L4 NTST Building ModificationTown of Avon
Final D"'Staff Report
February 17, 1998, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date February 13; 1998
Project type Multi -family Residential
Legal description Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision — Canyon Run
Buildings G, H, & I.
Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Address 0270, 0290, & 0320 Hurd Lane
Patrick W. Nook & Associates, representing Canyon Run LLC and Shapiro Development
Company, has applied to modify the approved Final Design for Canyon Run's last three
buildings — G, H, and I. On December 12, 1997, the Plamling & Zoning Commission approved
the buildings' preliminary design subject to satisfactory resolution of the design issues outlined
in that meeting's staff report.
The applicants have revised their plans in response to those issues in the following ways:
1. Building G now complies with the 50 -foot maximum building height.
2. Buildings G and H step more in response to the site, lessening the amount of fill required
I Building I stepping is now reduced, lessening the amount of excavation adjacent to its
foundation, as well as reducing the height of the retaining wall to its east.
4. The remaining seven technical labeling and design issues have also been addressed to staff's
The overall architectural design, colors and materials are consistent with Canyon Run's existing
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6.10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. Conformance with tho Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
• Density: The number of units in Building G is being increased by two units from the
previous Final Design approval. This increase raises the Canyon project to its maximum
allowed density of'70 units.
Town of Avon Community Development \\ntserver\file server\p&z\staff reports\1998\021798\ghinotstfd2.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
Buildings G, H, & I, Lot 4, Nottingham Station, Final Design Review, page 3
February 17, 1998 Planning & Zoning Conunission meeting
Recommended Motion
"I move to approve final design for Building H, Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision as
depicted on the plan set dated February 10, 1998, with the following conditions:
1. The applicant provide signage identifying trail location and routing trail users away from
neighboring private property east of Building I.
2. If the three buildings are to be completed in separate phases, a phasing plan indicating all
improvements, to included landscaping, for each specific phase requires approval prior to the
issuance of any TCO's or CO's.
A protective and erosion control fence shall be installed prior to inspected and maintained
throughout the construction activities along the "no disturb line" as shown on the Nottingham
Station PUD Amendment No. 3 Zoning Plat and no site disturbance shall be allowed beyond
this line or within any wetland areas verified by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 139), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Town of Avon Community Development
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
\\ntserver\file server\p&z\staff reports\1998\021798\ghinotstfd2.doc
Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subuivision, Final Design Review, page 4
February 17, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action - — r
❑ Approved as submitted Approved with conditions (noted below)�1 ' t I lL
❑ Denied
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
64 404JI&4 Date
Beth Stanley, Acting Chair
Date 7i
Town of Avon Community Development
(970)949-4280 Fax(970)949-5749
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j:\p&z\staff reports\1998\021798\notstfd2.doc