PZC Packet 0515181 Agenda posted on Friday, May 11, 2018 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 15, 2018 If you require special accommodation please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970- 748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. Site Tour – 4:00pm 254 Riverfront Lane – Riverfront Townhome Project Meet at cul-de-sac at the west of the site. Regular Meeting – 5:00pm One Lake Street – Avon Municipal Building I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Town Clerk Swearing in of Commissioners Howell and Golembiewski III. Roll Call IV. Appointment of Chairperson and Vise-Chairperson Summary: Pursuant to the PZC Rules of Procedure, PZC shall select its chairperson and vice chairperson on a yearly basis immediately after the appointment of new members. V. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda VI. Conflicts of Interest VII. Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance A. 4561 Flat Point – CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18004 and AEC18005 Legal Description: Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Applicant: Jeff Manley Summary: Proposal to construct a new single-family house. This project requires an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for the roof pitch under 3:12 for metal roofing. B. 4254 Wildridge Road West - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18002 Legal Description: Lot 21B Block 3 Wildridge Applicant: Jeff Manley Summary: Proposal to construct a new single-family house. The roof design was modified pursuant to previous PZC comments. VIII. Alternative Equivalent Compliance – 2290 Old Trail Road Fence- PUBLIC HEARING File: AEC18006 Legal Description: Lot 100 Block 1 Wildridge Applicant: Norman Mejia Summary: The applicant had a fence constructed on his property that did not meet the design specification of the Minor Development Plan approved by town staff earlier this year. 2 Agenda posted on Friday, May 11, 2018 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Now, the deviations from the code require an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for the fence material and design. IX. Major Development Plan – 254 Riverfront Lane – PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18005 Legal Description: Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision Applicant: Jim Telling with East-West Partners Summary: Application to build one triplex and six (6) duplexes on the property to the west of the Westin hotel and condo property. X. Work Sessions A. CO World Resorts Summary: Prior to the development of design drawings for future development at 39380 Highway 6, the architectural team is seeking guidance with respect to developable area of the site. B. Planning and Zoning Procedures and Best Practices Summary: Eric Heil, Town Attorney for the Town of Avon, will detail the nuances of planning law, conflicts of interest, meeting order, motions, and records of decision. C. Sign Code Summary: Town staff will outline the process for updating the sign code, including moving it to Chapter 7, updating desired sign typologies, and properly responding to recent court cases. XI. Action on Meeting Minutes • May 1, 2018 PZC Minutes XII. Staff Updates • Hahnewald Barn • June 12 Joint Work Session with Town Council XIII. Adjourn May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan & AEC May 15, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR18004 and AEC18005 Continued from May 1, 2018 Project type Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 32 Block 3Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 4561 Flat Point Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a new proposed single-family house; and an Alternative Equivalent Compliance for the roof pitch under the required 4:12 pitch. PZC continued the hearing and asked the applicant for more information regarding the 2:12 roof pitch AEC and other design modifications, included as attachment D. Summary of Request Jeff Manley (the Applicant) with Martin Manley Architects proposes a new house for Lot 32. The building is 2 stories, 3,947 s.f. of livable space and includes an 841 s.f. garage. The lower level is ground level at the garage side and located below grade on the uphill side of the house. It has shed roofs mainly at 2:12. The proposal is best described as mountain modern style with large shed roofs. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the April 20 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. This notice contained two potential meeting dates (May 1 and May 15) and re-notice is not required with public hearings continued to a specific date. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 32 is .39 acres located at the end of Flat Point at the top of Wildridge. It is zoned PUD and would accommodate a duplex per the PUD standards. It borders duplex and single-family houses and two vacant lots on the street side. Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 31 has a traditional Wildridge building envelope and easements: Front Side Back Drainage Easement 25’ 7.5’ 10’ 10’ on each side Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is thirty-five feet (35’). The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of twenty-nine feet two inches and 7/16” (29' – May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 2 2 -7/16”) according to the development plans. Parking: The project is required three parking spaces, which are provided between the garage and the spaces in front of the garage. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping & Irrigation: The building is proposed to be landscaped primarily with aspen, spruce, crabapple, several deciduous shrub species, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (sheet A1.2, attachment B). The Landscape Unit count provided is 204, with 191 required. The application includes a 50% Landscape Unit bonus for having 80% or more of the landscape area on temporary irrigation. The applicant proposes 2,700 square feet of undisturbed landscape, thus qualifying for a 10% Landscape Unit bonus. Permanent irrigation is proposed with micro spray for ground cover and drip irrigation for the trees. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are wood siding (stained brown) and stone tiles (Attachment B, sheet A3.0). Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls are proposed as boulder materials. There is a retaining wall on the north radiating from the garage, one on the east side radiating from the side of the house, and two surrounding the south deck to create positive drainage. They are between four (4’) and two (2’) feet tall. Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3) Roofs. The applicant is proposing primarily 2:12 roof pitches. Pitches are required to be 3:12 or above, therefore an Alternative Equivalent Compliance review is necessary, found below. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting (Attachment C), recessed bronze fixtures and walkway lighting, is Dark Sky Compliant, and the locations and quantity are found to be compliant with lighting code. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, “Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 3 compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis . The roof pitch deviation from the Development Code is included for Alternative Equivalence Compliance review, below. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” This District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. This Application generally proposes a design that is consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan, including, “Policy G.2.1: Identify and avoid development in environmentally sensitive areas or steep hillsides.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal was referred to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for compliance with the property’s’ water allocation, and received no comment. All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code, or seeks an Alternative Equivalent Compliance. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 4 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. 7.16.120 - Alternative Equivalent Compliance Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. AEC Request Specific design components require AECs for PZC consideration: • The Application proposes a minimum roof pitch of 1.5:12, with the primary forms 2:12, instead of the required 4:12 (3:12 for metal) on the roof sections, in deviation of AMC sec. 7.28.090(d)(3)(i). The summary of the request can be found in Attachment D. Applicant Response The mountain modern design uses low snug roofs. This aids in neighboring houses being able to look over this home. The scale of the building is lower. The comparison house shown with 3:12 forms has a higher overall height (33’ – 1-7/8” vs 29’ – 7 – ½”) and empty interior space. Staff Analysis The intent of mandating a 3:12 pitch for metal roofs is to create an attractive angled shape of the roof, and a unified aesthetic throughout town. Snow loading is another concern that the Municipal Code seeks to avoid by prohibiting low-pitched roofs. Home styles such as ranch houses feature only low- pitched roofs. Staff is not suggesting that the applicant is proposing a ranch house, only that the ranch style typically contains this typology, which is not a favored style in Avon. The type of home proposed is best described as “mountain modern,” which generally favors a lower pitched roof, unique structure shape, and large windows and doors. The height reduction and layout seem to adhere to the Avon May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 5 Comprehensive Plan, “Policy A.1.5: Promote development that maximizes sun exposure and protects views.” Staff acknowledges the different roof forms in the neighborhood, however, the majority of houses in the area seem to use 4:12 or higher pitch on principle elements. The PZC is instructed to review the alternative for achieving the intent of the subject design standard, which is in part informed by the Purposes section of Avon Municipal Code. Section 7.04.030 states, “(l) Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon's sub-alpine environment.” The Avon Comprehensive Plan states, “Policy C.1.2: Ensure compatible architectural features between adjacent buildings.” The house relies on shed roofs, which create abrupt forms and angles on the house. The primary roof is massive and has a 2:12 pitch which juts in front of the livable portion of the house to shelter a large deck. The most prominent view of the house will be akin to the top-left image of A0.0 in Attachment B, where the large shed roof overhang is the most pronounced. The second most prominent roofs sheds away from the primary roof but does not attach to it. Between the two roofs is a 1.5:12 sloping roof section that runs to the back of the house. Combined, these forms may overpower the neighboring houses and be impactful to the neighborhood aesthetic. Staff recognizes that the potential 3:12 building form has many of these same issues, some of which seem exacerbated by this alternative form. Overall, staff is concerned that this AEC application may not achieve the intent of the Municipal Code to the same degree as the 4:12 (3:12 if metal) regulation does. Staff is not opposed to pitches under 3:12 or the mountain modern aesthetic, but wants the design to favorably compliment the adjacent properties and surrounding community. The PZC should carefully assess the application for compliance with the review criteria, listed above. Staff has outlined a recommended motion for denial of the AEC request. A favorable motion for the AEC and Major Design and Development Plan application is also included. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The AEC does not achieve the intent of the roof design standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The AEC does not achieve the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the roof design standards; 4. The AEC does not result in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the roof design standards; and 5. The AEC imposes greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Development Code. Recommended Motion: “I move to deny Case #AEC18005, an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Lot 32 Block 3Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact recommended by Staff.” Alternative Action on AEC18005 Alternative Equivalent Compliance: May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 6 Motion for approval of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, 2. §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 3. The AEC achieves the intent of the roof design standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The AEC achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the roof design standards, including Policy A.1.5; 5. The AEC results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the roof design standards; and 6. By limiting the height of the building, the AEC imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Development Code. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #AEC18005, an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Staff Recommendation for MJR18004 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends continuing the Major Development Plan application for Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision to a later date, pending the outcome of an acceptable roof pitch. Recommended Motion: “I move to continue Case #MJR18004, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision pending the outcome of an acceptable roof design.” Alternative Action: Motion for approval of the Major Development Plan for Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge, with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; Conditions: 1. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4561 Flat Point 7 years for trees. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR18004, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for 32 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Exhibits A. Application Materials B. Design & Development Plans C. Lighting Plan D. Updated AEC Application Materials with Updated Design Notes Date: 04-12-2018 RE: 4561 Flat Point Residence narrative Town of Avon Planning staff and P & Z Board Martin Manley architects and SaltBox LLP, is proposing a single family residence at 4561 Flat Point in Wildridge Sub. Lot 32, Block 3. The lot is generally flat, for the Wildridge area. The site is located at the end of a cul-de-sac. The primary views are to the south, but it will be looking over the future development on a lot to the south of the cul-de-sac. The house is proposed to be 3,947.3 s.f. in livable area with an 841.4 s.f. garage. We positioned the house to take advantage of the views at the south and west sides of the home. The dining room and roof edge is aligned in a manner to relate to the street. A mountain modern design is created that has low slung roofs. This will the height lower and help the neighboring homes to look over. We have graded the home to take advantage of the outdoor spaces in creating a windward and leeward decks. Roof forms are primarily at 2:12, with one portion at 1.5:12 slope. The house has a mountain modern design that keeps with a use of traditional wood materials and colors in a contemporary building form. WE will be asking for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for the low roof pitches of 2:12 for pitch, and 1.5:12 pitch. Section 7.28.090 Design standards, (d) General Applicable Residential Design Standards: (3) Roofs: (i) states a minimum roof slope of 3:12 for metal roofs. The design of lower pitched roofs helps keep the overall scale if the building down. The height would be higher if the roof pitch was increased to the minimum 3:12 slope. We feel that this this design limits the overall height appearance of the residence. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Attachment A ZONING INFORMATION Lot 32 , Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 4561 Flat Point Zoning: Duplex lot, Proposed Building Single Family Residence Lot 32 Area = .39 acres = 16,988.4 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 16,988.4= 8,494.2 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 16,988.4= 4,247.1 s.f. Proposed Building Height= 29'-2 7/16" (<35'-0" allowed) Proposed Livable Area = 3,947.3 s.f. (23.2%) Proposed Garage Area = 841.5 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2,533.5 s.f. (14.9% of LOT) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 2,533.5 s.f. + (drive + walks+ terrace) 2,185 s.f. = 4,718.5 s.f. total (27.8%) Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 16,988.4 s.f.)-(imperv. 4,718.5 s.f.) = 12,269.9 s.f. Landscape area ( 72.2 %) Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,850 s.f. Drive = 370 s.f. of snow storage Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant,970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject No.:DateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:23 PMA0.0COVER1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620Flat Point Single Family Planning and Zonning Set Saltbox 4561 Flat Point Avon Colorado, 81620 04-12-18 Parcel Number:1943-352-05-037 Location: Subdivision: Wildridge Block: 3 Lot: 32 4545 Flat Point, Avon CO 81620 Class of Work: New Construction Building Type: Single Family Residence Type of Construction: Type V-B Type of Occupancy: R3 Levels: 2-story Fire Sprinklers: No Monitored alarm system: Yes Heating: In-floor radiant heat Furnace/boiler: Min. 92% efficiency, GAS 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) including Appendix F & G 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS NOTE: THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC BASIC SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE OWNER CONTEMPLATING CONTINUED INVOLVEMENT, SELECTIONS AND DECISION MAKING BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THROUGH COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE DOCUMENTS INDICATE THE SCOPE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPTS APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND INCLUDE DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING, THE TYPES OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS AND AN OUTLINE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ELEMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PROVIDE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES AS OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AND THEREFORE DO NOT NECESSARILY INDICATE OR DESCRIBE ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FULL PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK. IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL WORK REQUIRED FOR PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORK AND THAT THE WORK SHALL BE OF SOUND AND QUALITY CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND ALL MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR, BASED ON THE FOREGOING, SHALL PREPARE FOR OWNER REVIEW A REALISTIC BUDGET WITH A LATITUDE OF PRICES BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS OF SCOPE OF WORK AND OWNER PRODUCT SELECTIONS. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS, MUNICIPAL AND/OR COUNTY ZONING CODES, PERTINENT IRC 2009 CODE REQUIREMENTS, AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS AS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND APPROVAL BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT. COLOR BOARD No.DescriptionDate1 3D View 3 2 3D View 1 PROJECT TEAM INFORMATION Owner: SALTCAT LLP Nick Salter PO BOX 2987 EDWARDS, CO 81632-2987 970-376-7258 Project Location: 4545 Flat Point, Avon CO 81620 Architect:Martin Manley Architect Jeffrey P Manley AIA PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.5151 jeff@martinmanleyarchitects.com General Contractor: Nick Salter PO BOX 2987 EDWARDS, CO 81632-2987 970-376-7258 Attachment B DN 1682.3 SF Lower Level Area 851.5 SF Garage Area 2265 SF Main Level Area 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:25 PMA0.1AREA CALCULATIONS1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL Area Schedule (LIVABLE) Name Area Main Level Area 2265 SF Lower Level Area 1682.3 SF Grand total: 2 3947.3 SF Area Schedule (GARAGE) Name Area Garage Area 851.5 SF Grand total: 1 851.5 SF Attachment B 8498 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 1 850284 95.42 84 97.25 8497.09 8496.19 8496.76 84 98.62 8500.25 85 0 2.2 0 8504.39 DEC ID UOUS TR EE WA T ER VA LVE EDG E OF AS PHA LT R OADWAY P HO NE PED. S EW ER M AN HO LE RIM ELEV. = 8 502.4 6' EDG E OF AS PHA LT DR I VEW AY 18" C.M.P . INVE RT IN = 849 3.81' S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A NY MOUNTAINTOP OF ARROWHEADT O P O F B E L L Y A C H E8527.5'FOUND A PLAI N No . 5 REBAR (ELEV. = 85 05.8 6') F OU N D No . 5 REB AR WIT H AN A LUMIN UM CAP P.L.S. No. 5 447 (ELE V. = 8 502.11') 0.48 A C RES 454 5 FLA T P OI NT 0 .39 ACR E S 4 5 6 1 FL AT P OI N T L O T 3 1 L O T 3 2 L O T 3 3 L O T 3 3 U TILITY & DRAI NAGE EAS EME NT S LOPE MAI NTENANC E, DR AI NAGE & SNO W STORA GE E ASE MENT N 17°47'35" W - 129.64'N 25°26'01" S 86°57'12" E - 93.43' ∆=6 °08 '0 5 " R =3 2 6.8 8 ' L =3 5 .0 0 ' C hB =S 75 °1 6 '2 8"W C hL=3 4 .9 8 ' S 7 8 °2 0 '3 0 " W - 1 1 0 .9 4 'N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'8 4 9 6 8 4 9 5 84978 4 9 8 849984998 5 0 2 8503 8 5 0 4 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 185028 5 0 3 85048 5 1 4 8 5 1 3 8 5 1 2 8 5 1 1 8 5 1 085098 5 0 8 8 5 0 7 8506 8 5 0 58500849584948496849784988499850185028503 8500 8 5 0184988497 7 '-6 "10'-0"1 0 '-0 "25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"1 0 '-0 "10'-0"7'-6" 7 '-6 "W V P H PH S S DN T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 3'-0" 8499'-6" GUEST PARKING SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING 8497'-6"SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 8500' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 7 9/16" DECK AT MAIN LEVEL 8509' - 2" 8497' - 11 1/2" 8499' - 6" 8497' - 0"2.5%2.88%8499' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 6" T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 3'-0" 8504'-0" 8501'-0" T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 4'-0" 8504'-0" 8500'-0"0.25:120.25:120.26:120.26:120.26:12 8499' - 11" 8499' - 9 3/4" 96' 97' 98' 2700 s.f. of undisturbed area 99'00'01' 01' 02' 03' 04' 05' 06' 07' 08' 08'07'06' 05' 04' 03' 04' 02' 01' 00' 02' 01' 00' 00' 01' T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0" 8499'-0" 8497'-0" 00' 97' 00' 00' 00' 99' 99' 98' 98' 97' 96' 18" GALV. CULVERT GRADING AND DRIVE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT DURING CONSTRUCTION A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LENGTH OF 20' PROVIDE A GRAVEL TRACKING PAD AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE SITE OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH INVERT AT 8496'-9" OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH OPENING AT 8495'-9"WATERGAS METER ELEC METER CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:26 PMA1.1SITE PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 816201" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 SITE PLAN True North Project North No.DescriptionDateAttachment B 8498 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 1 850284 95.42 84 97.25 84 97.09 8496.19 8496.76 84 98.62 8500.25 8 5 02.20 DEC ID UOUS TR EE EDG E OF AS PHA LT R OADWAY P HO NE PED. E D G E OF A S P HA L T D R I VEW A Y 1 8 " C.M .P . I N V E RT I N = 8 4 9 3.8 1 ' S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A NY MOUNTAINTOP OF ARROWHEADT O P O F B E L L Y A C H E8527.5'FOUND A PLAI N N o. 5 RE B AR (ELEV. = 85 05.8 6') FOUND No . 5 REB AR WITH AN A LUMIN UM CAP P.L.S. No. 5 447 (ELE V. = 8 502.11') 0.39 AC RES 456 1 FLAT P OI NT L O T 3 2 L O T 3 3 L O T 3 3 U TILITY & DRAI NAGE EAS EME NT S LOP E MAI NTENANC E, DR AI NAGE & S NO W STORA GE E ASE MENT N 17°47'35" W - 129.64'N 25°26'01" E - 1S 86°57'12" E - 93.43' ∆=6 °08 '0 5 " R =3 2 6.8 8 ' L =3 5 .0 0 ' C hB =S 75 °1 6 '2 8"W C hL=3 4 .9 8 ' S 7 8 °2 0 '3 0 " W - 1 1 0 .9 4 'N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'8 4 9 6 8 4 9 5 84978 4 9 8 849984998 5 0 2 8503 8 5 0 4 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 185028 5 0 3 8 5 1 3 8 5 1 2 8 5 1 1 851 0 85098 5 0 8 8 5 0 7 8506 8 5 0 58500849584948496849784988499850185028503 8500 8 5 0184988497 7 '-6 "10'-0"1 0 '-0 "25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"1 0 '-0 "10'-0"7'-6" 7 '-6 "P H PH S S DN T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 3'-0" 8499'-6" GUEST PARKING SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING 8497'-6"SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 8500' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 7 9/16" DECK AT MAIN LEVEL 8509' - 2" 8497' - 11 1/2" 8499' - 6" 8497' - 0"2.5%2.88%8499' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 6" T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 3'-0" 8504'-0" 8501'-0" T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 4'-0" 8504'-0" 8500'-0"0.25:120.25:120.26:120.26:120.26:12 8499' - 11" 96' 97' 98' 2700 s.f. of undisturbed area 99'00'01' 01' 02' 03' 04' 05' 06' 07' 08' 08'07'06' 05' 04' 03' 04' 02' 01' 00' 02' 01' 00' 00' 01' T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0" 8499'-0" 8497'-0" 00' 97' 00' 00' 00' 99' 99' 98' 98' 97' 96' 18" GALV. CULVERT GRADING AND DRIVE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT DURING CONSTRUCTION A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LENGTH OF 20' PROVIDE A GRAVEL TRACKING PAD AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE SITE OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH INVERT AT 8496'-9" OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH OPENING AT 8495'-9" Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q AQ AQ AQ AQ A Q AQ AQ AFC LLS P S P S P S P S P S P LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLC E C E C ECE C E C E C E C ECE C E C E C E CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE CS CS Landscape and Irrigation table AREA MATRIX: Lot 32 , Wildridge Subdivision Zoning: Duplex lot, Proposed Building Single Family Residence Lot 32 Area = .39 acres = 16,988.4 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 16,988.4= 8,494.2 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 16,988.4= 4,247.1 s.f. Proposed Building Height= 29'-2 7/16" (<35'-0" allowed) Proposed Livable Area = 3,947.3 s.f. (18.8%) Proposed Garage Area = 841.5 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2,533.5 s.f. (14.9% of LOT) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 2,533.5 s.f. + (drive + walks+ terrace) 2,185 s.f. = 4,718.5 s.f. total (27.8%) Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 16,988.4 s.f.)-(imperv. 4,718.5 s.f.) = 12,269.9 s.f. Landscape area ( 72.2 %) Proposed Temp Irrigation only in reveg. seeded areas. Landscape Units = 12,269.9 s.f. -2700 s.f. of undisturbed area= 9,569.9 / 50 s.f. per unit =191.4 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 191.4 units =47.8 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 1.5" -2.5" caliper/clump = 4 units per tree X 7=28 4 units per tree X 0 =0 28 units Deciduous 2.5" -4" caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 7=49 9 units per tree X 1 =9 58 units Evergreen 6'-8' high =6 units per tree X 2 =12 11 units per tree X 0=0 12 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, 5 gallon = 1 unit per shrub X24 =24 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 24 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 400 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=1 units 1.0 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds around trees)1/500 s.f. 500 s.f. planting bed area/500 =1 1 Units subtotal 124 units Retained Existing Vegetation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegetation Area = 900 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 124 units = 12.4 12.4units subtotal 136.4 units Drip Irrigation Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 80% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 50% 50 % of 136.4 units = 68.2 Bonus to be applied 68.2 units Total Landscape Units Proposed (191.4 required)204.6 units QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 1.5" to 2.5" CAL. Size 6 14 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') OR Fendler ceanothus, mountain-lilac #5.8 24 CE #5 10COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 400 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 6'-8' tall 2 2 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA -AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) MULCH NG GROUND COVER NATURAL GRASS AREA IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,500 S.F. SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW -GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE 500 square feet of cover. Q A CS LLS P C E #5SP 6SPIREA, ANTHONY WATERER (Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’) FC FRUITLESS FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (Malus 'Spring Snow' ) (15' TALL MATURE HT) 2" CAL.1 FC Q A MULCH Soil Amendment notes. (A) Topsoil of irrigated grasses (including turf), shrubs, perennials, and annuals shall be a sandy loam to a depth of at least six (6) inches containing at least five percent (5%) organic matter by volume. (B) Amended tree soil should have a minimum planting hole diameter of two (2) times as large as the root ball diameter. Both topsoil and subsoil layers shall be sandy loam. The topsoil shall be at least six (6) inches and have five percent (5%) organic matter by weight and subsoil shall have at least one to three percent (1 -3%) organic matter by weight. (C) A minimum of four (4) cubic yards of organic matter soil amendment per one-thousand square feet of landscaped area shall be required as necessary to meet the five percent (5%) organic matter specification. (D) In all disturbed areas for reveg reseeding, soil must be prepared with tilling and the addition of decomposed organic matter such as, but not limited to, compost, composted horse manure or composted chopped straw or hay. Straw tackifier or matting on steep slopes is required to prevent soil erosion. The addition of decomposed organic matter is also required prior to turf installation. GUARANTEE OF INSTALLATION.Required landscape improvements shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all structures. MAINTENANCE.All landscape improvements shall be maintained and replaced by the property owner as necessary. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of landscape improvements within the public ROW between the back of curb or street pavements and the adjacent property. 2.5" to 4" CAL.7 MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.A SPRAY MIX OF FERTILIZER AND SEED WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE AND BE TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATED. Area = 8,500 s.f. approx Temporary Drip Irrigation as needed to establish 2.5" TO 4" 1.5" TO 2.5" 2"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:27 PMA1.2LANSCAPE PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 12" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE UNITS 1/8" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE LEGEND Attachment B 8495.42 8497.25 84 97.09 8496.19 84 96.76 84 98.62 85 00.25 85 02.20 D ECIDUOUS TREE E DG E OF ASP HALT ROA DWAY PHONE PE D. E DG E OF AS P H A LT DR I V E W AY 1 8" C.M .P. I N VERT I N = 8 493.81 ' S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A NY MOUNTAINTOP OF ARROWHEADT O P O F B E L L Y A C H E8527.5'F OUN D A PL AIN N o. 5 RE BAR (ELE V. = 8505 .8 6') FOUND No . 5 REB AR W IT H AN ALUM INUM CAP P .L.S. N o. 544 7 (ELE V. = 8 502.11') 0 .39 ACR ES 4 561 FLAT P OINT L O T 3 2 L O T 3 3 L O T 3 3 U TILITY & DRAI NAGE EASEMENT S LOPE MAI NTENANC E, DR AI NAGE & S NOW STORAG E EASEME NT N 17°47'35" W - 129.64'N 25°26'01" E - 102.48'S 86°57'12" E - 93.43' ∆=6 °0 8 '0 5 " R =3 2 6 .8 8' L =3 5 .0 0 ' C hB =S 75 °1 6 '2 8"W C hL=3 4 .9 8 ' S 7 8 °2 0 '3 0 " W - 1 1 0 .9 4 'N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'8 4 9 6 8 4 9 5 84978 4 9 8 849984998 5 0 2 8503 8 5 0 4 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 185028 5 0 3 8 5 1 3 8 5 1 2 8 5 1 1 8 5 1 085098 5 0 8 8 5 0 7 8506 8 5 0 58500849584948496849784988499850185028503 8500 8 5 0184988497 7 '-6 "10'-0"1 0 '-0 "25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"1 0 '-0 "10'-0"7'-6" 7 '-6 " P H P H S S DN SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 8500' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 7 9/16" DECK AT MAIN LEVEL 8509' - 2" 8497' - 11 1/2" 8497' - 0" 8499' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 6"0.25:120.25:120.26:120.26:120.26:12 8499' - 11" 96' 97' 98' 2700 s.f. of undisturbed area 99'00'01' 01' 02' 03' 04' 05' 06' 07' 08' 08'07'06' 05' 04' 03' 04' 02' 01' 00' 02' 01' 00' 00' 01' 00' 00' 00' 00' 99' 99' 98' 98' 97' 96' 18" GALV. CULVERT GRADING AND DRIVE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT DURING CONSTRUCTION A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LENGTH OF 20' PROVIDE A GRAVEL TRACKING PAD AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE SITE OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH INVERT AT 8496'-9" OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH OPENING AT 8495'-9" Q AQ A Q A Q A Q AQ A Q AQ AQ AQ A Q AQ A Q AQ AQ AQ A FC LLS P S P S P S P S P S P LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLC E C E C ECE C E C E C E C E AC CONTROLLER back flow valve manual shut-off valve VALVE ASSEMBLY SLEEVE UNDER DRIVE PERMANENT MICROSPRAY IRRIGATION PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION PERMANENT MICROSPRAY IRRIGATION PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE sensor stake in ground to read soil moisture content THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY THE LANDSCAPE SUBCONTRACTOR. The design shall: (A) Prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non- targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures. Restrictions regarding overspray and runoff may be modified if the landscape area is adjacent to permeable surfacing and no runoff occurs or if the adjacent non-permeable surfaces are designed and constructed to drain entirely to landscaping. (B) Conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan. (C) Have matched precipitation rates within a hydrozone, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations. (D) Meet the required operating pressure of the emission devices using valve pressure regulators, sprinkler head pressure regulators, inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices. The pressure and flow measurements identified at the design stage will be verified prior to the installation of the system. (E) Meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard authored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Code Council and verified by an independent third-party. (F) (not applicable-no turfgrass proposed) Achieve the highest possible sprinkler spacing distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations. All sprinkler head installed in the turfgrass areas shall have a distribution uniformity of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014 standard. IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,300 S.F. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 16,988.4= 4,247.1 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 16,988.4 s.f.)-(imperv. 4,718.5 s.f.) = 12,269.9 s.f. Landscape area ( 72.2 %) Total irrigated area 1,300 s.f. (10.6% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =800 s.f. (62% of irrigation total) *at trees provide (4) 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide (2) 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =500 s.f. (38% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Total landscape area = 12,269.9 s.f. Total permanent irrigation = 1,300.0 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =10,969.9 s.f. (89 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 800 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 500 s.f.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/30/2018 3:13:36 PMA1.3IRRIGATION PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1Revn- irrigation notes4-30-181" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 IRRIGATION PLAN 12" = 1'-0" IRRIGATION NOTES Irrigation information from Landscape Tech. in Gypsum, Colorado Water Aspen do best in cool, dry summers in areas that get abundant winter precipitation in the form of snow. When growing aspen in urban or cultivated landscapes, follow a watering schedule of 2 to 3 inches of water per week. However, if you start to have problems, consult a county agricultural extension to re-define the schedule for your local microclimate. Aspen can have trouble with too much water or too little water. (www.gardenguides.com) 84 95.42 8497.25 8497.09 84 96.19 84 96.76 8498.62 8500.25 85 0 2.2 0 85 04.39 DEC ID UOUS TR EE W ATER VA LVE E DG E OF ASP HALT R OADWAY PHO N E PE D. SEWER M AN HO LE RIM ELEV. = 8 502.4 6' E DG E OF ASP HALT DR I VEW AY 1 8" C.M .P. INVE RT IN = 849 3.81' S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A S P A A T C O R D IL L E R A NY MOUNTAINTOP OF ARROWHEADT O P O F B E L L Y A C H E8527.5'FOUND A PLAI N No . 5 REBAR (ELE V. = 8505 .8 6') F OU ND No. 5 R EB AR W IT H AN ALUM INUM CAP P.L.S. No. 5 447 (ELEV. = 8 50 2.1 1 ') 0.48 AC RES 454 5 FLA T P OI NT 0 .39 ACR E S 4 56 1 F LA T P OI NT L O T 3 1 L O T 3 2 L O T 3 3 L O T 3 3 UTIL IT Y & DR AINAG E EAS EME NT SLO PE M AINTE NANC E, DR AINA GE & S NOW STORAG E EASEME NT N 17°47'35" W - 129.64'N 25°26'01"S 86°57'12" E - 93.43' ∆=6 °08 '0 5 " R =3 2 6 .8 8' L =3 5 .0 0 ' C h B=S 7 5 °1 6 '2 8 "W C h L =3 4 .9 8 ' S 7 8 °2 0 '3 0 " W - 1 1 0 .9 4 'N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'8 4 9 6 8 4 9 5 84978 4 9 8 849984998 5 0 2 8503 8 5 0 4 8 5 0 0 8 5 0 185028 5 0 3 85048 5 1 4 8 5 1 3 8 5 1 2 8 5 1 1 851 0 85098 5 0 8 8 5 0 7 8506 8 5 0 58500849584948496849784988499850185028503 8500 8 5 0184988497 7 '-6 "10'-0"1 0 '-0 "25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"1 0 '-0 "10'-0"7'-6" 7 '-6 " W V PH P H S S DN SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 8500' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 7 9/16" DECK AT MAIN LEVEL 8509' - 2" 8497' - 11 1/2" 8497' - 0" 8499' - 0" 8498' - 0" 8497' - 6"0.25:120.25:1296' 97' 98' 99'00'01' 01' 02' 03' 04' 05' 06' 07' 08' 08'07'06' 05' 04' 03' 04' 02' 01' SEWER 02' 01' 00' 00' 01' 00' 97' 00' 00' 00' 99' 99' 98' 98' 97' 96' 18" GALV. CULVERT GRADING AND DRIVE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT DURING CONSTRUCTION A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LENGTH OF 20' PROVIDE A GRAVEL TRACKING PAD AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE SITE OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH INVERT AT 8496'-9" OPEN 8" DRAIN PIPE WITH OPENING AT 8495'-9" TLT J O B S I G N A G EDUMPSTER S O I L S T O C K P I L E MATERIAL STAGING AND STORAGE IN DRIVE AND IN GARAGE S O I L S T O C K P I L E SEWER SEWER SEWERSEWERELEC METER W A T E R W A T E R WATERELECELECELECELECWATERWATERGAS METER PHONE/CABLEPHONE/CABLEPHONE/CABLEP H O N E /C A B L E P H O N E /C A B L E P H O N E /C A B L E CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE CONSTRUCTION FENCING AT LIMITS OF DISTRUBANCE 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:28 PMA1.4CONSTRUCT. MGMT1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 CONSTRUCTION MGMT PLAN Attachment B 8 5 0 1 85028 4 9 5 .4 2 8 4 9 7 .2 5 E D G E O F A S P H A L T D R I V E W A Y 0 .3 9 A C R E S 4 5 6 1 F L A T P O I N T U TI L I T Y & D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'850210'-0" 1 0 '-0 "7'-6" A3.0 A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 1 2 13' - 11"5' - 6"12' - 5 1/2"1' - 1 1/2"1 A4.0 1 A4.0 7' - 8 1/2"3' - 3 1/2"tv 18' - 5" 5 1 /2 " 1 3 ' - 5 1 /2 " 5 ' - 6 "14' - 0"5' - 2"3' - 0"3' - 6"32' - 8"2' - 0"24' - 0"9' - 6"13' - 10 1/2"4' - 8"2' - 7"14' - 3"1' - 1 1/2" 13' - 11 1/2"12' - 6 1/2"Mech Mud Entry Garage Bdrm #1 Bdrm #2 Bdrm #3 Family d r y b a r 2 A4.0 3 A4.0 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:29 PMA2.0LOWER LEVEL PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL Attachment B 8 5 0 1 8 4 9 5 .4 2 8 4 9 7 .2 5 E D G E O F A S P H A L T D R I V E W A Y 0 .3 9 A C R E S 4 5 6 1 F L A T P O I N T L O T 3 2 N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'850084978498849985018502850310'-0" 1 0 '-0 "7'-6" DN DN DN A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 2 8509' - 0" 1 A4.012' - 8"17' - 2 1/2"6' - 4" 8511' - 6"8509' - 0" 8500' - 0" 8509' - 0" 8509' - 2" 8509' - 2"8509' - 2"12' - 0"9' - 6"23' - 6 1/2"9' - 5 1/2"9' - 0"5' - 9"4' - 0"6' - 0"8' - 1"4' - 6 1/2"8' - 5 1/2"17' - 8"6' - 4"9' - 11 1/2"7' - 4"4' - 6 1/2"11' - 5 1/2"23' - 4"2 A4.0 8515' - 0" 8510' - 1" 3 A4.0 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:30 PMA2.1MAIN LEVEL PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL Attachment B 8 5 0 1 85028 4 9 5 .4 2 8 4 9 7 .2 5 E D G E O F A S P H A L T D R I V E W A Y 0 .3 9 A C R E S 4 5 6 1 F L A T P O I N T L O T 3 2 U TI L I T Y & D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T N 03°25'54" E - 160.00'8 5 0 58508484984998585028503 10'-0" 1 0 '-0 "7'-6" 7 '-6 "DN A3.0 A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 1 2 2:12 2:12 1.5:122:12 2 A4.0 NAT GRADE =8501'-6" NEW GRADE =8499'-6" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=28'-2 7/16" 00' 00' 99' 98'8497' - 7 9/16" 8524' - 10 1/16" 8527' - 8 7/16" 8527' - 8 7/16" 8527' - 8 7/16" NAT GRADE =8500'-6" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=27'-2 3/8" 8525' - 1" 8526' - 9" NAT GRADE =8500'-9" NEW GRADE =8499'-11" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=26'-10" NAT GRADE =8501'-0" NEW GRADE =8499'-9" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=25'-4"1.5:122:12 NAT GRADE =8499'-6" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=27'-3" 8526' - 9" 99' 01' 04' 07' NAT GRADE =8499'-6" NEW GRADE =8504'-0" RIDGE ELEV RIDGE HT.=15'-6" 8515' - 0" 8510' - 1" 8520' - 2" NAT GRADE =8503'-6" NEW GRADE =8505'-1" EAVE ELEV EAVE HT.=16'-8" 8518' - 9 3/4" NAT GRADE =8502'-6" NEW GRADE =8500'-6" EAVE ELEV EAVE HT.=18'-3 3/4" 8522' - 8" NAT GRADE =8497'-6" NEW GRADE =8499'-0" EAVE ELEV EAVE HT.=25'-2" 3 A4.0 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:30 PMA2.2ROOF PLAN1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 ROOF PLAN Project North Attachment B A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" Plate Height 8521' -10" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" Plate Height-Main 8519' -4"10' - 4"11' - 0"2' - 6"2' - 0"11' - 6"2:12 2 :1 2 2 :1 2 16' - 8"26' - 9"29' - 8 7/16"8502' - 6" 8503' - 6" 8501' - 6"8501' - 9" 8499' - 0" 8500' - 6" 8496' - 6" existing grade 8501' - 0" 8499' - 9 1/2" 8497' - 7 9/16" 8500' - 0" 1x8 VERTICAL T&G OR SHIP LAPPED WOOD SIDING ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING SYSTEM ON FULL COVERAGE HIGH TEMP WAERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON RAFTERS ALUMINUM FASCIA (COLOR MATCHED TO ROOFING) 30"x18" STONE TILES WITH THIN MORTAR JOINTS AND 3" STONE CAP OF MATCHING MATIERAL EXPOSED STEEL BEAM AND COLUMN (PAINTED FLAT BLACK) 1X8 (6" EXPOSED FACE) HORIZONTAL BEV-LAP/CLAPBOARD WOOD SIDING 1X6 T&G WOOD SOFFIT 1x8 VERTICAL T&G OR SHIP LAPPED WOOD SIDING ADDRESS NUMBERS WOOD CLADD DOORS WITH ALUM. FRAMED TOP GLASS PANEL ELEC METER ON SIDE OF GARAGE HORIZONTAL 1X8 MATERIAL AND VERTICAL JAMBS AROUND GARAGE DOOR, MATCHING COLOR OF VERTICAL SIDING 2x CORNER BOARD AT HORIZONTAL SIDING LOCATIONS 3 1/2" WOOD TRIM (WIDTH) WITH PROUD HEAD TRIM (FLASHING ABOVE ALL WINDOWS) (3) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN SOFFIT ABOVE GARAGE DOORS FLASHING AT WOOD TO STONE CAP TRANSITION A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" 2 A4.0 11' - 0"11' - 6"2' - 6"2' - 0"ELEC METER GAS METER2:122:121 .5 :1 2 2:12W12X26 8496' - 6" 8499' - 0" E X I S T I N G G R A D E 8501' - 0" 8502' - 0"EXISTING GRADE 3 A4.0 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:35 PMA3.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION Attachment B A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" 8509' - 2" 8499' - 0" 8496' - 6" 8507' - 6" 8501' - 0" 8499' - 6" 8503' - 6" 2 :1 2 1.5:122:12 2:12 LARGE AWNING WOOD DECK WITH STEP TO GRADE AT EDGES 8501' - 0" 8505' - 1" BOULDER RETAINING A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" Plate Height 8521' -10" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0"11' - 0"10' - 4"2' - 6"A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" Plate Height-Main 8519' -4" 2 A4.0 2:122:122:121.5:12 2:122:128500' - 10 1/2" 8506' - 0" 8507' - 6"2"1' - 6"8503' - 6" 8502' - 9" 8499' - 6" 8501' - 3" EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE17' - 11 1/8"3 A4.0 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:39 PMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATION1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION Attachment B A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" Plate Height-Main 8519' -4" 15' - 9 1/4"20' - 8 3/4" A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A3.0 MASTER LEVEL 8511' -6" Plate Height 8521' -10" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" Plate Height-Main 8519' -4"10' - 4"8501' - 6"3' - 0"A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8509' -0" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8498' -0" A1.5 GARAGE 8500' -0" Plate Height-Main 8519' -4"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4/11/2018 4:26:40 PMA4.0BUILDING SECTIONS1803Flat Point Single FamilyPlanning and Zonning Set04-12-18Saltbox4561 Flat PointAvon Colorado, 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING SECTION THRU STAIR AND MASTER BEDROOM 1/4" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SECTION AT LIVING ROOM LOOKING NORTH 1/4" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING SECTION AT LIVING ROOM LOOKING SOUTH Attachment B Date: 04-12-18 RE: Exterior lighting locations 4561 Flat Point, Lot 32, Attachment C Attachment C Cart - 0 itemsWhat are you shopping for?Search Brands LBL Lighting Wall Sconces LBL Lighting OD1015LEDWDW LBL Lighting OD1015GRPLEDWDW Graphite Quadrate 13" Tall Integrated LED Outdoor Wall Sconce Item # bci3060991 Model # OD1015GRPLEDWDW Quadrate Collection Click to Zoom Return Policy Buy Now, Take 12 Months to Pay On orders of $1,000 or more With the Build.com Credit Card Apply Now LBL Lighting Spring Black Friday Sale Save 15% on all LBL Lighting. No coupon required. Prices already reduced. Offer Ends 04-18-2018 $116.96 Originally $258.00, You Save 55% 5 Finish: Graphite Free Shipping! Write a Review Special Order Would you like to be notified when this is in stock? Enter Email Address Notify Me Leaves the Warehouse in 2 to 3 weeks (Change Zip) Quantity: 1 Add to Cart People Who Viewed LBL Lighting OD1015LEDWDW Also Viewed Attachment C LBL Lighting OD10… (0) Starting at $82.96 LBL Lighting OD10… (0) Starting at $97.24 LBL Lighting OD10… (0) Starting at $142.80 Modern Forms WS-… (0) Starting at $179.00 Modern Forms WS-… (0) Starting at $159.00 Kichler 9244 (9) Starting at $75.65 Specifications Reviews Product Q&A Features • Color temperature dimming from 2200K - 3000K • Durable aluminum construction • Includes (2) 16 watt Integrated LED lighting • Capable of being dimmed • ETL rated for wet locations • Compliant with California Title 24 energy standards • Protected by a 5 year manufacturer warranty Dimensions • Height: 13" • Width: 5" • Depth: 4-13/16" • Extension: 4-13/16" • Product Weight: 3.1 lbs • Backplate Height: 13" • Backplate Width: 5" • Backplate Depth: 1-1/2" Electrical Specifications • Bulb Base: Integrated LED • Number of Bulbs: 2 • Bulbs Included: Yes • Watts Per Bulb: 8 watts • Wattage: 16 watts • Voltage: 120 volts • Color Temperature: 2200K - 3000K • Color Rendering Index: 90CRI • Average Hours: 35000 • Lumens: 383 Additional LBL Lighting Links • View the Manufacturer Warranty • Browse All LBL Lighting Products • LBL Lighting Quadrate Collection This product is listed under the following manufacturer number(s): *Denotes a finish or option that has been discontinued. • LBL Lighting OD1015BZLEDWDW* Bronze • LBL Lighting OD1015GRPLEDWDW Graphite Manufacturer Resources Specification Sheet Related LBL Lighting Categories LBL Pendants LBL Lighting Monrail LBL Lighting Bathroom Lights LBL Wall Sconces LBL Lighting Chandeliers LBL Ceiling Lights LBL Lighting Outdoor Lights Overview Attachment C Cart - 0 itemsWhat are you shopping for?Search Brands Lithonia Lighting Shop All Lithonia Lighting LK3GORB LED LPI M6 Lithonia Lighting LK3GORB LED LPI M6 Bronze Gimbal Recessed Kit 3" GU10 Adjustable Recessed Trim with CRI 80 Item # bci2635839 Model # LK3GORB LED LPI M6 Gimbal Recessed Kit Collection Click to Zoom Return Policy Buy Now, Take 12 Months to Pay On orders of $1,000 or more With the Build.com Credit Card Apply Now Save up to 45% during the April SPRING BLACK FRIDAY sales event Take advantage of every day low Prices. Prices already reduced. Offer Ends 04-30-2018 $26.59 Originally $40.00, You Save 34% 5 Finish: Bronze Free Shipping on orders over $49.00! Write a Review 1275 In Stock Leaves the Warehouse in 1 to 3 business days (Change Zip) Quantity: 1 Add to Cart People Who Viewed Lithonia Lighting LK3GORB LED LPI M6 Also Viewed Globe Electric 90964 (0) Starting at $41.25 Lithonia Lighting L… (0) Starting at $23.98 Globe Electric 90712 (0) Starting at $10.38 Lithonia Lighting L… (0) Starting at $12.20 Globe Electric 90733 (1) Starting at $77.50 Globe Electric 91144 (0) Starting at $19.25 Attachment C Specifications Reviews Product Q&A Features • Gimbal trim allows light to be directed almost any direction • Fully assembled fixture with no need to purchase a trim and housing separately • Housing is not ic-rated • Includes (1) 4.5 watt GU10 LED bulb • Capable of being dimmed • CSA rated for damp locations • Includes 3 years manufacturers warranty Dimensions • Height: 6" • Width: 4" • Depth: 7-1/8" • Product Weight: 1.3 lbs Electrical Specifications • Bulb Type: LED • Bulb Shape: MR16 • Bulb Base: GU10 • Number of Bulbs: 1 • Bulb Included: Yes • Watts Per Bulb: 4.5 watts • Wattage: 4.5 watts • Voltage: 120 volts • Color Temperature: 3000K • Color Rendering Index: 80CRI • Average Hours: 25000 • Lumens: 300 • Beam Spread: 30° Additional Lithonia Lighting Links • View the Manufacturer Warranty • Browse All Lithonia Lighting Products • Lithonia Lighting Gimbal Recessed Kit Collection This product is listed under the following manufacturer number(s): • Lithonia Lighting LK3GORB LED LPI M6 Bronze Manufacturer Resources Specification Sheet Related Lithonia Lighting Categories Lithonia Lighting Clearance Sale Lithonia Ceiling Lighting Lithonia Track Lighting Lithonia Lighting Troffers Lithonia Lighting Shop Lights Lithonia Lighting Linear Fluorescent and LED Lithonia Flood Lights Overview Attachment C Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4250 Wildridge Road 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan May 15, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR18002 Continued from April 17, and May 1, 2018 Meetings Project type Major Development Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 21B Block 3Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 4250 Wildridge Road West Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a new proposed single-family house. The Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) for the roof pitch deviation reviewed at the April 6, 2018 meeting was withdrawn, and the house now complies with the roof forms. Summary of Request Jeff Manley (the Applicant) with Martin Manley Architects proposes a new house for Lot 21B. The building is 2 stories, 3,998 s.f. of livable space and includes an 800 s.f. garage. The lower level is largely buried on the uphill side of the house. It has gabled roofs mainly at 8:12 and metal shed roofs at 3:12. The motif and materials are in line with the mountain modern style. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the April 6 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Re-notice is not required when the PZC continues an item to a specific date. Before the first public hearing, staff received an email (attachment D) asking for continuance of this item, but has since not received any comment, after reaching out to the author. Property Description Lot 21 was subdivided into two (2) lots in 2015/ 2016. Lot 21B (the lower triangle lot in the image) is .489 acres. Requirements and from the planning process are found in the table below. Lot 21B is also proposed as a single-family house, subject to a public hearing on the same date as this application. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4250 Wildridge Road 2 Planning Analysis Allowed Use and Density: The property is zoned PUD and is permitted to have a single-family house. Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: A more restrictive building envelope was part of the negotiated PUD amendment application in 2015 (Attachment B, page A1.1), and the proposal satisfies these requirements. An improvement location certificate (ILC) is required to verify compliance during construction. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is thirty-three feet (33’). The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of twenty-nine feet five inches (29' – 5”) according to the development plans. Parking: The project is required three parking spaces, which are provided between the garage and the spaces in front of the garage. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping: The building is proposed to be landscaped primarily with aspen, spruce, several deciduous shrub species, native grasses and ground cover (sheet A1.2, attachment B). The Landscape Unit count provided is 237.6, with 234 required. Because there is no permanent irrigation proposed, staff considers this to have one hydrozone and is compliant with applicable regulations. The applicant proposes 5,100 square feet of undisturbed landscape. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are wood siding (color – dark brown), stucco (color – Indiana limestone), and stone veneer siding. Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: All walls are proposed as boulders. There are three (3) consecutive four foot (4’) high walls on the north side of the property and two (2) four foot (4’) high walls on the on the south side of the property. There is also a long retaining wall running north-south on the east side which extends into Lot 21A. Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3) Roofs. The applicant is proposing primarily 8:12 and 3:12 roof pitches. Pitches are required to be 4:12 or above for shingled roofs, and 3:13 or above for metal roofs, therefore this application now complies with the standard. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting (Attachment B, final pages), bronze outdoor wall sconces and walkway lighting fixtures, is Dark Sky Compliant, and the locations and quantity are found to be Lot size Building Envelope Building Height Footprint Limit Footprint % of Lot Area Livable Area Garage Area Limit .489 acres 5,700 sf 33’ max 2,900 max 12% 5,700 sf max 900 sf max Proposed n/a n/a 30' - 8" 2,638 12% 3,944 sf 800 sf May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4250 Wildridge Road 3 compliant with lighting code. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, “Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis . 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” This District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. This Application generally proposes a design that is consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning, Resolution 2015-17 PUD Amendment, and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal was referred to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for compliance with the property’s’ water allocation, and received no comment. All special services are May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4250 Wildridge Road 4 well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Staff Recommendation for MJR18002 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approval the Major Development Plan application for Lot 21B Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision, with the following findings and conditions. Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #MJR18002, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for 21B Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision, with the findings and conditions as recommended by staff.” Exhibits May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 4250 Wildridge Road 5 A. Application Materials B. Design & Development Plans C. Public Comment Date: 04-06-2018 RE: 4250 Residence narrative Town of Avon Planning staff and P & Z Board Martin Manley architects and Mountain C. I. ltd, is proposing a residence at 4250 Wildridge Road West, Lot 21B. This lot is has a shared access easement across Lot 21A. The lot is an uphill loading lot and sharing the drive minimized the cut to access the home site location. The house is proposed to be 3,944 s.f. in livable area with an 800 s.f. garage. This house is positioned into the hill and can take advantage of the views from most of the home. During the lot split the following restriction were placed on the lot: 1 Defined building envelope. (all terraces and overhangs are to be with the envelope boundary) 2 Max footprint of 2,900 s.f. 3 Building height limitation of 33 feet We have designed a house that is 2 stories with the uphill side of the lowest level buried. This minimized the over scale of the house and it’s the house into the site. The house has shed roof forms primarily at 2:12. The house has a mountain modern design that keeps with a use of traditional materials and colors while done in a contemporary manner of building form. WE will be asking for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for the low roof pitch. Section 7.28.090 Design standards, (d) General Applicable Residential Design Standards:(3) Roofs: (i) states a minimum roof slope of 4:12. and metal roofs of 3:12. The design of lower pitched roofs helps keep the overall scale if the building down. This height would be higher if the roof pitch was increased to 4:12 slope. WE have limited the possible height to 33 feet when the lot was split. We feel that this this design limits the overall height appearance of the residence. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Attachment A Lot 21B Area = .489 acres = 21,300.84 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed by whole lot= 50% of Lot Area = 10,650.42 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area = 5,325.21 s.f. Other restrictions: Defined building envelope All terraces, decks, and overhangs are to be within envelope Building Height limitation of 33' Maximum footprint of 2,900 s.f. Proposed building height= 29'-5" (<33'-0"allowed) Proposed Livable Area = 3,998 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2,638 s.f. (12 % of LOT) (<2,900 s.f.) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 2,638 s.f. + (drive + walks+ terrace) 1,840 s.f. = 4478 s.f. total (21 %) Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 21,300.84 s.f.)-(imperv. 4478 s.f.) = 16,822.84 Landscape area ( 79 %) Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 830 s.f. Drive = 166 s.f. of snow storage Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant,970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:04 AMA0.0Cover Sheet18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 81620PROJECT INFORMATION Single Family Residence Owner: Mountain C. I. Holdings Limited 1480 SANDHILL DR UNIT 4 ANCASTER ON L9G 4V5 CANADA Location: 4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, Colorado 81620 Lot 21B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Parcel #:1943-352-05-076 Class of Work: New Type of Construction: Type V-B Type of Occupancy: R3 (single family) Levels: 2-story Architect:Martin Manley Architects Jeffrey P Manley AIA PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.5151 jeff@martinmanleyarchitects.com Contractor:General Contractor: DW Dantas Construction LLC Dave Dantas PO Box 2322 Avon, CO 81620 970.376.6111 dave@dwdantas.com 4250 RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS NOTE: THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC BASIC SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE OWNER CONTEMPLATING CONTINUED INVOLVEMENT, SELECTIONS AND DECISION MAKING BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THROUGH COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE DOCUMENTS INDICATE THE SCOPE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPTS APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND INCLUDE DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING, THE TYPES OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS AND AN OUTLINE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ELEMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PROVIDE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES AS OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AND THEREFORE DO NOT NECESSARILY INDICATE OR DESCRIBE ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FULL PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK. IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL WORK REQUIRED FOR PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORK AND THAT THE WORK SHALL BE OF SOUND AND QUALITY CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND ALL MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR, BASED ON THE FOREGOING, SHALL PREPARE FOR OWNER REVIEW A REALISTIC BUDGET WITH A LATITUDE OF PRICES BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS OF SCOPE OF WORK AND OWNER PRODUCT SELECTIONS. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS, MUNICIPAL AND/OR COUNTY ZONING CODES, PERTINENT IRC 2009 CODE REQUIREMENTS, AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS AS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND APPROVAL BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT. Roofing: 50-Year (TL) Asphalt shingle Elk-GAF , Prestique High Def, Charcoal Standing Seam Metal Roof (at low pitches) Color: Dark Bronze Flashing and Gutters: Paint lock aluminum Color: to match black Terraces and Entry walk/stair: Slat Gray sandstone on concrete slab Drive:Asphalt drive Windows: Aluminum Clad windows and doors Color: Black Timbers, and fascia 2x6 and 2x10, Wood Fascia Trim 6X8 Rafter tails, 10X10 Columns Color: FLOOD 913 Ebony semi-transparent Typical Horizontal Siding: 1X8 ship lapped or T&G Wood Siding (with 1/4" reveal) Rough sawn texture/wire brushed Color: Darker weathered brown matching Vintage semi-transparent Stucco Cement stucco system Texture: light sand / very light hand texture-Freeform square outside corners Color: STO Indiana Limestone LRV= 60 (<60) Stone Veneer: Chopped Dover Gray (from 5 quarries) jumpers not desired, gray motar, Rectilinear stones, minimize small stones, Horizontal/linear stack Same stone for wall caps EXTERIOR FINISHES Lot 21B, Block 3, Wildridge subdivision 4250 Wildridge Road West PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW SET 5-09-18 No.DescriptionDate12" = 1'-0" Zoning Information Updated design based upon Planning Dept comments Attachment B DWUP UP 1838 SF Main Level Area 800 SF Garage Area 2160 SF Upper Level Area 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:05 AMA0.1Area Plans18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/8" = 1'-0"1 1.0 Lower Floor-S Area Schedule (Livable Area) Name Area Main Level Area 1838 SF Upper Level Area 2160 SF 3998 SF Garage and Mech/storage Area Schedule Name Area Garage Area 800 SF 800 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"2 2.0 Upper Floor-S FOOTPRINT 2,638 S.F.No.DescriptionDateAttachment B 8421.518419.418417.228415.008413.208411.118409.13+ 8436-'0" + 53' +39' 9 + 8437-'0" + 8438-'0"+37'VEWAYBELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERATOP OF ARROWHEADM O U N T J A C K S O N SPA1B A L D S P O T MOUNTAIN PEAKMOUNTAIN PEAKMANHOLEMH0960 8417.54'SEWER MANHOLEMH0980RIM = 8409.00'PHONEPED.FOUND PINP.L.S. No. (ELEV. = 0.489 ACRES4250TRACEY LYN(REC. NLOW I LD R I D G E R O A D W E S T (5 0 ' R .O .W .)LOT 21BS 16°05'14" W - 369.21'8464846284608458845684548452845084488446844484428440843884368434843284308428842684248422842084188 4 3 08450 84108412841484168418842084229% atdrive 6.0% atfront ofgarage 25'-0"10'-0"SPHUP NOTE: 1 FOUNDATION WALLS ARE DESIGN TO HAVE 4'-0" FROST DEPTH. BEDROCK IS EXPECTED TO BE ENCOUNTERED. FOUNDATION WALL DEPTH AND DIRECT BEARING ON BEDROCK WILL BE EVALUATED DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION. 2 ALL RETAIN WALLS ARE CONSTRUCTED OF BOULDERS. 4'-0" WALLS OR LESS ARE TO HAVE A 1'-0" LAY BACK. 6'-0" TO 4'-0" TALL WALLS ARE TO HAVE A LAY BACK OF 2'-0". WALLS GREATER THAN 4'-0" ARE TO BE ENGINEERED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. 3 PROVIDE STAKED STRAW ROLLS AND JUTE MAT AT DRAINAGE SWALES TO CONTROL EROSION. PROVIDE STRAW ON STEEPER HILL SIDES TO HOLD REVEGITATION SEEDING AND SOIL IN PLACE. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE /ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING WITH SILT FABRIC FENCING ON LOWER PORTIONS AND IN DRAINAGE SWALES living dining kitchen entry garage 8437'-0" terrace surface 8436'-9" top of slab stair 4' T.O. WALL 8448 B.O. WALL 8442 8440 8448 8440 8 4 4 4 8440 8432 8 4 3 4 8434 8432 8430 8 4 4 0 8 4 4 6 8448 8452 8450 8446 8442 8437' - 0" 8437' - 5 1/4" 8438 8436 8 4 4 8 8450 8 4 3 2 8 4 2 8 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 4 8 4 2 28428 8434 8432 8430 4' T.O. WALL 8444 B.O. WALL 8440 1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12" 1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12"1/4" / 12" 8444 8447 (HP) 84544' T.O. WALL 8458 B.O. WALL 8456 8460 8437' - 0" 8437' - 0" 8437' - 6" 8437' - 6" 8 4 2 8 8452 8454 8456 8438 20' - 0" 8437' - 6" 8442' - 9" 8 4 3 0 8 4 3 6 8446 250 S.F. OF SNOW STORAGE 8437' - 0 5/8" 16' - 0"8"34' - 10"8"2' - 0"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:06 AMA1.1Site Grading18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/8" = 1'-0"1 0.0 Site Plan No.DescriptionDateAttachment B DW421.518419.418417.228415.008413.208411.118409.13+ 8 4 3 6 -'0 " + 5 3 ' +3 9 ' 9 + 8 4 3 7 -'0 " + 8 4 3 8 -'0 "+37'DRIVEWAYBELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERATOP OF ARROWHEADM O U N T JA C K S O N SPA1B ALD SPOTMOUNTAIN PEAKMOUNTAIN PEAK4'SEWER MANHOLEMH0980RIM = 8409.00'PHONEPED.FOUND PIN & CAPP.L.S. No. 5447(ELEV. = 8463.20')0.489 ACRES4250W IL D R ID G E R O A D W E S T (5 0 ' R .O .W .) 68LOT 21BS 16°05'14" W - 369.21'84648462846084588456845484528450844884468444844284408438843684348432843084288426842484228420841884308450841084128414166 .0 % a t f r o n t o f g a r a g e 25'-0"SPHC S Q AQAQA C S Q A Q AQA Q A Q A Q A C S c e c e c e S P S P S P S P S P L F L F c e c e c e C S 5,100 S.F. UNDISTURBED SITE C S Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q ASP S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e L F L F L F L F c e c e Q A Q A Q A (2) 2.5" DIA TRUNK CLUMP ASPEN Landscape AREA MATRIX: Lot 21B Area = .489 acres = 21,300.84 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed by whole lot= 50% of Lot Area = 10,650.42 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area = 5,325.21 s.f. Building max. footprint = 2,900 s.f. Max Building height of 33'-0" Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2,638 s.f. (12 % of LOT) (<2,900 s.f.) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 2,638 s.f. + (drive + walks+ terrace) 1,840 s.f. = 4478 s.f. total (21 %) Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 21,300.84 s.f.)-(imperv. 4478 s.f.) = 16,822.84 Landscape area ( 79 %) Max Irrigarion area = 20% of 16,822.84 s.f. = 4,260 s.f. Proposed Temp Irrigation areas only in reveg. Landscape Units = 16,822.84 -5,100 Undisturbed site 11,722.84 s.f. / 50 s.f. per unit =234 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 234 units =59 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 1.5" -2.5" caliper/clump = 4 units per tree X 12=48 4 units per tree X 0 =0 48 units Deciduous 2.5" -4" caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 7=49 9 units per tree X 0 =0 49 units Evergreen 6'-8' high =6 units per tree X 2 =12 11 units per tree X 0=0 12 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, 5 gallon = 1 unit per shrub X31 =31 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 31 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 800 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=2 units 2 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds around trees)1/500 s.f.1000 s.f. planting bed area/500 =2 2 Units subtotal 144 units Retained Existing Vegetation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegetation Area = 5,100 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 144 units = 14.4 14.4 units subtotal 158.4 units Drip Irrigation Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 80% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 50% 50 % of 158.4units = 79.2 Bonus to be applied 79.2 units Total Landscape Units Proposed (234 required)237.6 units QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 1.5" to 2" CAL. Size 12 2.5" to 3.5" CAL.7 19 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') 5" GAL.10 31 SP 5" GAL.7SNOW MOUND SPIREA (SPIREA NIPPONICA) CE 5" GAL.14COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 950 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 6-8' tall 2 2 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW-GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA - AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.A SPRAY MIX OF FERTILIZER AND SEED WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE AND BE TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATED. MULCH NG Area = 500 s.f. Area = 9,100 s.f. approx Temporary Drip Irrigation as needed to establish CS QA SP LF SPRUCE ASPEN LILAC SIPREA GROUND COVER NATURAL GRASS AREA ce COTONEASTER QA QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) Soil Amendment notes. (A) Topsoil of irrigated grasses (including turf), shrubs, perennials, and annuals shall be a sandy loam to a depth of at least six (6) inches containing at least five percent (5%) organic matter by volume. (B) Amended tree soil should have a minimum planting hole diameter of two (2) times as large as the root ball diameter. Both topsoil and subsoil layers shall be sandy loam. The topsoil shall be at least six (6) inches and have five percent (5%) organic matter by weight and subsoil shall have at least one to three percent (1 -3%) organic matter by weight. (C) A minimum of four (4) cubic yards of organic matter soil amendment per one-thousand square feet of landscaped area shall be required as necessary to meet the five percent (5%) organic matter specification. (D) In all disturbed areas for reveg reseeding, soil must be prepared with tilling and the addition of decomposed organic matter such as, but not limited to, compost, composted horse manure or composted chopped straw or hay. Straw tackifier or matting on steep slopes is required to prevent soil erosion. The addition of decomposed organic matter is also required prior to turf installation. GUARANTEE OF INSTALLATION.Required landscape improvements shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all structures. MAINTENANCE.All landscape improvements shall be maintained and replaced by the property owner as necessary. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of landscape improvements within the public ROW between the back of curb or street pavements and the adjacent property.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:08 AMA1.2Landscape plan18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201" = 10'-0"1 Landscape Plan 1/4" = 1'-0" Landscape units 3/32" = 1'-0" Plant List TERRACE AT MAIN LEVEL No.DescriptionDateAttachment B DW+ 8 4 3 6 -'0 " + 5 3 ' +3 9 ' 9 + 8 4 3 7 -'0 " + 8 4 3 8 -'0 "+37'FOUND PIN & CAPP.L.S. No. 5447(ELEV. = 8463.20')0.489 ACRES4250W IL D R ID G E R O A D W E S T (5 0 ' R .O .W .)OT 68LOT 21B6 .0 % a t f r o n t o f g a r a g e 25'-0"SPHC S Q AQAQA 5,100 S.F. UNDISTURBED SITE C S Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A Q ASP S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P S P c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e c e L F L F L F L F c e c e Q A Q A Q A (2) 2.5" DIA TRUNK CLUMP ASPEN PERMANENT MICROSPRAY IRRIGATION AC CONTROLLER VALVE ASSEMBLY PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION PERMANENT MICROSPRAY IRRIGATION PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION Irrigation Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 21,300.84 s.f.)-(imperv. 4478 s.f.) = 16,822.84 Landscape area ( 79 %) Max Irrigation area = 20% of 16,822.84 s.f. = 4,260 s.f. IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECEIVE A COMBINATION OF PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION 3 NO SODDED AND SEEDED 'LAWN' AREA IS PROPOSED TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,050 S.F. Landscape Area Provided 16,822.84 s.f. Landscape area ( 79 % of Lot) Total Irrigation Area (permanent) 1,300 s.f.(8%) Mirco Spray at ground cover area 850 s.f. (5%) Drip irrigation at trees and planting beds 450 s.f.(3%) Total Tempory Irrigation Area 15,522.84 s.f. (92% of landscaped area) Above ground temporary sprinkler irrigation may be used to establish vegetation on otherwise non-irrigated portions of the landscaped areas; however, such temporary systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment as determined by the Director, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees. Schedule for Watering shall be: a) in conformance with Eagle River Water and Santatation District guidlines b) a rain/moisture sensor shall be part of the system to limit/control watering on occasions when soil has enough moisture Use the following table as a guideline for how long to run your drip system (Note: watering times are based on using 1.0 GPH Emitters): THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY THE LANDSCAPE SUBCONTRACTOR. The design shall: (A) Prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures. Restrictions regarding overspray and runoff may be modified if the landscape area is adjacent to permeable surfacing and no runoff occurs or if the adjacent non-permeable surfaces are designed and constructed to drain entirely to landscaping. (B) Conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan. (C) Have matched precipitation rates within a hydrozone, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations. (D) Meet the required operating pressure of the emission devices using valve pressure regulators, sprinkler head pressure regulators, inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices. The pressure and flow measurements identified at the design stage will be verified prior to the installation of the system. (E) Meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard authored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Code Council and verified by an independent third-party. (F) (not applicable-no turfgrass proposed) Achieve the highest possible sprinkler spacing distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations. All sprinkler head installed in the turfgrass areas shall have a distribution uniformity of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014 standard. IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,300 S.F. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 21,300.84 s.f.= 5325.21 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 21,300.84 s.f.)-(imperv. 4478 s.f.) = 16,822.84 Landscape area ( 79 %) Total irrigated area 1,300 s.f. (8% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =850 s.f. (65% of irrigation total) *at trees provide (4) 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide (2) 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =450 s.f. (35% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Total landscape area = 16,822.84 s.f. Total permanent irrigation = 1,300.0 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =10,422.84 s.f. (62 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 450 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 850 s.f. Irrigation information from Landscape Tech. in Gypsum, Colorado Water Aspen do best in cool, dry summers in areas that get abundant winter precipitation in the form of snow. When growing aspen in urban or cultivated landscapes, follow a watering schedule of 2 to 3 inches of water per week. However, if you start to have problems, consult a county agricultural extension to re-define the schedule for your local microclimate. Aspen can have trouble with too much water or too little water. (www.gardenguides.com)970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:09 AMA1.3IRRIGATION PLAN18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 Irrigation Plan 12" = 1'-0" Irrigation 12" = 1'-0" IRRIGATION NOTES: THERE ARE PROPOSDED 3 HYDRO ZONES: 1 mircro spray 2 perm. drip 3 temp drip Attachment B DW8431.278428.888427.178425.298423.408421.518419.418417.228415.008413.208411.118409.138401.84+ 8434-'0" + 84 36 -'0" + 53' +3 9' 9 + 8 4 3 7 -'0 " + 8 4 3 8 -'0 " + 8 4 2 9 -'6 " 8 4 2 8 -'9 + 84 2 9 -'0 " + 84 30 -'0" + 84 3 2 -'0"+37'IVEWAYDRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYFIRE HYDRANT (~170')SEWER MANHOLEMH0960RIM = 8417.54'SEWER MANHOLE MH0960RIM = 8426.83'SEWER MANHOLEMH0980RIM = 8409.00'PHONEPED.PHONEPED.FOUND PIN & CAPP.L.S. No. 5447(ELEV. = 8434.68')FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REABER(ELEV. = 8461.86')FOUND PIN & CAPP.L.S. No. 5447(ELEV. = 8463.20')FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITHA 11_2" ALUMINUM CAPP.L.S. No. 5447(10.00' WITNESS CORNER)0.399 ACRES42540.489 ACRES4250CLYDE A. & NATALIE HANKS(REC. No. 887748)GLEN SUSMILCH & ELLEN M. KRINGS(BOOK 510, PAGE 757)TRACEY LYNN SCHMIEDT TRUST(REC. No. 201516110)LOT 35LOT 34LOT 22W IL D R ID G E R O A D W E S T (5 0 ' R .O .W .)LOT 68LOT 21ALOT 21BBUILDINGSETBACKSLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE& SNOW STORAGE EASEMENTUTILITY & DRAINAGEEASEMENT∆=66°49'44"R=325.00'L=379.07'ChB=N03°40'45"WChL=357.95'S 60°15'53" E - 110.00'S 16°05'14" W - 369.21'N 29°44'07" E - 60.00'84648462846084588456845484528450844884468444844284408438843684348432843084288426842484228420841884028430845084328430844084508460840484108412841484168418842084228424842684286 5 6 0 9% at d ri v e 9% a t dri ve6% at curv e 4% a t dri ve bt m 6 .0% a t f ro n t of g ar a g e 7'-6"7'-6"10'-0"25'-0"10'-0"10'-0"45°20'-0" at 4% grade11°2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"SSPHPHUP X LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE /ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING WITH SILT FABRIC FENCING ON LOWER PORTIONS AND IN DRAINAGE SWALES LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE /ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING WITH SILT FABRIC FENCING ON LOWER PORTIONS AND IN DRAINAGE SWALES GRADING AND DRIVE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT T L T JOB SIGNAGE D U M P S T E R NOTE: 1 PROVIDE STAKED STRAW ROLLS AND JUTE MAT AT DRAINAGE SWALES TO CONTROL EROSION. PROVIDE STRAW ON STEEPER HILL SIDES TO HOLD REVEGITATION SEEDING AND SOIL IN PLACE.WATERTV / PHONET V / P H O N E SEWERG A S M E T E R (n o t u n d e r r o o f s h e d ) E L E C M E T E R 4,600 S.F. UNDISTURBED SITE WATERW A T E RWATER SEWERSEWERSEWERSEWERS E W E RTV / PHONEGAS METER (not under roof shed) E L E C M E T E R ELECELECE L E C ELECE L E CGAS GASGASG A S 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:10 AMA1.4Construction Mgmt18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/16" = 1'-0"1 Construction Management Plan Attachment B DWUP 1 A4.1 light wellCOVERED TERRACE Arrowhead 20' - 5"15' - 1"2' - 6"28' - 6"9' - 6" 13' - 0"5' - 11"2' - 4"6' - 11"35' - 4" stone wall15' - 6"8' - 0"25' - 0"GARAGE 101 MECH 102 MUD ROOM 103 ENTRY 105 LIVING ROOM 106 DINING 107 KITCHEN 108 LAUNDRY 109 POWDER 110 OFFICE 112 CLOSET 113 COATs 114 11' - 2 5/8"6' - 9"micro/oven6' - 1"7' - 0"1' - 3 1/2"PANTRY 111 8' - 7 1/2"2' - 6 1/2"6' - 4 1/2"5' - 9"3' - 1 1/2"4' - 8"3' - 11 1/2"11 1/2"13' - 0"5' - 11"8' - 9 1/2"5 1/2"6' - 3"4' - 5"3' - 9"4' - 0 1/2"16' - 10 1/2" 8437' - 6" 38 39 PROJECT NORTH 8437' - 0" New York Range(highest peak)Cor di l l er a21' - 6"12' - 6"12' - 6"11' - 11 1/2"2' - 7"8437' - 6" 8437' - 6" 8437' - 2 1/8" 8437' - 0 5/8" 7' - 0" 6' - 0" 4' - 2 1/2"5' - 5"5' - 1"4' - 2 1/2"3' - 4"3' - 0 1/2"11' - 6 1/2"8' - 9 1/2"8' - 4"5' - 5"3' - 10 1/2"4' - 3 1/2"fd fd 2 A4.1 1' - 6 1/2"12' - 6"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:11 AMA2.1SMain Level Floor Plans18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/4" = 1'-0"1 1.0 Main Floor-S No.DescriptionDateAttachment B UP 1 A4.1 15' - 6"8' - 5 1/2"2' - 3"3' - 7 1/2"12' - 9 1/2"5' - 10 1/2"17' - 10 1/2"15' - 0"11' - 6 1/2"6' - 8"4' - 0"3' - 11" 4' - 2"3' - 10"6' - 5"7' - 4 1/2"4' - 2"48' - 6"13' - 9"2' - 5"15' - 3"6' - 6"14' - 7" 52' - 6"15' - 6 1/2"21' - 3 1/2"3' - 9"5 1/2"15' - 6 1/2"WC 201 BEDROOM #2 202 CLOSET 203 MASTER BATH 204 WC 205 MASTER BEDROOM #1 206 CLOSET 207 CLOSET 208 BATH 211 CLO 212 BEDROOM #3 213 FAMILY 214 BATH 215 BEDROOM #4 216 CLOSET 217 7' - 9"6' - 9 1/2"PROJECT NORTH 13' - 6" 4' - 2"3' - 9 1/2"dresser niche 6' - 11 1/2" 13' - 6"12' - 6"6' - 0"2' - 3 1/2"6' - 0"13' - 6" 2 A4.1 1' - 4"15' - 0"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:12 AMA2.2SUpper Level Floor Plan18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/4" = 1'-0"1 2.0 Upper Floor-S No.DescriptionDateAttachment B + 53'BELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERATOP OF ARROWHEADM O U N T J A C K S O N SPA1B A L D S P O T MOUNTAIN PEAKMOUNTAIN PEAKS 16°05'14" W - 369.21845884568454845284508448844684448442844084388436843484328430842884268424842284501 A4.1 3" / 12"3" / 12"NAT GRADE =8439'-9" NEW GRADE =8437'-0" RIDGE ELEV= RIDGE HT =28'-9 7/8" 8436 NAT GRADE =8449-6" NEW GRADE =8446'-2" EAVE EAVE HT =19'-5 3/4" 8444 NAT GRADE =8433'-6" NEW GRADE =8436'-6" EAVE = EAVE HT =26'-4 3/4" NAT GRADE =8430'-1" NEW GRADE =8434'-1" EAVE ELEV = EAVE HT =29'-5" (highest point) EAVE ABOVE NEW= 25'-5" NAT GRADE =8438'-0" RIDGE ELEV= RIDGE HT =27'-7 3/4" NAT GRADE =8436'-9" RIDGE ELEV= RIDGE HT =27'-10 3/8" NAT GRADE =8442-0" NEW GRADE =8437'-1" RIDGE RIDGE HT =18'-7" PROJECT NORTH 8 4 3 4 8436 8440 8446 8448 MAX. ALLOWED BUILDING HEIGHT = 33'-0" NAT GRADE =8437'-6" NEW GRADE =8437'-0" RIDGE ELEV= RIDGE HT =28'-8 3/4" NAT GRADE =8442'-1" NEW GRADE =8437'-0" RIDGE RIDGE HT =17'-8 3/4" 8455' - 8" 8448' - 9 1/2" NAT GRADE =8441-3" RIDGE ELEV= RIDGE HT =22'-11 1/8" 8447' - 3 1/2" 8438' - 11" 8446' - 5" 8428 8434 8432 8430 NAT GRADE =8432'-9" NEW GRADE =8436'-6" EAVE = EAVE HT =25'-5 3/4" 8" / 12" 8" / 12"3" / 12"3" / 12" 8448 8450 8446 84448447 (HP) 8446 8465' - 7 3/4" 8464' - 2 1/8" 8437' - 0 5/8" 8464' - 7 3/8" 8465' - 7 3/4" 8465' - 8 3/4" 8459' - 6"3' - 0"1' - 4"1' - 6" 2' - 6"2' - 6"2' - 6"2' - 0"2' - 6"3' - 6"3' - 4"3' - 0"2' - 6"3' - 0"3' - 0"8" / 12"8" / 12"3" / 12"15' - 6 1/8" 10' - 0 1/8"15' - 0"8457' - 10 1/2" 8459' - 3 1/2" NAT GRADE =8432'-9" NEW GRADE =8436'-6" EAVE ELEV = EAVE HT =16'-0 1/2" EAVE ABOVE NEW= 12'-3 1/2"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:13 AMA2.4SRoof Plan18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816203/16" = 1'-0"1 04 Roof Plan No.DescriptionDateAttachment B 1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" ASPHALT SHINGLES ON W.P. MEMBRANE ON 5/8" ROOF SHEATHING ON PRE-ENGINEERED SCISSOR TRUSSES ALUM. CLAD WINDOWS WITH WOOD TRIM SURROUND CEMENT STUCCO SYSTEM ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS 1X8 SHIP LAPPED SIDING ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" 3.0 Top Plate-S 8457' -10" 8448' - 6" EXISTING GRADE 8449' - 0" 8446' - 6" 8443' - 6" 3" / 12"8 " / 1 2 "8" / 12"8" / 12"3" / 12"1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" 3.0 Top Plate-S 8457' -10" E X I S T I N G G R A D E 8436' - 0" 8448' - 6" 8441' - 6" 8436' - 6" 8433' - 0" STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" BCI RAFTERS WITH R-58 BLOWN-IN BATT INSULATION ASPHALT SHINGLES (HD) ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" BCI RAFTERS WITH R-58 BLOWN-IN BATT INSULATION 3 " / 1 2 " 3 " / 1 2 " 3" / 12"8" / 12"1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" 3.0 Top Plate-S 8457' -10"9' - 4"11' - 0"8448' - 6" 8434' - 6" 8444' - 6" 8441' - 6" 8437' - 6" 8437' - 0" 1X8 SHIP LAPPED or T&G SIDING ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS CORREGATED ALUM (BLACK) ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS CEMENT STUCCO SYSTEM ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS STONE VENEER ON DRAINAGE MEDIUM ON THERMAL AND AIR INFLITRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON 2x6 WOOD STUDS ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS ASPHALT SHINGLES (HD) ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" BCI RAFTERS WITH R-58 BLOWN-IN BATT INSULATION STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" BCI RAFTERS WITH R-58 BLOWN-IN BATT INSULATION 3 " / 1 2 " 8 " / 1 2 "3" / 12"3" / 12"8" / 12"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:16 AMA3.1Exterior Elevations18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/4" = 1'-0"2 East Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"3 South.Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"1 North. Elevation No.DescriptionDateAttachment B 1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" EXISTING GRADE 8430' - 1" 8433' - 6" 8437' - 0 1/2" 8436' - 6" ASPHALT SHINGLES (HD) ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" BCI RAFTERS WITH R-58 BLOWN-IN BATT INSULATION 3" / 12"8" / 12"3" / 12"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:20 AMA3.2Exterior Elevations and Sections18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 816201/4" = 1'-0"1 West. Elevation 5 3D View 4 2 3D View 133D View 2 4 3D View 3 finished grade at builing finished grade at builing No.DescriptionDateAttachment B 1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" 3.0 Top Plate-S 8457' -10" 2 A4.1 LIVING ROOM 106 ENTRY 105 1.0 Lower Floor-S 8437' -6" 2.0 Upper Floor-S 8448' -6" 3.0 Top Plate-S 8457' -10" 1 A4.1 GARAGE 101 MASTER BEDROOM #1 206 CLOSET 208FAMILY 214 ENTRY 105 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION5/11/2018 11:17:20 AMA4.1Building Sections18014250 ResidenceRevised Planning and Zoning Review Set05.09.18Custom Single Family HomeLot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision4250 Wildridge Road West Avon, CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Section 6 Attachment B Attachment C Dear Ms.Hoppe - My name is Clyde Hanks and I live at 4258 Wildridge Rd. W., Unit A. I noticed a sign by the road at 4254 Wildridge saying that the property will be discussed at a public hearing. The sign went up on Monday April 9. I called Matt Pielsticker to find out what the public hearing was and learned that the two lots (4250 one 4254) would be discussed at a P&Z meeting on 4/17, a week from today. When I checked the town’s website just now, there is no agenda posted for the meeting and no information packet for the meeting available. The land use applications for the two lots are posted. As the neighbor immediately adjacent to the two lots, I would very much like to be at the meeting to hear any presentation on the application, be able to ask questions and raise any concerns. Unfortunately, I am traveling next Tuesday and will not be able to attend the meeting. Given the short notice and lack of agenda and meeting packet available and my strong desire to attend, I request that the P&Z Commission not discuss this issue at their April 17 meeting and rather postpone the application discussion to their subsequent meeting two weeks later on May 1. Please respond by e-mail and let me know my e-mail was received and understood. Thank you. Clyde Hanks 970-376-2433 Page I 1 May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 2290 Old Trail Fence Staff Report Case #AEC18006 Public Hearing May 15, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project type Alternative Equivalent Compliance Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 100 Block 1 Wildridge Zoning PUD Address 2290 Old Trail Road Unit B Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: 1. Alternative Equivalent Compliance for variation to an existing fence on the property. Summary of Request Norman Mejia (the Applicant) recently received notice from the Town of Avon that the fence built on his property deviates from Town Code (AMC) regulations. In early 2018, the Community Development department approved a Minor Development application from the property’s real estate agent to build a fence (previous approval, Attachment B). This application explicitly details the type of fence to be built, which does not include wire or the third rail. While attending to several matters in the area, staff observed the fence, reviewed the approval, and contacted the owner regarding the deviation from Code. The applicant has been very responsive and understanding of this AEC review process. Property Description The property is the first duplex on the right when driving on Old Trail from the valley. Fence Description The original fence design was built to spec for size (1,340 square feet) and location. The fence goes eighteen feet (18’) from the side of the house, hugs the property’s building setback line, then cordons off a portion of the backyard. It was proposed as a two- rail split rail fence, and built as a three-rail fence with mesh wiring, in deviation from the AMC. Page I 2 May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 2290 Old Trail Fence Image from Old Trail Road Image from Wildridge Ro ad Property Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the May 4 , 2018 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. The applicant’s duplex neighbor has approved the modifications as constructed. Fences in Wildridge Section 7.28.080(b), of the Municipal Code offers the following intent and design of fence structures in Wildridge: Page I 3 May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 2290 Old Trail Fence Although discouraged in Wildridge and Wildwood, in all instances fences should complement the property and landscape rather than contain the property. Fences that delineate property boundaries are not permitted. Fences will be considered for approval by staff only when demonstrated by the applicant that the design is consistent with the following criteria: (i) Fence material shall be wood and no more than four (4) feet in height; (ii) Fences shall be constructed using a split rail design with no more than two (2) horizontal rails; (iii) Fences shall not delineate property lines; (iv) Fences shall not enclose an area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more; (v) Fences shall ensure that wildlife migration is not negatively affected with the proposed fence design; (vi) If a fence is part of a multi-family project, approval shall be received from the association and the fence design shall be integrated with the overall landscape design of the property; and (vii) If a fence is located on a duplex property, written approval shall be received from the adjoining property owner and the fence design must be integrated with the overall landscape design. 7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions of the code through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. AEC Review Criteria The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. AEC Request Specific design components require an AEC for PZC consideration: • The Application proposes that the fence as built remain in place, despite its deviation from the AMC code, highlighted above. The AEC application is included as Attachment A. Applicant Response: According to the applicant, the fence was installed this way to keep his dogs in the yard. While the fence deviates from the design standards for Wildridge, the potential nuisance of his dogs loose in the neighborhood on other people and wildlife outweighs the intent of the standard. Staff Response: Staff is hesitant to recommend approval of an application that essentially asks for forgiveness and not permission to deviate from the original application. The original fence application precludes the inclusion of mesh wiring on this fence. The Wildridge Fence standards in code means Page I 4 May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – 2290 Old Trail Fence that the fence does not meet current regulations and is not built as applied for. Despite this conclusion, other factors potentially granting exception to the code are present. Staff heard word of this fence soon after its construction from a curious neighbor. The neighbor’s commentary was not overly concerned with the makeup of the fence, but of the town’s regulations pertaining to fences in general. The property’s location, on a street serving several dozen homes and downhill from several others, makes staff concerned from a visibility standpoint. The aesthetic discrepancy of the installed fence versus the required fence is prominent at this location. Therefore, staff suggests a condition that several bushes (drought-tolerant on temporary irrigation) of the owner’s choosing be added to the site for approval of this AEC. Specifically, the south side, the southwest corner, and portions of the north with no house in the backdrop would benefit from having the fence feathered into the landscape. Staff anticipates roughly 10 bushes, appropriately located, will be able to mitigate the aesthetic concerns. In addition, native seed grasses may be able to accomplish many of the same goals. Staff Recommendation for AEC18006 Alternative Equivalent Compliance: Staff recommends approval of the AEC application for Lot 100, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance, and §7.16.080(f), Development Plan. 2. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed alternative does not impose greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Code. Conditions: 1. Between 8-12 drought-tolerant bushes, of the owner’s choosing, shall be added to the south, the southwest corner, and portions of the north side of the fence; 2. Any additional irrigation required to establish vegetation shall be above-ground temporary sprinkler irrigation and shall be removed after two (2) years for shrubs; 3. Before installation, the applicant shall present the modified landscape plan to staff for review and approval; and 4. The improvements shall be installed before the end of the planting year, roughly mid-October. Recommended Motion: I move to approve Case #AEC18006, an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 100, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings and conditions recommended by staff. Exhibits: A. Application Materials B. Staff approval from previous application Attachment A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION APPLICATION TYPE: Minor Development Plan FILE NUMBER: MNR18002 LOCATION: Lot 100 B, Block 1 Wildridge ADDRESS: 2290 Old Trail Road OWNER: Norman Mejia APPLICANT: Melanie Dennis SUMMARY: Application to construct a 2-rail split rail fence on the property measuring roughly 1,340 square feet. AVON MUNICIPAL CODE REVIEW STANDARDS: §7.16.080 - Development Plan STAFF DECISION: Approved with the following findings. FINDINGS: • The modifications are consistent with the review criteria outlined in §7.16.080, Development Plan. • The fence design conforms with all the standards required in §7.28.080(b)(1), Fences. DATE: January 18, 2018 BY: David McWilliams, Town Planner Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan & AEC May 15, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR18005 Project type Major Development Plan Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 0254 & 0330 Riverfront Lane Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for six (6) new duplex houses and one (1) triplex home. The Planning and Zoning Commission will make a recommendation on the application to the Town Council for final action since the property is located in the “Town Core.” All Major Development Plans require final action by Town Council. Summary of Request Jim Telling (the Applicant) with East West Resort Development proposes a new development on Lot 4. This application presets the first phase of a four (4) phase project. The seven (7) buildings within phase one are located between Riverfront Lane and the Eagle river. The primary access will be along a new one-way driveway. The four (4) buildings closest to Riverfront Lane are two-story on the street side and three-story on the driveway side. Similarly, the buildings closer to the river are two-story on the driveway side and three-story on the river side. There is one (1) triplex and two (2) duplex design types. Each unit is between 2,048 and 2,231 square feet and includes an attached one car garage. The buildings mainly feature shed roofs on the sides and a middle ridge, all at 2:12 pitch. The property’s PUD was amended in 2017 to allow for the uses proposed in this application, including a concept of 15 dwelling units in the current development area. The other phase footprints are outlined in page 1 of the application submittal (attachment B). Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the May 4 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code (AMC). Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Via the PUD amendment Lot 4 was reimagined by consolidating what was previously Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, moving east to west. Preliminary plats were submitted as part of the PUD amendment and a final plat step is required to be completed before any building permits would be issued for this application. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 2 The consolidated Lot 4 is 3.7 acres located along Riverfront Lane, generally from the cul-de-sac turnaround area to the beginning of the current Riverfront timeshare building. It is zoned PUD and accommodates the duplex and triplex development, per the PUD standards. The property primarily borders the Eagle River and large commercial-residential buildings. The Riverfront PUD includes overall dwelling unit and site coverage requirements that span the entire PUD; the following table demonstrates continued compliance. PUD Tracker Demonstrating Remaining Rights on the Property Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 4 has the following building envelope and easements: Front Side Back (Eagle River) 10’ 0’ 75’ Per the PUD Design Standards, the property is permitted, “limited minor encroachments as allowed in the development plan,” on the river setback, and decks are proposed to in this area. Distance Between Buildings Per 7.28.090(d)(2), “Building Separation. The minimum separation between residential buildings, including accessory buildings, is fifteen (15) feet. Architectural projections, such as decks, bay windows and roof overhangs, may project into the separation area, but may not encroach into required setbacks.” The furthest west duplex C and its neighbor have approximately eleven (11) feet between the foundations. Triplex A and its neighbor have approximately thirteen (13) feet between them. These two locations may be subject to an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC). The PUD has a 0’ side setback requirement between lot lines. With the original intent of the PUD to be large condo buildings on separate lots, PZC should to weigh in on whether they think an AEC is warranted. The buildings will be subdivided once constructed in a condominium style subdivision with new property lines matching building footprints, thereby reintroducing the PUD standard. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 3 In other places the foundations are placed fifteen (15) feet apart, and the building is cantilevered over, thus decreasing the separation. For example, the east duplex and it’s neighboring building are overhung over the garage, creating eleven (11) feet of separation at the second floor. The intent of the regulation is to limit a feeling of over-density in an area, and to allow viewsheds. Compared to the original Riverfront PUD approval, this project’s limited density is conducive to defining the included overhangs under the “architectural projection” umbrella and allowing the design. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is fifty-five feet (55’) for “townhome” buildings, which staff interprets using duplex and townhome standards as applicable. The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of 46’ – 2” according to the development plans. Grading Plan The Riverfront property has always been conceived as a phased project. With the PUD amendment in 2017 the scale of the development changed, but the realities of phasing are still present. Staff requested “Phase I Grading Plan” to demonstrate the look of the land after project completion, with the assumption that the next phase may take years to be realized. The applicant will submit it to staff as soon as it is completed, and staff suggests that it’s satisfactory completion be a condition of approval to this project. Design Standards Analysis The PUD has its own Design Standards, which are elaborated on when applicable. In cases where the PUD is silent, AMC standards preside. Parking: The fifteen (15) unit development is required a total of 18 parking spaces, and the applicant proposes thirty-three (33) spaces, which are provided in garages, spaces in front of the garages, and three (3) non-attached spaces near the driveway entrance. Projects with over 25 parking spaces are required to provide bicycle parking facilities at a rate of one (1) bicycle parking space for every ten (10) vehicle parking spaces or a minimum of four (4) bicycle parking spaces. The applicant proposes three (3) bike parking racks (with six (6) total spaces) on the north side of the central river access path, thereby meeting the minimum. Landscaping & Irrigation: The total landscape area proposed is, 34,721 square feet, therefore, 694 landscape units are required. 756 units are proposed, primarily of fir, maple, Cockspur Hawthorne, aspen, spruce, pine, several deciduous shrub species, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (Sheet 2, attachment B). The applicant has not proposed an irrigation plan, and hydrozones are not expressly demarcated. The applicant states the desire to have the project certified LEED Gold, therefore anticipates an intense focus on water conservation practices in the near future. Staff suggests that the application can be approved May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 4 by PZC with the condition that a satisfactory irrigation plan is presented to staff. The Phase I plan shows a tail of landscaping on the south-east corner, between Future TH B and Future Riverfront Lodge. The pedestrian path is not proposed to be built at this point due to future phasing and laydown of materials. The application proposes the partial removal of native or established landscaping within the 75’ river setback. The applicant states that regrading necessitates the removal of certain trees, and that they will be replaced by native trees, grasses, and shrubs between the townhomes and the river. The recently planted large evergreens along the Eagle Valley Trail will remain. Further, the area has already been disturbed by prior grading and soils sampling projects. The PUD Development Plan states, “The 75- foot river setback will be largely left in its natural state”. Staff understands the need to remove some landscaping for grading and views, and suggests the prudent removal of the remaining flora, including maintaining any growth that is outside of the grading envelope. The wetlands below the cul-de-sac are proposed to be preserved. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are cedar siding (stained brown), and stone tiles (or stained concrete), cement paneling, and cementitious stucco (Attachment B, sheet 6). Materials and colors were reviewed for conformance with the PUD Development Plan and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high Overlay of the proposed buildings on Google Earth May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 5 quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls are proposed as boulder materials. There are three retaining walls on the west, near the cul-de-sac, and two small ones within the project. They are between four (4’) and two (2’) feet tall. Roof Material and Pitch: The applicant is proposing 2:12 roof pitches, which conforms with the PUD Development Standards. Materials are proposed to be asphalt shingles and standing seam metal, painted black. Snow Removal: The Riverfront property is responsible for its own snow removal, both internally, and along Riverfront Lane. Staff noted the need for a snow plan on the road side of the property and suggests its satisfactory completion with staff as a condition of approval for this project. Exterior Lighting: The proposed exterior building lighting (Attachment B, sheets 6, 8, 10) are shielded top-plate sconces. The locations and brightness comply with AMC requirements. They have incandescent bulbs, which seems contrary to the sustainability standards suggested by the Scope of Design Standards, which states, “buildings within the Village will be designed with sensitivity to the sustainability aspects of site and architectural design.” Staff suggests that full cutoff fixture with LEDs (or similar) may be a more appropriate choice for this project. Recessed canopy lighting is also present on the structures, but the locations are not evident on the plans. Entrances: Three (3) buildings in the application are duplexes that front Riverside Lane. For duplexes, AMC sec. 7.28.090(f) states, “Entrances and Porches. Entry features and front doors to units should be the dominant elements facing the street. Entrances should be directly accessed and clearly visible from the street. Duplexes shall provide separate covered entries for each dwelling unit.” While staff recognizes the insular “village” nature of this development as a whole, the conflict with code is noteworthy. The layout of the project with downhill and uphill units addresses the sloping topography of the site, and the restriction for curb cuts along Riverfront Lane necessitate an internal street and walkway to provide automobile and pedestrian access to the proposed townhomes. This organizational framework led to the placement of inward entrances along the new drive. The materials and composition of the north elevation of each of the uphill buildings and the proposed landscaping, with a variety of plant types and species, are proposed to create a pleasant and attractive edge along the Riverfront Lane sidewalk while providing some screening and privacy to the homes. The triplex (townhome in AMC standards) does not have the same requirement, further pointing to the unclear utility of the requirement in the larger context of this project. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 6 View roughly from the driveway by the farthest east duplex in Phase I. The lower duplexes start behind the grove of trees on the left. Unified Design: The proposal includes three (3) design types for two types of duplex and the triplex. All three incorporate a level of syntropy or mirroring in design. AMC sec. 7.28.090(d) states, “Duplex, townhome and multi-family developments shall be designed in a manner that creates a single unified structure and site plan. Unified design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms and landscaping. While "mirror image" units are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex, townhome or multi-family structure from a single-family home.” Although presented as essentially mirror imaged houses, staff is satisfied with the level of detailing that allows units to be distinguished from each other. View roughly from the driveway where the lower duplexes start. The pink stake (to the right of the tree grove) represents the corner of “future B” and the yellow (above and to the right) represents the beginning of “TH C”. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 7 Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (f) states, “Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed in part with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis . 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Riverfront District (District 2 in the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Visibility from U.S. Highway 6, protection and enhancement of the riparian environment along the Eagle River, and appropriate public access along the river should be taken into consideration with all development.” Select district principles are elaborated below, with staff responses: • Seek easements where appropriate for river access. – An easement to access the river from Riverfront Lane was provided during the 2017 PUD amendment as a condition of approval. • Orient buildings to capitalize on the Eagle River as an amenity. Use sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, screening, and scale of structure to preserve the character of the river and its associated natural habitat. – The scale and design detail of the buildings do not appear over dominant, and in scale with the river setting. • Limit building height to a scale that is subordinate to Town Center and compatible with the river environment. Buildings should be designed to step down in height as they near the river and in response to the natural topography. – The building height is subordinate to Town Center and the buildings step down with the naturally sloping topography. • Minimize the loss of trees and impact to the riparian area while achieving urban design goals. – the wetland area is preserved and impacts to existing vegetation is minimized. Other general Goals and Policies are listed below: Goal A.1: Promote a compact community form. Goal B.2: Ensure that Avon continues to develop as a community of safe, interactive, and cohesive neighborhoods that contribute to the Town’s overall character and image. Goal B.4: Encourage commercial development that enhances Avon’s overall economic health, contributes to the community’s image and character, and provides residents and visitors with increased choices and services. Goal C.1: Ensure that development is compatible with existing and planned adjacent development and contributes to Avon’s community image and character. Goal E.1: Achieve a diverse range of housing densities, styles, and types, including rental and for sale, to serve all segments of the population. Response: Staff finds substantial consistency with the form, cohesion, compatibility, and housing types. May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 8 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application was reviewed for the requirements that accompany the PUD Development Plan and the Avon Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal is being reviewed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for compliance with the property’s’ water allocation. Staff suggests that approval from the District be a condition of receiving a building permit. The Fire District had no additional comments and staff suggests their approval be verified before issuing a building permit. All other special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review Criteria 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: PZC should carefully consider the design of the Riverfront Lane-fronting buildings for compliance with this criterion. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: Staff has outlined any nuances regarding compliance with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code. An AEC will be provided for certain locations where the building distances do not meet 15 feet. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan, provisions of the Development Code, and the PUD Design Standards. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. Staff Recommendation for MJR18005 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends continuing the Major Development Plan application for Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision pending the outcome of the AEC process for building spacing. Motion to Continue the Application: “I move to continue Case #MJR18005, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision, pending the outcome of an AEC application for building spacing.” May 15, 2018 PZC Meeting – Riverfront Property 9 Alternative Motion: Motion to approve the application for Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision with the following Findings and Conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. A satisfactory irrigation plan that achieves silver or better LEED standards, and demonstrates square footage coverage and hydrozones shall be presented to staff before a building permit will be issued; 2. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees. 3. A “Phase I grading plan” will be approved by staff before a building permit will be issued; 4. Preservation of flora within the 75’ river buffer that is not in the grading envelope shall be achieved through a tree removal plan approved by staff; 5. The supply of water and fire services will be verified prior to issuing a building permit; 6. Full cutoff LED exterior lights will be applied to achieve the sensitivity and sustainability goals of the design. Recessed lighting locations shall be verified and approved by staff prior to issuing a building permit; and 7. The applicant shall provide a satisfactory snow removal plan on Riverfront Lane. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR18005, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision, together with staff’s outlined Findings and Conditions.” Attachment A. Application Narrative B. Design & Development Plans Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes Riverfront Village Lot 4 Major Development Application Phase 1 Major Development Application Submitted: Lots 4| Riverfront Village PUD April 24, 2018 Application Narrative Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 2 | Page    A. INTRODUCTION The applicant and owner East West Resorts Development XIV, L.P., L.L.L.P., a Delaware limited partnership registered as a limited liability partnership (“EWRD”) is hereby submitting a Major Development Application for a first phase of development of Lot 4 of the Riverfront Subdivision. This narrative accompanies the Development Plan Submittal drawings submitted under separate cover. Drawings include in progress coordinated architectural, site civil, and landscape plans for Phase One. This development application is submitted per the most recent amendment of the Riverside PUD, and is consistent with the amended PUD guide including the density reduction for Lot 4 and the design guidelines and site development standards of the PUD. This application is for a first phase of development of Lot 4 that includes (15) Townhomes. Additional phase(s) will follow to develop (4) more townhomes, a (36) unit, 4-story condominium building with underground parking, and (3) single family residences on the western end of the site at full build out. This application focuses on the particulars of phase one. In addition to the (15) townhomes this includes the development of the majority of utility, infrastructure and roads in Lot 4. The application includes some aspects of the complete project at full build-out to allow a coordinated review of phase one as part of the overall project framework. Sheet 1 of the Development Plan Submittal – Overall Illustrative Plan with Phase 1 boundary indicated (red dash line). Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 3 | Page    B. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Layout The project proposes a 4 story (36) unit condominium lodge at the eastern end of the site connected to an enclave of (19) townhomes immediately to its west. Primary access to the site is provided by Riverfront Lane. A 16’ wide one-way driveway with traffic flowing east to west internal to the project reduces the amount of paving on the site and serves as the organizing element of the site plan. An entrance and exit on Riverfront Lane is proposed for the drop-off and check-in area in front of the future lodge. The one-way drive originates at the lodge drop-off and provides access to the condominium garage below grade and to the townhomes to the west. (9) uphill townhomes and (10) downhill townhomes are located along the one-way driveway as it winds through the center of site. Uphill and downhill units have been carefully designed to maximize the views from the site to Beaver Creek and the Eagle River to and minimize conflicts between each other. (2) parking spaces per unit are provided including a one car garage and a parking space in the driveway. The project is specifically laid out to respect the 75’ river setback and creates a buffer of landscape between the proposed buildings, the recreation path and river. The project also respects the 10’ setback along Riverfront Lane and creates a landscape buffer between private residences and the public sidewalk. The project has a strong pedestrian orientation based on close proximity and very good pedestrian connectivity to the Westin Riverfront, to the Gondola, to the transit center, to the Main Street Mall, and to Nottingham Park. Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 4 | Page    Pedestrian routes for the project include the sidewalk along Riverfront Lane to the north and the regional recreation trail long the Eagle River to the south. Internal to the site an at-grade concrete sidewalk along the south shoulder of the one-way drive will connect the site east to west. Two crusher fine pervious pathways wind through the property in the north south direction to connect the townhomes to the regional path below. The existing pathway next to Timeshare West connecting Riverfront Lane to the recreation path below is left intact as part of the development. Perhaps most important, a new trail easement is created by the project. A shared trail easement between East West Partners and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is proposed at the western-most point of Lot 4 to be dedicated to the Town of Avon to connect Nottingham Park and Lake Street to the regional recreation path along the River, fulfilling a long- term connectivity objective of the Town. Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 5 | Page    Above grade decks and at grade patios are proposed in each of the unit types to maximize the view and solar relationships of the site. Landscaping, with emphasis on adaptable and drought tolerant plant species, is proposed strategically in keeping with the Town standards to add interest and complement the architecture, soften the internal road and driveways, screen and create privacy, and serve as drainage and snow storage areas. Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 6 | Page    C. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Site Development Calculations: The total area of the site is: 161,180 sf. The total area proposed in Phase One is 68,210 sf or 42% of the total Lot 4 area. Phase One includes (9) uphill townhomes along Riverfront Lane and (6) downhill townhomes below the one-way drive through the site. The site calculations submitted with this application are generated based on the total area included in Phase One. The following are the major site coverage areas associated with Phase One: Total Lot 4 Area: 161,180 SF / 100% Lot Area Phase 1 Site Area: 68,210 SF / 42% of Lot 4 Total Area Phase 1 Building Footprint Area: 14,314 SF (21% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Paved Areas: 19,175 SF (28% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Landscape Area: 34,721 SF (51% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Snow Storage Area: 5,645 SF (29% of Phase 1 Paved Area Following is a Development Summary for Phase One real estate development: Attachment A Riverfront Village Lot 4 ‐ Major Development Application Phase 1 7 | Page    D. PRE-APPLICATION SUMMARY A pre-application meeting was held on March 26, 2018 between the project design team and the Town of Avon Planning Manager and Town Engineer to review the path and process for the formal review of the Riverfront Village Lot 4 project by the Town of Avon. The discussion generally fell into (6) topics that were outlined in advance. Following is a summary: 1) Overall plan layout a. the general layout of the project and confirmed the one-way driveway as primary means of access and circulation. b. the general layout of pedestrian circulation was reviewed, and the existing trail along the east side of Lot 4 was discussed as remaining open during the majority of construction. c. Parking supply and distribution was reviewed consistent with the PUD requirements. d. The 75’ river setback was reviewed as a major influence on the layout of the site plan. 2) Proposed easements / easements to be vacated a. Existing easements were reviewed and confirmed. b. The sewer easement in the center of Lot 4 was discussed to be vacated and provided elsewhere in the project due to the project layout. c. A new easement for the trail connection on the west side of the property was discussed. d. The Town confirmed they have approached Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to discuss sharing the easement across their property in conjunction with East West Partners. 3) Phasing of project and permits a. Phasing of the project application and implementation was reviewed with a first phase of development focused on infrastructure, utilities, with development of approximately 12 to 15 townhome residences. b. A follow-up application for the condominium lodge building was discussed, and that it would include the full level of detail for the lodge units and building. c. The comprehensive review of the project was discussed as part of the first phase development submittal to ensure a complete understanding of bulk, mass, and density at full-build out. 4) Infrastructure permit a. A stand-alone infrastructure permit granted in advance of a complete building permit was discussed to enable an initial phase of site development during the summer months. 5) Final plat a. The timing of final platting of Lot 4 was discussed relative to the phasing of the project and development review and approval. The Planning Manager indicated the final plat could take place at any time during the process and would require both Town Council and Planning Commission review. The Final Plat should only take place once all easements are established. 6) DRB application & path of review a. The path and process for the Town’s formal review process was discussed, including a completeness submittal in mid to late April, and review process in May and June of 2018. b. The Planning Manager confirmed a Major Development Application application process and indicated Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council public hearings required per the Town Code. c. The Planning Manager confirmed the 10 day completeness review of the application once received and the review of the application by the Planning and Zoning Commission against the PUD design guidelines and development standards. Attachment A Attachment B &RS\ULJKW‹E\=HKUHQ $VVRFLDWHV,QFAttachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes 1OVERALL ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL - PHASE 01 Scale: 1” = 30’ 0 30’15’60’ FUTURE RIVERFRONT LODGE Rive r f r o n t L a n e Exist i n g R a i l r o a d T r a c k s Existing Timeshare West Condos Entry Exit Exit Ea g l e R i v e r Ex i s t i n g E c o - T r a i l TH A TH C FUTURE TH B FUTURE TH B TH C TH C FUTURE RESIDENCES Trail E a s e m e n t (ER W S D / E W P Prop e r t y ) FUTURE RESIDENCE TRI-PLEX A TH A TH A Phase 1 Site Area (68,210 sf) Total Lot 4 Area (161,180 sf) Note: Phase 1 Site Area is 42.3% of Total Lot 4 Area LEGEND Prop o s e d D r i v e w a y Existing PathBldg Type Gross SF / Unit Net SF / Unit Gross SF / Bldg Unit Qty. Total Gross SF Tri-Plex A (1) 2,533 2,048 7,599 3 7,599 Towhnome A (3) 2,682 2,231 5,364 6 16,092 Townhome C (3) 2,497 2,127 4,994 6 14,982 PHASE 1 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Totals 15 38,673 Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 05.03.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes 2 NOTES: 1. TREE, SHRUB, AND PERENNIAL PLANTING AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH OF BARK MULCH. 2. ALL DISTURBED OR RE-GRADED AREAS TO BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A NATIVE WILDFLOWER AND GRASS SEED MIX. 3. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MOISTURE SENSOR AUTOMATED AND TIME CLOCK OPERATED. SHRUBS, TREES, AND PERENNIALS TO BE DRIP OR MICRO SPRAY TYPE IRRIGATION. TURF AREAS TO BE SPRAY HEAD TYPE IRRIGATION WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRAY NOZZLES. . 4. SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE TO BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. A CONSTRUCTION FENCE WILL BE PLACED AT THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WHERE THE SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES ARE NOT USED. Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ LANDSCAPE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL - PHASE 01 TH A TRI-PLEX A TH A TH A TH C TH B TH B TH C TH C Phase 1 Site Area (68,210 sf) Note: Native Seed Areas to have temporary irrigation for establishment (Native Seed Areas not Included in Irrigation Calculations) LEGEND Landscape Area Provided 34,721 SF 51% Phase 1 Site Area Total Irrigated Area 3,977 SF 11.5% of Landscape Area Spray Area (Perennials) 2,789 SF 70.1% of Total Irrigated Area Drip Area (Trees / Shrubs) 1,188 Sf 29.9% of Total Irrigated Area IRRIGATION AREA CALCULATIONS Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 05.03.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes 3 NOTES: 1. ALL DRIVEWAYS WILL BE ASPHALT PAVING. 2. NO SNOWMELT IS PROPOSED IN THE PHASE 1 AREA 3. ALL SIDEWALKS WILL BE CONCRETE PAVING. 4. TRASH CONTAINERS SHALL BE STORED WITHIN EACH UNIT. (NO EXTERIOR ENCLOSURES PROPOSED) 5. REFERENCE ARCH ELEVATIONS FOR BLDG HEIGHT AND ROOF LINE RIDGE ELEVATIONS SITE CALCULATIONS: Total Lot 4 Area = 161,180 SF Phase 1 Site Area: 68,210 SF Phase 1 Building Footprint Area: 14,310 SF (21% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Paved Areas: 19,175 SF (28% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Landscape Area: 34,721 SF (51% of Phase 1 Site Area) Phase 1 Snow Storage Area: 4,820 SF (25% of Phase 1 Paved Area) BUILDING TYPES UNITS PARKING CALCULATONS (6) DUPLEX 12 Units 2 Per Unit = 24 Off Street Spaces (1) TRI-PLEX 3 Units 2 Per Unit = 6 Off Street Spaces 15 Total Units 30 Total Off Street Spaces 3 Total Unassigned Spaces (On Street) 33 Total Parking Spaces Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL - PHASE 01 Phase 1 Site Area (68,210 sf) Protective Construction Fence (Limit of Disturbance) LEGEND Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes 4 Site Section 1 - West Site Section 2 - Center Site Section Key Plan NTS Rive r f r o n t L a n e Ea g l e R i v e r Lodge Timeshare West Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Site Section 3 - East SITE SECTIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL - PHASE 01 Scale: 1” = 10’-0” 0 10’5’20’ Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc. east west partners 04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomes 5Scale: 1” = 20’ 0 20’10’40’ SITE LIGHTING PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL - PHASE 01 FUTURE RIVERFRONT LODGE Rive r f r o n t L a n e Existing Timeshare West Condos Entry Existing Street Light Exit Exit Ea g l e R i v e r Ex i s t i n g E c o - T r a i l TH A TH C FUTURE TH B FUTURE TH B TH C TH C FUTURE RESIDENCE TRI-PLEX A TH A TH A Phase 1 Site Area (68,210 sf) Bollard Light - Qty. (19) Street Light Bollard Light Street Light - Qty. (2) TOA Standard LEGEND equipment, etc. furnish by mechanical - refer to both electrical and electrical apparatus as shown on single line diagram and and mechanical drawing for scope and work and additinal infor- Complete connection of HVAC/Plumbing motor(s), water heater(s), Fire alarm system will be by electrical contractor. Complete provision, installation and connection of lighting fixtures, exit signs and lamps as specified and as shown on drawings. Complete branch circuit wiring required for the connection of emergency lighting and exit signs to existing emergency stand Complete feeder(s) installation as required for new and/or devices, new control devices, etc. for a complete lighting and including new panelboards, new conduits, new wires, new wiring Complete wiring system for new lighting and power as shown, contract. Electrical work shall include, but not limited to, these major as indicated on drawing and as specified, as necessary to complete the SCOPE: Furnish all materials and labor required to execute this work 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. Provide grounding and bonding Facilities. Complete all electrical demolition as required. mation. A. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. drawings. by power system. and power system. b. a. items: A.Contractor shall submit shop drawings for engineer review and approval. Lighting fixtures. Shop drawing submittal shall include: Panelboard(s). CONDUIT AND WIRE:13. A. B. 2. 1. and contractor shall have written approvals from building owner prior Core drilling and patching of existing building structure required for Operating, Maintenance and identification instructions manuals, if electrical work. Core drilling shall follow Building Standard procedures Applicable codes: National Electric Code (2008) PERMITS AND FEES: Obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspec- tions, examinations and fees or charges necessary for execution and and to the requirements of Federal, State or other City agencies Town of Avon Electrical Code, pertinent NFPA publications Conform to the prevailing edition and amendments thereto of the SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTAL: to start of any work. Test of entire system and work. REGULATIONS AND CODES: having jurisdiction. completion of electrical work. 12. 11. A. 7. 9. 8. 10. any. N. All cabling shall be bundled and properly secured and terminated. warranty period shall begin at the point of system acceptance or beneficial system during this warranty period at no additional cost to the owner. The free of defects of workmanship or products and will inspect and repair the from the date of project completion. The contractor warrants the system to be O. The warranty set forth for this system shall consist of a full three (3) years use, whichever comes later. enclosed within cable trays, raceways or conduit, as specified. engineer. Cabling shall be in the wall, above the ceiling or where exposed, M. No exposed wiring will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Care must be taken to ensure cables are not kinked, bent beyond limit, including NEC, EIA/TIA 568,569 and 606, and federal, state and local codes. familiar and install in accordance with all applicable codes and standards, L. All cable hangers shall be no more than 48" apart. Contractor shall be overloaded, over-cinched, crushed, improperly untwisted, etc. A. General Requirements 14. decora style. Finish per owner or architect. Convenience receptacles will be 20 amp, commercial grade Light switches will be 20 amp, commercial grade,B. ELECTRICAL DEVICES A. decora style. Finish per owner or architect. Provide decora style, finish per owner or architect. Dimming switches will be a minimum of 600w or as noted.C. 15. Support all electrical equipment independent of accessible ceilings as required by NEC. SUPPORT A. All mounting heights will conform to ADA guidelines. Typical receptacleD. heights will be +18"AFF and switch heights will be +46"AFF unless noted otherwise. 16. At fire rated wall space electrical boxes at opposite sides of the wall no less than 24" horizontal distance. ELECTRICAL BOXES A. When phone, TV & power receptacles are shown on plan next to each other. Locate respective receptacles next to each other on site with no more B. than 1" seperating cover plates. Provide GFI type receptacles at kitchens, bathrooms, garages, exterior etc. as required by code. E. H/P HEAT/PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR ELECTRICAL LEGEND (NOT ALL SYMBOLS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) RECESSED OR SURFACE DOWNLIGHT WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE RECESSED FLUOR. LIGHT FIXTURE SURFACE FLUOR. LIGHT FIXTUREAa Aa FIXTURE DESIGNATIONS: UPPER CASE - FIXTURE TYPE LOWER CASE - SWITCH DESIGNATION SHADING ON FIXTURE INDICATES EMERG. BATTERY BACKUP FLUORESCENT STRIP FIXTURE TRACK LIGHT AS NOTED OR SCHEDULED WALL WASHER POLE-MOUNTED FIXTURE POST (BOLLARD) FIXTURE CEILING OR WALL MOUNTED EXIT LIGHT EMERGENCY BATTERY LIGHTS DUPLEX RECEPTACLE @ 18" UNLESS NOTED DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE @ 18" UNLESS NOTED SPECIAL OUTLET AS NOTED FLUSH FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE HALF-SWITCHED @ 18" UNLESS NOTED TELE-POWER POLE JUNCTION BOX IN FLOOR, CEILING OR IN WALL MULTI-OUTLET PLUG STRIP COMPUTER/TELEPHONE OUTLET IN FLOOR OR WALL CONDUIT RUN CONCEALED IN WALL OR ABOVE CEILING TELEPHONE BACKBOARD CIRCUIT HOMERUN CONDUIT RUN BELOW FLOOR OR GRADE CONDUIT STUB-UP - CAP & MARK LIGHT SWITCH AT 46" UNLESS NOTED SUBSCRIPTS: 2 = 2-POLE SWITCH 3 = 3-WAY SWITCH 4 = 4-WAY SWITCH K = KEY-OPERATED SWITCH TO = THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH P = SWITCH WITH PILOT LIGHT DIMMER SWITCH W/ WATTAGE MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER DISCONNECT SWITCH TRANSFORMER GROUND PUSHBUTTON CONTROL STATION PHOTOELECTRIC CELL TIME SWITCH THERMOSTAT AT 60" UNLESS NOTED DIVISION 15 EQUIPMENT CIRCUIT BREAKER MOTOR OUTLET AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT PC TS T ABBREVIATIONS - ABOVE COUNTERAC AFF - ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR - ABOVE FINISHED GRADEAFG - ALUMINUMAL - EMERGENCYEM - GROUNDGND - GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTERGFI NIC - NOT IN CONTRACT NL - NIGHT LIGHT NTS - NOT TO SCALE UG - UNDERGROUND WP - WEATHER PROOF XFMR - TRANSFORMER +18" - MOUNTING HEIGHT TO CENTERLINE OF DEVICE AFF OR AFG FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL FIRE ALARM PULL STATION ALARM HORN OR SPEAKER COMBINATION HORN/STROBE OR SPEAKER/STROBE THERMAL HEAT DETECTORH SMOKE/IONIZATION DETECTORI PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTORP DUCT DETECTOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM FLOW SWITCH SPRINKLER SYSTEM TAMPER SWITCH STROBE SMOKE/FIRE DAMPER CONNECTION REMOTE INDICATOR LIGHT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPEAKER IN CEILING OR WALL VOLUME CONTROL AT 60" UNLESS NOTED MICROPHONE OUTLET IN FLOOR BOX OR WALL CALL-IN SWITCH PROGRAM BELL INTERCOM CLOCK AMPLIFIER TELEVISION OUTLET CONTACT DOOR SWITCH IN JAMB OR HINGE SECURITY SYSTEM KEY-OPERATED ACCESS SWITCH SURVEILLANCE CAMERA DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT SYMBOLS DISCONNECT SWITCH FUSES CIRCUIT BREAKER CURRENT TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER METER CU - COPPER STEP LIGHT FACP M = MOTION-OPERATED SWITCH POP-UP RECEPTACLE - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOREC - AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTIONAHJ - MECHANICAL CONTRACTORMC - PLUMBING CONTRACTORPC UTP - UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR - GENERAL CONTRACTORGC - REFERENCEREF THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE A WALK THROUGH WITH THE OWNER/ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FINAL ROUGHIN AS FOLLOWS: •CONFIRM ALL LOCATIONS FOR LIGHT SWITCHES; ADD THREE WAYS IF FOUND NECESSARY. •REVIEW RECEPTACLE LOCATIONS; MOVE AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE UNIT PRICING IF ADDITIONAL RECEPTACLES ARE REQUIRED. •REVIEW RECEPTACLE LOCATIONS AT COUNTERS AND CONFIRM IF THOSE RECEPTACLES SHOULD BE ABOVE COUNTER OR BELOW. MOVE AS REQUIRED. IN GENERAL CONFIRM POWER AND LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS. THE ELECTRICIAN SHOULD BE PREPARED TO REWORK SOME DEVICE LOCATIONS. SIGNIFICANT REWORK SHOULD BE FLAGGED AND UNIT PRICING PROVIDED AND WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS APPROVED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. CONDUCTOR SIZES AND TYPES: For sizes #1/0 AWG and larger, use coppper THW or aluminum XHHW. For sizes #1 AWG and smaller, use only copper wire with 600V insulation, types TW, THHN, or THW - stranded in sizes #8 and larger, solid in sizes #10 and smaller. Control wiring shall be #14, stranded. Use type THHN for wires entering or passing through fluorescent lighting fixtures. All motors shall be wired with copper conductors only. UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 48" WIRE PANCAKE. 10-TURNS OF #4 BARE COPPER GROUND PLATE (COPPER) OR TWO LAYERS #15 FELT 8x8 WIRE BASKET CONDUIT & WIRING #4 VERTICAL REBARS (6 REQ'D) NO SCALE POLE BASE DIAGRAM 24" DIA FIXTURE TYPE "LF-A" GROUND LEVEL 30" WIRE PANCAKE. 10-TURNS OF #4 BARE COPPER GROUND PLATE (COPPER) OR TWO LAYERS #15 FELT 8x8 WIRE BASKET CONDUIT & WIRING #4 VERTICAL REBARS (6 REQ'D) NO SCALE POLE BASE DIAGRAM 12" DIA FIXTURE TYPE "LF-B" GROUND LEVEL A 3/21/14 50% DD REVIEW B 4/4/14 90% DD REVIEW C 4/25/14 50% CD REVIEW Copyright © 2014 by Zehren & Associates Inc.C 5/9/14 90% CD REVIEW D 5/15/14 BID SET Submitting Agency:Description:3120 42 LED WHT53K MVOLT FT PL DSPFG Project:AVON ROAD STATUE & PED MALL - PEDESTRIAN MALL Notes: Type: LF-B ©2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. 7/11/14 3120_LED 9144 Deering Avenue, Second Floor • Chatsworth, CA 91311 • www.hydrel.com Phone: 866.533.9901 • Fax: 866.533.5291 ORDERING INFORMATION EXAMPLE: 3120 36 LED WHT53K MVOLT SYM BL DESCRIPTION The 3120 BOLLARD is a low level area lighting luminaire that combines visual appeal with superior performance and unequalled quality. It is designed to work in building perimeter areas and public spaces completing a wide variety of architectural styles. Superior performance extends to the detailed finish of the louvers. Matte black finish of top surface provides IES cut off performance while gloss white on bottom extends reflective light to economize on spacing of fixtures. Custom finish available on top louver surface. CATALOG NUMBER NOTES TYPE NOTE: Hydrel Reserves The Right To Modify Specification Without Notice. Any dimension on this sheet is to be assumed as a reference dimension: “Used for information purposes only. It does not govern manufacturing or inspection requirements.” (ANSI Y14.5-1973) 3120 LED Round Louver Bollard Flat 3120 36 LED WHT53K Model Height LED Array Color 3120 36 42 LED WHT30K 3000ºK Color Temp WHT53K 5300ºK Color Temp MVOLT SYM BL Voltage Distribution Options4 Finish 1202 2772 347 MVOLT Internal FT5 Forward Throw, 180º SYM Symmetric, 360º BLS6 Bi-Level Switching (Motion Activated) GFCI3 Receptacle ELN6 Emergency Battery Backup (1000 lumen output) BL Black BZ Bronze DDB Dark Bronze DNA Natural Aluminum GN Green GR Gray SND Sand STG Steel Gray TVG Terra Verde Green WH White CF Custom __Z7 Zinc Undercoat (i.e. BLZ) Optional Louvers Painted1 ___/PL Louvers painted to match fixture (top only) The 3120 BOLLARD offers a patented impact resistant mounting and leveling design ensuring life long performance. Four leveling pads within the base mounting plate are easily accessible through the access panel. The leveling pads provide full contact with the concrete pad, providing a high degree of stability. The base mounting plate is fully welded to the bollard post, providing complete structural support from all directions, giving the bollard superior vandal resistance. Motion Sensing Bi-Level Switching (BLS option) is now possible through the use of a fixture-integrated microwave occupancy sensor. Mounted in the head of the fixture, within the sealed light engine compartment, the sensor is protected from moisture damage, as well as potential damage due to vandalism. The sensor provides up to 20’ of motion coverage in the 360 deg area around the bollard (see diagram on the next page). When motion is detected bollard will illuminate at full output (60 Watts). After approx 5 min, bollard will drop to 1/4 full output (15 Watts). MATERIAL: Copper-free Aluminum, A360. LED ARRAY: 60.3W (total system input wattage) Lumen maintenance of individual light sources have been independently tested to IESNA LM-80 standards. VOLTAGE: MVOLT 50/60Hz DISTRIBUTION: SYM Symmetric, FT Forward Throw. LENS: Frosted Borosilicate Glass. BALLAST: Integrally mounted LED driver with operating temperature of -30° to 60°C. FASTENERS: Stainless Steel. FINISH: See ordering guide. LISTING: CSAUS, CSA FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Specifications L:8” 203 mm W:9” Dia. 229 mm H:40” or 34” 1016 mm or 864 mm Notes: 1 Louvers will be black unless otherwise specified (top only). 2 Only valid with ELN or BLS. 3 Only valid with 120 Volt. 4 Options not valid with 50Hz. 5 FT not available with BLS. 6 ELN and BLS require 120 or 277 voltage, not MVOLT or 347. Choose only one. 7 Add Zinc undercoat for harsh environments. To p 6" 8" 9" Dia. 40" 34" 8" 36"LCL 30"LCL 9" To p 6" 8" 9" Dia. 40" 34" 8" 36"LCL 30"LCL 9" Top 6" 8" 9" Dia. 40" 34" 8" 36"LCL 30"LCL 9" THE LIGHTING AGENCY TYPE CATALOG NUMBER NOTES THE LIGHTING AGENCY TYPE CATALOG NUMBER NOTES CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY: Voltage: Colors/ Finishes: Ceiling Type: Specific Dimming Ballasts (if required): Row Information: Switching Options: Suspension Lengths: Other: DSPFG DSPFG -RUST Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners6UPHILL TOWNHOME A - DUPLEX | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Exposed TimberStructure1/8” = 1’-0”ENTRY ELEVATION1/8” = 1’-0”SIDE ELEVATIONChannel RusticCedar SidingMetal and WoodGuardrailStanding SeamMetal Roof AccentsMetal FasciaFiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Wood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)Adhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone -“Sebastian Sawn”)Exposed TimberStructureChannel RusticCedar SidingMetal FasciaFiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Wood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)Adhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone - “Sebastian Sawn”)or Stained Concrete Fiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Adhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone - “Sebastian Sawn”)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Channel RusticCedar Siding1/8” = 1’-0”LOWER LEVEL FLOOR 1/8” = 1’-0”MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN898 SF (SALEABLE)1,041 SF (SALEABLE)TOTAL | 2,231 SF292 SF (SALEABLE)Metal and WoodGuardrail1/8” = 1’-0”ROOF PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”REAR ELEVATIONMetal Corner TrimWestin-StyleChimney CapsWestin-StyleChimney CapsAdhered Thinstone (Telluride Stone“Sebastian Sawn”)Fiber Cement Panel(Nichiha“ ArchitecturalBlock™”)Channel RusticCedar Siding (Stained)Metal Corner Trim(XtremeTrim)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Compost Shingles(Timberline HD)Standing Seam Metal Roof(Berridge)Wood-Metal Clad Windows(Sierra Pacifi c “Bronze”)+122-0”+111-0”+100-0”Existing GradeExisting GradeExisting GradeCementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Proposed GradeStanding Seam Metal Roof (Berridge)11’-0”~+139-10”11’-0”~17’-10”~+137-3”+122-0”~+131-7”+111-0”11’-0”~9’-7”~5’-8”Proposed GradeProposed GradeSconce+100’-0” DATUM = 7419.5’ ABOVE SEA LEVELAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners7UPHILL TOWNHOME A - DUPLEX | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01NTSSOUTHWEST VIEWNTSSOUTHEAST VIEWNTSNORTHWEST VIEW1/8” = 1’-0”BUILDING SECTIONExisting GradeProposed GradeNTSPROPOSED EXTERIOR FIXTUREAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners8Exposed TimberStructureChannel RusticCedar SidingMetal and WoodGuardrailMetal FasciaAdhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone - “Sebastian Sawn”)Channel RusticCedar SidingFiber CementPanel (Nichiha)1/8” = 1’-0”LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN268 SF (SALEABLE)Wood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)Standing SeamMetal Roof AccentsUPHILL TOWNHOME A - TRIPLEX | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 011/8” = 1’-0”ENTRY ELEVATION1/8” = 1’-0”SIDE ELEVATION1/8” = 1’-0”ROOF PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”REAR ELEVATIONWestin-StyleChimney CapsWestin-StyleChimney Caps1/8” = 1’-0”UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN835 SF (SALEABLE)1/8” = 1’-0”MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN945 SF (SALEABLE)TOTAL | 2,048 SFAdhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone - “Sebastian Sawn”)CementitiousStucco (IntegralColor)Adhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone“Sebastian Sawn”)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Fiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Channel RusticCedar SidingFiber CementPanel (Nichiha)+122-0”+111-0”+100-0”Existing GradeExisting GradeExisting GradeAdhered Thinstone (Telluride Stone“Sebastian Sawn”)Fiber Cement Panel(Nichiha“ ArchitecturalBlock™”)Channel RusticCedar Siding (Stained)Metal Corner Trim(XtremeTrim)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Composite Shingles(Timberline HD)Standing Seam Metal Roof(Berridge)Wood-Metal Clad Windows(Sierra Pacifi c “Bronze”)Proposed GradeStanding Seam Metal Roof (Berridge)Timber or SteelColumns11’-0”11’-0”~+139-10”~17’-10”~+137-3”+122-0”~+131-7”+111-0”~9’-7” ~5’-8”Proposed GradeProposed Grade11’-0”Sconce+100’-0” DATUM = 7421.5’ ABOVE SEA LEVELAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners9NTSSOUTHWEST VIEWNTSSOUTHEAST VIEWNTSNORTHWEST VIEW1/8” = 1’-0”BUILDING SECTION UPHILL TOWNHOME A - TRIPLEX | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Existing GradeNTSPROPOSED EXTERIOR FIXTUREProposed GradeAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners101/8” = 1’-0”LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”ENTRY ELEVATION1/8” = 1’-0”SIDE ELEVATIONExposed TimberStructureChannel RusticCedar SidingMetal and WoodGuardrailMetal FasciaAdhered Thinstone(Telluride Stone - “Sebastian Sawn”)Fiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Exposed TimberStructureChannel RusticCedar SidingMetal FasciaFiber CementPanel (Nichiha)Wood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)622 SF (SALEABLE)TOTAL | 2,127 SF1,037 SF (SALEABLE)468 SF (SALEABLE)Wood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)Standing SeamMetal Roof AccentsWood-Metal CladWindows (Sierra Pacifi c)DOWNHILL TOWNHOME C | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 011/8” = 1’-0”ROOF PLAN1/8” = 1’-0”REAR ELEVATIONWestin-StyleChimney CapsWestin-StyleChimney CapsExisting GradeProposed GradeExisting Grade+100-0”+111-0”+122-0”+122-0”Adhered Thinstone (Telluride Stone“Sebastian Sawn”)Fiber Cement Panel(Nichiha“ ArchitecturalBlock™”)Channel RusticCedar Siding (Stained)Metal Corner Trim(XtremeTrim)Cementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Composite Shingles(Timberline HD)Standing Seam Metal Roof(Berridge)Wood-Metal Clad Windows(Sierra Pacifi c “Bronze”)Existing GradeCementitious Stucco(Integral Color)Proposed GradeProposed Grade11’-0”11’-0”~18’-0”~+140-0”11’-0”~12’-8”~+134-8”~+138-8”~+4-0”Sconce+111-0”+100’-0” DATUM = 7411.2’ ABOVE SEA LEVEL6’-2”(146’-2” BLDG HT)Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners11NTSSOUTHWEST VIEWNTSNORTHWEST VIEWNTSNORTHEAST VIEW1/8” = 1’-0”BUILDING SECTION DOWNHILL TOWNHOME C | 3BR UNITDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Existing GradeProposed GradeNTSPROPOSED EXTERIOR FIXTUREAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners12SITE MODEL VIEWSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01AERIAL VIEW FROM NORTHEASTAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners13SITE MODEL VIEWSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHWESTAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners14SITE MODEL VIEWSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01AERIAL VIEW FROM NORTHWESTAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners15SITE MODEL VIEWSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01AERIAL VIEW FROM SOUTHEASTAttachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners16WALL AND ROOF DETAILSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners17WINDOW DETAILSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners18RAILING AND CHIMNEY CAP DETAILSDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Attachment B © 2018 Zehren and Associates, Inc.04.24.2018Riverfront Lodge and Townhomeseast west partners19MATERIAL BOARDDEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL | PHASE 01Attachment B May 15, 2018 PZC Work Session Colorado World Resorts PUD PAGE 1 OF 2 To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planning Director Meeting Date: May 15, 2018 Agenda Topic: Colorado World Resorts Introduction Representatives from the development team will be in attendance for a work session to gain input on the acceptable “build to” line for a forthcoming development plan application. Additionally, architectural progress drawings will be presented for feedback at the work session for comments. The property owner recently received approval of the rezoning request, as recommended by PZC. The final approval of Residential High Density, Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage, and Short-Term Rental Overlay zoning is anticipated at the May 22, 2018 Town Council Meeting. Natural Resource Protection The Town’s Natural Resource Protection standards, found in Avon Municipal Code Section 7.28.100, are applicable to future development on the parcel. According to the standards, development on natural slopes of forty percent (40%) or greater is prohibited. As defined by the Avon Municipal Code Section 7.08, “Development” includes and disturbance including grading and retaining walls in association with vertical development. While the large majority of the property is in excess of 40% slope, there are small pieces of land that measure less than 40% near the transition to the steeper hillside. During pre-application meetings, staff reviewed the 40% slope analysis survey and rendered an interpretation of a build to line that could be used for containment of property modifications. The attached drawing shows staffs interpreted line, as well as the applicant’s proposed “build to” line for structures and retaining walls – drawn separately. The Development Code does not provide clear direction in instances such as this, and therefore staff is seeking the Planning and Zoning Commission’s determination. Attachments Development Definition Developable Area Exhibits May 15, 2018 PZC Work Session Colorado World Resorts PUD PAGE 2 OF 2 Heil Law & Planning, LLC E-Mail: ericheillaw@gmail.com HEIL LAW & PLANNING, LLC MEMORANDUM TO: Avon Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Eric J. Heil, Town Attorney RE: Land Use Law Basics DATE: May 11, 2018 SUMMARY: This memorandum provides an outline for the Land Use Law Basics presentation on May 15, 2018. The presentation is a combination of a past presentation I provided to the Avon Planning Commission in 2010 and basic land use law presentations I have provided to CML events and Department of Local Affairs workshops in the past. I have also presented on 2-3 land use law topics at the annual conference of the Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association for the last several years. The purpose of the presentation is to provide a basic understanding of land use law, which explains much of the framework of the Avon Development Code with regard to areas of land use regulation, process, review criteria, and various legal rights of the Town, the applicant, and interested parties. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION: The following is an outline of topics that will be covered in the presentation: 1. History of Land Use Law a. Private covenants b. Nuisance c. Original zoning cases 2. Land Use Authority in Colorado a. Statutory b. Home rule authority c. Case law 3. Limitations on Zoning Authority a. Federal constitutional b. State constitutional c. Statutory 4. Exactions, Impact Fees and Takings a. What are exactions and impact fees b. When do exactions and impact fees constitute a takings 5. Legal Challenges: Including court cases from Avon a. Standing b. 106(a) – Arbitrary and Capricious c. Unconstitutional: Void for Vagueness d. Lack of Nexus e. Lack of Proportionality f. Unconstituional: Violation of Due Process – bias, notice g. Takings h. Federal Civil Rights: Section 1983 Claims 6. Best Land Use Regulation Practices Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Land Use Law Basics May 11, 2018 Page 2 of 2 a. Noticing and Public Hearings b. Review Process; Studies and Information c. Findings of Fact and Record of Decision d. Refining and Updating Regulations DISCUSSION OF TOPICS FOR FUTURE TRAINING: The presentation will conclude with a discussion of potenial topics for future training. Topics could include (but are not limited to): • Inclusionary Zoning/Commercial Linkage • Avon Development Code • Sign Code • Design Regulations • Role of Comprehensive Plans and Other Long Range Plans • Overview of the Village at Avon PUD and Development Agreement (w/ Council Invite) • Trends in the Valley: Mountain modern design, government in housing, water efficiency, wildfire planning. • Town owned Properties Implementation Plan • Explaining terms and Definitions: i.e. what is PUD, TDR, TDM, NWCOG, etc. Thank you, Eric Staff Report –Sign Code Update Project type: Sign Code Update Report Date: May 15, 2018 Location: Prepared By: Throughout Town David McWilliams, Town Planner Introduction An update to the Avon Sign Code (Chapter 15.28) is long overdue. The Avon Sign Code was originally adopted in 1986 and has been left largely untouched. Updates are necessary in order to better respond to changing aesthetic ideals and changes to the interpretation of the law. Aside from making it more current, staff proposes moving the Sign Code from the Buildings and Construction chapter to the Development Code chapter for ease of reference. This work session seeks to clarify what the current Code does and does not include, and to determine a set of priorities that staff can address in the rewrite process. Questions for PZC General code: Should certain sign construction types be required or disallowed from town? Currently, Code encourages, “interior-lit, individual Plexiglas-faced letters; or three-dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting” with quality materials. Are other types more favored? Are there types that should be banned? Sign Programs: They are used around town to grant properties more area or other advantages than would be allowed with following the Sign Code. What guidance should be codified to make desired and undesired outcomes clearer? Should certain sign types be disallowed from a program? Sign Program Amendments: How should amendments be phased? Should there be staff level review of certain amendments? Should individual tenants be allowed to apply for an amendment? If yes, what kinds of support from the HOA or property owner should be required? Other considerations? Schedule Staff anticipates a series of work sessions to hone in on desired changes that work towards a viable strikethrough, followed by a public hearing, and then final action by Council with an Ordinance. The target completion date is November 9th. Sign Code Update Draft Schedule May 15, 2018 Work session: Staff will present the state of the sign code, detail changes in the law, and their experience with administration of the program. PZC will be asked their opinion on what direction sign code amendments should take. Eric Heil will present legal considerations of the sign code. July 17, 2018 Work Session: Staff will present a draft code to PZC for their review. Feedback given will be used to produce a final draft. August 21, 2018 Work Session: Staff will present a draft code to PZC for their review. Feedback given will be used to produce a final draft. September 4, 2018 Public Hearing: Staff will present the final draft and PZC will vote on its recommendation for adoption. September 25, 2018 Town Council First Reading October 9, 2018 Town Council Second Reading November 9, 2018 Sign Code Adopted 1 May 1, 2018 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 1, 2018 I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm. II. Swearing in of new Commissioner Alex Dammeyer III. Roll Call – All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners Howell and Golembiewski. IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda V. Conflicts of Interest VI. Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance – 4254 Wildridge Road West - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18002 and AEC18002 Legal Description: Lot 21A Block 3 Wildridge Applicant: Jeff Manley Summary: Proposal to construct a new single-family house. This project requires an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for the roof pitch under 4:12. The applicant requested this item be continued to the May 15, 2018 PZC meeting. Action: Commissioner Barnes motioned to continue the items to the May 15, 2018 meeting. Commissioner Glaner seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously 5-0. VII. Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance– 4561 Flat Point - PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18004 and AEC18005 Legal Description: Lot 32 Block 3 Wildridge Applicant: Jeff Manley Summary: Proposal to construct a new single-family house. This project requires an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for the roof pitch under 3:12. Action: Commissioner Barnes motioned to continue case #MJR18004 pending additional information for the AEC application. Commissioner Nusbaum seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Barnes motioned to continue case #AEC18005 pending additional information. Commissioner Nusbaum seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5-0. VIII. Action on Records of Decision • MJR18001 and AEC18001 – 4254 Wildridge Road Wests Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the record of decision. Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0 with Commissioner Dammeyer abstaining. • REZ18003 – Colorado World Resorts Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the record of decision. Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0 with Commissioner Dammeyer abstaining. IX. Action on Meeting Minutes 2 May 1, 2018 Meeting Minutes • April 17, 2018 PZC Minutes Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the record of decision. Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 4-0 with Commissioner Dammeyer abstaining. X. Staff Updates • PZC Homework – read and review 15.28 Sign Code XI. Adjourn Approved this 15th Day of May 2018 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Lindsay Hardy, Chairperson