PZC Packet 1015191 Agenda posted on Friday, October 11, 2019 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 1, 2019 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building If you require special accommodation, please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970- 748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Conflicts of Interest IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda V. Minor Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance – 2511 Old Trail Road – PUBLIC HEARING File: MNR19030 and AEC19007 Applicant: Heather Cunningham Property: Lot 1 Block 2 Wildridge Subdivision Summary: Application for a fence that does not meet the Avon Municipal Code standards. VI. Master Sign Program Amendment – The Seasons Building – CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: SGN19007 Applicant: Monte Park with Sign Design & Awnings Property: Lot 62/63 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 137 Benchmark Road Summary: Application to amend the sign program to allow for different locations and types of signs. VII. Master Sign Program Amendment – The Westgate Building –PUBLIC HEARING File: SGN19008 Applicant: Monte Park with Sign Design & Awnings Property: Lot 3 Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Summary: Application to amend the sign program to allow for a sign above the entrance for a tenant with over 50% of the second floor. VIII. Consent Agenda A – PZC Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2019 IX. Adjourn 1 Tuesday, October 1, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 1, 2019 I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm. II. Roll Call – All commissioners were present except for Commissioner Howell. III. Conflicts of Interest – Commissioners Smith and Hardy recused themselves from item V. IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda – There were no additions to the agenda. V. Master Sign Program Amendment – The Seasons Building – PUBLIC HEARING File: SGN19007 Applicant: Monte Park with Sign Design & Awnings Property: Lot 62/63 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 137 Benchmark Road Summary: Application to amend the sign program to allow for different locations and types of signs. Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to continue the item to the October 15. Commissioner Dammeyer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0. VI. Work Session – Tract G Outdoor Instruments Property: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / Nottingham Park and Avon Civic Area Summary: Work session to add outdoor musical instruments on somewhere on the Tract. Action: The commissioners agreed that the best location for the music instruments was the location south of the Recreation Center. VII. Consent Agenda A PZC Meeting Minutes – September 17, 2019 B Record of Decisions: PUD19002 & VPR19001 - Riverfront PUD MJR19004 – 5032 Wildridge Road East house MJR19005 – Walking Mountains Dorms MNR19026 – Nottingham Park Fence Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Hardy seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5-0 with commissioner Barnes abstaining. VIII. Staff Discussion – Joint Town Council work session topics Action: The PZC mentioned the provision of an off-leash dog park as a potential topic for the joint session on November 19, 2019. IX. Staff Approvals – MNR19022 -Riverfront artificial turf 2 Tuesday, October 1, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes MNR19023 – 5177 Longsun Landscaping MNR19024 – 2825 Ked Spur Landscaping and deck MNR19025 – 2802 Shepherd Ridge Painting X. Adjourn Approved this 15th Day of October 2019 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson October 15, PZC meeting 2511 Old Trail Fence 1 Staff Report – Master Sign Program Amendment –Public Hearing Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: Minor Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance for a proposed fence on the property. Summary of Request This summer, Heather Cunningham (the Applicant) and her HOA were contacted by staff regarding an unapproved fence built on the property. All parties agree that the unapproved fence was a temporary eyesore meant to control a dog and a new fence should undergo a formal approval process to be built. Now, the application for a modified fence contemplates the two-rail split rail design allowed in Wildridge, with welded mesh to control the animal. PZC is tasked with reviewing the fence for approval. The fence is located on HOA property and the HOA has provided necessary support of the project. Property Description The property is a four-plex near the gully on Old Trail Road. The fence will be located on the southwest side of the farthest southwest (left) house as pictured. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the October 4, 2019 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Planning Analysis Section 7.28.080(b), of the Municipal Code offers the following intent and design of fence structures in Wildridge: Although discouraged in Wildridge and Wildwood, in all instances fences should complement the property and landscape rather than contain the property. Fences that delineate property boundaries are not permitted. Fences will be considered for approval by staff only when demonstrated by the applicant that the design is consistent with the following criteria: i. Fence material shall be wood and no more than four (4) feet in height; ii. Fences shall be constructed using a split rail design with no more than two (2) horizontal rails; iii. Fences shall not delineate property lines; iv. Fences shall not enclose an area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more; v. Fences shall ensure that wildlife migration is not negatively affected with the proposed fence design; Project Numbers AEC19007 and MNR19030 Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 1 Block 2 Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD Address 2511 Old Trail Road Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner October 15, PZC meeting 2511 Old Trail Fence 2 vi. If a fence is part of a multi-family project, approval shall be received from the association and the fence design shall be integrated with the overall landscape design of the property; and vii. If a fence is located on a duplex property, written approval shall be received from the adjoining property owner and the fence design must be integrated with the overall landscape design. Staff Response: The proposal is for a small enclosure of a similar material to existing fences in Wildridge and does not delineate property lines. The fence is tucked in the rear of the property and is screened from the neighboring property by existing landscaping. The application meets all fence requirements except for i. and therefore requires the AEC process. Development Plan Review Criteria. The following review criteria shall be considered as the basis for a decision on development plan applications: 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in Section 7.04.030 , Purposes; 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with Section 7.16.090, Design review; 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services, including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection and emergency medical services. Staff Response: This application is compliant with all the applicable review Criteria, except where it requires an AEC. 7.16.090 Design Review. 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements, except where it needs an AEC. 7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance. Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions of the code through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for October 15, PZC meeting 2511 Old Trail Fence 3 which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. AEC Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance : 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. Applicant Response: According to the applicant, the fence will be installed with welded mesh to keep the dog in the yard. While the fence deviates from the design standards for Wildridge, this fence type has been previously approved in the neighborhood and does not impact the neighborhood (Attachment A, page 2). Staff Response: The AEC application achieves the intent of the development standards to the same degree without causing great impacts on adjacent properties. The fence is located to the side of the house and is minimally obstructive from the street or adjacent properties. This property is in District 11: Northern Residential District, which states in the introduction, "Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” Staff Recommendation for AEC19007 Alternative Equivalent Compliance: Staff recommends approval of the AEC application for Lot 1 Block 2 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative does not impose greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. Recommended Motion: "I move to approve Case #AEC19007, an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 1 Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings as recommended by staff." Staff Recommendation for MNR19030 Minor Development Plan: Staff recommends approval of the Minor Development application for Lot 1, Block 2, Wildridge October 15, PZC meeting 2511 Old Trail Fence 4 Subdivision with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow staff to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 4. There is no extra demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity by the application; 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 6. The modifications qualify as a Minor Development Plan pursuant to §7.16.080 of the Development Code. Recommended Motion: "I move to approve Case #MNR l 9030 a Minor Development application for Lot 1 Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings and condition as recommended by staff." Attachments: A. Application Materials Attachment A AEC review criteria 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; The fence would meet the standards as noted in the Avon Municipal Code Attachment A i. Fence material shall be wood and no more than four feet in height – YES that is the design request ii. Fences shall be constructed using a split rail design with no more than two horizontal rails – YES that is the design request iii. Fences shall not delineate property lines -YES property lines go way beyond this proposed fence area iv. Fences shall not enclose an area of two thousand square feet or more- YES The area proposed is less than 500 square feet v. Fences shall ensure that wildlife migration is not negatively affected with the proposed fence design -YES There is plenty of room between homes and this fence for wildlife migration vi. If a fence is part of a multi-family project, approval shall be received from the association and the fence design shall be integrated with the overall landscape design of the property. - YES The HOA has approved this project 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; -YES this is the same wood split rail fence that the Avon plan requests. The only difference is adding welded mesh between the split rails to keep in a dog. This is the same alternative as seen all over Wildridge, including the dog park. The town of avon has approved several fences, stating specifically that the wire mesh meets the review criteria requirements to the same or better degree as Avon code. For example, it still looks like a wood fence and is the same height and design allowed in Wildridge. 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and YES – this fence will keep my dog enclosed in a safe area. It also keeps my dog safe from other dogs who tend to be at large roaming. There is a neighbor who refuses to follow the animal control ordinances and believes his dog should be allowed to roam at large. This dog appears to be dangerous. The fence will protect my dog from potentially dangerous at large dogs. 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. There are many split rail fences with mesh around the wildridge area, including the dog park. This fence will be located on a far end unit not easily visible from the street. It is also adjacent to a gully, making it barely visible from the street or other homes. Therefore it would mostly only been seen by the other homeowners in the hoa, who approved the fence request. October 15 PZC Meeting Seasons Building MSP Amendment 1 Staff Report – Master Sign Program Amendment – Continued Public Hearing Project Name: SGN19007 Address: 137 Benchmark Road Location: Prepared Lot 62/63 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Meeting Date: October 1, 2019 Zoning: Town Center Prepared by: David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Master Sign Program (MSP) Amendment for the Seasons building. This application (Attachment A) seeks approval for an updated Sign Program that allows greater flexibility in lighting, design, and location of signs. Summary of Sign Program Amendment Changes Monte Park (the Applicant) is presenting an updated MSP Amendment that responds to the PZC’s comments from the previous meeting. The applicant has responded by narrowing the focus to only include the new tenant’s needs by defining sign locations (attachment A, page 4). Staff response: The changes proposed seem to address all of the questions and concerns that PZC had at the last meeting. The changes make the Sign Program easier to administer. Review Criteria According to the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed Sign Programs: 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Sign Code as specified in Section 7.32(A) Sign Code Purposes; Staff Response: The application strikes a balance for (1): “Coordinate the type, placement, and physical dimensions of signs”. 2. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; Staff Response: The material choices of the MSP are more a list of potentially banned styles. Reverse pan channel and push through letters are proposed to be added to the list that may be scrutinized. PZC talked about requiring lighting for businesses that would be operating at night, but the MSP does not mandate it. 3. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; Staff Response: Neighboring commercial buildings include the Wyndham, and Avon Center. The sign types are diverse but generally present a unified design. 4. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; Staff Response: Staff does not anticipate any diminished use of material with this amendment. 5. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; Staff Response: The sheer size of the building means that the property can be viewed from many adjacent properties. The impact of the specific additions (Attachment A, 4) is anticipated to be minimal. October 15 PZC Meeting Seasons Building MSP Amendment 2 6. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; Staff Response: Not applicable. 7. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code or sign program, and are appropriate for the project; Staff Response: The Program allows for individuality, while maintaining consistency with sign placement and general design parameters with consistent size and location standards. 8. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response: Not applicable. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Case #19007 with the following findings and conditions. Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.160(f), Sign Plan. The application meets the sign standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. No extra demand for public services is made by the application; 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 7. The application is not so restrictive as to eliminate individuality but provides for the expectation of attractive sign installation. Conditions: 1. The MSP shall state that tenants that occupy both a first and second story unit shall only receive a first story sign; 2. The MSP shall state that tenants that occupy a second story unit shall only receive a sign on the second story; 3. The MSP shall state that tenant signage is encouraged to be three dimensional (i.e. blades and/or dimensional creative signs) and the fees may be waived by Town; and 4. The Applicant shall produce a single document Master Sign Program that complies with the regulations outlined in Chapter 7.34.101(h) before any sign applications will be accepted for the property. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN19007, a Sign Program Amendment application for Lot 62/63 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the findings and conditions as recommended by staff.” Attachments: A. Revised Sign Program Amendment Proposal B. Materials from the October 1 hearing 1Attachment A Existing MSP Pg 6 2 6”heightmax Attachment A 3 Amended Addition: Sign Locations: Tenant sign to be located in facia area above entry doors per tenant spaces C7-C32. Tenants occupying more than one space as incurred with unit C-3 – C-6 may be allowed more than one sign & are allowed to change their sign location outside the preferred facia option. The assigned approved locations and sq ft for C-3 – C-6 are allowed: C-5 is allowed a facia sign to standard requirements not to exceed 36 sq ft per their 40' linear storefront as their South facing primary sign. C3 & C4 are allowed a wall mounted sign on patio no facia sign not to exceed 18 sq ft. as a secondary sign facing west. Unit C-5 is allowed a drop down sign at Lobby entrance door with a minimum height requirement to sidewalk grade of 90 inches not to exceed the 6' wide walkway area = 10 sq ft. Units C4, 5, & 6, have 40 linear feet store fronts each. C3 has 53 linear feet store front = 173 feet linear store front (see exhibit for placements) Existing: Designs to meet General Sign Requirements of the West Town Center Investment Plan per E-10. Allowable sign styles: Amend add: Building owner reserves the right to refuse any of the below materials that do not hold up with the quality and look for the building in said tenant area. West facing = 18 sq ft 3 dimensional signs with or with-out logos Allowed total sq ft for unit C3-6 South facing = 46sq ft Amend to: Designs to meet Town of Avon Sign Criteria Note (per section E-10 Signs “must be externally illuminated” per photo examples imply's external flood/spot/goose neck type lighting only. Various other buildings in area Wyndham, Avon Center, First Bank etc. do not comply with this requirement. The building also utilizes reverse pan channel letters which are not externally illuminated. There is a contradiction in current program calling for externally lit per West Town Center and allowable pan channel letters listed currently in program which create a. halo effect through internally lit signs and letters Push through letters internally lit on raceway/backdrop panel, Blade signs Dimensional creative signs Reverse channel style Dimensional cut out Amend: add Dimensional cut out letters Existing: Ref: SIGN TYPE C1-C32 Amendment to MSP for Seasons Building Aug. 2019 TENANT SIGN Existing: Sign area not to exceed 20% of the square footage of the fascia above tenant space. 25% allowable for tenants with less than 20 lineal feet of storefront. Sign area calculated by using a bounding box around the sign. Minimum space between top and bottom of sign and top and bottom of facia is 12” Facia is 4.5' tall not 4' in photo so this works (see photo change exhibit) Existing: Amend to: Lighting is preferred for tenants but may be waived at owners discretion. Tenant signs may utilize internal lighting when used with reverse pan channel letters or push through lettered cabinet sign faces.Tenant signs may be externally illuminated in the cases of blade signs with lighting integrated into the framing system or down spot flood or gooseneck lighting for wall signs. All tenant signs to be externally illuminated Attachment A Example Tenant Location Options 4 6’W 5.5”Text 20”H 90” From Grade 110” From Grade Unit C6 20”h x 72”w = 10 sq. ft. Unit C3 24”h x 72”w = 12 sq. ft. 2’h x 6’w 153”W Attachment A Example Tenant Location Options 5 Front Entrance 18”h x 248”w = 31.25 sq. ft. 20’W 18”H 1.5’h x 20’w Attachment A Sample: Acrylic Push Thru Letters Opaque Vinyl Faces Sign Application Night LED Lit Sample 6Attachment A Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B October 15 PZC meeting Westgate MSP amendment 1 Staff Report – Master Sign Program Amendment –Public Hearing Project Name: SGN19008 Address: 1060 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Location: Lot 3 Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Meeting Date: October 15, 2019 Zoning: PUD Prepared by: David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: A Master Sign Program (MSP) Amendment for the Westgate building. This application (Attachment A) seeks approval for an updated Sign Program that allows a sign above the entry due to a new tenant occupying the majority of the second floor. Property Description The Westgate building is a centrally located commercial building with various uses. A new tenant removed the interior walls of multiple office spaces and desires an exterior sign that notifies customers of their location. Summary of Sign Program Amendment Monte Park (the Applicant) is presenting a MSP Amendment proposal for the property that grants an occupant of 50% or more of the second floor a sign above the eastern entry (Attachment A, page 3). It would be no larger than 20 square feet of dimensional cut letters onto the wall with gooseneck lighting. Also, the monument sign is proposed to be modified to add the tenant’s logo while remaining the same size overall. Staff is supportive of the location, size, and type of new sign contemplated. Review Criteria According to the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed Sign Programs: 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Sign Code as specified in Section 7.32(A) Sign Code Purposes; Staff Response: The application strikes a balance for (7): “Provide a reasonable balance between the right of an individual to identify a business or express a message, and the right of the public to be protected against the visual discord resulting from the unrestricted proliferation of signs and similar devices.” 2. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; Staff Response: The materials to be used are of high quality and the location is conducive to a sign. 3. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; Staff Response: There are no neighboring commercial buildings and this sign faces Highway 6. 4. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; Staff Response: Staff anticipates quality materials to be used in accordance with the MSP amendment. 5. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; Staff Response: The proposed sign location faces Highway 6. 6. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; Staff Response: Not applicable. October 15 PZC meeting Westgate MSP amendment 2 7. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code or sign program, and are appropriate for the project; Staff Response: The Program allows for a larger business to occupy the space and effectively draw people to the correct entrance. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response: Not applicable. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Case #19008 with the following findings and conditions. Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.160(f), Sign Plan. The application meets the sign standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. No extra demand for public services is made by the application; 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; and 7. The application is not so restrictive as to eliminate individuality but provides for the expectation of attractive sign installation. Conditions: 1. The applicant shall ensure HOA approval of the changes before the MSP is active; and 2. The Applicant shall produce a single document Master Sign Program that complies with the regulations outlined in Chapter 7.34.101(h) before any sign applications will be accepted for the property. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN19008, a Sign Program Amendment application for Lot 3 Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the findings and conditions as recommended by staff.” Attachments: A. Sign Program Amendment Proposal Westgate MSP Amendment Oct 2019 Introduction: The purpose of this Amendment is to make accommodations for 2 nd floor tenants exterior Signs, currently not allowed in 1994 MSP. As there are multiple buildings in Avon with second floor tenant signs allowed on ground level of building The Westgate Building Association would like to offer this option for their second floor tenants and Owners. A majority of the Second floor has recently been purchased by Mangat Surgery shifting the upstairs office space to a one tenant majority use vs. the original multi tenant use the second floor was originally utilized as . Mangat Surgery has become the second largest tenant in the building and as such the association is in agreement this should qua ntify them for exterior signs . The Association feels the building naturally has area to designate signs on ground floor for the 2nd floor tenants which work well location wise with their building. The building cabinet box application for tenants 1 -4 work functionally as they fit into a perforated permanent metal framing system. For the entry wall mount signs the association prefers individua l letters mounted onto the entry wall with down lighting as the cabinet box application would not blend well in this area. Thank-you for your time to review our Amendment pg. 1 Attachment A MSP Amendment for Westgate Building Oct. 2019 Pg. 4 existing MSP: SECOND FLOOR TENANTS No signage is allowed for second floor tenant. This prohibition includes building signs and window signs. Second Floor tenant occupying more than 50% of the second floor will be entitled and qualify for exterior building mounted sign. All second floor tenants may utilize window graphics per sq ft allowed in Town of Avon sign code. Window sign materials should be professional die cut vinyl letters and prints an d align with Town of Avon sign code for windows. Location Per qualifying tenant criteria description tenant will be allowed to place their Business name and nature of business on stucco wall located above the entry doorways to the lobby where elevator and stairs to 2nd floor are located. (see attached exhibit A) Size: Tenant qualifying for building sign will be allotted the equal square foot allowance of units 101-104 not to exceed 20 square feet. Materials: Dimensional cut out letters mounted directly onto wall space. Letters may be made with acrylic, metal, or Urethane. (sign foam) Sign Colors for dimensional letters and logo are allowed at tenants discretion. Entry Lighting: Wall mount Down lighting with goose neck or straight arm connectors to fixture (see attached exhibit) Hwy 6 Monument : A second floor Tenant occupying more than 50% of the second floor space will be allowed a space on the HWY 6 monument to represent their business. (see exhibit B) pg. 2 Attachment A 24”H 110” SECOND FLOOR MAIN ENTRANCE TENANT SIGN ALLOWANCE 20 SQ. FT. GOOSENECK LIGHTING Proposed Dimensional Logo / Stud Mounted pg. 3 Attachment A WESTGATE P L A S T I C S U R G E R Y EXISTING 22”H X 72”W HEADER PANEL DIVIDING HEADER PANEL SPACE / TO ADD NEW TENANT MANGAT 9” 11” 72” WESTGATE P L A S T I C S U R G E R Y A B pg. 5 Attachment A