02-12-2018 Amendment Willford Housing LLCAmendment to the Independent Contractor Services Agreement Between the Town and Williford Housing LLC, Dated February 12, 2018 1. Scope of Services provides for additional services as described below, per Section 1; and 2. Payment for additional Services per Section 4 .1,; t�tt�i use titara3�te housing Scope of Services Willa Williford to provide housing expertise, plan drafting and technical assistance to the Town of Avon to create a three-year Workforce Housing Plan. Work will include: 1) Summary of feedback and priorities from March 7, 2018 Workforce Housing Retreat; 2) Draft Workforce Housing Plan to include: a. Draft goals and objectives for staff and council consideration; b. Provide a strong link to Housing and Transportation sections of Avon Comprehensive Plan; c. Develop five -six priorities identified at the Retreat into actionable strategies, including timing, responsibility, initial action steps, and which peer resort communities might provide the best template; d. Identify which tools and strategies are lower tier/longer term. 3) Presentation of the draft plan at the Town of Avon City Council; and 4) Follow-up and incorporation of feedback into a final Housing Plan to be provided electronically by May 31, 2018. Format for the Housing Plan will be a white paper. This scope of work will be complete by June 30, 2018 Schedule Work to commence upon acceptance by Town of Avon. April 16, 2018- Draft plan will be provided to Preston Neill at pneill@avon.ore for staff review April 27 — Town staff comments to Willa Williford May 2, 2018 — Draft plan provided for Council packet May 8, 2018 — Draft plan presented at Town Council by Willa Williford May 31, 2018 — Final plan provided to the Town of Avon Time and Materials Willa Williford's time will be billed at $140/hour. Travel will be billed at 50% of hourly rates. Total cost will not exceed $5,000 Acceptance The scope of services, schedule, and budget presented herein are acceptable. Williford LLC is hereby authorized to proceed. Virginia Egger, To nager Date 6t)4&?I-6Z 3/21/18 Willa Williford Date