Lot C ACBC PUD v3Town of Avon
PUD Staff Report
December 7, 1999 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
December 1, 1999
Project type
Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Legal description
Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Current Zoning
Town Center (TC)
160 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard
We have scheduled a work session discussion on the Lot C application for the December 7th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Vistana Inc. has submitted revised PUD plans to address
the items identified at the November 16th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A letter summarizing the comments made by P and Z dated November 17, 1999 is attached for your review.
Following is a summary of the revisions made by the applicant:
The circulation system has been completely redesigned to provide access through the site from the entrance on West Beaver Creek Boulevard through to Sun Road.
The pedestrian walkways have been modified.
A loading and dumpster area has been provided in the parking garage next to Benchmark Road and the trash enclosure area by the employee housing has been re-designed.
Retail space has been provided in the retail area adjacent to the pedestrian way in the Timeshare area and on the east side of the parking garage.
The architectural design has been revised.
A more detailed phasing plan has been provided with interim landscaping and gravel pathways.
While the staff and the applicant continue to work diligently, several critical elements for the project have yet to be resolved:
Improvements to the circulation system including providing an adequate turn around for large vehicles during the first phases of the development.
Refinement of the Sun Road design including grading issues.
Creating functional delivery and refuse collection areas for both the employee housing area and the lower level garage area adjacent to Benchmark Road.
Updating the site plan drawings to include all of the revisions and ensuring all drawings are consistent with consistent with each other.
Phasing of the project so that it is functional and also conforms to the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for vertical mixed use and pedestrian amenities at each development stage.
Streetscape improvements including perimeter sidewalks should be installed with one of the first stages of development. Staff is drafting a development agreement to specify requirements
for each phase. It will including timing commitments for streetscape and sidewalk improvements, the interior pedestrian walkway, retail space, landscaping and parking facilities.
Developing a consistent architectural theme for the project that provides for a consistent design for all of the buildings that is within the natural and historical design context of
the area.
The purpose of the work session is to give the Planning and Zoning Commission an opportunity to comment on the plans included in this packet. The applicants intend to bring revised
plans to the meeting to update the Commission and staff on their progress. While the update should be informative, we encourage the Planning and Zoning Commission members not to comment
on the revised plans until staff has adequate time to review them.
If you have any questions regarding this project or anything in this report, please call me at 748-4002, or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Griffith, AICP
Town Planner
November 17th letter from Karen Griffith, Town of Avon