PZC Minutes 041998Record of Proceedings
Plannina and Zonina Commission Meetina Minutes
May 19, 1998
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by
Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:10 p.m., May 19,1998, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal
Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Paul Klein
Greg Macik
Sue Railton
Call to Order
Staff Present
Beth Salter, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Steve Hodges, Code Enforcement Officer
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Commissioner Karow called the meeting to order at 6:10 P.M., March 19, 1998.
Roll Call
All commissioners were present except for Commissioner Dantas.
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
The swearing in of Planning & Zoning Commissioner Railton.
Election of Planning & Zoning Secretary.
Commissioner Evans moved to elect Commissioner Railton as secretary; Commissioner Fehlner seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Fehlner declared a conflict of interest with Public Hearing Item A, Lots 1 and 2, Chateau St. Claire
Subdivision, and with Final Design Item E, Lots 2 & 3, Brookside Park Subdivision — The Lodge at Brookside and
The Townhomes at Brookside. Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Macik each declared a conflict of interest
with Consent Agenda Item A, Lot 9, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sunridge Phase 1.
Consent Agenda
A. Lot 9, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Sunridge Phase I
Project Type: Design Modification - installation of steel siding new
redwood decks
Property Owner/Applicant: Sunridge Phase I Homeowner's Association
Consultant: Tab Bonidy, TAB Associates
Address: 0998 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Tab Bonidy said that the inside of the stairwells will remain the existing natural cedar, which will meet the stucco
finish. The decks and the guardrails will be replaced and the entire exterior will be sided or stuccoed in earthtone
Commissioner Railton asked if the trim was going to be a steel band.
Mr. Bonidy said yes, and it will have a wood texture.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Fehlner seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
Concept Review
A. Lot 9, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Kalabany Residence
Project Type: Single-family Residence
Property Owner/Applicant: Steve & Karen Kalabany
Address: 2885 O'Neal Spur
George Harrison said that staff is continuing to work with the applicant to resolve the site grading and driveway
plans. He said two areas that might be of concern are the windows and the north elevations. The windows are not
symmetrical throughout the project, and the north elevation does not have the same detailing as the other elevations.
Steve Kalabany, the owner and applicant, said that when looking at the east elevation, having all three windows
lined up does not look right. The north elevation has a lot of stone on it and landscaping on the backside. He
presented a sample of the cedar siding and stone veneer to the commission.
Commissioner Railton asked if he has the option of putting rooms in the basement area.
Mr. Kalabany said yes.
Commissioner Railton asked about windows for those possible rooms.
Mr. Kalabany said he felt with the chimney flue it would be hard to add a window to the east elevation.
Commissioner Railton said it would be too hard to add a window later on.
Mr. Kalabany said the window then would be located under the deck.
Commissioner Railton said it would be fine.
Mr. Kalabany agreed with Commissioner Railton.
Not formal action was taken.
Public Hearing
A. Lots 1 & 2, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision — PUD Amendment
Project Type: PUD Amendment — Addition of residential uses
Property Owner: Chateau St. Claire, LLC
Applicant: George Roberts, Partner
Address: 38390 Highway 6
Karen Griffith said that this is an amendment to the existing PUD on Lots I & 2, to add allowed uses. It is currently
zoned for commercial, office, retail, and restaurant. The applicant is proposing to add hotel, timeshare, or residential
condos. There are no proposed changes of the structure itself at this time, or to the building footprint as designated
by the PUD. The parking requirements would be determined by the individual uses at the time of design review,
and would be in conformance with the existing town code parking requirements. The Planning & Zoning
Commission, through a design review process, would review any minor changes in the building. Ms. Griffith said
that staff reviewed this project based on the PUD design criterion as outline in section 17.20.110 of the Avon
Municipal Code and found that the proposed amendment is in conformance. The addition of hotel, timeshare or
residential will increase the project's mixed-use character. She said that staff believes that it can be adequately
served with utilities. Staff is recommending two conditions that are incorporated in Resolution 98-3.
1. An access easement shall be dedicated to the property owner of the Folson Tract as a joint access easement.
2. The original Wildlife report recommended that there is strong dog control on site. Staff is recommending that
dogs shall not be permitted on the property.
Chairman Karow asked if there are any other developments where dogs are restricted.
Ms. Griffith said no but based on the applicant's own Wildlife report in the original PUD. recommending that dogs
be controlled, staff felt that it would be hard to keep the dogs onsite from disturbing the wildlife.
Commissioner Railton asked if the previous PUD had the same access easement.
Karen Griffith said there was some discussions at one point where the applicant had talked about a joint access
easement. Staff said this is a good opportunity too plan this access easement now to help eliminate an extra curb
George Roberts the applicant said staff recommended the easement along the property line and he does not have a
problem with this. He also said the "no dog" issues is not a problem at this point, but in the future if someone wants
to do a project there and makes this a issue, the owner would do another Wildlife study.
Commissioner Macik asked when this site is developed, is there a percentage that can be commercial and residential
or can it all be residential.
Ms Griffith said for this to be in conformance of the comprehensive plan there would be ground floor restaurant.
Mark Dondlson, representingCraig Folsom, the owner of the adjacent property east of this site, said Mr. Folsom and
he encourage development on this site. He said they think the idea of the easement is a good idea, but not once in
the two years since this project has been approved has Mr. Folsom been contacted about this access easement. He
said Mr. Fulson and he both question why they had not been informed. Mr. Donaldson said they do not know what
the traffic impacts are in terms of the location of the road, and traffic generators. He said they don't see this as a
roadblock to the application for the easement. The question was raised earlier what the mix of uses. He states that
there are 4 uses with 3 new uses being added being added, then he asked at what point would this mix be
Ms. Griffith said in terms of the access easement staff wants to keep this option open. She said there has not been a
study done about traffic, but we did check with the Town's engineers about the slope and it will require CDOT
(Colorado Department of Transportation) approval.
Commissioner Railton said that adding kitchens and things required for residential uses will change the structure.
Kayne Griffith said only internally not externally, and that any significant exterior changes would have to be
approved by the Commission as another PUD amendment.
Commissioner Evans moved to approve Resolution #98-3, recommending approval of the proposed amendment to
the Chateau St. Claire PUD, Lots 1 & 2, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision — subject to the following conditions:
1. An access easement shall be dedicated to the property owner of the Folson Tract as a joint access easement.
2. Dogs shall not be permitted on the property.
3. The uses of the property will be determined at final Design review.
Commissioner Klein seconded. Themotion carried unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Amadee Residence
Project Type: Minor Project - Building and Deck Addition
Property Owner: Patrick Amadee
Applicant: Howard Feldman, Double R Contracting
Address: 2690 Bear Trap
Karen Griffith said this is a proposal to add a lower level to the east unit of an existing duplex. The existing
building is supported by a series of arches; the lower level addition would be accomplished by enclosing the arches.
Staff classifies the existing structure as non -conforming with respect to building height. The building apparently
exceeds 35 feet from the ridgeline to the grade below the home. In reviewing this application the staff also had
concern with the compatibility of the proposed addition with the neighboring properties. The proposed lower level
addition will make the building appear taller and more massive from several points on Wildridge Road, and from
Old Trail Road below. Staff recommends denial.
Howard Fledman, representing Double R Contracting said this addition was proposed in 1992 and approved by the
Planning & Zoning Commission but since then has expired.
Commissioner Evans asked if there is a concern from staffs that this addition might be used as a non -conforming
lock -off.
Ms. Griffith said the addition is designed for a kitchen or a full unit.
Mr. Feldman asked how staff determined the existing structure was over height.
Ms. Griffith said it was scaled from the drawings.
Mr. Feldman said he would get an ILC done and find out the exact height of the building.
Ms. Griffith said regardless of the height, staff has a problem with the addition to the lower level because it makes
the building appear taller.
Commissioner Railton moved to table Final Design Review for Lot56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision,
Commissioner Klein seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Lot 20, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — Hunn / Kennington Residence
Project Type: Single Family Residence
Property Owner/Applicant: Jack Hunn
Address: 5570 Coyote Ridge
Karen Griffith said this proposed residence is an alpine style single-family house with stucco siding, and stone and
timber trim. It is located on a moderately sloping southeast facing slope. The one unique aspect of this lot is that it
shares an access easement with Lot 21. Rather than using a shared driveway, however, the applicant proposes
entering the site directly from the street, and locating a portion of the driveway switchback within the access
easement. In terms of the design review criteria the project is in conformance with one exception: the grading.
Below the driveway there is an area where the proposed slope will exceed the 2:1. Staff has recommended a boulder
retaining wall be installed to reduce the slope to a maximum of 2:1. She said engineering would like the driveway
to be flared on the northeast side of the project to provide an intersection closer to a 90 -degree angle with the road.
Jack Hunn, the owner and applicant presented a model and a color board of the proposed project. He said he would
be happy to re -vegetate so that the disturbed areas would look natural again by adding native grasses and sagebrush.
He said he originally had the driveway designed with a 90 degree intersection with the road then he noticed what his
neighbor, Lot 19, Block 4, was allowed to do and it occurred to him to explore the opportunities of doing what his
neighbor did and it would allow him almost another foot in height, and reduce the slope of the driveway.
Commissioner Fehlner said her concern is the site disturbance is at 100%.
Mr. Hunn said he feels this driveway design is the best solution as well as both his neighbors that would be sharing
the driveway.
Commissioner Fehlner said she hopes staff will not be too lenient with the re -vegetation. She said that this driveway
design is probably the best solution because it runs parallel to the grades. But when you look, as the design there is a
100% site disturbance.
Commission Evans said he is not in favor with the driveway flaring to make a 90 -degree angle.
Commission Railton asked the applicant if he did not mind conforming to the condition that all slopes should not
exceed a 2:1 maximum. A boulder -retaining wall less than four feet in height shall be utilized below the driveway
to bring the slope below the driveway into conformance.
Mr. Hunn said he had not problem with this.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve Final Design for the single-family residence on Lot 20, Block 4, Wildridge
Subdivision, as described in the plan set dated May 5, 1998, subject to the following conditions:
1. All disturbed areas that are not part of the formal landscaping will be re -vegetated with native brush and a grass
mixture indigenous to the area. Re -vegetation plan to be approved by staff.
2. All slopes shall not exceed a 2:1 maximum. A boulder retaining wall less than four feet in height shall be
utilized to bring the slope below the driveway into conformance.
Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Disher Duplex
Project Type: Final Design Approval Extension
Property Owner/Applicant: James Disher
Address: 2649 Beartrap Road
George Harrison said the applicant has applied for a one-year extension of this final design approval dated June 13,
1998. One concern staff has is that the driveway should be designed to created greater accessibility (greater turning
radius) and lessen the amount of encroachment into the 10 -foot slope maintenance, drainage, and snow storage
Commissioner Karow said from looking at the plans the grade looks parallel.
Mr. Harrison said the grade is 1% greater than the 4% grade guideline.
Mr. Evans said the limits of construction are tight, and they do not appear to have much room for re -vegetation.
Commissioner Evans motioned to approve a one-year extension for Final Design, lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge
Subdivision dated June 18, 1996, with the following conditions:
I . The landscape legend be amended to state that all Narrowleaf Cottonwood Trees will be a minimum of 2"
2. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
3. All utility meters will be placed upon the building.
4. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
Commissioner Fehlner seconded. The motion passed with Commissioner Railton and Commissioner Macik
D. Lot 14, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — MVM Duplex
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owner: MVM Developers, Inc.
Applicant: Todd Morrison
Consultant: Bob Mock
Address: 5692 East Wildridge Road
George Harrison said each unit of the proposed duplex measures approximately 3,300 square feet. The site has a
slight cross slope from the north down to the south with an average grade of approximately 19% across the building
envelope. The are no proposed encroachments into the setbacks, but notes on the site plan the deck of the southern
unit does come close to the south setback line. Building height is within the 35 -foot limits. He said staff believes
the north unit's east elevation does not present the same level of architectural detailing and scale found on the rest of
the structure.
Commissioner Evans asked if there was a problem with keeping the driveway grades within the 4% grade guideline.
Mr. Harrison said this was no problem.
Commissioner Fehlner said looking at the duplex as a whole there seems to be a lack of uniformity in the windows.
She said the column supports on the deck should be beefed up aesthetically.
Todd Morrison said he would be happy to work with the staff and commission to address with their suggestions. He
said he had discussed the east elevations with staff and considered putting an aesthetic chimney in to help break up
the wall. But as for inside the applicant would like to leave the wall blank.
Commissioner Railton said having a fire place flue on the east elevation would make this design a much grander.
She said the deck over the garage with the long legs should be conderleaver with back bracing which would make
the overall effect much more interesting.
Commissioner Fehlner approve final design of the duplex on Lot 14, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, as described
on the plan set dated May 12, 1998, subject to the following conditions
I . That the north unit's east elevations be revised to lessen the apparent height, and provide architectural detailing
that is more compatible with the overall structure.
2. That the underside of all decks be stained.
3. That a stone veneer base be added to the south unit's deck support columns.
4. That all of staff's grading and drainage concerns be addressed at the time of building permit submittal."
5. The North side be built with windows or trees planted to help break up the blank wall.
6. Window patterns to be consistent throughout the project.
Commissioner Macik seconded. The motion passes unanimously.
E. Lots 2 & 3, Brookside Park Subdivision - The Lodge at Brookside and The
Townhomes at Brookside
Project Type: Design Modification of building, drainage and landscape plans
Property Owner: Resort Concepts
Applicant: Eric Johnson
Address: 37243 Highway 6
Karen Griffith said the primary modification (to the existing plan) is the expansion of Building C4 to the west about
12 -feet including the building and the patio. This design modification also includes the final landscape plan and a
revised grading plan for the Lodge and the Townhome units. She said the final drainage plan does not match the
drainage plan on file nor does it reflect improvements on the site including culvert and riprap improvements. Also
the back-up area for buildings C2 and C3 is tight, so staff suggests that Grass-crete be added to the landscaping in
front of these units so that cars backing out of these garages do not destroy the grassed area. She said the applicant
has flattened out the grade by building B to make it a more gradual, gentle slope. Staff would like to see the trail
alignment remain within the lot as much as possible. There is not a lot of room when you get into the Townhomes
area but staff is asking that the applicant stake the trail out in the field so that we can see how it relates to the
existing vegetation and topography.
Eric Johnson, the architect for the Townhomes, said during construction some trees were mistakenly taken out;
therefore with this application they incorporated a landscape plan to include the Lodge so that they would not have
to get a minor amendment. Doing the landscape plan with one application for the lodge and Townhomes would
ensure that all the grades and landscaping to blend together.
Ms. Griffith also said some trim detail has been added.
Mr. Johnson said that he has gone over the 5 conditions with the owner and they agree with the suggestions. He
asked staff if he was required to do the trail all at once of would he be allowed to do it in phases.
Ms. Griffith said it was up to the applicant, but she preferred it being done sooner than later.
Mr. Johnson asked if this would inhibit him from getting a Certificate of Occupancy on the Lodge because the
Townhomes will not be finished for another year.
Ms. Griffith said this issue would need to be discussed at a later time.
Commissioner Railton asked where the expansion of the building occurred.
Mr. Johnson said the whole building moved West.
Commissioner Railton motioned to approve Final Design for the proposed design changes, as described on
the plan set dated June 13, 1998, subject to the following conditions:
1. Final trail alignment to be staked, and approved by staff. Trail should be located to minimize grading
and disturbance of existing vegetation.
2. "Grass crete"shall be added to landscape plan in front of units C2 and C3 to provide additional back up
space for cars.
3. Final drainage plan shall be revised to reflect culvert and rip rap improvements and match final grading
4. Remove all notes referring to "improvements made by others", since this site plan amendment pertains
to both lots.
5. Include landscape materials for the lodge building including the replacement trees for the trees
removed previously from the site.
Commissioner Evans seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business
Mike Matzko presented a brief overview of anticipated development in the Town Center district.
Staff Approvals
Commissioner Fehlner moved to adjourn, Commissioner Evans seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 9:OOP.M.
Respectfully Submitted
Beth Salter
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Paul Klein
Greg Macik.
Sue Railton