08-02-2019 Mutual Aid Agreement Avon PD - CLER Colorado Rangers signedAugust 5, 2019 Exhibit A: Colorado Rangers Troop Commanders All Hazards Homeland Security Region Troop Commander Phone Email North Central Region (specifically the counties of Adams, Boulder, & Broomfield) Northeast Region Northwest Region (specifically the counties of Grand & Jackson) Idilio Moncivais Captain Troop H Commander 303.999.0001 Idilio.Moncivais@coloradorangers.org South Central Region South Region Southeast Region San Luis Region Southwest Region Daryl Collings Captain Troop I Commander 719.428.5327 Daryl.Collings@coloradorangers.org North Central Region (specifically the counties of Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Gilpin, & Jefferson) Northwest Region (specifically the counties of Eagle, Garfield, Mesa, Moffat, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, & Summit) West Region Robert Gray Captain Troop K Commander 303.883.7049 Robert.Gray@coloradorangers.org N/A Michael Morgan Division Chief Operations Division 303.929.5860 Michael.Morgan@coloradorangers.org N/A Duty Line 303.502.2671 Colorado Rangers Mutual Aid Agreement