March 7, 1995
The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Jack Hunn at 7:30PM, March 07, 1995 in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members present.
Members Present: Jack Hunn, Patti Dixon, Sue
Railton, Henry Vest, Rhoda
Schneiderman, Bill Sargis,
Buz Reynolds
Staff Present: Norm Wood, Acting Director
of Community Development,
Mary Holden, Town Planner,
Sheila Kremski, Recording
The following item was scheduled on the Consent Agenda:
1. Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Window Additions.
2. Approval of February 17, 1995, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
Mary Holden described the Consent Agenda. Henry Vest moved to approve the consent
agenda. Seconded by Bill Sargis and the motion unanimously carried.
Please refer to the worksession minutes for a detailed description of the following
conceptual reviews:
Lot 41, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Duplex.
Tract P, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Upper Eagle Valley Water
Treatment Addition and Pump Station.
Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Six Plex.
Lot 70, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Duplex.
Lot 47, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Single Family.
Lot 2, Avon Town Square.
Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted a request for Final Design Review
Approval. There will be one building, containing three levels and standing 41' in height.
The lower level will be 10,044 square feet of under ground parking, the main level will be
7,639 square feet of gross leaseable retail area and the upper level will contain 6,711.21
square feet of gross leaseable office area. Staff recommends to continue only until the
following items listed in the staff report are adequately addressed.
Bruce Ivans and Bill Parkhill were present on behalf of the applicant. They tried to create
a building similar to the Slifer Smith & Frampton building. Created project to stand alone.
The addition of a shed roof over the retail arcade. Changed the hip roof to a peak roof.
The loading berth on the far west end so the truck would not have to go the entire length
of building to get to the berth (35 feet clear). Parking inside of building, measuring from
columns, three parking stalls per base, an encroachment of four inches per, for a 9 x 18
stall. Landscaping organized with trees, with boulders and aspens. Native grasses on
phase III, streetscaping is not a problem and can be addressed. Fencing helps train noise
and would be up to city standards only concern would be to partially install and finish after
Phase III of project.
Staff questioned enough parking for the public.
Parking will be clarified by staff and presented at the next appropriate meeting for
discussion. 51 parking spaces required and 52 spaces provided.
Landscape plan the Commission suggested providing more and thinking of the project as if
the future phase was not being built. The suggestion of the same green roof as the facia of
the Slifer, Smith & Frampton building would be a good contrast.
Sue Railton moved to approve Lot 2, Avon Town Square, Final Design Review, with the
following conditions:
1) Clarify the building lighting.
2) Install streetscape improvements, to include curb and gutter, widening sidewalk, street
lights and landscape material installed prior to a temporary certificate of occupancy.
Lot 2, Avon Town Square. (Con.'t)
3) Construct a fence, to match the existing Town of Avon fence, along the entire south
property line and adjacent to the rail road right-of-way along with the completion of the
4) Revise and resubmit the landscape plan that includes a solution to the west portion of
the site.
5) Modify the south elevation in accordance with the "D" scheme to include some
6) Fifty-two (52) parking spaces are required for this project.
7) Other standard conditions of final approval as deemed appropriate by staff.
Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion unanimously carries.
Lot 97, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Metal Roof.
Mary Holden stated the applicant was requesting approval of a green metal roof for his
duplex. Final Design Review Approval was granted for the duplex with the condition that
an alternative roof material be brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for
their approval. Mr. Romanelli resubmitted the metal roof, which was denied by the
Commission a second time. An appeal was filed with the Avon Town Council and then
withdrawn. The appeal was withdrawn so the applicant could place samples of the metal
roof product on site for the Commissioners to inspect at various times of the day.
Applicant not present.
Chairperson Hunn distributed photos on the reflection of the roof.
Rhoda Schneiderman motioned to table Lot 97, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Metal
Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion carries . Buz Reynolds nay.
Lot 19 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision Condition of Approval.
Mary stated the applicant has submitted revised plans for the Boulder wall and the entry
lantern. Staff recommends approval of the proposed boulder wall, the entry lantern with
meters and the color and materials.
Brian Vedder present on behalf of the applicant. The product from Maine can not be
responsible for the color consistency. Brian prefers staying with the grays.
Rhoda Schneiderman motion to approve Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision with the
proposed boulder wall, the entry lantern, and building colors with the split face block color
Lot 19 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision Condition of Approval.(Con.'t)
to be returned along with the corresponding building colors and town minimum standards
will apply for all landscape materials.
Seconded by Patti Dixon. Motion unanimously carries.
Lot 37 Block 2 Wildridge Subdivision Condition of Approval.
Mary Holden stated the applicant has resubmitted the landscape plan for Commission
approval and applied for additional landscape material to include Pinion Pine, Bristlecone
Pine, Rocky Mtn. Juniper, Service Berry, Currant, Sage Brush and Mountain Mahogany.
This is a larger variety than the originally proposed plan.
Michael Sanner was present on behalf of the applicant.
Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 37, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Rhoda
Schneiderman seconded. Motion unanimously carried.
Lot 69 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Columbine Bakery.
Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted an application amending the 51 Beaver
Creek Place Sign Program to allow for a 26.5 square foot, painted, plywood sign. Staff
recommends denial.
Daniel Niederhauser present as the applicant. Daniel feels it looks good whether or not it
fits into the sign program.
The Commission recommended he get together the tenants in the building and amend the
current sign program.
Patti Dixon motioned to deny Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision.
Rhoda Schneiderman seconded. Motion unanimously carried.
1) Lot 27 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision Exterior Colors
Daniel Niederhauser was present requesting approval of his exterior colors to his
residence in Wildridge.
Henry Vest motioned to approve Lot 27, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Exterior Colors
which are specified as follows:
Lot 27 Block 3 Wildridge Subdivision Exterior Colors. (Co
1) Stucco: Western Stucco Products/Oyster 486 Base A
2) Roof: Owens Corning Fiberglass/Oakridge Shadow Cocoa
3) Windows: Weathershield Bronze
4) Exterior Trim: Olympic 717/Natural Tone Redwood
Seconded by Buz Reynolds. Motion carries.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00PM.
Respectfully submitt
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Sheila Kremski
Recording Secretary