PZC Minutes 080597Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 5, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 5:37 p.m., August 5, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith requested to add Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision as Item C to the Consent Agenda. Karen Griffith recommended that Item A of the Public Hearing be tabled until the August 19, 1997 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Schneider declared a conflict of interest for Lot 46, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Fehlner declared a conflict of interest for Lot 2, Eaglewood Subdivision. \\sysop\server\p&z\minutes\1997\080597min.doc Consent Agenda A. Approval of the July 15, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 1, Brookside Park Subdivision, Phase I Project Type: Final Design modification for fence Property Owner: Riverside Park, LLC Applicant: Terri Ann Giandomenico Address: 37333 Highway 6 C. Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Final Colors and Materials Modification Property Owner / Applicant: Phil Theriault Address: 1080 W. Wildridge Road Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with the following changes to Item A, removal of the last sentence in paragraph 11 on page 4. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Concept Review A. Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Rocking Horse Ridge Project Type: 10 Unit Townhomes Property Owner / Applicant: JMB Enterprises, Inc. Consultant: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Address: 2000 Wildridge Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Mark Donaldson, Architect, made a brief presentation and commented on the following items: • Focusing on the west side property line for additional landscaping and irrigation. • Split rail fence to be added along the east side property line. • The turn around radius has been revised. • Gravel border treatment in place of landscaping. Commission stated the following concerns and suggestions: • Concerns regarding the tandem parking in front of the garages. • Suggestion to add a berm along Wildridge Road East. • Suggestion to keep the roof materials and trim the same color. • Concerns were expressed regarding the dual driveways. For safety reasons, suggestion was made to change to only one driveway. 2 • Color board submittal and review. • Concerns regarding the grading by the corners of the building. • Concerns regarding the massing of the garages and the flat roofs. • Concerns with the southern most entrance to the lot and the steepness of the curve. No formal action was taken. Final Design Review A. Lot 46, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Schneider Residence Project Type: Single Family Residence Property Owner/ Applicant: Glorie Schneider Consultant: James A. Bryan, Architect Address: 4765 W. Wildridge Road George Harrison briefly summarized the staff report, with recommendations for approval. Commissioner Stanley asked about the ILC (Improvement Location Certificate) requirement. Mr. Harrison said this would be part of the standard review process for the building permit. James Bryan declined to do a presentation and responded to Commission's questions. Commissioner Railton said she was concerned about the steep slopes and staff s recommendation to add the stone treatment around the base of the building. She suggested leaving the stone treatment off and emphasizing the bands around the building instead. Mr. Bryan discussed the stone entryway and the stone chimney. Commissioner Railton asked if a color board was available for review. Mr. Bryan said "yes" and presented a color board and material samples to the Commission. Commissioner Railton suggested additional landscaping be added to the project. Commissioner Dantas stated for the record that the Commission was "picking" apart the applicants design. He suggested that the application b e approved, that the house looked great and did not need additional stone work. Commissioner Stanley said she agreed with the stone work, but did not agree with the treatment added around the house. She suggested addition al landscaping be added and asked about the lighting cut sheets. Commissioner Stanley said the project appeared to conform to the most of the guidelines. Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Dantas, (to a certain extent). He said the design was "good as it stands" and that the applicant should decide whether or not to apply the recommendation for the stone work. Commissioner Evans commented on the landscaping and suggested that adult size trees be added to the sides of the house, (a four-sided approach to the project). Commissioner Fehlner asked for a definition regarding the "detail of stucco to grade". Mr. Bryan said the stucco was not going below grade. 3 Commissioner Fehlner commented on the stone treatment, exposed foundations and landscaping. Chairperson Karow said this was an acceptable project and that it conformed to the Design Review Guidelines. He suggested a "more suitable" landscape plan. Commissioner Railton commented on the site disturbance limit in the Wildridge area and asked the Commission to recognize this problem. Commissioner Fehlner asked if a fence was required. Steve Hodges said "yes", a fence (erosion control) was required for all construction sites. Mr. Harrison announced he did not have lighting cut sheet at this time. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the Final Design of the residence for Lot 46, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" July 23, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 2. All meters will be placed upon the building. 3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 4. During construction, a 2" deep gravel base of 3/4"aggregate shall be applied to the first 20'of the driveway, and shall remain until the driveway is paved. 5. The driveway be a minimum of 12 feet in width. 6. 8 Aspens or Spruce trees to be 6 feet or 2 inches in caliper with 8 five -gallon shrubs be approved by staff. 7. Staff approval for lighting cut sheets. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Schneider abstaining. B. Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision—Reynolds Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/ Applicant: Buzz Reynolds, Jr. Consultant: Greg Christman Address: 2550 Old Trail Road Karen Griffith briefly summarized the staff report with recommendations for approval. Commissioner Evans asked about the roof pitch. Ms. Griffith said the roof pitch was not labeled on the plans. However, the lower roof would be changed to a 5/12 pitch. Commissioner Schneider asked about the building height limitations. Ms. Griffith said the building height was over by one just foot. Greg Christman used a site plan to describe the existing grades and measurements. (From grade to building height). Mr. Christman presented plant samples, color and material board to the staff and Commission. Commissioner Railton said the use of the site was appealing. Commissioner Dantas asked about the 9.5% driveway grade. Mr. Christman said the entrance of the driveway was 4.5% grade, gradually increasing to a 9.5% grade. 11 Commissioner Dantas said he thought the driveway grade was limited to 8 5%. Mr. Griffith said the driveway grade calculations were 8% for multi family, 10% for single family and duplex residences. Mr. Christman said there was a walk out basement for one of the units. Commissioner Schneider asked about the staggered walls. Mr. Christman said the walls would be less than four feet. Commissioner Stanley asked the applicant if he understood staff's recommendations. Mr. Christman said "yes". Commissioner Evans suggested additional landscaping on the north side of the building. He asked about the two parking spaces per unit. Mr. Christman said the two spaces were for guest parking. Commissioner Evans commented on the colors for the duplex and suggested a darker shade of green. Commissioner Fehlner said the duplex was acceptable and compatible with the site. She said the colors were not compatible with the other structures in the Wildridge area. Chairperson Karow asked if the applicant understood staff's recommendations. Mr. Christman said "yes". Commissioner Schneider asked why there were no additional windows on the north side elevation. Mr. Christman said it was a lack of direct sunlight. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve the duplex design for Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated received July 22, 1997with the following conditions: 1. Final engineering to be approved by staff. Town Engineer's comments shall be addressed with Building Permit submittal. 2. The building plans shall be revised to conform to the 35 -foot maximum building height. 3. Retaining walls in setbacks shall not exceed 4 feet in height. Top of wall and bottom of wall elevations be provided to document wall height. 4. A minimum of four trees, two deciduous and two coniferous be planted on the north side of the building. 5. Area of snow storage listed on plan be corrected to document that snow storage exceeds 20 percent paved area. 6. List type of wood siding. 7. An improvement location certificate shall be provided at time of framing to document that building height does not exceed 35 feet. 8. Cultured stone treatment be continued around the base of the duplex. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Dantas opposing. C. Lot 4, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Douglas/Struve Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Doug Douglas Applicant: David Peel, Peel/Langenwalter Architects, LLC. Address: 5780 East Wildridge Road George Harrison briefly summarized the staff report. David Peel, Representative for Doug Douglas and Architect for Langenwalter Architects, addressed the four conditions outlined in the staff report: • 40% slope in the front setback and 30% for the building envelope. • Construction of the project with little site disturbance. • 4% driveway turn -around area. Mr. Peel presented and described the color board, photographs, roof and material samples to the Commission. Commissioner Railton said she did not have any comments at this time. Commissioner Dantas said this project was mirror -imaged. Commissioner Schneider said he had concerns regarding the "mirror-image" and agreed with staff s comments and reviews regarding the project. Mr. Harrison explained the following reasons why this project was not mirror -imaged: the gabled ends and one unit longer than the other, however, portion of the site and the garages appeared to be the same. Staff felt that there was enough variety, which did not constitute a mirror image. Mr. Peel said the driveway grades were at 4% to 10% allowing the boulder walls to be four feet in height. Commissioner Stanley commented on the drip lines above the entryways and said the project conformed to the Design Review Guidelines. Commissioner Evans said the project conformed to most of the Design Review Guidelines and the landscaping plan was acceptable. He said he was concerned about the mirror image of the project and referred to Design Review Guideline number 5. Commissioner Fehlner said most of her comments were addressed. She described this project as a "31)" image rather than mirror image. Chairperson Karow commented on the following: the window located in the northeast elevation and mirror image. Commissioner Railton commented on the landscape plan regarding the caliper sizes for the trees and suggested planting a variety and/or clumps. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the Final Design of the residence for Lot 4, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" July 28, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 2. All meters will be placed upon the building. 3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 4. During construction, a 2" deep gravel base of 3/4"aggregate shall be applied to the first 20'of the driveway, and shall remain until the driveway is paved. 5. Aspen trees met the Town standards and not to be less than 2 -inch in caliper. Gol 6. Staff approve light fixtures. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Evans opposing. D. Lot 2, Tract W, Eaglewood Subdivision — The Lodge at Brookside Project Type: Landscape/Irrigation Modification Property Owner: Resort Concepts Applicant: Vail Architecture Group Address: 37333 Highway 6 & 24 Karen Griffith read from the staff report. There were two purposes for this application: (1) replace the trees (one Spruce and two Cottonwoods) that were accidentally removed from the site and (2) removing the seven old Cottonwood trees along the ditch and replacing them with additional trees. The applicants were requesting that the grading plans be modified to provide a gradual slope from the building to the trail. Commissioner Schneider asked about the sizes of the two large Cottonwood trees. The proposed sizes were 4 large Spruce trees and numerous 4 -inch caliper Cottonwood trees. Tab Bonidy, Vail Architecture Group, commented on the following: location for the proposed Cottonwood trees, replacement of seven Cottonwood trees and modification of grade from a 2 to 1 slope to 3 and 1 / 4 to 1 slope from the backside of the building to the path. Mr. Bonidy suggested changing the 5 -gallon containers to numerous 1 -gallon containers for all shrubs. This would increase the density and appearance for the site. Commissioner Railton said she agreed with the comments made by Mr. Bonidy. Commissioner Dantas said he did not have any comments at this time. Commissioner Schneider said he did not have any comments at this time. Commissioner Stanley asked about the container sizes for the shrubs. Ms. Griffith said she did not have a problem with this. Commissioner Evans said he did not have a problem with the 1 -gallon size containers. He mentioned the trees that were included in the PUD. Mr. Bonidy replied that because of the open ditch, the trees were a liability. Commissioner Evans said he agreed and reiterated the PUD process regarding the trees and the site. Chairperson Karow asked where the drainage area for lodge was located. Mr. Bonidy described the area by using a site plan. Mr. Bonidy said an irrigation system (drip or spray) would be added for the new Cottonwood trees. 7 Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve the landscape modification for Lot 2, Brookside Park Subdivision, as described in the application materials dated July 22, 1997 with the following conditions. 1. Planting chart be revised to meet Town's minimum planting size of 2 inches for all deciduous trees. 2. A formal grading plan be submitted for staff approval. Plan shall include final alignment of trail. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Fehlner abstaining. E. Phase II, Lot 20, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Vedder Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/ Applicant: Brian Vedder Address: 4220 W. Wildwood Road George Harrison read from the staff report. The following was discussed: this application was the "second half' of a previously approved Final Design, the applicant requested a modification in October 1996, the applicant was requesting Final Design approval for the northern unit, notation regarding the access to the driveway mentioned by the Fire Department. Additional notations were made regarding a future glass enclosure located by the rear patio, which was not part of this approval. Staff has not review the glass enclosure for the patio at this time. The garage has an unimproved access on the East Side that will only be used for the boat. This will not be a full time driveway. Commissioner Fehlner asked about the glass enclosure. Mr. Harrison said that a full review had not been completed. Commissioner Schneider asked if a TCO or CO has been issued for Phase I at this time. Mr. Harrison said "no". Brian Vedder, Applicant, said that due to a financial situation, the project was completed a two phases. He said he was prepared to do a modification to add the glass patio enclosure in the near future. Commissioner Railton said she did not have any questions at this time. Commissioner Dantas stated that this project did not need further discussion. Commissioner Schneider asked if the retaining wall would be seeded /landscaped. Mr. Vedder said "yes". Commissioner Stanley said she did not have any questions at this time. Commissioner Evans asked staff about the roofing material. Commissioner Fehlner did not have any comments at this time. Chairperson Karow said the project met the Design Review Criteria. Mr. Vedder discussed the surface material for the East -side garage access and suggested grass with an irrigation system. He reiterated that this access would be strictly used for his boat. Steve Hodges mentioned the recommendation that was made to the Town Council regarding the changes to the Municipal Codes. He said this change would make this type of use illegal (driveway not paved as a place to drive a car or trailer). Mr. Harrison reiterated the applicants intended use for the garage. Commissioner Dantas asked if this issue could be addressed in the Party Wall Agreement. Mr. Harrison said the Party Wall Agreement was established by developer and agreed upon by the owners. Commissioner Schneider suggested small gravel for the East garage access. Motion Commissioner Schneider moved to approve the Final Design of the residence for Lot 20, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" July 15, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 2. All meters will be placed upon the building. 3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 4. Staff approval for required surface material for the East driveway entrance. 5. Glass roof be reviewed and approved at a later date. Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing A. Lot 5, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Variance Project Type: Add a 6 foot high retaining wall in frontyard setback Property Owner/ Applicant: Charlie Viola Consultant: Ron Diehl Address: 5774 East Wildridge Road (NOTE: Recommended tabled) Staff recommended this project be tabled until August 19, 1997 Planing and Zoning Commission Meeting. Chairperson Karow opened Public Hearing, seeing no one, he moved Public Hearing to the August 19, 1997 meeting. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to table the Variance application for Lot 5, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision and continue at the August 19, 1997 Planing and Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6 Other Business A. Lot 46, Block 2, Lakeside Terrace • Clarification of July 15, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation. Karen Griffith read from the memorandum, dated August 1, 1997. She said that during July 15, 1997 meeting the PUD rezoning failed to be approved by a vote of four to three and was presented to the Town Council as a first reading July 29, 1997 as Ordinance 97-8. Ms. Griffith referred to a PUD analysis included in their memo and asked for the Commissioners comments. Ms. Griffith presented a letter from Deutsch, Spillane & Reutzel, P.C., dated August 5, 1997 regarding Lakeside Terrace. Mike Matzko summarized staff s understanding of Commissions action at the July 15, 1997 meeting and asked for clarification regarding the PUD development plans. • The project was approved during Final Design Review and met all the Design Review Criteria. Chairperson Karow said this was correct and suggested that staff asks the other Commission members to comment. Commissioner Fehlner asked for a definition on Final Design Review approval. Mr. Matzko explained that a PUD Development Plan or a Final Development Plan for a PUD was the "nuts and bolts" of the PUD zone district. Final Design Review essentially incorporates the review of a PUD development plan. Commissioner Stanley said she did not have any further comments on the project. Chairperson Karow said there was consensus from the Commission on: • The design of the building. • The site plan. • The elevations and floor plans. All these were approved prior to this meeting. The main focus stated from the Commission was the "use "of the property. Mike Matzko stated staff s understanding was that Commission chose not to revisit the property as part of the PUD. Chairperson Karow said he agreed. Commissioner Evans reiterated that the previous timeshare application by Falcon Point was originally denied based on the height of the building. In contrast, Final Design of this building was not opposed by the neighboring properties. Mr. Matzko stated that there were no other concerns for the parking and traffic. Commissioner Railton said "yes". Commissioner Stanley reiterated members of the public thought a study should be done. 10 Commissioner Fehlner said that the public regarding the traffic and parking studies deserved a certain amount of attention from the comments from the Commission. Commissioner Schneider said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner. Commissioner Evans said this was not a vote for denial. Mr. Matzko said he understood that, and wanted to accurately convey the Commissions feelings to the Council. Chairperson Karow said that the project met all the Design Review Criteria, which included the parking. He also said the project conformed to the zoning codes and met the criteria to change the zoning. Mr. Matzko asked the Commission that if the parking issues were resolved, would the Commissioners that voted against this application not oppose Council's approval. Commissioner's Evans, Fehlner, Railton and Schneider said "yes". Commissioner Evans reiterated that this was a parking issue, not an issue of the applicant not meeting the Design Review Guidelines, the Zoning Guidelines or the "nuts and bolts" of the application. Harvey Duetsch, Attorney, made a brief presentation to the Commission. He said that the applicant has reached a series of agreements. The major concerns were the traffic during marketing. He said that a shuttle bus would pick up the prospective purchasers and bring them to the site, this would help minimize any parking problems. He said the parking lot was for the tenants and owners only. Mr. Duetsch discussed the letter from Larry Doll dated August 3, 1997 regarding a parking survey for timeshare units in the Vail Valley. Staff thanked the Commission and said they would forward their comments to the Council. B. Consultant Review • Paul Zucker, Planning Management Consultant will be here August 19th through the 21St C. Staff approval for Lot 5-16, Block 3, Eaglebend Subdivision • Replacement of existing retaining walls and steps. Mike Matzko announced a staff approval for replacing the existing retaining walls and steps. D. Base Mountain Sports • Tenant Sign Steve Hodges announced that he had an application for a tenant sign. Chairperson Karow said the applicant needed approval from the owner of the building before work could commence. He also said the applicant needed to comply with the Master Sign Program. Mr. Hodges said the sign application was in conformance with the Sign Codes. Commissioner Fehlner and Chairperson Karow said they have a conflict of interest with this project. 11 Adjourn Fehlner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Evans seconded the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Recording Secretary Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schr Beth Stanley 12