V@A Rezone REZ18004PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECCOMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL Avon DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF DECISION: TYPE OF APPLICATION: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NUMBER: APPLICANT: July 17, 2018 August 7, 2018 PUD Amendment Lot 1, Filing 1, Village at Avon #PUD18004 Traer Creek -RP, LLC These recommendations are made in accordance with the Avon Development Code ("Development Code") §7.16.060(e)(4): DECISION: Recommendation to approve the PUD Amendment, with the following Findings and Conditions: Findings: Condition: 1. The Application is in conformance with the Preliminary PUD conditions of approval. 2. Sufficient information is provided to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria. 3. The Application demonstrates compliance with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 4. The Application is in conformance with Avon Development Code Section 7.16.o6o(e)(4), Review Criteria, as outlined in the applicant's written response to the review criteria. 5. Compared to the underlying development standards for Planning Area F, the Application is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity. 6. Future uses on Planning Area F will be compatible in scale with potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity. Minimum Commercial Gross Square Footage shall be a Minimum of lo% of the total Gross Square Footage of Planning Area F. THESEFI S OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: Lind r hairperson PZC Recommendation: File #PUD18004 Page 1 of 1