Village at Avon preliminary PUD AnnexTown of Avon Annexation & PUD Preliminary Staff Report August 4, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date July 31, 1998  Project type Annexation and PUD (The Village at Avon)  Legal description See attached.  Zoning Resource (Eagle County)  Location Nottingham Ranch, including the Avon Stolport  Introduction The Village at Avon is a mixed-use Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposed for the 1790 acre Nottingham Ranch property (including the 170 acre Stolport site) located east and north of the current Town limits. The entire parcel is currently within unincorporated Eagle County; the applicant is requesting annexation and PUD zoning by the Town. Project summary Overall, the proposal includes 750,000 square feet of commercial uses, 200,000 square feet of public and semi-public uses (such as ice rinks and entertainment facilities), and 2,400 dwelling units, 500 of which are proposed as employee housing. Residential units span a broad range from multifamily condominium and apartments, through large-lot, single family homes. No mobile homes are proposed within the project. Commercial uses include neighborhood convenience shopping, uses similar to those in the Commercial Core and the Metcalf Industrial Area, car dealerships, and regional (“big box”) commercial. The application shows the highest density commercial and residential uses on the Stolport site. The areas directly north of I-70 include multifamily residential and a regional park. Farther north and east are additional residential uses, with increasingly larger homes and lots. Proposed vehicle access is through a combination of existing and anticipated routes: East Beaver Creek Boulevard, which is to be widened; An improved access from Highway 6 to replace the one now serving the concrete batch plant; A new interchange on I-70, to be constructed at the current ranch road underpass; and Chapel Place, under construction as part of the Chapel Square project. Pedestrian access within the project centers around a linear park running east to west through the Stolport site, with connections within the project and to the existing commercial core through the Chapel Square project. Funding for project infrastructure is proposed through bonds issued by special districts, and in part repaid through tax revenues generated directly by the project. The application proposes creating a set of design guidelines, based in part on the Town’s Design Guidelines, and review of project design by a separate committee associated with the developer. The project, if approved, will be governed by the Avon Municipal Code with respect to law enforcement, building and related codes, zoning enforcement, public streets, and licensing of businesses. Preliminary review Staff is continuing to meet with the applicant to clarify and/or resolve as many substantive and procedural issues as possible, to facilitate the Commission’s review of the application. Issues that we have discussed with the applicant thus far include: Clarifying the Town’s role in the proposed development review process, including approval of the design guidelines by P&Z and Council, and enforcement of same. Clarifying the PUD guide with respect to: Building setbacks, requirements for underground parking, landscaping and building coverage standards, and similar standards. The type, character and proportions of commercial and residential uses permitted within each planning area. Reclassifying some uses proposed as “use by right” to “special review use” (SRU), thereby ensuring review by Planning & Zoning Commission. Clarifying parking regulations and roadway standards. The timing of specific improvements including access to Route 6, construction of the new I-70 interchange, parks and trails. Extension of Swift Gulch Road eastward to connect with the ranch road and the new interchange. Specific treatment of the I-70 corridor and the railroad corridor, with respect to architectural character, screening and orientation of buildings, and zoning standards such as building setbacks, site coverage, and height. Effectiveness of proposed wildlife, geologic and other environmental mitigation. The applicant is revising the PUD Guide to address many of our comments. We anticipate the revised Guide by Tuesday’s meeting. Final staff review and comments This document is intended as an overview, rather than a final staff report. The staff report for the August 18 public hearing will include analysis and comments on topic areas such as: Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan Environmental issues, including wildlife, water quality and geologic considerations Affordable housing Vehicular and pedestrian access and connectivity Development standards Design guidelines Adequacy of public services and utilities The application covers many of these topics, and staff’s comments will address those reports and other relevant information. We have referred copies of the application to a variety of local, state and federal agencies, and are awaiting their comments on many of these topic areas. We are also gathering final staff comments from other departments. Process Summary The overall review and approval process includes annexation, subdivision sketch plan, special district service plans, PUD zoning (including the development plan), Annexation Agreement, and preliminary and final subdivision plats. This preliminary staff report to the Planning & Zoning Commission focuses on the annexation and zoning elements, as the Town Council is reviewing the special district service plans and the draft Annexation Agreement. Due to the compressed review schedule, August 4 is scheduled for an additional public input meeting with the Commission. The application now before the Planning & Zoning Commission includes annexation, sketch plan and PUD zoning. The Commission reviews the application, and holds an initial public hearing, currently scheduled for August 18th. Following the Commission’s review, and comments by the public, the Commission evaluates the application, then forwards its findings and recommendations to the Town Council by formal resolution. After receiving the Planning & Zoning Commission’s report and resolution, the Council reviews the application and holds a public hearing. Following the hearing, the Council considers the comments and evidence presented at the hearing, the Planning & Zoning Commission’s resolution, staff comments, and evaluates the application for annexation, sketch plan and PUD zoning. Council then approves, approves with conditions, or denies the application in whole or in part. Approval for annexation and zoning, if granted, are by ordinance; approval for sketch plan is by resolution. The Town Council also reviews the proposed special district service plan, which is the first step in an approval process that culminates in a petition and election by the eligible voters of the proposed special district. In this case, the election coincides with the next general election in November 1998. The Council also negotiates and approves the Annexation Agreement, which contains elements such as the structure of revenue sharing and reimbursement of the Town’s costs by the developer; governance issues; and timing of infrastructure construction. Approval of the Agreement, if it occurs, will be in conjunction with adoption of the annexation and zoning ordinances on September 8. Preliminary subdivision plans are approved by Council resolution, and occur following approval of the annexation, PUD zoning, sketch plan, service plan and the Annexation Agreement. Public Input Session Tuesday’s meeting includes a public input session. At the beginning of the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, audience members who wish to speak at the input session will be asked to sign up. Based on the number signed up, the Chair will determine the amount of time allotted to each speaker if necessary. After completing the items on the regular meeting agenda, Staff will present a brief overview of the project, update the Commission and the public on any recent changes, and answer any questions by the Commission. Those who have signed up to speak will be invited to do so. Staff will record the comments and prepare a summary for the Commission at their next meeting as well as for Council’s information. Staff and the applicant will be available during the input session to answer any questions and to clarify elements of the application or staff report. If you have any questions regarding this project or this preliminary staff report, please call me at 748-4014, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Michael Matzko Director of Community Development