L28 B3 WR final designTown of Avon Final Design Staff Report June 16, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date December 20, 2019  Project type New Residential Duplex  Legal description Lot 28, Block 3, Subdivision  Zoning PUD – residential duplex  Address 4491 Wildridge Road West  Introduction The proposeded duplex project proposes units of approximately 3,000 and 2,600 square feet. The architecture resembles a ranch with a walk out rear lower level. Materials include primarily stucco siding with smaller areas of wood siding, wood trim, and weathered wood asphalt shingles. The site slopes diagonalily from its northeast corner down to its southwest corner at approximatily 18%, though access down from Wildridge Road West is quite steep. Primary views are due south. This project received a concept design review on June 2, 1998. At that review the Commission commented on the following: additional landscaping for the east, south and west elevations. Investigate methods to soften the east, south and west elevations. Questions as to the retaining wall’s surface treatment north of the driveway. Preference for an 8% rather than 10% driveway grade. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission’s Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4.10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use. Density: Single-family use conforms with this lot’s __ dwelling unit designation. Lot Coverage: The proposed 30% of building coverage conforms with the 50% maximum. Setbacks: The eaves of the east unit’s garage encroach into the front yard setback. Additionally, care will be required to ensure the eaves of east unit’s garage and bath nook do not encroach into the side yard setback. Easements: No proposed encroachments and proposed grading in the 10' Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement is acceptable. Building Height: The largest scaled height of 34.8 feet on the east unit’s main ridge elevation conforms with the 35' maximum limit. Grading: All proposed slope grades conform with the maximum of 2:1 slope guidline and the proposed driveway grades conform with Town standards. Parking: The four (4) garage and the four (4) surface parking spaces conform with the required three (3) spaces per unit. Snow Storage: Submitted plans show snow storage area equal to the minimum standard of 20% of the proposed impermeable surface area. Landscaping: Staff suggest landscape plan be revised to better screen the east, south and west elevations. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights-of-way and easements. (Enter comment here) The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The design appears more suited to a flatter site. Consequently, the eastern (lower) portion of the lot will require considerable fill to accommodate the structure. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval. Recommended Motion “I move to approve the proposed residential duplex design for Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated June 11, 1998, with the following conditions: The landscape plan be revised for Commission review to provide additional landscaping for the east, south and west elevations. The east, south and west elevations be revised for Commission review to provide greater architectural interest. The surface treatment of retaining wallnorth of the driveway be defined for Commission review. The driveway grade be revised from 10% to 8%. Stone base elements be added to all deck support columns. The wood siding on the west unit’s south elevation step to reflect the structure’s stepping. The details of each units’ gables on the south elevation be revised for Commission review. The east unit’s bathtub / shower nook extension be revised to better reflect If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Karen Griffith, AICP Town Planner Planning & Zoning Commission Action ( Approved as submitted ( Approved with conditions (noted below) ( Denied ( Tabled ( Withdrawn by applicant Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Signed: _________________________________ Date __________ Andrew Karow, Chair Attest: _________________________________ Date __________ Sue Railton, Secretary