Confluence preliminary conditionsStaff anticipates that we will recommend approval. Following is a list of preliminary conditions we have identified.
A second stage detailed PUD meeting the provisions of Section17.20.110 will be required for final PUD approval.
A commitment that pedestrian overpasses to the Town Center and across the railroad bridge to the commercial core shall be constructed prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued
for the first phase of the development, first phase to be defined with the second stage PUD approval.
The 100-year flood plain and wetland boundaries shall be indicated on the PUD map.
Traffic Study to be approved by the Town.
Deed restricted employee housing units shall be provided with the amount of units equal to ten percent of the dwelling units proposed (45). The units shall be subject to the standard
master deed restriction provisions. Applicant agrees to participate financially in a downtown plan.
Second Stage PUD development will incorporate recommendations of the downtown plan, to the extent they are feasible.
Buildings shall be stepped down to the riverfront or otherwise protect the inegrity of the river corridor in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Design Guidelines.
The list of allowed uses include gondolas and funiculars.
Staff supports the proposed parking requirements with the condition that bicycle racks, transit stops, including a potential railroad station and a gondola or fenicular be provided on
the site.
A play area (tot lot) be provided for hotel guests and children living in the employee units.