PZC Minutes 111897Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes November 18, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:04 p.m., November 18, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Mike Dantas Chris Evans Andrew Karow Sue Railton Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Commissioner's Fehlner and Schneider were absent. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans declared a conflict of interest for Item A on the Concept Review. Consent Agenda Approval of the November 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. j:\p&z\minutes\1 997\1 11 897.doc Concept Review Lot 47-47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - The Nightstar Residences Project Type: Residential Fourplex Property Owner: Donaldson and Weber Applicant / Consultant: Mark Donaldson Address: 0410 Nottingham Road George Harrison briefly discussed the staff report. The site has an existing poured foundation. The proposed project includes 24 parking spaces, exceeding the zoning code requirement by 10 spaces. Staff noted the following issues for this review: 1. The structures overall massing, street appearance and architectural style. 2. The 10 additional parking spaces, above and beyond the required 14 spaces. 3. Assurance that all the retaining walls associated with the parking on site does not violate any setback areas. 4. Review the on site mobility and limited snow storage area. 5. Soils report indicated that landscaping irrigation should not be used on this site. Chairperson Karow asked about the soil report. Mr. Harrison said the soils engineer recommended that there not be any irrigation associated with the development on that site, because drainage might be a problem for the structure. Mark Donaldson, applicant, discussed the following issues: 1. Soil report and irrigation in a sensitive area that could cause settling. 2. The project will have quality landscaping added to the property with xeriscape selection of plant materials. 3. Project identification sign will be added to the base of the driveway surrounded by landscaping. 4. There will a parking space for every bedroom in the project. 5. The retaining wall on the north side of the site for the side parking appears to be in the setback area. 6. The driveway will be a color textured concrete with a heated surface. 7. The architecture of the project will be a blend of stucco and wood with a minor amount of stone masonry. 8. The color material has not been selected at this time. 9. Adequate room would be in the garage area for storage, 10 parking spaces were added to the proj ect. Comments made by the Commission were as followed: 2 1. Concerns were made about the existing foundation modification and drainage area. 2. Concerns were made regarding the 6 cars per unit parking spaces with the possibility that these units would be used a rental units. 3. Concerns were made regarding the retaining wall in the setback area. 4. Concerns were made regarding the landscape plan with the lack of irrigation. 5. Suggestion was made that the applicant presents a model of the project for Commission review. Mike Matzko clarified that renting the six rooms would be in conflict with the Zoning Code, relative the restriction for having more than four unrelated adults to reside in the same dwelling unit. He thanked Mr. Donaldson for clarifying that this was not the intent for this project. No formal action was taken. Final Design Review None scheduled Public Hearing Lot 38B, Block Z, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Borg Duplex Project Type: Bed and Breakfast for West Side unit. Property Owner / Applicant: Robert Borg Address: Applicant: 0220-B W. Beaver Creek Blvd. George Harrison briefly discussed the staff report. He noted the main issue for review was the numbers of guest parking spaces. Commissioner Railton was concerned that the site plan only depicted two parking spaces for the west unit and only one parking space for the east unit. She said the east unit provided only one parking space and thus it did not provide the proper movabilty or turning radius for the cars backing from Unit B. Commissioner Stanley said she agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Railton. She was concerned about cars backing onto Beaver Creek Blvd. Commissioner Railton said that Unit A was never assigned four parking spaces because space was needed for the maneuverability of cars backing out of from Unit B. Robert Borg, applicant/owner, discussed the parking space issue. He said the only reason why the fourth parking space was not indicated on Unit A was because only three spaces were required for each unit during the Final Design Review. Mr. Borg said that there were two parking spaces in the garage and two out side. Chairperson Karow opened the Public Hearing. Marvin Simon, bed and breakfast owner, asked the Commission to approve this application. He asked the Commission to address the requirements, laws and regulations regarding the approval and operation of a bed and breakfast. Commissioner Dantas stated that the issues before the board were parking spaces. Commissioner Evans asked for clarification regarding the licenses and requirements for a bed and breakfast. Theresa Borg stated that they have had a lot of people visit them in the past and that they have never had a problem with parking. Mr. Borg asked the Commission to approve his application. He said he would abide by the law and regulations regarding the operation of a bed and breakfast. Chairperson Karow closed the Public Hearing. Mike Matzko said the Mr. Simon has made some valid points regarding this application and that any liability will to be directed to the town's legal council. Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Simon how many cars were parked at a given time at his bed and breakfast. Mr. Simon said his situation was somewhat different that the bus service was inadequate and that his customers were asked to use their cars during their stay. He said the guest for each bedroom brought with them a car. Commissioner Evans said that three parking spaces were reasonable for this application. Mr. Harrison said that a permit could be conditional with a review period. Commissioner Dantas said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans. He discussed the parking spaces for Unit A and Unit B, that the back up space did not meet the Town's requirements. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the customers backing out into West Beaver Creek Blvd. Mr. Borg said the Avon Shuttle bus service was very important for the success of a bed and breakfast. Chairperson Karow asked how many guests have used his bed and breakfast. Mr. Borg said "none". Commissioner Stanley discussed the shuttle bus issue and the parking space issue. Commissioner Evans asked that a condition be added regarding a three-bedroom bed and breakfast, to see if this would work. Commissioner Railton suggested that a backup apron be added so those cars could back out of the driveway. Commissioner Dantas said he was in favor of bed and breakfast in general, but for this particular application there were parking issues that needed to be addressed. Mr. Matzko said that special conditions could be added to the application if needed. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to deny Resolution # 97-15, granting a Special Review Use Permit for Lot 38B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, to operate a Residential Bed and Breakfast as described in the application dated October 22, 1997, based on Criteria #3, the proposed use was not compatible with adjacent uses interms of available parking. 4 Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner's Evans and Stanley opposing. Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision — Brookside Park Project Type: PUD amendment to allow restaurant use Property Owner: Riverside Park Associates Applicant: Navarro and Company Address: 37247 Highway Karen Griffith briefly discussed the staff report. She said there were adequate parking spaces for the restaurant. Rick Pylman from Peter Jamar Associates represented Riverside Park Associates. He discussed the following: amending the PUD to allow for a restaurant in the building. Commissioner Railton asked about the parking spaces for the restaurant. Mr. Pylman said there was adequate parking for the restaurant. Commissioner Stanley asked if the applicant understood the requirements for the PUD. Mr. Pylman said "yes". The sign for the restaurant would conform to the master sign program Chairperson Karow opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one he closed the Public Hearing. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Resolution 97-12, recommending to the Town Council of the Town of Avon to approve the PUD amendment to list restaurants as an allowed use at Lot 1, Brookside Park, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado based upon the following findings: 1. The PUD amendment is consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The PUD amendment is compatible with the surrounding uses and neighborhood. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Zoning Code Text Amendment Project Type: Zoning Code Amendment to allow medical centers and hospitals as a special review in the TC Zone District Applicant: Town of Avon Address: Amendment will pertain to entire TC zone district Karen Griffith briefly discussed the staff report. Chairperson Karow asked for clarification regarding Town Center Zoning. Ms. Griffith said the definition was located on page 204 of the zoning code book as 17.20.020 Town Center — TC. Commissioner Evans asked about 17.02.020, Section B, Item 6 of the zoning code — Professional Offices. Commissioner Railton asked if a hospital could be built in the Town of Avon. Ms. Griffith said this could happen. Staff was recommending a Special Review process for this application. Chairperson Karow discussed the four Criteria's listed in the staff report. Chairperson Karow opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one he closed the Public Hearing. Motion Commissioner Evans moved to the Avon Municipal Code Amendment to Section 17.20.020 C. to allow medical centers/hospitals as a special review use in the TC Zone District. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Zoning Code Text Amendment Project Type: Zoning Code Amendment to allow projects with reserved parking to be eligible for parking reductions and to clarify special review uses are eligible for parking reductions Applicant: A.T.S. Joint Venture Karen Griffith briefly discussed the staff report. She said the applicant was asking to amend Section of the Municipal Codes, reduction in the parking requirements for mixed- use projects. Commissioner Railton asked what constituted a mixed -used project. She expressed her concerns regarding the reduction in parking spaces in the Town of Avon. Al Williams, applicant, said that there was reserved parking and that changing the mixed-use parking would add flexibility to the project. Commissioner Evans commented on the existing zoning codes. He said this modification would benefit the town. Commissioner Stanley complimented staff regarding the staff report. Commissioner Dantas said he did not have any comments at this time Commissioner Railton said the cost for reduction of a parking space in the Town of Vail was $15,000 per car. Chairperson Karow said parking in the Town of Avon was pretty tight, that scheduling parking times for a mixed-use would work (i.e. daytime offices and nighttime Move Theater). Commissioner Dantas commented on "pay for parking". Chairperson Karow said that underground parking was a good idea for employee parking. Chairperson Karow opened the Public Hearing. Seeing on one he closed the Public Hearing. Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve Resolution 97-13, recommending approval to the Avon Town Council of the amendment to Section 17.24.020 6. Of the Avon Municipal Code to allow 3 uses with reserved parking to be eligible for a 15 percent parking reduction and to clarify that special review uses are eligible for reductions with the following modifications: 1. Reserved spaces be allowed only where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that the reservation of spaces will not significantly affect the availability of parking spaces within the development. 2. That Section 17.24.020 8., Reduction in parking for large single use projects, also be amended to reflect the code revisions for Section 17.24.020 6. That Sections 17.24.020 6. And 8. Be amended to add a new criteria; that the development includes a program to encourage alternative modes of transportation such as providing pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities, car pool incentives such as reserved spaces for "car poolers", programs to encourage transit and car pooling, or facilities for transit such as bus stops or shelters where appropriate. The alternative modes program must reasonably demonstrate a reduction in parking space demands roughly proportional to the requested parking reduction. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business 1. Display of the Town of Avon Public Notice signs for Commission review. 2. Council will be reviewing Phase I of the Planning & Zoning Procedures. 3. Discussion regarding limited parking spaces and reduction of parking spaces. 4. Discussion regarding Special Review Use permits. 5. Discussion regarding future meeting for Phase II of the Planning & Zoning Procedures. 7 Adjourn Commissioner Dantas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. K spe fly suIn GL a o o Recording Secretary Mike Dant; Chris Evan Anne Fehlne Andrew Kar Sue Railton Michael Sch Beth Stanle3