TC Minutes 10-22-2019AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2019 .4v o n AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Smith Hymes called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Council members present were Tamra Underwood, Jennie Fancher, Scott Prince, and Amy Phillips. Councilor Thuon and Councilor Wolf were absent. Also present were Town Manager Eric Heil, Town Attorney Paul Wisor, Assistant to Town Manager Ineke de Jong, Police Chief Greg Daly, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Finance Director Scott Wright, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker and Deputy Town Clerk Kendall Moore. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR A CONFERENCE WITH THE TOWN ATTORNEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING LEGAL ADVICE UNDER C.R.S. §24-6-402(2)(6) CONCERNING EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE REGULATIONS Councilor Underwood made a motion to convene into Executive Session for a conference with the town attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice under C.R.S. §24-6-402(2)(b) concerning expanded polystyrene regulations. Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously by council members present. The time was 4:03 p.m. Councilor Thuon joined at 4:05 p.m. Councilor Wolf joined at 4:21 p.m. Executive Session ended at 4:55 p.m. 3. ACTION TO CONTINUE THE REGULAR MEETING IN ORDER TO CALL TO ORDER THE AVON LIQUOR AUTHORITY MEETING (Mayor Smith Hymes) Start Time: 00:00:20 The Avon Liquor Authority meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. 4. ACTION TO RESUME THE PUBLIC MEETING Start Time: 00:03:19 The Council Public meeting resumed at 5:13 p.m. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Start Time: 00:03:44 Mayor Pro Tem Phillips asked to pull item 9.1 Monthly Financial Report from the written reports to be discussed as item 8.8. Councilor Wolf asked to add for the next council meeting a follow up report on the Mountain Town Planners Conference that Councilor Thuon and himself attended. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved to approve the agenda with the requested revisions. Councilor Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed on a vote of 6 to 1. Councilor Wolf voted no. 6. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Start Time: 00:04:56 Town Attorney Paul Wisor explained he will step out when discussing the Riverfront property due to a conflict of interest with his firm. Councilor Underwood made a motion that no conflict exists between individuals in real estate on council. Mayor Smith Hymes seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 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PUBLIC HEARING: FIRST READING ORDINANCE 19-09 APPROVING A MINOR PUD AMENDMENT AND VESTED RIGHTS EXTENSION FOR LOT 1, RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start Time: 02:01:05 Planning Director Matt Pielsticker gave a presentation on Approving a Minor PUD Amendment. Mayor Smith Hymes expressed her concern about the language and urges the Planning Department to be more explicit. Jim Telling with East West Partners commented on the amendment. No public comments were made. Councilor Underwood moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance 19-09 thereby approving a Vested Rights Extension and Minor PUD Amendment for Lot 1 Riverfront Subdivision and setting a public hearing date of November 12, 2019, including the request of applicant and staff to work together to correct the height limitations. Councilor Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 8.7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 10, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) Start Time: 02:22:20 Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2019 Regular Council meeting. Councilor Underwood seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 5 to 1. Councilor Fancher recused herself from the vote and Councilor Wolf voted no. 8.8. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT (SENIOR ACCOUNTANT NELLY BURNS) Start Time: 02:23:01 Mayor Pro Tem Phillips requested more information regarding Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemption to be disclosed in the reports. 9. WRITTEN REPORTS 9.2. ABSTRACT FROM OCTOBER 15, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) 10. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES (10 MINUTES) Start Time: 02:30:45 Councilor Thuon commented on a potential downturn coming down the pipeline in the next few years. Town Manager Eric Heil shared that some do think there will be an economic flattening or downturn in 2021 and that it is a topic to address at the budget retreat. Mayor Smith Hymes shared that the Sunday Community Gathering meets the first Sunday of every month in Avon Town Hall from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Councilor Wolf asked council if they would feel comfortable extending the invite to hold the Mountain Town Planners Conference in Avon next year. poonn.Iapufl eau.lel aauud 1100S .Iagauej a!uuaf uongl oalgD J10M aJef sd!II!gd AwV sau.lAH ql!uaS geaeS :a3noaddV Iaalp unnoj AindaQ 'aaoow Ilepua>! :ciu IWanS Aiin3lAdSM .Io•olpawanl y ILrMMM 4o algollono sl gJIgM '6ul}aaLu aq4 10 oapin aq4 pun 'aolfjo s,NjaID uMol aq4 ul pasnoy sl q�IgM '6ul4aaLu aq7 jo olpno aq4 aio 6ul4aaLu aq4 jo sp.Io3a.I a4oinaao 3soLu ayl -A3ojn000 ajaldwoa palm Awljod o3 Io 6uMoods uos.Iad 'auaLua.3o4s gDoa apnloul of .lo anlsuagajdLuoD aq o} papuajul jou a.Io Xagl •6u.t4oaLu aqj fo sbulpaaaoid aq4 fo 10owwns o Xluo aio sa4nu.1w asayl •ua•d 6S:8 Senn aua!l aqj •Su!laaua aelngai aqj pauinofpe s@wAH 41!wS aoAew 'I!ounoD aqj aaolaq awoo of ssauisnq aag4anl ou Oulaq aaagl 1N3WNunofaV 'ZT w'd 6S:8 le papua uo!SsaS aA!;naax3 •w•d bS:L Senn aua!} aqj -woo.i agllo ino paddals aau!ad JOI!aunoD •juasaid siagwaw 1!aunoD Aq Alsnowiueun passed uo!low aqi pue uo!}ow aqi papuoaas poonnaapufl aol!aunoD •((i)(ti)ZOb-9-bZ •aaS S•21•J o} luensind sluaw@Sue.uV Al!anaaS Bu!ssnas!Q to asodind aqj aol uo!ssaS aA!lnaax3 OJUI auanuoa 01 uo!Joua e @pew s@WAH q;!wS aoAew ZT:Zb:ZO:@Wli laelS (AIVQ 93NE) 331HD 3JI10d) (o)(t,)ZOt, -9-bZ •D3S S•2i•D Ol 1NVnsdnd S1N3A39NVdHV AiiNnJ3S 9NISSnJSIO 30 3SOd21nd 3H1 1103 NOISS3S 3AIln:)3x3 'TT UOAV o�'NOAtJ `A`dM V,3VNIw OOT `IIVH NMOj NOAt/ 6TOZ 'ZZ M380170'AVaS3nj S31nN1w 9N1133w 2 vin93b NOAV