May 16, 1995
The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Jack Hunn at 7:30 PM, May 16, 1995 in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members present.
Members Present: Jack Hunn, Beth Stanley,
Henry Vest, Rhoda
Schneiderman, Bill Sargis,
Buz Reynolds, Sue Railton
Staff Present: Mike Matzko, Director
of Community Development,
Sheila Kremski, Recording
The following items were scheduled on the Amended Consent Agenda:
1. Approval of May 2, 1995, Revised Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
2. Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Library Sign.
3. Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sign.
4. Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Retaining Wall.
Mike Matzko described the Consent Agenda. Henry Vest moved to approve the consent
agenda. Seconded by Sue Railton and the motion unanimously carried.
Lot 7, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Vulpe/Vanderelde
Folsen Annexation Complex
Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Single Family Residence
Lots 45/46, Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Falcon Point II
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 2
May 16, 1995
Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Six-Plex Cohen
Mike Matzko stated this is a resubmittal of a composite (Masonite) siding material for an
otherwise approved project. The applicant, Mr. Jeff Cohen, was denied use of the siding
material at the April 4, 1995 P&Z meeting. Mr. Cohen then appealed the Commission's
ruling to the Town Council. Upon hearing that Mr. Cohen had not been present at the
P&Z meeting where the siding material was denied, Council remanded the matter to P&Z
to re -hear, with Mr. Cohen present. Staff has no specific comment on this matter.
The applicant Mr. Cohen was present. Mr. Cohen explained he appealed to Council
because when he received the letter of denial it read that his only other alternative was to
appeal to Council. Mr. Cohen preferred all along to address the P&Z Commission
directly. Mr. Cohen does not agree with the decision for many reasons which he explained
in a letter addressed to Council. He was not present at the P&Z meeting for the siding
approval since he thought it was an informal review by the Commission and not a formal
process. The second point in the letter was that the hardboard siding product proposed
was and is being used on Wildridge projects. Mr. Cohen feels that the Commission in the
past have found in their hearts to approve this siding. The cost of the hardboard siding vs.
the wood siding was an issue and Mr. Cohen feels the proposed hardboard is a much
better product than a wood cedar product.
Bill Sargis expressed he does not have a problem with the look of the product, the concern
is the look of the product a year from now. Bill feels wood holds up much better.
Buz Reynolds questioned if the siding would be butt jointed or vertical -butt jointed.
Mr. Cohen stated they do a lap joint.
Buz Reynolds explained this product is a little different than other products the
Commission has seen. Much of what is seen in Wildridge is a different product which is
highly effected by moisture. The product proposed is stronger and better and if installed
correctly will not allow the moisture to get behind it.
Rhoda Schneiderman felt the look was more than wood making it not as authentic. Rhoda
concern was that the ends should be primed when cut and before their put together and in
Wildridge, buildings shift and you may end up with gaps which allow the moisture to
creep in.
Mr. Cohen has never put up siding where they have butt jointed the joints. This is Mr.
Cohen's first spec project and he is trying to stay competitive with his competition.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 3
May 16, 1995
Lot 79. Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Siding (Con 't)
Chairperson Hunn asked staff if it has confirmed if those two projects in Wildridge with
the same siding have been approved and if their proposing the same or a similar product.
Chairperson Hunn explained the way the regulations read they do not address this product
but it asks the Commission to make sure that high quality durable low maintenance
building materials are used. If you relate quality to price you do not know if this is a
higher quality than wood. Chairperson Hunn is hearing the applicants argument that the
siding is comparable or better than wood. At the first presentation of this product
Chairperson Hunn was skeptical that an experiment was being conducted at the expense of
whoever bought those homes and there has been mixed reviews on this. Some products
have held up very well and some have not and it would be interesting to find out which
project have not and understand why to help applicants to use the products that are more
Chairperson Hunn requested staff to check on the homes mentioned by the applicant that
are using a similar siding.
Staff will check into.
The applicant made a comment about the regulations. When the whole process was
started the applicant went to the Community Development Office and received the
package for DRB criteria. Mr. Cohen thought he was following that criteria as close as
possible which did not disallow this type of product. Since that time the applicant has
discussed with Mike Matzko and he has brought to his attention many years ago the
original Wildridge DRB criteria and in it, it does not allow hard board siding. The
applicant asked how does an owner or builder get a hold of this old Wildridge Criteria.
He brought it up at Council and they explained it was the applicants responsibility to find
it, and the only way to find it is to go to the county.
Chairperson Hunn explained that the title company makes reference to it in the title report
subject to that document they tell you what page it is registered under at the county.
The applicant pointed out that the only other way to find it is to go to the county. Mr.
Cohen stated that the Commission is the governing body and if, as a home owner, he has
to go around the Commission to try and find it, it makes it difficult.
Rhoda Schneiderman pointed out that the Commission has not gone by the Wildridge
Covenance in many years.
Chairperson Hunn stated they are valid and it is up to individuals to uphold them and the
Commission does not recognize them as a governing document for review.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 16, 1995
Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Siding _(Con 't)
Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Siding Approval
with the following conditions:
1. No butt joints;
2. Any joint is primed on the edges to enforce workmanship.
Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion unanimously carries.
Lot 45 Block 1 Wildridye Subdivision Final Design Review
Mike Matzko stated the project is a west -facing, gently sloping lot near the intersection of
Fox Lane and Saddle Ridge Loop. The native vegetation is relatively undisturbed. The
project is a full -log single family home, with stucco lower level siding, and an asphalt
shingle roof. The house is placed to minimize site disturbance and facilitate driveway
access. Native plant materials are proposed for landscaping. Staff recommends approval.
Michael Corral was present as applicant and owner. He stated they went with the zero-
scape concept. No irrigation system, just manually watered. The colors of the flue
coming out the roof can be either a brownish or black and either are acceptable to the
applicant. The style of the shingle was shown to the Commission.
Chairperson Hunn question the applicant about the dormer.
Mr. Corral explained that by putting a false dormer on from the standpoint of the value of
the home, it would not increase it. Putting in a small window size dormer would make it
look worse.
Buz Reynolds asked the applicant to install the dormer to enhance the way adjacent
properties saw the structure and not to increase the cost of the project.
The applicant insists that he must adhere to a budget.
Rhoda Schneiderman suggested that as an alternative to a dormer is to put a few more
larger cotton woods on the east side.
Henry Vest requested the applicants lighting strategy.
The applicant replied there will be porch lights on the front and on the front corners of the
garage area.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 16, 1995
Lot 45, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Final Design Review (Con 't)
Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 45, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Final
Design Review with the following condition:
1. Two additional cotton wood trees be placed on the east side of the building.
Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion carries. Buz Reynolds nay.
Lot 104A, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Deck Addition
Mike Matzko stated the project is a deck attached to the ground floor of the north side of
an existing duplex. The materials and color would match the existing upper-level deck.
The proposed design appears to be compatible with the existing review. Staff
recommends approval.
The owner and applicant, Susan Nadelman, was present.
Bill Sargis questioned if the south stairway on the south-west elevation is different than in
the picture.
The applicant stated they would like to add a deck to the preexisting structure and change
to 2 X 8 for the joists per approval with Al Booth the Avon Building Inspector.
Sue Railton asked if eventually the applicant would put the other stairway in.
The applicant replied they would like to have that as an option but at this point they want
the deck for the summer. Another option would be a door to the deck landing in the
Bill Sargis questioned where did the window go.
The applicant explained that the existing is different from the original plans. This is a
duplex that was patterned after the architects personal residence and the contractor bought
it as his own and made some modifications.
Henry Vest asked why the applicant would want to put a deck where her yard was.
The applicant explained that she has young children and felt they would have more safety
with a deck.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 16, 1995
Lot 104A Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision Deck Addition (Con 't)
Chairperson Hunn has no problem with the deck and would serve to hide some of the
platforming of the dirt that was done with the original construction that he is concerned
about. Chairperson Hunn commented on the process and the developer of this project
that a lot of changes were made that our process did not catch. The house is not the
color, grading, and landscaping that was approved and the purchasers of these homes have
no responsibility of the developer. Hopefully in the future this can be avoided.
The applicant commented on the original color that was approved was different than that
was originally painted. The applicant does remember that the town did come out to the
site at the time of construction and have the developer repaint the approved color.
The applicant asked the Commission what color they would prefer.
The Commission preferred not to see anymore dark green in terms of the railing. The skirt
needs to go green. She could match the siding or the stucco color. All railing the same
Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 104A, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Final Design
Review with the following condition:
1. The new deck railing be painted to match the existing stucco as well as the
second floor existing deck be repainted to match the existing stucco color.
Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion unanimously carries.
Lots 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Dormer
Mike Matzko stated this project is a dormer addition at the rear of the existing
Chambertine Building, and similar to several dormers installed on adjacent units. The
structure's roofing, siding and window treatment will match the existing building
materials. Staff recommends approval.
The applicant was not present.
Mike Matzko asked the Commission if staff approval would be more appropriate for this
type of request in the future.
The Commission felt that in the future staff approval would be sufficient.
Chairperson Hunn suggested the applicant needs the Condominium Association approval.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 1.6, 1995
Lots 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Dormer, (Con.'!)
Buz Reyonlds moved to approve Lots 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision, Dormer.
Bill Sargis seconded. Motion unanimously carries.
Lot 48, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Deck
Mike Matzko stated the project is a deck addition to an existing building. The applicant
has included sketches of the elevation and plan reviews of the proposed deck. Staff
recommends approval.
The applicant was not present.
Rhoda Schneiderman asked staff the size of the support posts.
Staff replied 6 x 6.
Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 48, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision, Deck.
Bill Sargis seconded. Motion unanimously carries.
Lot 36, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Modification
Mike Matzko stated this project is the addition of a window on an existing duplex. The
applicant has presented two designs, the smaller window allows the attached shed roof line
extension to remain in place, the larger window would require its removal. Staff
recommends either design.
The applicant, Gary Feldman, was present. The applicant would prefer to remove the eve,
the second option. The door is recessed over 8 feet.
Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 36, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision,
Modification with the selection of option 2, removal of the eve and installation of the
larger window.
Seconded by Buz Reynolds. Motion unanimously carries.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 16, 1995
Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Upper Eagle Valley
Mike Matzko stated this is a modification of the existing UEV Sanitation District Water
Treatment Facility (WWTF). The project includes 13,000 s.f. of additional building area,
which includes additional treatment capacity. The District has discussed this project with
the Town during the past year, and presented initial plans to Town Council. The project is
driven by the need for additional capacity and process effectiveness. Building materials,
style and color are consistent with the existing building. Staff recommends approval.
The applicant was represented by Mike Pecos, UEV, and Jim Risk of the engineering firm.
Jim explained that a presentation was given to the Town Council back on April 11, 1995.
The project includes improvements to the both the Avon Plant and the Squaw Creek
Plant. The driving force are new regulations put out by the EPA. The district is
upgrading there process.
Chairperson Hunn inquired about the landscaping proposed.
The applicant replied they are using the existing.
The Commission asked if the applicant was exempt from building permit fees.
Staff replied no.
Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision, Upper Eagle Valley.
Seconded by Henry Vest. Motion unanimously carries.
1) Staff asked the Commission since the first Tuesday in July falls on the 4th of July, does
the Commission want to cancel and or reschedule.
The Commission agreed to cancel the meeting therefore having one meeting in July.
2) Buz Reynolds would like to bring to the Councils attention that the P&Z has not had a
raise since 1978. Could staff bring this to the attention of the Council.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 16, 1995
Other Business (Con.'t)
3) Mike Matzko mentioned sign enforcement. The Columbine Bakery Sign was given an
extension by the Commission. Should this be enforced.
The Commission felt it was a matter of principle and should be enforced.
4) The Commission noted Terry Allen's house is being worked on and it looks as if
someone is living in the house.
5) Buz Reynolds felt garbage control was more important than erosion control due to job
sites have material blown everywhere.
6) Sue Railton made staff aware of the house on Eaglebend Drive that has not had any
work done on it since before Christmas, Doug Guire's house.
7) Rhoda Schneiderman asked the Commission and staff about field trips to other
communities allowing the Commission to make better decisions for the Town.
8) Staff announced to the Commission that a new Planner was hired, Mrs. Griffith. She
begins June 14, 1995.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 10
May 16, 1995
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
JLL. 1;�Itlt�L
Sheila Kremski
Recording Secretary
Commission Approval
B. Sargis
S. Railton -
R. Schneiderman
A. Reynolds
B. Stanley
H. Vest
J. Hum
Date , S