L100 B1 WR AEC18006PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION Q►Vo n C -0-o DATE OF DECISION: May 15, 2018 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Alternative Equivalent Compliance PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 100 Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: AEC18006 APPLICANT: Norman Mejia CASE #AEC18005 This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code ("Development Code") §7.16.120(b): DECISION: Denial of the application with the following findings: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance, and §7.16.080(f), Development Plan. 2. The proposed alternative does not achieve the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative does not achieve the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative does not result in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and S. The proposed alternative imposes greater impacts on adjacent properties. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BYK ZC Chairperson DATE: (' S - U PZC Record of Decision: # AEC18006 Page 1 of 1