PZC Minutes 050598Record of Proceedings Town of Avon Plannina and Zonina Commission May 05, 1998 This document constitutes the written record of proceedings of the May 05,1998Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, held in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Andrew Karow, Chairperson Mike Dantas Chris Evans Paul Klein Greg Macik Agenda Call to Order Staff Present Beth Salter, Recording Secretary George Harrison, Planner Karen Griffith, Town Planner Steve Hodges, Code Enforcement Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Chairperson Karow called the Meeting to order at 6:15 P.M. Roll Call All Commissioners were present except for Commissioner Fehlner. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda The swearing in of two new Planning & Zoning Commissioners, Greg Macik and Paul Klein. Election of a new Chairman, and Vice President of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to elect Commissioner Karow as Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Evans seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Dantas moved to elect Commissioner Evans as Vice President of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Dantas declared a conflict of interest regarding Lot 52, Block 4, Wildridge. Consent Agenda None Concept Design Review A. Lot B, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision Address: 130 Beaver Creek Boulevard West Project Type: Redevelopment - Mixed-use commercial Applicant: Shapiro Development Consultant: Patrick W. Nook & Company Mike Matzko gave an overview of the concept for redeveloping Lot B, which involve removing the existing surface parking lot and replacing it with a mixed-use commercial project to include one level of underground parking, surface parking adjacent to Beaver Creek Blvd., 72 condo suites, a restaurant and retail space. The project is in the context of the Town Center zone district, which is intended to provide urban density, vertically mixed uses, underground parking, and emphasis on pedestrian access and circulation. The Pedestrian Mall, when completed, will offer a different commercial environment than Wal-Mart, and City Market, in that it is pedestrian - oriented rather than vehicle -oriented. Because of the number of existing and proposed beds (the Seasons, Avon Center, plus those proposed for Lot C and those on Lot B), office space, plus proximity to the Transportation Center; the retail and other commercial uses in the Town Center should benefit from the "captive market" on site. Stewart Borne, Vice President of Shapiro Development, said they need some input from the Commission about which direction to proceed in. Should it follow the Comprehensive Plan, which encourages retail along the pedestrian mall but also means there might have to be some sacrificing in the parking requirements; or should they proceed in developing Lot B primarily with residential and some retail under the existing building. The main entrance to the property is on the property line between Tract B and Tract C. Cooperation will be necessary for the Tract C proposal to go forward as well this (B) proposal. He pointed out that this would almost make an intersection from the street that runs from the post office directly across and this is something that staff has determined as a goal they would like to pursue. Between the two developments there will be hotel rooms and timeshare units. This will bring a lot of people to this area, and having associated retail will allow guests to walk to shopping. This in turn creates an opportunity to save on parking spaces, because those hotel guests will leave their cars in the space at the hotel and walk to the restaurants or retail establishments in the Mall. He said the primary issues that he wanted the Commission to go over is the parking reduction for the additional retail, parking rebate for half the cost for underground parking garage, or abatement of the bed tax on the site to use money that can carry privately financed bond financing which is an alternative to a actual rebate. The other issue is how does the commission feel about retail space along the Mall and the desirability to get whole package for the Town of Avon accomplished within a short time. Commissioner Karow said these are things that we can help with but as for the rebate, that is something the applicant will need to take to the Town Council. Patrick Nook with Nook & Company Architect and Planners, who is working with Shapiro Development on Lot B, explained in detail about what was in the Commission information packets and showed the Commission changes that were made to the plans. Commissioner Dantas asked why the applicant made more parking spaces when they added retail space. Mr. Borne said because of the additional retail they must add more parking. Commissioner Dantas said the more density in scheme 2 is what the town needs. Commissioner Klein asked if the parking feeds both directions. Will these be time limited parking spaces? Mr. Borne said the town code says the shared parking must be non -restricted or non -reserved, but he thinks it would be possible to get some kind of parking restraints within the PUD for the particular area. Commissioner Evans said in general he likes the mix of retail, commercial and restaurant, but questions the density and proportioning. He said that two thousand square -feet of retail and a two thousand square -feet of restaurant space are not nearly enough. Then on the other hand the applicant is proposing a seven -story hotel. He said he would like so see more retail and restaurant space. He asked the applicant how he sees this project tying in with the development of Lot 61. Mr. Boren said based on the location of Lot 61 and their main connections will be along the Mall Commissioner Klein said his concern was the amount of parking spaces. Mr. Boren said there will be close to 600 hundred parking spaces either on Lots B and C or underground, with access to parking on Lot A. Commissioner Karow said he liked scheme 2 much better, but will wait for the consultant's report regarding the amount of parking that will be needed for the plans. He said he would like to see more a more detailed plan of the elevations that show how the architecture connects to both Lot A, Avon Center and other adjacent properties. Mr. Matzko summarized the discussion, stating that the Commission had concerns about more retail space, vehicles projecting into pedestrian space in the turn around, the pool (private space) being adjacent to a public space, connections between the properties, and the amount of parking required. No formal action was taken. Public Hearing None Scheduled Final Design Review A. Lot 52, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision McKenny Duplex Address: 5183 Longsun Lane Project Type: Duplex Applicant/Property Owner: Chuck McKenny Consultant: John Railton, Architect Karen Griffith summarized the staff report. She stated the "tower" is at the maximum 35 -foot height so care will need to be taken during construction to ensure that the building does not exceed the maximum height. She said the area between the two garages needs a slight revision to achieve positive drainage away from the garage. Staff recommends the second driveway design to be approved and sagebrush and native grass mixtures be planted to restore all disturbed areas. She asked the commission to grant an exception from the 4% driveway grade. The driveways entrance and in front of the garage do create existing conditions and also based on the fact this is a low volume street. John Railton, project architect, presented a model of the duplex to the Commission. He said there is a landscape plan among the drawings that does define the confines of the site and it does show the limits of construction. There is a re -landscape plan that shows this proposal not only for this unit but for the existing building that shows they are going to improve the landscaping on the barm and stone face the garden wall that goes along front of both units. The applicant said they are going to change the existing colors when the second unit is completed. He presented a color board to the commission. Commissioner Macik asked if the materials of the siding were going to change. Mr. Railton said no, only the color. Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Final Design for the half duplex on Lot 52, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated March 24, 1998 with the following conditions: 1. Grading plan shall be revised to provide positive drainage from area between the garages. 2. All disturbed areas that are not part of the formal landscaping will be re -vegetated with native brush and a native grass mixture indigenous to the area. Limits of lawn shall be delineated on the site plan. As well as the two findings: 1. Approving the second driveway access. 2. The exception to the 4% driveway grades to the driveway entrance and: front of the garage. Commissioner Dantas seconded. The motion passed unanimously. B. Lot 7, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Kahn Duplex Address: 5021 East Wildridge Road Project Type: Site Plan Modification Applicant/Property Owner: Joan Kahn Consultant: Tab Bonidy, TAB & Associates George Harrison said project is nearly completed. This modification is to add some minor bench areas behind the two units and to add a parallel parking space along the access drive to this duplex. He said staff recommends that the area of disturbance below the berms be stabilized and re -vegetated with mature sage and other indigenous plants reflecting the type and density of the area's natural vegetation. Staff also recommends that three aspen clumps be added immediately south of the structure to soften the structure's southern elevation Tab Bonidy with Tab Associates, said he is in agreement with the staff about planting sagebrush with natural grasses on the slopes. The applicant is going to acquire some mature sage brush and serviceberry bushes from Lots 2 & 3 below. Regarding the three aspen clumps on the south side, Mr. Bonidy said that he and the applicant are not in agreement with staff because the trees will block views. He said there are some trees on the south side in a pocket that do not block the view corridor. He said there are many evergreens, aspens, and shrubs on the property. The original landscape plan said for there to be sixteen landscapes items and at this time we have thirty-one landscape items. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for the Site Modification for Lot 7, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the site plan dated April 16, 1998, subject to the following condition: The areas of disturbance along the project's southern areas be stabilized and re -vegetated with mature sage and other indigenous plants of a type and density reflective of the area's natural vegetation. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed with Commissioner Evans opposing. C. Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Beaver Creek Vista Address: 0540 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Project Type: Multi -family Residential Property Owner: Rudi Britvar Trust Applicant: Robert Borg, RBA George Harrison had the applicants and the Planning & Zoning Commission steeped out side and view this vacant lot from the west entrance of the municipal building. He asked them to picture in their minds what this project would look like in this neighborhood setting. Mr. Harrison then drew everyone's attention to two letters from adjacent property owners about their feelings toward this project and then summarized the staff report. He said staff is recommending denial of the project because the project's massing, height and architecture are incompatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. Robert Borg, project architect and applicant, said design developments which they have worked on with the planning staff include three additional guest parking spaces, additional landscaping, a smaller penthouse level, a provision of additional windows on the east and west elevations, and a stronger architectural statement on all four sides of the building. Commissioner Dantas said when he looks at the project and compares it to the neighborhood; it does not meet the seven criteria. Commissioner Evans commended the applicant for taking a lot of the suggestions from the Planning & Zoning Commission and applying them to this design. He also agrees with staff about the massing and height of the project. The architecture of this building stands out in sharp contrast. It is hard to tell if this is complimentary or a distraction to the neighborhood. He said consideration needs to be given to the letters that we received from adjacent property owners. Commissioner Karow said he also has problem with the massing and the height as far as it blending in with the neighborhood. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to deny Final Design approval for the multifamily residential building proposed for Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision --Beaver Creek Vista, as depicted on the plan set dated April 29, 1998, based upon the following finding: 1.The project's massing; height and architecture are incompatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously. A Lot 80, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — The Enclave II Duplex Address: 5711 East Wildridge Road Project Type: Site Plan Modification Property Owner: Tanavon Corporation Applicant/Consultant: Ray Neilsen, Architect George Harrison told the Commission that when staff had received the ILC for this duplex they noticed the project had moved. Staff contacted the applicant to find out what caused the relocation of the building. In reviewing the proposed new site plan the grading is improving slightly. The driveway if front of each garage is now less steep, on-site maneuvering room has increased and the landscape island between the two garages has increased. Staff is recommending approval of this site plan modification. Applicant Ray Neilsen told the commission the soils found during excavation were different than those identified in the soil report. As a result, they had to dig deeper to get to decent soil, and moving the building was part of the solution Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the Site Plan Modification for Lot 80, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — The Enclave II Duplex, as depicted on the application and site plan dated May 1, 1998 subject to the following conditions: 1. Final staff review and approval is required. 2. The areas of disturbance below the structure be stabilized and re -vegetated with mature sage and other indigenous plants of a type density reflective natural vegetation in the area." Commissioner Evans seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business Commissioner Karow thanked Public Works for painting the shed in Wildridge. Commissioner Evans reported a four-plex on Old Trail Road, Wildridge that was doing construction out of their limits of construction. George Harrison said staff told the contractors on this project that they would not get another inspection until they go down and pick up the rocks from the gully. Staff approvals Lot 36, Block 4, Wildridge — Deck and Patio Addition George Harrison said the applicant wants to put a deck in the back and a patio in the front. Staff approved the project. Adjourn Commissioner Dantas moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Beth Salter Recording Secretary Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fe Paul Kle Greg Me Sue Railton