Lot C ACBC PUD list of conditionsConditions of approval for Lot C:
General requirements and limitations:
The phasing plan as proposed does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. The hotel and retail phase should be constructed with the first phase of development.
The two-bedroom time-share units constitute one dwelling unit and may not be further subdivided, sold, transferred, conveyed, leased, or sub-leased separately.
A complete landscaping plan and construction laydown plan will be required prior to issuance of a building permit for each phase of the project.
A common area with a fireplace is required on each floor of the employee Housing Project.
The parking structure will be designed for future access to the Sunroad ramp and Lot B.
All parking aisles are required to comply with the 24’0” width.
6. All of the encroachments proposed in the setbacks are non-habitable. The non-habitable encroachments are limited to balconies, porte-cochere, roof overhangs, awnings, and lower level
roof structures.
Streets and Streetscape:
All perimeter sidewalks throughout the project shall be a minimum of 8’0” width.
No columns or structural supports may either impede the 8’0” wide sidewalk clearance requirements or encroach into driveways or entrances.
All curbs along streets and entrances must include 2’0’ gutter pans in addition to the driving lanes.
All streetscape improvements will include furniture, fixtures and lights per town standards.
All street and streetscape improvements along West Beaver Creek Boulevard and Benchmark Road must be completed at the time of issuance of the first TCO for the project.
The final design and specifications for the bus stop will be required at design review.
All surface entries and loading entrances shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 13’6’.
All parking entrances from public roads shall have a 28’0” access width, which will include a 2’0” gutter pan on each side.
The fountain/seating area adjacent to the Town Center Mall must be complete at the time of issuance of the first TCO for the project.
The grading plan adjacent to the Town Center Mall is not approved and must be resolved at design review contemporaneous with the streetscape improvement plan with the first phase of
Required Agreements:
A Reciprocal Access Easement Agreement between Lot B and Lot C shall be executed prior to issuance of a building permit and approved by the Town of Avon. The Agreement must contain
the following terms and conditions:
A 39’0 access easement at Sunroad i.e, 19’5” on each property.
Reciprocity for access and storage during construction.
This Agreement will also set forth authorization for construction and management of the storm drainage facilities from Lot B.
An Agreement will be required prior to issuance of a building permit for the management, design and construction of the storm water detention and pollution control facilities proposed
on Town property known as “Tract G, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision”. The PUD Development Plan in not an approval for the proposed use of Tract G for storm water and pollution
control facilities.
Amendments to the PUD Development Plan:
The PUD Development Plan may be modified by reducing the number of time-share units to accommodate the required parking, additional retail space, employee housing, or hotel units without
requiring a PUD Amendment.
Final Design Review:
The accessibility and function of the trash and delivery areas is not approved. All aspects of the trash and delivery areas will be resolved and clarified at Design Review.
The architecture, construction details, final grading and drainage plans depicted in the PUD Development Plan are conceptual only. A separate process is required for refining and resolving
the details for the project.