PZC Minutes 100797Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 7, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:05 p.m., October 7, 1997 in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Mike Dantas Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Commissioner Evans was absent. Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Additions and Amendments to the Agenda None Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Railton declared a conflict of interest on Item F of Final Design Review. Commissioner Schneider declared a conflict of interest on Item B of the Consent Agenda and Item C of Final Design Review. A brief discussion followed regarding Commissioner Schneider's stated intention to represent himself before the board. Commissioner Schneider explained that he was declaring a conflict of interest because this was his own residence. He also stated that he had discussed the matter with the Town Attorney, John Dunn, who told him that Mr. Schneider could legally present his project to the board. Mr. Matzko stated that staff did not question the legality of Mr. Schneider representing his project before the Commission, but that it was an ethical matter, and that the Commission practice had been to not allow members to present their own project. Further discussion followed regarding the "legal and ethical bases" for Commissioner Schneider presenting his own project. j : \p&z\minutes\ 1997\ 100797. d o c Commissioner Stanley declared a conflict of interest on Item C of the Final Design Review. Chairperson Karow declared a conflict of interest on Item E of the Final Design Review. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the September 16, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 77, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision—Cuny/Schelde Duplex Project Type: Color Modification Property Owner/ Applicant: Rick Cuny and Mark Schelde Address: 5685 East Wildridge Road Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Schneider abstaining. Concept Review A Lot 1, 2 & 3 Block 1, Wildwood Resort Project Type: PUD Amendment Property Owner: Tanovon Corporation Applicant/Consultant: Design Workshop Address: 110, 120, and 130 Buck Creek Road Karen Griffith summarized the staff report and explained that this project would amend the PUD, which was originally known as a "specialty planned area". Pedro Campos, Design Workshop, briefly discussed the following items: • Concept plans for three lots on the north side of Nottingham Road and on the east side of Buck Creek Road. • Environmental impacts and parking spaces. • Location of the proposed building on the site to increase open space. • Redesign Building 1 on Lot 2 to reduce the site disturbance. Concerns and comments made by the Commission were as followed: • The project's conformance to the Master Plan. • Review the proposed building site to the wetland/tree areas on the site plan. • Review the parking lots on Buck Creek Road. • Review the wildlife impact study. • Concerns regarding traffic flow on Nottingham Road from Lot 2. • Allow access to the lots from Buck Creek Road. • Limit the use of access from Nottingham Road. 1) • Redesign the landscape plan to minimize the visual impacts from I-70. • Concerns regarding the parking structure for the residential units. No formal action was taken. Final Design Review A. Lot 80, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — The Enclave II Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Tanavon Corp. Applicant: Ray Nielsen Address: 5711 E. Wildridge Road George Harrison summarized the staff report. He said the Town Engineer approved the revised site plan and that the building height was 34.5 feet. Mr. Harrison presented a lighting cut sheet to the Commission. Ray Nielsen, applicant, said he did not have any comments at this time and was ready for Commission review. Commissioner Fehlner asked the applicant if he had a color rendering board. Mr. Nielsen said "yes". She said that the project met all of the Design Review Guidelines. Commissioner Stanley clarified that an ILC would be required to verify the building height prior to framing. She also said the project met all the Design Review Guidelines. Commissioner Schneider asked where the building height was measured. Mr. Harrison said from the most northern unit of the project. Commissioner Dantas asked about dual driveways. Commissioner Railton said she did not have any comments at this time. Chairperson Karow said the project met all the Design Review Guidelines. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Final Design for a duplex on Lot 80, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on the application and plan set dated October 1, 1997. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Lot 9, Block 1, Wildridge — Sage Hill Project Type: Residential Four Plex Property Owner: Tanavon Corporation Applicant: Ray Nielsen Address: 3062 Wildridge Road Mr. Harrison summarized the staff report. He said the site plan still needed a technical review by staff, but applicant had completed all revisions, suggested by staff. 3 Commissioner Stanley asked about the overhangs by the easement. Mr. Harrison said the overhangs were on the setback lines and not encroaching. Ray Nielsen, applicant, described the style of his building as compact. He said he had a color rendering board and lighting cut sheets for review. Commissioner Fehlner, Commissioner Stanley, and Commissioner Schneider said they did not have any comments at this time. Commissioner Dantas discussed the design and elevations of the proposed building. Commissioner Railton discussed the landscaping plan. Chairperson Karow said the project met all the Design Review Criteria. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Final Design for a four-plex on Lot 9, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on the application and plan set dated received October 1, 1997, subject to staff review and approval of revised grading and drainage plans. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. C. Lot 19, Block 4, Subdivision Wildridge—Schneider Residence Project Type: Single Family Residence Property Owner/ Applicant: Michael Schneider Consultant/Architect: J. Scott Designs Address: 5566 Coyote Ridge Karen Griffith requested that this project be tabled to the next Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting on October 21, 1997. Motion Commissioner Fehlner moved to table Final Design for the single family residence on Lot 19, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated September 22, 1997 based upon the Commission was not able to change their procedures regarding Commissioners presenting their own projects. The project was tabled to the October 21, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioners Stanley and Commissioner Schneider abstaining. D. Lot 26, Block 2, Subdivision Wildridge — Roth Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/ Applicant: Mike Roth Consultant/Architect: Dale Smith Address: 2710 Old Trail Road Karen Griffith summarized the staff report. She noted that the neighbor has landscaped onto this property. The grading plans for the driveway still needed some work. The east unit might have some drainage problems. Ms. Griffith said a revised grading and drainage plan was required prior to a building permit. .19 A lighting cut sheet was presented to the Commission. Mike Roth, applicant, presented a color rendering board to the Commission. He discussed the landscape encroachment and said that his neighbor has removed most of the plants. Commissioner Fehlner said the project met all the Design Review Criteria and asked about the underground foundation walls for "a duplex". Ms. Griffith said there would be a fire wall separation between the units. Commissioner Stanley commented on the amount of sage being removed from the property. Mr. Roth said the sage would be transplanted. She discussed the type of lights that were depicted on the lighting cut sheets. Commissioner Schneider commented on the east unit deck. Commissioner Railton asked that accurate drawings of the building be submitted for review. Commissioner Dantas said the post for the decks might be on the structural drawing. Commissioner Railton asked about the stone application shown on the elevation drawing. Mr. Roth said they were located by the front door. 2 x 6 cedar -stained trim would be used around the windows. 2 x 2 redwood picket style railings will be used for the decks. The roofline will be flush with the fascia board. Commissioner Railton said she was concerned about the landscape plan. She suggested that the trees be clumped together and asked that the plans be brought back for review. Chairperson Karow asked about the exterior finishes regarding the stone and stucco. Mr. Roth said the doorframes, window trims and railings would be stained. Commissioner Karow suggested that an accurate color board be presented for review. He also commented on the landscape plans, the irrigation systems and lighting plans. Mr. Roth said the landscape plan could be revised and that the irrigation system was an automatic drip system. Commissioner Fehlner said that most of the details for the project were outlined in the site plan. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for a residential duplex on Lot 26, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on plans dated received September 22, 1997, subject to final grading and drainage being reviewed and approved by staff prior to issuance of building permit, and with the following conditions: 1. Staff approval for the railings on the west unit. 2. Submit building color materials for approval. 3. Submit color materials, manufacture numbers and labels for approval. 4. Submit a revised landscape plan. 5. Staff approval for the light fixtures. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. E. Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Southwest/Grow Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Southwest Builders and Steven M. Grow Applicant: John Perkins, JMP Architects, Inc. Address: 2177 Saddleridge Loop Secretary Railton spoke on behalf for Chairperson Karow, who abstained, and Vice Chairperson Evans, who was absent. Karen Griffith summarized the staff report. The applicant has submitted revised site plans to the staff that has addressed most of the issues outlined in the staff report. A color render board and lighting cut sheet was available for review. Commissioner Dantas asked about the retaining walls located in the setbacks. Ms. Griffith said the retaining wall was less than four feet in height, which was not considered to be a structure. John Perkins, represented Clay Campbell for Southwest Builders, said he did not have any problems with staff s conditions. He used a site plan to describe the driveway entrance. Commissioner Fehlner said she did not have any comments, that the project met all the Design Review .Criteria. Commissioner Stanley asked about exterior lights. Commissioner Schneider asked about the height of the building and the percentage of grading on the lot. Commissioner Dantas and Secretary Railton said they did not have any comments at this time. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for a residential duplex on Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on plans dated received October 6, 1997, subject to the following conditions: 1. Final grading and drainage to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Retaining walls in setbacks shall not exceed 4 feet in height. 3. At a minimum, all disturbed areas shall be re -vegetated with sage, grasses, and wildflowers. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Chairperson Karow abstaining. F. Lot 17, Block 2, Eaglebend Subdivision — Bailey Addition Project Type: New Carport and Reconfiguration of Driveway Property Owner: Jeff Bailey Applicant: John Railton Address: 5221 Eaglebend Drive George Harrison summarized the staff report. Staff said they agreed with the revised driveway grades and proposed changes. John Railton, applicant, explained the new carport and reconfigurations of the driveway. n Commissioner Fehlner said she agreed with the solution for such a difficult site. She was concerned about the engineered post lattice used as guardrails for the cars. Commissioner Stanley, Commissioner Schneider and Commissioner Dantas said they did not have any comments at this time. Chairperson Karow said this project met all the Design Review Criteria. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the proposed carport addition for Lot 17, Block 2, Eagiebend Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated September 22, 1997, with the following condition: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Railton abstaining. G. Tract G, Benchmark at Beaver Creek — Town of Avon Pump House Project Type: New Building to House Pumps and Provide Storage Property Owner: Town of Avon Applicant: Mark Donaldson Address: 200 Benchmark Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Stanley asked why the pump house would store the park equipment. Mark Donaldson, applicant, explained the need for the storage of equipment. He presented a color sample board to the Commission. Commissioner Fehlner asked if the public would still have access to the lake by the new pump house. Mr. Donaldson said "yes". Commissioner Stanley said she was concerned about storing maintenance equipment in the new pump house building. She was concerned about the size of the building. Commissioner Schneider asked about the structure of the building. Commissioner Dantas asked about the cedar shingles. He suggested that the Town of Avon use a less expensive shingle. Mr. Donaldson said the cedar shingles were being used because of the environmental settings and the suggestions made by the Fire Department. Commissioner Dantas said the cedar shingles were very expensive. Commissioner Railton asked about a ramp entrance into the lake for the water equipment. Chairperson Karow asked about the size of the building. Mr. Donaldson used a site plan to describe the size increase of the proposed building. Commissioner Stanley commented that the proposed building would be increase 8 times from the normal size. 7 Chairperson Karow commented on the cost of the cedar shingle and suggested asphalt shingle instead; this would save the taxpayer some money. Numerous motions were made and failed. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for the Nottingham Park Pump house remodel, as depicted on the application and plan set dated September 23, 1997, subject to the following condition: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Stanley opposing. Public Hearing None Scheduled Other Business The following comments were made: 1. Sidewalks for Avon Elementary School should be improved. 2. Color on Bus Stop Shed in Wildridge, near Wildwood Road — was it approved? 3. Landscaping Swift Gulch and Public Works area — when will it be completed? 4. Joint work session with Planning & Zoning Commission and The Town Council — Chairperson Karow will contact mayor. 5. Discussion with the Home Builders Association regarding changes to the Land Use Regulations. 6. Change Planning and Zoning Work Sessions to 5:00 p.m. Adjourn Commissioner Fehlner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Resiectfullsubmitted, Linda Donnellon Recording Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes meeting signature page. Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlne Andrew Kari Sue Railton Michael Sch Beth Stanle} 9