PZC Minutes 121697Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:10 p.m., December 16, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Mike Dantas Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary George Harrison, Planner Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Commissioners Evans, Schneider and Railton were absent. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda George Harrison announced a "New Addition" to the community; Kent Stevens Griffith, born December 16, 1997 at 1:03 p.m., weighing in at 7lbs 13.4 oz., to Karen and Matt Griffith. Conflicts of Interest Consent Agenda A. Approval of the December 2, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the amended minutes (page 5, paragraph 10). Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Fehlner abstaining. \\ntserver\file server\p&z\minutes\1997\121697.doc Preliminary Design Review A. Buildings G, H, and I, Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision — Canyon Run Project Type: Design Modification Property Owner: Canyon Run, LLC Applicant: Patrick Nook & Company Address: 0270 (G); 0290 (H); and 0320 (1) Hurd Lane George Harrison briefly described the staff report. A site plan was used as a visual aid to describe staff's comments regarding the primary code, design and additional issues outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Stanley asked if this modification would change the driveway and snow storage area? Mr. Harrison said "no", that the driveway configuration would not change with this modification. However, the snow storage issue needed to be addressed. Commissioner Stanley asked if the previous approval required a fence along the eastern side of the project. Mr. Harrison said that the requirements were stated as "signage be provided to identifying trail locations and routing users away from private property". Commissioner Fehlner asked what the difference was between the landscape plan and site plan. Mr. Harrison stated the two plans differed regarding sidewalks in the courtyard areas. Ed Smith, Architect for Shapiro Development, said the materials and colors for the proposed modification would not change. He said the reason for this modification was in response to the real estate market. The changes would give a greater variety of unit sizes for the buildings. Commissioner Fehlner said the massing of the buildings met the Design Review Guidelines and discussed stepping of the buildings. She said she was concerned with the grading and that she agreed with the staff's comments. Commissioner Stanley said she agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner. She asked the applicant if they understood staff's comments and said that staff did a thorough job and agreed with their comments. Commissioner Dantas said he did not have any comments at this time. Chairperson Karow said the architecture and massing of the buildings where closely tied to the existing buildings. He discussed the two -foot building height overage and the procedure to do a PUD amendment in regards to this. He said he was concerned about the proposed tree wells and the site modification. Chairperson Karow asked about the snow storage area. Mr. Smith replied that the landscape area along the backside of the parking lot would serve as a snow storage area. Ken Shapiro, Owner of Shapiro Development, said that staff was extremely cooperative with his company and worked with him regarding the proposed modification of Building G, H and I. He said staff's comments were resolvable. He said the "big" issue that needed clarification was the grading problem and suggested stepping Building "G" as one unit down as opposed to stepping within Building "G". 2 Mr. Shapiro discussed the drainage issues by Buildings H and I. He said he agreed with the comments made by Chairperson Karow regarding the Cottonwood Trees and tree wells. Commissioner Fehlner commented on the Cottonwood Trees. Mr. Shapiro said all the trees were very old and that money was better spent on replacing them. Commissioner Stanley asked if the applicant would return to the Commission in regards to the existing and proposed changes made in terms of replacing the trees. Mr. Shapiro said that if he could get the staff's acknowledgement that would greatly improve the situation by stepping a whole building as opposed to redesigning and stepping within a building. Commissioner Fehlner said that stepping of the building was not the issue, it was the result of what was happening behind the building. Commissioner Dantas said he liked Mr. Shapiro's ideas regarding the trees. Motion Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve the Preliminary Design for Buildings G, H, and I of Lot 4, Nottingham Station as presented on the plans dated received November 25, 1997, subject to the satisfactory resolution of the design issues as outlined in the staff report dated December 11, 1997. Primary Code and Design Issues: 1. Building G is approximately two feet over the fifty -foot maximum building height. 2. One building design is being applied to three very different topographic conditions. The result is a plan that relies on excessive site modification. 3. The retaining wall along the eastern property line exceeds four feet in height, violating the project's setbacks. The cause of this condition relates to comment #2 above. Additional Issues: 1. The interior building envelope line between buildings H and I has not been modified to accommodate the building footprint adjustments. 2. Grading information is incomplete behind Building H and to the east of Building I. 3. The parking table lists forty-eight surface parking spaces while the site plan indicates thirty- three -surface spaces. 4. The courtyard details on the site plan and landscape plan are inconsistent. 5. Concern whether the indicated tree wells will function to preserve existing trees due to their extreme depth. This issue also relates to Primary Design Issue #2 above. 6. Indicate on the site plan summary table both the actual and the maximum allowable residential floor area square footage. 7. A minimal amount of snow storage area is provided (Town of Avon standard is an area equal to 20% of the paved surface). How will snow removal and storage be handled? Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing None Scheduled Other Business 1. Commissioner Dantas asked who was going to paint the children's shelter on Wildwood Road. 2. Christmas Party reminder to the Commission members. Adjourn Commissioner Fehlner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dantas seconded it and the meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Mike Do Chris EN Anne Fe Andrew submitted, -v6w$4-�, Secretary Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley rd