L26 B2 WR final designTown of Avon
Final Design Staff Report
February 17, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
December 20, 2019
Project type
Duplex Residence
Legal description
Lot 26, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision – Roth Duplex
Planned Unit Development (PUD) – 2 units
2605 Beartrap Road
The application describes the project as a “traditional mountain stucco duplex.” This same applicant had a similar project approved in October of 1997. The present application arranges
the units in a more linear fashion to orient the western unit to the southern views. The two units measure 3172 and 2751 square feet respectively, and share a common driveway. Exterior
material is stucco accented by cedar belly bands.
Situated on the corner of Old Trail Road and Beartrap Road, the site has a double frontage with an extended front yard set back. Access to the site from Beartrap Road requires significant
cutting of the bank, however, the resulting driveway is relatively flat. The neighboring property to the northwest has encroached onto this site with landscaping, but both the parties
continue to work toward a mutually agreeable resolution.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission’s Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6.10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
Building Height: Additional dimensional building ties are needed to properly locate the building on the site plan.
The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography.
The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways.
The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon.
Staff Recommendation
Based upon the project’s general conformance with the above criteria, staff recommends Final Design approval with conditions.
Recommended Motion
“I move to approve final design for the proposed duplex residence, on Lot 23, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on the application and plan set dated February 5, 1998, subject
to the following conditions:”
That the site plan provides at a minimum three dimensional building ties to accurately locate the structure horizontally on the site.
The proposed “carriage” style exterior light fixtures are not approved based upon concern with their potential to produce glare
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 139), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
George H. Harrison
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
( Approved as submitted ( Approved with conditions (noted below)
( Denied ( Tabled ( Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number):
_________________________________ Date __________
Andrew Karow, Chair
_________________________________ Date __________
Sue Railton, Secretary