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PZC Packet 040219
1 Agenda posted on Friday, March 29, 2019 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2, 2019 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building If you require special accommodation, please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970- 748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Minor Development Plan – Benchmark Road – PUBLIC HEARING File: MNR19003 Applicant: Town of Avon Property: Right of Way on the south side of Benchmark Road Owner: Town of Avon Summary: Proposed addition of parking along Benchmark Road, including drainage and landscaping improvements. VI. Minor Development Plan – 368 Riverfront Lane - PUBLIC HEARING File: MNR19001 Applicant: Town of Avon Property: Lot 7 Riverfront and Tract H Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Owners: CRP/EWP Riverfront Avon Owner II, LLC; Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Summary: Recreation path connecting Riverfront Lane and the Eagle Valley Trail. VII. Consent Agenda A – March 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes B - MJR18011 (L27 B2 WR Addition – Staff missed adding this to the consent agenda) VIII. Adjourn PZC Record of Decision: Case # MJR18011 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: April 2, 2019 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 27 Block 2 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR18011 APPLICANT: Jeff Manley This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The extra demand for public services is met by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. CONDITIONS: 1. All disturbed areas will be reseeded with the originally approved native mix grass or sod; 2. Temporary irrigation systems must be above-ground and shall be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 3. The units shall be in good standing with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District before any TCO or CO will be issued for the additions; and 4. The deck shall be revised to bring it into conformance with applicable setbacks. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson 1 PZC Minutes – March 19, 2019 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 19, 2019 I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Special Review Use – 90 Lake Street - PUBLIC HEARING File: SRU19001 Applicant: Town of Avon Property: Tract G Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Owner: Town of Avon Summary: Application to allow daycare at the recreation center during the summer to accommodate repairs at Avon Elementary School. Action: Commissioner Barnes motioned to approve the item with the following Findings and Conditions: Findings: (1) The Application was reviewed in accordance with §7.16.100 - Special Review Use, and §7.24.060(c) - Special Review Uses - Public and Institutional Uses - Child Care Center and found to be eligible for consideration, and in conformance with, the applicable provisions and procedures; (2) The application is complete; (3) The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; (4) The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and (5) The application properly relates to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: (1) All traffic, parking, and vehicle stacking related to the drop off and pick up activities of the day care shall be entirely contained on the property; and (2) The approval is valid for one summer and ends on October 1, 2019. If more time is required, the applicant shall re-submit the proposal. VI. Consent Agenda A – February 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes B – MJR19002 and AEC19001 – Major Design and Development Plan Record of Decision C – MJR19003 and AEC19002 – Major Design and Development Plan Record of Decision D – CTA19001 – Code Text Amendments Record of Decision Action: Commissioner Howell motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and it carried 5-0 with Commissioner Dammeyer abstaining. VII. Other Business 2 PZC Minutes – March 19, 2019 A – Village at Avon Design Review Board Update (Chairperson Lindsay Hardy) B – Upcoming Vacancies: Hardy, Nusbaum, Glaner, Barnes VIII. Adjourn Approved this 2nd Day of April 2019 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting - Benchmark Parking 1 Staff Report – Minor Development Plan April 2, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MNR19003 Project type Minor Development Plan Public Hearing Elected by the Planning Director Location West Benchmark Road Zoning N/A – Unzoned Right of Way Address Across from 137 Benchmark Road Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Minor Development Plan with Design Review for parking and landscaping improvements adjacent to Benchmark Road. Summary of Request Justin Hildreth, (the Applicant) with the Town of Avon, proposes a new parking area totaling 35 spaces. Spaces will be oriented 45-degree diagonal to allow for loading space behind the cars and off the street. Landscape islands and perimeter landscaping is included. Additionally, a 30” concrete drainage pan will also serve as a narrow pedestrian corridor. The project may be phased as required by funding. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the March 22 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description West Benchmark Road currently contains 14 straight-in spaces across from the Old Fire Station. These are to be re-striped for consistency and will lose 5 spaces. At the intersection with the Mikaela Way intersection, a large rain garden is proposed. Further east, 26 new spaces are proposed. The spaces are broken into three areas with small rain gardens where there is current landscaping to be preserved. There is discrepancy in the project scope between the first pages and page 5 on. The reason for the difference is that there is a small portion located in rail road right of way. The scope may expand to cover that area in native seed. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping: The additional parking spaces are proposed to be located in an area that is currently landscaped with turf grasses and a few trees. Landscaping area is proposed to be removed to accommodate the spaces, but the development attempts to preserve many of the tree and shrub features present and convert them to rain gardens. While not a required metric for this project, a total of 241 Landscape Units are proposed. Staff reached out to the Public Works department to determine if the landscaping is feasible and received an April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting - Benchmark Parking 2 affirmative comment. The area between the farthest west parking area and the Mikaela Way rain garden is absent from a treatment protocol, and a small section is proposed as turf. This area is one of the gateways to the civic use campus and Nottingham Park, and deserves the additional landscaping detail. Staff supports the turf grass reduction and the addition of rain capture mechanisms. Fencing: There is a split rail fence that is proposed to be removed. There is also a barbed wire fence that will be removed. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. It particularly addresses Purpose (f), which states, “Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Minor Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development that is visually harmonious with the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Town Center District (District 1 of the Comprehensive Plan). This district includes a principle that states, “Enhance private/public parking facilities to provide easy access to and through the District.” Furthermore, the Avon Multi-Modal Transportation and Parking Plan, as part of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically suggests adding parking to this section. The Town of Avon Town-Owned Properties Plan, also a subset of the Comprehensive Plan, suggests “additional parking along West Benchmark Road with preference for permeable pavers or similar View roughly from the Seasons driveway looking east. View from Mikaela Way to the west. April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting - Benchmark Parking 3 treatment.” Permeable pavers were explored for this project, but not pursued because of the soils. The rain gardens serve to same purpose. 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal can be served by all Town and special district services. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The application relates to the character of the surrounding community. Landscaping species selection will relate directly to other landscaping improvements that have taken place on the Main Street Pedestrian Mall, Avon Road, and West Beaver Creek Boulevard. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Staff Recommendation for MNR19003 Minor Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Minor Development Plan application for the Right of Way adjacent to 137 West Benchmark Road located in Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code. April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting - Benchmark Parking 4 2. The development application is complete; 3. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure is met by the development application; and 6. The development relates to the character of the surrounding community. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #MNR19003, an application for Minor Design and Development Plan for the Right of Way adjacent to 137 West Benchmark Road located in Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision together with the findings recommended by staff.” Exhibits A. Application Materials B. Design & Development Plans ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE P.O. BOX 1976, Avon, CO 81620 • 970.949.0257 West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements Minor Development Plan Application Project Description: The West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements project is located within the West Benchmark road right of way, between Lake Street and Lettuce Shed lane. The goals of the project are to provide additional parking in the Town Center area, address existing drainage issues, enhance the aesthetics of the road, and improve pedestrian circulation in the area. The additional (26) parking stalls have been located along the south side of the road and are oriented at a 45-degree angle to the eastbound travel lane. This parking stall orientation is common throughout the adjacent streets in this area and we feel that it provides a good balance between parking and landscape areas. The 45-degree orientation also provides for an area of loading space behind the parked cars that will allow skiers gearing up for a day on the slopes to be out of the adjacent traffic lane. There is also a 30” wide concrete drainage pan along the north edge of the parking stalls that will further define the loading space and serve as a narrow pedestrian walkway along the south edge of the road. The drainage pan will also collect run-off from the proposed parking stalls and direct it into one of the three rain gardens along the south edge of the road as part of the stormwater treatment system. Where the drainage pan abuts a landscape area or rain garden, we have included a gravel strip that will act as a buffer to filter out sediment and keep any errant drivers from damaging the landscaping. The landscape design of the project is meant to compliment the design of other public rights of way around Benchmark Road by utilizing similar plantings and significantly reducing the amount of lawn area. We have strategically located two landscape islands within the parking stalls to breakup the paved areas and provide for snow storage areas in the winter. These islands will be planted with tall perennials and grasses to improve the aesthetics of the roadway, while not impeding snow removal. There is also a 5’ wide landscape strip along the south edge of the parking stalls that will have similar plantings and larger trees. The existing Ash trees at the east and west ends of the project will be preserved and serve as bookends to the new landscape. At the intersection of Mikaela Way and Benchmark Rd, we have included a larger rain garden that will showcase a variety of grasses arranged in a radial pattern with an area of flowering perennials in the center. The overall landscape design is meant to be xeric and will significantly reduce water consumption. The final key improvement included in this project are the extensions of the Benchmark Road sidewalk at the intersection of Mikaela Way. The current sidewalk configuration forces pedestrians to travel north on Mikaela Way in order to cross the street, which is not an intuitive route for pedestrians continuing along Benchmark Road. The proposed design will extend the sidewalk on Benchmark road straight to the intersection and provide a much more direct and intuitive crossing at Mikaela way. This intersection will also receive new drain inlets to mitigate stormwater runoff that has historically created flooding issues in the library basement. Attachment A Z E H R E N A N D A S S O C I A T E S ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements Avon, CO Minor Development Plan Submittal YARNELL CONSULTING& CIVIL DESIGN, LLC PRO J E C T A R E A Railr o a d T r a c k s Rive r f r o n t L a n eMikaela WaySeasons Building Old Fire Station Library Transit Center West B e n c h m a r k R o a dLake StreetMarch 13, 2019 Attachment B po box 975 . avon . colorado 81620 . 970 748 4000 . www.avon.org Town of Avon Zehren and Associates, Inc. West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements March 13, 2019 YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLCSurveyScale: 1” = 30’ 0 30’15’60’ Attachment B po box 975 . avon . colorado 81620 . 970 748 4000 . www.avon.org Town of Avon Zehren and Associates, Inc. West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements March 13, 2019 YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLCExisting Conditions Scale: 1” = 30’ 0 30’15’60’ Railr o a d T r a c k s Rive r f r o n t L a n eMikaela WaySeasons Building Old Fire Station Library Transit Center West B e n c h m a r k R o a dLake StreetBus S t o p Existing Turf Lawn Existing Shrubs Existing Trees Existing Trees Existing Parking Existing Road Existing Sidewalks Existing Sidewalk Mikaela Way & Benchmark Rd. IntersectionBenchmark Rd. Looking East Southern Property Line Looking West Southern Property Line Looking East Attachment B po box 975 . avon . colorado 81620 . 970 748 4000 . www.avon.org Town of Avon Zehren and Associates, Inc. West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements March 13, 2019 YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC Scale: 1” = 30’ 0 30’15’60’Proposed Conditions Illustrative Site Plan Railr o a d T r a c k sMikaela WaySeasons Building Rain Garden Angled Parking Spaces (9’ x 24’) Loading Space Behind Cars Asphalt Road Overlay Concrete Drainage Pan (2.5’ Wide) Proposed 5’ Xeric Landscape Strip (Grasses, Perennials, and Trees) Existing Trees to be Preserved Future Sidewalk Extension Old Fire Station Library Transit Center New Rain Garden West B e n c h m a r k R o a dLake StreetProposed Sidewalk Extensions PARKING SUMMARY (26) Proposed Parking Spaces (9) Existing Parking Spaces (Re-Striped) 35 Total Parking Spaces Bus S t o p Re-Striped Existing Parking (Reduction of Five Spaces) Site Section Scale: 1/4” = 1’- 0”Property LineAngled Parking Landscape Strip Drainage Pan Driving Lanes (Existing) Existing Sidewalk 22’6.5’2.5’2’15’5’Parking Enlargement Plan2%2%2%HPxSlop e Rain Garden Rive r f r o n t L a n e Section LineAttachment B po box 975 . avon . colorado 81620 . 970 748 4000 . www.avon.org Town of Avon Zehren and Associates, Inc. West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements March 13, 2019 YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLCSite Area Calculations 7 4 4 1 7 4 4 2 7 4 4 0 7 4 3 9 7 4 3 8 LEGEND: PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 5,664 SF PROPOSED SNOW STORAGE AREA 4,050 SF (71.5% OF PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA) PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA 5,326 SF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 22,396 SF SCALE: 1"=30' 2/26/19 0 15' 30' 60' BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVMENTS AVON, CO Scale: NTS Re-Striped Existing Parking (Reduction of Five Spaces) Proposed Parking Spaces Landscape Area Snow Storage Area Railr o a d T r a c k s Rive r f r o n t L a n eMikaela WayOld Fire Station Library West B e n c h m a r k R o a dLake StreetSeasons Building PARKING SUMMARY (26) Proposed Parking Spaces (9) Existing Parking Spaces (Re-Striped) 35 Total Parking Spaces IRRIGATION AREA CALCULATIONS LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 5,326 SF TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA 2,545 SF (48% OF LANDSCAPE AREA) SPRAY AREA 351 SF (14% OF LANDSCAPE AREA) DRIP AREA 2,194 SF (86% OF LANDSCAPE AREA) Attachment B po box 975 . avon . colorado 81620 . 970 748 4000 . www.avon.org Town of Avon Zehren and Associates, Inc. West Benchmark Road Parking and Drainage Improvements March 13, 2019 YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC Scale: 1” = 30’ 0 30’15’60’Proposed Materials and PlantingMikaela WayOld Fire Station Library Transit Center West B e n c h m a r k R o a dLake StreetBus S t o p Bark Mulch Perennials Russian Sage Concrete Pan Gravel Edge Birch Tree Black Hawthorne Grasses Rain Garden Attachment B 30" CONCRETEPANSTRIPING, TYPFLUSH CURBRUN DOWNTO RAIN GARDEN, TYPMIKAELA WAYBENCHMARK ROADNEW SIDEWALK(REF CIVIL)RAIN GARDEN(PERENNIALS)GRASSESORNAMENTALTREE, TYPSMALL BERMRAIN GARDEN OVERFLOWPERENNIALSGRAVEL EDGEPERENNIALBORDERRAIN GARDEN(PERENNIALS)SMALL BERMRAIN GARDEN OVERFLOWRUN DOWNTO RAIN GARDEN, TYPGRAVEL EDGEEXISTING TREESTO REMAIN, TYPEXISTING TREESTO REMAIN, TYPMATCHLINE BARK MULCHGRAVEL EDGESEASONS BUILDINGASPHALTOVERLAYEXISTING SIDEWALKSHADE TREE, TYP744174427443744074397438EXISTING TURFAREA TO REMAINDRAININLETSSTRIPINGSTRIPING,TYPEXISTINGPARKINGLAKE STREET RAIN GARDEN OVERFLOWMATCHLINE ASPHALTOVERLAY7438PLANT LEGEND:DECIDUOUS TREES Black Hawthorn (3" CAL)QTY - 3Crataegus douglasiiRocky Mountain Splendor Birch (3" CAL)QTY - 2Betula 'Rockimon'SHRUBSEUROPEAN SNOWBALL (5 GAL)QTY -9Viburnum opulus 'Roseum'RED ELDERBERY (5 GAL)QTY - 4Sambucus racemosa 'Sutherland Gold'COPPERTINA NINEBARK (5 GAL)QTY - 9Physocarpus opulifoilius 'Coppertina'RUSSIAN SAGE (5 GAL)QTY - 21Physocarpus opulifoilius 'Coppertina'ORNAMENTAL GRASS (5 GAL)MIXED SPECIES (SEE LIST)QTY - 109PERENNIALSMIXED SPECIES (1 GAL)QTY - 943 SF(SEE LIST)LANDSCAPEUNIT QTYBIG TUNA MUGO (5 GAL)QTY - 1Pinus mugo 'Big Tuna'2114TOTAL LU FOR TREES = 35419109921TOTAL LU FOR SHRUBS = 153TOTAL LU FOR PERENIALS = 2GRAND TOTAL LANDSCAPE UNITS = 241SYMBOL LEGEND:EXISTING TREES TOBE PRESERVED (4)ASPHALTCONCRETEGRAVEL490 SFLIMIT OF WORKEXISTING TREES TO BEREMOVED (3)BARK MULCH3,200 SFLANDSCAPEUNIT QTY1644TOTAL LU = 51SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PROJECT PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. GREGG J. GREGG P. CAMPOS 19.001 3/12/19L2.11LANDSCAPE PLAN 1" = 20'-0" (22" X 34" SHEET)10'20' 40'0LANDSCAPEPLANL2.1L2.11LANDSCAPE PLAN 1" = 20'-0" (22" X 34" SHEET)PERENNIAL PLANT LISTScientific NameCommon NameLilium 'Star Gazer'Oriental LilyLilium lancifoliumTiger LilyCalamintha nepeta 'Blue Cloud'CalamintCoreopsis grandiflora 'Mayfield Giant' Mayfield Giant Large Flower TickseedCoreopsis roseaRose CoreopsisEchinacea 'Flame Thrower'Hybrid ConeflowerEchinacea 'Glowing Dream'Hybrid ConeflowerHemerocallis fulvaOrange DaylilyHemerocallis x hybrid RAINBOW RHYTHM Rainbow Rhythm Tiger Swirl DaylilyLilium 'El Divo'El Divo LilyMonarda 'Gardenview Scarlet'Bee BalmSalvia nemorosa 'Blue Marvel' Blue Marvel SalviaSalvia x sylvestris 'Schneehugel' SNOW HILL Snow Hill SageHylotelephium x hybrid ROCK 'N GROW Rock 'N Grow Maestro Autumn StonecropSedum spectabile 'Neon'StonecropORNAMENTAL GRASS LISTScientific NameCommon NameAndropogon gerardiiBig Blue StemCalamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed GrassDeschampsia cespitosa 'Northern Lights' Tufted Hair GrassHelictotrichon sempervirensBlue Oat GrassMiscanthus sinensisMaiden Hair GrassPanicum virgatum 'Cheyenne Sky' Switch GrassNOTES:1. ALL TREE AND SHRUB PLANT BEDS ARE TORECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH OF BARKMULCH.2. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MOISTURE SENSORAUTOMATED AND TIME CLOCK OPERATED.SHRUBS, TREES, AND PERENNIALS TO BE DRIPOR MICRO SPRAY TYPE IRRIGATION.3. SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE TO BE PLACEDAT THE LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TOPREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. ACONSTRUCTION FENCE WILL BE PLACED AT THELIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WHERE THE SILT FENCEOR HAY BALES ARE NOT USED.IRRIGATION AREA CALCULATIONSLANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 5,326 SFTOTAL IRRIGATED AREA2,545 SF (48% OF LANDSCAPE AREA)SPRAY AREA (EXIST TURF)351 SF (14% OF LANDSCAPE AREA)DRIP AREA2,194 SF (86% OF LANDSCAPE AREA)Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811SITE PLANC1Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811OVERALLGRADING PLANC2Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811DETAILEDGRADING PLANC2.1Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811DETAILEDGRADING PLANC2.2Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811DETAILEDGRADING PLANC2.3Attachment B SHEET NO.SHEET TITLENO.NAME YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC P.O. BOX 3901, EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (970) 323-7008 ISSUE / REVISION DATE: DATE THE DESIGNS SHOWN HEREIN INCLUDING ALL TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION & MODELS THEREOF, ARE PROPRIETARY & CAN NOT BE COPIED, DUPLICATED, OR COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE SOLE AND EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM YARNELL CONSULTING & CIVIL DESIGN, LLC. DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: PROJECT NO.: WEST BENCHMARK ROAD PARKING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LAKE STREET TO AVON STATION AVON, COLORADO J. YARNELL J. YARNELL J. YARNELL 19.001 3/13/2019811OVERALL UTILITYPLANC3Attachment B April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Path 1 Staff Report – Minor Development Plan April 2, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MNR19001 Project type Minor Development Plan Public Hearing Elected by the Planning Director Legal Description Lot 7 Riverfront Subdivision and Tract H Block 3 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Address 368 Riverfront Lane Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Minor Development Plan with Design Review for a proposed path between Riverfront Lane and the Eagle Valley Trail. Summary of Request Justin Hildreth, (the Applicant) with the Town of Avon, proposes a new pedestrian path connecting Riverfront Lane and the Eagle Valley Trail. It starts between the rail road tracks and a to-be-proposed building footprint for a single-family home on Lot 7 and will be between eight (8) and ten (10) feet wide. It goes west, consistently losing elevation through a switchback, and goes east until it connects with the trail. The total elevation change is approximately 29 feet and the grade varies from 2 – 8.2%. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the March 22 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 7 in the Riverfront PUD contains development rights for “townhome” units. Tract H, located within a PUD, is an “open space” area within the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) property. The trail easement was negotiated during the Riverfront PUD amendment process in 2017 and concurrently with the ERWSD. Funding for the project is coming from the town’s Capital Improvement Plan 2019 budget. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping: The path is proposed to be located in an area that is currently forested. Several large trees will need to be removed to accommodate the development. The landscape plan proposes revegetation with native seed. Staff agrees with this treatment for the majority of the project. Particularly on Lot 7, staff does not see any urgency to include additional landscaping because further houses are anticipated to be developed and any landscaping will likely be dictated by the houses’ exact layout. On Tract H, PZC should carefully weigh if there is enough landscape treatment, particularly at the narrow strip between the new path and the Eagle Valley Trail (Attachment A). A recently approved example located just a few yards to the east may shed light on an ideal treatment. During the original Westin approvals, the path to the east that was built included a few deciduous trees. The landscape plan for the recently approved Lodge building illustrates that trees were planted on the strip during the original construction of the Westin, and more landscaping is proposed above the path for the new build. April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Path 2 Planning staff feels that the treatment need not be intense, but some sensitivity to the original state of the land and the treatments nearby should be taken into account on Tract H. If the Lot 7 houses are not proposed and constructed within a reasonable timeframe, then some more attention to the strip can be taken, between the town and the landowner. It should be noted that there is no irrigation available for initial path construction and any additional landscaping, above and beyond native seed establishment, may be reliant on future phases of development and/or agreements with East West Resorts for temporary irrigation. Retaining Walls: There is a five (5) foot redi-rock retaining wall proposed (the same material as used on the recent Eagle Valley Trail expansion in Avon) on the north side of the path near the existing trail connection. Engineering analysis shall be conducted per code on this wall. Another retaining wall is proposed at one (1) foot tall on the south side near the trail connection. 7.32.040 - Paved trail design Staff reviewed the trail design section of AMC for compliance. Below are select requirements and responses from staff. Minimum Width: 10 feet with 2 feet of clear area: The path is eight (8) feet wide with one (1) foot shoulders on each side. The width was selected because a wider path would result in a larger impact to the steep hillside. The path is ten (10) foot wide at the switchback to accommodate bicycle turning movements. Minimum Surfacing: Three (3) inches of asphalt over six (6) inches of compacted aggregate base Maximum Grade: 10%: The path surface of four (4) inches asphalt and six (6) inches of road base was recommended by a geotechnical engineer after the inspection of three test pits. Drainage: Sloping a trail in one (1) direction at an optimum of two (2) or up to five percent (5%) on curves is preferred over crowning to provide drainage: The design engineer proposes 2% cross slope for the trail and it cannot be steeper because of ADA requirements. There is not an uphill swale to intercept drainage because it is not feasible on the steep hillside. Other drainage structures are not required because of the short length of the trail. Lighting: Preexisting bollards on the Eagle Valley Trail are the only sources of lighting. There is also a streetlight across the street from the path on Riverfront Lane. Fencing: A three (3) rail split rail is proposed on the south side of the section from Riverfront Lane. A steel tube railing fence is proposed on the lower portion. Both types meet the design requirements within the AMC. Riverfront Lodge landscape plan near the existing path. April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Path 3 Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. It particularly addresses Purpose (b), which states, “Implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents of the Town.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Minor Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development that is visually harmonious with the site and surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Riverfront District (District 2 of the Comprehensive Plan). This district states, “appropriate public access along the river should be taken into consideration with all development,” and includes a principle that states, “Improve and enhance connections to the linear park along the river, the Eagle Valley Trail, Town Center, Beaver Creek, and Nottingham Park.” This Application is consistent with the Vision section, which states, “Enhance Avon’s strong connections to its spectacular scenery, magnificent natural surroundings, and ample outdoor recreational opportunities.” Furthermore, the 2016 Recreational Trails Master Plan, part of the Comprehensive Plan, contains the following language, “A very short connection from the existing sidewalks at Riverfront Lane and Lake Street to the existing Regional Eagle Valley Trail along the river, which would improve the connectivity of the west end of Avon and the recreational amenities of Nottingham Park to the Eagle Valley Regional Trail. Any future trail connection in this area would be dependent upon final development plans and approval of the adjacent private land owners.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. The 2017 PUD amendment for the Riverfront required the creation of an easement, and this is the culmination of that effort. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal can be served by all other Town and special district services. April 2, 2019 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Path 4 §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. PZC should carefully review the landscape plan for compliance with this section. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Staff Recommendation for MNR19001 Minor Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Minor Development Plan application for Lot 7 Riverfront Subdivision and Tract H Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code, including §7.32.040, Paved Trail Design. 3. The development application is complete; 4. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 5. The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 6. The demand for public services or infrastructure is met by the development application; and 7. The development relates to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. The landscape plan shall be updated to show 3-5 appropriate shrubs between the new path and the existing Eagle Valley Trail on Tract H; and 2. Engineering analysis shall be conducted per code on all applicable walls. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #MNR19001, an application for Minor Design and Development Plan for Lot 7 Riverfront Subdivision and Tract H Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek together with the findings and condition recommended by staff.” Exhibits A. Design & Development Plans EXISTING FENCE(TO REMAIN)NATIVE SEEDEXISTING ASPHALT PATHFUTURE BUILDINGNATIVE SEEDNATIVE SEEDNATIVE SEEDNATIVE SEEDNATIVE SEEDRIVERFRONT LANEEXISTING SIDEWALKEXISTINGBOLLARD LIGHTTO REMAIN, TYPEXISTINGBOLLARD LIGHTTO REMAIN, TYPPROPOSEDBOLLARD LIGHTSTYP OF 8(REF 2 / L2.1)PROPOSED ASPHALT PATH45'-0" TYP℄℄BOLLARD LIGHT, TYP10" TYP℄EXISTING UTILITYEASEMENTS60'-0"℄℄NATIVE SEEDSPILT RAIL FENCE42" HT / (3) RAILSPILT RAIL FENCE42" HT / (3) RAIL2'-0" TYPSYMBOL LEGEND:PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONBOLLARD LIGHT - QTY 8NATIVE SEED11,252 SFLIMIT OF WORK / DISTURBANCEPROPOSED SLOPEHYDREL 3120 BOLLARD LIGHT(REF SPEC SHEET FOR DETAILS)INSTALL AND ATTACH BOLLARDLIGHT TO FNDTN PER MFR SPECSFINISHED GRADE OFASPHALT PATH3'-6" 2"3/4" CHAMFERELEC CONDUIT#3 TIES @ 1'-4" OC(2) AT TOP OF FNDTN4'-0"(4) - #5 VERTICAL2"2"1'-0"COMPACTED SUBGRADE4"Copyright © 2018 by Zehren & Associates Inc.L2.11LANDSCAPE PLAN1" = 10'-0"5'10' 20'0SITE AND LANDSCAPE NOTES:1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, ORDINANCES, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT STANDARDS PER THEAPPROVED PLANS.2. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR FIELD LOCATES OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES PRIOR TOANY EXCAVATION AND BECOMING AWARE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SUB-SURFACE INFRASTRUCTURE. CONTRACTORS SHALL TAKE SOLERESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COST INCURRED DUE TO DAMAGE TO UTILITIES.3. ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, BOULDERS AND TREES THAT ARE NOT IDENTIFIED FOR DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL ARE TO BE PRESERVED AND PROTECTEDDURING ALL PERIODS OF WORK. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COST AND OR REPLACEMENT FOR ANY ITEM DAMAGED DURING THE COURSE OFWORK.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN DOCUMENT TO INCLUDE THE WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE OF ALL WORK AND MATERIALS INCLUDED WITHIN THECONTRACT AS DESCRIBED IN THE GENERAL CONDITIONS.5. ALL SITE AND LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL BE LOCATED AND LAID OUT IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO FINAL INSTALLATION.6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DELIBERATELY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION AS DESIGNED WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADEDIFFERENCES, AND OTHER CONFLICTS EXIST THAT WERE NOT KNOWN DURING DESIGN. IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALLIMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALLNECESSARY REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUCH NOTICE.7. IF CONFLICTS ARISE BETWEEN ACTUAL SIZE OF PLANTING AREAS AND AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION.8. FINAL LOCATION AND STAKING OF ALL PLANT AND HARDSCAPE MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AT THE DIRECTIONOF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH PLANTING AND FINAL INSTALLATION UNTIL LAYOUT AND STAKING HAS BEENFULLY APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.9. CONTRACTORS SHALL PROVIDE OWNER WITH UNIT COSTS FOR ALL SITE FURNISHINGS, LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS, AND PLANTINGS, THIS SHALL INCLUDE ALLCOSTS FOR MATERIAL, LABOR, TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING, OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, SPECIFICALLY AS REQUESTED.10.NO SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ANY MATERIALS SPECIFIED SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT APPROVAL.11. ALL ROAD AND PATH AREAS WITHIN AND SURROUNDING WORK AREAS SHALL BE SWEPT AND CLEANED AT COMPLETION OF WORK EACH DAY AND NOMATERIALS SHALL BE STORED WITHIN OR SURROUNDING THE WORK AREA OVERNIGHT. CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL ALLPROJECT AREAS HAVE BEEN CLEANED OF ALL DIRT, DEBRIS, MATERIALS, AND ALL DAMAGED ITEMS REPAIRED WITH ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT.PLANTING NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS:1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASS SEED MIX AT A RATE OF 1 LB. PER 1,000 SF2. ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS ARE TO BE LIGHTLY RAKED 14" INTO THE SOIL AFTER SEEDS HAVE BEEN EVENLY DISTRIBUTED PER THE SPECIFIEDSEEDING RATE.3. MULCH ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS WITH 1" - 2" OF CERTIFIED WEED FREE STRAW OR HAY, ALL STRAW AREAS ARE TO BE TACKIFIED WITHAPPROVED ORGANIC TACKIFIER AT THE RATE OF 120 LBS. / ACRE, OR HYDROMULCHED.4. SOIL PREPARATION OF ALL NATIVE SEED AREAS WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:4.1. LOOSENING THE SOIL TO A MINIMUM OF 4” DEPTH REMOVING ROCKS OVER 2" IN DIAMETER, ROOTS, STICKS, DEBRIS AND ANY OTHEREXTRANEOUS MATERIAL.4.2. AMENDING SOIL WITH 2” COMPOST AND 2” TOPSOIL, AND TILLING TO A MINIMUM 6” DEPTH.4.3. GRADED TO A SMOOTH, FREE DRAINING EVEN SURFACE WITH A LOOSE, MODERATELY COARSE TEXTURE. REMOVE RIDGES AND FILLDEPRESSIONS AS REQUIRED TO DRAIN.4.4. ONE APPLICATION OF A DI-AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER, 18-46-0, SHALL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO SEEDING AT A RATE OF 8 LBS. PER1000 S.F.5. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN DOCUMENT REGARDING ITS POLICY OF PLANT WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT. EACHWARRANTY SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF REPLACING ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING LABOR, DUE TO THE SICKNESS OR DEATHOF A PLANT FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FOLLOWING THE PLANTS INSTALLATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT BY THE TOWN.6.ALL EXCESS NATIVE SOIL RESULTING FROM SOIL PREP SHALL BE DISPOSED OF AND REMOVED FROM THE SITE OR STOCKPILED IN LOCATION APPROVED BYOWNER.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERADICATION, REMOVAL, DISPOSAL OF WEEDS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK DURING THECONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND THROUGH THE PROJECT'S FINAL ACCEPTANCE.SITE LIGHTING NOTES:1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY ALL WORK FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF (2)YEARS.2. ALL FIXTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND MEETALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND NATIONAL BUILDING CODES.3. SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AROUND ALLBOLLARD LIGHT FOUNDATIONS TO A 3' MIN HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM THE CENTER OFTHE FOUNDATION.BOLLARD LIGHT SPEC SHEETL2.12TYPICAL BOLLARD LIGHT DETAIL3/4" = 1'-0"NATIVE SEED MIX SPECIFICATIONPRODUCT: MONTANE MEADOW MIXSUPPLIER: WESTERN NATIVE SEEDPHONE: 719-942-3935EMAIL: info@westernnativeseed.comWEBSITE: www.westernnativeseed.comSPECIES:GRASSES - 70% OF TOTAL MIX25 % ELYMUS TRACHYCAULUS (SLENDER WHEATGRASS)25 % PASCOPYRUM SMITHII (WESTERN WHEATGRASS)12 % BROMUS CILIATUS (FRINGED BROME)12 % BOUTELOUA GRACILIS (BLUE GRAMA)10 % FESTUCA ARIZONICA (ARIZONA FESCUE)6 % SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS (SAND DROPSEED)5 % POA SECUNDA (SANDBERG BLUEGRASS)2 % KOELERIA MACRANTHA (JUNEGRASS)2 % ELYMUS ALBICANS (MT WHEATGRASS)0.5 % MUHLENBERGIA MONTANA (MT MUHLY)0.5 % POA FENDLERIANA (MUTTON GRASS)WILDFLOWERS - 30% OF TOTAL MIX12 % CLEOME SERRULATA (ROCKY MT BEEPLANT)12 % LINUM PERENNE LEWISII (BLUE FLAX)12 % GAILLARDIA ARISTATA (PERENNIAL BLANKETFLOWER)12 % PENSTEMON STRICTUS (ROCKY MT PENSTEMON)10 % DALEA PURPUREA (PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER)10 % LUPINUS SERICEUS (SILKY LUPINE)5 % RUDEBCKIA HIRTA (BLACK-EYED SUSAN)4 % HELIOMERIS MULTIFLORA (SHOWY GOLDENEYE)2 % SYMPHIOTRICHUM LAEVE (SMOOTH BLUE ASTER)2 % ERIGERON SPECIOSUS (ASPEN DAISY)2 % MACHAERANTHERA BIGELOVII (PURPLE ASTER)2 % PENSTEMON SECUNDIFLORUS (ORCHID BEARDONGUE)2 % ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM OCCIDENTALIS (WESTERN YARROW)1 % AQUILEGIA COERULEA (BLUE COLUMBINE)TREES AND SHRUBS - (ADD TO MONTANE MEADOW SEED MIX AT FOLLOWING RATES)ARTEMESIA TRIDENTATA VASEYANA (BIG SAGEBRUSH) - (3) OZBETULA OCCIDENTALIS (RIVER BIRCH) - (5) PACKETSCERCOCARPUS MONTANUS (MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY) - (5) PACKETSERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA (RUBBER RABBITBRUSH) - (3) OZJUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM (ROCKY MTN JUNIPER) - (3) OZRIBES AUREUM (GOLDEN CURRENT) - (5) PACKETSRIBES MONTIGENUM (MTN GOOSEBERRY) - (5) PACKETSAttachment A Attachment A Attachment A