Lot B ACBC conceptTown of Avon Project Concept Staff Report May 5, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date December 20, 2019  Project type Redevelopment: Mixed-use Commercial project  Legal description Lot B, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision  Zoning Town Center (TC)  Address 130 Beaver Creek Boulevard West  Introduction This is a concept for redeveloping Lot B by removing the existing surface parking lot and replacing it with a mixed-use commercial project including one level of underground parking, surface parking adjacent to Beaver Creek Blvd, 72 condo suites, a restaurant and retail space. The concept includes two alternative development scenarios: one with surface parking adjacent to the Pedestrian Mall, the other with an additional 4,000 square feet of retail adjacent to the mall, and a turnaround and drop-off area for cars. Both scenarios include 72 hotel/condo suites, a restaurant, and retail space. The overall review and approval process will mirror that of Lot C: Concept review Subdivision PUD zoning Design review Review Considerations Since this is a fairly large project, and adjacent to the Mall and Lot C, staff recommends focusing on the fundamental elements of the project, rather than details. Examples of fundamental elements include: The type and mix of the proposed uses; Scale of the individual components, as well as the overall project; Visual and functional relationship with the Mall and adjacent properties, and how it contributes to the development of an economically sustainable, pedestrian oriented environment; Parking and vehicle access and circulation. Staff Comments This review is scheduled as a work session, with no formal action by the Commission anticipated. Following are preliminary staff comments on the project concept. These are intended to assist in the discussion during Tuesday’s work session, and should not be considered as the Staff’s definitive review comments. The project is in the context of the Town Center zone district (Subarea 13 of the Comprehensive Plan), which is intended to provide urban-density, vertically mixed uses, underground parking, and an emphasis on pedestrian access and circulation. (Please refer to page 65 of the Comprehensive Plan, and page 13 of the Design Guidelines.) The inclusion of underground parking is essential to creating the density anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. The project has the opportunity to contribute beds, restaurant and retail space to the Town Center, which can be expected to help energize this area. Scenario 1 shows approximately 30 surface parking spaces adjacent to the Pedestrian Mall. Staff has pointed out to the applicant that surface parking is in conflict with the Mall’s pedestrian character, and therefore should be adjacent to Beaver Creek Boulevard. The applicant indicates that the parking is placed there to meet the Town’s current parking regulations, as well as to provide easy access to the retail in the ground floor of the new building and to the retail proposed in the adjacent Lot C development. Based on the experience of other towns and cities, we anticipate that the actual number of parking spaces required for this area will be somewhat less than the number required by our current parking regulations. This would reduce the need for surface parking adjacent to the Mall. As a reality check, we have retained a transportation consultant to assess the parking demand for Lot C as well as the Town Center district as a whole. Preliminary results should be available by meeting time on Tuesday. The Mall offers a different commercial environment than the Shopping Center district east of Avon Road (Wal-Mart, City Market, etc.). It is pedestrian-oriented rather than vehicle-oriented. Because of the number of existing and proposed beds (the Seasons, Avon Center, plus those proposed for Lot C and those on Lot B), office space, plus proximity to the Transportation Center; the retail and other commercial uses should benefit from the “captive market” on site. The proposed scale of the buildings appears to conform to the general pattern described in the Design Guidelines. Please refer to your copy of the Comprehensive Plan and the Design Guidelines regarding Lot B and the Town Center as a whole. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of this prior to Tuesday’s meeting, please call me at 748-4014, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Michael Matzko Director of Community Development