PZC Minutes 020398Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zonina Commission Meeting Minutes
February 3, 1998
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 6:00 p.m., February 3, 1998, in the Council Chambers,
Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Michael Schnieder
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Roll Call
Commissioner Sue Railton was absent.
Staff Present
Jacqueline Halburnt, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
George Harrison said Staff would like to add a concept design review for Lot 19, Block 4,
Wildridge subdivision to the agenda.
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Schnieder declared a conflict of interest for Lot 19, Block 4, Wildridge
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the January 20, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Dantas seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously
Concept Design Review
Lot 19, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision - Schnieder Residence
Project Type: Single Family Residential
Property Owner: Gloria Schnieder
Applicant: Gloria Schnieder
Address: 5039 E. Wildridge Road
George Harrison said he believed everyone was familiar with the background of the project. He
said the applicant had submitted revised plans and was originally scheduled for the agenda;
however, Staff identified a number of technical issues that needed to be corrected before it was
presented to the Commission, which the applicant was in the process of doing.
Mr. Harrison said the revised project stepped fairly significantly with the site topography. He
said it was broken into three major elements that were stepped approximately 4 feet with each
step. The result of the stepping is a reduction in the need for retaining walls.
Mr. Harrison passed out the revised plans for the Commission to review and noted that the
applicant had submitted a new application and paid new design review fees. He continued that
staff was looking for any other items from the Commission that would be good feedback to the
applicant as he revised his plans.
Attorney Kevin Lindahl represented Mr. Schnieder in consideration of Avon's internal
requirement that a Commissioner should not represent himself.
Mr. Lindahl said he was under the impression that he would have a final design review hearing
that evening and asked the Commission members if they would review the project as a final
design. Chairperson Karow said the project would be reviewed as concept because it was on
the agenda as a concept design coupled with the fact that Commission did not have a full Staff
report and technical issues still needed to be worked out with Staff. Mr. Harrison said he
anticipated the project would be reviewed as a final design on the next agenda.
Commissioner Evans said he thought the new design was a lot better than previous designs as far
as meeting the site topography, stepping with the site, and minimizing the amount of cut and
export required to put the house on the site.
Commissioner Evans pointed out that sheet A6 showed a driveway pillar detail that was not
shown on the site plan.
Commissioner Fehlner said she thought the project had come a long way and appeared to be
moving in the right direction.
Chairperson Karow said he thought the stepping of the building met the steep slope guidelines
and it should work.
No formal action is taken at a concept design review.
Lots 38, 40, 41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
— The Cove
Project Type: Multi -family Residential
Property Owner: Tanavon Corp.
Applicant: Ray Nielsen
Address: 0511 Metcalf Road
George Harrison reviewed the project as outlined in the Staff report. Mr. Harrison said the
development proposal was to take the development rights off of Lot 38 (12) and transfer them to
Lot 41 for a total of 27 development rights. Lot 38 would be designated as open space. He said
Lot 40 would retain its 8 development rights. Along with Lot 38, Tracts A and W would also be
designated as open space.
Mr. Harrison said Staff had identified some issues that were outlined on page 2 of the Staff
report. He gave each commissioner a copy of the environmental assessment report.
Commissioner Schnieder asked if the stream setback was 25' or 30'. Mr. Harrison said it was
30' from the mean annual high water mark, but it was not delineated on any site plans yet. He
said the project was proposed as an affordable multi -family development.
Mr. Ray Nielsen reviewed the project. He said Lot 38 was a very difficult site to build on,
Lot 40 had multiple areas that one could gain access from Metcalf Rd., and Lot 41 was clearly
the most conducive for development.
Mr. Nielsen said the units were relatively small with a small building footprint conducive to
the lot. Mr. Nielsen said they wanted to minimize the lot and stream disturbance. Mr. Nielsen
said the highest hillside cut was 10 feet. He said he was able to provide parking where parking
made sense.
Mr. Nielsen said the concept of the site was the appearance of real and architectural bridges.
He said the buildings acted as bridges connected to each other.
Commissioner Dantas verified that over 100 acres on Lot 38 would be dedicated as open
space. Mr. Nielsen said that Lot 38, Tract A and Tract W together totaled over 100 acres. Mr.
Dantas said it was all a hill and Lot 38 was only 1.6 acres; therefore, 100 acres was deceptive.
He said instead of stuffing the development onto Lot 41, he thought it should be more spread out.
Commissioner Schnieder said he needed time to review the environmental impacts study.
Commissioner Schnieder said he realized it was affordable housing and it was hard to get
design into it, but he thought they should have architectural detail along the main thoroughfare.
He said he would also like to see a model. Mr. Harrison said Commission could require a
Commissioner Stanley said she had been to the site earlier in the day and the migration
corridor seemed to be right where the building was located.
Commissioner Stanley said she, as one commissioner, felt uncomfortable transferring
densities because it had caused problems in the past.
Commissioner Stanley said she would like to see more on the wildlife impacts and the stream
with 30' set back on the same development plan.
Commissioner Evans said the stream setback was not shown and suggested putting the plan
on two 81/2 x 11's so the commission could see with what they were dealing.
Commissioner Evans said he was very concerned with the fact that the public corridor was
up and down toward Wildwood and Wildridge. He said he knew they had development rights
there, but encouraged the publicization of the next meeting to get the public's input on it. He
said he was somewhat opposed to seeing that area developed.
Commissioner Evans said he saw a lot of benefits to the developer for transferring rights, but
saw little benefit to the Town. He said Lot 38 and Tracts A and W were virtually undevelopable
as they were anyway. Then, he continued, the Town or the open space agency would be tasked
with taking care of the land, plus the town would lose the property tax base for the land. He said
however small the loss would be, it still was no benefit to the Town.
Commissioner Evans said there was a lot of vertical construction proposed and he would
prefer to see something more heavily landscaped, sitting down in the coves, low-lying and
blended into the hillside, not stuck onto it.
Commissioner Evans continued that he considered the landscaping incredibly low. He said
the plans always show 30 to 40' trees, but that is never the case. He said he would like to see a
more realistic plan of how the landscaping would look.
Commissioner Fehlner said she did a quick read through of the environmental study and it
said by taking the development rights and putting them onto one parcel, it would leave more
natural space for migration; however, she said she thought the other Commissioners had valid
points. She said it would take further thought from her to make a decision.
Commissioner Fehlner said that some of the bridges were spanning over 2 stories over the
grade and thought some of it could be brought down. She said she viewed the project as the
Glenwood Canyon concept of spanning through nature, but thought his project was overdone.
Commissioner Fehlner asked Mr. Nielsen if he was aware of the FHA Colorado Title IX and
ADA guidelines applicable to multi -family units. She said it looked like every unit had to go up
Commissioner Fehlner said the project appeared to be imposing the least amount of impact
toward wildlife, but there also appeared to be some concerns for the fire department.
Chairperson Karow said the Commission needed to see the mean annual high water mark, the
30' foot setbacks on the site plan and a model depicting the buildings on the site.
Chairperson Karow said there were a maximum of 10 units per lot in Wildridge and this
project was proposed 27 units. He said the Town usually promotes a decreased density.
Chairperson Karow said the 48' height seemed extreme for the area and if the project was
approved, there would have to be heavy screening and landscaping.
Chairperson Karow suggested dedicating Lots 38 and 40 as open space.
Mr. Nielsen said there was a lack of parking if they developed on Lot 41.
Chairperson Karow asked what mechanism would be used to ensure the affordability. Mr.
Nielsen said architecture. He said he hadn't planned on deed restricted units. He said the target
price would be $150,000/unit.
Commissioner Dantas referenced River's Edge as an excellent affordable housing project,
although they were not being sold. He then referenced Eaglebend Apartments and said the two
are not even comparable. He said affordable housing might not be the perfect project for this
Public Comment
Avon (Wildridge) resident for 8 1/2 years, Tom Gillespie, said he was very concerned with
several factors. First, was the amount of impact the project would have on Metcalf Road near
what was notoriously known as a dangerous curve. He said with 27 units, there would be a
minimum of 54 cars impacting the curve.
Mr. Gillespie said that he knew a lot of people who could not afford $150,000 and thought
there was the potential of roommates, which would only impact Metcalf Road even more.
Mr. Gillespie expressed concern about emergency vehicle response time
Mr. Gillespie expressed concern about snow plowing and snow storage.
Mr. Gillespie expressed concern about the elk and deer herds.
End public comment.
Commissioner Dantas said if the units were sold for $150,000 for 900 s.f., that was $164/sq.
Ft., which was top dollar in Wildridge. He said he did not consider that affordable.
Mike Matzko said the PUD amendment process included a public hearing at the next meeting
and before Town Council as well as the notification of property owners within 300'. He said the
development sign would be placed on the property again.
George Harrison said he would ask the applicant to stake the buildings on the lot for the
Commission to see before the next meeting.
No formal action is taken at a concept design review.
Lot 12, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Project Type: Residential Apartments
Property Owner: Rudi Britvar Trust
Applicant: Robert Borg
Address: 0540 West Beaver Creek Blvd.
George Harrison reviewed the project as outlined in the staff report. He gave a copy of the
view analysis to the Commission for review.
Mr. Robert Borg reviewed the project called Beaver Creek Vista with the Commission. He
said the Britvars had developed Alpenflora to the west of this lot. He said they felt there were
mistakes made with Alpenflora and wanted to create a quality project this time.
Mr. Borg said they wanted elevator access and insisted on covered parking. He said they also
wanted to incorporate laundries, lounge, hot tub and rental offices into the project. He said they
also wanted storage areas.
Commissioner Dantas said if the project turned out like the picture, it was exactly what the
Town would like to see.
Commissioner Dantas said the building was about the same height as the buildings around it.
Commissioner Schnieder said he had done a nice job with the architecture.
Commissioner Schnieder asked if he was willing to forgo the double access and Mr. Borg
said yes. He said he was working with the Town Engineer on an access similar to Buck Creek.
Mr. Borg said there were 28 parking spaces.
Commissioner Schnieder asked about the solar corridors and Mr. Borg said he had not done
an analysis. He said based on what he had observed at Buck Creek, when the snow and ice
melted, it flowed down and he was incorporating the same design.
Commissioner Stanley said she thought the road drop off drastically from the parking
structure. Mr. Borg said the maximum was 8% and that would not be exceeded.
Commissioner Stanley said she thought the caretaker unit was a wonderful idea, but he
would have to use one of the existing units. Mr. Borg said that Mr. Harrison had told him if the
owners insisted upon trying to get an additional unit, they would have to apply for a variance.
Mr. Borg said he wanted to move forward with the project as if there wasn't a caretaker unit;
however, they might apply for the variance process later.
Commissioner Stanley said she said there would be a shedding problem with the north -facing
side of the project and correct drainage was very important.
Commissioner Evans said it was his right to develop up to sixty feet in height, but cautioned
against that.
Commissioner Evans said the need for employee and affordable housing was a great concern
and he would look on the caretaker's unit favorably.
Commissioner Fehlner said the development area had been maxed out and noticed that some
of the roof overhangings went into the setbacks. Mr. Borg said it was maxed out side to side, but
not north and south.
Commissioner Fehlner said the height of the building appeared very high. He said
Alpenflora was 32 feet and Buck Creek was 53'6". He said he could save maybe a foot or so off
the height on his project.
Commissioner Fehlner said she found the architectural difference in the north and south
facing sides interesting.
Chairperson Karow said all four sides of the development should be treated equally.
Chairperson Karow said his only issues were the windows on the east and west and the
caretaker's unit. Mr. Borg said the issue was not to add another unit, the issue was to add an on-
site manager.
Mr. Borg said at this point, the units would be apartments, but that was not to say that in five
years, that wouldn't change.
Mr. Borg said a contractor out of Grand Junction said they could put up a floor a week.
The Commission requested that Mr. Borg bring a model to the next meeting.
No formal action is taken at a concept design review.
Final Design Review
None Scheduled
Other Business
George Harrison said the budget allowed for 2 Commissioners to go to the National American
Planning Association Conference in Boston, MA, April 4 - 8, 1998.
Commissioner Evans said he might miss the next few meetings to participate in childbirth
Mike Matzko said the Community Development Department had hired a new Administrative
Assistant, Beth Lundberg.
Commissioner Schnieder asked why Avon Auto Body had bumpers hanging over the hill.
Commissioner Fehlner said Rich's Body Shop was doing an excellent job with customer parking.
Commissioner Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Stanley seconded it
and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacqueline Halburnt
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Sch
Beth Stanley