TC Resolution 18-25 Levying General Property Taxes for the Town of Avon for the 2019 Budget YearTOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION 18-25 A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2018, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE 2019 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law and Town Charter on December 11, 2018; and WHEREAS, the amount of money necessary to balance the budget for general operating purposes from property tax revenue is $1,871,006; and WHEREAS, the 2018 net total assessed valuation for the Town of Avon, as certified by the County Assessor is $208,910,930. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That for the purpose of meeting all general operating expenses of the Town of Avon during the 2019 budget year there is levied a tax of 8.956 mills upon each dollar of the net total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town of Avon for the year 2018. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, the mill levies for the Town of Avon as hereinabove determined and set. ADOPTED this 111h day of December 2018. AVON TOWN COUNCIL �p N 0F A� 1 Attest: I'lr : S E A L $r Trru, �prput� TOIA, loc►� County Tax Entity Code DOLA LGID/SID CERTIFICATION OF TAX LEVIES for NON -SCHOOL Governments TO: County Commissioners) of Eagle Coun On behalf of the the Town of Avon Town Council (taxing entity)A (governing body) of the Town of Avon (local government)C Colorado. Hereby officially certifies the following mills to be levied against the taxing entity's GROSS $ 230,386,270 assessed valuation of: (GROSSD assessed valuation, Line 2 of the Certification of Valuation Form DLG 57E) Note: If the assessor certified a NET assessed valuation (AV) different than the GROSS AV due to a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Area' the tax levies must be $ 208,910,930 calculated using the NET AV. The taxing entity's total (NETG assessed valuation, Line 4 of the Certification of Valuation Form DLG 57) property tax revenue will be derived from the mill levy multiplied against the NET assessed valuation of: Submitted: 12/0412018 for budget/fiscal year 2019 (not later than Dec. 15) (mm/dd/yyyy) (yyyy) PURPOSE (see end notes for definitions and examples) LEVY' REVENUE' 1. General Operating Expenses'' 2. <Minus> Temporary General Property Tax Credit/ Temporary Mill Levy Rate Reduction' SUBTOTAL FOR GENERAL OPERATING: 3. General Obligation Bonds and Interest' 4. Contractual Obligations' 5. Capital ExpendituresL 6. Refunds/Abatements"' 7. Other" (specify): 8.956 mills $ 1,871,006 < > mills $ < > 8.956 mills $ 1,871,006 mills $ mills $ mills $ mills $ mills $ mills $ TOTAL:[ Sum of General Operating 1 L Subtotal and Lines 3 to 7 J 8.956 mills $ 1,871,006 Contact person: Daytime (print)/Scott C. ht, Asst. Town Manager phone: ( 970 ) 748-4055 Signed: ^ Title: Mayor Include one copy of this tax entity's completed form when filing the local government's budget by January 31st, per 29-1-113 C.R.S., with the Division of Local Government (DLG), Room 521, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203. Questions? Call DLG at (303) 866-2156. ' If the taxing entity's boundaries include more than one county, you must certify the levies to each county. Use a separate form for each county and certify the same levies uniformly to each county per Article X, Section 3 of the Colorado Constitution. Z Levies must be rounded to three decimal places and revenue must be calculated from the total NET assessed valuation (Line 4 of Form DLG57 on the County Assessor's tnal certification of valuation). Form DLG 70 (rev 7/08) Page 1 of 4 CERTIFICATION OF TAX LEVIES, continued THIS SECTION APPLIES TO TITLE 32, ARTICLE 1 SPECIAL DISTRICTS THAT LEVY TAXES FOR PAYMENT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT (32-1-1603 C.R.S.). Taxing entities that are Special Districts or Subdistricts of Special Districts must certify separate mill levies and revenues to the Board of County Commissioners, one each for the funding requirements of each debt (32-1-1603, C.R.S.) Use additional pages as necessary. The Special District's or Subdistrict's total levies for general obligation bonds and total levies for contractual obligations should be recorded on Page 1, Lines 3 and 4 respectively. CERTIFY A SEPARATE MILL LEVY FOR EACH BOND OR CONTRACT: BONDS: 1. Purpose of Issue: Series: Date of Issue: Coupon Rate: Maturity Date: Levy: Revenue: 2. Purpose of Issue: Series: Date of Issue: Coupon Rate: Maturity Date: Levy: Revenue: CONTRACTSK: 3. Purpose of Contract: Title: Date: Principal Amount: Maturity Date: Levy: Revenue: 4. Purpose of Contract: Title: Date: Principal Amount: Maturity Date: Levy: Revenue: Use multiple copies of this page as necessary to separately report all bond and contractual obligations per 32-1-1603, C.R.S. Form DLG 70 (rev 7/08) Page 2 of 4 Notes: Taxing Entity—A jurisdiction authorized by law to impose ad valorem property taxes on taxable property located within its territorial limits (please see notes B, C, and H below). For purposes of the DLG 70 only, a taxing entity is also a geographic area formerly located within a taxing entity's boundaries for which the county assessor certifies a valuation for assessment and which is responsible for payment of its share until retirement of financial obligations incurred by the taxing entity when the area was part of the taxing entity. For example: an area of excluded property formerly within a special district with outstanding general obligation debt at the time of the exclusion or the area located within the former boundaries of a dissolved district whose outstanding general obligation debt service is administered by another local government'. s Governing Body—The board of county commissioners, the city council, the board of trustees, the board of directors, or the board of any other entity that is responsible for the certification of the taxing entity's mill levy. For example: the board of county commissioners is the governing board ex officio of a county public improvement district (PID); the board of a water and sanitation district constitutes ex officio the board of directors of the water subdistrict. c Local Government - For purposes of this line on Page 1 of the DLG 70, the local government is the political subdivision under whose authority and within whose boundaries the taxing entity was created. The local government is authorized to levy property taxes on behalf of the taxing entity. For example, for the purposes of this form: 1. a municipality is both the local government and the taxing entity when levying its own levy for its entire jurisdiction; 2. a city is the local government when levying a tax on behalf of a business improvement district (BID) taxing entity which it created and whose city council is the BID board; 3. a fire district is the local government if it created a subdistrict, the taxing entity, on whose behalf the fire district levies property taxes. 4. a town is the local government when it provides the service for a dissolved water district and the town board serves as the board of a dissolved water district, the taxing entity, for the purpose of certifying a levy for the annual debt service on outstanding obligations. GROSS Assessed Value - There will be a difference between gross assessed valuation and net assessed valuation reported by the county assessor only if there is a "tax increment financing" entity (see below), such as a downtown development authority or an urban renewal authority, within the boundaries of the taxing entity. The board of county commissioners certifies each taxing entity's total mills upon the taxing entity's Gross Assessed Value found on Line 2 of Form DLG 57. ' Certification of Valuation by County Assessor, Form DLG 57 - The county assessor(s) uses this form (or one similar) to provide valuation for assessment information to a taxing entity. The county assessor must provide this certification no later than August 25th each year and may amend it, one time, prior to December 10" F TIF Area—A downtown development authority (DDA) or urban renewal authority (URA), may form plan areas that use "tax increment financing" to derive revenue from increases in assessed valuation (gross minus net, Form DLG 57 Line 3) attributed to the activities/improvements within the plan area. The DDA or URA receives the differential revenue of each overlapping taxing entity's mill levy applied against the taxing entity's gross assessed value after subtracting the taxing entity's revenues derived from its mill levy applied against the net assessed value. G NET Assessed Value—The total taxable assessed valuation from which the taxing entity will derive revenues for its uses. It is found on Line 4 of Form DLG 57. a General Operating Expenses (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 1)—The levy and accompanying revenue reported on Line 1 is for general operations and includes, in aggregate, all levies for and revenues raised by a taxing entity for purposes not lawfully exempted and detailed in Lines 3 through 7 on Page 1 of the DLG 70. For example: a fire pension levy is included in general operating expenses, unless the pension is voter -approved, if voter -approved, use Line 7 (Other). Form DLG 70 (rev 7/08) Page 3 of 'Temporary Tax Credit for Operations (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 2)—The Temporary General Property Tax Credit/ Temporary Mill Levy Rate Reduction of 39-1-111.5, C.R.S. may be applied to the taxing entity's levy for general operations to effect refunds. Temporary Tax Credits (TTCs) are not necessary for other types of levies (non -general operations) certified on this form because these levies are adjusted from year to year as specified by the provisions of any contract or schedule of payments established for the payment of any obligation incurred by the taxing entity per 29-1-301(1.7), C.R.S., or they are certified as authorized at election per 29-1-302(2)(b), C.R.S. ' General Obligation Bonds and Interest (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 3)—Enter on this line the total levy required to pay the annual debt service of all general obligation bonds. Per 29-1-301(1.7) C.R.S., the amount of revenue levied for this purpose cannot be greater than the amount of revenue required for such purpose as specified by the provisions of any contract or schedule of payments. Title 32, Article 1 Special districts and subdistricts must complete Page 2 of the DLG 70. x Contractual Obligation (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 4)—If repayment of a contractual obligation with property tax has been approved at election and it is not a general obligation bond (shown on Line 3), the mill levy is entered on this line. Per 29-1-301(1.7) C.R.S., the amount of revenue levied for this purpose cannot be greater than the amount of revenue required for such purpose as specified by the provisions of any contract or schedule of payments. L Capital Expenditures (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 5)—These revenues are not subject to the statutory property tax revenue limit if they are approved by counties and municipalities through public hearings pursuant to 29-1- 301(1.2) C.R.S. and for special districts through approval from the Division of Local Government pursuant to 29- 1-302(1.5) C.R.S. or for any taxing entity if approved at election. Only levies approved by these methods should be entered on Line 5. " Refunds/Abatements (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 6)—The county assessor reports on the Certification of Valuation (DLG 57 Line 11) the amount of revenue from property tax that the local government did not receive in the prior year because taxpayers were given refunds for taxes they had paid or they were given abatements for taxes originally charged to them due to errors made in their property valuation. The local government was due the tax revenue and would have collected it through an adjusted mill levy if the valuation errors had not occurred. Since the government was due the revenue, it may levy, in the subsequent year, a mill to collect the refund/abatement revenue. An abatement/refund mill levy may generate revenues up to, but not exceeding, the refund/abatement amount from Form DLG 57 Line 11. Please Note: If the taxing entity is in more than one county, as with all levies, the abatement levy must be uniform throughout the entity's boundaries and certified the same to each county. To calculate the abatement/refund levy for a taxing entity that is located in more than one county, first total the abatement/refund amounts reported by each county assessor, then divide by the taxing entity's total net assessed value, then multiply by 1,000 and round down to the nearest three decimals to prevent levying for more revenue than was abated/refunded. This results in an abatement/refund mill levy that will be uniformly certified to all of the counties in which the taxing entity is located even though the abatement/refund did not occur in all the counties. N Other (DLG 70 Page 1 Line 7)—Report other levies and revenue not subject to 29-1-301 C.R.S. that were not reported above. For example: a levy for the purposes of television relay or translator facilities as specified in sections 29-7-101, 29-7-102, and 29-7-105 and 32-1-1005 (1) (a), C.R.S.; a voter -approved fire pension levy; a levy for special purposes such as developmental disabilities, open space, etc. Form DLG 70 (rev 7/08) Page 4 of 4 ANNIENDED CERTIFICATION OF VALUES Name of Jurisdiction: TOWN OF AVON, 030 New District: USE FOR STATUTORY PROPERTY TAX REVENUE LIMIT CALCULATIONS (5.5% LIMIT) ONLY In accordance with 39-5-121(2)(a) and 39-5-128(1). C.R.S. The total Assessed Valuations for taxable year 2018 In EAGLE COUNTY On 11 26/2018 Are: Previous Year's Net Total Assessed Valuation: S204,903,930 Current Year's Gross Total Assessed Valuation: $230.386,270 (-) Less TIF district increment, if any: 521,475,340 Current Year's Net Total Assessed Valuation: $208.910,930 New Construction": S1,418,350 Increased Production of Producing Mines— SO ANNEXATIONS/INCLUSIONS: 50 Previously Exempt Federal Property": $0 New Primary Oil or Gas production from any 51,160.400 Oil and Gas leasehold or land (29-1-301(1)(b) C R S)""" 50 Taxes Received last year on omitted property $0 as of August 1 (29-1-301(1)(a) C.R.S.) Includes all revenue 50.00 collected on valuation not previously certified, Taxes Abated or Refunded as of August 1 55,038.04 (39-10-114(1)(a)(1)(2) C.R.S.): This value reflects personal property exemptions IF enacted by the jurisdiction as authorized by Art. X, Sec. 20(8)(b), Colo. Constitution New Construction is defined as: Taxable real property structures and the personal property connected with the structure. '" Jurisdiction must submit a certification to the Division of Local Government in order for a value to be accrued (DLG52 & 52A) """ Jurisdiction must submit an application to the Division of Local Government in order for a value to be accrued. (DLG 526) USE FOR'TABOR' LOCAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS ONLY In accordance with the Art. X. Sec. 20. Colorado Constitution and 39-5-121(2)(b), C.R.S. The Actual Valuations for the taxable year 2018 In EAGLE COUNTY On 11/26/2019 Are Current Year's Total Actual Value of All Real Property`: 82,121,154,740 ADDITIONS TO TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY: Construction of taxable real property improvements-: $19,443,770 ANNEXATIONS/INCLUSIONS: $0 Increased Mining Production—: $0 Previously exempt property: $107,690 Oil or Gas production from a new well: $0 Taxable real property omitted from the previous year's tax SO warrant. (Only the most current year value can be reported): DELETIONS FROM TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS. 51,160.400 Destruction of taxable property improvements. Disconnections/Exclusions: $0 Previously Taxable Property: SO This includes the actual value of all taxable real property plus the actual value of religious, private schools, and charitable real property. Construction is defined as newly constructed taxable real property structures. """ Includes production from a new mine and increase in production of a producing mine. NOTE: All levies must be certified to the Board of County Commissioners no later than December 15.2018