PZC Minutes 033198Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
March 31, 1998
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:00 p.m., March 31, 1998, in the Council Chambers,
Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Staff Present
Beth Salter, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Chairman Karow called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Roll Call
All commissioners were present except for Commissioner Fehlner.
Concept Design Review
Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek
Project Type: Mixed — Use PUD
Property Owner: Vail Associates
Applicant: VMD Architects
Address: 160 W. Beaver Creek Blvd.
Mike Matzko presented an overview of issues raised by the Commission at the last work session,
such as the connection of the project with the pedestrian mall, how the public spaces within the
project related to the mall, and how the project will integrate with the rest of the town including
the transit center. He also touched briefly on reduced building set backs, car parking along
Beaver Creek Blvd., and the anticipated retail and pedestrian activity generated by the project.
He also noted that the town has retained Charlier Associates, transportation planning firm, to
independently review the project to ensure that the proposed parking is realistic. The project
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includes retail, restaurant, and office spaces. Because of the different demand peaks of the
individual commercial uses, it is anticipated that the parking spaces will not be in demand for all
commercial spaces at the same time.
Architect Mark Donaldson, representing the applicant, presented the revised plan. He pointed
out the major changes. He noted that the Commissioners were very consistent with their
comments regarding the visual connection with the mall. The project was revised to create a
direct connection with the mall. The two -timeshare buildings are now six stories, through adding
a ground story level of retail and office space under each building, Mr. Donaldson stated that the
shared parking between retail and offices would draw from other locations within the zone
district, helping with the parking congestion. The new direct connection between the project and
the mall leads to a 5,000 to 6,000 square foot restaurant that can seat 200 to 240 people. The
time-share will be a total of 90 units, comprised of 18 one -bedroom units, 54 two-bedroom units,
and 18 three-bedroom units. There will also be 4 employee -housing units on site. Proposed
parking is 3 to 3 '/z spaces per 1,000 for the office and retail. The restaurant will have about 4
seats per parking space, (50 to 60 parking spaces for 200 to 240 restaurant and bar seats). The
Marriott Hotel will have 148 rooms plus a small in-house bar and restaurant. The plan
contemplates 148 parking spaces for the hotel and perhaps another handful for on-site check in
and out. The overall project would have a total of 420 parking spaces on site. Mr. Donaldson
said that he would provide details of the structure as well as a project schedule at the next
meeting on May 19, 1998.
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Evans said the plans are much better, and that the new retail space is a great
addition. He then asked why the mall is covered (at the connection between the two -timeshare
Mr. Donaldson replied that it would provide a certain amount of refuge from the weather.
Commissioner Evans said he liked the buildings stepping back but asked who the walkway
benefits if it is covered. He said that walking between two six -story buildings would be like
walking in a hallway.
Mr. Donaldson said one would have a greater appreciation of the direct and positive pedestrian
connection when walking on the mall.
Commissioner Evans suggested making the connection more inviting by lighting it as much as
possible. He said another concern is the surface parking along West Beaver Creek Blvd. He
suggested landscaping to break up the resulting "sea of cars." He also told Mr. Donaldson the
25 -foot building setback seems reasonable.
Commissioner Stanley stated that she had no problem with the setback, and that the covered mall
area is a good idea because the sun would not be getting in there any way.
Mr. Donaldson said they plan to haul snow away.
Commissioner Stanley said there seemed to be great pedestrian access. She asked if there are
going to be benches or tables for people to use in the enclosed area near the restaurant; she also
asked if the applicant knew which restaurant would occupy the site.
Mr. Donaldson said they are looking for an upscale restaurant, and that there would be a few
benches in the public area.
Commissioner Schneider said he was happy about the buildings stepping. He told Mr.
Donaldson that the Commission wanted to see building elevations at the next work session.
Commissioner Schneider said he was pleased with the parking from the view of Benchmark. He
asked if there was going to be any snowmelt in the area.
Mr. Donaldson said snowmelt was being considered around the check-in area. He said the cost
of snowmelt is cheaper than the labor for snow removal.
Commissioner Dantas asked if the enclosure over the connecting walkway was going to be 20
feet tall.
Mr. Donaldson said the volume of the'walkway would be 2 stories tall, and the crossover would
be a very "transparent" structure.
Commissioner Dantas said he liked the idea of the roof, and that the retail space is helpful to the
proj ect.
Commissioner Railton said the revised plan looks much better than the previous design. She said
the covering over the pedestrian walkway should be light and airy. She said she would also like
to see the structure extend into the triangle at the end of the building to make it more inviting
when looking down on the area. She asked Mr. Donaldson how all the venting, grease storage,
delivery and all the other things that go along with a restaurant would be screened, given the five
story buildings all around looking down on this area.
Mr. Donaldson said the triangular area below the restaurant in the parking structure would be
used for storage. Grease traps will also be located in that area. He said there will be written into
the PUD Development Guide a strict architectural restrictions regarding the ventilation and
exhaust equipment, and possibly require an "air washing" system to reduce odors. He assured
the Commission that they are taking action to hide these elements.
Commissioner Railton stated that she would like the parking lot to be hidden from the road.
Mr. Donaldson said that the south side retaining walls would be 8 to 10 feet high, and at the
bottom of the ramp, would be nearly 12 feet high. The south wall will have some opportunity for
landscaping; "Guardrail type" walls will be installed along the public ways.
Commissioner Karow said that retail on the ground floor is great; and that the structured parking
and pedestrian walkways are all positive. He expressed concern about the long straight and
narrow spaces along the time-share buildings. He said that the project is heading in the right
direction, and that he feels better knowing that the town is having the consultant review the
proposed parking.
Mr. Donaldson said that it is hard to see on a two dimensional plan, but that they have addressed
the linear appearance of the timeshare buildings by including ground -level additions and offsets
to give the fagade more visual interest.
Commissioner Evans expressed concern about the straight walkways, that they are "tunnel like."
Mr. Donaldson stated that they are addressing the connections of the two buildings on two levels.
He said that the Commissioners would be pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere that will be
developed. Pavers and awnings, together with warm colors and warm lighting will be used to
create a more inviting pedestrian area.
Commissioner Railton asked if any of the building "steps" were going to be used as rooftop
Mr. Donaldson said that maybe a few would be used to add detail and interest.
Chairman Karow thanked the applicant for the update, and reminded him that this was a work
session, and that the Commission would give no formal direction.
Commissioner Railton moved to Adjourn.
Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion.
Work session adjourned at 7:27 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted
Beth Salter
Recording Secretary
M. Dai
C. Eva
A. Feh
A. Kar
S. Railton
M Schneider
B. Stanley U