05-21-2018 Town of Avon Comment Letter - Winter Motorized AccessPage 1 of 2
Post Office Box 975 One Lake Street
Avon, CO 81620
970-949-9139 Fax
970-845-7708 TTY
May 21, 2018
Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor
c/o Matt Klein, Realty Specialist
Aaron Mayville, District Ranger
United States Forest Service
White River National Forest, Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District
24747 US Hwy 24, PO Box 190
Minturn, CO 81645
Dear Mr. Fitzwilliams and Mr. Klein,
As you are aware, the Town formally commented on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
for the Berlaimont Estates Access Project. In addition, the Town has sent correspondence
regarding initiating actions under our joint July 1, 2014 Memorandum of Understanding for winter
motorized access on FSR 779.
Subsequent to Town comments, the Avon Town Council at its April 10 and May 8, 2018, meetings,
included discussions with Forest Ranger Aaron Mayville regarding both matters. The Town Council,
at the May 8th meeting, directed the following comments be provided to the USFS on the Town’s
preferences for winter motorized access:
• FSR 779 (Metcalf Creek) is a preferred access point for winter motorized access.
• However, when considering all factors, including but not limited to the necessary wildlife
study, funding and development of the location, Town Council believes construction of
a parking lot at FSR 717.1B should be considered as the most viable location for winter
motorized access.
• FSR 717.1B would be a better location for a parking lot than the proposed parking lot on
FSR 334, now being reviewed in the Berlaimont EIS. Primarily, 717.1B is at a higher elevation
and thereby more likely that snow would be available for access. This alternative may
minimize impacts to wildlife and provide an improved recreational experience.
• A parking lot at FSR 717.1B should be constructed by the Berlaimont developer and
annually maintained by the developer.
• Should 717.1B be found as the right location for the parking lot, instead of a parking lot
on FSR 334, and be constructed by the Berlaimont developer, the Town of Avon will meet
with the USFS to void the MOU for FSR 779.
• If the FSR 334 parking lot, on the other hand, is found as the right location for the parking
lot, the Town Council will again pursue action, as detailed in the MOU, for FSR 779.
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• The Town Council respectfully asks that a public meeting be held in Avon for input on the
FSR 717.1B alternative prior to a final decision on the Berlaimont EIS. It would be ideal, at
that time, for the USFS to have information on parking lot specifications (i.e. location,
number of spaces, surfacing), any necessitated road improvements and maintenance
Finally, it is the Town’s desire to move forward with drainage and reroute upgrades to FSR 779, for
summer motorized use, as now allowed. Please advise the Town of next steps required for this
important work to take place. Our understanding is that this type of work would not require
environmental review and would be considered maintenance.
Your willingness to work toward exploring the options outlined in this letter are most appreciated.
Mayor Jennie Fancher
Town of Avon
cc: Lance Trujillo, Holy Cross Powderhounds