TC Ord. 18-08 Adopting Chapter 5.10 Licensing of Tobacco Retailers
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License refers to the Tobacco Product Retailer License.
Licensing Administrator means the person(s) within the Town government designated with
responsibilities by the Town Manager for license issuance, renewal and collection of fees.
Legal Age means twenty-one (21) years of age.
License Fee means the annual fee for a Tobacco Product Retail License of $250.00.
Licensed Premises means any location where Tobacco Products and/or Tobacco Paraphernalia
are authorized to be sold or distributed to a consumer including, but not limited to, the grounds
occupied by a Licensee, and any store, outlet, location, vending machine or structure where
Tobacco Products and/or Tobacco Paraphernalia are sold, as designated in the approved License
Minimum Legal Sales Age means twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
Mobile Vending means any sales of Tobacco Products and/or Tobacco Paraphernalia at other than
a fixed location.
Retail Tobacco Business means any retail location that sells, offers for sale or does or offers for
exchange for any form of consideration Tobacco Products or Tobacco Paraphernalia. This
definition is without regard to the quantity of Tobacco Products or Tobacco Paraphernalia sold,
offered for sale, exchanged or offered for exchange.
Self-Service Display means the open display or storage of Tobacco Products or Tobacco
Paraphernalia in a manner that is physically accessible in any way to the general public without
assistance from the Licensee or an employee of the Licensee through a direct, person-to-person
transfer between the recipient and the Licensee or an employee of the Licensee. A vending
machine is a form of Self-Service Display.
Tobacco Paraphernalia means any item designed for the consumption, use, or preparation of
Tobacco Products.
Tobacco Product means and includes any product that is made or derived from tobacco or that
contains nicotine or synthetic nicotine that is intended for human consumption or is likely to be
consumed whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled or ingested by any
other means including, but not limited to a cigarette, cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or
snus. Tobacco Product also means any Electronic Smoking Device and any Component or Part
used in the consumption of a Tobacco Product(s) such as filters, rolling papers pipe and liquids
used in Electronic Smoking Devices whether or not said product contains nicotine. Tobacco