L48 B2 WR final designTown of Avon
Final Design Staff Report
August 5, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
December 20, 2019
Project type
Legal description
Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
PUD-2 Units
2550 Old Trail Road
The applicant describes the building as a bungalow style duplex. The duplex features stucco and wood siding with timber and stone accents, including stone chimneys resulting in a rustic,
alpine style appearance. The building design is unique in the units join a central garage with a “weak” building attachment.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission’s Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6.10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use.
Density: Single-family use conforms to this lot’s 2 dwelling unit designation.
Lot Coverage: The proposed 12% of building coverage conforms to the 50% maximum.
Setbacks: Portions of the retaining wall exceed 4 feet in height in the front setback. (Wall near entrance exceeds 6 feet). The walls will need to be adjusted to be less four feet.
There appears to be sufficient room to make this adjustment without significantly affecting the design or encroaching in the 10 slope maintenance, drainage, and snow storage easement.
One solution would be to create a tiered wall.
Easements: No proposed encroachments and proposed grading in the 10' Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement is acceptable.
Building Height: A small portion of the lower unit exceeds 35 feet (by up to a foot). This will need to be adjusted in the building permit submittal. The architect will adjust the
building height by reducing the pitch of the roof.
Grading: All proposed grades conform to the maximum 2:1 slope guideline and the proposed driveway grades conform to Town standards. The Town Engineer notes that the driveway will actually
need to be a foot lower than indicated to make the grades work. An adjusted grading plan should be approved by staff prior to issuance of building permit.
Parking: East unit meets the requirement for 3 spaces (size over 2,500 sq. feet), with one surface and two garage spaces. West unit meets requirement for two spaces with the garage.
Snow Storage: minimum requirement of 20% of the paved area is met, however, area listed on plans is incorrect.
Landscaping: trees should be provided on North side of units to screen blank walls. Note applicant wishes to adjust caliper of trees to 2 inches, and provide a mix of Cottonwood and
Aspens for the deciduous trees.
The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
The building materials appear to be high quality and are suitable for the site. The materials include wood and stucco siding, moss rock, and asphalt shingles. The plans should specify
the type of wood siding.
The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
Landscaping should be provided on the north elevations to screen blank walls. Otherwise, the site features attractive groupings of landscaping and the building features design and trim
elements that will be compatible with adjacent properties.
The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography.
The driveways as well as the structures are generally sited parallel to existing slopes, which is compatible with the site’s topography.
The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways.
The building and site should provide an attractive appearance from the road. Landscape plantings are provided below the driveways for screening. The building form is broken up by the
weak attachment with the central garage. The structure has a varied roofline and dormers, with moss rock fireplaces and pillars to add visual interest, creating an attractive building.
The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The building utilizes materials commonly found throughout the neighborhood while maintaining its own unique design. The rustic alpine style building uses similar elements of many other
homes in the neighborhood while maintaining a unique design.
The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon.
The residence is not in conflict with any adopted Goals and conforms to the designated residential land use for Wildridge Subdivision.
Staff Recommendation
Approve with conditions in recommended motion
Recommended Motion
I move to approve the duplex design for Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated received July 22, 1997with the following conditions:
Final engineering to be approved by staff. Town Engineer’s comments shall be addressed with Building Permit submittal.
The building plans shall be revised to conform to the 35 foot maximum building height.
Retaining walls in setbacks shall not exceed 4 feet in height. Top of wall and bottom of wall elevations be provided to document wall height.
A minimum of four trees, two deciduous and two coniferous be planted on the north side of the building.
Area of snow storage listed on plan be corrected to document that snow storage exceeds 20 percent paved area.
List type of wood siding.
An improvement location certificate shall be provided at time of framing to document that building height does not exceed 35 feet.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Griffith, AICP
Town Planner
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
( Approved as submitted ( Approved with conditions (noted below)
( Denied ( Tabled ( Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number):
_________________________________ Date __________
Andrew Karow, Chair
_________________________________ Date __________
Sue Railton, Secretary