TC Ord. 18-19 Approving Amendments to Sections of Titles 7, 10, and 15 of the Avon Municipal CodeTOWN OF AVON
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council initiated a code text amendment application ("Application") to
amend the text of the Avon Development Code ("ADC") in accordance with ADC §7.16.040; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Planning & Zoning Commission ("PZC") held public hearings on September
4, 2018, October 2, 2018, and October 16, 2018, after publishing and posting notice as required by law,
considered all comments, testimony, evidence and staff reports provided by the Town staff prior to
formulating a recommendation; and
WHEREAS, after conducting the noticed Public Hearings, PZC made the required findings to
recommend approval of the Application to the Avon Town Council; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to AMC §7.16.040(c), Review Criteria, the Town Council has considered the
applicable review criteria for a Code Text Amendment and found the Application in compliance with the
review criteria, and specifically finds that the Code Text Amendment is necessary or desirable to respond
to changed conditions, new planning concepts or other social or economic conditions, and promotes the
health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ("Town") is a home rule municipal corporation and body politic
organized under the laws of the State of Colorado and possessing the maximum powers, authority
and privileges to which it is entitled under Colorado law; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the home rule powers of the Town of Avon ("Town"), the Avon Town
Council has the power to adopt Health and Safety, and Building and Construction Codes, and make
and publish ordinances necessary and proper to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote
the comfort, and convenience of its inhabitants; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that electronic assisted bicycle regulations are necessary
to respond to changed conditions and new mobility options; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that changes to the Sign Code provide clearer instruction
for staff and applicants, and help modernize the sign plan requirements in line with current aesthetic and
safety standards; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council held public hearings on January 8, 2019 and January 22,
2019after posting notice as required by law, considered all comments, testimony, evidence, Planning and
Zoning Commission recommendations, and staff reports provided by staff prior to taking action on the
Application; and
WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended only to confirm that the Avon
Town Council desires to comply with state law, the Avon home rule charter and the ADC by setting a public
hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence regarding the
application and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute a representation that the
Avon Town Council, or any member of the Avon Town Council, supports, approves, rejects, or denies the
proposed Application.
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AVON, COLORADO, the following:
Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by
reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council.
Section 2. Amendment to Chapter 7.04.110 - Transitions to Avon Development Code is amended
to represent the elapsed time since the original Chapter 7 was codified, to read as follows, with strike out
indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to clarify the status of properties with ponding apph .bons
orTeeen+ appfovals, athese tefms are used belew, and ei4ies with outstanding violations, at the time
of the adoption of the Development Code.
(b) Effective Date. The provisions of the Development Code became effective on November 16, 2010.
Development plans approved under previous regulations that received vested property rights by approval
of the Town Council by ordinance shall be valid for the duration of that vested property right, provided that
all terms and conditions of such vested right approval are followed. Existing legal uses that may become
nonconforming by adoption of this Development Code shall become legal nonconforming uses subject to
the provisions of this Section.
(c) Violations Continue. Any violation of the previous Titles 16, Subdivision, and 17, Zoning, shall
continue to be a violation under the Development Code and shall be subject to the penalties and enforcement
in this Chapter.
(d) Pr-eliminai-y Subdivision and PUP Appr-evals. Pr-eliminai-y subdivision and pFelimifial:y P!
appr-evals granted prior- to the eff-eetive date of the Development Gode shall be eonsidered as appFeved
pursuant to the Development Code. Pr-eliminai-y subdivision and PUD appr-ovals gFanted under- the pr-evietis
r-egulatiens shall be valid for- twe (2) yeaFs ffem the date of apprevai tin4ess a vested right b
a longeperiod was gfanted by the Town Getineil by or-dinanee. Extensions of preliminaiFy stibdivision plats a
prelifr,4naf�, PUD plans may be gfanted in aeeer-dafieewith Subseetion 7.16.020(h). Failtife to obtain a final
plat or- final plat*ied unit development plan approval in the allowed time shall result in the e"iration of the
pr-eliminai:y plan. Appheations for- final subdivision plat and final planned unit develop.--... ,!-- sha4
follow application s4mittal requirements and r-eview preeedefes in this Development Code and shall be
subj eet to the standar-ds and review er-itefia in this Development Code,
pr-ovided that this DeveloptnepA Code
shall not be so applied as to f s f
etheF,ixise delay the development or- use of a site speeific develepmei# plan with vested pr-operty rights -as
defined and appr-eved by the Town.
(e d) Future Subdivisions. Large tracts or blocks of land contained within a recorded subdivision that
were intended or designed for resubdivision into smaller tracts, lots or building sites when originally
approved shall eomply wito be required to meet all provisions of the Development Code.
building(f) Projects With Final Appr-eval. Development pr-ejeets with final appr-eval that are valid on
November- 16, 2010, shall r-emainvalid tipAil their- tennination da4e. Pfejeets with valid appfevals or- peffilits
may be eempleted in eenfefmanee to the developmei-A standards in effeet at the time of appr-oval.
(g) Aetive Building Pennits. Any
s i
shall be allowed to pr-oeeed to eenstfuetionander- the regulations in place when
the buildin pemiit was isstied. If the development for- whieh the building pefffiit is issued pr-ioF to
fails to eemply �vith the time fFames for development established for- the
e e building
pennit, the building pemiit shall expire,
and fliture development shall eomply with the r -e
Development Code.
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(h) Violations, Enforcement and Penalties. A use, structure or lot not lawfully existing at the time of
the adoption of the Development Code is deemed lawful and conforming as of the effective date of the
Development Code if it conforms to all of the requirements of the Development Code. Payment shall be
required for any civil penalty assessed under the previous code, even if the original violation is no longer
considered a violation under the Development Code."
Section 3. Amendment to Chapter 7.08 - Definitions. The definition of Family is amended and
the definition of Retail -Ready and Transparency is added to read as follows, with strike out indicating
language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"Family means an individual living alone or either of the following groups living together as a single
housekeeping unit and sharing common living, sleeping, cooking and eating facilities:
(a) Any number of persons related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or other duly authorized
custodial relationship and not more than one (1) additional person; or
(b) Any unrelated group of persons eens�".or subject to the occupancy limitations of two (2) adults
per bedroom, for a maximum of eight (8) adults and their children; or
(1) additional person, if any; e
(c) 3-. Not more than eight (8) developmentally disabled persons and appropriate staff occupying a
dwelling unit and living as a single, nonprofit housekeeping unit.
Retail -Ready means space constructed at a minimum interior height of twelve (12) feet may be used for
noncommercial uses and can be converted into retail/commercial use. The intent of retail -ready space is to
provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market demand and allowing the use in such
space to change to retail/ commercial uses accordingly. Such considerations for determining if a space is
retail -ready include but are not limited to: independent ventilation; a concrete pad above the space;
placement of utilities; integrated trash storage facilities; and architectural features including terracing,
stepped back facade, or arcade design, prominent entrances, transoms, transparency, and bulkheads at the
Transparency means the use of doors and windows to establish scale, variation, and patterns on building
facades to provide visual interest and reflect the uses within the building."
Section 4. Amendment to Table 7.16-1- Development Review Procedures and Review Authority
is amended to include notice requirements and addition of the Sign Plan process as follows, with stri-ke-
eut indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
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Comprehensive Plan Amendment
H -R
H -D
Code Text Amendment (§7.16.040)
H -R
H -D
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Rezoning (§7.16.050)
H -R
H -D
Administrative PUD
Minor PUD
H -R
H -D
Planned Unit
Lot Split PUD
Amendment for
H -R
H -D
Wildridge PUD
Major PUD
H -R
H -D
Preliminary PUD
H -R
H -D
Final PUD
H -D
Minor Subdivision
Preliminary Plan
H -R
H -D
Final Plan
H -D
D or R
H -D
H -D
Major in Town Core
H -R
H -D
Design Review (§7.16.090)
D or R
H -R or
H -D
H -D or
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Special Review Use (§7.16.100)
Variance (§7.16.110)
Alternative Equivalent Compliance
R-D or
A or R-
Right-of-way Vacation (§7.16.130)
Vested Property Right (§7.16.040)
Location, Character and Extent
Sign Plan
D or R
n,,,,exatie (§7.36)
Appeal (§7.16.16-70)
Annexation (§7.36)
1041 Permit (§7.40)
Historic and/or Cultural Preservation
Designated (§7.50)
*All Public Hearings require published notice, per 7.16.020(d)
R = Review/Recommendations H = Public Hearing D = Decision A = Appeal
M=Mailed Notice
Section 5. Amendment to Section 7.16.020 - General procedures and requirements subsection (d)
Step 4: Notice (2) Mailed Notice, is amended to read as follows, with strike indicating language to be
deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"(2) Mailed Notice. For procedures that require mailed notice, notice shall be sent by first-class mail to
all real property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the property which is the subject of a
development application, as measured from the boundary of the property. If a property within three hundred
(300) feet that requires notification is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent,
registered agent or any member of the board of directors of the project. Mailed notice shall be postmarked
at least eleven (11) days prior to the meeting. Mailed notice shall be sent by the Town at the applicant's
expense, including a reasonable allocation of labor expense. The Eagle County Assessor's records may be
used to determine the addresses of real property owners. The Town shall include a certificate of mailing in
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the public record. Mailed notice shall be required for annexation, major- subdivision, planned unit
develepfneR4, speeial review use, rezoning, fight of way vaeatten, varianee and vested pr-opefty right
applications as noted in Table 7.16-1."
Section 6. Amendment to Section 7.16.080 — Development plan. subsection (e) Review Authority
(2) Minor Development Plan is hereby amended to clarify the appeal process and to enact new Sign Plans
to read as follows with strike out indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to
be adopted:
"Minor Development Plan. The Director shall review and render decisions on all minor development plan
and minor sign plan applications. The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Town Council PAG
pursuant to Section 7.16.1670, Appeal. The Director may refer to the PZC any development plan application
that the Director determines warrants review by the PZC."
Section 7. Amendment to Section 7.16.160 — Appeal. is amended to be the last section of 7.16, to
read as follows, with strike out indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be
"7.16.170f60 - Appeal."
Section 8. Amendment to Section 7.16.170 — Appeal., sub -section (e) Decision. is amended to read
as follows, with strike indicating language to be deleted:
"The Town Council shall, in writing, confirm, modify or reverse the decision within thirty-five (35) days
of holding the public hearing on the appeal. Any decision by the Town Council that results in action
modifying or reversing the decision of a Town body or officer shall describe the specific reasons for the
modification or reversal. Action of the Town Council shall become final immediately. Failure of the
Town Getineil to aetwithin the foi4y(40) additional days shall be deemed aetion b
unless the deeision
the pli. apA a epAs to ., additional time extensio "
Section 9. Amendment to Section 7.16.160 — Sign Code to read as follows, with underline
indicating language to be added:
"7.16.160 — Sign Plan.
The purpose of the sign plan review process is to ensure compliance with the sign standards and
provisions of this Development Code It is designed to encourage quality signs reflective of the goals
policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
(aa) Applicability. A sign plan shall be required for all new signs and any modification to an existing sign
or comprehensive sign pro rg am.
(b) Sign Plan Categories. Categories of sign plans are established and defined as follows for the purpose of
determining the appropriate development plan review procedure:
(1) Master Sign 1 Program.
i Major sign plans include all new master sign programs and modifications to master sign programs
that substantially change the location size, or other critical elements of allowed signs on the
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ii. Minor Sign Program Plans include modifications to a master sign program that do not substantially
change the location, size, or other critical elements of allowed signs on the property, as determined
by the director.
(2) Minor sign plans include the following:
i. New tenant signs.
ii. Residential entrance signs and wall signs.
iii. All other sign types requiring administrative review.
(c) Review Procedures. The general review procedures described in Section 7.16.020, General procedures
and requirements, shall apply to development plan applications. Specific additions and modifications to the
general review procedures are identified below.
(d) Notice and Hearing. PZC shall review and render a decision or recommendation on the development
plan application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be published and
posted in accordance with Subsection 7.16.020(d)(1) and mailed notice is not required. The decision of
PZC may be appealed to the Town Council pursuant to Section 7.16.170, Appeal. The Director shall not
conduct a public hearing for administrative review and decision on development plan applications.
(e) Review Authority. The review authority for a development plan application shall be determined by the
(1) Major Master Sign Plan. The Director shall review and provide a recommendation to the PZC on all
major master sign plan applications. The PZC shall render the final decision on a major sign plan. The
decision of the PZC may be appealed to the Town Council pursuant to Section 7.16.170, Appeal.
(2) Minor Sign Plan. The Director shall review and render decisions on all minor sign plan applications.
The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Town Council pursuant to Section 7.16.170, Appeal.
The Director may refer to the PZC any sign plan application that the Director determines warrants review
by the PZC.
(f) Review Criteria. The following review criteria shall be considered as the basis for a decision on sign
plan applications:
1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Sign Code as specified in Section
7.32(A) Sign Code Purposes;
2. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed
and the site upon which it is to be located;
3. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements;
4. The quality of the materials to be utilized in anyproposed improvement;
5. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring
6. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that
values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired;
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7. Whether the tvpe, height, size and/or civantity of signs generally complies with the siQ,n code or
sign program, and are appropriate for the project;
8. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is
appropriate for the determined orientation.
(g) Expiration. A sign plan approval expires pursuant to Subsection 7.16.020(h).
(h) Revocation. Approved sign plan documents shall be binding upon the applicants and their successors
and assigns. No sign production shall take place that is not in accord with the approved documents or any
approved modifications thereto. No other element of approved sign review documents shall be eliminated,
altered or provided in another manner unless an amended sign plan is approved. Any deviation from the
approved sign plan as approved shall be grounds for revocation of the sign plan approval."
Section 10. Amendment to Table 7.20-2 — Dimensions for the Residential Duplex District. is
amended to include notice requirements and addition of the Sign Plan process follows, with strike out
indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted.
Min. Min. Min. i Min. Max.
Max. Min. Lot ? Max. Lot Min. Y Max.
Densi Size Lot Front Side 1 Rear ; Buildin i
Widt Coverag Units/
Landscap Setbac Setbac , Setbac E g j 1
(units/ (acres h e e k k k Height Buildin
acre) or sq. ft.) (%) Area (%) g
(feet) � � � (feet) (feet) � (feet) � (feet)
6 sq. ft. 2
7.5 (5-44-5 5808 40 50 25 25 7.5 10 35 principal
per [t]
[1] Accessory dwelling units are permitted on lots with a single-family structure as a special review use
pursuant to Section 7.16. 100,
Special Review Use.
Section 11. Amendment to Section 7.28.090 — Design Standards. subsection (e) Design Standards
for the Wildridge Subdivision (2) Building Height on Steep Slopes is amended to clarify building height
regulations in Wildridge to read as follows, with underline indicating language to be adopted:
"(2) Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted
in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below.
Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by
articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi -story building.
(aBuilding height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows:
(A) Four -to -twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet.
(B) Less than a four -to -twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet."
Section 12. Amendment to Section 7.28.090 — Design Standards. subsection 69 Single -Family and
Duplex Design Standards in all other Subdivisions is amended to include all subdivisions in the standards,
including Wildridge, to read as follows, with str-ilie-out indicating language to be deleted:
(f) Single -Family and Duplex Design Standards i
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Section 13. Amendment to Section 7.28.090 Design Standards. subsection (j) Mixed -Use and
Nonresidential Design Standards subsection (4) Building Layout and Design (iv) Mixed -Use Buildings in
Town Core is amended to require more form -based development to read as follows, with strike out
indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"To encourage appropriate commercial and mixed-use development in the Town Core, any all portions of
a new mixed -used building with street frontage floor area located on E. Beaver Creek Boulevard, Lettuce
Shed Lane, Benchmark Road or Main Street must be determined to be retail-rea L-eeeupied by retail,
personal sen4ee and r-estaufapA uses, as listed in Table 7.24 1. All ground floor- eenuaer-eial spaee must
at least twelve (12) feet in height as fneasufed fFem finished fleer- elevation to finished eeiling.-"
Section 14. Adoption of the Sin Code as Section 7.34 added to read as follows, with underline
indicating language to be adopted
(a) "Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this Sign Code is to:
(1) Coordinate the type, placement, and physical dimensions of signs.
(2) Preserve the right of constitutionally protected free expression, which may be displayed on signs.
(3) Encourage the innovative use of design
(4) Promote high quality and weather resistant signs that are properly maintained over time and renovated
when necessary.
(5) Maintain the mountain town character of the community through the use of signs that are
aesthetically pleasing, of appropriate scale, and harmonious with the built scale.
(6) Guarantee equal treatment through accurate record keeping and fair and consistent enforcement.
(7) Provide a reasonable balance between the right of an individual to identify a business or express a
message, and the right of the public to be protected against the visual discord resulting from the
unrestricted proliferation of signs and similar devices.
(8) Permit signage that advances and conforms with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
(b) Definitions.
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Ag��re atg�e sign area means the total sum of the area of all signs on the building or property, except
those signs that are exempt from the review requirements of this Chapter.
Animated sign means signs that use movement or change of lightingto o depict action or create a special
effect or scene.
Awning sign means a sign painted on, printed on, or attached flat against the surface of a shelter, which
projects from and is supported by the exterior wall of a building, and which is constructed of non-
rigid materials.
Banner means a sign made of fabric or any non -rigid material, typically having no enclosing or
supporting framework.
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Building Facade means the entire outer surface of an exterior wall of a building, including windows and
Building front means the horizontal, linear dimension of that side of a building, which abuts a street, a
parking area, a mall or other circulation area open to the public and has either a main window display
or a primary entrance to the building. For the purposes of this Chapter, a building shall be considered
to have up to two (2) building fronts as the property upon which it is situated has lot fronts.
Cabinet sign means a sign that contains all the text and/or logo symbols on the display face of an
enclosed cabinet.
Canopv sign means a sign that is mounted on a permanently roofed shelter covering a sidewalk, building
entrance or other similar area, which shelter may be wholly or partially supported by a building,
columns, poles, or braces extended from the ground.
Changeable copy sign means a sign on which the copy can be changed manually, or by electronic or
mechanical devices, such as electrical or electronic time and temperature units, or digital displays.
Changeable copy signs shall be classified as permanent si ss.
Clearance Lf a sign) means the smallest vertical distance between the grade of the adjacent street
or sidewalk, and the lowest point of any sign, including framework and embellishments,
extending over the grade.
Community Development Department means that department designated by the Town Council
responsible for approving applications for sign installations and who is responsible for enforcement
of the provisions of this Chapter.
Construction sign means a temporary sign located on a parcel of property, on which construction
activities of any type are being actively_ performed.
Copy means the wordingon n a sign surface in either permanent or removable letter form.
Digital Display or Electronic Message Center means a sign that contains changing messages or
images composed of electronically illuminated segments and/or a series ofirg d lights, including
cathode ray, LED, plasma, LCD, fiber optic, or other electronic media or technology.
Directional/informational sign means a sign located within five (5) feet of an entrance or exit to a lot,
for any building on the lot, or for parking for the lot.
Double-faced sign means a sign with two (2) faces, if not parallel then with an interior angle of not
greater than ninety degrees90°2
Drive-through sign means a permanent sign located along a drive-through lane.
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Event sign means a temporary sign allowed as part of an approved event permit, on a parcel subject to
the terms of such event permit.
Exempt sign means a sign expressly designated as exempt from the sign approval requirements under this
Flag means any fabric or similar lightweight material typically attached to a staff or pole, which is
intended to be permanently affixed to the ground or attached to a building.
Flashinysign means a sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source used
primarily to attract attention. Does not include changeable copy signs, animated signs or signs
that, through reflection or other means, create an illusion of flashing or intermittent light.
Freestanding sign means a sign affixed to a supporting structure, imbedded in and extending from
the ground and detached from a building. The term includes pole sign, pedestal sign, monument sign,
and ground sign.
Government sign means a sign erected, installed, or maintained by the Federal, State, County, or local
government for any purpose, including without limitation traffic direction, or a sign located on a
building owned by the Federal, State, County, or local government.
Height (of a sign) means the vertical distance measured from the existing grade (at the time of sign
application) below the sign to the uppermost point of the sign or sign structure, whichever is
Illegal sign means a sign which does not meet the requirements of this Code, and which has not been
designated as "legally nonconforming".
Illuminated sign means a sign with an artificial light source incorporated internally or externally for
the purpose of illuminatingthe he si rg_i.
Interactive storefront sign means a digital sign oriented and designed to interact with pedestrians passing
alongthe he adjacent sidewalk.
Legal Nonconforminiz sign means a nonconforming sign designated as "legally nonconforming"
under Section (K) of this Chapter.
Maintenance means the cleaning, painting, repair, or replacement of defective parts of a sign in a manner
that does not alter the basic design, location, or structure of the sign.
Marquee means a permanent roof -like structure or canopygid materials supported by, and
extending from, the facade of a building.
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Marquee sign means any sign attached to or supported by a marquee structure.
Master Sign program means a comprehensive, narrative description of allowed sign types, and scaled
drawings of any building lot parcel, collection of parcels or other premises, showing the number,
size description color, materials and location of all signs thereon. It is used to create standard sign
design guidelines for projects with multiple buildings or tenants.
Multi -faced means any sign having more than two (2) faces.
Multiple business building means a building designed for occupation by two (2) or more businesses,
where each business is structurally separated from the others and has its own entrance, either
exterior or interior.
Off -premises sign means a commercial sign that does not pertain to the use of the premises on
which it is located.
On premises sign means a sign that pertains to the use of the premises on which it is located
Owner means the owner of the property on which a sign is located. The property owner is presumed to
be the owner of the sign unless facts to the contrary are officially recorded or otherwise brought to
the attention of the Community Development Department.
Painted wall sign means any sign that is applied with paint or similar substance on the face of a wall.
Permanent sign means any sign that is permanently affixed or attached to the ground or to any structure.
Portable sign means any sign designed to be moved easily, and not permanently affixed to the ground or
to a structure or building.
Private warning sign means an owner -erected sigdesigned to warn others of specific dangers or
prohibitions on the property.
Project development sign means a temporary sign located at the site of a development project that has
received Development Plan approval from the Town.
Projectingsign means a sign other than a wall sign, which is attached to and projects perpendicularly
from a building wall a distance of twelve (12) inches or more, or is attached to any other structure in
like manner, which structure was not designed for the sole support of the sign.
Reflective surface means any material or device that has the effect of intensifying reflected light, such
as Scotchli hg t, Day-Glo, glass beads and luminous paint.
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Roof sign means a sign that is erected upon, over, or on top of any portion of the roof of a building.
Rotating sign means a sign in which the sign itself, or any portion of the sign, moves in a revolving
manner. Such motion does not refer to methods of changing copy.
Sandwich board sign means a sign with two (2) faces attached at the top and open at the bottom so that
the structure forms a wedge and is self-supporting; also knows as `A -frame sign'.
Sign means anyobject, device, display, structure, or fixture involving graphics, colors, symbols,
written copy, or illumination designed for the purpose of advertising, identifying, or providing
information about an establishment, a business, a service, an activity, or an organization.
Sign, area of means the entire surface area of a sign, as determined by the Town, including its
facing, copy, symbols, electronic displays, background, and borders, but not including the
supporting structure or decorative roofing= provided that there is no written copy on such structures.
Sign backing, means an�sign that is displayed upon, against, or through any material, color surface, or
backing that forms an integral part of such display and differentiates the total display from the
background against which it is placed. Conversely, a sign without backing is any word, letter,
emblem, insignia, figure, or similar character, orrg_ow thereof, that is neither backed by,
incorporated in, nor otherwise made a part of any larger display area.
Sign structure means any structure that supports, has supported, or is capable of supporting a sign.
Single business building means a structure or lot containing one (1) business or several related
businesses under any form of ownership. If two (2) or more businesses are located in a structure or
on a_lot, use the same entrance and are not physically separated by walls, they shall constitute one
(1) business for the purposes of this Article.
Snipe sign means a sign or poster affixed to a tree, fence or any object within a public street or rit-of-
Statuary sign means any sign that is a three-dimensional, sculptured, or molded representation of an
animate or inanimate object.
Temporary sign means a sign or display that is designed for short-term use, and that is not intended to
be permanently attached to a building wall or permanently installed in the ground. Temporar Sim
are signs allowed for a limited time under this Article.
Under canopy sign means a sign suspended beneath a canopy, ceiling, roof, or marquee.
Vehicular sign means a sign directly placed, affixed, or painted on a motor vehicle or trailer.
Walking sign means a commercial sign that is, or is intended to be, held by, attached, or affixed on a
Wall sign means a sign attached parallel to and extending not more than twelve (12) inches from the wall
of a building. This definition includes painted, individual letter, cabinet situs, and signs on a marquee
or canopy.
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Wind -driven sign means a sign consisting of one (1) or a series of two (2) or more banners, flags
pennants, ribbons, spinners, streamers, captive balloons, or other objects or material fastened in
such a manner as to move, upon being subjected to pressure by wind or breeze.
Window sign means a sign applied, attached to a window or door, or located within thirty-six (36)
inches of the interior surface of a window that is visible and/or legible from the outside.
(c) Sign Area Calculation.
(1) Measuring Sign Area. When the surface area of a sign consists of a conventional geometric
shape, such as a rectangle or an oval, the accepted mathematical formula for calculating area shall
be used in determiningthe he si n
(2) Irregular Geometric Shapes. If a sign consists of a geometric shape without an accepted
mathematical formula for calculating area, the sign area shall be calculated by enclosing the sign
within a rectangle or the closest conventional geometric shape, with a maximum of three (3)
enclosing shapes.
(3) Projecting and Freestanding signs. The area of such signs shall have only one (1) face (the larger
one) counted of each double-faced sign in calculating the area, provided that any one (1) interior
angle formed by of the sign faces does not exceed ninet�de degrees (90'). The sib
of a multi -faced sign shall be calculated by adding the area of all sign faces excepting one (1
the area of the sign faces differs, the smallest sign face will be the one excluded from the
calculation. The area shall be the sum of the areas of each module or cabinet, including any
framing, trim, or molding.
(4) Individual Letters or Symbols. If a sign is composed of individual letters or symbols using the
wall as the backmound and (signs without backing), the sign area shall be calculated by enclosing
each word and/or symbol within a rectangle, or the closest conventional geometric shape, with a
maximum of three (3) enclosing shapes. The combined area of the shapes shall be considered the
total si,m area.
(d) Permitted Signs Generally,
The following signs are permitted subject to obtainingtquired sign plan approvals, unless it is
specifically stated below that the sign is exempt from review requirements:
(1) Commemorative signs, cornerstones, and plaques not exceeding two (2) square feet (exempt).
(2) Construction Signs, which must be removed on or before the date of issuance of a certificate
of occupancy for the project (exempt).
(3) Directional/informational signs of six (6) square feet or less each or as indicated on an approved
Master Sign Program (exempt).
(4) Event signs, .part of an approved event permit.
(5) Flags, not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area, and no flagpole may be higher than thirty-five
(35) feet in all zone districts except residential zones, in which the maximum height shall be twenty-
five (25) feet (exempt). A maximum of two (2) flags per property.
(6) Freestanding signs.
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(7) Government signs (exempt).
(8) Gravestones (exempt).
(9) Holiday displays and decorations (exempt).
(10) Private warning signs (exempt).
(11) Signs showing underground or public utilities (exempt).
(12) Wall Signs.
(13) Window Signs (exempt).
(14) Required street address signs6) square feet and smaller are exempt from the aggregate sign
(15) Project development signs: The sign administrator may issue approval for a development sign
meeting these criteria:
i. Not exceed an aggregate of sixteen (16)square feet and eight (8) feet in height.
ii. Not exceed two (2) signs per development project.
iii. Shall be removed if a construction sign is erected or if the project is no longer in the planning
approval process.
iv. In no case shall a sign be retained for more than two (2) years.
(e) General requirements.
(1) No person may engage in the business of erecting, altering, relocating, constructing, or maintaining
signs without a valid contractor license issued by the Town.
(2) Maintenance, installation, and placement standards.
i. All persons involved in the maintenance, installation, alteration, or relocation of signs near
or upon any public right-of-way or property shall agree to hold harmless and indemnify the
Town, its officers, agents, and emplo e�gainst any and all claims of negligence resulting
from such work insofar as the Chapter has not specifically directed the placement of a sign.
ii. Unless this Chapter imposes a greater restriction, the requirements for clearances and
placement of signs on a building shall comply with the adopted International Building
(IBC) Codes and local amendments.
iii. Wall signs, marquee signs, and canopy signs may be placed on any wall as appropriate.
In no case, other than as part of an approved Master Sign Program, shall any more than two
(2) wall -mounted signs be placed on any one (1) building facade. Wall signs may not interrupt
any architectural feature.
iv. Signs are not subiect to the setback requirements of the zone district where thev are located
provided that no sign, or part of the sign, shall project beyond a property line. No
freestanding sign may be located where it impairs the visibility for motor vehicles. A sight
triangle shall be established in which no sign is erected in a manner that limits or obstructs the
sight distance of motorists. Adjacent parcel owners may request to erect a common sign
structure on their common lot lines if written agreement is presented as evidence to the Town,
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and the Town further agrees to such plan. No sign shall interfere with or obstruct sidewalks,
multi -use trails, utilities, snow storage areas, or drainage facilities.
Projecting signs shall not project over six (6) feet from the face of the building
Vi. All signs shall be properly maintained. Exposed surfaces shall be clean and painted as paint is
required. Defective parts shall be replaced. Faded plastics shall be replaced. The sign code
administrator shall have the authority to order repairs or repainting as necessary.
vii. Permanent signs and sign structures shall be constructed by professional sign manufacturer
or be of similar professional quality. Metal sign components shall be noncorrosive or coated
with suitable paint to prevent corrosion. Permanent signs shall be fabricated on materials that
are of good quality, durable, and weather- resistant.
viii. Temporary signs shall be durable, weather -resistant, and fastened or anchored adequately.
Temporary signs employing plywood as a substrate shall be of medium -density overlay
plywood and shall show no signs of cracking or peeling on the painted surfaces. Lightweight
fabrics or similar materials shall be mounted securelyto surface.
ix. A freestanding sign erected at the edge of a parking area or adjacent to a traffic lane shall
have a barrier at the base to prevent collision between motor vehicles and the sign.
X. No wall -mounted, projecting, marquee, awning, or canopy sign shall be located above the
ceiling of the second story of a building.
xi. Signs shall be readable, with letters large enough to be legible, and with adequate contrast
between the letters and the background.
(3) Sign Materials. Signs shall use quality materials, including but not limited to natural stone,
anodized metal, routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit,
individual Plexiglas -faced letters, or three-dimensional individual letters with or without indirect
(4) Landscaping. Landscapin is 's required for all freestanding signs, and should be designed to
enhance the signage and surrounding building landscaping
(5) Lighting. Lighting shall be of no greater wattage than is necessary to make the sign visible at
night, and should not reflect unnecessarily onto adjacent properties. Lighting sources, except
neon tubing, should not be directly visible to passing pedestrians or vehicles, and should be
concealed in such a manner that direct light does not shine in a disturbing manner. Internally
signs shall not be illuminated when the business is closed.
(6) Location. On multi -story buildings, individual business signs shall be limited to the ground level.
(7) Vehicular signs. Vehicular signs are exempt from review and are allowed if all of the following
criteria are satisfied:
The vehicle is operable and has a current valid registration;
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ii. The sign is permanently or directlyqpphed to the vehicle itself;
iii. Vehicles with signs permanently or directly pplied must be normally and regularly used for
the transport of persons, goods or services, or be in the service of a municipal, county,
state, or federal agency; and
iv. Vehicles with signs must be parked or stored in areas designated for parking or vehicle
storage, and must not obstruct site circulation.
(8) Digital Displays, Electronic Message Centers, and electronic changeable copy signs. Auto -
oriented electronic messages, images, and/or changeable copy signs are permitted along arterial streets,
provided that they meet the following criteria:
i. Such signs shall be equipped with automatic dimmers, which shall be programmed to not
exceed three tenths (.3) footcandles over ambient light levels.
ii. Signs shall not cause distractions to drivers with moving images or similar effects.
(9) Interactive storefront sign are allowed for ground floor commercial uses in the Town Center zone
district, subject to the following regulations:
i. Interactive storefronts must be designed, installed, and maintained to function as a
computer-generated interactive display that responds to the physical activity of engaged
pedestrians passing along the adjacent sidewalk.
ii. Signs shall be placed on the interior of a pedestrian oriented display window.
iii. Messages displayed on interactive storefronts must be oriented towards pedestrians, and not
passing motorists.
iv. Interactive storefront signs count towards the calculation of maximum allowable window
display area, Section (g)(3)(iii).
V. The dimensional maximum of an interactive sign is three square feet or a 28 -inch monitor.
(f) Regulations in Residential Zoned Districts.
(1) Residential project entrance signs. Residential project entrance signs are permitted as follows:
One (1) sign, located adjacent to the primary entrance, not to exceed thirty-two (32)square
feet in area and eight (88) feet in height,
ii. One 1) sign per secondary entrance, not to exceed sixteen (16)square feet in area and eight
(8) feet in height.
iii. One (1) wall sign is permitted per street frontage in the RH district. Total aggregate signn
area of wall signs for shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet per front, or twenty-four (24)
square feet per development.
(2) One (1) construction sign shall be permitted for singley and duplex residences not to exceed
six (6) square feet. Multi -family developments shall be permitted a maximum of two (2)
construction signs per development site, not to exceed an aggregate sign area of twelve (12)
square feet.
(3) Each property shall be allowed an additional aggregate to sign area of twelve (12) square feet of
temporary freestanding signage. Such signage is limited to four (4) feet in height, and a time
period not to exceed forty-five (45) days per year. The time period set forth in this Section shall
not apply to any sign placed on a parcel of real property, which is actively listed for sale, as
evidenced b s�parcel's listing in a multiple listing service or other real estate listing service.
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(g) Regulations in Mixed-use and Commercial Lots.
(1) Individual business lot sign. Sign or signs shall not exceed one (1)square foot of sign area per
lineal foot of building front.
(2) Multiple business lot signs. Total sign area shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of
building front for the first thirty-two (32) feet and one-third (1/3) square foot per lineal foot of
building front in excess of thirty-two (32)square feet. Total building or project identification sign
area shall not exceed a maximum of sixty-four (64) square feet per lot front.
(3) Generallygp_plicable sign requirements
i. Multiple sip -ns. More than one (1) sien is be permitted, provided the total sign area does not
exceed the total allowed for the lot or building.
ii. Each property shall be allowed an additional aggregate sign area of twelve (12) square feet
of temporary freestanding signage. Such signage is limited to four (4) feet in height, a
maximum of four (4) signs per property at any one time, and a time period not to exceed
forty-five (45) dqys per year. The time period set forth in this Section shall not apply to any
sign placed on a parcel of real property, which is actively listed for sale, as evidenced by
such parcel's listing in a multiple listing service or other real estate listing service.
iii. Window Signs shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the area of the window onto which
they are attached. All window signs must be on the interior surface of the window. Window
signs are exempt from the approval requirements, and do not count towards the aggregate
sign area.
iv. A maximum of two (2) construction signs shall be permitted for each construction project
not to exceed an aggregate sign area of sixteen (16) square feet.
V. Portable sandwich board signs are permitted only in the Town Core, provided that all of the
following criteria are met:
(A) Sandwich board signs must have a well-maintained appearance, and shall not exceed
three (3) feet in width or three (3) feet in height.
(B) Only one (1) sandwich board sign is permitted per business or organization.
(C) Sandwich board signs must be located within five (5) feet of the building entrance, or
the building area occupied by the entity posting the sandwich board sign.
(D) Sandwich board signs shall only be posted during business hours, or the operating
hours of the entity postingthe he sign.
(E) Sandwich board signs shall not obstruct pedestrian walkways or parking areas, and
shall not result in non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(h) Master Sign Programs.
(1) The purpose of a Master Sign Program is to establish a common theme amongst signs on a
building or development project to create visual harmony between the signs, and other design
elements on the property.
(2) Master Sign Programs are encouraged for all properties and are required as a part of the design
review process for all proposed projects.
The owner, builder, or developer of a building designed for single use shall present to the
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Community Development Department a Master Sign Program showing_ proposed
locations of all signs.
ii. Multi -business buildings. The owner, builder, or developer of a building designed for
occupation by two (2) or more businesses under separate ownership shall present to the
Community Development Department a Master Sign Program showing proposed sign
locations, types, and methods of allocating sign area allowances to tenants' use.
(3) Master Sign Programs shall be in accordance with:
The Master Sign Program will demonstrate coordinated signage by maintaining a certain
uniformity of appearance through the consistent application of three (3) out of the six (6)
following elements: color, size, shape, materials, mounting, or lighting. All proposed
locations of freestanding signs and building directories shall be shown.
ii. Master Sign Program changes or proposals may not be made without HOA or owner
iii. All Master Sign Programs shall be in written and plan form.
(A) Program Statement shall include: height off the ground, the locations, types,
(freestanding, projecting, etc.) illumination, sizes (square footage) of each sign
according to the corresponding building face, and any additional information as
determined by the sign administrator.
(B) Drawn plans shall include:
(1) Site plan showing dimensions, colors, materials, copy, illumination, and required
landscaping for all freestanding signs.
(2) Program elevation showing locations, overall and letter/figure dimensions, colors,
materials, proposed copy, illumination, and anchorins of each sien on the
(3) Perspective, Sketch -up, or other type of rendering.
(4) Any additional information as determined by the sign code administrator.
iv. Master Sign Programs may include sign examples with wording, colors, materials, etc. to
further define the program requirements.
V. Master SignPrograms may include limitations on wording, colors, design_ lighting,
materials, and other restrictions.
vi. Proposed signs, not in accordance with the property' approved Master Sign Program, will
only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written
evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners'
association. Non -complying signs must:
(A) Demonstrate compliance with purpose statements of this Chapter; and
(B) Be found to enhance andeg nay modernize the site.
(i) Prohibited signs.
The following signs, unless otherwise stated herein, are prohibited:
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(1) A sign that is structurally unsafe, unsanitary, or hazardous to the safety or health of any person.
(2) Sims imitating or resembling official traffic or government signs or signals, or signs creating
an unsafe distraction for motor vehicle operators.
(3) Sims that are in disrgpair, damaged, dilapidated, inadequately maintained, or components of
signs which do not function as intended — as determined by the sign code administrator.
(4) Moving, animated, revolving, rotating, or reflective signs.
(5) Signs that obstruct the view of motor vehicle operators entering a public roadway from any parking
area service drive private driveway, alley, or other thoroughfare; or which obstruct free ingress to
or egress from a required entrance or exit way.
(6) Nonconforming Signs, except legal nonconforming signs.
(7) Neon, other gas-filled, or LED light tubes.
(8) Banners, except as described below:
i. Temporary banners as allowed as part of an approved event permit.
ii. Temporary banners allowed under the following procedure: the owner or operator of a
business or organization may apply to the Town for a temporary banner for display up to
thirteen (13) weeks per calendar year, for two (2) week intervals. Maximum banner size is
thirty-two (32) square feet. Banners shall be in good condition, without rips or tears, and
all corners shall be attached to a building or a projection of a building. A business or
organization may hang no more than one (1) banner at a time.
(9) Signs erected on public rights-of-way, except government signs.
(10)Wind-driven signs, air -activated graphics, or inflatable signs.
(11)Signs that utilize or incorporate searchlights.
(12)Signs mounted on the roof of a building, above canopies or eaves, or extending above the
uppermost edge of a parapet wall.
(13)Walking signs, human signs, signs incorporating live animals, or sign spinners.
(14)Signs with auditory messages or sounds.
(15)Snipe or poster signs, including signs fastened to trees, fences, utility poles, public benches,
streetlights, or placed on any public propertypublic right-of-way.
(16)Portable wheeled signsportable message center signs.
(17)Billboards or Off Premises signs.
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(18)Festoons, freestanding blade signs, inflatable signs, or teardrop flags of any shape.
(19)StatuM signs, except those proposed as part of a building sign, and whose area does not exceed
fifty percent (50%) of the area of the sign.
(20)Projected image signs or signs with projected copy.
(21)Signs with lights or illuminations that flash, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity, or yM i
(22)Freestanding signs supported by a singular pole or post.
(23)Under-canopyohanging signs that extend beyond the edge of the canopy or roof from which
they are suspended.
(24)Back-lit awning signs.
(25)Intemally illuminated cabinet signsprohibited except for those which use a non-opaque
material and punch -through letters so only the letters are illuminated.
Not Allowed
0) Safety standards.
(1) Freestanding or projecting signs and sign structures shall be engineered to withstand the
minimum wind and snow load requirements of the adopted building codes. A building permit
and associated engineering data sufficient to prove the reliability of the structure and the
foundation shall be submitted for signs over ten (10) feet in height and/or fortv (40) sauare feet
in area.
(2) Signs in danger of falling down, or which become insecure, or otherwise represent an unsafe
condition shall constitute a violation under the provisions of this Chapter, and shall be
removed or corrected by the sign owner.
(3) Electrical wiring for energizing an electrical sign shall be underground in the case of
freestanding and behind the sign cabinet in the case of wall or projectingsigns.
(4) All freestanding signs shall be self-supporting, erected on or permanently attached to a
concrete foundation. Signs mounted on marquees or projecting signs shall be engineered such
that no guy wires are needed for support, other than the sign structure itself. Wall signs shall
be mounted on the wall of the building.
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(5) Anchors and supports shall be guarded and protected when near driveways, parking lots, or
similar locations where they could be damaged by moving vehicles. Signs attached to
masonry concrete, or steel shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal
anchors bolts or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to safely support
the loads applied. No anchor or support of any sign, except flat wall signs, shall be connected
to or supported by an unbraced parapet wall.
(k) Legal nonconforming signs.
(1) An existing sign which does not conform to the provisions of this Chapter may be eligible for
the designation of legal nonconforming, provided that the sign code administrator determines
that such sign is properly maintained according to all applicable legal requirements, does not
in any wayendanger the public, and was covered by a valid permit or variance or complied
with all previously pplicable laws.
(2) A sign 1 may lose this designation if the sign is relocated or replaced, or the structure or size of
the sign is altered in any way, other than normal maintenance. If the sign suffers more than
fifty percent (50%)appraised damage or deterioration from fire, wind or other cause except
vandalism it must be brought into compliance with this Chapter. If the sign is remodeled,
moved or copy or text is changed under new ownership, or was never erected in accordance
with any code in force at the time, the sign shall be removed or brought into compliance with
this Chapter.
(3) The Town Council may condemn a nonconforming sign. Recommendations for condemnation
may be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
(4) By amortization. The right to continue to use or operate a nonconforming sign shall terminate
five (5) years after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter or the
annexation of the area in which the sign is located to the Town."
Section 15. Amendment to Section 9.04.050 — Restrictions on uses and activities. is amended to
read as follows, with underline indicating language to be adopted:
"Motorized vehicles. No person shall drive, ride or operate at any time any motorized vehicle or
motorized device of any type within any park or special event area except upon public roadways or
designated parking areas running through or adjoining any park or special event area. This prohibition
shall not apply to Town -owned vehicles, motorized wheelchairs, Class 1 or Class 2 electronic assisted
bicycles as defined in chapter 10.08.010, or mobility devices for disabled persons. All persons
operating a motorized vehicle or device within a park or special event area shall obey all traffic control
Section 16. Amendment to Section 10.08.010 — Definitions. is amended to read as follows, with
strike out indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"For the purposes of this Chapter, the words and phrases set forth in this Section shall have the following
Electronic Assisted Bicycle means a vehicle having three wheels or less, fully perable pedals, and an
electrical motor not exceeding seven hundred fifty (750) watts of power rating, and conforming to one of
three classes as follows:
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A. "Class 1 electrical assisted bicvcle" means an electrical assisted bicvcle eauipped with a motor
that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance
when the bicycle reaches a speed of twenty (20) miles per hour.
B. "Class 2 electrical assisted bicycle" means an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor
that provides assistance regardless of whether the rider is pedaling but ceases to provide
assistance when the bicvcle reaches a speed of twenty (20) miles per hour.
C. "Class 3 electrical assisted bicycle" means an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor
that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance
when the bicycle reaches a speed of twenty-eight (28) miles per hour.
Motorized vehicle means any device, except for electrical assisted bicycles, which by means of
any motor or engine, whether assisted by human effort or not, operates or is capable of being operated in
such a manner as to propel itself and/or its operator across or upon land, water, ice or snow, and includes,
but is not limited to: all trucks, vans, automobiles, cars, dune buggies, motorcycles, motorscooters,
mopeds, snowmobiles, boats, jet -skis, airboats or hydrofoils.
Restricted use area means all land and property, however owned, for which persons cited under
the terms and provisions of this Chapter have not received permission from the owner or agent for the
owner of said property, to engage in the act or acts for which said person was cited, and such permission,
in order to constitute a defense to said citation, must have been given prior to the date on which such
property owner or agent complained of such acts. Further, all property belonging to the Town shall also
be considered restricted use area and all land zoned OLD, PRIW, SP or-GPE14 according to the official
zone district map of the Town, regardless of ownership, shall be considered restricted use area. Roads,
streets, alleys, highways, parking lots and parking structures, regardless of ownership, shall not be
considered restricted use area."
Section 17. Amendment to Section 10.08.020. — Prohibited Acts. is amended to read as follows, with
underline indicating language to be adopted:
"No person shall park, drive, pilot or in any manner operate any motorized vehicle, as defined in Section
10.08.010, upon or across any restricted use area within the Town. Neither shall any person be a
passenger upon, on or in any motorized vehicle or upon, on or in any conveyance parked, drawn, pulled,
pushed or otherwise propelled by any motorized vehicle within the Town.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths: A person may operate a Class 1 or Class 2 electrical assisted bicvcle, with
the motor activated, on any bicvcle and pedestrian path in the Town other than a bicycle and pedestrian
path, in any of the prohibited areas set forth below. Class 3 electrical assisted bicycles are prohibited on
all bicycle and pedestrian paths.
Prohibited Areas: It is unlawful for a person to operate any class of electrical assisted bicycle with the
motor activated in or on the following:
1. Children's plgygrounds;
2. Turf areas or soft -surface trails;
3. Natural/unimproved areas;
4. Sidewalks that are not part of a designated recreation trail for both bicycle and pedestrian use, or
5. West Avon Preserve"
Section 18. Amendment to Section 10.32.060 — Motorized bicycles. is amended to read as follows,
with stere -out indicating language to be deleted and underline indicating language to be adopted:
"10.32.060 - Mopeds"'�zedbiey",
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An operator of a moped m^*^rized b eyele shall possess a valid driver's license. Mopeds metered
bids may be operated in bicycle lanes included within roadways. No moped meterized b e ele
may be operated on any sidewalk, pathway or upon any public lands unless such operation is
specifically designated."
Section 19. Section 15.28 - Sign Code. This Chapter is hereby repealed in its entirety and removed
from Chapter 15: Buildings and Construction.
Section 20. Amendment to Section 15.30.010 - Intent and Purpose. is amended to read as follows,
with strike out indicating language to be deleted:
"(e) In order- to detefmine the effeetiveness of this Chapter-, staff shall develop and implemen4 the "Avo
Dark Sky Pr-esen,atiea Lnifiative" pregfam to ineasure ebsei=vable lumen eettpAs at fixed points on th
valley fleen Baseline monitoring shall take plaee on an annual basis, and five (5) year -s after- the
implementation of the or-dinanee eedified herein, the findings shall be presented to the Plafming and -
Zoning Commission and the Town Gooneil to deteFmine whether- or- not the ipAePA and goals of this -
Section 21. Amendment to Section 15.30.030 - Applicability. is amended to read as follows, with
strike -out indicating language to be deleted:
"The lighting standards of this Chapter shall be applicable to all exterior lighting within the Town. All
exterior lighting installed after the effective date of the ordinance codified herein shall conform to the
standards established by this Chapter. All existing lighting installed before the effective date of the
ordinance codified herein shall be 1...^, ght into eenf furan conform with this Chapter. With:., five ("
years ffem the date of adeption of the oFdinanee eedified hefeift, Of by November- ,
Section 22. Codification of Amendments. The codifier of the Town's Municipal Code, Colorado
Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes as may be necessary
to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal Code. The Town Clerk is
authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any typographical error in the enacted
regulations, provided that such correction shall not substantively change any provision of the regulations
adopted in this Ordinance. Such corrections may include spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and
grammatical errors.
Section 23. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision to
any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other
provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. The Town Council
hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each provision thereof, even though any one
of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision"
means and includes any part, division, subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term
"application" means and includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or
construed alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town.
Section 24. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after final adoption in
accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter.
Section 25. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is promulgated for
the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of
Ord. 18-19 - Amending Avon Municipal Code
SECOND READING - January 22, 2019
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health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The Town Council further
determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be obtained.
Section 26. Publication. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance in accordance with
Chapter 1.16 of the Avon Municipal Code.
HEARING on November 13, 2018 and setting such public hearing for January 8, 2019, and January 22,
2019 at the Council Chambers of the Avon Municipal Building, located at One Hundred Mikaela Way,
Avon, Colorado.
SaraK Smith Hymes, Mayo Brenda Torres, Deputy Town Clerk cU i�RAD
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Ord. 18-19 - Amending Avon Municipal Code
SECOND READING - January 22, 2019
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