TC Minutes 10-30-19 Retreat MinutesBUDGET RETREAT MEETING MINUTES ��O WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER, 318 WALKING MOUNTAINS LN, AVON, CO C O L O R A D O 1. ROLL CALL Mayor Sarah Smith Hymes called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m. A roll call was taken and council members present were Jennie Fancher, Tamra Underwood and Amy Phillips. Council members Scott Prince, Chico Thuon and Jake Wolf were absent. Also present were Town Manager Eric Heil, Deputy Town Manager Preston Neill, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Scott Wright, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Fleet Director Rego Omerigic, HR Manager Lance J. Richards, Public Works Director Gary Padilla, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Police Chief Greg Daly, CASE Manager Danita Dempsey, Finance Manager Amy Greer and Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Ineke de Jong. Mobility Director, Eva Wilson arrived at 8:45 a.m. Councilor Wolf arrived at 9:00 a.m. Councilor Prince arrived at 9:02 a.m. Councilor Thuon arrived at 9:19 a.m. 2. BUDGET ADOPTION PROCESS Eric gave council a breakdown of the budget adaptation process including the timeline. The 2020 budget should be adopted by December 10, 2019. 3. BUDGET POLICY & PHILOSOPHY Eric presented council with a rundown of the budget policy & philosophy. There is no specific policy in the town code, so these policies and philosophies are up to council's discretion. Eric discussed the balance of core operation expenses with conservative revenue projections, the operation reserves and the reserve policy (the % is at council discretion), the re -characterization of certain expenses (some items were moved) and the balancing of revenues and expenditures for specific functions including recreation, transit & fleet. 4. ADD SPECIFIC BUDGET TOPICS COUNCIL MEMBERS WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS Council inquired what if other programs, projects or expenditures come to surface after the 2020 budget is adopted. Staff explained to council that after the 2020 budget is adopted, council still has the discretion to add new projects and amend the budget or the discretion to re -prioritize the projects included in the budget if a new project is considered more important than a previously budgeted project that could be postponed. Staff explained that council can continue to make changes to the current 2019 budget until December. Scott Wright explained the budget amendment process to council and how in some years there could be multiple amendments. 5. 2020 REVENUE PROJECTIONS Eric explained the economic outlook of Avon and the assumption of a 2.6% sales tax revenue increase over the revised 2019 budget. This projection is in-line with Sales Tax projections by other local government managers in Eagle County. Eric explained Colorado is doing better than other states and is projected to continue to do better. Scott wright explained how we got to the 2.6% sales tax projected increase and how we have been conservative with our revenue projections. ld ssasse noA moq uo guipuadop 9TOZ aouis oldoad ZZ Ade do }uam junoo peat' ino pauieldxa IgSiaM PODS •38uega @gem jo % jsnf jou 'junoopeaq aqi ie look of palsaaalui si sdilligd aoliauno0 •sanuanaa 01 asea.Ioui age}uaoaad aqj spaaoxa sisoo lauuosaad of aseanui a9ejuaoaad lenuue aql 'Wm ueld ai8ajeJjS aouenpe ue:) pue 'sapueoeA Jeuoise000 ql!M saoiAaas pue suoijeaado uieluiew of alqe si 'IanaI Al!lenb-4Si4 e le SaoiAaas apiAoid pue suoileaado wjo}aad of pa}}els Algelaojwoo si uony 10 uMol 041 'lleJanp •sIsoo paseaaoui seq goigM saeaA aq; aano j}ejs pappe seq uM01 aql •suoijisod uMol Suill!j pue SAanans Aaejes 41im Injssaoons uaaq aneq am pauieldxa 3}ejS •spuall lsoo lauuosiad }o sisAleue ue paluasaid alai SGN32l11SOJ 13NNOS83d 30 SISAI`dNV so6,orti`i$ eouele8 punct Ieaaua0 algelieAV LZWVLO`6$ Iviol 000`053 punct 6uisnOH 01 J@Jsueal 000`005$ (slaued jelos jo aseuoand) dl:D 01 as;sueal 000`v0�$ aseaoul uoljdw0x3113�1 IGS-JJ0 01 d13 01 JGJsueal M,ozZ$ seseyoand juawdlnb3 anblun 0 .=l��c I1!'(u1.7BVItB�oa�Xt ��� -punj jeaauag aql ui algeliene aouejeq uluat,•T$ e OuiAeal '(aoeld ui jou Alluaaano) punj 8uisnoq e of aajsueal a pue slaued aelos }o asegoand aqj ao} punt d10 aql of aalsueal'saseaaoui uoilduaax3 11321 jas}jo of punt d10 aql 01 JDJsueaj'(}uawlieda4 s�aoM ailgnd pue luaualaedaa aoipd aq; jo}) sasegoand 4uauadinba anbiun aol suoilepuawwooaa papnpui uoileluesaid aql •sanuanaa snldans 6TOZ aleoolle lgSiw am moq 1lounoo of pauieldxa alai S3nN3A3M Snlduns 61OZ 10 NOIIV:)011d •plinq aq of sasnq asagj aol awil peak guol aql pue A20J0ugo9j SUlAoidwi aqj 'sasnq losaip snsaaA sasnq oialoala jo sisoo guileaado ui aouaaajjip agj's�aom ssaooid jue.lo aql moq }noge uoissnosip sem aaagl •aAijijadwoo si ssaooid juejS aqj pouieldxa eA3 aoIoaaia Al!l!gow 'OOO'OOZ$ 10 umoj aql of aanl!puadxa jau e giim iueag 000'008$ ue Aq popunj Ap2aej aq 1pm snq oimaja T aoj aanl!puadxa 000'000'T$ aql passnDsip sem Isonbai snq oiipola aqj Al!l!gow ul •goeoidde pun} asiadaalua, ue alel pue wagj aoueleq pue sasuadxa -q sanuanaa asogl alelosi of •(ja2pn9 EZOZ) saeaA E Jxau aqj ui AJaAooaJ jsoo lInj anaigoe 01 si IeOS aql laal} ul punj Al!llgow aq} pue laa13 }noge sajou passnosip oia3 S31ON AE)ona sn03NVI13:)SIW 8 'L .9 •38eaane aqj aol aledioilue of slsaOgns I}e}s os suoiiipuoo mous gl1m alenTonl} sialuim aqj pue 'angels A41aid a.ie s.aawwns aql •sasnldins asogl aleoolle Aew 1lounoo moq passnosip Ilels pue sasnldans aneq llim am saeaA leosij jsow o a v d o l o o 0:)'NOAV'NJ SNIVINnoVy'JNINIt//A 81£'H31N3:) 33N31JS SNIt/1NnoVy'JNlllVAA UOAN76TOZ 'O£ a38O13o'AV0S3NQ3M V S31nN1w 9N1133VY lV3Ml3U 139af18 BUDGET RETREAT MEETING MINUTES ��O WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER, 318 WALKING MOUNTAINS LN, AVON, CO c o L o R A D o positions. Staff explained that a full analysis of salary ranges, salary increase policies, and performance evaluation processes will commence in November 2019. There was some discussion about staff turnover and the average length of time to refill most positions which is on average 3 to 6 months. At the current staffing levels, we are not in an alarming situation, however the trend needs to be monitored. The staffing levels are good on paper however in reality, the town is never 100% staffed as there is always turnover. Lance explained we track employee turnover, but we don't report it. INTRODUCTION OF DRAFT 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN Eric has prepared a presentation and can talk through it if time allows it. Sarah Smith Hymes suggests that council focuses on the budget this morning. The department heads answered questions that council raised. Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Fleet Director Rego Omerigic, Mobility Director Eva Wilson, HR Manager Lance J. Richards, Public Works Director Gary Padilla, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Police Chief Greg Daly, CASE Manager Danita Dempsey and Finance Manager Amy Greer all left the meeting at 12:00 p.m. 10. REVIEW OF 2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Eric explained that for any CIP project that requires a design, the estimated costs for the design phase and project phase are both listed. However, the actual construction costs for the building/project phase can only be established after the design phase is completed and until then, they are only an estimate and a placeholder. Council agrees that a narrative or footer should be added to the CIP spreadsheets to explain/clarify that to anyone looking at these. Eric explained that the Engineering Department (2 people) was not able to initiate, oversee and administer the volume of capital improvements projects set forth in the CIP plan for 2019 and will likely not be able to administer the volume of projects contemplated for 2020 and 2021. If Council believes that an economic slow -down is expected in 2020 or 2021, then he would suggest proceeding with design and construction at the pace which the current Engineering Department staff level can professionally administer would be the most cost effective for the Town. 11. COUNCIL DISCUSSION & DIRECTION Council provided the following direction: • Sales Tax Revenue projections will be reduced from 2.6% to 1.6.% to be conservative. The reduction in revenues from this change will be covered with 2019 Revenue Surpluses. • Council requested no changes to the proposed expenses for 2020. • Mobility is requested to add expenditures for matching funds for two electric busses out of the Mobility Fund. • Council supported the presented recommendations to allocate 2019 Revenue Surpluses to the purchase of Police Department and Public Works Department equipment purchases, as well as allocate $500,000 to the CIP Fund and $250,000 to the Housing Fund. pooMaapun ejwel aauud 11005 aapuej a!uuaf uongi oa!yD J10M D� of sd!11!ud AwV C/M���� sauaAH 4li�u5 yeae5 :43AOUddV JOSeuew unnol ay} 01 juejsissy aAijnaax3 'Suof ap aMaul :auamAllnli:)USM w -d SS:Z;e pauinofpe seen leaalaa ja2pnq 1N3LNNunorov 'ZZ •uoileaap!suo:)aa 4ueaaem 4egj spuewap ao suoijeaado ui aguego lueai j!uSis e si aaayl plun ao ssalun piemiol SuioS angels aq p!noys SIDA01 Su!jje4s jeyj laodai paluasaid ayj ql!M saaa2e pue gUlIjels IanaI luaaana aqj sasiopua 1iaunoO '%LZ 01 %SZ woa} pun3 anaasaa ay} aseanui pue pun3 anaasad ay; of sasn!dinS anuanaa 61OZ jo uoilaod a a4eao!le 04 uoi}aaaip papiAoad !iaunoO OGVHOIOO Q:)'NOAV'Nl SNIVINnOw'JNINIVM 8T£'M31N3:) 3:)N31JS SNIVINnOW JNIHIVM UOAV6TOZ 'O£ N3801JO'AVOS3NO3M S31nNIVY 9NI133w 1d3Ml3a Mons