PZC Minutes 081997Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
August 19, 1997
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 5:46 P.M., August 19, 1997 in the Council Chambers,
Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Roll Call
Commissioner Fehlner was absent.
Staff Present
Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
George Harrison requested to add a color modification on Lot 11, Block 5, Wildwood
Townhomes, as item B to the Consent Agenda.
Conflicts of Interest
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the August 5, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
B. Lot 11, Block 5, Wildwood Townhouse - Color Modification
Project Type: Color Modification
Property Owner / Applicant: Dave Baton
Address: 1011 W. Wildridge Road
cAserve r\p&z\m i n utes\1997\081997m i n.doc
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 2
Commissioner Dantas moved to table Item B of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Schneider
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve Item A of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Stanley
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Concept Review
A. Roundabout Design
George Harrison summarized the staff report. He said the expected completion of the round
abouts was the end of October, and that the streetscape improvements would follow in 1998.
Mark Donaldson made a brief summary to the Commission and introduced George Perce.
George Pierce used a colored site plan to describe the project.
Mr. Pierce noted the following:
• Flagpoles will be used at the entrance of I-70.
• Raised stone walls will be constructed for landscaping.
• Evergreens and aspens will be planted in the roundabout islands.
• Landscaping will help eliminate jay walking on Beaver Creek Blvd.
• Sculptures and a water feature will be added to the islands.
The Commission suggested the following:
• Additional trees should be added to the round about island.
• Irrigation system should be designed for water conservation.
• Remove the sculptures from the center of the round abouts.
• Eliminate or move the pedestrian sidewalks away from Avon Road.
• Consider wildlife statues instead of people statues.
• Consider maintenance issues regarding the landscape (i.e. perennials instead of annuals).
• Remove the Beaver Creek logo from the Highway 6 entrance.
• Eliminate the walk up feature into the Beaver Creek Blvd. round about.
• Relocate the seating and trash bins from the center of the round abouts.
Norm Wood, Town Engineer, explained the following:
• A full evaluation will be completed in a few weeks regarding the construction schedule.
• Construction was currently on schedule.
• Snowplows will be available during snowfall for street maintenance.
• The Town is trying to get permanent approval for the crossing of West Beaver Creek Blvd
through the railroad easement. This access is scheduled to close on November 1, 1997.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 3
B. Lot 34, Block 4, Wildridge - P. P. & B. Residence
Project Type: Single Family Residence
Property Owner: P. P. & B., Inc.
Applicant: Michael A. Hazard, AIA
Address: 5081 East Wildridge Road
George Harrison stated that the applicant has withdrawn his application until the September 2,
1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting.
Mr. Harrison said the applicant would present a model and color rendering board at that time.
Material samples were on site for review.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 42, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Chicco-Benson Duplex
Project Type: Modification from single driveway to dual driveway
Property Owner: Chicco and Benson
Applicant: The Reynolds Corporation
Address: 3121 Wildridge Road
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation to the Commission. He said the applicant was not
present at this time.
Commissioner Evans asked if a CO (Certificate of Occupancy) was issued. Mr. Matzko said
Commissioner Stanley asked about the encroachment on the property. Mr. Matzko said the
encroachment was on the order of one to two feet over the property line.
Chairperson Karow asked if the encroachment became the Town's property.
Commissioner Evans said he was against this application because of safety concerns and poor
planning. He also stated that there was no turn around radius for the driveway, which would
cause the cars to back up on to Wildridge Road.
Commissioner Dantas asked that this application be brought back for further discussion and
requested that the actual size of the encroachment be discussed as well.
Commissioner Railton requested that Buz Reynolds, Jr. should be present for discussion
regarding this application.
Commissioner Railton moved to table the proposed design modification from a single driveway
access to a dual driveway access for the duplex located on Lot 42, Block 2, Wildridge
Subdivision, as depicted on the application and plan set dated August 14, 1997.
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Multi -Family Residence
Property Owner/ Applicant: JMB Enterprises, Inc.
Applicant/ Consultant: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 4
Address: 2000 Wildridge Road
Karen Griffith introduced the project to the Commission.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the revised plans.
Using a site plan, model and color rendering board, Mark Donaldson briefly summarized the
• Exceptional and unique building site.
• Access to the site conformed to the maximum slope guidelines.
• Colors for the project would consist of "native colors" in the Wildridge area.
• Landscape revisions to be brought back for Commission review and approval.
• Concerns regarding the steep grade along the Wildridge Road area.
• View corridor for seven out of ten units.
• Building A was a 3-plex, two stories with a walkout basement.
• Building B was a 4-plex two-story building.
• Building C was a 3-plex, two stories with a walkout basement.
Mr. Donaldson discussed the colors and materials for the project. Building A and C have
identical color patterns.
Ms. Griffith asked for clarification regarding staff's reduced site plans, (11x17), dated August
14, 1997 and the current 11x17 plans Mr. Donaldson presented to the Commission.
Ms. Griffith stated that staff had not had a chance to review the revised site plans. She said the
applicants presented the plans to her just prior to the meeting.
Commissioner Railton commented on the following: the wall trim above the garage doors, the
windows located on the upper level units (farm house style and conventional style) and defined
the landscaping in front of the entrances to avoid double car parking.
Commissioner Dantas suggested changing the double paned windows to single paned windows
in the upper units, and expressed concern about the double car parking behind the garage doors.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the snow storage area.
Ms. Griffith stated that staff had not had the opportunity reviewed the revised snow storage
plans, since they were just submitted at the meeting.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the review of the site plan regarding the snow storage and
trash bin areas.
Commissioner Evans asked about the southern driveway access. Mr. Donaldson said the access
had been moved about 30 feet, and that the Town Engineer had reviewed the design.
Ms. Griffith reiterated that staff did not review the revised plans, nor have they received
comments from the Town Engineer regarding the driveway access.
Chairperson Karow commented on the following: driveway back up space, lighting cut sheets,
code issues regarding guest parking, and the horizontal windows.
Commissioner Railton suggested that car parking in the garages be written in the Covenants and
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 5
Commissioner Railton asked the applicant to describe the back up space for Building A.
Commissioner Evans discussed the number of parking spaces for the project and stated that the
parking issue was not a problem, that there was adequate parking spaces allotted for this project.
Commissioner Stanley said she did not have any issue with the parking, but questioned the
proposed lighting.
Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for a ten -unit multi -family project on Lot
1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on plans dated received August 14, 1997 with the
following conditions:
1. Snow storage areas be designated outside of the ten foot slope maintenance and snow storage
2. Final driveway location to be approved by the Town Engineer.
3. Signs shall be moved outside of the 10 -foot sign setback.
4. Back up area of all parking spaces shall meet Town Standards, subject to staff approval.
5. Specify type of wood for horizontal siding and wood trim.
6. The Covenants shall state that "cars shall occupy the garage area."
7. Exterior light fixtures, except for the recessed canned lights, shall be subject to staff
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Railton
Final Design and Public Hearing
A. Lot 5, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision - Viola Duplex
Project Type: Residential Duplex and Add a 6 -foot high retaining wall
in front yard setback.
Property Owner/ Applicant: Charlie Viola
Consultant: Ron Diehl
Address: 5774 East Wildridge Road
George Harrison gave an overview of the proposed variance and final design.
The Commission asked the following questions about the Variance:
Commissioner Schneider asked if the Public Notices were mailed and posted. Mr. Harrison said
Commissioner Evans asked about staff's conditions regarding approval for the colors and
Ron Diehl, applicant, said he agreed with staff's conditions and recommendations.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 6
Chairperson Karow opened the Public Hearing for the Variance, and seeing no one; he closed the
Public Hearing and opened for Commission review.
Commissioner Railton said she did not have any comments at this time.
Commissioner Dantas stated for the record that he disagreed with approving any applications for
Variances, "period"!
Commissioner Schneider asked if the retaining walls could be stepped down.
Mr. Harrison said he did not have engineered plans at this time.
Commissioner Stanley asked why the retaining wall was not stepped down from the foundation.
Commissioner Evans said he did not have any comments on the Variance at this time.
Chairperson Karow commented on the retaining wall and the steep grades located on the
backside of the property and discussed elevations, number A5, on the site plan.
Commissioner Stanley moved to approve Planning & Zoning Commission Resolution 97-9,
granting a variance for Lot 5, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision to place structural retaining walls
in the front yard setback only, as depicted in the plans dated "Received" July 30, 1997, based
upon findings A., B., C.1, C.2, & C.3 with the following condition:
1. That this grant of variance does not include the request for relief for structural retaining walls
behind the structure in the side yard setbacks.
2. That no structural retaining walls shall exceed 6 feet in height within any setback with the
exception of the rear walls in the side yard setback.
Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Design Review
Questions were asked regarding the final Design Review.
Commissioner Evans asked about the mud room and rear elevations and requested to review the
color chart.
Commissioner Stanley asked if the applicant agreed with staff's recommendations. Mr. Diehl
said "yes".
Commissioner's Schneider and Dantas said they did not have any comments at this time.
Commissioner Railton said she agreed with staff's comments and stated that landscaping "makes
the building stand out".
Chairperson Karow commented on the north and south side elevations regarding the stucco and
asked if the applicant if he agreed with staff's comments and recommendations.
Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the Final Design of a duplex on Lot 5, Block 4,
Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on the plans dated "Received" July 30, 1997, with the
following conditions:
1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 7
2. All meters will be placed upon the building.
3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
4. During construction, a 2" deep gravel base of 3/4"aggregate shall be applied to the first 20'of
the driveway, and shall remain until the driveway is paved.
5. Revised driveway grades be provided at the time of building permit submittal.
6. Exterior light fixtures that minimize off-site glare be presented for staff review.
7. The driveway shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide.
8. Staff shall approve retaining walls in the rear and side yard setbacks.
Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business
Sunridge Condominiums - Storage Shed
Karen Griffith updated the Commission regarding the proposed storage shed in Sunridge
This project was tabled at the July 1, 1997 meeting.
The applicants had since provided a letter dated August 11, 1997, stating that they wanted to
incorporate the shed into their overall site improvements, to be determined by the Homeowners
Association board later this year, with actual construction next summer.
Commissioner Evans reiterated that the storage shed was placed without the Commission's
Commissioner Evans recommended that a motion be made to deny the storage shed.
Ms. Griffith contacted John Dunn, Town Attorney, by telephone, to confirm that the
Commission could act upon this project at this meeting. Mr. Dunn said that the Commission
could proceed with action on the matter.
Mr. Matzko asked the Commission to extend the review process for two weeks.
Commissioner Evans moved to deny final design approval for the storage shed at Sunridge
Condominiums, Phase I, based upon Design Review Consideration #1, #2, #5 and #6.
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The Motion passed four votes to two votes with
Commissioner's Railton and Stanley opposing.
Consultant Review - Paul Zucker
Paul Zucker, planning consultant, made a brief presentation and asked the Commission members
if he could interview them on Thursday, August 21, 1997.
Continuation for other Business
1. Conference in Telluride, October 2"d. — 4`h. Budget would be for one Commission member.
Staff agreed to discuss this during the next meeting, September 2, 1997.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1997, page 8
2. Discussion regarding times for the site tour and Commission meetings.
3. Suggestion to do snacks instead of dinner to save money.
4. Request to change the times for the Commission meeting to start at 6:00 p.m., starting the
first week in October.
5. Suggestion to schedule time limits for presentations.
6. Follow up regarding dual driveways on Lot 42, Block 2, Wildridge.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Evans seconded
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas �Ij4d
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karol
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley