TC Minutes 09-19-2018 RetreatCo:_oFA Da TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT MEETING MINUTES FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 AVON POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING ROOM, 60 BUCK CREEK ROAD, AVON, CO 81620 1. CALL TO ORDER He ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Amy Phillips, Megan Burch and Sarah Smith Hymes. Matt Gennett, Jake Wolf and Scott Prince were not present. Also present were Acting Town Manager Scott Wright, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Police Chief Greg Daly, Fleet Director Rego Omerigic, Mobility Director Eva Wilson, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Human Resources Director Lance Richards, Public Works Superintendent Drew Isaacson and Deputy Town Manager Preston Neill. Councilor Prince arrived at 11:05 a.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments made. 3. TOWN GOVERNMENT 3.1. UPDATE ON TOWN MANAGER SEARCH Lance Richards, Human Resources Director, provided a brief update on the search to fill the Town Manager position. 3.2. UPDATE ON MOVE TO NEW TOWN HALL Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, provided an update on the Town Hall Construction Project and the upcoming process for moving into the building. 3.3. REVIEW OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Council discussed the current organizational chart. The majority of the conversation revolved around where special events should fall on the chart. 3.4. REVIEW OF CULTURE STATEMENT Scott Wright, Acting Town Manager, led a discussion about the Town of Avon Culture Statement. 4. STRATEGIC PLAN 4.1. UPDATE ON ACCOMPLISHMENTS 4.2. RECOMMENDED ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO PRIORITIES Council was provided with updates on the existing priorities in the Strategic Plan. Council also reviewed and provided comments on some of the proposed revisions and additions to the Plan. Council will continue to provide staff with comments and recommended updates to the Plan in advance of the adoption of the 2019 Strategic Plan, which is scheduled for the October 23, 2018 Council meeting. 5. TOWN -OWNED PROPERTIES PROGRAM 5.1. UPDATE ON HAHNEWALD BARN PROCESS 5.2. OLD TOWN HALL 5.3. 351 BENCHMARK BUILDING 5.4. ANNEX 5.5. RECREATION CENTER EXPANSION/REMODEL Matt Pielsticker, Planning Director, and Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, delivered a presentation on the Town of Avon Retreat Minutes 9/i9/i8 Page I C O_OR 1,00 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT MEETING MINUTES FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 AVON POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING ROOM, 60 BUCK CREEK ROAD, AVON, CO 81620 Avon Town -Owned Properties Plan with the intent of receiving direction from Council on how to prioritize upcoming projects. Council provided direction on various items. 6. SPECIAL EVENTS 6.1. COUNCIL VISION AND PHILOSOPHY (DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 6.2. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 6.3. LIQUOR LICENSING (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) 6.4. SALUTE TO THE USA (SPECIAL EVENTS MANAGER LOUISE DUNCAN) 6.4.1.PROPOSED FIREWORKS MAKE-UP DATE 6.4.2. ELIMINATION OF FENCING 6.4.3. BEER GARDEN 6.4.4.CONTINUATION OF FIREWORKS VS. OTHER ENTERTAINMENT (E.G., LASER SHOW) Council discussed a variety of topics related to special events, including but not limited to, vision and philosophy related to special events, potential approaches to making events in Avon more successful, special event seed - funding, liquor licensing, infrastructure improvements and Salute to the USA event planning. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Phillips made a motion to adjourn the Council Retreat. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and the motion passed on a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Fancher had stepped out of the room. Councilor Gennett and Councilor Wolf were absent. The time was 5:00 p.m. APPROVED: Jennie Fancher Jake Wolf Matt Gennett Megan Burch Amy Phillips RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Preston Neill, Deputy Town Manager Scott Prince Sarah Smith Hymes Avon Retreat Minutes 9/i9/i8 Page 2