PZC Packet 1106181 Agenda posted on Friday, November 2, 2018 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 6, 2018 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building If you require special accommodation, please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970- 748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Major Design and Development Plan – CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - 4050 Wildridge Road East D File: MJR18010 Legal Description: Lot 39 D, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: RAL Architects Owner: 5032-5040 Wildridge LLC Summary: New single-family home accessed from a shared driveway through duplex lots 39A and 39B. VI. Major Design and Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance - PUBLIC HEARING – 5391 Ferret Lane File: MJR18011 Applicant: Martin Manley Architects Owner: Siglinda Van Eldik Revocable Trust and Stephen and Kristina Vardaman Summary: Remodel of a duplex, with an addition on unit A. The deviation from required roof overhang size requires an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application. VII. Consent Agenda A – October 16, 2018 Meeting Minutes B – Record of Decision: MJR18009 – 4050C Wildridge Road home VIII. Staff Updates Staff approvals: • 5301A Ferret Lane landscape changes • 4224 Wildridge Road Evaporative Cooler Screening • Chapel Square Dumpster Enclosure IX. Adjourn PZC Record of Decision: #MJR18009 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: October 16, 2018 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 39C, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR18009 APPLICANT: Bobby Ladd This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan with the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. CONDITIONS: 1. An irrigation plan complying with AMC will be presented before a building permit will be issued; 2. The successful completion of all ERWSD requirements shall be verified before a building permit will be issued; 3. The retaining wall design is required to be stamped by a licensed engineer and approval of that design is required by the project geotechnical engineer; and 4. Drainage easements are required to be presented during subdivision. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building Optional Site Tours – 12:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. Location: 950 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Description: Optional tours of the Hahnewald Barn were offered. I. Call to Order – 5:02pm – 100 Mikaela Way | New Town Hall II. Roll Call – All commissioners were present except for Commissioner Dammeyer. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda – There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest – There were no conflicts of interest divulged. V. Hahnewald Barn Work Session Summary: A work session with members of the Avon Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (AHPAC) reviewed schematic drawings for the Hahnewald Barn project. Preferred characteristic of the site plan alternatives was given, for final action by the Avon Town Council. VI. Major Design and Development Plan – 5040 Wildridge Road East C - PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18009 Legal Description: Lot 39 C, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: RAL Architects Owner: 5032-5040 Wildridge LLC Summary: Review of a new single-family home accessed from a shared driveway through duplex lots 39A and 39B. Action: Commissioner Golembiewski motioned to approve the application with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. An irrigation plan complying with AMC will be presented before a building permit will be issued; 2. The successful completion of all ERWSD requirements shall be verified before a building permit will be issued; 2 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018 3. The retaining wall design is required to be stamped by a licensed engineer and approval of that design is required by the project geotechnical engineer; and 4. Drainage easements are required to be presented during subdivision. Commissioner Glaner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. Major Design and Development Plan – 5040 Wildridge Road East D - PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18010 Legal Description: Lot 39 D, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: RAL Architects Owner: 5032-5040 Wildridge LLC Summary: Review of a new single-family home accessed from a shared driveway through duplex lots 39A and 39B. Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to continue the public hearing to the November 6, 2018 PZC meeting pending roofline modulation and articulation as discussed. Commissioner Glaner seconded the motion and it carried 5-1. VII. Code Text Amendments – PUBLIC HEARING File: CTA18002 Applicant: Town of Avon Summary: Various minor amendments to the Development Code. Action: Commissioner Barned motioned to approve the application with the following findings and facts and the record of decision as presented by staff: Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The code text amendments were reviewed in accordance with the criteria listed in Section 7.16.040(c), Review Criteria, and are found to be in substantial compliance as outlined in the staff report for the September 18, 2018 public hearing; 4. The code text amendments promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the Avon Community; 5. The code text amendments are necessary to respond to changing conditions including a more developed commercial core, and new planning practice resulting from the Gilbert land use case. 6. The text amendment promotes and implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 7. The text amendment promotes and implements the purposes stated in this Development Code. Commissioner Howell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. VIII. Consent Agenda A – September 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes B – Record of Decision: MJR18006 & AEC 18008 – Colorado World Resorts MJR18008 – Riverfront Development CTA18001 – Sign Code IX. Staff Updates 3 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018 • Staff approvals: i. Development Sign at Riverfront development ii. Boulder wall modification at 5184 Longsun X. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm. Approved this 6th Day of November 2018 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan November 6, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR18010 Project type Major Development Plan Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 39D Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 4050 D Wildridge Road East Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a new proposed single-family house. This application was continued due to issues with roofline articulation, and the applicant modified the building form to address the concerns. Summary of Request Bobby Ladd (the Applicant) proposes a new house for Lot 39D. The building is two (2) stories, 4,385 sf of livable space and includes an 870 sf garage. The lower level is ground-level at the south side and located below grade on the uphill (north) side of the house. It has a mix of shed and gable roofs, mainly at 6:12 or 4:12 for the shingled roofs and 4:12 for the metal roofs. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the October 5 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Municipal Code (AMC). Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 39D is .6 acres located on a steep section of Wildridge Road East. It is zoned PUD and was modified in 2018 to accommodate two single family houses. It borders duplex and single-family houses and a vacant lot on the street side. Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 39D was modified in 2018 to allow for single family houses with the following setback requirements: Front East West Back 25’ 10’ 10’ 10’ Drainage easements have not been proposed on this project and are required before subdivision. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is thirty-five feet (35’), with a “glass ceiling” at 8444 feet. The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of thirty- November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 2 three and 5/100ths feet (33.05') and is well below the glass ceiling height. An ILC will be required to assure compliance with the building height. Parking: The project is required three (3) parking spaces, and all spaces are provided in the garage. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping & Irrigation: The building is proposed to be landscaped primarily with aspen, spruce, deciduous shrubs, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (attachment A, sheet A0.2). 31.1% of the property area is landscaped, and the Landscape Unit count provided is 195, with 165 required. Permanent irrigation quantities are unknown. An irrigation plan showing compliance with AMC will be required before a building permit is issued. The terraces created between retaining walls are permanently landscaped, in accordance with Sec. 7.28.070, and discussed below. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are stucco, (painted tan), stone tiles, and vertical board wood siding (painted tan) (Attachment A, sheet A2.1 and Attachment B). Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls are subject to the following standards, Sec. 7.28.070: (1) Retaining walls may be utilized only where finished grades cannot meet the recommended standards of this Development Code due to naturally occurring topography and other site development constraints. (2) Retaining walls over four (4) feet in height shall be designed with a series of retaining walls with landscaped terraced steps. The width of the terrace between any two (2) four-foot vertical retaining walls shall be at least three (3) feet. Retaining walls higher than four (4) feet shall be separated from any other retaining walls by a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet. Terraces created between retaining walls shall be permanently landscaped. (3) A retaining wall shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height unless approved by the PZC and it is demonstrated that no alternative site layout is functional. (4) The design of retaining walls shall be constructed of materials compatible with the site and materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials, such as boulders, cut rocks, stone-veneer or textured, color-tinted concrete. Timbers and railroad ties are prohibited as retaining wall materials. Where two (2) alternatively designed retaining walls meet, a cohesive transition between walls must be demonstrated. (5) Walls over four (4) feet in height or any wall supporting a vehicle load or structure shall be structurally designed and certified by a Colorado licensed professional engineer. There are two (2) boulder retaining walls at or near four (4) feet each, totaling roughly 9 feet on the north side of the driveway (attachment A, sheet A0.2). Staff recommends careful PZC review of the walls for compliance with the above standards and add the condition that an engineer continually certify the wall throughout the building process. Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3) Roofs. The applicant is proposing 6:12 and 4:12 shingled and 4:12 to 3:12 metal roof pitches and are compliant with applicable AMC regulations. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting (Attachment A, A1.1 and A1.2) is cutoff November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 3 fixtures that are Dark Sky Compliant, and the locations and quantity are compliant with lighting code. Roofline Modulation: AMC states, “(ii) All buildings shall incorporate roofline modulation.” Staff’s concern from the first public hearing is assuaged in the modified design. While the building does not incorporate significant roofline modulation, the addition of new forms creates a softer feel for the building. The new garage gable creates an accent feature that ties three of the building sides together. Other rooflines are modified on the north elevation, creating a longer sloped shed in the center of the north elevation and a combined shed with metal on the right side of the north elevation (Attachment A, A2.2). Four-Sided Design: AMC states, “All sides of a residential building shall display a similar level of quality and architectural detailing. Architectural features and treatments shall not be restricted to a single facade.” The architectural features better compliment the building. Of note is an electric utility box located on the west elevation, which limits the windows on the master bath. Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision: AMC states: (1) Intent: (i) To preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the natural hillsides by designing projects which relate to the slope of the land and minimize the amount of project grading; and (ii) To promote development which is visually compatible with the natural topography of the surrounding area. (2) Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows: (A) Four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. (B) Less than a four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. (3) Building Design: (i) Buildings shall have street-facing architectural details and elements which provide a human scale to the facade. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided. (A) The design of a structure shall create variety and interest along the street elevation. A significant alteration of the massing and composition (not just the exterior colors and materials) of each house or each townhouse or duplex unit must be accomplished. (B) The use of architectural features that increase visual prominence should be avoided. Massive, tall elements, such as two-story entries, turrets and large chimneys, should be avoided. Such elements on the downhill face of the structure are of particular concern. PZC should carefully consider if the downhill (south) elevation complies with the above for massing and composition. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 4 specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The application complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, “Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” This District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. The Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan, include, “Policy G.2.1: Identify and avoid development in environmentally sensitive areas or steep hillsides.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal was referred to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for compliance with the property’s’ water allocation and the applicant was required to produce a utility plan. Staff added the successful completion of all ERWSD requirements as a condition of approval for this application. All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 5 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: Staff finds that the design complies with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. 3. The design reflects the long- range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Staff Recommendation for MJR18010 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approval of the Major Development Plan for Lot 39D Block 4 Wildridge, with the following findings and conditions. Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; Conditions: 1. An irrigation plan complying with AMC will be presented before a building permit will be issued; 2. The successful completion of all ERWSD requirements shall be verified before a building permit will be issued; 3. The retaining wall design is required to be stamped by a licensed engineer and approval of that design is required by the project geotechnical engineer; and 4. Drainage easements are required to be presented during subdivision. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR18010, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 39D Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Exhibits November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4050 Wildridge Road East D 6 A. Application Materials B. Color Board 15 14 13 SILT FENCESILT FENCE LIMITS OF DISTUR B A N C E LIMITS OF DISTURBANCEROCK OUTCROP ROCK OUTCROP ELEVATION 17.50 14.71 15.50 15.80 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 15.5 14.71 15.80 15.42 15.80 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 15.80 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION 2.5 UPPER FLOOR ELEVATION 25.5 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION 1.80 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION 13.80 17 18 19 25 22 22 23 34 27 32 25 16 15.50 15.42 2.0 14.31 13.50 20 21 21 22 26 26 27 28 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 15.25 15.50 14.96 15 ROOF - 8441.58ROOF - 8433.90CONCRETE PATIO 15.80 13.56 11.0 6.0 2.0 CONCRETE PATIO CONCRETE PATIO 13.26 13.0 ROOF - 843 1 . 4 7 ROOF - 8432.55ROOF - 8430.63SNOW - 239SF SNOW - 119SF SNOW - 74SF SNOW - 66SF SNOW - 44SF SNOW - 39SF SNOW - 71SF SNOW - 48SFSNOW - 105SF 2 3 1 4 ELECTRICAL METER ELECTRICAL METER GAS METER 6 SNOW STORAGE CALCULATION DRIVEWAY AREA EXISTING 7137 SF PROPOSED 7328 SF REQUIRED SNOW STORAGE EXISTING 1428 SF PROPOSED 1466 SF PROVIDED SNOW STORAGE EXISTING 1643 SF PROPOSED 1667 SF LOT SUMMARY LOT AREA (TOTAL)103,460 SF LOT A/B 46,579 SF LOT C 30,311 SF LOT D 26,570 SF BUILDING COVERAGE LOT A/B 6543 SF (14.0%) LOT C 3263 SF (10.8%) LOT D 3739 SF (14.1%) TOTAL 13,545 SF (13.1%) IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE LOT A/B BUILDING 4,775 SF LOT A/B PATIOS 540 SF LOT A/B EXISTING DRIVE 7,137 SF LOT A/B TOTAL 12,452 SF (26.7%) LOT C BUILDING 2,102 SF LOT C PATIOS 426 SF LOT C DRIVEWAY 5,228 SF LOT C TOTAL 7,756 SF (25.6%) LOT D BUILDING 2,582 SF LOT D PATIOS 541 SF LOT D DRIVEWAY 2,100 SF LOT D TOTAL 5,223 SF (19.7%) TOTAL 25,431 SF (24.6%) LANDSCAPE AREA LOT C 8,409 SF (27.7%) - 169 LANDSCAPE UNITS LOT D 8,211 SF (30.9%) - 165 LANDSCAPE UNITS EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPER REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE NOT TO BE SODDED OR MULCHED ARE TO BE POPULUS TREMULOIDES MULCH PLANTING BED SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH AN AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST - LOT C PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 6 # 11 SHRUB PLANT LEGEND AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON19 5 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 43 48 LANDSCAPE UNITS 77 19 43 187 BUILDING HEIGHT CALCULATION RIDGE GRADE HEIGHT 1 8431.47 8404.0 27.47' 2 8434.55 8401.5 33.05' 3 8430.63 8402.0 28.63' 4 8441.58 8407.0 34.58' 5 8433.90 8399.0 34.90' 6 8432.55 8400.0 32.55' 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPERPOPULUS TREMULOIDES PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST - LOT D PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 7 # 15 AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON38 5 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 14 56 LANDSCAPE UNITS 105 20 14 195 Architectural Site Plan A0.2 1" = 10' I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Attachment A KingKingKingFAMILY ROOM BEDROOM 4 BATH 2 CLOS 2 PDR STUDY CLOS 3 LAUNDRY BEDROOM 3 MECHANICAL BEDROOM 2 BATH 4 CLOS 4 FINISHED FLOOR AREA - 2513 SF MECHANICAL FLOOR AREA - 69 SF WINE HOT TUB PATIO CLOSET BATH 3 CLOSET LINEN I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Lower Floor Plan A1.1 1/4" = 1'0" Attachment A Dining Table3'6" x 8'0"KingMASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH GREAT ROOM ENTRY PDR DINING KITCHEN MUD ROOM GARAGE FINISHED FLOOR AREA - 1872 SF GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 870 SF MASTER CLOSET DECK PANTRY PANTRY GAS ELECTRIC METER METER I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Upper Floor Plan A1.2 1/4" = 1'0" Attachment A 4:126:124:124:126:12 4:12 1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"4'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"ROOF ELEVATION - 8434.55ROOF ELEVATION - 8430.63ROOF ELEVATION - 8430.47 6:126:124:123:124:124:12I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Roof Plan A1.3 1/4" = 1'0" Attachment A MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8413.80 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8401.80 A C C C D D D D F F FF FF G G I I I I M MO M O O O OO A A C C J J K K K K L L N N N P P MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8413.80 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8401.80 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8415.80 K O O AB C C D F I IJ J K P O P EXTERIOR MATERIAL LEGEND A ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES B FLAT SEAM METAL ROOFING C 2-PIECE 2X WOOD FASCIA D 8x14 TIMBER BEAM/OUTLOOK E TIMBER BEAM/KING POST F TIMBER COLUMN G METAL RAILING W/WOOD CAP AND POSTS H 8x8 TIMBER BRACKET I VERTICAL BOARD and BATTEN WOOD SIDING J 2x4 CORNER BOARD K 2x4 WINDOW/DOOR TRIM L 10" TIMBER HEADER M STUCCO N STUCCO CONTROL JOINT O STONE VENEER P STONE CAP I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Exterior Building Elevations A2.1 1/4" = 1'0" South (Rear) Elevation East (Side) Elevation Attachment A MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8413.80 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8415.80 A A A C B C C C C D C C D F F I I I I I J J J K K K K K K M N O O O O O P P P MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8413.80 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8401.80 F G I K B CC C C D D D F F I J I M K M N P P O P O I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PNZ Submittal 09.14.18 16-221B October 17, 2018 ral RAL Architects, Inc.2018C Edwards, Colorado 81632email ~ bobbyl@ralarch.comP.O. Box 1805Phone ~ 970.376.42275040 Wildridge Rd Wildridge PUD S T R U C T U R A L - Block 4 Lot 39D Avon, CO 81620 Residence D B Grading Permit 09.19.18 C PNZ Revisions 09.27.18 D PNZ Revisions 10.09.18 Exterior Building Elevations A2.2 1/4" = 1'0" North (Front) Elevation West (Side) Elevation Attachment A November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan & AEC November 6, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR18011 and AEC18009 Project type Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 70A and 70B Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 5391 Ferret Lane A and B Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a proposed addition and modification to a duplex house; and an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) for the roof overhang and pitch on the addition. Summary of Request John Martin (the Applicant) proposes an addition on Lot 70A and modifications on the existing house on 70A and 70B. The proposal achieves a more modern aesthetic, with new windows, siding, and more interaction between the interior and exterior. The Lot 70A addition creates a larger great room, new side deck, and extra garage space. In total 863 sf of additional space is proposed. The entire structure, Units 70A and 70B, will be repainted and reclad. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the October 19 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 70 combined is .99 acres located at the end of Ferret Lane near the top of Wildridge. It is zoned PUD. The duplex home was approved for construction in 1995. Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 70A has traditional Wildridge building envelope and easements: Front Side Back Drainage Easement 25’ 7.5’ 10’ 10’ on each side Building Height: The maximum building height permitted on this property is thirty-five feet (35’) and the applicant is not proposing any area to be higher than established roofline in the addition. Design Standards Analysis Lot 70. The proposed addition is on the right unit. November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 2 Landscaping & Irrigation: Staff determined that because the proposal does not substantially alter the site , the only landscaping area of focus shall be the disturbed area of the property. T he disturbed area is 420 sf and an additional 500 sf of landscaped area is being added to the property. The proposed landscaping additions include blue spruce, ash, aspen and shrubs to add privacy (Attachment A, sheet A1.1). Three (3) trees will be removed to accommodate the design: one “clump” by the driveway, one at the new porch, and one at the rear of the house. While the Landscape Units have not been quantified, staff is comfortable that the landscape modifications are compliant with applicable replacement units. Staff wants to clarify that the original landscaping plan (left, presented with the upside-down plan view) shows native seed grass in an area where the applicant is proposing sod (Attachment A, A1.1). Staff suggests a condition that the existing landscaping is replaced by the originally approved native seed, thereby minimizing sod area. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The proposed exterior building materials are stucco (colored “Smoked Putty”, and “Iron Mountain”), wood siding (colored “hazelnut”). Existing materials to remain include stone tiles and wood siding (stained “Redwood”) (Attachment A, A0.1). Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090 (j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards and Light Reflective Value. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Roof Material, Pitch, and Overhang: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3) Roofs. The material is proposed as corten and asphalt shingles. For new roof forms the applicant is proposing 4:12 roof pitches for asphalt and 3:12 pitches for metal, except in one location. Per AMC, “Overhangs are required on pitched roofs and shall extend at least one and one-half (1.5) feet from the point where the wall meets the roof as horizontally measured from the exterior wall of the structure.” Proposed overhangs are smaller at 16”; therefore an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) review is necessary, found below. The small section of roof that does not meet the 3:12 pitch requirement is also found in the AEC review. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting consists of wall sconces and recessed fixtures that are Dark Sky compliant (Attachment C). Four-Sided Design: AMC states, “All sides of a residential building shall display a similar level of quality and architectural detailing. Architectural features and treatments shall not be November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 3 restricted to a single facade.” Staff finds that this redesign enhances the architectural interest in the building and meets the above criteria. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is compliant with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (f) states, “Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: T his Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis. The roof pitch and overhang deviation from the Development Code is included for AEC review, below. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” This district includes Planning Principles that encourage open space preservation, sidewalks, and to, “encourage and support development that: Prohibits significant alteration of natural environment as well as ridgeline and steep slope development. This area should be highly sensitive to visual impacts of improvements, wildlife preservation, and lighting.” This Application generally proposes a design that is consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan, including, “Policy G.2.1: Identify and avoid development in environmentally sensitive areas or steep hillsides.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 4 Staff Response: All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code or seeks an Alternative Equivalent Compliance. 3. The design reflects the long- range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposal meets the requirements. 7.16.120 - Alternative Equivalent Compliance “Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title.” AEC Request The Application proposes roof overhangs of 16 inches instead of the required 18 inches on all new roofs, in deviation of Sec. 7.28.090(c)(4)(ii)). Also, a new corten roof near the northeast corner of the house is pitched at 2.25:12 instead of the required 3:12, per Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3)(i) (Attachment A, A2.3, roof plan). November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 5 Summary of Applicant Response (Attachment B) The house as constructed does not conform with the current overhang standard. The new roofs will match the current forms to maintain consistency throughout the house, and the exterior improvements enhance the house and neighborhood overall. Staff Analysis The intent of overhang requirements is to maintain a consistent look throughout town, and to protect structures and people from the elements. The roof pitch and overhang mimic the current form, and is similar to the code requirement, only slightly smaller. The negligible difference is not concerning to staff. Overall, staff is comfortable that the aesthetic achieved meets the intent of the Municipal Code to the same degree as the 18-inch and 3:12 requirements. The deviations will maintain an attractive form similar to the preexisting house. The PZC should carefully assess the application for compliance with the review criteria, listed above. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 70A Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The AEC achieves the intent of the roof design standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard because the smaller overhangs and flatter sections are consistent with the preexisting forms the building; 3. The AEC achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the roof design standards, including Policy A.1.5; 4. The AEC results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to compliance with the roof design standards; and 5. The AEC imposes no greater impact on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Development Code. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #AEC18009, an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Lot 70A Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact recommended by Staff.” Staff Recommendation for MJR18011 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Major Development Plan application for Lot 70A and B Block 4 Wildridge with the following findings and condition: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; November 6, 2018 PZC Meeting – 5391 Ferret Lane 6 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. There is no extra demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. All disturbed areas will be reseeded with the originally approved native mix grass or sod; and 2. Temporary irrigation systems must be above-ground and shall be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR18011, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for 70A and B Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Attachments A. Design & Development Plans B. AEC Application Materials C. Lighting Plan UP ZONING: RD (RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX DISTRICT) WITH EXISTING DUPLEX LOT SIZE (PRIOR TO LOT SPLIT): 0.889 ACRES = 38,724.8 S.F. (ALL DEVELOPABLE) LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED (50% LOT SIZE ) =19,362.4 S.F. (CONFORMING) MIN. LANDSCAPE AREA (25% OF LOT SIZE)= 9,681.2 S.F. (CONFORMING) NOTE, NO CHANGE TO LANDSCAPE AREA EXISTING LOT COVERAGE = 3,530 S.F. ADDITION LOT COVERAGE = 615 S.F. NEW LOT COVERAGE = 4,145 S.F. (11% OF LOT SIZE) EAST EXISTING AREA -LIVABLE = 2,595.5 S.F. EAST ADDITION AREA -LIVABLE = 728.0 S.F. EAST NEW AREA -LIVABLE = 3,323.5 S.F. WEST EXISTING AREA -LIVABLE = 2,765.1 S.F. WEST ADDITION AREA -LIVABLE = 0.0 S.F. WEST NEW AREA -LIVABLE = 2,765.1 S.F. COMBINED NEW AREA -LIVABLE = 6,088.6 S.F. TOWN OF AVON STANDARDS FOR SETBACKS: FRONT SETBACK = 25 FT, SIDE SETBACK = 7.5 FT, REAR SETBACK = 10 FT (CONFORMING) MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 35'-0" FOR 4:12 ROOF PITCHES (CONFORMING) MAX. UNITS / BUILDING: 2 UNITS (CONORMING) PARKING: 3 SPACES PER UNIT (OVER 2,500 S.F.) (CONFORMING) ROOF OVERHANGS: 18" MIN. FOR 2-STORY STRUCTURES. (NON-CONFORMING) MIN. ROOF PITCH (PRIMARY ROOFS) 4:12 PITCH (CONFORMING) 1004.2 SF E Exist Main 285 SF E New Main 1 39.5 SF E New Main 2 615.2 SF E Garage Exist 134.7 SF E Garage New 617.4 SF W Garage Exist 1095.8 SF W Exist Main Existing Deck Existing Deck Existing Driveway Apron New Deck EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B PROJECT NORTH ENTRY ENTRY 1591.2 SF E Exist Upper 57.9 SF E New Upper 2 44.1 SF E New Upper 3 1669.4 SF W Exist Upper 301.4 SF E New Upper 1 Vaulted Area VAULTED AREA New Deck New Roof New Roof EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B PROJECT NORTH PROJECT TEAM WILDRIDGE MAP 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject No.:DateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:47:52 PMA0.0COVER SHEET1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ADUPLEX RENOVATION DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Siglinda Van Eldik 5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, CO Wildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70A 9-25-18 Owner: Siglinda Van Eldik 1218 SE 11th ST Ocala, FL 34471-4566 Location: 5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, CO (Wildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70A) Parcel #1943-351-02-034 Jurisdiction: Town of Avon Building Dept. Adopted Codes: IRC 2015 + Town Amendments Class of Work: Remodel, IECC 2015 Type of Construction: Type V-B Non-Sprinklered Type of Occupancy: R-3 (Duplex) Levels: 2-Story + Crawlspace Architect:John G Martin, AIA Martin Manley Architects www.martinmanleyarchitects.com john@martinmanleyarchitects.com 970-328-1299 Structural Engineer: To Be Determined ZONING SUMMARY CODE SUMMARY General Contractor: To Be Determined SHEET LIST Sheet #Sheet Name A0.0 COVER SHEET A0.1 EXTERIOR DESIGN A0.2 ECO SHEET A1.1 SITE PLAN A2.1 MAIN LEVEL PLAN A2.2 UPPER LEVEL PLAN A2.3 ROOF PLAN A2.4 FRAMING PLANS A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A4.0 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.1 BUILDING SECTIONS A5.0 DETAILS 1" = 10'-0"1 MAIN LEVEL AREA PLAN 1" = 10'-0"2 UPPER LEVEL AREA PLAN Area Schedule (Living West Exist) Name Area W Exist Main 1095.8 SF W Exist Upper 1669.4 SF Grand total: 2 2765.1 SF Area Schedule (Living East New) Name Area E New Main 1 285 SF E New Main 2 39.5 SF E New Upper 1 301.4 SF E New Upper 2 57.9 SF E New Upper 3 44.1 SF Grand total: 5 728 SF Area Schedule (Living East Exist) Name Area E Exist Main 1004.2 SF E Exist Upper 1591.2 SF Grand total: 2 2595.5 SF East & West House Garages (North)East House Entry (North) East House "Tower" (South)East House Street Facade (East) West House Entry (North) East House South Deck Entire Duplex South Facade EXISTING PHOTOS No.DescriptionDateAttachment A NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH (150 SF) NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH & TURN CORNER (130 SF) NEW ROOF SHINGLES TO MATCH (130 SF) NEW ROOF SHINGLES TO MATCH (60 SF) NEW ROOF RUSTED COR- TEN ROOING (230 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNERS (170 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B (100 SF) EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNER (65 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (370 SF)NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (430 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNERS (165 SF) NEW GARAGE DOOR TRIM PACKAGE NEW GARAGE DOOR TRIM PACKAGE EXISTING EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ WOOD VERT. B&B & TURN CORNERS (220 SF) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW STEEL POST & SUPPORT REPLACE WITH TIMBER BEAM TRIM & DOWNSPOUT LOCATION TRIM & DOWNSPOUT LOCATION NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (60 SF) NEW NEW NEW NEWNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEWNEWNEW NEW EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B MATERIAL TAKE-OFFS (ALL COMBINED) NEW ROOF SHINGLES = 600 SF NOW ROOF METAL = 430 SF NEW HORIZ. SIDING = 650 SF NEW METAL SHINGLE = 750 SF NEW STUCCO = 1780 SF MATERIAL TAKE-OFFS (ALL COMBINED) NEW METAL SHINGLE = 220 SF NEW STUCCO = 1260 SF ALL EXISTING HEADERS PAINTED "GRAY" TO MATCH STUCCO TRIM ALL EXISTING HEADERS PAINTED "GRAY" TO MATCH STUCCO TRIM STUCCO RELIEF TRIM AT ALL EXISTING ROOFS, ASPHALT SHINGLES TO REMAIN. NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (280 SF) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (550 SF) NEW ADDITION STUCCO SIDING & TURN CORNER (300 SF) NEW ROOF EXISTING HORIZ TO REPLACE VERT WOOD SIDING (85 SF) ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (170 SF) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW ROOF RUSTED COR-TEN ROOFING (200 SF) NEW ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (240 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (560 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B (90 SF) NEW ADDITION HORIZ. WOOD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING (90 SF) NEW NEWNEWNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW HORIZ. ATTIC VENT EXISTING ATTIC VENT (2) FIREPLACE FLUES (ON SIDE WALL) NEW DECK & RAILINGS EXISTING DECK & RAILINGS EXISTING SKYLIGHT EXISTING SKYLIGHT EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B AT ALL EXISTING ROOFS, ASPHALT SHINGLES TO REMAIN. NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING WEST HOUSE (B) VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH (260 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT WOOD B&B (175 SF) NEW DECK & RAILING NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (550 SF) EXISTING DECK & RAILING (2) NEW STEEL ROOF SUPPORTS NEWNEW NEWNEWNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW SMALL DECK W/ NO RAILINGS 4 12 2.25 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 EAST HOUSE (A) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject No.:DateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:47:56 PMA0.1EXTERIOR DESIGN1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ADUPLEX RENOVATION DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Siglinda Van Eldik 5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, CO Wildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70A 9-25-18 1/8" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION - COLOR 1/8" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION - COLOR No.DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"3 WEST ELEVATION - COLOR 1/8" = 1'-0"4 EAST ELEVATION - COLOR MATERIAL AND COLOR SUMMARY Indigenous natural or earth tones, such as brown, tan, grey, green, blue or red, in muted, flat colors with an LRV (Light Reflective Value) of sixty (60) or less are required. CHEMICALLY RUSTED COR-TEN CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING NEW LOW PITCH SHED ROOFS TAMKO HERITAGE 30 WEATHERED WOOD ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING SIKKENS STAIN #215 HAZELNUT -FOR DISTRESSED LOOK ALL NEW VERTICAL WOOD SIDING STO-STUCCO COLOR: SMOKED PUTTY LRV = 60 ALL NEW STUCCO WALL BENJAMIN MOORE 2134-30 "IRON MOUNTAIN" ALL STUCCO TRIM & WOOD TRIM EXISTING WOOD SIDING W/ REDWOOD STAIN -MATCH COLOR AT ALL NEW HORIZ. SIDING AND CORNER TRIM. EXISTING STONE. NO NEW STONE PROPOSED EXISTING DECK & RAILINGS NO NEW COLOR PROPOSED Attachment A True North Project North REMOVE LARGE COTTONWOOD TREE REMOVE (3) ASPENS CLUMP AREAS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION SHOWN RED EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVEWAY LOT-SPLIT LINE7.5' SIDE YARD SETBACK EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B PROJECT NORTH 7' - 6" GRADES AT PERMITER OF ADDITION WILL REMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PROPER SURFACE DRAINAGE 40' - 0" ASPEN TREE TO REMAIN REMOVE SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREE LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL NAME SIZE QUANTITY COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE (PICEA PUNGENS) 8' -10' TALL 2A QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 2" -3" CAL.3 B MOUNTAIN ASH (SORBUS AUCUPARIA) 8' TALL 1 C WESTERN SANDCHERRY (PRUNUS BESSEYI) 5 GALLON 2D E LILAC FRAGRANT (SYRINGA VULGARIS) 5 GALLON 2 F LANDSCAPE NOTE: ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL RECIEVE REVEGETATION SEEDING WITH NATURAL GRASSES AND WILDFLOWER SEED MIX. IRRIGATION NOTE: ALL AREAS OF NEW SOD TO RECIEVE SPRAY IRRIGATION. ALL AREAS OF GROUND COVER AND TREE/SHRUB PLANGINGS TO RECEIVE UNDER-GROUND DRIP IRRIGATION. ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS TO BE DESIGNED BY A LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AND SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. RAIN SENSOR NOTE: THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A RAIN SENSOR. EROSION CONTROL NOTE: ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHOUT FORMAL LANDSCAPING TO RECIEVE REVEGETATION SEEDING. EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY PLACEMENT OF HAY BAILS AND SILT FENCING ON DOWNSLOPE SIDE OF LOT AND IN DRAINAGE SWALES. A C B D E F SNOWBERRY (SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS) 5 GALLON 2 EXISTING SPRUCE EXISTING ASH 5870 5872 5873 5868 5866 NEW BERM WITH WILD-GRASSES USING EXCAVATION DIRT FOR NEIGHBOR PRIVACY. AREA OF APPROX. 500 SF TO MITIGATE DISPLACED LANDSCAPE AREA A A B C C C EXISTING SPRUCE EXISTING ASPEN EXISTING ASPENS EXISTING SPRUCE LANDSCAPE NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPING ON WEST HOUSE PROPERTY TO REMAIN. NO NEW LANDSCAPING PROPOSED. EAST HOUSE PROPERTY TO HAVE 5 TOTAL TREES REMOVED: (4) ASPENS REMOVED (1) ASH REMOVED REPLACE WITH NEW TREES -SEE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. REMOVE (1) LARGE ASPEN TREE DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE SOD SEED D D E E F F LANDSCAPE NOTES EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA DISPLACED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION = 300 SF TREE DEMOLITION NOTE: LANDSCAPE AREA DISPLACED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION = 420 SF LANDSCAPE AREA ADDED AT NEW BERM (SOUTHEAST OF EAST HOUSE) AREA = +500 SF LANDSCAPE MITIGATION NOTE: TOTAL 12 EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA DISPLACED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION = 120 SF EXISTING DECK (MODIFIED) LINE BETWEEN EXISTING SOD AND NATURAL GRASSES EXISTING SOD AREA 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/30/2018 11:51:22 AMA1.1SITE PLAN1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT10-29-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 01 SITE PLAN Attachment A UP True North Project North 2' - 1" 1 A4.0 1 A4.0 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 4' - 7" 1 A4.1 1 A4.1 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 3 A4.0 3 A4.0 2 A4.1 2 A4.1 3 A4.1 3 A4.11' - 0"28' - 6"9" 5 1/2"9' - 7 11/16"17' - 8 9/16"13' - 2 1/4"4' - 8 1/4"15' - 2"8' - 0"4' - 0"INFORMAL DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM PENISULA FIREPLACE (TO BE DESIGNED) FORMAL DINING ROOM 12' - 2"NEW PANTRY LARGE KITCHEN EXISTING POWDER UP DN MOVE COLUMN IF POSSIBLE, REPLACE W/ SQ. TIMBER COLUMN REPLACE LOG COLUMN WITH SQ. TIMBER COLUMN NEW STEEL BEAM (WRAPPED) ABOVENEW STEEL BEAM (WRAPPED) ABOVE NEW SQ. TIMBER COLUMN 2' - 11 1/4"3' - 0"EXISTING HOT TUB LOCATION NEW BBQ LOCATION FRENCH SLIDER DBL. NEW EXIST.NEWEXIST.EXISTING GLULAM BEAM ABOVE NEW ISLAND LINE OF ADDITION ABOVE NEW WOOD COLUMN EXIST. WOOD COLUMNNEWEXIST.GARAGE ADDITION 21' - 7"4' - 6"27' - 1"1' - 0"9" 2-CAR GARAGEMECH. EXTEND NEW DECK EXISTING DECK EXISTING RAILINGS NEW LARGE WINDOWS REMOVE LARGE TREE ASPENS TO REMAIN EXISTING STAIRS EDGE OF ASPHALT LINE OF CANTILIVERED ADDITION ABOVE 10' - 1 3/16"29' - 10 13/16"8' - 0"4' - 5 1/2"27' - 6 1/2" 70' - 0"29' - 6"7' - 6"13' - 5 7/16"10' - 6 1/2"27' - 10"27' - 0"3' - 6"6' - 6"13' - 5 1/2"NEW STEEL BEAM ABOVE 10' - 1 3/16" 4' - 2" 3' - 9"4' - 9"3' - 9"OFFICEREF.5' - 1"3' - 7 3/8"6' - 4"3 1/2"8' - 5 1/4"5 1/2"1' - 0"3' - 7 1/8"14' - 2"D.W. COOKTOP DBL. OVEN MICRO WAVE PULL WINE FRIDGE TV ABOVE TRIPLE SLIDER LINE OF CANTILEVERED ADDITION ABOVE PLUMBING CHASE OPERABLE AWNING WEST HOUSE GARAGE WEST HOUSE: NO INTERIOR WORK PROPOSED. EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B UNIT #A UNIT #B 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:03 PMA2.1MAIN LEVEL PLAN1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 02 MAIN LEVEL Attachment A True North Project North 1 A4.0 1 A4.0 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 1 A4.1 1 A4.1 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 3 A4.0 3 A4.0 13' - 6 11/16"8' - 8 3/16"8' - 0" 2 A4.1 2 A4.1 3 A4.1 3 A4.1 NEW EXIST. NEWEXIST. NEW ROOF BELOW OPEN TO BELOW EXIST. LAUNDRY EXIST. HALL DN. UP (2) STEPS BEDROOM 1BEDROOM 2 MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH W.I.CLOSET BATH 2 BATH 1 NEWEXIST.(IMPROVED) (IMPROVED)(IMPROVED)(REMODELED)(NEW) (NEW) REPLACE TUB W/ SHOWER REPLACE HALF-WALL W/ WROUGHT-IRON RAILING SMALL FIREPLACE & TV ABOVE VIEW WINDOWS NEW STEEL BRACKETS (TO EXIST. ROOF ABOVE) LOCKABLE CLOSET EXISTINGCLOSETADDITION "BUMP-OUT" TO INCREASE SIZE OF BEDROOM 1 GLASS SHOWER 17' - 1"(NEW) 9' - 6 1/2"13' - 8 3/4"13' - 5 1/2"9' - 6 11/16"4' - 5"4' - 0"NEW ROOF BELOW 4' - 1" ENCLOSE FOR WALK-IN- CLOSET EXISTING GUEST SUITE EXIST. WALL TO REMAIN 8' - 2 5/8"9' - 8 3/4"GUEST CLOSET13' - 2 1/4"11' - 2 1/8"2' - 4 1/2" ADDITION "BUMP-OUT" TO INCREASE SIZE OF BEDROOM 25' - 1"LINENNEW DECK 5' - 0"10' - 0" HALL CLOSET 3' - 0"4' X 2'LINEN EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B WEST HOUSE GUEST SUITE WEST HOUSE: NO INTERIOR WORK PROPOSED. 3' - 0"2' - 0"3' - 0"UNIT #A UNIT #B 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:04 PMA2.2UPPER LEVEL PLAN1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 03 UPPER LEVEL Attachment A 1 A4.0 2 A4.0 1 A4.1 4 A4.0 3 A4.0 4:124:124:124:124:122 A4.1 3 A4.1 4:124:124:123:124:124:122.25:12NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B PROJECT NORTH WEST HOUSE ROOF WEST HOUSE: NO ROOF WORK PROPOSED. EXISTING RIDGE EXISTING RIDGE EXISTING RIDGE EXISTING ROOF CHEMICALLY RUSTED COR-TEN ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF EXISTING ROOF CHEMICALLY RUSTED COR-TEN ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES TO REMAIN ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH UNIT #A UNIT #B True North Project North 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:04 PMA2.3ROOF PLAN1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 04 ROOF PLAN Attachment A 2X10 FRAMING OVER CRAWLSPACE NEW POINT LOADS FOR DECK ROOF BEAM NEW FOUNDATION 12" TJI NEW BEAM NEW FOUNDATION WALLS VERIFY EXISTING SITUATION NEW DECK ROOF BELOW PRE-FAB TRUSSES PRE-FAB TRUSSES 2X10 FRAMING PRE-FAB TRUSSES NEW GARAGE ROOF BELOW NEW ROOF EXTENSION (UP HIGH ON ROOF) SUPPORT W/ STEEL BRACKETS & BEAM RAISE HEADER 3'-0" CANTILEVER 12" BCI NEW POST NEW BEAM (STEEL?) NEW BEAM (STEEL?) SISTER-ON 3X10 TIMBER BEAMS? 4'-0" CANTILEVER 2'-0" CANTILEVER 3'-0" BACKSPAN 2X10'S LARGE BEAM 2X10 ROOF FRAMING? 2X10 ROOF FRAMING? REPLACE TIMBER BEAM W/ LONGER ONE INCLUDE STEEL POST & BRACKET 2X10 FRAMING W/ CLOSED SOFFIT REMOVE EXISTING CANTILEVERED DECK 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:08 PMA2.4FRAMING PLANS1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"1 FRAMING - MAIN PRELIM 1/8" = 1'-0"2 FRAMING - ROOF PRELIM 1/8" = 1'-0"3 FRAMING - UPPER PRELLIM Attachment A E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.0 2 A4.0 4 A4.0 W. GARAGE 31' -0 3/4" W. STUDY 40' -0" 3 A4.0 2 A4.13 A4.1 7' - 0"2' - 4"5' - 0"1' - 8"2' - 4"4' - 8"5' - 3"1' - 9"1' - 0"5' - 0"3' - 0" NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH (150 SF) NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH & TURN CORNER (130 SF) NEW ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (130 SF) NEW ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (60 SF) NEW ROOF CHEMICALLY RUSTED COR-TEN (230 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNERS (170 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B (100 SF) EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNER (65 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (370 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (430 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ VERT. WOOD B&B & TURN CORNERS (165 SF) NEW GARAGE DOOR TRIM PACKAGE NEW GARAGE DOOR TRIM PACKAGE EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW STEEL POST & SUPPORT REPLACE WITH TIMBER BEAM TRIM & DOWNSPOUT LOCATION TRIM & DOWNSPOUT LOCATION NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (60 SF) NEW NEW NEW NEWNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEWNEW NEW NEW EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B MATERIAL TAKE-OFFS (ALL COMBINED) NEW ROOF SHINGLES = 600 SF NOW ROOF METAL = 430 SF NEW HORIZ. SIDING = 650 SF NEW METAL SHINGLE = 750 SF NEW STUCCO = 1780 SF ALL EXISTING HEADERS PAINTED "GRAY" TO MATCH STUCCO TRIM HORIZ. ATTIC VENT HORIZ. ATTIC VENT REMOVE CHIMNEY FLUE EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES REPLACE OLD SHINGLES W/ METAL STANDING SEAM EXISTING EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ WOOD SIDING W/ WOOD VERT. B&B & TURN CORNERS (220 SF) EXISTING EXISTING MATERIAL TAKE-OFFS (ALL COMBINED) NEW METAL SHINGLE = 220 SF NEW STUCCO = 1260 SF ALL EXISTING HEADERS PAINTED "GRAY" TO MATCH STUCCO TRIM EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" E. STUDY LEVEL 42' -0" 1 A4.1 4 12 4 12 4 12 2.25 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 1' - 4"TYP. NEW ROOFS 26' - 4 15/16"HIGH POINT OF NEW ROOF 32' - 9 1/4"HIGH POINT OF EXISTING ROOF MATCH EXISTING GRADE ALONG PERMITER OF NEW ADDITION MATCH EXISTING FASCIA DETAIL NEW ADDITION HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH (260 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT WOOD B&B (175 SF) NEW DECK & RAILING NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO (550 SF) EXISTING DECK & RAILING (2) NEW STEEL ROOF SUPPORTS NEW SMALL DECK W/ NO RAILINGS NEW ROOF BEYOND 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:12 PMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 . NORTH ELEVATION - Dependent 1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 . NORTH ELEVATION - Dependent 2 3 . EAST ELEVATION Attachment A E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3"3' - 3"9' - 0"8' - 0"E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.0 2 A4.04 A4.0 3 A4.0 2 A4.1 3 A4.1 8' - 0"8' - 0"EXISTING NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (550 SF) NEW ADDITION STUCCO SIDING & TURN CORNER (300 SF) NEW ROOF EXISTING HORIZ TO REPLACE VERT WOOD SIDING (85 SF) ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (170 SF) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW ROOF CHEMICALLY RUSTED COR-TEN (200 SF) NEW ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH (240 SF) NEW SIDING REPLACE VERT. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (560 SF) NEW ADDITION VERT. WOOD B&B (90 SF) NEW ADDITION HORIZ. WOOD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING (90 SF) NEW NEWNEWNEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW HORIZ. ATTIC VENT (2) FIREPLACE FLUES (ON SIDE WALL) NEW DECK & RAILINGS EXISTING DECK & RAILINGS EXISTING SKYLIGHT EXISTING SKYLIGHT EAST HOUSE (A)WEST HOUSE (B) VAN ELDIK RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #A VARDAMAN RESIDENCE 5391 FERRET LANE #B EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES STUCCO RELIEF TRIM 6" WIDE 2X6 WOOD TRIM 2X8 BELLY-BAND NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES NEW SIDING REPLACE HORIZ. WOOD SIDING W/ STUCCO & TURN CORNERS (280 SF) EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING NEW SIDING EXISTING EXISTING ATTIC VENT EXISTING SKYLIGHT EXISTING ASPHALT SHINGLES W. UPPER 43' -2 3/4" W. PLATE 50' -2 1/4" W. MAIN 34' -2 3/4" W. GARAGE 31' -0 3/4" W. STUDY 40' -0" 4 12 EXISTING PAINT HEADERS EXISTING DECK & RAILING STUCCO ON EXIST. WALL 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:16 PMA3.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 . SOUTH ELEVATION - Dependent 1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 . SOUTH ELEVATION - Dependent 2 1/4" = 1'-0"3 . WEST ELEVATION Attachment A E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" E. STUDY LEVEL 42' -0"11' - 3"5' - 9"3' - 3"9' - 1"NEW STEEL BEAM E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.1 6' - 7 3/4"E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" ROOF PLAN 63' -3 1/16" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" E. STUDY LEVEL 42' -0"7' - 0 1/2"1 A4.1 1' - 11 1/4"8' - 0 1/4"8' - 0"7' - 9 1/2"9' - 0"NEW WALL & ROOF BEYOND E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.1 8' - 0"R-50 R-20 R-30 NEW ROOF OVER NEW BEDROOM ADDITION 2.25 12 8' - 10 5/8" 4 12 4 124 12 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:17 PMA4.0BUILDING SECTIONS1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0"4 Section 4 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Section 2 1/4" = 1'-0"3 Section 3 Attachment A E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" E. STUDY LEVEL 42' -0" 2 A4.0 4 A4.0 3 A4.0 8' - 0"3' - 3"5' - 9"3' - 3"2 A4.1 3 A4.1 E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" ROOF PLAN 63' -3 1/16" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.1 E. UPPER LEVEL 45' -3" E. PLATE 53' -3" E MAIN LEVEL 36' -3" E. GARAGE 33' -0" 1 A4.1 28' - 6" PRE-FAB TRUSS PRE-FAB TRUSS NEW MASTER BATH NEW MASTER CLOSET NEW KITCHEN NEW LIVING ROOM NEW DECK EXISTING DECK 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION10/9/2018 3:48:18 PMA4.1BUILDING SECTIONS1701DUPLEX RENOVATIONDESIGN DEVELOPMENT9-25-18Siglinda Van Eldik5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70ANo.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 Section 5 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Section 6 1/4" = 1'-0"3 Section 7 Attachment A Town of Avon AEC Application To: David McWilliams - Planner, Town of Avon 100 Mikaela Way Avon, CO 81620 Email: cmcwilliams@avon.org Phone: 970-748-4413 From: Martin Manley Architects (Agent of John G Martin, Architect, LLC) Po Box 4701, Eagle, CO 81631 Email: john@martinmanleyarchitects.com Phone: 970-328-0592 Date: October 24, 2018 Re: 5391 Ferret Lane #A, Wildridge, Avon, CO – Renovation / Addition Subj: Town of Avon AEC Application This AEC application asks to deviate from the Avon Code for two items: 1. Roof overhangs throughout. 2. Roof pitch at 1 location. 1. The renovation at 5391 Ferret Lane #A as proposed, will deviate from the Avon code 7.28.090(c)(4)(ii), below: (4) Roofs: (i) Pitched roofs, particularly those located over building entrances, shall be oriented such that excessive snow and ice does not accumulate over or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection, such as snow fences, shall be required for roofs so oriented. (ii) Overhangs are required on pitched roofs and shall extend at least one and one-half (1.5) feet from the point where the wall meets the roof as horizontally measured from the exterior wall of the structure. (iii) Roofing materials shall be suitable for local environmental conditions. Colors shall be natural or earth tones Reason for deviation: The existing long duplex was built in 1995 and has remained unchanged except for minor exterior improvements over the years. The house was built with a “shed roof” design which has 1’-6” roof overhangs on the lower spring point of each shed, but no overhangs at all on the side walls of shed roofs, and no overhangs at all at the high-point of each shed (with an exception at the “tower” form of each duplex). The current proposal awaiting Town of Avon “Major Development Plan” Approval has some “addition” masses with shed roofs proposed. In order for the new roofs to match existing roof details throughout the long duplex, the architect has chosen to match the existing roof overhangs (as described above). This is a logical design solution which keeps the roof overhang details matching and consistent throughout the duplex design. (d) Review Criteria. The review authority shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: Attachment B (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; We believe that the “intent” of design or development standards is to create consistency of exterior detail. Our proposed roof plan and eave detail (to match) achieves this. (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; We believe that our roof plan and eave detail achieves the “better” goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan because overall the exterior design of the house is a great improvement over what is there currently as a house design. (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; We believe that our overall house design achieves “better” benefits to the community because overall the exterior design of the house is a great improvement over what is there currently as a house design. (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. A zero roof overhang vs. a 18” roof overhang (as required) is a miniscule dimension within a property of almost an acre in size. Certainly there is no negative impact to the adjacent properties. 2. The renovation at 5391 Ferret Lane #A as proposed, will deviate from the Avon code 7.28.090(d)(3)(i), below: All residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to-twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to-twelve (3:12) minimum. Flat roofs may be permitted as secondary roofs or if the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building. Reason for deviation: The owner wanted a very small bedroom on the second level to be improved. The best (and only) realistic design idea is to cantilever out an addition for the bedroom. When we do this we must add a shed style roof above the addition. This shed roof starts at an 8’-0” plate height (which is a minimum) and spans up to an existing ridge on the house. The geometric span between these two points results in a roof pitch of 2.25/12. If we try to force a 3:12 pitch, the shed either arrives at the ridge 10” too high or the plate height needs to drop to 7’-2”. Both are unacceptable design solutions. Therefore the architect and owner respectfully request a variance from the 3:12 minimum pitch and allow us a 2.25:12 pitch in this one location. (d) Review Criteria. The review authority shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; We believe that the “intent” of design or development standards is to create consistency of exterior detail. Our proposed roof plan of shed roofs matches the original intent of the house design. Also a 2.25/12 pitch is indistinguishable from a 3:12 pitch when viewing from the ground, looking up. (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; We believe that our roof plan with the one exception to the roof pitch shed achieves the “better” goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan because overall the exterior design of the house is a great improvement over what is there currently as a house design. Attachment B (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; We believe that our overall house design achieves “better” benefits to the community because overall the exterior design of the house is a great improvement over what is there currently as a house design. (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. A 2.25/12 pitch is indistinguishable from a 3:12 pitch when viewing from any neighboring property and the shed roof will fit nicely into the overall roof design. Please review Exhibit 1 attached. Thank you, John Martin John G. Martin, AIA Martin Manley Architects www.martinmanleyarchitects.com 970-328-0592 Attachment B E. UPPER LEVEL45' -3"E. PLATE53' -3"E MAIN LEVEL36' -3"8' - 0" PLATE HEIGHT 2.251231210"412A 3:12 PITCH ROOF AT THIS LOCATION PUTS THE TOP OF THE PITCHED ROOF 10" ABOVE THE EXISTING RIDGE. NEW ADDITION CANTILEVEREDEXISTING RIDGE970.328.5151EX1DUPLEX RENOVATION10-24-185391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, COWildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70A1/4" = 1'-0"1Section 8EXHIBIT 1Attachment B DN EXISTING WALL MOUNTED MOTION DETECTION SAFETY LIGHT TO REMAIN EXISTING DECORATIVE WALL SCONCE ENTRY FIXTURE TO REMAIN NEW "A" WALL SCONCE AT ADDRESS MARKER NEW "B" RECESSED CAN IN SOFFIT ABOVE EXTERIOR DOOR NEW "B" RECESSED CAN IN DECK SOFFIT ABOVE PATIO DOORS NEW "A" WALL SCONCE ABOVE BBQ NEW "A" WALL SCONCE TO REPLACE EXISTING. NEW "A" WALL SCONCE AT BALCONY DOOR UPPER LEVEL NEW "A" WALL SCONCE AT NEW GARAGE REAR DOOR Date 970-328-0592 www.martinmanleyarchitects.com LL1DUPLEX RENOVATION 10-29-18 5391 Ferret Lane #A, Avon, CO Wildridge Subdivision Bl 4 Lot 70A 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN LIGHTING LEGEND EAST HOUSE LIGHT FIXTURE A -WALL SCONCE MATCHES WEST HOUSE FIXTURE Essen 1-Light Antique Copper Outdoor Wall Lantern Height 8", Width 10", Length 10" (1) 120v incandecent bulb -40 watts LIGHT FIXTURE B CEILING RECESSED FIXTURE RECESSED CAN FIXTURE -GENERIC BRAND AND TRIM TYPE/COLOR BY OWNER. INCANDECENT BULB -40 WATTS (OR EQUAL) FIXTURE TYPE FIXTURE NUMBER A 5 B 2 TOTAL 7 Attachment C