L37 L38 B2 BMBC B&B SRU15004PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION A Avon DATE OF DECISION: June 5, 2018 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Special Review Use PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 37 A&B Lot 38 A&B Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek FILE NUMBER: #SRU15004 APPLICANT: Todd Roehr This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code ("Development Code") §7.16.100(c): DECISION: Approval of the Special Review Use with the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The Application was reviewed in accordance with Sec. 7.16.100 Special Review Use and determined to be eligible for consideration with the applicable review criteria; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; S. The public services and infrastructure needed for this application is provided by current capacity; and 6. The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the RD zone district, and the scale of adjacent uses and activities. CONDITIONS: 1. Permit is valid for 10 years, until June 5, 2028; 2. The owner shall ensure the duplexes are occupied with an operator; 3. The owner and/or operator shall ensure all guests, visitors, employees, owners and operators of the Bed and Breakfast park on-site; and 4. This use is granted to Mein Haus LLC, under control of Todd Roehr. Any change in ownership shall require reapplication for the Special Review Use permit. THESE FIND NG F F T A D RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: f BY: � DATE: 8 ai ers PZC Record of Decision: #SRU15004 Page 1 of 1