TC Resolution 19-07 Amending the 2019 Town of Avon Capital Projects Fund BudgetTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 19-07 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2019 TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has previously adopted the 2019 Capital Projects Fund budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2019; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2019 Capital Projects Fund budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2019; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has caused to be published a notice containing the date and time of a public hearing at which the adoption of the proposed budget amendment will be considered and a statement that the proposed budget amendment is available for public inspection at the office of the Town Clerk located in the Avon Town Hall during normal business hours, and that any interested elector of the Town of Avon may file any objection to the proposed budget amendment at any time prior to the final adoption of the proposed budget amendment; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the Capital Projects Fund are revised as follows for 2019: Ending Fund Balance 4,507,211 Res. No. 19-07 April 9, 2019 Page 1 of 2 Current Proposed Amended 2019 Budget $ 7,940,477 3,498,750 6,750,115 4,689,112 Adopted or Previously Amended 2019 Budget Capital Proiects Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,614,158 Revenues and Other Sources 3,388,750 Expenditures and Other Uses 4,495,697 Ending Fund Balance 4,507,211 Res. No. 19-07 April 9, 2019 Page 1 of 2 Current Proposed Amended 2019 Budget $ 7,940,477 3,498,750 6,750,115 4,689,112 Section 2. That the Capital Projects Fund budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the capital program budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the Capital Projects Fund budget as hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Mayor and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 9th day of April 2019. AVON TOWN COUNCIL B 1v Y• Sarah Smith Hymes, T,4jyor Res. No. 19-07 April 9, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Attest: Brenda Torres; Town N OF AVpN