. TAPERED TO DRAIN MECH. UNIT PREMANUFACTURED, INSUL. STL. CURB PROVIDED BY MECH. CONTRACTOR & INSTALLED BY G.C. CUTOFF MASTIC FULLY ADHERED EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING SLOPE 1/4" / PER FT. SLOPE 1/4" / PER FT. DRAIN BODY (PT.) - RE: PLBG. FOR ROUTING OF DRAIN THRU BLDG. 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE 2" W X 1/4" THICK SEALING MASTIC UNDER RING CLAMP RING STRAINER EXTEND FLASHING 1" MIN. BEYOND RING ROOF DRAINOVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN 2"C 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet CONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. COVER PLATE - C/S EXP. JT. COVER RJT-200 OR EQ. 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE PRECAST CONC. 8"2" PRECAST CONC. 8"1' - 10"TURN 60 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED UP & OVER WALL & BLOCKING, TYP. PRESSURE TREATED WD. BLOCKING, TYP. SLOPE 1/4" / FT.SLOPE 1/4" / FT. 2 HR. FIRE BARRIER CONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. FRAME 2" EXP. JT. 3 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE, TYP. TURN 60 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED UP & OVER WALL, TYP. PRE-FIN. MTL. COPING PRESSURE TREATED WD. BLOCKING, TYP. COUNTER FLASHING, SEALED W/ FASTENERS TURN 60 MIL EPDM MEMBRANE FULLY ADHERED UP CURB & DOWN (E) WALL, TYP. P.T. WD. BLOCKING 2 HR. FIRE BARRIER CONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. COVER PLATE -C/S EXP. JT. COVER RJTW-200 OR EQ. FLASHING & REGLET AS REQ. 2" EXP. JT. PRE-FIN. MTL. FLASHING REMOVE (E) 4" CMU VENEER ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF WEST WALL1' - 10"C 7424.26 Operations Level 2 7424.26 Operations Level 2 7422.89 T.O. DT 7422.89 T.O. DT 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7424.72 T.O. Parapet 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level INSULATED, PRE-FIN. MTL. ROOF SCUTTLE -RE: ROOF PLAN FOR LOC. TYP. 7" PRE-FIN. STL. ROOF ACCESS LADDER W/ EXTENSION - O'KEEFE'S MODEL #501 OR EQ.4"12" MAX.TYP.1' - 0" O.C.WALL BRACKET (TYP.) -PT. 1" DIA. STL. RUNGS -TYP. PRE-FIN. BREAK MTL. TRIM ON WD. BLKG. __________________________ 05A11 2 Sim PRECAST CONC. PANEL 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEE, TYP. 1' - 4" CONT. EXTRUDED ALUM. COVER PLATE - C/S EXP. JT. COVER RJT-200 OR EQ. 6"6" EXTEND FLASHING 1" INTO TOP OF PIPE PIPE FLASHING FLASHING CEMENT 60 MIL. FULLY ADHERED EPDM ON 1/2" COVERBOARD ON MIN. 5" (R-30 MIN.) POLYISO. INSUL. ON PRECAST CONC. DOUBLE TEEPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A11 ARCHITECTURAL ROOF DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1.Parapet Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 6.Roof Curb Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 5.Roof Drain 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 2. Parapet Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 3.Parapet Detail at Existing Wall 3/4" = 1'-0" 4. Roof Ladder / Scuttle Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 7.Roof Vent Detail 106 12/20/19 Attachment B IP 7417'7416'7412'740474037409'7395'7415' 7 3 9 5 ' CONCRETE CONC CONC CONC CONC CONC E SS SS SS SS IP IP NEW CONCRETE RETAINING WALL - RE: CIVIL NEW ASPHALT DRIVE -RE: CIVIL NEW NATIVE SEED - RE: SPEC. FOR MIX NEW 10' HIGH DECORATIVE METAL FENCE (N.I.C.) NEW PRE-FIN. 8" SQ. STL. POSTS FOR MOUNTING EXISTING GATE & NEW FENCING NEW CALL BOX (LIFTMASTER EL25G OR EQUAL) ON MTL. PEDESTAL (LIFTMASTER PED42 OR EQUAL) AND PEDESTAL MOUNTING KIT W/ TWO CONC. FILLED STL. BOLLARDS (PT.) NEW FACILITY SIGN W/GRADE MOUNTED SPOTLIGHT (E) TREES TO REMAIN NEW 8' HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING PINE TREE TO REMAIN NEW NATIVE SEED AREA REMOVE (E) TREES. NEW PAVING / PARKING RE: CIVIL PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SWING GATE - TO BE RELOCATED NEW 3' WIDE MAN GATE W/ PADLOCK 6 JS 5 CF 6 JS NEW CHAINLINK FENCE 4' - 6" RELOCATE EXISTING GATE OPERATORS NEW GRAVEL MULCH 05A12 3 __________________________ 05A12 7 4 JS 7 NF TWICE BALL DIA. GROUND COVER / MULCH, TYP. SOIL LEVEL TO BE 1/2" TO 1" BELOW T.O. ROOT BALL, TYP. BACKFILL W/ TOP SOIL & PEATMOSS @ 3:1 RATIO BY VOLUME IN 9" LAYERS, WATER EACH LAYER UNTIL SETTLED DIAMETER 3 TIMES BALL EVERGREEN TREE 3 GUYS OF 14 GA. TWISTED WIRE W/ 1/2" DIA. WHITE PVC SLEEVES 36" LONG ON ALL GUY WIRES (EVERGREEN TREES ONLY). INSTALL AS REQ'D. FOR SHRUBS 4" WATER SAUCER AROUND TREES, REMOVE UPON SEEDING OR SODDING IN IRRIGATED AREAS, TYP. 2" X 2" X 24" STAKE DRIVEN FLUSH W/ GROUND GROUND LINE TO BE SAME AS EXIST. @ NURSERY GARDEN HOUSE, TYP. UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL BELOW ROOT BALL, TYP. DECIDUOUS TREE 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 10' CEDAR STAKE W/ NOTCHED END W/ 14 GA. TWISTED GUY WIRES @ 1/2" DIA. WHITE PVC SLEEVES 18" LONG ON ALL GUY WIRES -2 PER 7'-0" EXPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE, INSTALL AS REQ'D. FOR SHRUBS WRAP DECIDUOUS TREE TRUNKS OVER 1" CAL. W/ BURLAP OR ASPHALTIC KRINKLE KRAFT TREE WRAP GROUND COVER / MULCH REMOVE ALL TWINE, WIRE & BURLAP FROM T.O. ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE BASKETS & CONTAINERS, CUT OPEN REMAINING BURLAP @ (4) OPPOSING SIDES & UNDER ROOT BALL, USE CAUTION NOT TO DAMAGE ROOT BALL Landscape Legend Landscape Notes SYMBOL QTY.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES TREES SHRUBS PERENNIALS 4" HIGH GALV. STL. EDGINGLOW WATER SOD MIX IRRIGATED 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE 6" OF THE EXISTING TOPSOIL, WHERE AVAILABLE, AND STOCKPILE IT ON SITE. AFTER FINISHING GRADING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE EXISTING TOPSOIL AND MIX WITH ADDITIONAL NEW TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED AND PLACE IT BACK ON SITE FOR USE IN AREAS WITH NEW VEGETATION. 2. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 10 FEET OF WATER AND SEWER LINES. NO SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 4 FEET OF WATER AND SEWER LINES, GAS LINES OR WITHIN 5 FEET OF ELECTRICAL POWER LINES. 1 1/2" SCREENED GRAVEL MULCH ON WEED BARRIER, 3" DEEP MATCH (E) GRAVEL TYPE / COLOR ON SITE ASPHALT PAVING PP 3 PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 12'B&B JS 16 JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BUFFALO'BUFFALO JUNIPER 5 GAL CF 5 CALAMAGROSTIS 'KARL FORESTER'FEATHER REED GRASS 5 # NF 7 NEPETA X FAASENII 'WALKERS LOW'WALKERS LOW CATMINT 5 # 12' - 0" O.C.10' - 0"3X3 T.S. -PT. W8X8 -PT. 3/16" FLAT BAR CORTEN STEEL 6 05A12 __________________________ 10"2"6"2"10"2"4"2"6"2"10"2"4"2"10"2"6"2"4"2"10"2"6"2"10"2"4"2"10"1' - 0"8' - 0"1' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0" MIN.W8x8 POST BEYOND -PT. T.O. Fence 10' -0" 3x3 T.S. -PT. 3/16" FLAT BAR CORTEN STEEL GRADE 2"6 05A12 __________________________ 12' - 0"PROPERTY LINE __________________________ 05A12 1 NEW BUILDINGNEW BUILDING NEW BUILDING RETAINING WALL -RE: CIVIL MILLINGS - RE: CIVIL UV BUILDING UNDERGROUND POLISHING CELLS (N) ODOR SCRUBBER & FANS EQ BUILDING WAREHOUSE BUILDING ADMIN. BLDG. HEAD WORKS BLDG. BLOWER ROOM SECONDARY CLARIFIERS DEMO SOD, (N) GRAVEL EXISTING 8' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE NEW ASPHALT NEW ASPHALT P R O P E R T Y L I N E NEW 10' HIGH DECORATIVE METAL FENCE (N.I.C.)PROPERTY LINE(N) PINE TREES(E) TREES TO REMAIN(E) TREES TO REMAINUNDERGROUND TANKAGE MCC BLDG. ACCESS BLDG.PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A12 ARCHITECTURAL SITE DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL 1" = 10'-0" 1.Site Plan 1/4" = 1'-0" 5.Shrub Planting Detail 1/4" = 1'-0" 4.Tree Planting Detail 1/2" = 1'-0" 3.Fence Elevation (N.I.C.) 1/2" = 1'-0" 6.Fence Section (N.I.C.) 1/2" = 1'-0" 7.Fence Plan Detail (N.I.C.) 1" = 50'-0" 2.Site Plan N N 107 12/20/19 Attachment B Main SWGR 114 Admin. Bldg. 111 Server 115 110 5A6 8" 3' - 4"9' - 2"12" MAX.111 17' - 6 3/4" ± 3 40A05 __________________________ 2 40A05 __________________________5' - 6"6' - 10"5' - 6"2' - 6"6"2' - 6" 6' - 0" 1 40A05 __________________________38' - 0 1/4"46' - 4 3/4"2' - 9"2' - 9"10' - 2"18' - 4"3"2' - 6" 3"3" 2' - 6"3" 3 40A05 __________________________ 2 40A05 __________________________12' - 10"10' - 7"12' - 10"FIELD VERIFY T.O. (N) STAIR IS ALIGNED TO (E) FLR. OPENING FOR 15 EQ. RISERS GUARDRAIL POSTS TO BE PROVIDED ADJACENT TO THE COLUMN. GUARDRAIL IS DISCONTINUOUS AT THE EXISTING COLUMN 5A TYPE 5A3 TYPE 5A6 4 7/8" 7 1/4" DESCRIPTION ACTUAL WIDTH 3 5/8" MTL. STUD 6" MTL. STUD BOT. OF DECK, RE: STRUCT FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP BD (PT.) ON BOTH SIDES OF MTL. STUDS. @ 16" O.C. TYP. SEALANT STRUCT.SLIP SPACE- SEEBELOW SEE SCHED. BACKERROD & SEALANT SLIP TRACK (TYP.) - ALLOW 1" VERT. MOVEMENT TYPE 5A2 3 3/4" 2 1/2" MTL. STUD UL FILE # U494 STC 45 1 HR OR NON-RATED WHERE INDICATED 1. Do not scale drawings. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions before construction. If there are any discrepancies, the Contractor shall notify the Architect before proceeding with the construction. 2. All dimensions on the drawings are to the face of stud walls, concrete walls, and foundation walls unless noted otherwise. 3. All angles shown on the floor plans are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted. 4. Refer to the code plans for fire-rated wall locations. 5. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional building requirements. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications. 6. Refer to sheet 01A02 for door and window frame types & details. 7. Refer to sheet 01A02 for room finish and door schedules. General Notes 1. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and paint all existing walls to match adjacent surfaces as required. 2. The Contractor shall patch and repaint all existing walls at conditions where existing fixtures are to be removed. See mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural demolition drawings for locations. 3. Existing doors that are to remain are unnumbered. 4. Shaded areas denote existing building to remain. Existing BuildingPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 07A01 Key Plan 1/8" = 1'-0" Administration Building Plan ADMIN. BUILDING & EQ GALLERY PLANS ARCHITECTURAL N 1/8" = 1'-0" EQ Gallery LL 1/8" = 1'-0" EQ Gallery UL N N 108 12/20/19 Attachment B UP1. Do not scale drawings. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions before construction. If there are any discrepancies, the Contractor shall notify the Architect before proceeding with the construction.2. All dimensions on the drawings are to the face of stud walls, concrete walls, and foundation walls unless noted otherwise.3. All angles shown on the floor plans are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted.4. Refer to the code plans for fire-rated wall locations.5. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional building requirements. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications.6. Refer to sheet 01A02 for door and window frame types & details. 7. Refer to sheet 01A02 for room finish and door schedules.General Notes1. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and paint all existing walls to match adjacent surfaces as required.2. The Contractor shall patch and repaint all existing walls at conditions where existing fixtures are to be removed. See mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural demolition drawings for locations.3. Existing doors that are to remain are unnumbered.4. Shaded areas denote existing building to remain.Existing Building123ABC4AERATION BASIN 2ZONE H42' - 0"39' - 6"39' - 6"79' - 0"83' - 0"(E) AERATION BASIN 1ZONE FAERATION BASIN 1ZONE H41' - 0"42' - 0"39' - 6"39' - 6"83' - 0"38' - 6"(E) AERATION BASIN 2ZONE F37' - 1"2' - 0"3' - 0"32' - 11"5' - 3"10"8"35' - 10"2' - 0"100101BB05A06__________________________BB05A06__________________________AA05A06__________________________AA05A06__________________________A05A07__________________________F05A08__________________________G05A08__________________________H05A09__________________________05A033W. Aeration Basin100E. Aeration Basin106EFFLUENTCHANNELEFFLUENTCHANNEL5' - 0"5' - 0"8"ZONE GZONE GMATCHLINE ON DWG. 30A02MATCHLINE ON DWG. 40A03CL LADDERPRECAST CONC.WALL PANEL (TYP)CL LADDERCL LADDERCL LADDER8"5' - 4"65' - 0"5' - 6"8"2" E.J.8"540A04__________________________405A11__________________________LADDER TOROOF HATCHPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201930A011/8" = 1'-0"Aeration Basin Upper Level Plan 1AERATION BASIN UPPER LEVEL PLAN 1ARCHITECTURALN10912/20/19Attachment B 1. Do not scale drawings. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions before construction. If there are any discrepancies, the Contractor shall notify the Architect before proceeding with the construction.2. All dimensions on the drawings are to the face of stud walls, concrete walls, and foundation walls unless noted otherwise.3. All angles shown on the floor plans are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted.4. Refer to the code plans for fire-rated wall locations.5. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional building requirements. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications.6. Refer to sheet 01A02 for door and window frame types & details. 7. Refer to sheet 01A02 for room finish and door schedules.General Notes1. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and paint all existing walls to match adjacent surfaces as required.2. The Contractor shall patch and repaint all existing walls at conditions where existing fixtures are to be removed. See mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural demolition drawings for locations.3. Existing doors that are to remain are unnumbered.4. Shaded areas denote existing building to remain.Existing BuildingABC479' - 0"39' - 6"39' - 6"36' - 0"38' - 0"40' - 6"5678"8"E.J.2"BB05A06__________________________BB05A06__________________________I05A09__________________________E. Aeration Basin106MATCHLINE ON DWG. 30A01AERATION BASIN 1ZONE EAERATION BASIN 2ZONE EZONE DZONE CZONE DZONE CZONE BZONE AZONE BZONE A1'-4" SQ. PRECAST CONC.COL. BACK TO BACK, TYP.CL LADDERCL LADDER13' - 0"PRECAST CONC. WALL PANEL, TYP.12' - 10"109140A04__________________________SLOPESLOPEEXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST.9' - 10"9' - 0"5' - 0"9' - 0"5' - 3"8"2" E.J.PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201930A021/8" = 1'-0"Aeration Basin Upper Level Plan 2Key PlanAERATION BASIN UPPER LEVEL PLAN 2ARCHITECTURALN11012/20/19Attachment B UP UP UP UP 3 C 4 D 81' - 0" ± V.I.F.38' - 6" MCC Sam Pettigrew 102 Lab 103 Ferric Feed 104 E. Sec. Clarifiers 105 OPEN TO BELOW RELOCATE (E) ELECT. CAB. DEMO (E) LOADING DOCK, GUARDRAIL, AND STAIRS DEMO (E) DRS. & FRAMES DEMO (E) DR. & FRAME DEMO (E) STAIR DEMO (E) CONC. RETAINING WALL OPEN TO BELOW REMOVE (E) 4" CMU VENEER ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF WEST WALL 1. The Contractor shall construct dust partitions as required to protect the existing building and contents during construction activities. 2. The Contractor shall protect all building items and conditions to remain. It is the Contractors responsibility to repair and replace any existing items or conditions that are damaged during construction activities. 3. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional demolition work required. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications. 4. The Architect assumes no responsibility for the detection or removal of any hazardous material including but not limited to asbestos. Parties responsible for demolition shall notify the Owner immediately of any suspected hazardous materials. 5. Solid lines on the drawings represent building items to remain. 6. Dotted lines on the drawings represent walls and other miscellaneous items to be removed from the building. Demolition Notes Existing Construction To Be Removed Existing Construction To Remain Demolition LegendPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 40A01 1/8" = 1'-0" Demolition West Secondary Clarifier Upper Level WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER UL DEMOLITION PLAN ARCHITECTURAL N 111 12/20/19 Attachment B UP UP 1. Do not scale drawings. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions before construction. If there are any discrepancies, the Contractor shall notify the Architect before proceeding with the construction. 2. All dimensions on the drawings are to the face of stud walls, concrete walls, and foundation walls unless noted otherwise. 3. All angles shown on the floor plans are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted. 4. Refer to the code plans for fire-rated wall locations. 5. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional building requirements. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications. 6. Refer to sheet 01A02 for door and window frame types & details. 7. Refer to sheet 01A02 for room finish and door schedules. General Notes 1. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and paint all existing walls to match adjacent surfaces as required. 2. The Contractor shall patch and repaint all existing walls at conditions where existing fixtures are to be removed. See mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural demolition drawings for locations. 3. Existing doors that are to remain are unnumbered. 4. Shaded areas denote existing building to remain. Existing Building 1 1 2 2 3 3 C C 4 4 D D AA 05A06 __________________________ AA 05A06 __________________________81' - 0"40' - 4 1/2"42' - 1 1/2"38' - 4 1/2" B 05A07 __________________________ C 05A07 __________________________D 05A07 __________________________ E 05A08 __________________________ F 05A08 __________________________G 05A08 __________________________ 05A03 3 EXISTING BLDG.NEW CONST.10"4'-0" H. CONCRETE WALL RE: STRUCT.10"Ferric Sec. Containment 002 3 40A04 __________________________ 4 40A04 __________________________8"4' - 0"V.I.F.7' - 8"SLOPESLOPE SLOPE SLOPE W. RAS Pump Stn. 003 IMLR Pump Stn. 001 1' - 6"35' - 4 1/2"1' - 0"44' - 6" 7397.19 7390.64 UNOCCUPIED UNOCCUPIED UNEXCAVATED UNEXCAVATED UNEXCAVATEDPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 40A02 Key Plan WEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER LL PLAN ARCHITECTURAL N 1/8" = 1'-0" West Secondary Clarifier Lower Level Plan 112 12/20/19 Attachment B UPUPUPUPUP123C4D81' - 0"83' - 0"41' - 0"42' - 0"38' - 6"MCC SamPettigrew102Lab103Ferric Feed104W. Sec. Clarifier101E. Sec. Clarifiers105101107AA05A06__________________________AA05A06__________________________B05A07__________________________C05A07__________________________D05A07__________________________E05A08__________________________F05A08__________________________G05A08__________________________05A033104108103104NEW FULL HT. WALL: 5/8" GYP. BD. (PT.) ON BOTH SIDES OF 6" STL. STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 4' SHEET METAL WSCT. PROTECTION ON SOUTH SIDE OF WALL8' - 6"OPEN TO BELOWREMOVABLEGUARDRAILTOP MOUNTEDGUARDRAILS3' - 4"4' - 0"12' - 0"MATCHLINE ON DWG. 30A01 MATCHLINE ON DWG. 30A02240A04__________________________4' - 0"4' - 0"10"4' - 7"540A04__________________________1025' - 6"240A04Sim__________________________1' - 10"5' - 0"340A04__________________________640A04__________________________640A04__________________________440A04__________________________7' - 0"3' - 0"12' - 10"4' - 0"1' - 8"5' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"7"6' - 5"17' - 2"5' - 2"LADDER TO ROOF405A11__________________________4' - 0"1051067407.31AREA OPEN TO BELOWTRENCHGRATING5A61. Do not scale drawings. The Contractor shall field verify all dimensions before construction. If there are any discrepancies, the Contractor shall notify the Architect before proceeding with the construction.2. All dimensions on the drawings are to the face of stud walls, concrete walls, and foundation walls unless noted otherwise.3. All angles shown on the floor plans are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted.4. Refer to the code plans for fire-rated wall locations.5. The Contractor shall review the civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and all other related drawings and documents for any additional building requirements. No extras will be allowed for work shown in any part of these drawings, or described in any part of the specifications.6. Refer to sheet 01A02 for door and window frame types & details. 7. Refer to sheet 01A02 for room finish and door schedules.General Notes1. The Contractor shall patch, repair, and paint all existing walls to match adjacent surfaces as required.2. The Contractor shall patch and repaint all existing walls at conditions where existing fixtures are to be removed. See mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and architectural demolition drawings for locations.3. Existing doors that are to remain are unnumbered.4. Shaded areas denote existing building to remain.Existing BuildingPLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201940A031/8" = 1'-0"West Secondary Clarifier Upper Level PlanKey PlanWEST SECONDARY CLARIFIER UL PLANARCHITECTURALN11312/20/19Attachment B 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level 9' - 0"5' - 0"9' - 0"9"3' - 0"TYP. 12" 1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL 3' - 6"1" / 12"1" / 1 2 " 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 7 EQ. RISERS = 3' - 9"12" CONC. SLAB - RE: STRUCT. 1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL, BOTH SIDES OF STAIR PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS 1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERS 6 TREADS = 5'-6" @ 11"3' - 6"3' - 0" TYP. 12" 12" NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ELEV. AT BOTTOM OF STAIR FOR EQ. RISER SPACING (7" MAX.) TYP. 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 7403.81 Level -1 D 7403.81 West Secondary Clarifier Level 1 12" CONC. SLAB - RE: STRUCT. 1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS 1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERS PRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF. LANDING 5' - 0" 2 TREADS @ 11" 1' - 10"3 EQ. RISERS1' - 9"TYP. 12" NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ELEV. AT BOTTOM OF STAIR FOR EQ. RISER SPACING (7" MAX.) TYP. 3 40A04 __________________________ 3' - 0"14 TREADS @ 11" = 12'-10"15 EQ. RISERS @ 7" (MAX.)8' - 6" 12"3' - 0"1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS, TYP. 1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERS PRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF. NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ELEV. AT BOTTOM OF STAIR FOR EQ. RISER SPACING (7" MAX.) TYP. 7405.56 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 2G 05A08 __________________________ 7411.89 Aeration Basin Level 101 3' - 6"7 TREADS @ 11" = 6'-5"17' - 2"TYP.3' - 0"3' - 0"TYP. 12" 7" (MAX). EA.8 EQ. RISERS = 4'- 6 15/16"CONC. SLAB -RE: STRUCT. 1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS 1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERS PRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF. 7407.31 West Sec. Clarifier Level 2 4 7392.64 B.O. Aeration Basin 4 40A04 __________________________7' - 4" 12"10 TREADS @ 11" = 9'-2" 1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAIL PRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS, TYP. 1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERS PRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF. DOOR OPENING EAST SECONDARY CLARIFIER ROOM SECONDARY GALLERY WEST RAS PUMP STATION PRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF. CLASS C CONC. FILL, RE: STRUCT. STAIR BEYOND 42" HIGH ALUM. GUARDRAIL 7405.56 7396.89 11 EQ. RISERS = 6' - 3"PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 40A04 1/2" = 1'-0" 1.Ramp Section 1/2" = 1'-0" 5.Stair at Sec. Clarifier 1 ARCHITECTURAL STAIR & RAMP SECTIONS ARCHITECTURAL 1/2" = 1'-0" 6.Stair at Door 106 1/2" = 1'-0" 4.Stairs at West RAS Pump Stn. 1/2" = 1'-0" 2. Stair at Door 101 1/2" = 1'-0" 3.Stair West RAS Pump Stn. 114 12/20/19 Attachment B 7394.427398.427 EQ. RISERS = 3'-9 3/8"7 EQ. RISERS = 4'-0"7 EQ. RISERS @ 7" (MAX.) TYP.4' - 0"7402.20 1'-0"6 EQ. TREADS @ 11" = 5'-6"6 EQ. TREADS @ 11" = 5'-6"LANDING5' - 0"TYP.3' - 0"TYP.3' - 0"LANDING6' - 10" 1'-0"6 EQ. TREADS @ 11" = 5'-6"7390.42 1' - 0"7410.5615 EQ. RISERS = 8'-4 5/16"14 EQ. TREADS @ 11" = 12'-10"1' - 0"TYP.3' - 0"3' - 6"RE: STRUCT.1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAILPRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERSPRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF.FIELD VERIFY T.O. (N) STAIR ALIGNED TO (E) FLR. OPENING FOR 15 EQ. RISERS7402.20 1'-0"20 EQ. TREADS @ 11"18' - 4"21 EQ. RISERS @ 7" (MAX.) TYP.11' - 9 3/8"15 EQ. RISERS @ 7" (MAX.) TYP.8' - 4 5/16"7390.421' - 0"14 EQ. TREADS @ 11" (MAX) TYP.12' - 10"1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAILPRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERSPRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE LANDING BY STAIR MANUF.TYP.3' - 0"GUARDRAIL TYP.3' - 6" 3'-0"GUARDRAIL POSTS TO BE PROVIDED ADJACENT TO THE COLUMN.GUARDRAIL IS DISCONTINUOUS AT THE EXISTING COLUMN7410.567392.573 EQ. TREAD @ 11"2' - 9" 1' - 0"4 EQ. RISERS2' - 1 13/16"3 EQ. TREAD @ 11"2' - 9"46' - 4 3/4"4 EQ. RISERS2' - 1 13/16"1 1/2" DIA. ALUM. HANDRAIL & GUARDRAILPRE-ENG. ALUM. STAIR SYSTEM W/ ALUM. GRATE TREADS1/2" DIA. ALUM. RODS CENTERED IN RISER SPACE, TYP. ON ALL RISERSPRE-ENG. ALUM. GRATE PLATFORM BY STAIR MANUF. 3' - 0"3' - 0"3' - 0" 1' - 0" 3' - 0"7390.42PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB12345678910111213ABCDEF12345678910111213ABCDEFGGDATEREVBYDESCRIPTIONDATECHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNED10897B.10JOB NO.DRAWING NO.SHEET NO.SCALES ACCORDINGLYVERIFY SCALESTHIS SHEET, ADJUSTIF NOT ONE INCH ONBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING01"EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTAVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADESPROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.Greenwood Village, CO 80111Phone: 720-200-0630Fax: 720-200-0631MRLHDECEMBER 201940A05EQ GALLERY ARCH. STAIR SECTIONSARCHITECTURAL1/2" = 1'-0"2.Stair EQ Gallery 11/2" = 1'-0"3. Stair EQ Gallery 21/2" = 1'-0"1.Platform at EQ Gallery11512/20/19Attachment B IP 7417'7416'7412'740474037409'7395'7415' 7 3 9 5 ' CONCRETE CONC CONC CONC CONC CONC E SS SS SS SS IP IP NEW CONCRETE RETAINING WALL - RE: CIVIL NEW ASPHALT DRIVE - RE: CIVIL NEW NATIVE SEED - RE: SPEC. FOR MIX NEW 10' HIGH DECORATIVE METAL FENCE (N.I.C.) NEW PRE-FIN. 8" SQ. STL. POSTS FOR MOUNTING EXISTING GATE & NEW FENCING NEW CALL BOX (LIFTMASTER EL25G OR EQUAL) ON MTL. PEDESTAL (LIFTMASTER PED42 OR EQUAL) AND PEDESTAL MOUNTING KIT W/ TWO CONC. FILLED STL. BOLLARDS (PT.) NEW FACILITY SIGN W/GRADE MOUNTED SPOTLIGHT (E) TREES TO REMAIN NEW 8' HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING PINE TREE TO REMAIN NEW NATIVE SEED AREA REMOVE (E) TREES. NEW PAVING / PARKING RE: CIVIL PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SWING GATE - TO BE RELOCATED NEW 3' WIDE MAN GATE W/ PADLOCK 6 JS 5 CF 6 JS NEW CHAINLINK FENCE 4' - 6" RELOCATE EXISTING GATE OPERATORS NEW GRAVEL MULCH 05A12 3 __________________________ 05A12 7 4 JS 7 NF TWICE BALL DIA. GROUND COVER / MULCH, TYP. SOIL LEVEL TO BE 1/2" TO 1" BELOW T.O. ROOT BALL, TYP. BACKFILL W/ TOP SOIL & PEATMOSS @ 3:1 RATIO BY VOLUME IN 9" LAYERS, WATER EACH LAYER UNTIL SETTLED DIAMETER 3 TIMES BALL EVERGREEN TREE 3 GUYS OF 14 GA. TWISTED WIRE W/ 1/2" DIA. WHITE PVC SLEEVES 36" LONG ON ALL GUY WIRES (EVERGREEN TREES ONLY). INSTALL AS REQ'D. FOR SHRUBS 4" WATER SAUCER AROUND TREES, REMOVE UPON SEEDING OR SODDING IN IRRIGATED AREAS, TYP. 2" X 2" X 24" STAKE DRIVEN FLUSH W/ GROUND GROUND LINE TO BE SAME AS EXIST. @ NURSERY GARDEN HOUSE, TYP. UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL BELOW ROOT BALL, TYP. DECIDUOUS TREE 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 10' CEDAR STAKE W/ NOTCHED END W/ 14 GA. TWISTED GUY WIRES @ 1/2" DIA. WHITE PVC SLEEVES 18" LONG ON ALL GUY WIRES -2 PER 7'-0" EXPOSED DECIDUOUS TREE, INSTALL AS REQ'D. FOR SHRUBS WRAP DECIDUOUS TREE TRUNKS OVER 1" CAL. W/ BURLAP OR ASPHALTIC KRINKLE KRAFT TREE WRAP GROUND COVER / MULCH REMOVE ALL TWINE, WIRE & BURLAP FROM T.O. ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE BASKETS & CONTAINERS, CUT OPEN REMAINING BURLAP @ (4) OPPOSING SIDES & UNDER ROOT BALL, USE CAUTION NOT TO DAMAGE ROOT BALL Landscape Legend Landscape Notes SYMBOL QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES TREES SHRUBS PERENNIALS 4" HIGH GALV. STL. EDGINGLOW WATER SOD MIX IRRIGATED 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE 6" OF THE EXISTING TOPSOIL, WHERE AVAILABLE, AND STOCKPILE IT ON SITE. AFTER FINISHING GRADING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE EXISTING TOPSOIL AND MIX WITH ADDITIONAL NEW TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED AND PLACE IT BACK ON SITE FOR USE IN AREAS WITH NEW VEGETATION. 2. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 10 FEET OF WATER AND SEWER LINES. NO SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 4 FEET OF WATER AND SEWER LINES, GAS LINES OR WITHIN 5 FEET OF ELECTRICAL POWER LINES. 1 1/2" SCREENED GRAVEL MULCH ON WEED BARRIER, 3" DEEP MATCH (E) GRAVEL TYPE / COLOR ON SITE ASPHALT PAVING PP 3 PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 12' B&B JS 16 JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER 5 GAL CF 5 CALAMAGROSTIS 'KARL FORESTER' FEATHER REED GRASS 5 # NF 7 NEPETA X FAASENII 'WALKERS LOW' WALKERS LOW CATMINT 5 # 12' - 0" O.C.10' - 0"3X3 T.S. - PT. W8X8 - PT. 3/16" FLAT BAR CORTEN STEEL 6 05A12 __________________________ 10" 2" 6" 2" 10" 2"4"2" 6" 2" 10" 2"4"2" 10" 2" 6" 2"4"2" 10" 2" 6" 2" 10" 2"4"2" 10"1' - 0"8' - 0"1' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0" MIN.W8x8 POST BEYOND - PT. T.O. Fence 10' -0" 3x3 T.S. - PT. 3/16" FLAT BAR CORTEN STEEL GRADE 2"6 05A12 __________________________ 12' - 0"PROPERTY LINE __________________________ 05A12 1 NEW BUILDINGNEW BUILDING NEW BUILDING RETAINING WALL - RE: CIVIL MILLINGS - RE: CIVIL UV BUILDING UNDERGROUND POLISHING CELLS (N) ODOR SCRUBBER & FANS EQ BUILDING WAREHOUSE BUILDING ADMIN. BLDG. HEAD WORKS BLDG. BLOWER ROOM SECONDARY CLARIFIERS DEMO SOD, (N) GRAVEL EXISTING 8' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE NEW ASPHALT NEW ASPHALT P R O P E R T Y L I N E NEW 10' HIGH DECORATIVE METAL FENCE (N.I.C.)PROPERTY LINE(N) PINE TREES(E) TREES TO REMAIN(E) TREES TO REMAIN UNDERGROUND TANKAGE MCC BLDG. ACCESS BLDG.PLOT DATE: ----USER: ESTEBAN BAUZAPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C D E F G G DATEREV BY DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED 10897B.10 JOB NO. DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. SCALES ACCORDINGLY VERIFY SCALES THIS SHEET, ADJUST IF NOT ONE INCH ON BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 0 1" EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AVON WWTF NUTRIENT UPGRADES PROJECT NO.LAST SAVED BY:FILE NAME:PLOT DATE: ----USER: MICHELLE RUBIOPAGE SETUP: CE HALF SIZE PDF PLOT SCALE:1:2 COLOR TABLE:CAROLLO_STD_H_V0905.CTB5400 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-200-0630 Fax: 720-200-0631 MR LH DECEMBER 2019 05A12 ARCHITECTURAL SITE DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL 1" = 10'-0" 1.Site Plan 1/4" = 1'-0" 5.Shrub Planting Detail 1/4" = 1'-0" 4.Tree Planting Detail 1/2" = 1'-0" 3.Fence Elevation (N.I.C.) 1/2" = 1'-0" 6.Fence Section (N.I.C.) 1/2" = 1'-0" 7.Fence Plan Detail (N.I.C.) 1" = 50'-0" 2.Site Plan N N 107 12/20/19 EXHIBIT CAttachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English Our LED adjustable wallpacks are designed to replace up to a 400w metal halide producing an abundance of light with a fraction of the power. These low profile durable fixtures are great for a downlight or uplight and are easily installed. We offer a 5 year warranty with 75,000 hour L-70 Life. This is an ideal commercial outdoor fixture for buildings, parking garages, schools, and warehouses, is suitable for wet locations and harsh environments. Mounts to junction box or directly to wall. ▶Economical replacement for an old outdated metal halide wallpack ▶Low profile design ▶Fixture head pivots fully up to 90° ▶Finish: bronze and white ▶No maintenance ▶Operating temperature of -40℉ to 104℉ ▶Wet location IP65 ▶L-70 Life > 75,000 hrs ▶cULus certified ▶DesignLights Consortium (DLC) listed (Classification: Standard) ▶5 Year warranty FEATURES AND BENEFITS: ORDERING MATRIX: Family Modification Watts Dimmable 0~10 V / N CCT Finish ASD-WLP 02A XX X XX X LED Adjustable Cutоff Wallpack 12 = 12 W N = Non-dimmable 4,000 K B = Bronze 30 = 30 W D = Dimmable 5,000 K W = White 50 = 50 W 80 = 80 W 120 = 120 W HIGH LUMINOUS EFFICIENCY 11 0 LED ADJUSTABLE CUTOFF WALLPACK: Model Watts Dimming Compatible CCT Lumens Dimensions (LxWxH) ASD-WLP02A-12N40B 12 No 4,000 K 1,285 lm 6" x 5" x 3 3/8" ASD-WLP02A-12N50B 12 No 5,000 K 1,321 lm 6" x 5" x 3 3/8" ASD-WLP02A-30N40B 30 No 4,000 K 3,239 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-30N40W 30 No 4,000 K 3,239 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-30N50B 30 No 5,000 K 3,298 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 30 No 5,000 K 3,298 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-50N40B 50 No 4,000 K 5,193 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-50N50B 50 No 5,000 K 5,287 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-50N50W 50 No 5,000 K 5,287 lm 9" x 7 5/8" x 4 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-80D50B 80 Yes 5,000 K 9,241 lm 13 1/8" x 11" x 5 1/2" ASD-WLP02A-120D50B 120 Yes 5,000 K 14,227 lm 13 1/8" x 11" x 5 1/2" IP65rated Available finish: White Bronze EXHIBIT DAttachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Construction & Materials Lens PC Reflector Aluminum Housing Aluminum Finish Bronze, White Weight ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 1.76 lb (0.8 kg)4.16 lb (1.89 kg)4.16 lb (1.89 kg)9.86 lb (4.48 kg) Optical System Luminous Flux ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 1,321 lm 3,298 lm 5,287 lm 9,241 lm 14,227 lm Color Temperature 4,000 K, 5,000 K CRI >80 Environmental System Work Environment Suitable for Wet Locations, IP65 Operating Temperature -40℉ to 104℉ (-40℃ to 40℃) L-70 Life > 75,000 hrs Electrical System Input Voltage 100~277V AC 50/60 Hz Max input current ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 0.15 A 0.38 A 0.52 A 1.0 A 1.5 A Inrush current ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 20 A 20 A 20 A 20 A 30 A Action time (Inrush current)600 ms AC input range min 90 V max 305 V Off State Power 0 W Power Consumption ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 12 W 30 W 50 W 80 W 120 W Power Factor ≥ 0.9 Output voltage ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 26-48 V 24-45 V 23-42 V 28-40 V 40 V Max output current ASD-WLP02A-12N40B ASD-WLP02A-30N40B ASD-WLP02A-50N40B ASD-WLP02A-80D50B ASD-WLP02A-120D50B ASD-WLP02A-12N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N40W ASD-WLP02A-50N50B ASD-WLP02A-30N50B ASD-WLP02A-50N50W ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 250 mA 700 mA 1200 mA 2000 mA 2.1 A-3 A LED Driver Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 No No Warranty & Certifications 5-year limited warranty DesignLights™ Consortium (DLC) listed cULus certified E473804 The LED Wallpack is designed to install as a surface mounted luminaire. Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English 6” (150 mm)5” (127 mm)3.38” (85.7 mm)9” (227.8 mm)7.58” (193 mm)4.12” (114 mm)13.18” (333.8 mm)11” (281 mm)5.12” (138.3 mm) 12 W 30 W, 50 W 80 W, 120 W Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English 12 W 4,000 K 12 W 5,000 K 30 W 4,000 K 30 W 5,000 K 50 W 4,000 K 50 W 5,000 K LUMINOUS INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION CURVE C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m 3m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 706 565 423 282 141 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 141 282 423 565 706 C0-C180 C90-C270 Unit: cd Mounting Height: 3.0m Max Lux(100%): 62.7 lx ( 1%): 0.6 lx ( 2%): 1.3 lx ( 5%): 3.1 lx ( 10%): 6.3 lx LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CURVE UNIT:CD C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 706 565 423 282 141 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 141 282 423 565 706 C0-C180 C90-C270 ( 1%): 0.1 lx ( 2%): 0.1 lx ( 5%): 0.3 lx ( 10%): 0.6 lx ( 20%): 1.1 lx ( 50%): 2.8 lx (100%): 5.6 lx MH(m) Mounting Height: 10.0m Max Lux(100%): 5.6 lx LUMINOUS INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION CURVE C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m 3m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 1811 1449 1086 724 362 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 362 724 1086 1449 1811 C0-C180 C90-C270 Unit: cd Mounting Height: 3.0m Max Lux(100%): 159.1 lx ( 1%): 1.6 lx ( 2%): 3.2 lx ( 5%): 8.0 lx ( 10%): 15.9 lx LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CURVE UNIT:CD C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 1811 1449 1086 724 362 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 362 724 1086 1449 1811 C0-C180 C90-C270 Mounting Height: 10.0m Max Lux(100%): 14.3 lx ( 2%): 0.3 lx ( 10%): 1.4 lx ( 50%): 7.2 lx ( 1%): 0.1 lx ( 5%): 0.7 lx ( 20%): 2.9 lx (100%): 14.3 lx LUMINOUS INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION CURVE C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m 3m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 3052 2442 1831 1221 610 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 610 1221 1831 2442 3052 C0-C180 C90-C270 Unit: cd Mounting Height: 3.0m Max Lux(100%): 264.5 lx ( 1%): 2.6 lx ( 2%): 5.3 lx ( 5%): 13.2 lx ( 10%): 26.5 lx LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CURVE UNIT:CD C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 3052 2442 1831 1221 610 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 610 1221 1831 2442 3052 C0-C180 C90-C270 Mounting Height: 10.0m Max Lux(100%): 23.8 lx ( 1%): 0.2 lx ( 2%): 0.5 lx ( 5%): 1.2 lx ( 10%): 2.4 lx ( 20%): 4.8 lx ( 50%): 11.9 lx (100%): 23.8 lx Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English 120 W 5,000 K 80 W 5,000 K LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CURVE UNIT:CD C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 7943 6354 4765 3177 1588 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 1588 3177 4765 6354 7943 C0-C180 C90-C270 Mounting Height: 10.0m Max Lux(100%): 61.3 lx ( 1%): 0.6 lx ( 2%): 1.2 lx ( 5%): 3.1 lx ( 10%): 6.1 lx ( 20%): 12.3 lx ( 50%): 30.7 lx (100%): 61.3 lx LIGHT DISTRIBUTION CURVE UNIT:CD C0 PLANE ISOLUX DIAGRAM (UNIT:lx) 0m 1m 1m 2m 2m MH(m) 0 180 9090 1515 165165 3030 150150 4545 135135 6060 120120 7575 105105 5310 4248 3186 2124 1062 -180 -120 -60 0 60 120 1800 1062 2124 3186 4248 5310 C0-C180 C90-C270 Mounting Height: 10.0m Max Lux(100%): 41.9 lx ( 1%): 0.4 lx ( 5%): 2.1 lx ( 20%): 8.4 lx ( 2%): 0.8 lx ( 10%): 4.2 lx ( 50%): 21.0 lx (100%): 41.9 lx Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English WARNING RISK OF PERSONAL INJURY – READ and follow all WARNINGS and installation instructions. Keep or give to the owner for future reference. Risk of cuts: Wear gloves to prevent cuts or abrasions when removing from carton, handling, installing, and maintaining this product. Risk of electric shock: This product must be installed in accordance with the applicable installation code by a person familiar with the construction and operation of the product and the hazards involved. Risk of Fire: Minimum 90°С supply conductors. Consult a qualified electrician to ensure correct branch circuit conductor. ASD® assumes no responsibility for claims arising out of improper or careless Installation or handling of this product. Description Q-ty LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Fixture 1 Box 1 Installation Instructions 1 PACKAGE CONTENTS: ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DIMMABLE ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NON-DIMMABLE DRIVERL N G L N G L (live/hot)connect black Groundconnect green N (neutral) connect white Power connector120~277V 50/60 HzDim + (Violet) Dim - (Gray) FIXTURE DRIVERL N G L N G L (live/hot)connect black Groundconnect green N (neutral) connect white Power connector120~277V 50/60 HzFIXTURE Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English INSTALLATION STEPS 1. Оpen the fixture with 90 degree at least, loosen the 2 screws and take off the back plate. 2. Secure the back plate to junction box by screws, put silicone glue to seal between the back plate and mounting surface, attention the UP (↑) direction. 3. Hang the fixture on the back plate. Connect wires into wiring terminal; white wire to “Neutral” terminal, black wire to “Live” terminal, green wire to “Ground” terminal; and fix them by screws connect the ground wire to the back plate. 4. Close fixture and tighten the 2 screws. 5. Adjust the fixture to a proper angle. 6. Loosen the screws after the installation. 1. 3.4. 2. 5. INSTALLATION GUIDE IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Please read all the instructions below before installation. ▶Make sure that the supply voltage corresponds to the rated product voltage. ▶The product must be installed by a qualified electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code and corresponding local codes. ▶If the product is damaged, do not use it. Attachment B LED Adjustable Cutoff Wallpack Standard Series Phone: 781-739-3977 WebSite: www.asd-lighting.com Fax: 339-502-8970 E-mail: orders@asd-lighting.com English LED ADJUSTABLE CUTOFF WALLPACK ORDERING INFORMATION: Model Watts CCT UPC GTIN 14 Product Code Pcs in one Carton Carton Size Carton Weight ASD-WLP02A-12N40B 12 4,000 K 819201021451 10819201021458 026.0132 12 13.26"x9.64"x12.6" 24.2 lbs ASD-WLP02A-12N50B 12 5,000 K 857622006787 10857622006784 026.0113 12 13.26"x9.64"x12.6" 24.2 lbs ASD-WLP02A-30N40B 30 4,000 K 819201021468 10819201021465 026.0133 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-30N40W 30 4,000 K 819201021475 10819201021472 026.0134 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-30N50B 30 5,000 K 857622006794 10857622006791 026.0114 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-30N50W 30 5,000 K 819201021000 10819201021007 026.0125 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-50N40B 50 4,000 K 819201021482 10819201021489 026.0135 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-50N50B 50 5,000 K 857622006800 10857622006807 026.0115 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-50N50W 50 5,000 K 819201021017 10819201021014 026.0126 4 16.34"x10.04"x10.04" 18.3 lbs ASD-WLP02A-80D50B 80 5,000 K 857622006817 10857622006814 026.0116 2 13.58"x13"x14.56" 23.1 lbs ASD-WLP02A-120D50B 120 5,000 K 857622006824 10857622006821 026.0117 2 13.58"x13"x14.56" 23.1 lbs ORDERING INFORMATION Attachment B OUTSIDE AGENCY REFERRAL TOWN OF AVON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE TRANSMITTED: December 20,2019 FILE: 1041 Permit Application- Avon Wastewater Facility Improvements Case #: TEN19001 Project Location: 950 W. Beaver Creek Blvd / Tract N, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Sub Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Nutrient upgrades in order to meet Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) water quality regulations related to Nitrogen and Phosphorous, and in-stream water quality standards. Several plant improvements are planned as part of the project; all detailed within the application. Document Link: www.avon.org/planning under “Current Land Use Applications” This referral and your comments are an important part on the evaluation process for a 1041 permit. Your report and/or comments will be helpful in preparing a recommendation and esta blishing conditions for the request. If you have any comments on this application please respond in writing by Monday, January 20, at 5pm or we will assume you have no comments . This file is scheduled for a public hearing with the Town Council in February 2020. COMMENTS TO: TOWN OF AVON ATTN: BRENDA TORRES, TOWN CLERK PO BOX 975 AVON, CO 81620 PHONE NUMBER 970-748-4000 EMAIL: btorres@avon.org REFERRALS: Department of Local Affairs Andy Hill andy.hill@state.co.us Division of Water Resources Megan Sullivan megan.sullivan@state.co.us Colorado Parks and Wildlife Danielle Neumann danielle.neumann@state.co.us Eagle River Watershed Council Holly Loff loff@erwc.org Beaver Creek Metro District Bill Simmons bsimmons@beavercreekmetro.com Health Department - Water Quality Andy Poirot andrew.poirot@state.co.us Department of Local Affairs Greg Winkler greg.winkler@state.co.us U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sue Nall Susan.nall@usace.army.mil Holy Cross Energy-Eagle Valley Keith Hernandez khernandez@holycross.com Xcel Energy (Public Service Co.) Brittany Mace brittany.mace@xcelenergy.com Eagle County Health Services District Cameron Cusick ccusick@ecparemedics.com Eagle River Fire Protection District Mick Woodworth mwoodworth@eagleriverfire.org NWCCOG / Watershed Services Lane Wyatt qqlane@nwccog.org Eagle County Planning Dept Morgan Beryl morgan.beryl@eaglecounty.us Attachment C, page1 VICINITY MAP: Attachment C, page2 Town of Avon January 15, 2020 ATTN: Brenda Torres, Town Clerk & Matt Pielsticker, Planning Director PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Pielsticker, Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed improvements to the Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has a statutory responsibility to manage all wildlife species in Colorado. This responsibility is embraced and fulfilled through CPW’s mission to perpetuate the wildlife resources of Colorado and to provide sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire future generations. CPW fulfills this mission by responding to requests for comments on wildlife impact reports, land use actions, and consultations through public-private partnerships. After review of the application materials, CPW offers the following comments and recommendations: The proposed improvements to the Avon WWTF occur largely on the existing facility footprint or immediately adjacent to the existing site. Additionally, the Environmental Impact Report notes that the development site lies outside on the established wetland zone, riparian zone and 100-year floodplain. With the exception of the southern boundary along the Eagle River, the development site is surrounded by historic anthropogenic disturbance and development. The development site itself lies within CPW mapped range for a variety of big game and raptor species. Land use changes over the last several decades have removed much of habitat value for big game species at and adjacent to this site. Additionally, given the relatively urbanized nature of the site and existing development in the surrounding area, CPW does not anticipate significant impacts associated with the improvements to the Avon WWTF. While the WWTF site does not lie in close proximity to mapped and active bald eagle nest sites, if eagles were to establish nesting sites on or near the development site the following recommendations may apply:  Minimize heavy equipment use and construction activities from October 15 - July 31 in order to provide the bald eagles with time to fledge their chicks. The proposed development site also lies within mapped human-bear and human-lion conflict areas and human-bear summer concentration area. Additionally, human-bear conflict incidents have been reported and documented in immediate proximity to the proposed development site. As such, CPW emphasizes the proposed mitigation measures and offers the following recommendations:  Landscaping with wildlife in mind, to include avoiding the planting of fruit bearing vegetation. Attachment C, page3  Dogs must be under control, either on a leash or under voice command.  All food (including pet food) should be kept indoors or in an IGBC-certified bear proof container. No food waste should be left outdoors.  During construction, food waste and construction waste should be segregated into separate containers.  All bear and mountain lion incidents should be immediately reported to CPW.  Minimize sediment contributions to the Eagle River. Apply appropriate best management practices to minimize sediment transport during construction. Colorado Parks & Wildlife values the opportunity to provide comments on this proposal. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to District Wildlife Manager Devin Duval at (970) 930-5264. Sincerely, Devin Duval, District Wildlife Manager cc: Matt Yamashita, Area Wildlife Manager Danielle Neumann, NW Region Land Use Specialist File Attachment C, page4 Sustainable Communities Maureen Mulcahy Environmental Policy Planner 970-328-8816 maureen.mulcahy@eaglecounty.us www.eaglecounty.us January 15, 2020 Town of Avon ATTN: Brenda Torres, Town Clerk PO BOX 975 Avon, CO 81620 970-748-4000 Email: btorres@avon.org Re: 1041 Permit Application- Avon Wastewater Facility Improvements VIA E-MAIL Dear Ms. Torres: Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide comments related to the Avon Wastewater Facility Improvements 1041 Permit Application submitted to the Town of Avon by the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. The County understands the need for the project and supports enhancement of the existing wastewater treatment facility based on the beneits provided to local water quality. In addition to the information contained in the application, the County would appreciate the opportunity to review additional information, as outlined below. 1.How much additional energy will the expanded treatment process demand? The County would like to understand increased demands in terms of both electricity and natural gas use as compared to the overall plant to get an understanding of the scale of the improvements relative to the existing facility. 2.The application details energy eficiency components incorporated into the project design, including use of eficient aerators and proper pipe sizing to reduce energy consumption. How did energy eficiency factor into the decision making process when selecting the proposed treatment train? What, if any, additional energy eficiency measures will be incorporated into the design? Please include deemed savings estimates for such measures as a percentage of the forecasted additional energy use if possible. Attachment C, page5 3.Please describe resource recovery elements integrated into the project design, including any impacts to the existing heat recovery system capacity and ability to recover phosphorus. 4.Figure 25 in the application presents growth projections from Stan Bernstein and Associates. Please share this growth study as the County would appreciate the opportunity to review the growth projection report in its entirety to understand the assumptions upon which the projections are based. If you have any questions regarding the information outlined above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, /s/Maureen Mulcahy CC: Holly Strablizky, Assistant County Attorney Adam Palmer, Sustainable Communities Director Morgan Beryl, Community Development Director Attachment C, page6 Town of Avon Attn: Brenda Torres, Town Clerk PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 btorres@avon.org January 20, 2020 RE: Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Upgrades Dear Ms. Torres, Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments regarding the Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades 1041 permit application. While this project has merits that touch on multiple issues, our comments pertain to anticipated project impacts to stream and aquatic ecosystem health. Eagle River Watershed Council (ERWC) advocates for the health and conservation of the Upper Colorado and Eagle River basins, in order to protect and enhance the high-quality natural and human values provided to our communities by rivers. Vigorously protecting our aquatic systems ensures they can continue to provide numerous social, economic, and ecosystem benefits in perpetuity. The purpose of the Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades is identified as increasing overall system treatment capacity and flexibility for Eagle River Water & Sanitation District’s (ERWSD) three valley-wide facilities, extending the life of the Vail waste water treatment plant (WWTP) by accepting increased effluent bypasses, and reducing nutrient discharges (measured as Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen) WATER QUALITY The project is specifically designed to address treatment capacity issues, achieve ongoing system-wide permit compliance, and improve water quality conditions on the Eagle River for both the Avon location and the overall ERWSD system from Vail to Edwards by reducing nutrient loads. In nutrient-poor mountain headwaters streams like the Eagle River, even small additions of human-sourced nitrogen and phosphorus can promote eutrophic conditions that lead to detrimental ecological impacts such as algal growth and macroinvertebrate community shifts and imbalances that decrease populations of sensitive species like mayflies and stoneflies while increasing populations of pollution-tolerant species such as worms, midges, etc. Associated effects on prized local fisheries and recreation use may subsequently follow. Therefore, reductions in nutrient loads to local streams are strongly supported by ERWC and the project is anticipated to be a boon to aquatic communities downstream. Attachment C, page7 ECOLOGICAL SETTING, HYDROLOGY AND FLOODPLAINS The Eagle River in downtown Avon generally flows in a geomorphically confined river channel with little available floodplain and a narrow strip of riparian vegetation zone that extends up steeply sloped and erosion-resistant streambanks for 10 to 40 vertical feet. The channel at the project site is no exception, running adjacent to the south parcel boundary for approximately 800’ and separated by the Eagle Valley pedestrian/bike path. Construction activities are not anticipated to occur in any floodplain and riparian zones or alter existing floodplain heights and flood peak elevations. Although redevelopment projects on river frontage often provide excellent opportunities to restore, mitigate, or improve previous floodplain alteration and riparian degradation, this site in Avon’s urban core does not provide such opportunities. The river corridor here is heavily impacted already, and the project is unlikely to provide a net change in the negative direction. WATER USE AND INSTREAM FLOWS As the nature of the permitted facility is specifically for water treatment, increases to consumptive water use, and by extension, available instream flows for aquatic life, riparian health, and recreational use are not expected. The shifting of treated effluent from discharging on Gore Creek to Avon potentially decreases instream flows on segments of Gore Creek and the Eagle River between these locations. Water volumes involved are relatively negligible throughout most of the year but may be important to Gore Creek during extremely low baseflow periods. However, ERWSD is aware of these issues in operational timing and has previously worked with their own system operations as well as Vail Resorts (which diverts upstream of the Vail WWTP for snowmaking) to ensure ecological streamflows are maintained in lower Gore Creek throughout peak use demand periods and that lower Gore Creek does not develop an effluent-dominated flow situation. WATER QUALITY AND STORMWATER The site plan has identified a mix of best management practices including new sand/oil separators and a new detention basin. In general, quality of stormwater outflows should be similar to or better than current site conditions. CLOSING REMARKS The Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant Nutrient Upgrades project is not anticipated to affect riparian conditions, floodplain geomorphology, or instream flows. The specific purpose of the project is to improve effluent quality by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient loads to receiving streams. These actions should remain protective or improve instream water quality and by extension, aquatic life conditions; ERWC is supportive of 1041 Permit approval for these actions. If you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact us. Regards, Holly Loff, Executive Director Bill Hoblitzell Eagle River Watershed Council Water Resources Program technical advisory staff 970-827-5406 970-471-6216 Attachment C, page8       MEMORANDUM TO: Matt Pielsticker, AICP, David McWilliams, AICP, Town of Avon FROM: Jeffrey Schneider, P.E. DATE: 1/29/2020 RE: Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Responses to Referral Comments Eagle River Water and Sanitation District was in receipt of three (3) referral responses for the Avon WWTF Nutrient Upgrades Project 1041 application. Below please find our responses to each of the referral items: Referral 1: Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Dated January 15, 2020 from Devin Duval, District Wildlife Manager 1. While the WWTF site does not lie in close proximity to mapped and active bald eagle nest sites, if eagles were to establish nesting sites on or near the development site the following recommendations may apply:  Minimize heavy equipment use and construction activities from October 15 - July 31 in order to provide the bald eagles with time to fledge their chicks. Response: As discussed with CPW staff, no bald eagle nest sites are mapped or observed on or near the area, although potential habitat exists along the Eagle River corridor. Bald eagles are not likely to select this location for nesting due to the existing disturbance and activity in the proximate area, including the Westin gondola crossing the river about 1/3 mile upstream of the site. In the unlikely event that eagles were to establish nesting sites on or near the development during the almost 3-year construction period, the applicant agrees to work closely with CPW to identify potential mitigation, as practical. 2. The proposed development site also lies within mapped human-bear and human-lion conflict areas and human-bear summer concentration area. Additionally, human-bear conflict incidents have been reported and documented in immediate proximity to the proposed development site. As such, CPW emphasizes the proposed mitigation measures and offers the following recommendations:  Landscaping with wildlife in mind, to include avoiding the planting of fruit bearing vegetation. Response: No fruit-bearing vegetation is located on the site and none is proposed as part of the project.  Dogs must be under control, either on a leash or under voice command. Dogs are not permitted on ERWSD properties. Attachment C, page9 Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Responses to Referral Comments Page 2 of 4        All food (including pet food) should be kept indoors or in an IGBC-certified bear proof container. No food waste should be left outdoors. The project general contractor (Moltz Construction) has been informed of this requirement and the need for bear proof containers has been added to the project construction specifications.  During construction, food waste and construction waste should be segregated into separate containers. The project general contractor (Moltz Construction) has been informed of this requirement and it has been added to the project construction specifications.  All bear and mountain lion incidents should be immediately reported to CPW. Comment noted, this information has been provided to ERWSD internal staff as well as the general contractor.  Minimize sediment contributions to the Eagle River. Apply appropriate best management practices to minimize sediment transport during construction. The project has an extensive BMP program during construction and the general contractor will be subject to a CDPHE Construction Stormwater permit and all conditions applicable thereto. Referral 2: Eagle River Watershed Council, Dated January 20, 2020, from Holly Loff and Bill Hoblitzell Response: ERWSD agrees with the findings of the letter and takes no exception. ERWSD is thankful for the supportive letter as the intent of the project is to reduce human impacts to the Eagle River. Referral 3: Eagle County, Dated January 15, 2020 from Maureen Mulcahy 1. How much additional energy will the expanded treatment process demand? The County would like to understand increased demands in terms of both electricity and natural gas use as compared to the overall plant to get an understanding of the scale of the improvements relative to the existing facility. Response: The connected load and the anticipated electrical demand of the Avon WWTP will be essentially the same as before. In some areas, we are increasing the electrical load (i.e. adding HVAC to the aeration basin building, adding mixers in the aeration basins, adding RAS pumps) and in some areas we are reducing the electrical load (installation of lower horsepower IMLR pumps and reduced HVAC load in the warehouse and equalization areas). We are not increasing the overall transformer capacity at the facility. The natural gas usage on site will match current conditions. Some HVAC equipment is being added that will increase loads (i.e. heating the aeration basin and new clarifier building), but significant changes were also made to reduce air changes and thus natural gas usage in the warehouse and equalization areas. The site is limited as to its natural gas service available, and when combined with ERWSD’s sustainability goals, no additional gas usage is anticipated. Further, the project team is currently re-evaluating HVAC equipment with respect to utilizing natural gas on this project and all other capital projects. 2. The application details energy efficiency components incorporated into the project design, including use of efficient aerators and proper pipe sizing to reduce energy consumption. How did energy efficiency factor into the decision making process when selecting the proposed treatment train? What, if any, additional energy efficiency measures will be incorporated into the design? Attachment C, page10 Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Responses to Referral Comments Page 3 of 4       Please include deemed savings estimates for such measures as a percentage of the forecasted additional energy use if possible. Response: The evaluation for selection of the proposed treatment train included capital cost, O&M cost (which included an estimate of energy requirements), safety, odor, visual, noise, and traffic. This evaluation is documented in TM 7 of the 2017 WWTF Master Plan Update. Energy efficiency was not a major deciding factor in selection of the treatment train. Rather, the proposed treatment train was selected due to its ability to flexibly, reliably meet the discharge permit. Energy efficiency measures incorporated into the design include the following: a. Use of energy recovery on Makeup Air Unit to provide air to air heat recovery, minimizing natural gas use. b. Use of a VFD in the Makeup Air Unit to maintain an adjustable negative space pressure that can appropriately respond to variation in aeration air from the aeration basins. Reduces excess outside air infiltrating into the space that would lead to more energy usage and less indoor temperature control. c. New HVAC design to eliminate the no longer required continuous 100% outside air ventilation systems for the EQ Building and the Warehouse Building. d. Proper design/sizing of the HVAC systems in the aeration basin and secondary clarifier buildings to provide sufficient air changes for operator safety but not so much that we pull in excess (cold) outside air. e. Use of VFDs on new IMLR, RAS, and EQ pumps to allow for reduced energy consumption at turndown flows. f. Increased pipe sizing in some locations to reduce system head loss and pump horsepower (i.e. IMLR system) g. Elimination of WAS pump and secondary scum pumps, allowing for gravity flow to Edwards WWTF. h. Replacement of existing blowers with higher efficiency blowers (around 15% increased efficiency). i. Sizing of blowers and aeration system design to reduce need for air blowoff at diurnal low flows. Include deemed savings estimates as a percentage of forecasted additional energy use Response: Energy use at the facility is not anticipated to substantially increase as part of this project, as noted in the response to Question 1. 3. Please describe resource recovery elements integrated into the project design, including any impacts to the existing heat recovery system capacity and ability to recover phosphorus. Response: The ability to connect heating loads to the existing heat recovery system was explored during the design phase but was deemed infeasible due to the distance (and energy) required to pump heated water throughout the facility and the required retrofit of make up air units to function with hydronic heating units. The proposed makeup air unit includes air-to-air heat exchanger that recovers up to 70% of the heat in the system. ERWSD is completing a facilities master plan to replace and improve its aging facilities on the eastern portion of the site and is planning on utilizing the heat recovery system for that future project. Attachment C, page11 Avon Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWWTF) Nutrient Upgrades Project Responses to Referral Comments Page 4 of 4       This project will increase the ability to for phosphorus to be recovered in the future at the Edwards WWTF. As part of this project, phosphorus will be removed biologically from the liquid stream and transferred into the solids stream. Solids handling was decommissioned at Avon WWTF in 2015 and all solids are processed at a consolidated digestion facility at the Edwards WWTF. Solids produced at Avon are conveyed through the collection system to Edwards. Similarly, the Vail WWTP removes phosphorus biologically, sending the solids down to Avon and ultimately to Edwards. In the future, phosphorus could be recovered from the solids at Edwards (which would include the phosphorus from all three facilities) using the CalPrex process to precipitate brushite (calcium phosphate). This product can be marketed as a fertilizer. ERWSD currently has nutrient-rich Class A biosolids available for public use at its Biosolids Containment Facility adjacent to the Eagle County Landfill. 4. Figure 25 in the application presents growth projections from Stan Bernstein and Associates. Please share this growth study as the County would appreciate the opportunity to review the growth projection report in its entirety to understand the assumptions upon which the projections are based. Response: A copy of the information used to develop Figure 25 was sent to Maureen Mulcahy on January 29, 2020. Attachment C, page12 February 4, 2020 PZC Meeting – Railroad Bridge Sign Staff Report – Sign Design - Public Hearing February 4, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project Name: SGN20001 Zoning: Right of Way Address: Rail Bridge Over Avon Road Location: Prepared By: Benchmark at Beaver Creek David McWilliams, Town Planer Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Sign Design for new Embedded Messaging Center (EMC) Light Emitting Diode (LED) signs on the railroad bridge above Avon Road. Summary of Request The Town of Avon is proposing to place new EMC signs in the location where event signs are currently located from time to time. The current signs are located to face oncoming traffic from above. The new signs (Attachment A) are approximately as large as the current banners are allowed to be. Current application criteria for the banners require a non-profit sponsor, allow signs for a maximum of one (1) week, from Monday to Sunday, with a $150 fee to be displayed on each side of the bridge. Further, no hand-drawn words (copy) are permitted, and sponsor names and logos may cover no more than twenty percent (20%) of the total banner space. There is no proposed limit to hours or brightness for the new signs. Avon Municipal Code requires, “Such signs shall be equipped with automatic dimmers, which shall be programmed to not exceed three tenths (.3) footcandles over ambient light levels.” A footcandle is the illuminance of one lumen on a one-square foot surface with a uniform distribution. A standard 40-watt lightbulb produces puts out 450 lumens. This is a standard adopted by several states and municipalities. The time limit is proposed to change to be more flexible. For example, the board could read “Avon LIVE! tonight” on Wednesdays and “Rodeo tonight” on Thursdays during the summer, instead of having the weeklong time frame. Signs are not proposed to run simultaneously, and only one message will be allowed at a time. Southern facing sign location. February 4, 2020 PZC Meeting – Railroad Bridge Sign Northern facing sign location. Review Criteria The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Sign Code as specified in Section 7.32(A) Sign Code Purposes; Staff Response: The application strikes a balance for criterium (4): “Promote high quality and weather resistant signs that are properly maintained over time and renovated when necessary.” Taken in context as a replacement for temporary signs, the proposal saves time, labor and materials over the long run, and is safer. PZC should carefully weigh if the proposal meets (7): “Provide a reasonable balance between the right of an individual to identify a business or express a message, and the right of the public to be protected against the visual discord resulting from the unrestricted proliferation of signs and similar devices.” Additional illuminated signs in this location may be viewed as visual clutter and PZC is instructed to carefully determine if the proposal meets these purposes. 2. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; Staff Response: The material choice of the sign are stock choices meant to protect the display with an iron frame. Planning staff is not aware where power will be drawn from or what the conduit will look like. 3. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; Staff Response: Neighboring buildings include the Burger King, Christy Sports, and the White River Center. The sign types are diverse but generally present a unified design of auto-centric internally illuminated signs. 4. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; Staff Response: Staff anticipates a more uniform aesthetic with the LED panel compared to an array of banner types. 5. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; Staff Response: The visual impact should be carefully assessed by PZC. 6. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; February 4, 2020 PZC Meeting – Railroad Bridge Sign Staff Response: Not applicable. 7. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code or sign program, and are appropriate for the project; Staff Response: The application allows for individuality while maintaining consistency of size and location. 8. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response: PZC should carefully weigh if the LED application is appropriate for this location. Staff Recommendation for Case #SGN20001 Staff recommends approving Case #SGN20001 with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.160(f), Sign Plan. The application meets the sign standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. No extra demand for public services is made by the application; 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 7. The application allows individuality and promotes the expectation of attractive sign appearance. Condition: 1. The signs shall have automatic dimmers programmed to not exceed three tenths (.3) footcandles over ambient light levels. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN20001, a Sign Design application for the railroad bridge over Avon Road with the finding and condition as recommended by staff. Attachment A. Sign Design (Proposed) B. Application Memo From Town Manager ART SUPERIMPOSED ON PHOTO, SHOWN AT APPROXIMATE RELATIVE SIZE FREEMAN SIGNS IS A UL LISTED SIGN MANUFACTURER NEW S/F 10 MM FULL COLOR EMC SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" QUANTITY: 1 EA PER SIDE (2 TOTAL), MANUFACTURE AND INSTALLA OF 1 TOWN OF AVON 100 Mikala Way. AVON, CO.BENZIE MBENZIE@FREEMANSIGNS.NET 19-568 12/26/2019 1 7/15/19 -CHANGED COLOR OF FACES AND CABINET X X X X X X & ELECTRIC 13'-6 1/2"13'-6 1/2"3'-1 1/2"4’-0” (+/-)CONCRETE V.O.7" 2" New S/F 10mm full color Freeman Digital EMC 416x96 matrix, 2” angle iron frame attached to existing concrete over pass, painted black. SIDE VIEW 1 1 Attachment A 970.748.4004 eric@avon.org TO: Avon Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Eric Heil, Town Manager RE: Bridge Signs – Avon Road DATE: January 31, 2020 SUMMARY: This report provides additional information for the Town’s application to erect event information signs on the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge (“Bridge”) on Avon Road. Avon installs event banners on the Bridge each year to announce and advertise events in Avon and Beaver Creek, including the Vilar Performance Center. The process to install banners requires four public works crew members, the use of the bucket truck and the closure of one lane of Avon road. The process requires approximately two hours or the equivalent of a full public works labor day. We estimate that 15 to 20 banners are currently installed throughout the calendar year. Each banner costs approximately $120 to $150 and typically goes to the County landfill after use. The electronic sign will have a wireless connection and can be programmed remotely. Avon has more events planned for the 2020 calendar year compared to 2019 and will likely have additional events in 2021. Between music, arts and cultural events, Avon plans to produce or host over 30 events in the 2020 summer season. In addition, Avon seeks to increase partnership relationships with Beaver Creek, including the advertisement of the Beaver Creek Rodeo in Avon, Beaver Creek events such as Brews and BBQ, events at the Vilar, and Birds of Prey. Announcement and advertisement of Beaver Creek events will likely add up an additional 30 event postings throughout the year. The installation of an electronic sign will allow Avon to easily and conveniently to post event announcements and advertisements throughout the year. The proposed high-resolution sign is intended to allow posting of event signs in an attractive manner that utilizes full color art work similar to the current banners. The use of the event sign is planned and intended to post only static signs, meaning multiple message postings that rotate are not intended. An example of rotating messages is the Town of Dillon electronic sign that has three screens that rotate every four seconds. No commercial advertising is planned for the Bridge signs other than special events open to the general public in Avon and Beaver Creek. The intent is to use the Bridge signs exclusively for announcements of public special events, occasional public messages (such as wildfire mitigation in spring), and for emergency announcements if needed. The location and use of the Bridge signs were also selected for consideration to traffic safety and aesthetic concerns. The Bridge banners are located on a stretch of Avon road without intersections or pedestrian crossings. As stated above, the intent is to post static signs that are similar to the banners but allow for changing as often as appropriate to announce events that day or the next upcoming event. We are also revisiting all signage on Avon Road with consideration towards not distracting drivers or creating sign clutter (or better yet, reduce existing sign clutter). The Avon Town Council included the proposed electronic Bridge signs in the adopted 2020 Budget and Capital Improvements Plan with the intent to facilitate special event announcements and community engagement. The Bridge signs are expected to allow at least 60 event announcements in 2020, which represents the equivalent of 60 total public works labor days and an equivalent cost of $7,200 per year. Thank you, Eric Attachment B 1 PZC Minutes - January 21, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 21, 2020 I. Roll Call – Commissioner Hardy was absent. All other Commissioners were present. II. Conflicts of Interest – No conflicts of interest were disclosed. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda – There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Minor Development Plan – 1 Lake Street – PUBLIC HEARING File: MNR2001 Applicant: Town of Avon Property: Tract G Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Summary: Proposed demolition and regrading of the Old Town Hall site. Action: Commissioner Dammeyer motioned to approve the item for recommendation to Town Council with the following findings and condition. Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The plan is in conformance with Grading Plan standards pursuant to §7.28.100(c) 4. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 5. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 6. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 7. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Additional plantings on the north and south sides of the utility boxes are required to shield the boxes better. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5-0. V. Planning Commissioners at APA Conference in Vail Summary: PZC discussed some ideas for the conference including housing, inclusionary zoning, government immunity, difficult applicants, and zoning changes and rationale. VI. Consent Agenda A. PZC Meeting Minutes – January 7, 2020 B. Record of Decision - MJR19007, 5032 Wildridge Road East Major Development Plan Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0 with Commissioner Barnes abstaining. VII. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm. 2 PZC Minutes - January 21, 2020 Approved this 4th Day of February 2020 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: #MNR20001 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF RECOMMENDATION DATE OF DECISION: January 21, 2020 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Tract G Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MNR20001 APPLICANT: Town of Avon This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and condition: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The plan is in conformance with Grading Plan standards pursuant to §7.28.100(c) 4. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 5. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 6. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 7. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. CONDITION: 1. Additional plantings on the north and south sides of the utility boxes are required to shield the boxes better. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson