PZC Minutes 061797Record of Proceedings
June 17 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order
by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 5:31 p.m., June 17, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Roll Call
All Commissioner members were present
Staff Present
Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
George Harrison, Planner
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Railton declared a Conflict of Interest with Item B of the Final Design Review.
Commissioner Stanley declared a Conflict of Interest with Item B of the Final Design Review.
Consent Agenda
Approval of the June 3, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Stanley moved to approve of the Consent Agenda with the amendments made to
the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Evans seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision - Wildcat Ridge
Project Type: Colors - Satisfaction of Conditions
Property Owner \ Applicant: Phil Theriault, Kat Construction
Consultant: Ron Preston, Architect
Address: 1080 West Wildwood Road
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
This was a 10 unit multi -family project with three (3) buildings. Two (2) color schemes were
described as different shades of gray for the trim and stucco and moss green siding with beige
trim and stucco. The building would consist of cedar lapped siding, stucco and dark roof
Ms. Griffith presented a color sample board to the Commission. She said the roof was fairly
black in color.
Commissioner Fehlner asked about the color schemes for the buildings.
Discussion followed at the bench with staff and the Commission members regarding the
proposed colors.
Commissioner Stanley questioned the reasons for not allowing black or very dark roofs. Ms.
Griffith responded that the dark colored roofs would have a tar paper look to them.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the warranty (20, 30 or 40 years) for the roof. Ms. Griffith
said that Commission would need to make this part of the condition for approval.
Commissioner Evans explained that the reasoning for specifying the 30 year shingles was the
thickness and weight.
Commissioner Railton suggested a weathered blue colored roof rather than a black one.
The applicant was not present during this meeting.
Commissioner Dantas said the color of the roof depended upon the type of shingles used.
Commissioner Railton stated that the approval process for the roofs should be the same for all
Commissioner Stanley said she agreed.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with all the comments previously made and disagreed with
the stipulation regarding the colors that the Commission would like to see. He suggested that the
applicant present a different color for the roof. He also said there were no guidelines that state
what color should be used on the roof.
Chairperson Karow asked about the codes regarding black roofs in the Wildridge area.
Ms. Griffith read the Design Review Guidelines regarding the roofing materials.
Commissioner Dantas said that because of the location of the project, the roof could not be seen
from the adjacent property owners.
Commissioner Evans said he disagreed, stating that anyone coming out of the Wildridge area
will see the roof.
Chairperson Karow said that having a black roof would be dissimilar to others as stated in the
Design Review Guidelines.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve Final Design Review for Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge
Subdivision with the following condition:
1. Color samples and roof materials be brought back for approval.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Tract B, Eaglebend Subdivision, Filing No. 3 - The Court at
Project Type: Five Detached Single-family Residences
Property Owner: John Appleby, Clifford G. and Philip Martin,
Stonebridge Homeowners Association
Applicant: John Railton - Railton / McEnvoy Architects
Address: Unassigned, Eaglebend Drive
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
On May 6, 1996, this project went through the PUD process to relocate five (5) building
envelopes that have yet to be built. Each home would have a garage and surface parking areas.
Mr. Harrison said there were some technical issues between the Homeowners Association and
the applicant that needed to be resolved. He said the PUD amendment will be presented to the
Town Council next Tuesday, June 24, 1997.
A model, material board and landscape plan were used to describe the Final Design Review to
the Commission.
John Railton, Railton / McEnvoy Architects, said that the last meeting consisted of a fairly
detailed presentation and was ready to answer questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Fehlner said she did not have any comments, that the project met all the Design
Review Guidelines.
Commissioner Evans asked about the garage doors for the proposed project. Mr. Railton said the
garage doors was a panel type construction.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the opened facia board. Mr. Railton said the facia detail
was the same as the existing buildings.
Commissioner Dantas said the project met all the Town's requirements.
Chairperson Karow asked if there were any changes made since the last meeting. Mr. Railton
said "no".
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Final Design Review of the five detached single-
family residences for Tract A, Eaglebend Subdivision, Filing No. 3, as depicted on the plans
dated "Received" May 13, 1997, with the following conditions:
1. During construction the first 20 feet of the drive will have at least 2 inches of 3/4" rock.
2. That the proposed PUD Amendment and Preliminary Subdivision Plan be approved by the
Town of Avon Town Council.
Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioners Railton
and Stanley abstaining.
C. Lot 1, Brookside Park Subdivision - Building A
Project Type: Master Sign Program
Property Owner: Riverside Park Associates
Applicant: Larry Ast, Hightech Signs
Address: 37333 Highway 6/24
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
This application was the Master Sign Program for Building A with a monument sign proposed
for the larger Brookside complex.
Overall six (6) types signs were proposed; entrance hanging sign, wall signs for the tenants,
building identification wall signs, window signs for the first floor tenants, directional and
informational signs.
Larry Ast, Hightech Signs, clarified the sign codes regarding the square footage of a sign. He
described the signs outlined in the Master Sign Program booklet, and presented samples for the
color and signs to the Commission.
Commissioner Fehlner discussed the master sign program regarding window signage. She said
she was comfortable with the verbiage in the proposed Master Sign Program regarding window
Mr. Ast responded that the town may change their sign program at any time.
Staff responded that the signs were by the town codes and standards.
Commissioner Evans said he was comfortable with the verbiage in the master sign program. He
questioned page 3 of the Master Sign Program "temporary signage, banners, typestyles and
logos." He was concerned about typestyles and logos for a sign.
Frank Navarro, owner, said he agreed with the proposed Master Sign Program presented by Mr.
Ast and described the signs used on Bridge Street in Vail.
Commissioner Fehlner said that uniformity needed to be created.
Commissioner Evans reiterated his earlier comments.
Chairperson Karow said he was concerned about the verbiage on page 3 from the Master Sign
Program regarding the typestyles and logos. He said he was concerned that the "typestyles"
would take away the interest and marketability from the building. He suggested maintaining
some type of consistency in the program.
Commissioners Railton and Stanley said they agreed with the comments made by Chairperson
Commissioner Dantas said the sign was acceptable and recommended that the Commission move
forward with this application.
Commissioner Schneider commented on the temporary banners and agreed with the comments
made by Commissioner Evans.
Chairperson Karow agreed with the verbiage stated in the Master Sign Program regarding
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer, said the sign code allowed a 30 day period to display
sign banners.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve the Master Sign Program submitted for Brookside
Park, as outlined in the master sign program booklet and application form dated June 10, 1997
with one condition:
1. The accent lights shall be located so they do not cause any off site glare.
Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Lot A, Block 2, Avon Center at Beaver Creek
Project Type: Removal of stairways
Property Owner: Avon Center at Beaver Creek I Homeowners
Applicant: Town of Avon
Address: 0100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outline in the staff report.
Commissioner Railton suggested that a sidewalk be built in replacement of the stairs for
pedestrian access.
Commissioner Stanley suggested that some type of pedestrian access be provided and that she
agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Railton. She asked that should this
application be approved, the applicants should come before Commission for approval regarding
the sidewalks.
Mr. Matzko asked the Commission that this be brought back in the context for general pedestrian
Discussion followed regarding the parking lot, landscaping, and sidewalks.
Mr. Matzko asked the Commission not to impose a condition that was not clear or makes sense
to do. He asked that the Commission act upon the removal of the stairway.
Commissioner Schneider commented on reconstruction of the stairs not conforming to the ADA
(American Disability Association) requirements.
The following were discussed regarding the stairs and ramps conforming with the ADA
Commissioner Dantas discussed the parking lot, ramps and pedestrian sidewalks.
Commissioner Fehlner discussed the condition of the stairs, number of parking spaces and
service entrance, repairing the stairs without complying to the ADA requirements, ramps and
grade issues and sidewalks.
Commission Fehlner expressed her concerns that requiring a sidewalk "was an unbalanced
request by the board and a high expense for maybe a few people".
Commissioner Evans discussed the neglect of the stairs and expense of repairing vs. ADA
requirements for the stairs. He suggested that landscaping be added in place of the stairs.
Commissioner Fehlner summarized the pedestrian and traffic flow through the Avon Center area
and suggested that a study be done regarding these issues.
Commissioner Evans mentioned the pedestrian and traffic flow through Lot 61 and Lot C and
suggested tabling this application upon discussion with the owners and/or consultants.
Commissioner Stanley said that she did not feel that a consultant was needed in deciding where
the pedestrian access should be. She suggested to table this application until further information
and solutions could be reviewed.
Commissioner Schneider said he was in favor of the applicant complying with which ever
decision was made in regards to the removal of the stairs, adding landscaping and/or adding a
Commissioner Dantas discussed the parking spaces and pedestrian access from the garage. He
said that issues were being discussed beyond the application.
Commissioner Railton discussed pedestrian safety and suggested that a sidewalk be installed in
place of the stairs.
Commissioner Fahlner asked what the towns codes were for a building that was neglected
Steve Hodges said that the building had to be maintained as per the approved plans from Final
Design Review.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the comments made by Commission Schneider and
said "should the stairs be removed, landscaping should be added as a condition in the motion".
He said he appreciated the suggestions made by Commissioner's Railton and Stanley and
expressed his concerns that the sidewalk issue was way above and beyond the scope of this
Chairperson Karow asked why the applicant was not present for this review and what level of
involvement was the town in.
Mr. Matzko said that there was a staff report on record stating the applicant had to fix the stairs.
He said ADA issues had changed the requirements for the repair of the stairs since the last staff
Questions followed regarding enforcement and compliance with the Federal Law.
Chairperson Karow said he agreed with the removal of the stairs and that landscaping would
need to be added and possibly a sidewalk on the north side of the parking lot.
Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the removal of the two exterior stairways, as described in
the application dated 4/7/97, based on findings that the removal meets design review criteria 1, 2,
4, 5 and 7, and does not conflict with design criteria 3 and 6 with the following condition:
1. Landscaping be added to screen the removal of the exterior stairs.
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed five (5) votes to two(2) votes
with Commissioner's Railton and Stanley opposing.
Public Hearing
A. Tracts A & B and Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision - Chapel Square
Project Type: PUD Amendment
Property Owner: Leo Palmos, Palmos Development
Applicant: Paul Trementozzi, Oz Architecture
Address: 0220 Beaver Creek Place
B Tracts A & B and Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision - Chapel Square
Project Type: and Final Design
Property Owner: Leo Palmos, Palmos Development
Applicant: Paul Trementozzi, Oz Architecture
Address: 0220 Beaver Creek Place
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
Paul Trementozzi made a brief presentation and commented on the following: The proposed
building height, gabled roof, visibility from I-70 and Beaver Creek, accommodating compact
parking spaces for Building C, reduction in elevations for the east and south sides of Building B,
landscaping along the south and east sides of Building B, public dedication and the elimination
of the easement by City Market, Wal-Mart facade (a model was used to describe the proposed
facade), stone chimneys added to the south side of the building, concept for site lighting in the
parking lot, split -faced concrete block trash enclosures (concrete samples were presented to
describe the texture), 575 parking spaces, 12 foot cube cooling tower for Building B with partial
screening by fencing and landscaping, grading issues from the town engineer, 23 parking spaces
for handicap parking, installation for an automatic irrigation system, description of materials and
samples for the Arcade, Buildings B, C, and Offices (materials and sample board presentation
was made), snow storage area, no signage plan at this time and a letter from City Market.
Ms. Griffith said there were no significant grading issues or concerns from the town engineer.
Chairperson Karow opened Public Hearing, seeing no one, he closed Public Hearing and opened
for Commission review.
Commissioner Railton commented on the color of the stucco and materials used for the cornice
of the building. She said she disagreed with the Wal-Mart facade and asked about the following
issues; the dumpster located next to the access to the adjacent property, type of fencing to be
used, roof colors and gutter systems.
Commissioner Dantas said he noted the correction for the chimneys and the state requirement
was 675 parking spaces. He said he was concerned about the noise from the cooling towers and
the building height.
Commissioner Schneider commended the applicant for the quality of the building. He suggested
that the colors be brought back for Commission approval and asked about the type of screening
to be used for the cooling tower. He also asked about the existing landscaping for the Wal-Mart
Commissioner Stanley commended the applicant regarding the design of the building and
working with staff. She discussed the parking spaces, details for screening the cooling tower and
landscaping for Wal-Mart.
Commissioner Evans said he did not have a problem with the PUD amendment. He said he
agreed with the comments made by Commissioners Railton and Schneider.
Commissioner Fehlner said that the board has addressed all her comments.
Chairperson Karow commended the applicant regarding the design of the building. He said he
did not have a problem with the colors, but stated he was concerned about the cooling towers and
the building height.
Commissioner Railton asked the applicant why they were exceeding the handicap parking
spaces. She suggested that there were too many and that they may not be used.
Chairperson Karow said he agreed.
Commissioner Evans disagreed and suggested that the handicap parking spaces were need.
Commissioner Dantas said he understood what Commissioner Railton was saying.
Chairperson Karow was concerned that this would create a tighter parking spaces for this
Commissioner Stanley she agreed with comments made by both Commissioner Railton and
Chairperson Karow.
Mike Matzko discussed the parking space calculations.
Commissioner Schneider moved to adopt Item A, Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution
97-8, recommending approval to the Town Council of a PUD amendment to increase building
heights and increase compact parking spaces to 30.7 percent of structured parking, as depicted on
plans dated June 4, 1997 for mixed use development on Tract A and Tract B, Lot 22, Block 2,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following condition:
1. Underground parking may be reserved for Buildings B and C.
and approve Item B, Final Design Review of mixed use development on Tract A and Tract B,
Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as depicted on plans dated received
June 4, 1997 with the following conditions:
1. A maximum of 30 percent compact parking spaces be provided in structured parking if the
PUD amendment is not approved.
2. Landscape plan to incorporate the cooling tower and to be approved by the Commission.
3. Cooling tower and all dumpsters be screened.
4. A detailed chart of materials and colors including manufacturer and number be provided to
staff prior to issuance of Building Permit.
5. A complete signage plan be submitted for review.
6. Any outside storage or equipment shall be screened or painted to match the surrounding
7. Design and materials of fence be submitted to staff for approval
8. Lighting plan conform to Design Guideline standards.
9. A written commitment be provided from owner that any snow accumulation outside
designated snow storage areas will be hauled off -site
10. An Easement be granted by City Market for the sidewalk and landscaping improvements on
City Market property.
11. Material and color board to be approved by the Commission.
12. Lighting cut sheets to be approved by the Commission.
13. Approval for the dumpster enclosures.
14. All chimneys to be stone veneer.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business
1. Update for the Design Review Guideline.
2. Building located in West Lake Villas was in bad condition.
3. Discussion regarding designated cross walks by First Bank of Avon and the Avon Center.
4. Cuny duplex - no gravel in the first 20 feet of the driveway and no silt fence installed.
5. Expiration for the Finley duplex permit and steep driveway grades.
6. Discussion regarding standard light fixtures.
7. Avon Crossing - replacing landscaping.
8. Canyon Run - additional gravel needed in the first 20 feet of the driveway.
9. Avon Recreation Center - painting the roof top mechanical.
10. Sandy McLeod residences does not have an automatic irrigation system.
11. Landscaping between the bike path in Canyon Run area.
12. Formal applications for tuff sheds Buck Creek and Sunridge, Phase I.
Staff Updates
Staff told the Commission that the following projects had been approved by staff.
A. Trim Color Change, Wildwood Townhomes
Karen Griffith presented a colored drawing to the Commission.
B. Yoder Roof Material Change and Minor Addition
George Harrison described the roof and storage addition to the Commission.
Mr. Matzko used an easel to illustrate the deck and storage addition to the Commission.
C. Window Modification, Brookside
Karen Griffith said the applicant was requesting approval to change the front of the building
from stone to windows which would match the other buildings. She said that the codes do allow
staff to approve this change.
Commissioner Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Schneider seconded
the motion and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Secretary
M. Dantas
C. Evans
A. Fehlne
A. Karom
IQ -6 c �11� ),-'k cv-u-�-Z-
S. Railton
M Schneider 1
B. Stanley M"